Understand PTE Academic in JUST 30 minutes!

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert teachers here at e to language if you're preparing for your PT e the night before your test then this video is for you or if you just want to get a bit of an idea of what PT e is about what I'm going to do in this video is take you through all 20 tasks kind of like a crash course and I'm gonna explain them to you quite quickly let's start with speaking read aloud this is the first task of the PT e that you will get on test day it's relatively straightforward it's going to look like this and what will happen is you'll have about 30 or 40 seconds to prepare to read this paragraph of text here right and then what happens after the 30 or 40 seconds preparation time is over this will turn into a recorder and you'll have to read this as clearly as you possibly can it's a nice task to start your test with because it's pretty straightforward right and plus you're not spontaneously thinking of language you're just reading text off the screen however you do want to read this in a way that maximizes your intonation and pausing and connected speech and chunking and all those wonderful elements of oral fluency so don't just read it like a robot that's number one cool bananas let's push on the second task of the speaking section is called repeat sentence and it looks like this doesn't look like much what's going to happen is you're going to hear a single sentence you're going to memorize this single sentence and then after the sentence has finished you'll have to say that sentence exactly as it was said okay word-for-word in the same order and try to use the same intonation and rhythm that the speaker used as well pretty straightforward you'll get a number of these tasks by the way you don't just get one each you get between sort of three or five or six I can't quite remember exactly okay the next that's what the sentence will look like blah blah blah blah blah the next task is the first task where you need to actually think on your feet or speak spontaneously and it's called describe image and it's a little bit well a little bit challenging it's very challenging this is how it works so you'll see a screen like this and you'll see a an image a graph like this a pie chart line graph an image like a photograph it could be anything really now what happens you'll have 25 seconds to analyze this image okay and when the 25 seconds is up you'll then have 40 seconds to describe this image in your own words whoa it's this is this is this is probably I think the hardest speaking task in the PT because a there's the analysis of the graph that happens in just 25 seconds and then B there's the description of the graph where you need to try to control how you speak to make sure that you speak fluently and coherently without too many hesitations or pauses or arms and hours making sure your pronunciation is very clear and of course you're speaking on topic on that graph this one requires lots of practice no doubt about it you might want to check out our other videos or check out eetu language comm okay the fourth task of the speaking section is called retail lecture this is what it looks like and more importantly how does it sound so you'll see an image here which will give you some idea of what the lecture you're going to hear will be about for example this one might be about I don't know University online study or something like that okay then you'll hear a lecture that will play for about well actually 60 to 90 seconds and while you're listening to that lecture you should be taking notes then you'll have after it's finished after that lecture has finished you'll have ten seconds to prepare to speak 10 9 which goes very quickly on test day and then what you have to do is speak for 4 seconds or up to 40 seconds and retell the lecture that you just heard in your own words wow this is a good one it's a it's a challenge this one's definitely a challenge and it's critical that you do take notes while you're listening to that lecture because retelling this lecture without a set of notes is practically impossible okay so on test day you'll get a little plastic they call it a raisable note board booklet which is a weird name but really what it is is it's like a little notepad with a texture that you can rub out okay it's very handy and you need it for quite a few of the tasks okay we're nearly through the speaking section the final speaking task is called answer short question it's dead simple it looks like this and what happens is you're just here is not necessarily a simple question you'll hear a question they'll ask you usually to elicit some sort of now like what do you call a blah blah blah or what is the name of the thing that blah blah blah and you'll have to go what's that word this is obviously a test of your vocabulary breath how wide your vocabulary is and how deep it is some of them can be very challenging not necessarily ask for a noun probably will most the time but sometimes a verb one of the questions that I got on test day when I did my test was something along the lines of said something like which of the words refers to the past and then it had a sentence like Jack went to the shop on Tuesday and of course the answer there is went because went refers to the past not Tuesday so might ask you a tricky sort of grammatical question like that but usually yeah asking you for it and noun which you just answer by the way in a single word or a couple of words cool nice work guys you're through the speaking section now let me just promote the wonderful e to language comm if you do need additional help because you're freaking out for example or you just know that you're gonna need some help on test day to get this 79 on a 65 score check out e to languish calm and sign up for free if you do sign up for free you got lots of practice questions for free and some live classes but if you do upgrade your account and decide to purchase one of our courses you also get one-on-one tutorials or the methods lessons speaking and writing feedback lots and lots of live classes which is super helpful for your motivation because if you are watching this the night before your test which I'm guessing some of you probably are maybe you need that additional motivation through our live classes to help you to study I understand it's difficult to put pen to paper and study okay you're now into the writing section of the PT II the first task is called summarize written text this is what it looks like you'll see a paragraph of text I think this is up to 300 words long so it's quite long right and you'll have ten minutes and you should use all of that ten minutes and what you need to do is read this complex paragraph of text and you need to write a single sentence one sentence that captures the main idea of this and any supporting important sub ideas so in fact you need to write what's called a complex sentence what I mean by complex sentences it has a main clause and possibly a subordinate or several subordinate clauses as well cool that's a challenging one this task contributes points to both your writing and reading scores because you obviously need to read that paragraph and understand it very carefully in fact you should be aware that the Pte test is quite interesting because it has integrated scoring which means that some of the tasks that we've seen will contribute points to different skills for example retell lecture that we saw before where you need to listen and then speak contributes points obviously to your listening and speaking scores cool alright you're nearly at this there's only two writing tasks by the way but you'll find that some of the other tasks contribute to your writing score as well the second one is writing write essay you have to write an essay this is what it will look like on test day here's the question prompt it'll ask you about some sort of topic that you will know something about it's never going to be too abstract and in here you have to write an essay of between 200 and 300 words no less no more okay I recommend that you write a four paragraph essay with an intro paragraph one paragraph two and then a conclusion if you are if you haven't written an essay in a long time which I suspect some of you haven't you should check out our other video here on YouTube it's called typing and it's called right essay super structure where I go through how to construct those parrot different paragraph types the structure is critical if you get the structure right like you know how to make write an introduction the power of body paragraphs and the conclusion and then it makes your life much easier for this one here though I really recommend that you get some feedback if you do go to e to language comm you can actually purchase individual writing or speaking feedbacks and one of our teachers will give you some expert feedback on your writing just to make sure you're doing it right before test day because obviously test day is quite expensive it's also quite stressful you want to do it once you want to do it right you never want to do it again some people I've seen take this test up to 15 times or more scarily okay and some people refuse to prepare and I think oh maybe the next time it'll be slightly easier I'll just try one more time Oh $300 $300 $300 whoa bad idea prepare oh and you should also subscribe to this YouTube channel because we produce really cool nice little videos for Pte okay you're now into the reading section of PT academic the first task actually I think PT is just recently changed the order of the reading section into the comments below can you tell me if this order if you've taken the test recently if this is the order if it's not it's basically this in Reverse and it doesn't really matter let's just go through the tasks so the first or the last task that you get in the reading section is called reading and writing fill in the blanks this is what it looks like you get a paragraph or a paragraphs of text right that add up you get these little drop-down things here and it'll have four possible answer options and from the context of the text you're going to have to choose the right word and they're going to be synonymous they're going to be synonyms but only one of them will actually be correct within this context so what this task is testing you is your ability to have precise word choice to choose the right word at the right time to make the right meaning so this one actually contributes points to both your reading and writing score cool so that's a challenging one next one is multiple choice choose multiple answers it looks like this on test day you obviously get your text or your passage of text here and you get answer options of which more than one will always be correct you can't just choose one if you want or you can choose more than one obviously but just be aware that there's negative marking here so let's say you get this one right and you get this one wrong your score will be zero okay so just be aware of that and as I said you can just choose one if you want to play it safe by the way I should also mention and I forgot to mention at the start in the reading section you're starting to manage your own time so in the speaking section all of the tasks are timed individually so you don't need to worry because it just you know you've got 40 seconds to describe the image and then you do the next one etc and in the writing section you should use all of the ten minutes for summarized written text and all of the 20 minutes for your essay in the reading section however the tasks are not individually timed you total time and it's up to you to just move efficiently and also obviously accurately through the tasks so don't linger for too long on a specific question okay you've got enough time to read the text and to answer it but just don't linger click Next as soon as you think you've got the answers click Next okay okay cool next one is reading reorder paragraph this is what it looks like on the left hand side you're going to get single sentences like this however they're going to be in the wrong order so you don't know which order they're in your job is to go okay sees number one for example okay bees number two okay a sorry e's number three etc and you put it into the correct order so the paragraph of sentences flows beautifully incoherently and cohesively from beginning to end by the way all of these tasks are testing specific linguistic or language skills right they're not just arbitrarily created they have a purpose they're testing before something so what this one is testing for for example is your ability to construct a good paragraph that means that you can identify a topic sentence it means that you know that this sentence connects in terms of meaning to the following sentence maybe that means that you understand how sentences are constructed with subject verb object and how meaning can transfer from an object into the following subject for example there's lots of I wouldn't say there are tips that we give you an e to language but more importantly what we give you our methods a method is like a step-by-step way to solve this problem obviously you need the language skills and I'll talk to you later if you are struggling with vocab Larry and grammar I've got a solution for you later on but just assuming that you have the language skills you still need to know how to approach these tasks what it's testing for how do should I be reading from beginning to end etc anyway that's all on the website at e to language okay reading fill in the blanks this one's pretty straightforward you get a relatively short text I believe it's only up to 80 words and what you have to do is drag one of these words from here into the gap well this one is testing for is this phenomenon in language called collocation if you don't know what that means please look it up but basically what a collocation is is a natural sounding phrase of two or more words that come together that native English speakers would use for example so it's testing your ability to use these natural sounding phrases these collocations these ones you should be able to do really quickly in probably one minute because the text again is very short okay the final task or the first task of reading depending on the test you get is multiple choice choose single answer this is probably the most straightforward one you get a question prompt that will ask you to read for something specific maybe it's going to ask you to find the opinion of the author here or maybe it's going to ask you to read for what is the attitude of the author here or what's the main idea of the paragraph or maybe it's going to ask you to read for a specific detail okay so it might have a range of functions this is critical this question frontier and obviously you need to eliminate these and go okay I've eliminated those ones I think it's option C for example or number three and again you're managing your own time here and if you make it to the end well before we do that let's talk about the mini mock test okay so this mini mock tests that we've just created the e2 language is super cool let me just quickly show you how it works because if you are thinking of taking the PT or you're taking it soon but maybe you don't have enough time to do a full preparation course this is the thing for you let me explain to you why that is it's only 49 bucks by the way which is much cheaper than taking the real test okay so you get exams simulation what we've done is we've taken every task of the PT but instead of doing say five describe images you'll only do one and here for a repeat sentence you'll just do three so it's it's created exactly like the real PT II test and it's of the same level of difficulty all the questions have been written by expert item writers after you've completed it you will have to wait 24 to 48 hours but what happens in the meantime is our teachers are going to grade your essay and they're going to provide you feedback on all of the different parts of the essay not just the essay though we also summarized written text summarized spoken text as well as the speaking tasks such as describing mean to retell lecture read aloud and repeat sentence so one of our teachers will actually be going through and grading and marking and giving you feedback on all of those different tasks which is totally cool so you get this great feedback but then also you get this overall score report that will give you a good indication of where you're at with each of the skills but more importantly what you can do is you can click on each of these and you can go through each of the tasks to see how you're performing on each of the tasks and why that's helpful is because you might be able to identify which tasks you're struggling with maybe for example you're struggling with reorder paragraph or maybe you're doing summarized spoken text completely wrong so it's great to identify these through this mini mock test before you take your actual test kill all right and again as I said 49 bucks it's way cheaper than the real exam and you get lots and lots of great feedback all right you're now up to the listening section of PT academic the first task is called summarize spoken text it looks like this what will happen is you'll hear a lecture of between six whoops 60 and 90 seconds you'll again need to take notes and then you'll type a summary into this box here now you get ten minutes for each of these and you should use all of the ten minutes for each summarised spoken text so this one's a little bit like retail lecture in retail lecture you listen you take notes and then you speak a summary for this one you listen you take notes and you write a summary so it's almost quite equivalent and the method that we teach you from e on e to language is actually quite a similar method here okay next one it's called listening multiple choice choose multiple answers this is what it looks like and this is where you begin to manage your own time in the listening section by the way just like in reading so again you'll hear a lecture of between sort of 60 and 90 seconds you'll have a question prompt here and you'll need to go through and again you can select one or you can select more than one because more than one will always be correct but again be careful because there is negative marking in this item okay next task is very straightforward it's called listening fill-in-the-blanks this is what it looks like you can probably guess what you need to do you'll hear a lecture here and you'll see a transcript down here but there are gaps in the transcript these gaps usually consist of content words nouns verbs adjectives or adverbs very rarely will you have to write in a function word such as a preposition or article it's usually the meaningful words but you need to make sure that you spell them correctly and what you can actually do is you can actually type as you listen and use the tab key on test day to move between the gaps or if you're not comfortable with that you can use the erasable note board booklet thing or you can actually write down the words and then enter them into the gaps and then check your spelling and stuff later on okay next task is called highlight correct summary now just be aware also in PT that it might be an audiophile like we saw before or it actually might be a video okay either way it should be fine this was basically a multiple-choice question except what you're going to notice is that these are very long answer options these are these consist of two or three sentences and what you'll notice and what I'll talk about in another video is that you cannot listen and read at the same time so how can you do this one if you cannot listen to this and read this at the same time how can you get this correct well again it comes back to taking notes and this is why that that note board booklet erasable thing is so important for you we're nearly at the end now or on the third last task it's called slicked missing word it looks like this and again we have a video but it may be an audio so this time you're going to hear a relatively short audio it'll go for about thirty seconds or so and what will happen is when the speak is talking you'll be listening listening listening but the final word or the final phrase that the speaker says will be cut off and replaced by a BB type sound and so what you need to do is you need to anticipate and you can also watch the timer by the way so you know when the video or audio is going to finish and when that beeping sound will happen and then you need to go ah okay she was going to say this one here because I understood all of the context of what she was saying and I anticipate that she was going to say this word here okay listening multiple choice to single answer this one's pretty straightforward again a lecture of up to sort of 90 seconds the question prompt will be critical it's going to ask you to listen for something again it's going to say what is the opinion of the author about this or what is the speaker's attitude about this or or what is the main idea or what's the specific detail make sure you read that question prompt you get a little bit of time I think you get seven seconds before that audio starts to play that's not enough time even to read the answer options it's enough time to read that question prompt very carefully to put it into your mind and then to listen for that specific function that that that key that solution okay now are up to the second last task highlight incorrect words this is a strange one so what happens here is that you get the audio right again a lecture of between 60 and 90 seconds now here we have the transcript so it's actually the exact same words as what's said here except that some of the words differ from what the speaker says okay and so what your job is to do as soon as you see this task you move your mouse right at the beginning and you get ready because you need to move your mouse as the transcript or as the speaker begin speaking and you move move move and you identify the word that is different from the audio and you click on it and it turns yellow and you keep going you keep going you keep going and then you click on this one because it's different from what it says here and it turns yellow soon as you've done that you click Next this one actually has negative markings so if you accidentally click on one you can unclick it okay all right cool up to the final task this is the final task of the listening section and also the entire test by this stage you'll be completely exhausted by the way because you've been sitting in front of the computer for about two and a half to three hours it's extremely intellectually intense you need massive amounts of concentration to make it through this exam especially the listening section because it's the final section and what I found when I did my test was in the listening section that's when you start to get distracted because your energy levels are quite low it's also quite hard to focus on that computer screen and to listen to the audio so you really have to maintain concentration through this whole section here and also what we find with a lot of candidates is people have trouble with time management in the listening section and a lot of people don't get to the end of the listening section in the end the final task which is right from dictation here and what happens is if you don't complete all of the right from dictation tasks I eat you don't make it to the end of the exam it's going to deduct points from both you're listening score and your writing score because this task contributes points to both of those skills so it's quite critical it's not quite critical it is critical that you move efficiently through the listening section okay all of this is about practice by the way it's pretty hard to do this correctly on your first go at the PTA if you do that's fantastic if you don't come back and do some preparation okay so what happens with this one here well you'll hear a single sentence that's it a single sentence so you'll listen very carefully you'll keep that single sentence in your working memory and then what you do is you write your single sentence here in this box okay so quickly as you can after you've written it out you quickly go through and fix the spelling and the grammar and you click Next I think you get about eight of these in a row so there's quite a few and this is the last few minutes of your exam so you'll be sort of pushing through here but that's it that's the PT exam there the 20 tasks cool I hope this video is helpful if it was you can click like and leave a comment that would be lovely just before I go though I've got something important to show you I mentioned at the beginning that if you're having fundamental English language problems such as vocabulary or pronunciation or grammar issues we have this cool brand new website called e to school comm so not e - language e - language is where you do test preparation e to school is where you build your grammar skills or your vocabulary skills or your pronunciations through pronunciation skills or even your general English ski so you should check out this website here it's super cheap by the way it's nine dollars per month four per course this is far cheaper than a language school and as far as I'm concerned it's far better the content is fantastic we have live classes everything's there so even if you're thinking of taking a PT like a year from now perhaps spend a little bit of time in eetu school getting prepared anyway I hope that was helpful that was a crash course in PT academic my name is J I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 418,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, E2, E2language, E2 Language, E2 PTE, PTE E2, PTE Reading, PTE Writing, PTE Speaking, PTE Listening, PTE 2019, PTe, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 pte, e2 jay, pte speaking, pte writing, pte results, pte academic, pte class, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, e2 pte academic, pte course, e2 pte course, E2 PTE speaking, pte preparation, esl, e2jay, pte reading, in, 24, jay, pte crash course
Id: 1yun2nhygw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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