PTE - Summarize Spoken Text & Re-Tell Lecture - Best Note Taking Strategy

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hello guys this is summit Kajal here once again from study hub guys I'm here to help students solve another issue now these days unseeing a lot of students are facing this issue with listening summary which is called summarize spoken text as well as reach a lecture in speaking so what's really happening is guys students are using different templates in the race of using the templates they are not actually focusing on the content and they're losing a lot of marks recently within within this last on this particular month I went about 11 to 12 students fixing their score in listening and speaking mainly because of Rita lecture as well as summarize spoken text right for example I'll tell you exactly what students are doing and then I'm gonna tell you what we are supposed to do so normally students i this this lecture was a brief summary about people it was mentioned in the lecture about interesting fact it was also mentioned most savvy the lecture not only talked about the British but it also talked about US general the overall purpose of the lecture was to talk about Mexico as well as 1996 that is what students are doing and that is the reason why students are losing marks so the way this marking works for richer lecture guys please based on your content if you content you're just describing some basic elements but nor a clear key points and there interrelations you're not going to get the marks in order to get five in content or in order to score high a student must talk about all the student retells all the points of the presentations and describes characters aspects and actions their relationships the underlying development implication and conclusion what I mean by character is well what do they mean by character is if there is the talk is between two people a university lecturer and a speaker rather than just mentioning the name even if you're just mentioning this lecture was about wherever the topic was in which a student was asked or a lecturer was asked or or a parent was asked white or a teacher was asked white so something that talks about the character that particular and discussion that's one thing that's needed there their relationship now I'm gonna talk about the relationship as well implication and conclusion I'm going to talk about all these things in your summarised spoken text as well content is important I'm not gonna too much into the scoring criteria now because I want to keep the video as short as possible and I want you to learn as much as possible from this video the main idea the main objective of this video is to teach you how to cover content means how to take notes in reach and lecture how to take notes in your summarised spoken text the main problem is students don't know how to take notes what to write but not to write if you watch this lecture properly full video without skipping I can promise the problem will be solved at least 60 to 70 percent and with a bit more practice you'll be able to solve this problem 100% right I'm gonna try to keep this video as short as possible but I'm gonna try to keep it as explainatory as possible as well so we are clear with everything so rather than talking about keywords we need to focus on key phrases key points first of all guys a lot of students can't even understand the main topic and what is it explaining so the first activity so I'm going to talk about two to three activities that you have to do the first activity is you do not need to take any notes for for the first activity right so for the first activity you're gonna hear this lecture with me I'm gonna play it in a minute your task is to just tell me what's the topic and what did it explain what's the topic and what did it explain so everything that we are getting we're gonna be writing this lecture was about - means topic which explained how write which explained how or we can use what or we can use that as well right but we're gonna stick with how for the moment which explained how write this lecture was about - which explained how so let's have a look at this you have to practice this activity for at least 10 to 15 questions I'm gonna try to practice at least 3 to 4 questions with you if not fine right at least 3 to 4 if not five we're gonna do it right now right and make sure you don't skip the video make sure you watch it properly I promise you'll learn quite a lot with this I'm gonna talk about the first step then second step and then the third step right so let's start with step number one I've been asked to speak today about the purpose of museums and I think that's something we often take for granted that we have museums and we need museums but with so much information available now online people have access to whatever it is they want to know so I think we need to consider carefully just what it is that we expect of our museums today what makes them relevant in the information age clearly we've got to move beyond the early 20th century concept of a warehouse full of old remarkable untouchable objects this warehouse idea does very little to inspire people what museum professionals need to do what they should be doing is make their collections and programs work towards the purpose of education so whether that means having more hands-on exhibits becoming involved with other community organizations they should be doing whatever it takes to think about their visitors to engage people to educate them and in that way they can be instruments of social change if they have knowledge and understanding of the people who visit and the people they want to come and visit they can take this as a starting point for providing exhibitions and services that are relevant to people's lives now guys so I hope you have not taken any note I want you to understand the text and what they are saying sometimes in the race of taking notes for example new museum some people what they do is they write museum they'll write a researcher they'll write education they'll write something else a few key words and then they're gonna say it was also mentioned about education moreover that the speaker talked about museum moreover the speaker also mentioned highlighted this in they just talk about keywords but not even a single key phrase right what we need is the topic and what it'd explain so in this particular topic the topic was about purpose of Museum I'm gonna play this one more time just the beginning I've been asked to speak today about the purpose of museums and I think that's something we often take for granted so this lecture was about purpose of Museum which explained how museums should be used in this information age so one one thing we can say is which explained how museums should be used now whenever this thing we need to we should we must it is always an important information important piece of information anything then they are giving any kind of suggestion it is necessary to it is we should understand we must it is always important so in this case they are saying let's listen make their collections and programs work does very little to inspire people what museum professionals need to do what what museum professionals need to do right so these are suggestion they should be doing is make their collections and programs work towards the purpose of Education right so they are saying that they should make their programs toward the purpose of Education so what they are saying is they're giving a suggestion basically how a museum should be used for community engagement programs education those sort of things right or we can also say and I think that's something we often take for granted that we have museum people have access to whatever it is they want to know so I think we need to consider carefully just what it is that we expect of our museums today okay so we can also say this lecture was about purpose of the museum which explained what is expected out of museum or or which talked about what is expected out of museum or which explained how museums should be used right so that's all we need in the first passage what is the topic and then what did it explain right let's try this with the second activity for the first activity you're doing it for 10 lectures you're only understanding you're only focusing on two thing and trust me your your note-taking skills will be excellent after this not just this part this is the first step we're gonna be taking three steps in total right um it takes maximum one and a half bar to fix not taking yes I know some people are not able to understand a lot of stuff as well but if you focus on this lecture I'm not gonna talk about anything difficult I'm only gonna talk about something very simple right what is the topic what it did explain let's try it for the next one right and I want you to understand I want you to get this right before me right what I want to look at today is the question of how much technology if a pen can indeed be called technology perhaps I should say the instrument of writing effects a writer style and level of production I also want to consider I've got my answer already this lecture was about instrument of writing which explained how the instrument of writing can affect the style of a writer or perhaps level of production right so listen to this what I want to look at today is the question of how much technology if a pen can indeed be called technology perhaps I should say the instrument of writing affects a writer's style and level of production I also want to consider other factors that may have an effect on prose styles such as personal right so this lecture was about instrument of writing which explained how instrument of writing can affect the style of a writing style of a writer right so we without even listening to full audio we were able to get this right let's try this with the next one now as we all know it has long been the habit in many countries that teachers give homework to school children of all ages so I'm already getting guessing this this lecture is about homework right this lecture is about homework or homework given by teachers which explained we'll find out what it is explained which explained something so let's try this for now as we all know it has long been the habit in many countries that teachers give homework to school children of all ages despite the fact that a minority of educators don't agree with this practice it is never serious sleeping question or challenge before okay so this lecture was about homework which explained how minority of educators do not what did they say mean have it in many countries that teachers give homework to school children of all ages despite the fact that a minority of educators don't agree with this practice it is never seriously being questioned or challenged before good so this lecture was about teachers giving homework to school children which explained how it this idea has or this concept has never been questioned right or which explained how minority of educators do not believe in this practice right or this lecture was about homework which explained how some people do not believe in this practice right that's all we have to do what I'm saying is whatever we are doing everybody is gonna be different here right the purpose understanding the passage is gonna be a little bit different but we need something from the content itself in order to score high rather than getting something from our template which size for example this lecture this was a beautiful lecture about homework which was mentioned homework should be given it wasn't mentioned this than that rather than making up a story we are getting the content from the from the audio itself now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play one more audio but this time I'm gonna play the full audio right and let's see if you can get the topic don't take any notes just the topic and what did it explain right topic and what did it explain now as urban planners what we really need to start considering is the amount of space allocated for residential areas within a city or town and when I say space I'm talking about space within a dwelling or home rather than the actual size of residential areas there's growing concern that the internal space of new homes is becoming far smaller too small in fact maybe you're thinking is it important for residents to have sufficient space is it merely a preference to have more space or are there more serious implications is there in fact any evidence to suggest cramped living conditions affect residents physical or mental well-being or their day-to-day life well research from a number of sources indicates that this is an important issue which needs addressing cramped conditions can lead to aggressive behavior to family tensions psychological anguish and in the more extreme cases physical illness as well not only this but there is a proven link between overcrowding and the social and emotional development of children as well as their educational attainment so the main issue here is that residents require enough individual space to be able to live and function together but with sufficient private space for personal time within the home right so this lecture was about residential space or this lecture was about amount of residential space but which explained how residential space is shrinking day by day or which explained how residential space affects the well-being affair of an individual right or how shrinking or how residence hill space affects the well-being or health of a of an individual right that's all we need to do is it too difficult I don't think let's try one more of this just the topic and the topic and what did it explain and after that we're gonna move on to the next part well what I want to focus on now is climate change more specifically on the fact that climate change is a result of human activities now there has been some disagreement regarding the extent to which human activity can be blamed for climate change but I want to argue that there is evidence which clearly demonstrates that our own actions really are causing a genuine threat the available evidence seems to indicate fairly conclusively so what of the set this lecture was about climate change which explained how human activities are responsible for the change of climate well what I want to focus on now is climate change topic is about climate change more specifically on the fact that climate change is a result of human activities which explained how human activity has affected the climate or which explains or which blames human activity for the for this change so we can say anything we like as well as long as it's relevant right so the main key phrases are human activities or human actions being responsible and the topic is climate change right that's all we have to do after this rather than saying the lecture talked about climate it also talked about change rather than doing all this what we want is we want two key points just two key points and that's all we need right two key points and we need one supporting point as well but two key points is the main thing that we need right how do we get two key points I don't want tiny words I don't want tiny phrases I want two full sentences now this video I'm focusing on students who are not able to take notes there are some people who are pretty good at taking notes and and they can use the other strategies that I've described in other video as well which is rather a little bit difficult but this one is much easier all I need is two sentences took complete sentences that's all I need from this lecture right so I'm going to play this audio one more time that the probably will try the same one that we've heard before all I need is to keep er himself to this right and what we cannot write us it was clearly mentioned - and - so it was clearly mentioned - we need a sentence and - another key point right or it was clearly mentioned - however - so we can use either use and or however however if it's contradiction and if it is similar if you're not sure how to use what do you simply use and and that will work everywhere right let's let's try this one what I want to look at today is the question of how much technology if a pen can indeed be called technology perhaps I should say the instrument of writing effects a writer style and level of production I also want to consider other factors that may have an effect on prose styles such as personality educational background and so on now production levels aren't so hard to measure in relation to the writing instrument used the quill pen for instance would need continual refilling and resharpening which led to a leisurely balanced style of prose full of simple sentences writing took a lot longer than now and the great novelists of the 18th century fielding Smollett Richardson had a relatively small output though some of their books ran to enormous lengths by the middle of the 19th century the fountain pen had been invented it didn't need such constant refilling which can account for the more flowing discursive style of say Dickens and Thackeray as well as their tremendous output then came the typewriter whose purpose once he got the hang of it was to speed up the writing process and was therefore much favored by journalists so I'm gonna stop the chair in this particular stage you can take notes right so now we are taking notes this lecture was about no it's not about what to write it's actually more about what not to write right so you can't just take everything as your key points right you need to differentiate what's important what's not as well which we do cover in the lesson that is in our unlimited course and some on 21 day challenge and all those courses but keeping this video short I'm going to focus more on how to Train key points right so how to take key points what I have is I've taken some of you may have taken similar key points let's see let's double check so the first key point that I have taken is the quill the quill pen they have mainly talked about three instruments of writing one was quill pen second was this fountain pen and then third was the typewriter all right now I don't expect everybody to to read everything and get all these points and I'm gonna give you some scenarios where some students may have taken some key points and others may have taken other key points so some students may have taken this key point the quill pen needed continuous refilling now what we are not saying is we don't have to say this the lecture also mentioned refilling right that's not a keyword or a key phrase we need a full sentence the quill pen needed continuous refilling the second pour key point that some students may have taken is in the 19th century fountain pen was invented right found in the 19th century fountain pen was invented I believe most of you should have been able to get this if not I'm gonna play this one more time and then some of you may have also noticed which gave rise to a more discursive style of writing but I don't expect this from a load of students just this 19th century fountain pen was invented right then there was another one another point in which they talked about the typewriters right so let's listen to the typewriter a little bit more now then came the typewriter whose purpose once he got the hang of it was to speed up the writing process and was therefore much favored by journalists okay so typewriter and the purpose of the stud the typewriter was to speed up the writing process and then it was also favored by journalists so that's what we have what I can do now is I'm gonna write it was clearly mentioned the quill pen needed continuous refilling and in the 19th century fountain pen was invented it's the simplest way of writing nothing is wrong there but it's easy right it's easy so what we're doing is it was clearly mentioned that the quill pen needed continuous refilling and in the 19th century fountain pen was invented right next sentence you're gonna be writing it was also mentioned right simply say it was also mentioned that the typewriters that the purpose of the typewriter was to speed up the writing process right so what we are doing is even though we are not getting all the points straight away like exactly we're not getting there were three pens the first instrument that was introduced was quill pen which needed continuous refilling even if you're not organizing it right we are still covering a lot of content and we should score high and I've tested what I am saying on the mock exam multiple times you'll get 90 out of 90 doing exactly what we're discussing right now so after that we can say it was also mentioned it was also mentioned typewriters were favored by journalists or we can say it was also mentioned the purpose of typewriter was to speed up the writing process there is one more sentence but you don't need to understand anything from the content which I'm going to explain after in a few minutes let's try this one more time with a different lecture so your task is topic topic what did it explain key point one key point to write and also mentioned is just a key word or a tiny sentence that you can get if you can get it right so key point one key point two but I don't need a small word I need a full sentence if you are able to take four the first key point you have taken instrument of writing for the second one you have got it was mentioned that the quill pen could change the word right I want you to use the second set test which is a full sentence not just the tiny word right let's try this ow as urban planners what we really need to start considering is the amount of space allocated for residential areas within a city or town and when I say space I'm talking about space within a dwelling or home rather than the actual size of residential areas there's growing concern that the internal space of new homes is becoming far smaller to small in fact maybe you're thinking is it important for residents to have sufficient space is it merely a preference to have more space or are there more serious implications is there in fact any evidence to suggest cramped living conditions affect residents physical or mental well-being or their day-to-day life well research from a number of sources indicates that this is an important issue which needs addressing cramped conditions can lead to aggressive behavior to family tensions psychological anguish and in the more extreme cases physical illness as well not only this but there is a proven link between overcrowding and the social and emotional development of children as well as their educational attainment so the main issue here is that residents require enough individual space to be able to live and function together but with sufficient private space for personal time within the home yes guys so this lecture was about residential space which explained how internal space of homes is becoming far smaller or how smaller space or cramped living conditions can affect the health and well-being of a of an individual right anything that you feel the passage was about and but it has to be from the audio itself nothing out of the topic right um this lecture was about residential space or amount of space allocated for residential area or this lecture was about simply this lecture was about amount of residential space which explained how internal space of new homes is becoming smaller and smaller it was clearly mentioned that cramped living conditions can affect the well-being of residents or it was clearly mentioned cramped living conditions can affect residents physical or mental well-being but or you can simply say craft living conditions can affect the residents and multiple ways if you don't remember exactly what the key word was right it was mentioned craft living conditions can affect the residents physical and mental well-being it was also mentioned that cramped conditions can lead to aggressive behavior or you can say cramped living conditions can leave to aggressive behavior family tension and psychological anguish right or simply cramped living conditions can lead to aggressive behavior it was also mentioned cramped living conditions can lead to family tension right um or cramped living conditions can lead to more extreme cases right whatever you have written or simply say craft living conditions can can to illness or physical illness right anything that you want to write down that you have taken as notes and then all you need to do is overall overall the purpose of the lecture was if you're able to find the purpose of the lecture that's the best thing in the whole word but a lot of time students who are not able to find the purpose they don't know the exact purpose of the lecture so what this should do is whatever they have said in the first line which explained how they can repeat the same thing and they are still covering the content right the overall the purpose of the lecture was to explain how internal space can or how residential space can affect the well-being of individuals write anything that you've said in the beginning let's try this with one more last message and I hope it's helping is it true you once said that English as a subject at university literature I mean was a soft option that it was just doing what you enjoy doing anyway that is reading books no I didn't in fact I was arguing and on occasions still have to argue the opposite this goes back to the very beginning of English as an academic subject there was a demand for it but the universities themselves didn't take it seriously as an academic discipline so to cut a long story short they would only accept its place in the curriculum if it was made more difficult what I said was that too many people do think of it as a soft option if you want to find out just how rigorous of course it can be ask any of my students if you were to try to read the books on the list for one semester as a leisure activity you wouldn't get through them let alone reading them with the proper attention and then having to come up with a suitable and well-thought-out critical response and and it's not just about the set books there's the whole cultural context to take into account right guys what was the lecture about this lecture was about English as a subject so I'll tell you what I've understood right and then we'll discuss the key points so this lecture was about English as a subject at the University in which a lecturer so lecturers the character remember how the said mentions the characters a lecturer was quotient if English was a soft option right to which he he argued no in fact he said how people used to think it is a soft option there was a demand for it but universities said they they won't accept it as a subject at university unless it is made more difficult right and he also said that if you had to read books as a lessor activity for the whole term you won't be able to finish it let alone understanding the whole cultural context that surrounds those books so that's what they have said right a lot of people a lot of students can't get the whole idea so what you probably would have Garris Boris so I'm assuming you've got university did not take it seriously that's one key point you've got if you have just written uni University wrong right wrong so if you just say University it was also mentioned University no it's no good and it's not going to give you the score so University did not take it seriously there was demand for it students have to understand the cultural context that surrounds or if you've probably got some other point right so you can simply say this lecture was about English as a subject at university or this lecture was about English subject which explains that English is not a soft option but it was clearly mentioned that universities were not taking it seriously and they wanted it to be made more difficult right it was also mentioned it's very difficult to read all the books within the term or within the allocated term that so if you simply go this as well you're still doing very well right you're still doing very well so simply this lecture was about English as a subject at university or this subject was about English subject which explained their English is not a soft option it was clearly mentioned that the lecturer stated English is not a soft option or it was clearly mentioned that there was a demand for it but the universities were not taking it or however the universities were not taking it seriously it was also mentioned what was also mentioned it was also mentioned universities wanted it to be more made more difficult or it was also mentioned that students have to understand the world cultural context that surrounds right those sort of sentences just some sentences we need right not just keywords and by doing this we can definitely get a high score in listening summary which is summarized spoken text and speaking summary which is retail lecture because I know some of you may say sir I can't do it and what you're doing is you're just fooling yourself by practicing three or four questions for 20 minutes you're saying you can't do it you hundred percent right you can't do it right either way when you say you can or you can't you're right there are two types of people who would stand under mount of rest and say I'm gonna climb this mountain of rest and there are people who have climbed Mount Everest the people have reached moon as well right and but then there are other people who are gonna say we're gonna stand on the Mount of rest and say I can't do it and the other person right they can't do it there are people who have died doing this as well the hunt wasn't right so if you want to do it you'll have to believe you can do it there is nothing impossible in this world word do not fall for wrong things by doing wrong things what I mean by wrong things is so talking about it was also mentioned this it was also mentioned that you're not getting the score right you're definitely not getting the score by doing all this and for those who say I can't do it don't tell me this thing until and unless you've practiced at least 15 to 20 retell lectures once you've practiced 15 to 20 retell lectures then you can talk to me then tell me if you can't do it I'll help you with another video making it much easier as well but this thing is easy itself you can do it it's easy don't tell yourself that you can't do it there is nothing in the word that you can't do it English is not a gift given by God that he gave it to some people some don't have it it's a it's a skill I have learnt it my students have learnt it and you can learn it as well and that is how we have improved these students from mere 35 to 90 as well in some cases and we have improved a lot of students by teaching the right strategies and techniques guys it's a skill you can do it have confidence just tell yourself you can do it and you have to do it and you will do it I can promise the sky's you will do it practice at least 20 of them with the right strategy and then tell me if you can do it or not write in the comment section as well if it was helpful and tell me write in the comment section that you are going to practice it and that you are going to do it if you want to learn these type of strategies lessons in more detail and you want personalized attention you want someone to connect your work every day give you the feedback as well you can check out some of our online courses in our unlimited course your edit to groups where there are three teachers at all given times and they help you with the feedback every day each and every day I know some people are reluctant and are scared of online courses but trust me everything is going online our online courses are the best courses that you can ever get and I can show you some of the reviews as well that I'm gonna talk about right now hi my name is today I would like to share my experience at study her so in as I live in Australia so it was very difficult for me in my hectic life to go and attend the classes regularly so Smith sir guided me that I can go for the online course the most important thing I like about the studio is the teachers they are really friendly and though they are really really helpful and they all have really good experience in Pte they all provide feedback to all of the students regularly and help the students through severe this ten hi my name is Artie from India I highly recommend study of online course due to its strategies and logics which we learn here rather than tips and tricks it will definitely help us to achieve our desired score hello everyone my name is because oneself I have enrolled in study hub PT online course and I must say the strategies techniques and material along with the attention they provide is up to the bond it's recommended to all fellow students who want to play PT thank you hi my name is Yost pencil and I completed my course of PT from study hub online the most good thing about study hub is that I study how to provide the strategies that is useful in the long run I would recommend all the people who are joining PT to go to study hub online course all the actual course so that they can get this good in a short time hi this is Judy I'm from India I will be highly recommended study how for PT preparation because it words not only money but also at valuable time hey guys I'm Mohammad Kashyap and I declare our study how PT e online course I call all the student or there was telling to get their PT East go in the shortest possible time hi guys my name is Luis Carlos from Chile I just want to tell you that I study hop online courses are great and they can give you all the cues that you need to get your desire score for the PT test thank you but my objective over here is to explain this type of question you need to cover content right there is a total of three to four lectures that that I have about covering content which which makes it perfect about all types of results but this particular summary that we've discussed should be good enough to understand how to take notes so 15 to 20 more and then write in the comment section how did you perform are you able to take better notes good luck with your profession guys there is nothing that you can't achieve you can achieve everything you can get it done you just need the right attitude it's simple but there's a difference between being simple and easy it's simple but it's not easy if Sam wants to lose weight it's very simple you just need to do 30 minute workout or 30 minute credd mill every day and watch what he is eating right and he can lose weight it's simple but it's it's not easy getting up every day working out is not everybody's thing right getting the score is simple but it's not easy what I mean by simple is every day to our study for one month we expect one band score improvement right but it's not easy if you don't believe in yourself there are people who who are full of excuses as well I can't do it right my English is bad right another users online courses are no good right and other excuses I don't have time right another excuses I am a working professional I have to look after my family as well well you're doing it for your family right guys get it done leave the excuses there are only two things one is success and second is excuse choice is yours everybody who does not succeed has one thing in common and that is called excuse your choice you want to choose the success the way of success all the way of excuse or the path of excuse your choice but I wish you good luck I hope this lesson result and I'll be posting more lessons I'll keep helping you more and more thank you guys [Music]
Channel: PTE Training Online (study Hub)
Views: 180,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, pEARSON TEST OF ENGLISH, pearson test of english, retell lecture, summarise spoken text, PTE Coaching, PTE Practice, PTE Speaking, PTE Listening, Best PTE Coaching Centre, PTE PREPERATION CLASSES, Besat strategy for PTE Retell lectuire
Id: v-e_0FwH6TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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