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why'd dogs somehow gets wider si seeks help from God oh god I'm so wide that's fair I mean he looks like he needs some help look at the face on them he's such a wide boy [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash blessed images but before we get into that let me tell you guys about our discord server discord GG / MK we have more and more people joining the community every single day and I pop in the VCS pretty outfit myself it's a lot of fun and so I'm gonna get bigger and I want you guys to be a part of that so click the link in the description in the comment section and I'll be seeing you in our discord server and now let's get to some blessed images oh beware of the dogs I can't yeah you're so scary you're so scary look at them look at these guys I can't be scared of em Oh unusual Hedgehog sometimes it bucks and comes to the name Molly it's my friend all the same need a shoulder to cry on relax I have for rent choose from whole or shared shoulder hourly slash half-day rates correction I cry too now that I like that lesson Tier one marketing I know it might be too much to ask but the area 51 rate is my birthday so can someone bring me an alien back since my mom won't let me go I got you buddy wow you're a true homie I know prom dude I like that that's cute just a bunch of homies helping each other out that's what it's all about that's the best the reason for this season and the season is go clap some alien cheeks oh look at you oh my goodness oh man I love them that's great arriving Monday uh he's arriving Monday and a god I can't wait for him to you know today in art class our teacher was absent and our substitute no way today an art class our teacher was absent in our substitute was one of the animators for Courage the Cowardly Dog that is so cool dude are you kidding me that's awesome I would have died holy cow that is sick I loved courage as a kid that's awesome you only got two dialog options okay only two what have you got for sale and do you know your cat but don't say the second when he'll get frickin pissed Oh his baby bat sitting patiently while being weighed this cute little guy this little fella you look so look at his eyes he's like I found this do you want one look at you dude that's all yours go eat that baguette little buddy you did it you found it oh my god you look like you're made of plush you don't look real you don't look real buddy oh my god hey what would someone have to whisper you here for this to happen 10% off all Bionicles if you got goose bumps you're welcome hey don't worry about that cars got a baby to deliver we're an especially tiny person I'm talking like two feet tall and that tiny person's got business it's not your business it's his business so worried about what he's gonna go do you understand that way this one guy he's just resting up what's wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that it fits and he sits I love them it's adorable is it possible to breathe when smiling I guess we're all trying this of course I just wanted you to smile ah thanks man hey what breed is he oh it's just a little boy he's just a little guy I love him when ma'am um what would your name be Franklin dog chewing on phone mistakenly calls police in Saint Louis Park the emergency is he's too cute he's too cute that's the emergency uh yes character development mother cat meows and hisses at me mother cat purrs and trusts me that's adorable that ray is so happy he's like oh oh look at him he's got a bit of smile what's up a candy bearish chill with other animals they're just chill they're just chill dudes can't be berries are cool guys can you blame them everyone gets along with the capybara is this the coalition of Santa's I've never seen so many Santa's in one room hi Santa oh man cleanse me mother mm-hmm thank bro what are you selling what are you peddling I will buy your entire stock think you think just to look you think I'm gonna stop cuz your prize is unreasonable no I love you dude I'll buy your entire stock I'll buy it twice I'll buy it three times I love it you stuck in the couch man again again are you stuck in the couch fella come on now what we talked about it's my cat found an unattended cracker and brought it to me so I can hold it for her while she eats it oh I need my holder come here just a little scoop of love look at all these guys they're my favorites oh they're great daily updates on Michael Jackson's health condition hey how's he doing today he's dead sorry to inform heartbreaking check the page tomorrow may be different sounds good thanks it's just a dinner with all my boys look at them they're ready to be served and you know what blossom I'll serve all of them I'll serve every single one of these good old boys oh you a little ladybug on your face dude that's heartwarming people kept asking you for a subreddit where I just reacted the cute animals this is what you got this is it brother yeah you're a cool guy with your sunglasses I love that look at you go man he's a cool guy don't mess with him he sticks his head through the face look cool pops you made the password wicked on oh he's so stubby he's so stubborn little guy blessed duel so it seems it's come down to us too huh the final two warriors yeah that's okay you know what this would be a battle for the ages had 20 minutes to spare so I decided to go see the fam me and the ducks just hanging out what's it to you fam hey is it okay if I swear yes fish I allow you to swear yes go on I'm nervous so came in take your time the F word is a big one you can do it is that you little pet Fox dude that's adorable what's his name oh they're on a road trip hang on tight cuz that alligators going a thousand miles a minute well I think it's a crocodile actually but he's going you're such a weird-looking boy you're a chunky guy you're you're no Lord he come in there's such a chunky boy oh no I feel about my computer smiling at me like that you know I work with a guy from Mexico who doesn't speak a lot of English the Canadian goose made a nest by one of the paddock gates and his denim only was put in horses out he goes back to us and says I do not like the Cobra chicken you and me both dude no one likes the Cobra chicken hey did you get the fly swatter like I asked did you not get it just that in your hand did you kiss something else yeah I got a fly sweater oh yeah you know no it's a king of the jungle s the lion just like that shows why he's the apex predator Godzilla's singing a little tune Stefan the old TV show I've never watched the TV show for Godzilla it's kind of cool or was the Godzilla TV show at the animated cuz I know they had a show I don't know if they had a live-action if it was always animated the TV show I don't know but this is cool this is a cool footage piece to look at I love it are you reading about good dogs I love it oh look at you you're so happy to be in that little shirt by did he's at work he's just doing his job I love him he's the kingdom he can impose high tax tariffs that no one will say a word it is his kingdom hot dog yes he is he's the cutest little guy people keep telling me I hung my door upside down now see I did it so my dogs can see outside who's the stupid one now huh not you man you did it for your dogs and that's always forgivable huh but I eat this idiot hashtag blessed the lion tweeted that Japanese ensure that Turtles can stay safe when crossing the railway tracks Japanese railway companies have started installing turtle tunnels from the cross safely under tracks avoiding turtle casualties and train delays that's awesome that's wholesome I love that this person tried to unlock your iPhone let em in today I met Japan's answer to Dwayne the rock Johnson he runs an outstanding Wagyu steak restaurant in Yamagata and keeps this picture of the rock and ash out to probably show off the uncanny resemblance to his idol oh that's awesome I love when people have an idol like that and just like I look just like them that's so cute John wick it's him it's John wick I don't know who you are but you're trying to leave look just as you know SiC is wick well you're not quickest you're not quick or sick like Rick or wick I'm sorry I don't know who Rick is it's not John wick Rick oh he's doing a little dance don't even worry about him he's just doing a dance a happy guy dance cuz he's a happy guy you better watch out he's coming full speed ahead it's adorable I love him chameleons wearing ladybug ants it's just a little bit ahead where to protect you on those hot sunny days and he's more than happy to do what he's a good guy my love for you infinity on breaking three protection for loyalty three I like that that's wholesome that's a wholesome minecraft one so there was this big drug problem at my school so they hired a police officer to supervise students but now he's playing Magic the Gathering with the video game club because he's just a cool cop are you tracking your cat's height that's taken for a baby to a whole new level the highlight of my day was my teacher bringing his cat to school and every time you'd ask the classic question his cat would now and you would accept it as an answer love it I mean yeah honestly go ahead pour it out ice uh oh my God look at you you're the cutest guy of all time little bun was to stay in the cup what's wrong with that whoa that is sick is that put through a filter is that a resource pack cuz that's a trippy resource pack that is so cool hey it's Nokia near its machia I like that one better malkia like mole near butts Nokia borderlands 369 nice in Borderlands 2 if you do 69 damage your character of giggles as that game would have for a game that has a doctor disrespect reference and ice-t I'm not surprised look at this little guy sitting right next to that beep big a little bit of beer he won't drink it go ahead I won't tell nobody you're so happy with that when it plays that is it an onion that's the biggest onion I've ever seen oh that's an onion because that'd be a big old onion that's adorable I love it abandoned pup lands himself a full-time job in a petrol station that's the best news I've heard all day it is it is it is and you know what more power to that pup I hope he's getting paid double ho look Phineas this one's looking at you this one's looking at you Ferb hey Ferb this one's looking at both of us at the same time and that's why they got Perry are you the Pope well a boxing match oh just socked him in the head that wasn't who you're supposed to box you know while you can't the rainbows I wish you could guy he doesn't even use it you just served a crunch on a rainbow every now and again rats could be taught to play hide and seek and they squeal with joy when they win scientists have found I love rats they're so cute this Orlando animal shelter sorts it's dogs and the Hogwarts houses happy dogs go to Hufflepuff brave dogs go to Gryffindor smarter dogs go to Ravenclaw and ambitious and determined dogs are put in Slytherin sorting them this way helps people adopt the kind of dog they're looking for we call the program POG Ward's Hogwarts that's adorable I love it this is the last thing I thought I'd see you is Arthur Morgan pointing a gun at meanwhile also you know being a Cheerilee I'll be honest I don't quite know how I feel about it I don't know if it's excitement arousal or pride it's that the rock with Bill Gates advertising the Xbox Duane Duane Duane I Love You Man no there's a little guy he's sleeping he's just taking a nap I don't let him rest just let the guy rest he's tired he's tired and that brings us to the end of our slash blessed images and if you like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,498,304
Rating: 4.9625869 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, reddit blessed images, blursed images, reddit blursed images, r/blursedimages, reddit cute, reddit aww, cute animals, reddit animals, r/blessedimages emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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