Write From Dictation PTE Tips and Tricks

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hi all of my subscribers this is jimmy sam all the way from sydney australia your free pte youtube tutor today i'll be focusing in one of the big four modules in pte which is right from dictation now i covered the other one of the big fours read aloud in the other video i have put all the tips and tricks of read aloud in a single video so if you haven't checked it out i'll put it in the link above so when you have time check it out without any further delay let's dig into right from dictation [Music] so the first question that we are going to cover is how important is right from dictation right from dictation contributes massively on both writing and listening score you can't really give this up ruling right from dictation and getting a score in in writing it's virtually impossible so let me quickly explain what right from dictation is it's the last question type that comes out in the listening module which means this is the last question type you'll be completing in the exam you will be getting seven seconds preparation time and audio recording of a sentence will be played and you have to write what you have heard there is no time limit for these questions but overall time limit of listening module still applies sounds simple right let's have a look at an example together [Music] the bank is hoping to tap into a fast growing market not so easy right so how should you answer right from dictation so during the seven second preparation time it's too short to do anything really just be prepared mentally and take a deep breath while the audio recording is played you may take notes with a pen an erasable notepad booklet which will be given to you on the day of the exam or you can take notes straight onto the computer screen in the answer box i personally advise all my students to do this [Music] how is it scored now this is a very important point that everyone should know it's one of the biggest hint that i can give you in related to right from dictation if you don't know this you're doing it the hard way it's like comparing your walking when everyone else is driving and this is very closely related to how right from dictation is actually scored you get one point for every word spelled correctly that you you write down type it in and you get zero points if you misspell anything and for every incorrect word now let me repeat zero points for every incorrect answer not a negative point so does that mean that you get penalized for your incorrect answers the answer is no this is unbelievable this gives us an unbelievable advantage why let me give you my first tip so this means that if you're unsure of a word and you can't decide whether it was a or b by both if you're unsure of the spelling of a word for example you're unsure whether it's necessary with one c or necessary with two c's write both if you're unsure whether the article der goes in front of a noun just write it just in case so if you basically if you're confused write everything how good is that tip number two as you listen type the first letters of the word that you hear now i'm sure you've heard this tip before and i tried it myself too and i didn't really like this tip or method because the audio was a bit too fast and even if i write the first letter of every letter when i come back to it i didn't realize what the word was it was difficult at first so i tried writing only in the first one letter of the word for every word that i heard instead of typing i tried writing with the pen onto the onto the paper as i listened but i have to say typing is much faster and easier i also tried writing three or four letters of each word but this was too much for long sentences i couldn't keep up with the speed of the audio although my typing is pretty fast so my advice is just write one or two first letters of each word and if you practice typing it will get easier and easier as you practice more tip number three fast typing now there are two things as you listen to the audio you should take notes down you can either write your notes straight onto the answer box and type it onto this computer screen or you can use the given pen and write it down with your with your pen that's really up to you but i typed my answers straight onto the box straight away and take my notes and take my i type as i listen and i advise all of my students to do so as well now if you're a slow typer i advise you to practice typing and do it but if you really don't like typing you can use a pen but in the on the long run assuming that you're preparing this exam for at least a month or two or even more you should definitely practice typing and get used to it i'll link where you can practice uh computer typing on this weapon there are many typing practice websites but this one was pretty fun it kind of felt like a game you you get better at it and you level up tip number four so i told you to as you listen to the audio and take notes straight onto the computer but don't correct yourself as you do so you have more time later on and you can come back to and correct yourself i don't want you to correct your spelling or grammar or correct your typing mistakes because then you'll miss the next part of the audio which is not good so don't correct your typing mistakes quickly and roughly write down what you have heard while it is in your head before it evaporates you will have time later to correct your spelling and etc now on the side note the official pte guideline tells you to consider grammatical mistakes and grammatical grammar as you type your answers but if you if you know your grammar that well and able to pick up your answers using grammar you wouldn't be doing pte would you you'll be doing ielts if you're that good in grammar so it's not a really realistic advice tip number five in front of all nouns put article a or the in front of nouns just in case don't trust your hearing just put it you won't get penalized anyway tip number six exercise high intensity interval training hiit now this may sound very weird but we are not designed to study 24 7. it's impossible there has been a study that says high intensity cardio training like burpees significantly improves focusing whereas regular cardio exercises like running helps in overall memory so we should do some cardio and high intensity interval training exercises by the way weights don't really help us in pte too much but they have shown to improve stress control and prevent depression tip number seven some words to be careful words that end with s or e d d e d t e d are quite easily missed most of the time so it's the s sound it sound dirt sound and t sound watch the pronunciation video if you are a korean learner i've explained everything in that video one more thing that you have to be careful is the the spelling mistakes that people usually make with i e or e i so get this straight for example when you're writing receive it's e i and when you write believe it's ie how to practice right from dictation there are some people out there who get questions from question banks like 200 300 or even 500 and just memorize everything wow i respect you there are some people who are like that and i'm not going to stop you if that works for you go ahead sometimes being ruthless works but i like efficient methods i hate memorizing so what i do is i put myself in a situation where my brain just has to memorize i don't do the memorizing my brain does it itself let me explain i practice every day and i don't even try to memorize and if you do this long enough and repetitive enough within a few days you get familiar with these questions and sentences and you naturally memorize them i hate trying to memorize these equations or sentences or words but trust your brain all human brains are they work like computers you just have to put the input and enough information with enough exposure and repetition itself is going to memorize let me introduce and let me tell you how i prepared right from dictation now step one for beginners go to my right from dictation for beginners practice video in here the audio is played a little bit slowly and the sentences are a bit short so it will be a bit easier for you to do them but if you're not a beginner you can move straight on to the standard practice videos step 2 do 10 questions at a time read retain questions answers before you start i've put them in the description box familiarize yourself to the question step 3 play the practice video and write down what you have heard if you got 100 correct yes 100 not 99 100 congratulations move on to the next question but if you've got even one incorrect word try it again until you get it right step four when you complete 10 questions this is round one and i say do at least at least one round every day if you feel like doing it more you're welcome but you have to tell yourself you know i'm going to do one round at least one round every day if you don't do even one round a day just just give up pt what whatever happens you know unless an earthquake occurs right unless a bomb goes off you can do one round each day so how i approach is when i whenever i study i set an amount a minimal amount that i have to do so which means i set my goals very low and i do them every day and when i feel like doing it i might do two rounds or three rounds but i will at least do one round every day if you set your goals very low you get a very high study satisfaction level and which is very important when you're studying for a long time and when you set your goals as one round and if you do two rounds you feel like you've done a lot and when you do three rounds you he feels like you've done a lot more and you get a lot more satisfaction out of it so doing more questions actually gives you a joy a feeling of satisfaction it feels like you've achieved something but let's say you overdo it you set your goals i'm gonna do 10 rounds every day and if you don't do it you've done eight rounds if you feel like a loser you've lost and you haven't done the study that you've supposed to be doing but you've done eight rounds already so usually people are very mentally very weak unless you're trained to study for a long period of time there's no doubt about it a regular practice is the success is the key to success in pte preparation i can definitely say it is better to do 10 minutes every day than to do two hours once a week and as you do more practice questions you'll realize that most of the questions use similar words and the sentences are quite similar to one another so over time you'll get easier and easier to tell yourself when you first start that's the hardest that you'll ever feel the more you practice the easier it's going to become don't think that you have to memorize all these questions you're just getting familiar to the sentences and questions so getting familiar with the questions and practicing every day is very important so if you found this video worth your time you can show your appreciation by liking this video and share it with the people that you think they need thanks good luck practicing take my tips trust me on this and i'll see you in my next video
Channel: PTE Jimmyssem 지미쌤 피티이
Views: 87,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: write from dictation, pte wfd, pte academic, write from dictation pte, write from dictation pte tips and tricks, write from dictation pte tips, pte write from dictation, pte write from dictation tips and tricks, wfd pte, pte dictation tips and tricks, pte tips and tricks, write from dictation tips and tricks, pte listening write from dictation, pte tricks and tips, pte listening, pte tricks, pte tips to get good score, pte tips, tips for write from dictation pte, writing pte
Id: wGeoso1lQLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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