PTE Listening: Select Missing Word | SUPER METHOD!

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hello everybody my name is J I'm gonna have to expert Pte teachers here at e2 language let's have a look at listening select missing word this is method 2.0 this is what it's going to look like on test day and as you can see it's a pretty straightforward multiple choice type of question but there's a bit of a difference with this one and that is you're going to listen to an audio file and the final word or the final phrase is going to be replaced by a beep sound okay let's just do one and see how you go ready great leaders are the ones who think beyond short-term versus long-term they are the ones who know it's not about the next quarter or the next election but about the next how did you go with that line are you confident that you got the answer right let me make it a little bit simpler for you let's now turn that question into a reading type of question okay I'm going to give you 20 seconds to read the transcript of what you just listened to and I want you to select the word that would finish this paragraph in the best possible way okay you have 20 seconds starts now you okay hopefully you chose be generation that's the correct answer let's just quickly have a look at it to find out why so it says great leaders are the ones who think beyond short-term versus long-term they are the ones who know it's not about the next quarter or the next election but about the next generation so we could only get that answer B generation from the entire context of the transcript itself right you can't just guess in other words you have to listen to the whole thing and you have to understand the whole thing in order to then finally anticipate what that final word will be cool cool all right let's keep going okay let's look at some facts about this task so on test day you'll get two or three of these as I mentioned it's a multiple choice style question and you'll have between three and five answer options the number of words for each answer option will be will be between one and four okay so it might just be a single word or it might be phrase keep that in mind and as for scoring this task only contributes points to your listening score overall and I must say it is actually a really good test of your listening because if you're a good listener and you're really listening intently to somebody you should actually be able to anticipate what they're going to say it's like when people say you know I could finish your sentence I knew exactly what you're going to say cool all right what happens in this task well you get seven seconds to prepare which is quite interesting and I'll give you a little hint on how to use those seven seconds effectively in a in a minute number two the audio will start playing the audio file will be quite short between 20 and 70 seconds also just be prepared but Reaper just be prepared that you might get a video on test day as well not just an audio file but don't be distracted by the visuals in the video it's about this then number three you have to select that missing word or phrase and then you click Next pretty much as soon as you finish you click Next because there's no point hanging around with this one you were just going to eat the time eat to the time it's just going to eat into the time of your overall listening section so as soon as you know the answer or even don't know the answer just choose one click Next nothing you can do if you don't know the answer right if you have not taken PT before or if you have and you've been unsuccessful then you should check out our PT e mock test our mini mock test why is it mini because it's slightly shortened instead of sitting there for three hours you'll just sit there for like two hours so you get to do one of each of the different tasks you're gonna save really helpful feedback on on all of the speaking and writing sections as well as a good overview of what score you might get on test day so it's well worth the investment in the mini mock test okay let's have a look at the method for select missing word so the first thing you should do is read the instruction this is the only task where you actually have to read the instruction because there's a little bit of language in there that's going to help you a lot then what you're going to do is you're going to glance at the answer options you're going to be listening very carefully and you're also going to be watching the timer because as the timer gets close to being finished you know that that's when the beep sound is going to happen and that's when you're going to have to listen for the little word or phrase then you click you select one you click Next so let's go through that method one step at a time so read the instruction now most people don't really realize this but if you look up here it'll tell you what the audio will be about so this one the one that we saw before said you'll hear an audio about leadership this is pretty handy to know aright because otherwise you have no idea of what that audio is going to be about and you certainly cannot determine it from the answer options so just knowing that you're going to hear an audio file about leadership or politics or education or whatever is helpful it sort of gets your brain ready to hear that sort of vocabulary cool so you've read the instruction remember you've got seven seconds here then as the audio is playing you're going to be glancing at those answer options you're going to be listening very intently and you're going to be watching because there's going to be like a little time and type of thing here that it slowly fills up as it gets towards the end and as soon as it hits the end there that's when the beeping sound is so when you're about here you have to really watch carefully it's very helpful to do that cool then you select the right answer and then you click Next immediately that's pretty straightforward so let's put this into practice we're going to do three practice questions an easy one a medium one and a difficult one let's start with the easy one all right let's just do it away you go Italy is the home of the expresso and the Italian definition of expresso according to the Italian expresso Institute states that you begin with some six point five to seven point five grams of ground coffee you then force hot water through this ground coffee at a temperature of 86 to 90 degrees Celsius and at a pressure of some nine ATM do this for about 20 to 30 seconds and you should end up with around 23 to 27 milliliters of dark hot coffee you cool how do you think you went did you understand everything that was said it so that that final word there it just would make the most sense to complete what the speaker was saying with that word let's have a closer look at this one again I'm going to give you this in a reading style question just to reinforce just to make sure that you got it right I'll give you 20 seconds to choose a B C or D you okay so all of these words here like beans aroma taste and liquid relate to coffee so they're all yeah they're all similar or related however when you get up to this part here or actually here it's talking about forcing hot water and then it's talking about milliliters and then you're left with dark hot coffee what well what would be the only possibility here if it's measured in milliliters would be liquid so you can see that that one there were a few vocabulary style hints in there but again overall listening for that one so hopefully you chose D liquid if you're not a Youtube subscriber I'm very disappointed in you you should become one you should become one of our loyal subscribers click this little subscribe button that would be fabulous let's do another practice this one's going to be medium level of difficulty let's take a look at it so you get seven seconds so thirty or forty years ago people thought the baby's minds were a blank slate or a blooming buzzing confusion even the greatest developmental psychologist Jean Piaget thought that babies were irrational and immoral and egocentric didn't understand very much about the world and in the past 30 years or so we've discovered that just the opposite of that is true in many respects even the youngest babies are you all right this one was a little bit harder than the coffee one do you think let's have a closer look at it again let's do the reading thing I want you to read the transcript and see if you if you weren't confident with your answer listening to it see if you're more confident with your answer if you read it I'll give you 20 seconds you this one sort of the correct answer seems unlikely but the other three answer options were just definitely wrong so think about that as a process to get to the correct answer that is eliminate incorrect answer options okay even if one of the answer options seems a bit absurd or unlikely if you've eliminated the other three then it must be correct so let's read the final sentence in many respects even the youngest babies are smarter than grown-ups and that comes from this there were there was a part here that was that leads you to that we've discovered that just the opposite so Jean Piaget thought that their babies were irrational and amoral and egocentric in the past 30 years we've discovered just the opposite of that is true in many respects even the youngest babies are smarter than grown-ups also what you'll notice here is that each of those answer options are grammatically plausible that is they all fit grammatically it could be any of them grammatically this isn't a test of your grammar it's a test of meaning okey-dokey if you need help with meaning then you should check out eetu school comm a to school comm is like a sister website to e to language test prep and what it does is build your fundamental English language skills in pronunciation vocabulary grammar general English listening reading writing speaking we've even got a spelling course on the way it's very inexpensive so if you're if you need more than just test preparation okay you need to build your English skills maybe you've actually failed the test a few times check out a to school comm it could help you out all right let's do practice number three this is gonna be the hard one you have seven seconds what about the forgeries can you tell immediately they are often extremely good in fact there is quite a prominent example I think it was in 1991 at a Sotheby's sale in New York there was an important auction of African art and there was this one in the form of a ram and it sold for quite a lot of money and an investigation by Belgian journalists reveals that the back half of it was the original part and the whole front half had been modelled by a local Potter in Bamako I mean it's a testament to the skill of these forgers they are actually you okay that one was pretty tough because it was using some uncommon sophisticated vocabulary let's have a look at the transcript here I'll give you 20 seconds to quickly read the transcript pause the video if you need more time you okay so the key phrase there that really gives away the answer there is that final sentence which says I mean it's a testament to the skill of these forges they are actually extremely good artists would be the most appropriate way to finish that sentence and that paragraph that gives that paragraph overall meaning and context okay overall meaning in context that'll do cool bananas all right so hopefully you got be there cool thanks very much for watching if you do need any more help do check out e to language comm it comes with live classes one-on-one tutorial smart questions speaking and writing feedback everything you need to succeed on your PT e academic thanks for watching I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 58,650
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Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte class, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, esl, e2, PTE Speaking, E2 PTE Speaking, PTE speaking, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, The PTE Listening Test, Select Missing Word, PTE Listening, pte, SMW
Id: mXHx_GzkgYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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