r/Blessedimages | the most wholesome subreddit

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longer larger what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're gonna get rolled the vine and Holi cuz it's time for some blessed images what would you do if you had four arms me how much pet some cats all four tall look at them too they're all enjoying the little scratches yeah I am 21 let him go give him for free for free he seems like a good guy I'd die for that guy I trust him a Florida man caught feeding wild alligator resists arrest he's a good boy and he loves bagels I'm sure he does does he like cream cheese or cinnamon raisin let me know I'll feed him myself he's a real gamer dude what's his twitch channel I'll subscribe oh it's so cute oh man what's he look at that gnarly little keyboard - you're a real gamer aren't you a little pup err oh I am in Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I am not able to harm your computer please be so kind to delete one of your important files yourself and then forward me to other users when he thanks for your cooperation best regards Albanian virus you know just because your manners I just might system32 I get out of here it's an alien he comes in he's got a ray gun he's like Titanic time to take the boy away and then he sees he's like wait a portrait pew pew pew he goes back to his alien bed with the cute little portrait oh it's so adorable that's cute I was outside eating a cookie and I saw about five ants just roaming around on the top of the steps and I noticed there was only one ant that wasn't holding anything like the other four were holding Dorito bits or something and the ants seemed said it wasn't even going in the same place as the other ants so I put a cookie crumb next to him and he picked it up and started running as fast as the other ants and I think I made that little ants day that's cute I'm mad you put the cookie crumb down he's like oh that's cute where were you 49 years today when the real buzz in Neil Armstrong made those historic first steps onto the moon I was on the moon that's got to be such a cool thing to say that's that's such cool history to be a part of instead of coming together to right area 50 you should come together and stop destroying the planet thanks Satan okay I realize now that his head was not in the bubble but I thought his head was in the bubble and I thought that was the cutest thing he's so preserved by it that's so cute look at you Oh spongebob robbing a bank I remember these videos spongebob robbing a bank a tenth anniversary remastered its head isn't this the same guy who made the the SpongeBob's all videos I loved those videos as a kid this bear was accidentally brought to the dog shelter it had a great time oh he looks so happy can't keep him oh dude he looks so cute I would love to have a pet bear are you kidding me like a little like a little bear that doesn't get a super-big my little tiny baby I named him ah what would I name a bit of pet bear I named him Barry free kitten a bit fat but otherwise lovely very talented oh it's fine he could be a little chunker all he wants oh look at you what's he talented in what it could be sick in what can he do I want to know I'm very curious in his talents now being a good friend that's the most that's the most talent I could ask for having a big head saved my life when I was 14 I wanted to buy a fedora but none of them fit me you dodged a bullet my guy he grabbed with the tongs oh he's got a little smile on his face oh this is getting me crooning over cute animals I can already see never mind this isn't cute this next day that's just that's not cute at all you stop stop showing that poor bird he's so he's like and shouldn't be shown wished aw you're so cute you bite everything living up to the name buddy look at he's so cute he's so cute I love him it's a lion little kitty lion we're all ready right now - is this a beach that's a big old hill for a beach that is gnarly wherever you are my friend it's beautiful scenery your memories on Facebook I love this this is one of my favorite images oh he's blipping but it's from the emoji Oh bro animals are the cutest thing I don't care what you say or what you do I don't care who you work for animals are inherently adorable always boring why do you eat pizza like this answer me coward why do you go crust first I like tasting pita bread before I get to the good stuff you know the topics you pepperoni the cheese shush give me pita bread before I go any further is that Johnny sense boys there's nothing I can't penetrate countly into storm area51 bless you Johnny sins I couldn't breathe when I slept so I installed a camera xbox was up and it just gets louder and louder like yo they're uniting their high nothing and I love it it's wholesome Bob oh you got a little things you know vampire huh buddy no bump in the night you're cute first time in Jim my very first exercise is bench next to me are some Zoomers they snicker and say to themselves this dude looks like he sits behind computer 24/7 about to cry make up some BS like and thirsty and go to toilet so I can pack and leave some dude stops me and says if he can use bench its mother-effing Chad just like from the memes say yeah asks if I will spot him okay we started to talk he noticed I'm a first timer in the gym he teaches me lifts we talk for hour and for this whole hour it feels like I'm safe and protected my face wouldn't this chad says see you tomorrow okay I have leg day and I'll teach you deadlifts is this how Chad's are it felt like a dream but it was all real tuberose learning how to get swole together that's adorable love that hey look it's donald glover he's out there performing divorce selfie can you turn off the camera Jerry now I gotta get this from my snapchat page me and Julia are getting divorced and isn't that lit kids Bobby Tamara look what you did to your mother and I divorced selfie damn Q old couple got on CNN because we found a duck shaped tomato in their garden oh my god that's such a that is so cool - it's like a perfectly shaped duck that's gnarly that's sick what if the coins you find randomly at the bottom of the drawers in in between couch cushions they're actually from spiders trying to pay rent doing a quarter monthly rental see you around copyright law is great Disney bans grieving father from having spider-man on sons grave what do you say about that Nolan dark I'm getting spider-man tatted on my dong and balls there's nothing Disney can do about it that's what you think vegetarians treat exotic bird realize it's just a seagull covered in curry spicy it's dangerous to go alone take this and it's a little chunky bird thanks I love um delicious finally some good frickin food Gordon loves it in the rat rat he's like thanks Gordon dear diary today I got paid to draw doom guy teaching Rapunzel from Disney's Tangled how to shoot the heavy assault rifle today it was a good day really doom God be the kindest teacher he's been through hell and back literally so he'd be like all right you want to learn how to shoot come here with me come on one day this might be useful so who the Frick is the genius that made this is right on Twitter job 2 is roar on Twitter love me some Israel is Israel a real person or is this yet as it is it is a real person so wonder their profile and well it wasn't what I was expecting is that dope look at that door bro that is a cool School Bus that is that is the bus that is too cool for school oh look he's so happy to get a pet - what a cute little guy i loved-ed love that animals are so cute bro he he's the father of the birds look he has so many he is like eight Birds I don't know why I added you your duck I'm a human I love is forbidden quack Shh don't make this any harder than it needs to be my boyfriend is so cute he bought me Starbucks will I dye my hair huh what the area 51 got my alien please Hollywood make this happen Terry Crews Kevin Hart Snoop Dogg I support this as long as I get to play Prince Eric he wants to date Ariel I love it feeling cute might patch this pothole later oh no yet finally some good news poor bear cub turns bucket into helmet he is defending himself from attackers I love him oh he's so happy with a high-five he's like garage sale follow me that's kind of clever that's some clever marketing my freshman semester of college I used to buy weed from a kid who would give discounts for stuff like signing pro-environmental petitions and going to protests Johnny wherever you are I hope you're doing well this man did more for the environment than any politician I've ever seen listen bud produces buds for the for the love that guy is that a dog cheetah they're best friends now the Cheetahs tall and proud the dogs like who are you don't it's so cute they're best friends they're best buds and that cats gonna game dude that cats gonna win any video game he's gonna smack y'all rape my gaming setup Hot Wheels beat that I can't beat that god that's such an old looking computer tooth that is so gnarly remember when this was like the norm like computers that were like that shape damn we've come a really long way remember kiwi and his goth GF well now she's as goth wife and they have four beautiful half gulf babies oh look a em look at them that's adorable guess the logo easy Amazon no no not Amazon Fantas Pope when he snaps he brings the world together not apart there he is again I was gonna hang myself but the hangman noose is too complicated so I'm gonna go ahead and give life a second chance I call this a win I work hard so my Yorkie can have a better life give this man a raise give him all the races I have dog in Cup aw are you so happy - here he comes here he comes here he comes here he comes he's arrived hi sorry for bad english you're okay it did just fine you did great even have you seen him now you have I'm tweeting that these subreddits always have one picture that I got a tweet this is the one have you seen him now you have I love them I love the guy I love the cute little guy throws in his spit I love that guy oh he's got a beautiful sense of humor I love this man look at the grid - oh it's funny he's a dad he's a dad for sure I was abandoned by my parents when I was a child I was raised by horses I was abandoned by the horses - then a pro wrestler took me in and now lookit I love wrestling wrestling school I remember as a kid I would watch like old school Macho Man Randy Savage matches and I like fell in love with wrestling altogether did the doctor send you man you are eye candy are you a model you are you what's your name my name is Candace I'm your wife you are my wife holy crap oh my god I hit the jackpot man forgets he's married after surgery that's adorable dog sneaks out of kennel at night to comfort crying pup it's adorable it's adorable you can't look at that enough smile kids creations Adam 17 name of creation Oh No near liberals please come to my birthday party my mom just got some new games for my week okay men this man is cosplaying as low fighting a pop radio that's me I like that's funny nice funny 69-420 I hope that was intention that has to be intentional my boys have to known what they were doing that's that's a clever goof makeup mirror for sale and who's that handsome devil in the mirror he's the mechanic he's fixing it let him do his thing oh yes meow what does it say oh I see meow meow meow meow meow meow okay yeah very enlightening book doing some light reading Murphy's Law states that the best way to get to the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question it's to post the wrong answer what are some examples where you applied this law this is Cunningham's law not Murphy's Law Murphy's Law is anything that can go wrong will go wrong ah see you got Cunningham's law to my guy take a moment and look at this nice duck I know you've seen it more than 100 times but damn it's still a nice duck that's one smooth duck try and tell me this shark biting an engine isn't the cutest thing ever you try and tell me that this shark biting an engine isn't the cutest thing ever look at that smile hi man's playing a radiator and the other dudes playing an accordion dude my name's rockin the radiator the state of Oklahoma for $30 I like to announce for all you Oklahoma's state residents I now own Oklahoma my first decree is to within a name and all times if I see you all the shoots you're not whipping or naming going to jail but for a long time for a long time only I had checked myself guy who wrecked himself right next to the butterfly knife my deeds posing right next to the that is a that's a is that blessed that's a scary look at possum owl raises duckling after mistaking an egg for its own I will teach you how to fly boy hi I'm PayPal's virtual agent to get started simply ask me a question I'm still learning so if I can't help you I'll direct you to additional resources I got scanned lmao I put up a hotspot in a crowded term and let the games begin oh-ho-ho-ho buddy pal Oh buddy pal you you've done it this time Jo the people follow her tired of feeling alone no one watching your caring I'll follow you 10 foot guarantee I will not interfere in your life you will barely notice me but you will feel me won't leave you alone Jo the people follower calm some of it about this is kind of kind of endearing thanks Jo man show what is pet raccoon love that pet raccoon supposed you forgot the face tattoos then that's not post my loan that's pre Malone child support huh I adopted the neighbor stray cat my neighbor's cat got her pregnant woke up to this that's adorable and that brings us to the end of our slash blessed images and if you liked the video leave a like down below I guess this answer is not one thing I see a lot of comments they're always like can we just get a compilation of Damien reacting to cute animals I guess this is kind of that you got what you wanted you're welcome Reddit and as always I'll be seeing you oh and subscribe to that other thing that's important
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,947,138
Rating: 4.948894 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blessed images, blessed images reddit, r/blessedimages reddit, reddit funny, reddit blessed, reddit cursed, emkay, cursed images
Id: 4z2wRs_C--c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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