PTE Writing: Summarize Written Text | SUPER METHOD!

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hey there my name is jay i'm one of the expert teachers here at e2 language let's take a look at writing summarized written text method 2.0 by the way only half of these new methods are on youtube all of the methods are on so if you go there you're going to find all of these videos cool let's get started okie dokie so this is what it looks like on test day and you're going to notice a few things here one is importantly you've got this big chunk of text here right now this will come in a single paragraph or multiple paragraphs here we have one two three paragraphs here up here you're going to have the timer and down here you've got a little text box where you are going to write a single sentence one sentence one sentence that's it what you have to do or the name of the game is to summarize all of that writing into a single sentence that captures the main idea of it and any important sub ideas okay let's take a look at some of the facts so you're going to get one or two of these on test day it has integrated scoring that is it will contribute points to both your writing score and your reading score obviously because you're going to have to read and understand those paragraphs or that paragraph before you write your sentence you are scored on content that is you write on topic and you capture the main idea and any important sub ideas you also scored on length from you either get zero or you get one that is you write between at least five words and it max 75 words now we have a sort of magic number that i'll tell you a little bit later on you also scored on grammar accuracy and range from zero one or two points and vocabulary zero one or two points okay so let's talk about timing because you get 10 minutes in total to complete this task and if you finish early say it eight minutes the time does not carry on or carry over to the next task so you should spend and use all of the 10 minutes on this task so you should spend about three or four minutes reading reading is a critical aspect here basically if you don't understand what's being said in the paragraphs your sentence will not get a good score for content and if you're totally off topic you'll actually get zero for everything you should spend about five or six minutes writing a single sentence it's kind of interesting when you do this and you practice you'll find yourself sort of writing and rewriting and rearranging and rewriting until you're happy with the sentence you you finally end up with you should also spend some time checking your sentence to make sure that it's free of grammatical errors that the vocabulary is right that it makes sense the punctuation's good etc okay let me provide you some reading tips basically there's two ways to sort of read this text one is you find the main idea of the whole text right the paragraph or the paragraphs will have a central idea a one single sort of main idea and they'll also be one two or possibly three important sub ideas okay that's the first way that the paragraphs might express the meaning a central idea with some sub ideas or like in the example we're about to do you'll have to find the main idea of each paragraph and then turn that into your sentence okay so let's take a closer look at this this is what you're going to have to read in this video uh it's three paragraphs we're not going to read it now but what i do recommend you do on test day is spend some time reading it from beginning to end before you start writing before you even start thinking about creating your sentence again read for the central idea and important sub ideas or read for the main idea in each paragraph so you are now up to writing after you've read it and here are some writing tips when you write you're gonna have to play with the sentence you're gonna have to move parts around you'll find yourself doing this naturally rearranging it you need to make your sentence complex you're going to have to use words like which that or who in the sentence to make it technically a complex sentence that is it's going to have a main clause and a subordinate clause or subordinate clauses i think you should avoid words like however and therefore because these words put in the middle of the sentence in between two sentences usually indicate that it's actually two sentences it's pretty difficult to write a sentence with a comma however and then continue on usually you have to put a full stop and start a new sentence and because this task requires you to write a single sentence you run the risk of writing what's called a run-on sentence which is not good you can use words like although and despite but use them at the start of the sentence right one of those sentences like although that's a good way to write one of these sentences because that discourse marker although despite as whatever it is it will create a grammatical sentence if it's at the start of the sentence and the magical number i think or we think at e2 language is around 30 to 40 words you do not need to write up to 75 words you do not get more points for a longer sentence you do need to write certainly more than five words the magic number is about 30 to 40 words in if you write 30 to 40 words you're capturing the main idea the sub ideas etc okay so let's do a little activity what i've done is i've taken the three paragraphs and i've separated them so what we're looking at here is paragraph one what i want you to do is just to turn paragraph one into a sentence right then we're gonna do the same thing for paragraph two and three then we're going to combine our three sentences together into a single sentence so we've captured all three main ideas okay so i'm going to give you two minutes to read this very carefully again and to write a sentence that captures the main idea and then we'll compare it to mine away you go okay so let's take a look at my sentence here this one i think captures the main idea of that paragraph there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing gum including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base right now i have taken some words from that paragraph and that's fine i have to use words like gum base or sweeteners flavors there's no synonyms for them but i haven't stolen complete phrases there i've picked out keywords i've really thought about it myself and i've written that summary myself of what i think is the main idea here which is about the ingredients that make up chewing gum let's do the same thing for paragraph two i'm going to give you two minutes you can pause the video if you want to read this carefully and write a sentence that summarizes the main idea away you go okay let's take a look at my summary i said this while the gum base is not digestible the sweeteners and flavorings are okay that's what i think is the main essence or the main idea or the central idea of that paragraph let's do the same thing for number three you have two minutes to write your one sentence summary here okay so if i look at mine i said contrary to popular belief the gum base is eventually excreted if swallowed okay that was the central idea of that one of course there's many different ways you can write this summary here hopefully yours was similar to mine though okay now that we have our three summaries we're going to combine them into a single sentence and what you're going to find yourself doing on test day is sort of rearranging moving parts you might take that part put it in the middle and take that part and put it at the start take a piece and move it this is just natural until you find yourself with a good solid logical and meaningful sentence okay so you're going to spend about one or two minutes sort of rearranging your sentence this is the first draft of mine and it's not bad let's take a look it's 33 words i wrote there are a variety of ingredients that make up chewing gum that can be digested including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base that cannot be digested but can be excreted it's pretty good it's a good one but then i looked and i thought i can make this better so then i did this i rearranged it a bit i've lost a couple of words i'm still above 30 words i wrote chewing gum consists of a variety of ingredients that can be digested including sweeteners and flavors as well as a gum base that cannot be digested but can be excreted cool there you go that's how you do it let me give you some final tips here so you can use single words or maybe short phrases directly from the text but really you should be trying to create this summary yourself using your own brain you should use synonyms and paraphrase where possible what you should not do is push two sentences together okay try to avoid that and i guess you know when you're doing the reading and the writing what you're really doing there is yes you're finding the main idea but in order to find that main idea you have to eliminate a lot of information you have to ignore a lot of that text to come to that central idea okay cool just before you go if you haven't yet taken the pte mini mock test on you should check it out it's a great mock test because it gives you results that will be close or you know nearly the same as your actual test but more importantly you're going to get feedback on all of your writing including summarized written text and you'll get feedback on all of your speaking as well as a good score report that shows you every task and how you're performing in every task anyway check it out at where you can sign up for free ciao [Music] you
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 122,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, E2 Language, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte class, pte retell lecture, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, esl, The PTE Reading Test, e2, PTE Speaking, Super Method, Super, Method, PTE 2020, PTE writing, essay tips, E2 PTE Writing, summarize written text, Summarize Written Text, Written Text PTE, pte text
Id: c4XPKaWJjd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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