PTE Listening: Summarize Spoken Text | SUPER METHOD!

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hello there let's have a look at listening summarize spoken text this is method 2.0 if you need to prepare for your PT academic test online then check out this website e - language comm sign up for free for live classes and materials and much much more okey-dokey this is what summarized spoken text looks like on testing what you can see there is an audio player and what you see below the audio player is a little box where you're going to type up your summary let's have a closer look here so on test day you're going to get two or three of these tasks the word length that you need to write will be between 50 and 70 don't write 49 and don't write 71 you'll have 10 minutes for each of these okay and if you save time on the first one it doesn't give you extra time on the second one so use all of the ten minutes for each task okay just bear in mind that the scoring for this particular task contributes points to both your listening and your writing score let's have a look at the scoring in more detail so after you have written your summary the computer is going to assess it on various criteria including content where you'll get 0 1 or 2 points content means that you have actually listened very carefully to that lecture you've picked out those main ideas and those important sub ideas and you've put it into your summary so that's how you maximize your content score you also scored on length that is you just write between the Rakata loop the required length that I told you about just before grammar which I'll talk to you about in a second vocabulary and spelling if you are having trouble with your grammar or vocabulary or spelling then check out this website which is e to school comm it's for like fundamental English language learning skill building right it's going to help you with your grammar and with your writing and with your listening cetera and you can sign up for free which is really cool okay let's talk about what you need to do in summarize spoken text while you're listening remember this is sort of think about it in two parts you've got the listening part first then you go and write your summary so that's why it contributes points to both of those scores so what do you do while listening well what you need to do is use your erasable note board booklet thingamajiggy the notepad that they give you on test a because you're gonna listen and while you're listening you're going to be taking notes you're gonna be taking as you're gonna be taking detailed notes as many as you possibly can let's take a look at my notes so this is an example of what my notes on test day might look like in actually to be honest I probably wouldn't write that many and it would be a lot Messier because I'm handwriting but you're going to be picking out from the lecture key words particularly key nouns things you can be listening for things in that lecture and also verbs key nouns and verbs nouns and verbs nouns and verbs okay so like human social network structure Y patterns how does it work workplaces thousand engineers organize inventive and cooperative if I just handed these notes to you right now even though you haven't listened to the lecture you'd probably do a reasonable job at creating some sort of summary out of this despite not having heard that lecture that's how good your notes need to be on test day they need to really not just jog your memory of what you heard but they should actually give you a framework for what was actually said okay then you're going to be turning your notes into your summary along with your memory of what was actually said because you're going to be listening very carefully so if we look at the transcript from where my notes came from you can see that I've picked out specific words and specific phrases from that lecture and I'm going to be combining those keywords that I've written down with my memory to form my summary okay let's do it grab a pen and paper take down some notes because after we do that you're actually going to write a summary and you're gonna compare it to my summary okay here we go listen to this and yeah and eventually we became interested in the structure of human social networks like why do we have this structure at all why do humans maintenance with these ornate reproducible patterns so how does it work like give me an example so if you can imagine you could think about this in terms of how you arrange workplaces for example you might employ a thousand engineers and you might find that if we organize the engineers in certain ways they're inventive and cooperative or we take the same engineers and organize them in a different way you know who's talking to whom for example and we find that those engineers are uninventive and uncooperative same human beings different typology different architecture of ties completely changes the kind of group properties that these individuals events and many experiments that we've done have shown this you take a group of people you arrange them one way and they're healthy and innovative and cooperative and kind or you take the same people in you rage them a different way and they're unhealthy and uncooperative and unkind and it's that insight about how the whole comes to be greater than sum of its parts that is in my judgment one of the most crucial insights arising from the study of human social networks okay let's talk about what you need to do after you have listened and when you need to begin writing and how most importantly how are you going to structure your writing because that's critical if you have a structure that you can take with you on test day it's almost like you are cheating in a way but you know you're not cheating because what you're doing is just having this sort of memory of a structure that you're going to fill with key words and key ideas to maximize your scores okay so what you're going to do is now turn your notes and your memories into that summary and you're going to be using this structure here this by the way is a very simplified structure I wouldn't recommend actually using this because you need to make it a little bit more elaborate a little bit more complex especially if you want to push your score up to 79 but this is the basic essence of the structure here the speaker was discussing something he mentioned something he talked about something he discussed something and he suggested that something this structure will be I was going to say something like will save you bacon if you know what that means this structure is going to allow you to summarize just about actually not even just about every lecture you listen to even if you don't comprehend the lecture as long as you're writing down those key words and those key phrases you put it into this structure it's going to really help your score okay now just pay attention to the verbs here the first one is actually in the past continuous the speaker was discussing okay keep that in mind was discussing that's your introductory sentence that's key just always write that speaker was discussing then get into the information there then we have like mentioned talked about discussed and suggested that if you look on the right-hand side there you see alternatives you can say the speaker described or he highlighted or he thought or seemed or contrast it'll compared or believed whatever it's up to you you can choose the that fits that according to the lecture okay so it's not that prescriptive you can sort of be a little bit creative or a little bit precise I should say with the verb that you choose okay look closely here at the end because we actually have some sort of conclusion it's really important in your summary that you have that opening introductory sentence was discussing it's equally important that you have a good concluding sentence because the algorithm is actually going to be looking for your conclusion right it's part of how it scores you on this task and the way that you do that is well you can say he suggested that which is some form of conclusion or you can say he concluded by saying blah blah blah okay so there are two forms for a concluding sentence there just choose one of those I should also mention this structure you're going to get two or three of these tasks on test a you can repeat this structure each time that's fine I did it on test day thousands of our PT students have done it and I can tell you what lots and lots of them have got 90 s for writing so it this works okay so on test day you're not going to have that all broken up like I just showed you you're going to combine it into a paragraph of text okay so it'll look something like this on test day when you write it up okay before we proceed if you haven't yet taken the PT e and you're a little bit concerned about what score you're going to get even if you're quite confident I really recommend you to take this mock test or if you have taken PT before but you've been unsuccessful who knows maybe you failed in reading or writing or you don't know what went wrong this thing is going to tell you what happened so it's a sort of miniature mock test it's it will take you about two hours it'll give you a good test simulation you do every task most importantly you're going to receive feedback on all of the writing submissions including summarize spoken text and you're speaking submissions they're marked by out teachers who provides you with comprehensive feedback you can look at all your scores you can find out exactly what you're doing right and wrong okay so what we're looking at here is a more complex structure I showed you a very simple structure when you sort of put a little bit of meat on that skeleton if you will it's going to be a lot better and it's you're going to score more highly so my answer is something like the speaker was discussing human social networks he talked about how when you group people together interesting dynamics take place he used the example of a thousand engineers and said that depending on how you group them they will act differently to each other while one group would act kindly another would be unkind he suggested that understanding human social networks is an extremely important challenge this is a great summary it's captured all those main ideas the importance of ideas it's a lovely structure perfect grammar etc and one way that you might want to think about whether you've written a good summary is imagine you're actually in the lecture hall while this person speaking your friend comes in late your friend says what was that lecture about and you hand your friend this summary and he or she can quickly read and go cool I understand what the lecture was about okay that's ultimately what you're doing you might notice in here that I've actually added like an additional sentence that doesn't fit the structure while one group would act kindly blah blah blah that's also fine you can add in additional bits to this structure it's a flexible structure it's not a template okay don't use templates okay and if you look even more closely you will see the verbs was discussing the past continuous then we've got this simple past used and said then we've got that suggested that and you can see here the use of the well at the start the noun the speaker and then the pronouns hee hee obviously you're going to change this for the gender of the speaker from here to she sometimes you're going to get an interview in fact what we just listened to was a type of interview you might have to again customize your structure for that particular interview but that's fine it still works let's do some practice practice number one okey-dokey you're going to listen to a another lecture you're gonna take notes and you're gonna write a summary good luck when we look at dishonesty we often look at the half-empty part of the glass and we look at all the things that people do badly but the reality is that we are really quite wonderful we don't have to go all the way to taxes we can think about all kinds of other cases so in the last few years almost every time I go to a restaurant I asked the waiter if there's a way to eat and escape without paying and you know sometimes I get strange looks sometimes they ask me for my credit card but they always give me good advice they say things like wait for a big party to come go to the bathroom there's an alley I mean they have suggestions of how to escape without paying and then I ask them how often does it happen and they say very rarely so obviously there's a lot of goodness in us why don't people steal more right why don't we take advantage so why do we have some internal moral conscience we've we've internalized the values of society and we don't need anybody around us we don't need prison sentences we don't need to be afraid we make our own judgment of what's right and wrong and we adhere to those decisions not perfectly but to a very large degree you okay how did you go with that let's take a look at a good model answer high-scoring example speaker was discussing away people don't steal more often he talked about how he jokes with waiters about ways to steal and mention that customers very rarely do he said that people are obviously good he then discussed how people have a moral code that is part of them and has come from society he suggested that we probably require a lot less governing because we are almost always responsible cool bananas how did you go was your summary similar to that different ways to skin the cat there's a thousand different ways to do this but hopefully captured some of those main ideas there let's do another one before you do though if you're not yet a subscriber to this YouTube channel hit that subscribe button we produce very good videos on a weekly basis and if you subscribe you'll be the first people to know a bit first person you'll be the first person to know about it in addition we do live streamed classes as well from e to language comm on to YouTube sometimes so you'll get to see those as well cool here we go let's do another one so demographers have a term called the replacement level it's a somewhat clinical way to describe an intuitive concept when women of childbearing age in a country have around two kids on average the population stays flat if it's more than two the population rises if it's less than two the population Falls you have an amazing statistic about the replacement leveling two-thirds of the countries on the planet what is it without us actually realizing this was happening I would say about 10 to 15 years ago the statistics began to come through that we were actually in two-thirds of the world's countries women were out near or below placement and that was really surprising because it had taken European and the North American region about nearly 200 years to go through the demographic transition to go from high childbearing to low childbearing and here suddenly in about 25 years we realized that particularly throughout many parts of Asia many parts of Latin America Southern and Eastern Europe we had women who were coming down from quite large childbearing to in many cases under two you all right let's take a look at the model answer the speaker was discussing a concept called replacement level which refers to the number of children one needs to have to maintain the human population she discussed how if people have fewer than two children the population will fall and she described how this is happening in two-thirds of countries in the world she concluded by saying how in the last 25 years more and more countries are having fewer children again this is a extremely high-scoring example if you think back to what we talked about with scoring it's on the contents great the length is good the grammars good the vocabulary is good and the Spelling's all good all right that's going to get a 90 this particular model answer here cool if you require some feedback then check out the websites we do 24 to 48 hour turnaround on our feedback we give you detailed comprehensive feedback on both speaking and writing and check that out and if you require more help and I think the best possible help you can get our one-on-one tutorials with our expert teachers so we offer 45 minutes one-on-one tutorials with expert teachers on any topic and depending on the package you buy you get tutorials and feedback and the mock test etc it's all at e to language calm my name is J thank you very much I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 106,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte class, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, esl, e2, PTE Read Aloud, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, PTE Listening, E2 PTE Listening, PTE listening, The PTE Listening Test, Summarize Spoken Text, summarize spoken text
Id: 3Rig_Q5ofD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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