PTE Reading: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers | SUPER METHOD!

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I think everything's good I've got my water I've got my phone anyway how's things everybody hope your I hope you're not finding this PT preparation stuffed dancing up it's actually in some way benefiting your life teachers talk about this crazy thing called wash back which means that if you're preparing for a test it actually improves your English hopefully it is improving your English or maybe you don't really need to improve your English maybe you just need that 79 who knows who knows who knows all right let's get started with this thing let me double check cool hello everybody my name is Jay and I'm one of the expert teachers of e to language comm what are we going to do in this live class well we're going to look at PT e reading multiple choice multiple answers this Rickon is this the hardest one yeah it's probably one of I reckon the two multiple choice question types in PT reading are the most difficult multiple choice choose single answer has its own sort of issues it's often just tough but this one no doubt is a tough one so what we're going to do in this live class is this I'm going to firstly just describe the task to task description then I'm going to talk to you about scoring because I want to clear up a lot of misinformation about how this thing is scored I'm gonna show you a method we're going to do some guided practice then we're going to do some practice so in other word that's what's going on is I'm gonna step you through one of these questions a little bit by bit so you know exactly how to do it then I'm gonna go hey you try and do it for yourself so we'll see how that goes then finally we'll recap so just before I do this just before I look at task description I have to share the link if you're on if if if you're in this live class and my screen format is off the screen please click on this link I'm gonna put it into the chat now so yes all panelists know that should go to everybody how do I got it yes please click that link there in order to watch it on YouTube and say have any of those issues by the way if you're on YouTube you're watching this click like click subscribe leave a comment that would be great task description this is what you're gonna see on test day holy moly guacamole it's big you can see that the text on the left-hand side of the screen is quite long whoa alright let's break it down so first of all you've got a an instruction it's a confusing instruction don't worry about it I'll explain it in a second you've got a question prompt you've got a question prompt I'm gonna talk about that in a second - you've got answer options here you've got our five sometimes you'll have six seven I don't think I've ever seen more than seven and you've got a big whopping great big thing of text now of course in Pte reading you have to manage your own time I think you get between what is it 32 and 41 minutes or something like that it depends on the number of questions you get on test day I suggest with multiple choice of multiple answers spending about three minutes max on this one so then you can move on to the next one three minutes three minutes if you can do it quicker than that then even better the method I'm going to show you will help you to do that on test day you will get two or three of these okay you'll get two or three of these types of questions cool let's gone Gujarati misinformation let's make this clear how you're scored okay because it does have negative scoring it's one of the two different tasks that has negative scoring in the PTA so listening multiple choice multiple answers yes has negative snoring reading multiple choice multiple answers yes has negative scoring in other words you'll lose a point if you get it wrong and there's another listening activity called highlight incorrect words which also has negative scoring but it's not so problematic this one's a little bit tricky follow this so let's say a question has four answer options a B C and D so there are four possible answers I give the correct ones okay so obviously C and D are wrong so if you select a and B tada you will score two points or a hundred percent if you select a just a only a you'll score one point 50% and you will not lose any scores for not selecting B you can just walk away with 50% if you want if you select B let's call one point same thing no points are lost for not selecting a if you select a B and C well that's 2-1 so you'll get one point or 50% and if you select a B C and D well you get 2 minus 2 or 0 points 0 is the minimum score you cannot go below 0 you can't get into negative 1 negative 2 territory that doesn't exist anyway so what's the take-home message then from the scoring the take-home message of this is this if you are sure of one and unsure of another then just choose one of course if you're sure of birth or if you're pretty confident with both two or three of the answers then choose them all but if you're sitting there and you're thinking okay I definitely know C is correct I'm not quite sure about B well you should play it safe instead of risking getting 0 you should walk away with 50% so do that on test day that'll help a little bit cool let's think about the method and do some guided practice of this task step 1 understand the question prompt it will probably ask you to find specific details for example are the following statements accurate or what is true of computer technology or which statements are true it's going to ask you something like this and you have to look for details so for example this question prompt says which of the following statements about jellyfish can be supported so here are the statements here and you - I say are they true or not basically I'm gonna I'll talk you through that in a second step - scan read the answer options with the question prompt in mind for example which of the following statements about jellyfish can be supported ok let's do this let's do this let's do this so which of the following statements here are the statements ok so which which about jellyfish can be supported so they means jellyfish so jellyfish have similar nutritional value - potato chips they're a jellyfish their consistency doesn't appeal to Western Espaillat the new method of drying them jellyfish will increase the visual appeal their numbers jellyfish numbers are increasing they are considered a delicacy in in Asia rather jellyfish and the traditional production method is inefficient fine so make sure you connect this question from to the answer options because then well know that was going to flow on beautifully then you need to identify keywords in the interruption but before we do that let me go back and give you a tip the answer options are not in the same order as the text in other words in other words let me give you an example this one might be down here this one might be up here be fair this one might be found there etc so that it's in no order that's a little tip so now we need to move on to step three and identify key words in the answer option so look at this one here it says they have similar nutritional value to potato chips or the key word could be nutritional value okay but let's go for potato chips there okay we found a good keyword or key words or phrase because then we need to go to step four find corresponding key words in the text for example tada look at that now it's not always going to be the same this says potato chips this says potato crisp for example it may use it's going to use synonyms it's not going to be the exact same phrase in the answer option and in the text it's going to say it in a different way in fact it might not use any of the same words at all but there will be a concept here and a concept here somewhere in the text this really is the sum of the method this is what you have to do you look at that answer option then you look at the text and you go aha there it is the same for the corresponding information because then your job is to do this ask yourself does the answer option say the same thing is the text does the interruption does this jellyfish have similan a setting is this okay if yes you tick it if not you leave it cool simple as that so this question is critical does the interruption say the same thing as the text okay cool cool cool let's let's let's let whoopsie I think I just gave you the answer let's do it yes or no does the interruption here so the same thing as the text let's just do it you have 30 seconds to read these two little bits alright there's 30 seconds let me check that chat see how da very good very good good good good good good good good good good good ah yeah right well somebody's already got both hands is we're gonna do it step by step cool so the answer to this one is no they do not say the same thing in fact this paragraph here says nothing about nutritional value it says that they that this jellyfish could have a similar consistency and crunchiness nothing about nutritional value so we skip it we move on remember this is it identify keywords and the answer option find corresponding key words in the text and ask yourself does the answer option say the same thing as the text ready we're now on to B you have 30 seconds to see if B says the same thing as the text sorry there's a little bit more information which is probably you should start reading from here that's also important does this say the same thing does this say the same thing does this say the same thing does this say the same thing let's have a look at the chat here well it depends if you understand what the meaning of palette is which is a taste yeah yeah yeah yeah palette is tater does it appeal to the palate does it appeal to Westerners tastes so let's have a look at this it says for thousands of years jellyfish has been a highly desirable food in Asia but it has never really taken off in the West maybe it is something to do with the grisly texture jellyfish the choir is after me being subjected to the traditional processing procedure in Asia the gastro physicist has developed a new method for drying jellyfish where it loses all the grisly consistency and becomes paper-thin and crunchy a bit like a potato crisp not only can the method make jellyfish more attractive to Westerners so their consistency doesn't appeal to Westerners palates I would go yes I would go yes I would tick this one because whoops I'm supposed to be showing you the screen there sorry um let me show you the screen now I would say yes I would tick this one because jellyfish traditionally or in the past until this new method has been developed their consistency doesn't appeal to Westerners palates the consistency doesn't appeal to Westerners palates you know this is this is where reading gets a bit tough because it's not it's not mathematical it's not one-to-one it's not sometimes it's a little bit unclear sometimes you need to make little jumps of meaning in order to get it sometimes you don't sometimes it's clear as day and you go this is definitely not that or this says the same thing as this sometimes and this is what PT reading is all about it's about subtlety it's about nuance of meaning so I mean I made this question so I think it's a good one but we can argue about that later on let's keep going identify keywords in the answer option find corresponding keywords in the text ask yourself does the answer option say the same thing as the text let's do see here I want you to focus on that word visual in C because it seems to be a pretty meaningful word does C say the same thing as the text let's have a look at this chat uh-oh oh you've seen all right all right I've got a few on my side and most most of you on the other side all right let me try and explain this one then let me try and explain this one be careful be careful with little words like this visual appeal okay this says actually let's read C first says the new dry if it will increase their visual appeal how they look how they look their visual appeal this says AG astrophysicists has developed a new method for drying jellyfish where it loses all the Grizzly consistency and becomes paper-thin and crunchy a bit like a potato crisp does that does that mean it increases its visual appeal well if it loses all the Grizzly consistency that's a positive thing that that's good but that's got nothing to do with the visual aspect of it it becomes paper thin and crunchy then it's got this bit not only can the method make jellyfish more attractive to Westerners actually it may be a right maybe this questions not quite right this is the problem actually this raises a really interesting point writing good PT academic materials by the way is not easy because stuff like this happens all the time where I'm sitting in my office and I think what a great question that is got it this will this will teach them all everything and then I lay it out to you and you go doesn't quite make sense so let that be a little lesson let's let's skip C because it's I would say no I'm gonna I would say no but it's probably not the best question because well it's definitely not contradictory it's not contradictory so anyway don't worry about C let's do let's do D D ready so identify keywords and the answer option find corresponding keywords in the text and ask yourself does that answer options say the same thing as the text hopefully this one's clear let me move this thing here do these to say the same thing you is here this one's clear this one's good let's have a look Oh interesting alright alright alright I'm confident with this one sorry about the other one here we go so jellyfish numbers are increasing this says there are far too many jelly fishes and we have an ever increasing number of mouths to feed on earth this is talking about humans by the way so really this is irrelevant this is irrelevant so what we're doing is we're saying okay does this say the same thing as this sentence here jellyfish numbers are increasing versus there are far too many jellyfish in the sea the answer to that one is neuro because it says nothing about them increasing all it says is there's heaps of jellyfish in the ocean does it take anything about whether their numbers are increasing or decreasing no and we have to use information only from the text there we can't use our own background knowledge or we can't assume anything we just need to go by what's on the page in front of us okay so even if you're a a marine biologist studying jellyfish and you know that they're increasing don't use your background knowledge use the text that's in front of you this one is a neuro and this second part was what made it confusing right identify key words and the answer option find corresponding key words in the text ask yourself does the answer option say the same thing as the text think of synonyms here yes or no did he say the same thing all right that one's good 99% of people are saying yes and I would agree with you I would agree what's the synonym can anybody see the synonym for well here we've got delicacy what's what's the synonym here it's actually three words three words there's a three word synonym it's highly desirable food delicacy there you go there's a synonym so there are fish considered a delicacy in Asia jellyfish has been a highly desirable food in Asia the verb tense is a bit odd but yes they effectively say the same thing so I'm going to tick that one so we got bee and eat cool last one identify key words in the answer option find the corresponding key words in the text ask yourself does the answer option say the same thing as the text there's a little bit more information which might be relevant it says up here about the traditional processing procedure in Asia that's where that word comes from does this say the same thing whoops I've given you the answer anyway cool that was helpful anyway ah I didn't mean to give you the answer that's cool let's have a look let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it so did I give you the answer what's going on I'm losing my mind here everybody losing my mind Emily alright I did give you the answer by accident so no I didn't give you the answer I am losing my mind here we go the answer is yes anyway what's let's think about why it's yes let's think about why it's yes so the traditional production method is inefficient don't talk about this traditional processing procedure in Asia okay and then it says not only can the it's talking about a new method here the new method make jellyfish more attractive to Westerners the new method can also make the asiatic processing procedure significantly faster suggesting that it's currently slow increasing the efficiency of the Asian processing plants this is no easy procedure it takes between 30 and 40 days for the jellyfish of the traditional method so the answer there is reading between the lines again it's one of those tricky ones where it's not directly saying it it's not directly contradicting contradicting it and sort of you're pulling little bits of information from here and this sentence and this sentence and you're putting it together and you're sort of inferring you're inferring that the new method is fast makes it more efficient therefore the old method must be slower is there an assumption in there not really because all the information is there in the text if you put it together cool so ultimately what we're left with it was part from the crazy sea question we've got B E and F just put a smiley face into the chat if you got that please I just want to know who got BNF good nice nice nice quite a few of you if you're on YouTube you're watching this please click like tell me what score you got into the comments below and subscribe and subscribe so somebody's asked me what's the synonym for the last answer in fact there is no synonym for the last answer it's it's more about putting the pieces of the puzzle together sometimes you have just you find the synonym like this one with delicacy and and highly desirable food fine but for F Nora it's about it's about reading this part here which I didn't give you it's about reading this part here and reading this part here and sort of pushing that information together putting all of those clues together so there's different ways to do this sometimes using synonyms sometimes using sort of main ideas all right your turn a bit of independent practice we've looked at that method we know what to do hopefully these questions are good hopefully they're good let me just move this thing to here all right I'm going to give you three minutes starting now that's two minutes you have one minute left ten seconds left all right let's have a look at how you went okay Dee Niecy Niecy Niecy any B&D ACEC EB and CBC EAB okay let's let's let's let's see hopefully my question answers plural more than one multiple choice multiple answers so English speakers are affected by the condition exclusively exclusively the problem is particularly pervasive in english-speaking countries of the United States and New Zealand but also in Iceland and even Greece do these to say the same thing yes or no no no no no if it said almost exclusively now it just says this basically says a hundred percent of people suffering from this condition speak English no fine that was pretty easy next one this one I'm I'll probably get into an argument with this one this is probably not a great one it says more women than men suffer from being over fat well it sort of says in developed country is 90% of adult males are over fat and it says in the top over fat countries 80% of women fall into this category I'm gonna just push through this one because it's not a great question I just realized because well let me explain why it's not a great little question so this one's talking about in developed countries 90% of men are over fat then it says in the top over fat countries and we don't know what those are 80% of women fall into this gap don't worry about B don't worry about B let's just move on to C being over fat is most common in developed countries yes or no about see yes look cool looking good looking good looking good I agree with you I agree with you there we go see being over fat is most common in developed countries because it has even more prevalent there's a synonym most common even more prevalent in developed countries and here it says some more information to confirm that this is right this trend may be bad news for developing countries as well since they have followed the trend they're following the trend therefore they're not the leaders therefore see is yes cool what about D Icelandic and Greek people a healthier than Americans and New Zealanders yes or no I don't want you to assume anything don't assume anything here yeah Gorge attenders got it right thought to be thought to be that's a bit of well it's not clear is it this says this is very definite this is this D is very excuse me very definite Icelandic and Greek people are healthier than Americans and New Zealanders be careful with statements that are that are absolute like this that a certain because then he here it says the process particularly pervasive in the United States and New Zealand but also in Iceland and even Greece where people are generally thought to be healthy there's no comparison happening between the two this is a neuro fine what about a people in developing countries are at risk from this pandemic yes or no interesting interesting question this one actually good yeah yeah yeah Joe Tinder's got it again bad news for at-risk I reckon that's the giveaway the giveaway phrase there okay so people are at risk this trend may be bad news for developing countries as well since they have followed the trend of developed nations in the growing over fat pandemic in other words people in developing countries are at risk from this pandemic so yes I'm going to choose a call here we go over fat is another term for obese don't assume anything does if say the same thing is that first sentence no good cool I agree Nora I wouldn't choose that one I wouldn't choose that one so I think before I just show you all the answers there this question type becomes a hell of a lot easier and simpler when you break it down when you're just looking at that big block of text and you're looking at seven answer options and the top Club not sticky and down if I just want to go home and watch Netflix know what you need to do is break this down look at it part by part identify that keep those keywords and the answer options find the corresponding statement in the text confirm or disconfirm does it say the same thing yes tick does it say something different so you're not reading the whole block of text you're not you're not you're not you know you're not looking at F whoops what's going on you're not looking at F let's do this again you're not looking at F and then reading all of this no you're not doing that what you're doing is you're reading F and then you're finding the particular part of the text and you're reading this sentence here only and then going and saying yes or no that makes it so much easier by the way the answers were what's going on with my computer whoops there it died the answers were a C and E C an e but also B was a doozy if you had seen E if you had seen any put in it even if you had another one if you had see any smiley face in to the chat please nice nice somebody's asked can I just choose C or can I just choose e yes and you could have walked away with 50% it's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire now you can take the million dollars or you can walk away with $500,000 that's not a bad thing to do sometimes to go you know what I'm bit unsure I'll just take half a million dollars that'd be nice that'd be nice cool all right good recap so here's the method right so on test day you sit down you're up to multiple choice of multiple answers you understand the question prompt it's going to ask you something about looking for confirming details whether they're true or not or are the statements accurate or what is true of the text something like that then you need to make the connection you quickly read the answer options with the question prompt in mind for example we saw how it used pronouns like they jellyfish them jellyfish they're jellyfish make that connection between the question prompt and those answer options because then you move on to the important part of the method this is really critical here three four and five sorry my star drawing abilities faded since high school identify key words in the answer option right do that then you find the corresponding key words in the text and you ask yourself same or different yes or no if yes you tick if no you leave it behind and that my friends is the end of that I should just say while I'm here let me do a little marketing spin for you if you need help with your PT please check out this website e to language comm we have methods we have practice materials we have tutorials we have feedback we have the prayer I have class tonight of the week if you do need help check it out by the way if you're on YouTube click like leave a comment and subscribe but right now I'll go to Q&A and answer any pressing questions you have ah some Rick Retief has got a good question Jay do we have enough time to read the whole text yes in the three minutes let me start again yes you have enough time to quickly skim read scan read the whole block of text so you know what it's about you should do that actually should spend 20 seconds just quickly reading the thing about the jellyfish to do to do to do of course you don't have to memorize any of it because then you go to step 3 4 & 5 where you start to do the confirm disconfirm thing so you quickly skim through it then you go back and do the steps 3 4 & 5 good question now with multiple to a single answer it's different you really have to deep read the text because it's going to ask you for one thing and sometimes I'll ask for me or a Nepean thing like that and it requires you to read it a lot more deeply I think anyway cool good question and okay well Zhi Shan there's I don't know how these conspiracy theories in this bad advice gets out but so it's some fool I'm sorry understand that some fool has said on the internet somewhere that you should skip multiple choice multiple answers because it because don't waste time on it oh my god don't skip it even like that's just the stupidest thing I've ever heard even if you were to skip it at least in Sivan don't just skip the whole thing but don't skip it at all practice use the method get them right get them right you can do it you can do it so that idea about skipping multiple choice multiple answers whoever started that rumor totally totally disagree shree any ideas of the weight edge for multiple choice multiple answers or any of the reading the answer to that is no the Pte keep their algorithm pretty secret they don't tell you which task is worth more than others okay so unfortunately we don't know that and that's all the more reason to complete every task and not skip any because really we don't know how much multiple choice multiple answers is worth do we Laxmi Narayan wants to know about the Platinum package on e to language command what is the pretest strategy session so the pretest strategy session if you do purchase the Platinum package is it's an opportunity for you and me to sit down before you take your test maybe the day before maybe two days before and talk about whether you understand the methods if you have any last questions and also for me to just or one of the teachers here just to make sure you feel okay whether you're confident whether you need any sort of anxiety coping mechanisms or anything like that so that's part of the top package they're good cool thanks howdy Ali appreciate it okay Paramveer asks is it a maximum of three minutes for multiple choice multiple answers reading know you can spend 30 minutes on it if you like but that means you cannot answer any of the other following questions again you have to manage your own time so I recommend or suggest three minutes max two and a half minutes for a single answer about two minutes for real what a paragraph again if you're paid ET language remember you can come to the live classes with me where we do this under time conditions which happen the reading happens every Wednesday night I believe okay Moses is a good question can we assume that there will be three answers all the time or or any number of answers no you can't assume that there will be there will always be more than one so there'll be always at least two possibly three very rarely four I reckon that it's well when I did my PT I did the PT I got 90 in reading in fact I got 90 in all of the skills Whoopi do I'm an English teacher but when I did my PT reading I had two or three of these questions as you will give them to answer options to were correct not three just keep that in mind that's not a hard and fast rule but there's always going to be two at least two maybe three at least two maybe three good question Natalia how long does it take to normally prepare for the PTU test it completely depends on where your current level of English is so if you're pretty basic it's gonna take you a long time and it also depends on what score you're aiming for sixty-five or seventy nine the two usual scores so if you're a beginner you're trying to get a 79 well that's gonna take some time if you've taken this thing before here's what I suggest you do because there otherwise it's just theory Pearson the Pte are very kind they have offered out Pte practice comm which is the official mock test and it actually uses the same computer algorithm as the real Pte so if you don't know where you stand likes let's say you need a 79 that you've never taken a test before and you've never taken IELTS take the mock test it's $30 I think and it gives you a really accurate assessment just make sure you use a good microphone that's all then when you get your results either a you're going to be ready to take the real test and you'll be very happy with your mock test results you think beautiful and ten points above what I need I'll go and take it or you're going to get your results and you're gonna think holy moly I need some help if that happens check out our website we can help you ah cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool didn't get that one should we use logical meaning of the quote options in consumer learning mobile okay as ice mobiles got a question about whether we can just use synonyms from the answer options to find the corresponding bit of information in the text as I said before sometimes you can for example what was the dal kissee and what was the synonym something about nice food or I can't remember sometimes yes you can use the synonyms to find the corresponding part of the text sometimes no sometimes you have to put the puzzle together because it might be three little sections that you have to read it's again it's practice it's tricky cool okay Rummy's hello J I want to I want I need PT preparation from e to language in the gold method in the gold package will the teacher consult me the answer is yes in different ways first of all you will get with the gold package you get three one-on-one tutorials like this let me tell you how this works ET language is really really clever what we've done is we've created a self-study course where first of all you learn the overview of the of the tasks we teach you about the tasks what it is how many you'll get what it looks like what the word counting is all that information so you know what you have to do then you learn the methods so you learn how to do it for example reorder paragraph there's a method the essay describing each retail lecture there's methods for each of these tasks then what you do is you submit feedback which means you'll submit an essay or you will record yourself describing the image and you'll receive expert feedback from the teacher including a score and comments about how to improve now the best thing that you can possibly do to improve your score is to have a one-on-one consultation which comes next so then you will ask you you already know what to do you understand the methods everything then you meet the teacher online like this on zoom' which is like Skype and you have a one-on-one consultation and you do describe image or read aloud a retail lecture or you the teacher looks at your essay with you or summarize written text or summarize spoken text and gives you personalized feedback basically tells you what you're doing right but more importantly what you're doing wrong this is the fastest way to improve that I can think of I can't think of any other way to improve as quickly as that cool to do I've already already answered that one I've answered that one for any advice on effective time management that's a good question the answer is improv I mean I don't want to sound patronizing or anything like that but improving time management means improving your fundamental skills proving your vocabulary knowledge proving your grammar usage so you can read more quickly apart from that there's no I mean the methods help you like what I showed you today right instead of looking at the entire block of text break it down do it part by part and then the other thing then I guess is practice so method fundamental skills methods practice that's how you improve your efficiency ok ok ok Darrell's a a lot of people ask this question it's a good question and it's about anxiety on test day and trust me I know what that feels like I've I've done these things before and I know the how important this test is you've got a lot riding on it it's expensive not just that it's a strange experience you're sitting in a room with 20 other people a few things first of all there's a few practical things to consider when it comes to overcoming anxiety you know what you can't overcome anxiety there's no overcoming of anxiety forget trying to get rid of your anxiety I think this is the most crazy thing with you can't get rid of it you can minimize it by not really paying attention to it here's my advice a few practical things first of all make sure you get a good night's sleep go to bed early don't drink alcohol the night before your exam alcohol makes anxieties go sky-high have a good breakfast maybe avoid drinking coffee if it makes you anxious practical things like that food sleep ok second thing is ok except the that you're going to be nervous accept it accept it because I think what happens to our minds when we don't accept it and we try and go I don't want to be anxious I don't want to be anxious oh my god I'm so anxious oh my god I'm getting more anxious just accept it you know what I'm feeling pretty anxious that's okay because what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the anxiety so when I'm doing that reading instead of focusing on you know my heart's beating or whatever it is I'm gonna focus on the text and I'm gonna try and understand the text and read it and when I'm doing the listening I'm gonna really listen and when I'm writing I'm really gonna write and think about what I'm writing because what happens is when you start to focus on something else instead of your anxiety well that kind of goes away anyway so the key concept here is focus on meaning focus on meaning focus on understanding focus on expressing yourself then hopefully your anxiety will not be such a bad thing but yeah it sucks it totally sucks I agree I agree okay okay okay okay few questions one of the questions here is about speaking and what happens in the PT is yes you'll have other people in the exam center doing speaking at the same time this is pretty normal think about when you're on a train and you're talking to your friend is everybody else silent no everybody else is speaking as well I went again concentrated about concentrating it's about concentrating on what your friends saying not listening to what other people are saying and concentrating on what you're saying it relates back to the anxiety thing but again what I found with the PTA was it was really hard to concentrate I think when you're speaking to a person you know you'll see their face they're responding to you they smile they whatever the PTA you're talking to a computer screen and it's hard to concentrate you have to keep reminding yourself to concentrate concentrate concentrate focus focus on task on task that it really and again this comes back to why practice is so important practice is really important for that cool three check out the website what's the time nearly five o'clock I better go soon Oh vertigo oh oh I've got a hundred and four new questions there please if you have any questions at all send them to hello @e - language comm we'll be happy to answer your questions do check out the website make yourself a free account if you need help do upgrade if you're watching this on youtube click like click subscribe and leave a lovely comment thank you very much for coming along I'm gonna go home I'm gonna go to the gym I'm gonna eat some good food and then I'm gonna relax I hope you have a nice rest of your Saturday
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 235,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte reading, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte tips, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, pte reading multiple choice choose multiple answers, PTE reading multiple answers, e2pte, pte e2, pte multiple choice, pte reading e2, e2 pte reading,, pte course, pte reading scoring, pte reading method, e2 language pte, E2 PTE, esl tips, MMCA, e2
Id: XsTUu6-xK5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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