r/Hmmm | Do. Not. Move.

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you may go straight or left or alternatively right go on i won't tell anyone [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk if you came here to not be confused you came to the wrong place because today's subreddit is r let's dig in with a big heaping spoonful of confusion look when even the eagle is pissed off at you this much might be time for you to go to a denny's at 3am and just contemplate your life decisions for a few hours osha has entered the chat oh what do you do for a living oh i make lenses i'm an expert in glass optics oh i see remember always select the wrinkle free option on dryers can't have wrinkles if the clothes are turned ash i said just do it i can't tell if this is somebody moving or an extremely well-planned getaway heist okay all right i'm curious now how exactly does this end don't you dare say that about my onion rings you come in this neighborhood again ronald i'm going to get wendy involved yeah why does this have such neck beard vibes this seems somewhat cruel and unusual like i don't know putting a bunch of roses in the shape of hedge clippers or stacking up bodies in the oh i can't make that joke oh okay sorry i i'm by an adapter just pour the diaper hey bob we're low on dendrites can you grab some more from the back but tom we're all out oh wait hang on i got an idea come here you little bastard what in the ever what in i'm sorry what ritual am i observing number two of the ritual i am observing exactly who or what is the sacrifice here and number three whatever deity you're praying to i don't know who they are but i'm already horrified [Music] oh hello small blob can we be friend okay okay okay i'm legally blind so i can make this joke i don't think those are fries there's also a tiny bit of i'm 14 and this is deep oh mcdonald's fries are just as bad as sick of shut up strawberry snowman uh lexi i think that's a strawberry snowman why is there a toupee on its butt where is the i have so many questions was this for sale did somebody actually make and buy why why why does it have six how many bears does this contain was this the chair christopher robin was hallucinating about the entire time i i i mean if it works what is that cause that doesn't look like cinder blocks cinder blocks have to have the square holes oh wait no the image title just says concrete i i have no idea where you got that block but hey it works this lawsuit brought to you by a joint venture between apple and xerox the legal team thanks you for your fruit-based piracy uh i don't think this is what they meant by a double-decker couch also there's probably a weight limit on things you should balance on your friend while they're asleep but what do i know well somebody got called out holy cow no really that's the pose i'm fired i'm fired okay all right that's fair you know sometimes you you just give up you're just i'm done either that or this bird just took off like they were just walking through the snow and then they suddenly remembered the fact that they could fly see the problem with this though is that the lightsabers would cut through everything you had in the plate like incl your steak would have tiny bits of like ceramic plate in it and g tank down the enemy with malicious mlaps since before whatever animal rights activist took this down dude that what what no no i don't no stop stop this i see nothing wrong with this dude king prepared i i'm so what what are you eating dude came over prepared are those beets is it just beans so many beans so many beans dude your next part is going to raise the barometric pressure of your county oh look a bathroom with a free shower i see no issues with this plan hey that about matter property insurance claim i'm i'm i'm sorry when did we start barbecuing e.t what the hell you know i don't even want to know what this actually is like this is just going to make me sad it's good with mesquite sauce when clark kent gets confused brian was always determined that he would one day make a jet pack he was never really successful but he kept a notoriously cool head i i'm sorry i'm sorry why is the teacher why is the teacher have a boxing glove school is stressful enough without boxing get this answer right or else billy if this entire picture ain't 20 20 i don't know what it is ah nobody tell hollywood about this or they're gonna make one meme into a whole freaking movie you don't believe me we got the emoji movie somehow nobody deserved that yo harrisburg is flammable if you were adventurous enough you'd already know this why is there so much fun i mean i'm not complaining i enjoy chaos but why is there so much fire i paid for this full round of golf and i'm gonna play it dang it rich people are weird dude why don't what in god no dude that is like cthulhu's son or something i don't know what that is but you all should go a few posts back because we got plenty of fire to burn that with ah yes in this house we use all natural fish oil soap squeeze the fish okay at this point this is just an intelligence test uh i can't help you okay i i really hope this is hooked up to a breaker somewhere uh but it's probably not and uh you'll have a lovely time oh oh god no no no bugs are horrifying enough when they are normal size nobody needs a red scorpion chair i'm sorry i'm i did you oh my god you did not oh god take it away next post please dude's having the davis life we'll just uh we'll just uh give him some privacy oh oh oh oh oh no a sinkhole oh no dude they buried someone and the earth was like nope straight to hell i i feel so unproductive looking at this i feel so incredibly inaccurate oh my god excuse me while i go attempt to work 25 hours a day oh god oh oh it took me a minute oh god oh no take it away no put that put the hat back on why does ash ketchum suddenly have a mortgage in a 401k welcome my name is igor i am the door oh wait sorry i i'm being handed a note from the apple lawyers sorry that's idor a simple and intuitive design that only costs two thousand dollars more than any other doorknob lexi has adhd can you tell we're going to call this issue a dude dude what why is the cat playing why why do you have a planking cat is it alive is it just standing up to like assert dominance i don't understand if you're not going to buy the proper lights don't install recessed fixtures i mean i it works i i would buy this as a print actually now kiss look dude can you can you do me a favor just really quickly can you go a few posts back and set this on fire because firefox unless it's supposed to be a cat in which case the tail is bushier than half of australia no offense but vegans are weird oh it's a valentine from a kyle oh oh my god oh my god it's an actual minecraft girl oh god wait no that's roblox shut up minecraft girlfriend is funnier this shouldn't be as cute as it is i don't even find children like adorable at all and this is this is really cute what poseidon deserves a suntan too it's not his fault he's been hitting the crab cakes kind of hard it's 20 20 everyone's stress eating look i am not going to be the one to like criticize your choice of like sheets and stuff hell i have like a few pieces of fluttershy merch but i might not be this violently proud of it especially given that uh some of the fandom kind of went off the rails or bathroom dude casual friday got got weird although i've been to south beach in miami and uh it's it's honestly kind of like this people just kind of forgot that clothes exist no no no this is not how you charge your phone bacon is energy for you not for your electronic devices oh this is no no we're not doing this no we're not no no no next one of these things just doesn't belong here so do we call this pecor or my god the things people will do for views i see absolutely no problem this is great yes i want my next pizza topping to be pizza i'm sorry you want what on your pizza pizza a dog doing a radio show i'll take your entire stock somebody's going to be doing an awkward waddle you know i don't want to know what's going on here it's probably illegal in the state of georgia oh my god oh my god why is he so depressed and why is he uh uh shaped like that damn boy he's thick i have more questions than i can comfortably answer but for now i'm just gonna uh move right along they're evolving next thing we're going to have walking towers of seagulls inside trench coats trying to steal fries from inside burger kings so brad brad did you get that report ready for me oh no i haven't i'm sorry i'm still working on it say how many working kidneys do you have brad jingle bells crap drinking and flying accounted for several fish deaths last year if you know of an immortal deity struggling with alcoholism please call the hotline now suck this hat gives me a feeling of power power forgive me a cruel chuckle power uh yes fulfilling every childhood dream of wanting to swing off of spongebob's nose dude i want to ride this now i i it's probably weird as hell but i want to at least try it what is this from the m.c escher skate park making my way downtown walking fast tim burton legs and i'm homebound yo you got the tire with the free volleyball in it what you have to do to get it out take a pin get really really close to it and i um ah i don't even want to know joe that guy in the center just said i want an apartment identical to the power up blocks from breakout sir ma'am excuse me this is not how you install a wind turbine on the national grid and that brings us to the end of another raucous ride through our slash hmm but wait you know we gotta showcase some lovely fan art today's fan art is brought to you by users cheesy cheddar i made a tuxedo mk hand my first fan art also fingers may be off but it's okay though you know what i think that's pretty good i think you got the fingers just fine mk logo looking snazzy thank you so much cheesy cheddar if you cried laughed experience existential dread or inverted your soul during this video go ahead and hit that like button and if you'd like more confusion in your feed go ahead and hit that red subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 244,113
Rating: 4.9187646 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: vy44M5qv5NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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