We're Back! - H3TV #21

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"I don't know the difference between a tortilla and a burrito.."

Love, you are one adorable little bastard lol. Enjoy your stay!

👍︎︎ 182 👤︎︎ u/atomobot 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ethan…with ☮️ & ❤️, seeing you broadcast from your basement at home reminds me of early 90’s local cable.

Name suggestion for your new show:

H3 Public Access.

👍︎︎ 385 👤︎︎ u/Writer10 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

So happy they’re back! And also appreciate Ethan for giving his staff a decent amount of time off for the holidays

👍︎︎ 121 👤︎︎ u/stptea 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

This sent me ☠️☠️☠️

"Love, what's the second surprise?" 🤢

"More salt!" 😚

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/Alain-Christian 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ian: "Yeah I'm sucking on it".

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/AlbaniaBaby 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ok, Theodore saying "what the fuck" is the most hilarious and cute thing ever.

I totally understand and am okay with why they wouldn't want to do that, but man that would make an amazing soundbite lol.

👍︎︎ 216 👤︎︎ u/elevenyearss 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

God damn the way h3 called out keem, brutal and hilarious

👍︎︎ 109 👤︎︎ u/GoStupidGoBrazy 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Maybe he should just go meta with the title and call it "H3TV (The Channel)"

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/musimuse 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
two well after a long hiatus we are back it's quiet it's a little quiet I was hearing like really quiet Wendy's yeah guys we are back fupa Troopers rejoice [Applause] I've been missing the sound bites yeah it's been a long break you know I missed you guys I my fear my fear when I take these long breaks is always that nobody comes back everyone stops caring yeah they go they're like I've seen enough of that show I'm over it yeah you know they're like all right well I'm watching uh Jordan Peterson uh Savage Savage moments Savage moment compilation yeah Jordan has must have a podcast oh I'm I'm into Joe Rogan now toxic masculinity what a horrible phrase yeah actually did you know that somebody or well there's a book about Jordan Peterson called Savage Messiah with a forward from Dennis Prager and someone took a photo of it on the subreddit it was at the dollar store Savage Messiah Savage but affordable Savage moments yeah whoa it's real how Dr Jordan Peterson is saving westerns throw it up throw it up I know we're already getting into it real quick anyway like how you doing yeah grew oh yeah Savage Messiah with a forward from Dennis Prager who's like the top propagandist of the right I had to cart and the dollar store important message no if you check the subreddit you'll see that somebody spotted them literally at the dollar store it's not getting ripped off with this uh 1999 no no don't be paying full price okay got it anyway my point is is that I'm always afraid you guys are gonna leave me yeah right so to those of you who stayed thank you today's uh episode is sponsored by Babel curology hello fresh and stamps.com who we love so well here's this Jordan Peterson Savage Messiah for one dollar if anybody do we have the location if anybody wants to get a good discount Savage Messiah how Dr Jordan Peterson is saving Western Civilization wow and it needs saving trust me yo I'm sorry but like if you someone writes a book about you called Savage Messiah you better you need to speak out against that that title immediately puts you in the dollar store right and anyway whatever enough about him for now um we're back I hope you guys all had a good break you know I saw lots of love while we were gone people missing the show which was really nice we missed you know I was missing the show so much during my break I'll say we were gone for about three weeks although we got we had to leave it was more like four yeah what happened though last week we got banned all right wait why did we get that so much happening for and for like a strike on a two-year-old video yeah that was that ended up getting reversed yeah right yeah and then coven it's been a lot of time I forget stuff so much happened so wait well you forgot something else too which I want to talk to you about I did well you're transitioning into this topic right now so well just go it's been a long time I have to tell you it's a lot of stuff um it's been a long time so what was the old video it was like it was like a Thanksgiving episode oh we showed a video okay so it was our last year's thanks yeah that's crazy we never even got to talk about yes right yeah we never even got to [ __ ] about getting banned yeah yeah so we had a whole incredible Christmas fantastic episode that we were hyping for months yeah which by the way is happening this Friday yeah so the holiday season is over but don't fret we're gonna get the Christmas special a month late but we are gonna do it so um yes so we were getting ready it was the night before and I go oh yeah you got a strike on this two like a year old video the Thanksgiving special we did you laugh you lose right and apparently one of the videos I showed was a Russian dude jumping out of a window yeah and I I don't know I think they have like a a stack of oh do we post a social yeah we did um we didn't take our family family oh the family photo on Friday but oh yeah right that's true right anyway this guy jumped out of window and apparently this was on some kind of uh uh black list of like naughty videos that get you and immediately banned and I looked up the video by the way and the guy lived he didn't even die yeah he was fine and I was like straight up didn't even die if he died maybe I would get it but he didn't well in the video he jumps out of a window and and catch and he goes onto a tree and like catches himself he looks like he's dangerous but no he he didn't catch that tree Dan I think that was the problem like a bag of [ __ ] Sand Dude no he hit the ground but I guess you know they have rules against dangerous promoting dangerous activity yeah but anyway so we got an old strike and I think it was on the coattails of some controversy too I think some we were getting Mass flagged by Trisha's stands or something or some other stands Joe Rogan well the Joe Rogan beef and happened yet you know um yeah so anyway we got banned we had couldn't do the show is so it was like a four month uh four week felt like forever four weeks off the show first two weeks was like you know usually what I do on the weekend is I play I'll just chill watch some TV play video games I did that for a week and then I was like I can't do this I can't do this somebody saved me from wake me up can't wake me up inside that was what I was that was my soundtrack after the first week also as the break was happening uh on Army KRON was going wild and crazy the only chronic yeah we couldn't have our Nanny and we had a whole week with no nanny yeah Theodore like oh yeah oh right and then we had like full on Theodore time that wasn't that bro I'm telling you bro it's intense having a the energy that you enjoyed he he just he this kid he's literally a wind-up toy he'll just start stomping around in circles sometimes it gets so yapped on energy he'll just start stomping in circles he gets so freaking energetic and he makes us laugh all the time and but he loves whenever he makes us laugh then he'll do it again and again and again he's like definitely a little comedian yeah he loves he loves so he so one time I was on the phone and I said what the [ __ ] about something and then Theodore started going what the [ __ ] oh I actually have a video can you send it to them you just audio because we're not oh yeah maybe just play the audio we made the decision to stop showing Theodore's face like a year ago since he got getting older and we don't want people to recognize him at what age do you think he can decide 16 or 18. um I would say at least 16. at least 16. yeah um it's hard by the way it's hard not to share because he's so cute and funny yeah and it's like so much about our life at home like oh yeah just played into the mic oh you think that's good or you could say yeah we'll get the good so I'm sitting there and I go what the [ __ ] and then he goes what the [ __ ] and I started cracking up dude it was so funny and then um like I had to stop I had to stop laughing because okay yeah because I didn't want to promote him to keep I don't want to encourage him right I mean the kid has preschool and I mean come on okay just don't say that oh good don't say that [Laughter] yeah I promise the video is so cute I said you guys can't see it okay you promise he keeps looking at the camera and saying it that's a naughty word you can't say it you can't see it so anyway so anyway we I forced myself to stop laughing I go I go and he's going right in my face what the [ __ ] I'm like so week passes and then me and you are like he definitely forgot all about it yeah no mention of it so a week later we're all hanging out in the living room and then he comes from the other side of the room and he starts walking towards me he got he's crawling around the cow she goes behind your back he comes right into my face like this he's never done that before his face is like two inches from mine and he's staring at me and I go Theodore what's going on and he goes what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] I started cracking up butt I I don't laugh at that not funny not funny yeah I think we have our first uh Theodore sound bite yeah exactly what the [ __ ] you know how South Park does those really cute kid voices we could do we could up kid voices for us be like Theodore say teamstar's a [ __ ] oh my God Keith keemstar's a [ __ ] I don't know about that yeah I'm just kidding maybe something though you know oh man so I have two weeks left by the way yeah which is part I want to stand up and show or no I guess yeah let's get it it's so big you never see it properly on camera you look at that fresh uh Jersey Shore's trip Ila got that uh Italian dad drifting out too by the way I know it's green actually but yeah I I didn't realize not used to h3tv um yeah so I kind of been feeling like I might as well come today because I don't know how many shows I have left yeah it could happen at any moment at this point yeah because your due date is the 31st right yeah so it can happen at any moment yep what though are you excited are you nervous to get it out how are you feeling um I feel both I'm like what the [ __ ] the whole last month we've been doing the break we've been preparing the house and the room and right washing all the clothes and all this stuff I forgot about baby world yeah maybe you need so much stuff for a baby like to take care of a baby also like extreme sanitizing you have to boil every bottle yeah after use are you gonna are you gonna let them gnaw on your titty yeah man if I'm going to breastfeed yeah I don't know I don't really want to so I think I'm just gonna like just in the beginning let it happen if it happens but I really don't want to I my experience last time was like awful yeah traumatizing or I don't know if you some of you guys are new I didn't but like um Eli had trouble lactating and the nurses there there it's like a cult there where they are think that you absolutely need to breastfeed and Theodore was starving basically literally starving it was one of the worst weeks of my life the whole first week was just him crying Non-Stop and we didn't know what to do just awful yeah that's what I would say try for a day but this time I'm bringing like formula with us yeah baby starving no and also it's not for me I don't like the whole lifestyle that comes with it like that's true you have to be ready to pop your boob at any minute and it's all about you providing titty yeah boob coming out yeah Zach where are you with that boob coming out with her boob coming out it's not for me I don't like it and also when you can given formula we can split the I can feed him exactly well that's not true they have fake titties where you could put your breast milk you just have to pump it for me okay so I just have to sit and pump all day you know the truth is guys I feed one woman then pump then like you have no life other than being like a pump machine the truth is there is a lot of uh there is like a cult of breastfeeding and a lot of misinformation of like I feel like there's a lot of women they're made to feel less than if they can't breastfeed and that's that's [ __ ] that's just not true at all and it was so frustrating like I kept trying and nothing was coming out and they're like okay the failure yeah and they're like okay try pumping eight times a day and it's like I also want to be able to do something else during the day other than like pump take care of a newborn baby that's crying um still heal from labor you know like there's so much going on and you need to worry about it but producing milk you did pump all freaking day and nothing I did nothing it's not like you didn't try no I tried it was awful I'm just like I've had my experience and I'm not interested in it again yeah I think the first day there's some kind of like clear fluid that comes out that's like good for the baby and I remember that did come out for Theodore yeah so maybe just that and then if if you don't lactate again then like don't even yeah it's better for everyone just to give them the formula and everybody's like oh you gotta eat really well you gotta rest you gotta drink more water it's like I'm doing all of that shut up you know it just doesn't it just doesn't work sometimes I mean back in the day they had wet nurses that was that was the ladies who who they were just leaking milk all day because they had they just had that Gene you know so that's it now we got uh there's another kind of milk no we're not feeding him that kind of milk Zach that's disgusting off that is forbidden milk and it works for some people so I'm not you know this is just my experience both ways are great yeah we have friends who I have we have a friend that breast fed her kid into like two years old so they loved it right I have a uh yeah I mean my mom breast filled me till I was eight and that was really failed she breastfed me till I was eight years old I'm totally normal laughs is it possible that you weren't able to lactate because I drank it all before he was born stop Mommy [Laughter] um so but yeah I think there's there's a lot women should not be felt like they need to do one choice or the other made to feel inadequate in any way or you know both choices are good and fine and healthy foreign yeah God forbid that kid had another like five IQ points well there's a conspiracy that like if kids who are breastfed have an additional five IQ points which I don't believe by the way I don't believe that's crazy anyway we're back how was your guys's break was good went to almost everybody went somewhere at one point to like visit family and everything I went to uh I went to Idaho to visit uh Ali's family uh maybe you were back in Michigan right yes sir that was interesting yeah and everybody was sick so we couldn't see anyone half of our friends and family were sick so we missed out on seeing a lot of family with the real Quran yeah Corona got him and we got food poisoning that took up about a week of my vacation so it was a good time that sounds great you know what you ate yeah I went to go meet my mom's boyfriend and uh we went to some restaurant some nice restaurant but I got sick uh I don't know nice restaurant got you yeah it was I was I got lamb chops but somehow yeah it was like brutal yeah and then my brother got it oh wow yeah it's a nightmare do you like your mom's boyfriend uh it was interesting I met my dad's girlfriend too so this is a new Dynamic with the parents having yeah I didn't know where my mom was dating anyone yeah wow she's dating a Jewish guy too and he when I met him she's like he's like uh so I heard you work on LA with a bunch of Jews and I'm like you're surrounded by him maybe God forbid yeah it's good times good times yeah so so is it possible your mom is dating a Jew to spite your dad possibly possibly when my father was uh my father was young he lost his house in the war um so maybe it's just uh to add on to the spike yeah yeah and how do you like your dad's girlfriend she's really nice yeah so you like your who do you like better they're both really nice my parents are the mean ones they were actually both nice I feel bad for them fair enough um uh Zach how was your break oh it was very relaxing chill uh didn't do a lot just stayed in watched a bunch of movies and uh I took it easy didn't go to uh Wyoming to go see Jeffrey yeah you failed bro I off before break the last thing I said to Zach was if you come back with a picture of Jeffree Star and a yak together then I'm gonna buy you a Rolex what happened all right yeah I got scared of the cron so uh didn't in Wyoming yeah they're masco's country out there that's the only reason there's only like 20 people yeah the population density I think I think you'd be fine still those Yaks got the yakron so um okay yeah it was cute it was relaxing miss working is your doggy potty trained yet how's that going he is turning into such a good board there you go you turned the corner I've never seen a picture yeah I can uh I'll send it um his name's Bambi he's keeping it private so nobody will recognize it so you can have good decisions you can decide that for himself in a few years he's turning into such a sweet little boys there you go so you rounded the corner yeah yeah good for you Ian hey hey uh it was fine I was that shipper uh intro for you yeah energetic what's up dude what's up what's up hey hey do you my friend I'm 22 Ian Hey Now new me new year new me okay okay I like that I'm about 60 awake now previously was a little lower okay I had a it was an okay break I I was gonna go to New York to visit my friend but then covered was he was like don't come here yeah it's so bad he's like all the places we'd go are all closed he's like don't bother so it was pretty mellow break I'll postpone that to a more you know ideal time but uh Sam and I are moving so I went and found a new apartment during breaking oh was that because of the downtown LA situation was so dicey I mean yeah the neighborhood was getting a little iffy where we live so we found a new um it's like a haunted house pretty spooky in there yeah that doesn't sound better at all yeah I had to do some tough negotiating with this new place you get a good price yeah it's decent so wait is this is the neighborhood safe despite the ghosts uh it's safer yeah it's mainly just the ghosts okay but this guy I tried moving in and I won't get into the whole story but there was this oven that they were trying to let me accept as being the oven that I'd get with the place this thing's literally from 1953. it was like ancient and so rusted I could barely open the door it was like I found I found one that looks it's not the same but it looks super similar yeah as long as it's not from 1942 yeah come on this one actually looks nice yeah that's cool no but this but it was like imagine this but Rusty and like it actually looks like it's 70 years old and I did it work no it was like oh there's there's your problem when and the guy's like well we kind of have a policy that it would heat up he goes if it heats up we won't replace it you know did it heat up barely what oh not enough to cook and I told them like this is a fire hazard this thing's gonna explode at any moment like true I can't be using this oven and he's like I don't know what we can do and I went back and forth I've got an idea buy a new oven [ __ ] I said and and I go I I said to him I was like dude I'm almost positive Richard Nixon used this oven like you have to change it and he's like okay I'll go talk to him and then he came back he's like we're buying you a brand new oven I said how what happened he goes I went to them and I said Richard Nixon used that oven and they went okay and they bought a new one that was just the thing huh the original Nixon Line This is more the condition yeah Cowboys still worse than this wow it was pretty bad but overall the place is nice just a little haunted okay how many people died in her I mean over that I'm span of time at least a couple dozen oh yeah yeah at least a couple I'm definitely gonna have to bring Linda in there from the ghost hunting I was gonna say bye that would be a great bit yo you should do that for a sketch will you do that I don't think Sam would want to know that information Sam can we have Linda do a ghost analysis well I mean well because it's it's definitely more than one she'll pick up well if if you need the protection spell there's a new there's a person who just became a witch I can ask for her um do you know what I'm talking about either no it's me that's what I was getting over a break yeah I studied it's actually I'm a warlock not a witch but I'm close enough okay and then also love how was your break hey what's that music is that the Swedish national anthem what's happening what's happening right now it's just love oh whoa whoa why is he so high oh my God jumping with swords he's here he's got his sword the Viking roots are strong all the way from Sweden it's love himself what's up everyone what's up what's up what's up what's up what's up wow what an entrance wow here yeah go ahead I'm gonna take that sword too poor guy so we can sit down he brought an Ikea bag full of Swedish snacks oh my God I was wondering what's the blue box well before we get to the oh you want to show all the snacks you got go ahead should I yeah no I mean I wanted to talk to you a little bit okay well and then we can pass them out so love is here all the way from Sweden you're here for three months right love uh just about three months yep wow what a thrill do we have a shot of Love uh below his eyebrows oh well he's a lot shorter than we expected oh stop we didn't do anything okay oh come on that's not nice come on now that's not nice that's not nice what's up love you're here is this your first time in America uh it's second actually I went once uh when I was eight years old to New York your mic sounds like doggy doo doo one second oh not good you can watch first time in LA though eh yeah first time in L.A absolutely so far you and then you and cam are staying together yeah you know in a in a wall-less Airbnb oh yeah super weird Airbnb super weird place super sketchy but I'm very happy to be here um I'm very excited to spend some time with Cam too wait is it really that sketchy the neighborhood are you just used to like peaceful beautiful no I've been told it is really bad you can't what is wrong with you dude you you can live already in the sketchiest neighborhood and then poor loves coming here from from beautiful crimeless uh let's be honest we didn't need some crimeless uh I'm just wondering I must be because I think you're the only person who lives in like that County yeah unless you unless you commit a unless it's you're committing the crime yeah on yourself I've had the worst experience when he first arrived the first time he got out of the car there was piss everywhere it was just a rough well where are you living on Skid Row yeah Cameron why are you why are you living in skid row with him let me tell the story so we had this beautiful Airbnb two two bedrooms two toilets beautiful kitchen all that stuff and the minute or I guess one day before I was going they canceled almost how can they even do that no how could they slap what's that meme that's yeah I can't do that yeah so I got kind of [ __ ] up for that are you guys looking for a better place yeah okay that's good in a month we're gonna get a better place yeah wait are you guys actually on skid rope because I wouldn't even want to what be in five blocks of that place we are within five blocks of it I think Skid Row's a huge spot I was anyone gonna know that they where they live not I didn't say where they lived good roads like a whole block yeah it's not that good but um I don't I don't care damn yeah yeah don't walk around there at night that place is straight sketch bro the immediate area around there being video is pretty good okay that's good yeah yeah there's one spot in La called Skid Row which is basically like hell on Earth I mean I don't know how to describe it it's just it's just it's like third world conditions uh there's all the the addicts and uh it's just like and prostitution and just ever and it's just like Lawless wildness um great for a tourist it is interesting great first impression well it's super weird because during the day it's like there the areas immediately surrounding Skid Row there's a lot of nice restaurants and stuff and during the day it's nice well all of La is like that it's like walk the block it can be super ghetto and then all of a sudden really nice is just buried it's true uh neighborhood dependent when we got there because me I picked up blood from the airport the door was open at the Airbnb we just walked in and some guy's like oh I just I'm just cleaning here I'm like oh we're looking for the owner and then we waited around for like another 20 minutes some guy walked up he's like oh I represent the owner I'm like okay I represent him I'm like what the hell is going on here yeah it was interesting you've got a nice thick thick door there no it's really cool they didn't even give him sheets no sheets what yeah how much do you paying for this five dollars a night you better be no I pay a lot bro you can't say the price it's very expensive so tell me the price it's like over 4K wow but we split it for how long one month really what the [ __ ] why failed on 4 500 a month yeah dude because all Airbnb oh wait plus wait hold on you could stay in a yeah that's 150 a night I mean you could basically stay in a hotel at that price no hotels were a bit more yeah but we're gonna [ __ ] last second that's why we couldn't get anything better yeah that is pretty expensive to be honest if I could just give Cam some credit we've been making some jokes but his actual his first Airbnb it's not over yet it's the it's not so he's renting two so he can stay with love oh man yeah cam is the man anyhow that's crazy you guys doing a fantastic job yeah you've done a fantastic job we're so proud I'm gonna help you guys out when I I gotta help you guys out talk to me after the show all right we'll see we'll figure out I don't I don't want you getting stabbed on your first on my watch I mean I brought you out here I don't want you to die yeah so uh so but I want you to speak the [ __ ] out do you want to say about Olivia by the way because some people are oh yeah yeah yeah so Olivia so Olivia I talked about it on H3 TV the underage tree TV I got to explain that's what I was talking about we gotta hash this out oh that that I forgot yeah that is fine so Olivia thank you Mark basically is taking three months to go back and finish her school she was almost done with school and uh so she went back to I don't I don't know where I guess I won't say anywhere she went back to finish school she'll be back in three months you know and uh like uh back on the show that's it she asked for three months to go she's watching right now she is shout out yeah Olivia please stand up everyone was so sad that she'll be gone for three months yeah sausage fest again yeah we got Sam holding it down that's true we have Sam maybe Sam Sam maybe Sam could sit on camera if she wants to yeah yeah maybe not she doesn't like twos wine I I like her too but at least we have some foreign sausage now all right that's right foreign sausage um yeah so shout outs to Olivia we miss her and but we will see her soon so F's in the chat for Olivia boys and girls I've been listening to Olivia the entire time listening did we find one for love or who was it we didn't have one for a b or love me and love but actually Jack you got something new yeah let's hear it maybe maybe a b it's a disgrace to a b it's a disgrace they be love is what powers and sustains our country [Music] so true it's actually so true okay so then the other thing we were going to explain first of all guys I want to urge everybody please please please this is this is important so we made the old H3 oh I I got distracted I was gonna say the story okay so the first week the first two weeks I was getting bored with my free time and then the second week or the third week I was like I saw a lot of people being like damn post on the subway be like damn I'm you know it's so sad without the the gang without the crew to entertain us really kind of sad stuff and I was like yeah I mean I feel the same way too and there was stuff coming up I wanted to talk about so I had the h3tv channel which is where we were our original plan for the channel was to put I guess twitch oh yeah right right and then we're like we don't want to do twitch so it was kind of just sitting there empty and I already had like 50 000 subbies Dan why are you subscribed like what the f what the hell dude what the hell I subscribed to the h3tv podcast the one that we're doing right now well so what you don't you have no allegiance to only if you're involved I'm disgusted confused situations called h3tv okay well wait let me so I started I was like you know what I'm just gonna post I'm gonna post and what's so fun and liberating for me is that it's like I'm just doing a little show by myself and it's so epic and fun and I've been doing like two videos a day I mean since I didn't have the podcast I would just go in the basement and film and it's been so fun and nice and the people that are enjoying it so head on over to h3tv the channel And subscribe because I'm gonna I'm gonna keep trying to do like one video a night it's kind of what I've been doing instead of playing video games it's been fun uh but just to give you show you guys kind of what it is it's just me reacting me here then rehearsed but this one is quite raw and weird yeah I'm gonna do an update on this actually but there's actually some bangers in here that I recommend if I can minimize this hello wait that's a couple yeah why yeah because they look like brother and sister no they don't know she has blonde hair and he has he is dark hair anyways when I saw the thumbnail I thought they were well the body language isn't coupling because it's a breakup video gotcha gotcha gotcha okay can um how do I um Dan um yes sir I cannot minimize my freaking tab dude I can't click anything the navigation bar is totally out of frame I literally am freaking out right now you want me to come fix it wait why did it I saw it for a second I'm literally freaking out right now what is happening I can't drag it huh all right okay I'm back Dan good luck I'm back wait is someone hacking my Mainframe or is that me anyway there's some bangers here like we made a kav Kev update and we made a um we won the lawsuit video here as well if it's a Nick akata by the way did you guys like this thumbnail I did like the Virgin zombie Cavanaugh versus Chad Ethan I think whenever I make a video about it Kevin I'm going to do the Chad photo of me uh so anyway HGTV the channel so Dan you're confused what's your problem so we have a show that we've been doing for about six months on the podcast called H3 TV yeah and then there is another completely different channel that is branded the exact same way it uses the same thumbnail called H3 TV we have like six months of sponsored ad reads sold on a show called h3tv on one channel it seems to me like maybe the other one should have a different name than than the podcast I didn't I didn't say we have to change the podcast name well at this point I was like I like h3tv the channel but you're saying I forgot you want to tell you want to get to the point on that well I wasn't going to expose you but if you're saying yeah he's been in the chat I love HGTV I forget how somebody somebody brought up the podcast and he's like oh wait I forgot that's what the podcast is called it had been a while but also the H3 TV for life I thought that was our slogan over here on the original H3 TV correct no H3 TV forever oh forever yeah totally different don't get me wrong I I appreciate what you're doing it does seem like fun it seems like a a nice little thing you got going over there but maybe just H3 reacts H3 no H3 uh Ethan reacts what about it okay no reacts whatever what about h3tv.tv TV TV we'd originally floated the name H3 daily history daily because it's daily uploaded that makes sense yeah but then I have to be what if I missed it it doesn't have to be every day well it's more about things that are like Daily News Daily occurrences H3 daily oh Sam suggested h3tvb h3tv what b b the alt Channel mm-hmm H3 daily is not bad Ethan of the year some people are suggesting throws Theory throws TV we'll get to the whole throws thing but yeah by the way Sam is our new shirt live I think okay here let me show you guys in honor of Kavanaugh Ryan Kavanaugh obviously we won the lawsuit or one of them some people may not know yeah the first motion the torchous interference one the one about um he's he was saying that I ruined his business because of this one has ever got well the judge said she threw it out with prejudice we are going to sue that mother for attorneys fees and he's become since then like weirdly freak obsessed with uh with finding this guy throws who's a moderator on Wikipedia I'll get to it this is like my favorite well I don't know if I like that or the whole cucking angle more uh they're both powerful angles is picking up well the throat is amazing he's looking okay God I want to get ahead of myself yeah we have to tell this story all right uh in The Logical way but there's so much to get to I guess I better focus but Sam can you um link the just a3h3shop.com okay yeah so for those that know we added a new shirt to help with the fund the lawsuits uh I love the rest which is available now at h3hff.com uh guaranteed to piss Ryan Kavanaugh off but thrust is a free speech uh hero we love thrust whoever he is whoever he is okay let's focus because there's so much to get to yeah so H3 TV we got to pick a name for that but I guess we can do that another time because we have a good jillion things to get to right and we should do I was waiting for a natural uh break but why don't we do our ads or at least maybe you want to do two and two today I'm too excited to talk about everything I can't do four at once okay all right let's thank two of our sponsors okay God bless you Ela has the bladder the size of a uh acorn Babel thank you to Babel whether it's saving more and spending less getting organized or losing weight there's a lot of worthwhile goals to set for yourself this year the top of my list is learning a new language with Babel I was wondering where they're going I was like this is a language app right yes uh the language learning app that sold more than 10 million subscriptions Ian was you were using it right or who was you yes yeah is uh becoming what are you learning French okay how's it going have you not passed we yet Beyond good you know do you love the app yeah okay uh I'm I'm learning things I'm learning really getting that that noise that deep you know exactly Zach's learning too go ahead all he says every day not only is learning a new language fun and engaging hobby you can use it while your check off traveling more from your list the whole Babel process is addictively fun fast and easy Babel teaches bite-sized language lessons for real world use Babel's 50-minute lessons make it the perfect way to learn a new language on the go other language learning apps use AI for the lessons plans but babble has lessons that were created by a hundred language experts over a hundred language experts or teaching method has been scientifically proven to be effective uh with Babel you can choose over 14 different languages including Spanish French Italian and German plus Babel speech recognition technology helps to improve your pronunciation and accent there are so many ways to learn with Babel in addition to the lessons you can access podcast Games videos stories and even live classes plus it has a 20-day money-back guarantee start your new language learning Journey today with Babel and right now save up to 65 off your subscription when you go to babel.com h3tv that's babble.com h3tv for up to 65 off your subscription Babel it's language for life and curology Hawaii personally use and love curology is the game-changing custom skincare Made For You by Dermatology provider they'll create a custom prescription cream for your specific goals whether that's tackling acne clogged pores skin texture dark spots Fine Lines or something else you start by talking taking a short online skin quiz and uploading photos and if it's a good fit they'll ship you your formula right to your door it even has your name right on the bottle okay what is curology so how it works for me I took some photos of my skin I answered some questions about my skin type and once I got approved they sent me a custom formula made by the this Dermatology provider so it's the real deal and they sent me three products a cleanser super light you know I love the feeling of their cleanser like cleans my skin but it doesn't really strip it of the oil uh so I clean my skin then I put on the Dermatology Lube whatever that cream is and then I put on their moisturizer after that and I feel freaking fantastic you know it's nice not to have to worry about expensive dermatologists waiting in line fussing with insurance uh it's a game changer I love it did you just gasp Dan I'll tell you why afterwards okay get start so guys I love it give it a shot I think it's an awesome product an awesome service get started with curology just like I did with a free 30-day tryout at curology.com H3 Pages five bucks shipping and handling that's c-u-r-o-l-o-g-y.com H3 to start your free 30-day trial you can cancel anytime uh this prescription is subjects to consultation thank you guys what's up Dan why you gasping over there the other channel this is a suggestion from the chat that I just happen to see either dad's basement dad's basement who's watching mom's basement yeah okay fine little twist on keems podcast no no no I'm not my life is not defined by Kim's what keemstar does okay okay that's why you guessed yeah I thought it was a good suggestion or Papa's basement how about because you're literally in a basement unlike how about I do this one without Dan without the answer how about after Dark yeah after dark could be good you call it after dark yeah how about just changing it to H3 podcast how about yeah I got a great one you could call it H3 H3 Productions that's interesting that's a good night one yeah nostalgic too am a huge fan of Ethan and Eli h3h3 Productions that was the quartering saying he's a fan let's play that again Zach was that AI generated what was that two um a huge fan of Ethan and Eli h3h3 Productions you're gonna have to unpack what is the context of that that's a real sound bite when did he say that he was I when we were doing the content chord I I mean I did a deep [ __ ] dive on oh that's back when when everyone was like he's been a fan with the whole ricegum situation when he talked about ILO he defended Ela back in the day he defended shout out in a creepy way surprisingly no he said something like uh the queen of the actually what the hell you said um oh well she looks like she would not be down with pissing in my basement and I like a strong woman I knew it okay so where were we going um basically God there's so much to talk about we haven't even made any love how's the food in America do you like it have you had Mexican food yet that's what I was the most exact or one of the things I was excited for the food the fast food all the unhealthy food disappointed yet no no I'm actually actually the moment I landed I did ask for fried chicken and that's what I got when I arrived to the office where did you eat it uh no one remembers like I just got it from a random place you just gotta go to Popeyes or something yeah I have no clue where it was from I know I remember we looked at like reviews online and ordered it it was a local place I got it like a fried chicken yeah I mean it was pretty good yeah okay I reported it for behind the scenes for the members so you guys received skiing is like super yeah super bright light because my Swedish eyes wasn't taking it well uh um yeah H3 underground H3 underground I like h3tv the best sorry everybody oh my God I like it maybe that'll get some cross promotion going on you we why don't we just call this h3tv podcast why does the podcast happen what is the one that we're doing that we sold a bunch of sponsorships on that it's like that's defensive about his show I like that yeah I mean this is HD you've always been saying h3tv for light yeah yeah and you've betrayed that I'm with Dan I'm just I'm just I'm just not as bold as Dan but I'm with Dan how about a H3 unknown is that leave a two three unplugged um have the camera tilted to the side a little bit let's sit on it let's Let It Go I'm open but uh I think we'll get some it's three TV plus somebody suggested plus XXX Disney plus and all that okay we'll think about it yeah so anyway we won the lawsuit that was uh awesome a huge huge I mean we we knew that it was going in our favor but you know these things can go either way um as as as when any lawsuit it can always go either way but it was great we got a unan we got a very powerful um ruling she said ish don't think so dunked on them a little bit and uh said bye bye so basically at this point it's time to sue for attorney's fees which I cannot wait to get a check from them we were joking that I want to check from attorney's fees and then I'm going to put the check on a shirt and I'm going to frame the check I'm gonna send uh I don't know if I can send Ryan Kavanaugh maybe to his assistant so I'm not like I'll send them a signed shirt with a check on it yes so and then the other I don't know if we talked about how he was trying to take down the does Ryan Kavanaugh look like Harvey Weinstein website did we talk about that or is that happening that was during the break yeah I think it was the H3 TV underground yeah okay so Kev Cav um the whole reason I'm I'm really familiar with this process is because there was a bootleg website teddyfresh.net yeah that was just scamming people just straight scamming people and I'm not sure even how they were searching up in the search results I guess there's not a lot of competition for Teddy fresh yeah I don't know but they were stealing our images from the site they're just putting up like products using our photography and everything and then basically if you bought it you would get nothing that was my I tried it just to see what happens and I got nothing I think Austin McBroom probably was running that in reality you guys got scammed well anyway so we had to go through a really expensive long process to remove this website that was literally cloned our website and was imitating us so there's a lot there's a law a cyber squatting law for when you're impersonating a website and interfering with their business where you can take their domain over so we had to pay lawyers it took a long time they have to get a panel together of like copyright attorneys to make a judgment and after like several months maybe even six months ten thousand dollars later we finally got the teddyfresh.net domain now I it's it's ironic because after a week that was settled we got the same complaint we did on teddyfresh.net against does Ryan Kavanaugh look like Harvey Weinstein this dude filed a complaint of a a legal complaint saying that we're cyber squatting that were impersonating him what a woman what a loser this man is and the thing is is that if you don't respond to the complaint then you then it's a default judgment in their favor so like there's a chance if for whatever reason we didn't have the money or we didn't know that it happened or whatever uh he could he could actually have a good chance of taking over our beautiful website which is now number three on the Google search results um which I recommend everybody type in Ryan Kavanaugh click on the website is there any updates here love or no just familiarize yourself coming very soon though okay that's good just familiarize yourself with the facts it's good to always you know brush up on on their similarities right or differences more that's more about their differences um but inappropriately so he he's so he filed kind of like a four you could call it a fourth lawsuit a fourth action against us to take down our beloved website oh and it got thrown out yeah on the same day yeah it got thrown out for being filed in properly he could file it again my attorney said uh but we'll see if he does too much wine sorry but yeah I mean he has no chance of taking over the website it's kind of just a pathetic attempt of getting it removed so anyway that was one the tortious interference one and yeah so one star if anyone if anyone wants to leave an honest review of triller um like I have then then I encourage that yeah because he sued me for saying that and the judge said that's not illegal yeah that's that's it that's not interference I love reading this stuff from the judge it's like um you said this and this and this and yet you show no evidence of that oh man do we have do we have wait let me see do we have there was lines in it about she's like there was a lot of defamation accusations in there they're like and when you're talking defamation a statement is either true or false yeah you said Kevin Hart was on the app it is provably false that Kevin Hart was not on the app and you didn't provide any evidence yeah I'm sorry but Kevin Hart was not on that app instead of giving her 800 pages of reviews like they didn't provide any actual yeah so just to show you what losers they are uh the judge allowed them to add more evidence past the deadline just because she's being overly gracious to them um and she said limit it to 10 pages and they gave her 800 pages of evidence which was basically just a dump of reviews and the Beautiful irony is that the judge and US started using using those reviews as evidence against them because they included positive reviews yeah right there was positive reviews there was generic reviews right so the judge was like this is a totally generic review it was like it's a trailer rip-off I don't like it it's a ghost town whatever and the judge is like how could you possibly attribute this to the H3 podcast it's totally generic like or to this affecting your business like right there's doubt as a result of the podcast it's just I don't even think she got to that an analysis of the tortures interference part because you to even get to like is that did we interfere with this business you have to get to did I cause these reviews and are these negative reviews or did I tell people to leave these negative reviews which and she's like he never did what was the other one where she's like it's provably false that the app wasn't flipped oh yeah yeah the other thing is you say the app is flipped there's defamatory you yourself admit that that had an inversion Mr and back she called him Mr back Mr Beck himself said the app is flipped it's straight flip bro it is so it's awkward do we not have those lines in here maybe the excerpts from the papers um no I don't believe so I could add them right now uh it's so awkward well I did it I did it on the H3 TV because I couldn't wait but anyway um here's Emily baker said on it shout outs Emily baker said Ethan Klein defeats trailer the anti-slap followed by issues rushes granted meaning the case is dismissed with prejudice cannot be refiled and Klein couldn't go after trailer for all legal fees and costs which they are entitled to based on the ruling here's an excerpt oh so this is a good one that she posted statements concerning whether trailer falsely represented that comedian Kevin Hart uses the app as a statement that could be shown to be true or false defendants me have put forth evidence to support their their Prima facet whatever the [ __ ] [ __ ] that means showing that this was a true statement at the time the podcast aired despite not having a presence on the trailer app the description of the trailer app stated millions of users had made trailer videos along with stars like Kevin Hart the plaintiff is not put forward evidence to meet its burden of showing a likelihood of success what she's saying your case is [ __ ] and then she continues the statement concerning the app was flipped is also a statement that could be proven true or false was it flipped or was it not flipped ladies and gentlemen of the jury can you imagine you actually get jury Judy and this is the [ __ ] they make you serve on ladies and gentlemen what's the app flipped or was it not flipped Mr Burke said it himself flipped defendants have put forth evidence that this was a statement originally made by Mr Beck while he was trying to record using the trailer app Mr Beck observed that the app had flipped the camera plaintiff provides evidence that the app had an inversion yes so the plaintiff Ryan Kavanaugh yeah I don't know why they did this but they SP their lawyer gave a statement saying I think they thought they were doing something because they're like the app was only flipped for this specific phone between this specific okay so any other thing anything outside this window is proof that yeah Ethan kleiner's responsible but he but ultimately all they did was basically submit into evidence of their own lawyer saying that but it was flipped yeah plaintiff provided evidence that the app had an inversion problem relating to camera functions on the iOS device thus because it contains an assertion of fact it's not actionable defamation yes my friends just remember what they're suing me for defaming them because I said the app was flipped and also because I said Thank you Ian because I said he looked like Harvey Weinstein anyway easy dub on to the next one so we have the actual defamation lawsuit and we have the copyright one which is the big one uh I don't know what's the status on well the copyright one is do relatively don't take time no they said like April or something I think there'll be some things happening later this month or I don't remember that was the first one that was filed right yeah right so imagine that has to be well there's there's certain things that happen that can affect deadlines and stuff they're different Court the copyright one is a federal court the Torches was a California Court yeah and so the the thing is that because his newest lawsuit the defamation one was like substantially related to the tortious interference because there's so much in there about defamation and about specifically Ryan Kavanaugh that we were like well let's combine these and combining is a really good thing because it's saves the Court's time it saves the Court's money he's already familiar with she's familiar with the facts uh it's a great thing to do to combine and so what uh Kavanaugh did the day after they lost they filed something saying we need a new judge because this judge is biased against us she is incapable of being God really she's on payroll at the Eighth Street podcast yeah she throws she is thrilled right now she might be anyone could be really respect us yeah I made a joke on the H3 TV the channel that I haven't explained first yet I haven't even explained that everything there's so much here it's gonna be like an eight-hour episode oh love have you tried Mexican food yet no I have not but oh wow I'm down but I'm so I'm like a little bit of a picky eater so I'm a bit worried about what are you wearing it with your ex like vegetables really there's no you don't have to worry about that next I'm a child when it comes to food okay tell me what you like spicy food tell me we don't oh yeah I'm don't eat spicy spicy okay like meat no I can eat salad beans no I don't like beans that much oh you got a problem with Mexican food then my friend there's always beans in it you know everything almost yes but they're good beans bro okay I'll try it though you're in America I'm gonna try anything I get oh there you go they're good beans I got some good ass beans so you don't like vegetables that's it or what else have you had McDonald's and onions McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's is all he eats in Sweden okay in Israel it's like shitty you don't nobody really eats McDonald's so I mean it's like a different experience no it's a different experience it's like bad bad okay and expensive like it defeats the purpose it doesn't make sense yeah yeah it's horrible it's way better here Sam is suggesting the Mexican food truck now this is pretty hardcore Mexican yeah for sure it's spicy I mean it's good you how are you with spicy food uh I like spice a lot yeah I eat a lot of spicy things okay then when you eat spicy food what do you eat um let's see like I don't know like Asian Asian food is it really actually spicy yeah like really spicy okay okay you'll be fine you'll be fine do you like have you tried Indian food sure yeah that's also another spicy yeah India Love Indian food so should we get some spicy truck burritos [ __ ] yeah we should yeah we can have them try it on the show just to see so do you like steak or chicken or pork what's your thing uh I like all of those do you have good toilet back at the Airbnb because there's no lock on the toilet that was the first question I asked that was the first question I asked yeah yeah we have a good toilet okay the Foot Truck situations yeah it's a Gamble and it is yeah you may [ __ ] but you you will [ __ ] all right all right Sam Let's do an order Sam says the Mexican food is gonna rearrange your organs I might be out for the rest of the week all right so we should get him like a wet burrito burrito with the [ __ ] nasty ass wet burrito baby I'm [ __ ] myself foreign so funny shit's coming out of my down my leg oh God so anyway what was I say sam we'll get some get some weddings get some weddings is giving me have you visited black vibes have you visited blacks so anyway what were we talking about oh here yeah I am [ __ ] Kavanaugh Sam just get uh just get love the most gnarly thing on the Brew on the menu the wet the wedding get me a wedding too with shredded chichi no you need to get whatever I get yeah let's get two burritos mean love the same thing wet burrito with shredded chicken all right let's go and make sure he gets like guacamole and sour cream and all that yeah I love that stuff [ __ ] shabang Elia you want something she sent the menu and Discord yeah so kavcav um Cav took the L you know in response we were like I don't know this could go either way how is this is he gonna back off is he going to get more aggressive I had a theory he might back off because after taking such a public and humiliating loss there might be other people invested in triller other people on the board someone with a brain who is like you need to stop this is humiliating they're trying to go public with this yeah did you see this article I'm sure you did because you keep up with all this but yeah of course I did I'm glad that like Hollywood Reporter or someone's finally covering this yeah title is triller's suit against podcasters over troll reviews tossed by judge oops dumbass yeah um so and the whole thing is there actually that's good so I was so but in response to this he's obviously doubling down and getting more aggressive he added uh four more lawyers or three more lawyers for the defamation case so he has six more lawyers he has three lawyers applying from like North Carolina or something they'll hide that like super famous uh scary quote unquote lawyer so three of the three people from there are applying for permission to be on the defamation case they're gonna have six attorneys on retainer against me for defamation lunatic yeah and uh publicly he's had a lot to say about it as well let me see here we gotta do Kev first publicly he's saying um the first thing he did was put a bounty a new bounty on my head trying to prove that I am this Wiki moderator called thrust here's Brian Kavanaugh this was basically just of the 15th so this was two nights ago so this is fresh he erased it of course because he did it at 2 A.M meaning he was definitely drunk and in the morning he erased it let's have some fun and up the stakes this will be good fun for H2 followers to guess what we do or don't have 25 000 to the person who provides the identity along with legal and verifiable proof of thrust and popoci 35 must be absolute first person to provide gets paid it's a race everybody he thinks it's um squid games or something this is so this is Maniac Behavior right here like what a [ __ ] idiot this guy does what's weird is that he's so eager to prove that so thrust and papoke are Wiki mods that have been like making sure his page stays factual because he just wants it to be a Fluff piece and these mods I guess have been uh well so he he personally threatened throws yeah he threatened with legal action that's why he got banned and and I think that that's why so whoever this throws character is uh you know he did it he did an MJ he took that personally and just made it his mission to make honestly Ryan Kavanaugh's Wikipedia article be accurate I mean that's all he's really doing listen I won't even put that on him I don't know the guy I'm not gonna say I don't I don't know anything about his intentions I just know he's committed to to the truth uh and ver and the ver the the uh you know factualness of of uh Wikipedia Pages yep and he seems to have a particular interest in Ryan Kavanaugh who just happened to threaten him with legalization at one point for over nothing so yeah the the history between Ryan and thrust is pretty epic he threatened him with legal action and then Wikipedia banned him and all of his like eight sock puppets yes and he keeps making new accounts and arguing with Wikipedia mods and keeps getting reband for sock puppets the guy is literally [Music] bro I can see go back to Dan's shot it's funny you can just see love kind of floating in the back there and like I mean like I said love is a lot smaller than I thought he was going to be why do you keep his head he's just like he's just like this cute little he's listening stop why are you why are you look how small he is oh you're making a joke okay [Music] yeah the palm of my head all right fair enough [Music] let's have some fun yeah so anyway he's trying to prove that I'm associated with the roast or that I am throast but what's funny to me is who does he think actually would have the information other than someone on the crew so he's trying to obey one of you guys to sell me out for 25k and I was like first of all who would sell me out probably Ian for the right amount of money I would guess you know I I people are people are commenting that on my thing dude you sent me a video of your dick and I am Loctite video oh yes I'm the only member of the cruise long time Watchers probably remember this story you don't remember doing that I vaguely remember I think we have a camera that had old footage on it and we shot a club you just gave me that SD card right wrong time expect the DM from Ryan Kavanaugh for that picture that was wild yes I'm sure that wasn't a flattering moment myself see I'm a safe I'm not tired that's true well what if for RK offered you like a milli if you had that information that's what I'm saying I mean that's life-changing money exactly that's what I was saying Ryan you got to offer more than 25 000. I'm Spartacus indeed listen to you already because if we started with 5 000 that he offered and you said you said you gotta offer more and then he tweeted that still not enough though how much to sell me out how much to sell the cockpit three million dollars just name your price Ian no no no no no it's not worth the headache and this guy in my inbox all right 10 million bucks to show the penis pic I mean obviously well I'm just going to give Ryan I'm trying to tell Ryan what he needs to I have that dick pic 200 gram 20 000. there you go I'm just saying I'm trying I'm trying to get no this is Ian for Ian's eyes only so do you have a price Ian I'm just paying for Ryan no I mean I don't know you're tossing a lot of numbers out I don't know we'll see okay he's trying to keep his leverage even though you have a price to show my cop yeah to send it directly to Kavanaugh maybe I'd do it for free I just maybe I'll just send it to him if he didn't block me then Ian loses all of his leverage how much would I show my dick for I mean I don't know don't ask me I I don't know I'm not that excited about showing my dick I'll put it that way okay okay okay not running I'm not running anywhere to show my cough right now so anyway that was the first tweet um Cavs new bounty this was really weird he started okay I'll skip this one um he has undeniable proof revealed that I am thrust um apparently if he does why is he still asking for evidence well wait TC is evidence so he has undeniable proof this is someone he sent to someone and I've seen this somewhere else so I do know it's real this is real someone sent him a notepad with random IP addresses written down he said I compared the last five someone sent him this trying to get the Bounty which is so awesome I compared the last five IP addresses from the Wikipedia account to his YouTube channel H3 podcast as well as H ratio Productions I was able to undeniably confirm that thrust himself is in fact Ethan Klein and you will be able to see this for yourself from this image literally just a paint just a text pad with random IPS awesome the IP I think actually is in Belgium too A friend of mine sent me the IP right you can test it yeah yeah it's in Belgium it's not even like in L.A well that's where your secret your secret headquarters is yeah I mean can you and like I don't think a YouTube channel has an IP dude no like it's just he's so dumb so this is the undeniable proof he said he's had and apparently and he's just sharing it with some random person yeah he actually is just talking with people in the DMS he's lonely he's sad pathetic lonely man uh too much wine sorry oh play that again Zach too much wine sorry that's Kavanaugh all right wait we never played that on the show did we yeah I think we just discovered there's been a lot of Kavanaugh discoveries over the break golly no else we didn't play it on the show hmm this amazing yeah oh is it muted I have Twitter here is uh that is the force of nature it's Ryan it's Harvey Weinstein saying right as a force of nature aggressive nature huh Hassan said is this the same dude twice I said it's hard to tell uh to the untrained eye but it's actually two different people I think it's important to make that distinction I have an inappropriate relationship with a 40 year old Natalie Portman oh can you pull that one up please yeah dude this was all over the break my goodness yeah foreign one is just gonna be too much wine it's gonna just be Evergreen um well why you fish that up baby um here is so he's been looking for thrust everywhere people have been reporting that they just changed their names to throws for a goof and Ryan himself has been reaching out and direct messaging them [Music] um to the point where here is Ryan presumably on a Shrek I can't get over this fan for him how is this possible Shrek Wiki found you 35 Pope around here somewhere this is a guy named thrust on Wiki on Shrek Wiki Shrek and you're in my swamp all right gross pleasure to finally meet you you've been a very busy boy maybe we should talk sooner than later totally you've been a busy boy unlike me clearly I have way too much time on my hands um found it yeah here's Ryan Kavanaugh at the 2014 Texas film Awards where he's saying he wants to have an inappropriate relationship with 14 year old Natalie Portman which we actually know he has a weird obsession with I forgot about this when I made my recent video um I was told if I came here that it was Luke bassan who was introducing me and I get to star in Lay professional too and have an inappropriate relationship with a 14 year old Natalie Portman so that's the only reason I came I'm just joking um dude he is so ugh [ __ ] blasted in this clip like look at his [ __ ] tie he's like sweating bullets this is just like he is [ __ ] wasted man the only reason I came is because I thought I would sleep with a 14 year old just kidding first of all right sorry too much wine sorry yeah so we so that's our favorite sound bite that's too much wine sorry we know we know we know Ryan as long as you're not driving right Drive Angry so here's another damn of Ryan Kavanaugh dming a fake thrust account like I said he's just been on the war path to identify this roast character thrust I jokingly changed my username to throw stuff for Ryan accused someone of the same name of what of editing his Wiki after 48 Hours of no response I received a DM from Kavanaugh himself among others trying to get the 25k reward hello yes that's it oh and then there's it just says he just says hello like trying to be ominous yeah hello so [Music] [Laughter] this whole story yeah um there was another one by Ryan the uh the wikilei isn't this old news or do we also never talk about this we definitely talked about this right wikilei uh 28 days ago yeah or [ __ ] yeah I think it was on the last week that we were on we mentioned yeah he erased all of it he's given up he was gonna make a documentary about Wikipedia bias and he erased it he spelled credible wrong yeah that's awesome it's so much oh and then we also have by the way this was something else that kept coming up in our group chat Ryan Cavanaugh fashion disasters you'll like this oh I love it look how this guy dressed to Red Carpet Events what Eli can you give me an analysis of this I'm genuinely outraged and confused by this I God I I can't find the right words to describe it flipped definitely something's flipped I mean it's like a five-year-old's idea of how it's interesting right to an event I don't know it's like the the jeans are too long and why are the jeans too long that that's crazy to me first day of school meets Bar Mitzvah Ferris Bueller's Day Off meets City of Hope this is the city of no hope it's the city of no City yeah it's a total Bar Mitzvah that's that's dead on yeah it's like [ __ ] I don't have dress pants Joe yo these jeans though they're so long like he's rich like get like this is a red carpet my dude is he stepping on them yeah yeah totally uh here's it from another angle yeah they're going like halfway up his foot oh so yo they get by the way the Getty image person actually took a picture of his feet that's wild they literally said get a load of this guy they took a picture of his feet on Getty Images can you believe that I never I've never seen anything like that in my life oh it Band-Aid wait why is he about someone also noticed what's that mean oh my God too much wine sorry too much wine that's what it means okay so there's a different event this is what he's wearing now explain this [ __ ] I can't I cannot explain this what is this first of all the shirt underneath way too tight and light and like shows everything it would be a bad way why is it why is it open maybe this is later in the show when he got drunk and he was like I'm just gonna open it it's that time of night looks like your Uncle Fester jacket what is with the sleeves on this jacket sleeves way too long tight white undershirt this is just a fashion disaster what a nightmare and then this was a recent one from trailer or like I mean what what the hell dude this one's no excuse he's at his own event imagine being like overweight I mean he's a little chubby you can't wear white dude I feel like he thinks he's buff like in a way that he can show off his body but like are you serious I think so because why is he wearing stuff like this all I see is Teddy dude I think he's got a little bit it's a little bit of a you think he thinks he looks good huh I do this one seems like the pants again it's got pants overflow wait what's happening here there's like a Ben a wild Bend what is happening too much fabric is happening I think it's too long again get a Taylor man you can afford six lawyers okay this one yeah check this out oh what this one is the best you want to break it down Ayla because I don't even know where to start I don't know I feel like I'm not good with this I don't have enough like vocabulary to describe appropriately what I'm seeing but this one is my favorite I can tell you that the Twilight look you think maybe Edward wives or whatever his name like a Twilight cowboy type thing he's got rolled up jeans okay cowboy boots who folds the jeans like that and have them to chew over and still see the socks too but then he's got the same kind of Schoolboy Ty Bar Mitzvah look with a Blazer over his jacket does some did someone do this to him this nobody would dress him like this right it's so pale his subject is so long and the way his pants are rolled up it makes his legs look so short right yeah can you zoom in on the boot area with the sock and you must have really short legs because all it is those in like all of them his pants seem way too long I think he's just like got squat little legs bro and not believe what I'm seeing I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now when you wear a shoe like this it's got to go under the pants right yeah yeah but he rolled it up to show it off yeah so that's fashion disasters with Ryan Kavanaugh for me this is the worst one really just because the jacket fits so bad the undershirt is bad it's just wow I don't know it's like are you even trying like what the f what is this [ __ ] tits yeah this one is pretty epic dude just because they got the close-up of the clothes so great oh I wanted to show thrust his post on the Wikipedia board maybe about the roast was like can you guys need to do something about Ryan Cavanaugh or eventually threatening us every day um it actually made me feel really bad for those two guys or thrust we stand with you thrust oh absolutely solidarity deep throats as I've been referring to him yeah actually their Source actually actually I'm team uh Kavanaugh Team Edward so good Twilight meme anybody yeah no it's somebody here Twilight movies yeah that's right I was gonna say somebody here likes those movies yeah also like he's he's about to take his his um this was a really interesting article so somebody posted this in my opinion a new Ponzi why did they spell it like that right why the [ __ ] did they Spell scheme like that you guys uh I don't know is that a goof or do they is that a real misspelling skiing maybe it's a goof so this person said you know what dude you spelled scheme like that I can't read this oh no sorry did you find that post AB uh no I'm looking for right now it was in the the document I sent you I copy pasted you last night it was in that it should be all right here I just in the actual doc well anyway moving on you it's on the subreddit too you can find it there um so anyway in honor of thrust who's being insanely targeted by uh by Kavanaugh we made this merge now you can go to H3 shop to help support our lawsuit efforts we still have two massive lawsuits to go and let's just say we love thrust we love throws we are not throws but we love throws we love that he cares about Free Speech we love that he volunteers his time to maintain a website we all use and love every day who Among Us doesn't visit Wikipedia several times a week so true and the roast is one of those Heroes you know there's just no reason why he is and and popoci 35 should endure this man's arrest Pokey shout out so anyway um yeah even the quartering defended me uh with Kavanaugh I was very impressed because usually when it comes to like right wing guys everything I do is just the worst thing that's ever happened no matter what even in this situation where it's like objectively I'm right keemstar is still finding a way to be like it's not it's copyright infringement yeah okay guys finally had to dig into the insane lawsuit against H3 yes he keeps poking the bear but who seems to have a hobby for a poking the bear who seems to have a hobby of filing frivolous lawsuits but our differences aside these lawsuits are bad for all of us and I back his efforts to win I have to go puke now guys what do you mean poking the bear though like still it's like you mean my constitutional First Amendment my right to free speech to talking about public figures poking the bear I shouldn't have to expect to be sued for talking for oh well maybe I should I don't know some things are more important than Petty beef internet beef okay fine yeah but but not to give them too much credit because he like literally one day later was calling me he said he had a lot of words to say about me Jordan Peterson is no more of a gateway to the alt-right than you are Ethan deleting your interviews is truly a new low how many times does he use that phrase a new low yeah so I responded with this post from Reddit I saw how do I convince my husband that him pissing on the floor is not okay and he needs to be responsible for it got him oh my God that was actually from the subreddit shut up yeah um so that's I feel like there's more cav-cav stuff but I guess that's enough for now I don't yeah I need to talk about cap forever yeah I do want to show that post though maybe I think you just I'm sorry I believe this is it I was helping out with the teddy fresh stuff and so I was a little bit and my Asus a little flip a little flip did you talk about I just want it right here because I just copy and pasted that over yeah this is it this is it this is actually important because what Ryan's doing by basically putting a bounty on them and harassing them and threatening them with legal action is he doesn't even need to figure out their Identity or sue them he's scaring them he's trying to scare them into um what's going on are you showing it Dan I'm gonna read it oh I was like what he's trying to scare them into uh just disappearing I mean it'd be totally rational for anyone at this point to be like I'm I'm not I don't want to be involved anymore right and then let Ryan put back his page to what a great guy he is and everything's perfect and he's the best dude ever so this is a post on Wikipedia from thrust Ryan Cavanaugh's tweeted calling out specific editors popoci and me again accusing us of having some sort of connection to him being paid by a third party after the Tweet was published there have been multiple attempts by people to log into my account and one attempt to change my password that is definitely Ryan is there anything we can do about this sort of harassment like perhaps imposing a site-wide ban on RK the user I wonder what that stands for and it's soft puppets who I think we can now all agree is Ryan Kavanaugh himself yeah and then there's the top right camera appears to have filed a lawsuit implying Wikipedia editors or at least stop him from Yeah so basically I mean he is causing a lot of trouble for these poor guys and it's outrageous it's disgusting so Ryan cavkev still at it that's it that's all I'm going to say about him out thank you so next up we have basically an incredible beef I had both you know we're supposed to have a quiet time I don't know how I got into beef with both Joe Rogan stands and Jordan Peters as if they were different people um before we jump into another topic though we should do our other two ads got it and we have the link prepared for can you put at the top of the dock and I'll pull it yeah um what is this Discord you posted in our group so anyway let's thank our two other sponsors I want to try love Swedish candies too so much freaking drama you guys yeah I think let's have something yeah there's so much that happened a little palette cleanser yeah we need a palette cleanser yeah Joe Rogan and and Jordan Peterson stands tried to literally kill me no not literally but they they I mean I was like big news I think on Twitter and uh and they're big mad yeah big mad I saw the Jordan responded to you I gotta be honest I did not follow the Jordan beef he was responding to me I know and I still thought that was happening and I was just like I'm going back to work next week I'm just I'm just gonna that's fine yeah I'll be finding out about it as we talk about it okay interesting so you'll like it yeah yeah Jordan Peterson actually started responding to me yeah he asked for specific reasons why I'm saying the things about him I provided them he didn't respond to me and then he posted an article titled Jordy Peterson schools Ethan Klein on cancel culture really schooled yeah you feel like you were taken to school not at all you didn't even respond to me oh weird yeah so um let's do our last two ads and then let's do a vote on what you guys want because I don't want to borrow you with all the if there's just like too much drama time all right so thank you guys to hello fresh hellofresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store count on hella fresh to make some cooking make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why it's America's number one meal kit the New Year's a great time to focus on what's most important uh abs glorious burrito to the New Year it's time to pay homage to the great burrito the great hello 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or contracts at sams.com h3tv okay let's do a fika I think oh there's some funny videos I wanted to watch too um so let's do some fun stuff there's actually some hilarious videos I saw over the break oh keemstar went after my dad too it's been so long literally that feels like it was forever ago but we never talked about keemstar started attacking my freaking dad on Twitter you guys sorry my dad doesn't care though he's like my dad doesn't care about that he was at my dad actually started arguing with keemstar on Twitter which is kind of a parallel universe situation I never expected if you guys want keemstar going after my debt well let's watch some funny videos um let's see I go down the bottom funny videos there's actually a video I wanted your guys's reaction to too it's so rage inducing I wanted all y'all to to give me your takes this was a post I thought was hilarious um neck Accardo is coming next week Dan yeah next week oh that's right next one wait is this a nude no this is just text right what are you the guy who jerked off the nickocato's nudes it's just text yeah okay I hope so he said this is the funniest [ __ ] I've ever read and preparation for Nick coming next week Ela I have masturbated to Nick avocados only fans and I am disgusted and ashamed of myself what sat oh this was in sad cringe it's not even our subreddit yeah what is this it's a post and sad cringe he said title I was doing the deed after abstaining for two weeks it first began with normal material the average person would deem suitable then I progressively edged and got hornier as my session went on I ended up with me being curious and finishing off the nicocado's nudes and when the post not Clarity hit I genuinely wanted to kill myself it's been a few days and I don't know how to cope with myself my actions and what I did along with the fact that I am well aware and am the same person who did do that oh I'm telling you it's not that bad bro I don't know why he's taking it I mean I'm pretty pretty incredible that it escalated I know the kind of stuff that Nick does it's like straight Gaper stuff but if that's what that's what you're into there's nothing wrong with it I just thought it was funny that he felt so ashamed it's like he went all the way down the rabbit hole and at the bottom was Nick Caper there's a wide hole that's that's a good one eh uh here's some other funny vids you know some ones that I found over the break this is one I saw on the subreddit it just cracked me the F up dude such a great Rescue video you guys I'm assuming it's where where is this is this like the Middle East or like Latin America I actually can't tell let me see if I can find out South America um so the sirens blaring now the biggest mystery to me first of all this guy is not handling the weight of that man well I could tell you that right off the bat um what yeah oh my God no they attached the road I don't understand the plan here it was really funny there's the first Rescue Team this is the the last rescue what is the plan the Rope to The Rescuer yeah and they just think they're gonna haul him up while he's holding another guy I guess how just a single rope but like how is this supposed to work [Laughter] I think that was basically what they plan I mean like I know that's not what they expected but there was actually what they they put one rope on The Rescuer and they said we'll pull you look well we're gonna pull him out we show it again also he's not in that deep of a hole guys that's why I wanted to see it again it's like just hand them off to someone up there why you guys got to get over complicated yeah like right where the people are standing just reach down and help him I feel like I could do that also the guy that he's rescuing is wearing a hazard like a high Vis uh jacket was he rescuing somebody else is this already the the third round of this I don't know man I don't know but he actually bro I don't know they're not it's not that deep just it's like they've got a crane or something they're using some kind of excavator to pull them out give me the Audio I want the audio the siren is blaring someone's screaming on a megaphone the Rope is on his you know right above his butt so right now it's between his legs yeah it's between his legs what's the plan laughs that's so good so shout out to the rescue team there I see a comment that says these aren't First Responders they're last responders glad you're paying attention to the show AB [Applause] s how crazy or did I say that you did I'm sorry I literally said that sorry I was watching the other H3 TV I got confused as long as you're watching one of them I'm okay with that baby did that everyone saw that oh and then here's another rescue related video that was so funny and I mean obviously horrible but uh at a skiing Resort and there was a lady stuck literally right exactly on top of that on a ski lift I just want to have me like crying what did you the chances are oh my God the ski lift pausing those two things happening exactly lined up is pretty incredible in a freezing Place yeah it's freezing oh yeah what do you do it's awesome isn't it oh my God I mean I would take a I see a vehicle in the background I would drive the vehicle over that at least so it wasn't if you're the person up there do you just jump it's like I would just dropped definitely um but I think I mean I don't know if they're older or what well if they can ski they're not that yeah difficult right if you can ski true it's very active yeah a lot of nightmare yo that's awesome huh and I think I'm pretty sure it's so awesome isn't it this is the visualization of bad luck right pretty much [Music] how could it stop right over why me I'm gonna stop right over it or I wonder if they knew the pipe was burst so they turned it off and but the [ __ ] that put them right over there oh man everyone's just watching like well that sucks [Music] she was fine by the way okay yeah she's fine [Laughter] they rescued her you know that or you just I know they do okay I do know that okay here is the island boys giving a shout out to a very special somebody a very special Island Boy right that's true wait um yeah so you know they're they're pretty big on Cameo all right so it's been a hot minute since I got celebrities to shout out like Ivan Milat and uh Rolf Harris so I thought I'd give it another go um in the news lately Elaine Maxwell the one who helped Jeffrey Epstein on his island with all the massages and that who is more fitting to shout him out shout her out than uh the island boys spiral Stars let's see if they do it Maxwell thank you for all your help on the island please keep it oh my God Heavenly Chuck wants you to know that he's hanging in there Jeff is uh [Music] this is an Instagram video keep it quiet dumbasses they literally they don't know who G Lane Axwell is I guess I don't expect anything from them um this one was pretty incredible this is a clip from the NBA uh this was cold man this was cold this newscaster what a well-designed play and um you got to give credit Kevin Porter Jr luck is that pulled that trigger right at the right time yeah okay so apparently foreign so apparently his father spent four years in prison for manslaughter and was later killed in a bar fight his father but yeah hold on I let you got to hear the whole story before I go back and play it again it's the craziest [ __ ] I ever heard wait what's the back story I wish there was more Intel here um can you can someone get me into it right now because it's it was a really like sad messed up story but apparently his dad went to jail for kill for yeah he killed a 14 year old girl in 1993. so what happened though what was like an accident or something weird let me look into it manslaughter so generally that's uh I keep having heartburn by the way this whole time really you want some Tums I'm sure we have some outfit do you think we do do we have a heartburn medicine we have Tums somewhere oh you keep this have someone else bro yeah so um can someone grab tubs Sam oh you got something in thank you anyway his dad killed a 15 year old girl I don't know what's the backstory but this guy said a well-designed play and um you got to give credit Kevin Porter Jr luck is that pulled that trigger right at the right time dude which is without an ounce of irony just straight up like his dad thank you all the trigger so is this the guy in who's making an apology now yeah that's his statement did he get fired I don't think so more saying the fifth slide explains I thought it didn't give enough context this one I mean everything I'm seeing is just saying what you just said he pled guilty to manslaughter in good time yep I mean okay whatever there was a more interesting story I remember about why the girl died like it was a big trap it was obvious trap big tragedy you know what I mean just like his dad knew exactly when to pull that trigger I want to sincerely apologize to Kevin Porter Jr and clarify last night's call please allow me to take this property and surely apologize to him and his family and the rockets organization I made during last night's game I mistakenly thought that Kevin was the son of forming former Washington player Kevin Porter and was unaware that I the shows I wore the words I chose to oh I didn't know that the words I chose would be hurtful or insensitive I kind of believe that because the way he said it seemed like he was saying it like a compliment yeah right so he thought he was someone else whose dad was also a basketball player oh because the way he said it was so cold it was way too cold just like his father knows the pull that trigger it's like what who says that yeah it makes sense there was a former Washington player Kevin Porter and his name is Kevin Porter Jr that makes sense right makes perfect sense to me are we giving him a passy yeah I mean there's an obvious mistake okay well there you go all is well that ends well that's like O.J Simpson's son being like a football player he really took that guys just like his father really took that guy's head off just like his father he got away with murder [Laughter] I can't believe the ref didn't call that foul just like his father he got away with murder going deep like that knife oh yeah just like Michael Jackson people are still divided on the Michael Jackson one so I think they forever will be look his music's great but you gotta admit the dude slept in bed with kids end a story [Music] just like Michael Jackson that man just molested a bunch of kids foreign but to anyone still defending Michael that man slept in a bed with kids what are the chances he didn't flick one of those kids dicks at least once like zero let's be honest bro you don't sleep in a bed with kids period I don't care how [ __ ] Adolescent and sweet and innocent your brain is the minute you sleep in a bed with another kid who's like 10 years old you're definitely touching his dick end I'm looking at UAB I was watching the other show again what's going on once I change the name you guys won't have that excuse anymore um yeah yeah I'm getting there so also speaking of a b Wally actually is [Music] okay it's made up for not having an actual Trump sound but this is way better to myself what's happening I don't know what's going on yo oh I gotta say a b came through and got me a badass Christmas bro all right now he got me a freaking Xbox dude okay I didn't tell anyone around here but I did yeah pretty cool I want everyone else to know where's mine I want everyone else in it I mean I was gonna shank for that have you used it was it was it hard to get no I haven't I haven't yet I mean I was just I only got it a few days ago okay my cousin's like oh my cousin his cousin got one or he sells them and uh he's like he has a few more left if you want one I went to go meet up with him in this very shady house and I got it let's go wait you got it from your cousin your crazy cousin's friend no different not my crazy cousin not my cousin my good cousin thank you bro that was actually a really sweet gift no problem at least I could do so what should I get should I need to get Halo so we can all play together yes go start a clan clone HDTV Clan by the way there's a new Teddy fresh collection coming out on Thursday [Music] um I'll just show it off a little bit yes yes girl hair clips yes skirts [Music] Genies yes bro next is that our corridor open corduroy pants yes she looks great look at all that full tea up look Scott it's a hat Gila loving it we love it don't we folks stuck loading um sheesh yes Sherpa those are beautiful I love that Sherpa hoodie Gary Kennedy socks sweater oh more jewelry is coming out let's see yes yes yeah ooh fancy yeah it looks good those are the corduroy pants uh women's Sherpa slash puffer jacket nice I'm jealous I want that jacket there's a lot of stuff actually and uh check it out this Thursday teddyfresh.com January January come back okay so let's do the fika experience eh yeah yeah I'm curious I want to do a candy taste test all right let's go uh-huh [Music] feeling very patriotic to the Swedish people right now [Music] so how should where should we start how should we do this yes sure that's a good idea you guys gonna try it too yeah we'll pass it around okay yeah just just give it to me baby hey thank you all right wow so here I'll introduce it and you can explain wait this Candy's already been open what the hell wait what you've been tapping into the fika is this the good [ __ ] cookie dough oh wow chocolate cookies that is the the good [ __ ] yeah this is called Marabou oh that's a famous one right Marabou yeah Maribel milk chocolate that's the best chocolate that's good oh my God I don't like the milk chocolate in America yeah it sounds good let's wear it in America fudge fudge and sea salt okay we love it milk chocolate too so much this is chocolate which you know let's see this is Paulie oh yeah holy polyamory like Paulie oh we never talked about cav-cap getting bold well I didn't want to push you towards not everyone wasn't sure if you wanted to go there well I just wanted to do stuff in order we found out that kavcav's wife is like getting slammed by another dude like undeniable why you say it like that slammed because he's like a bull his name's Brad He's like jacked and handsome he's the antithesis of everything Ryan Kavanaugh is so funny okay let's stay on point and then we can get into the um this one is just chocolate right uh no it's uh something else in the middle oh my God yeah they're so good yo that's valuable feet come my dude I just don't want the dogs to eat it there's two different kinds in that pulley there's one with milk chocolate and one with uh darker chocolate which is really good so good okay this is so [ __ ] good I love this yeah it's really good right this is like my favorite candy so what is it inside it says it's as some kind of really chewy butter toffee and vanilla wow that is so good what's happening damn take that one that one's amazing oh my God look this one is poly Polly yeah that is better than any American candy any store no way yeah I told you Swedish candy is the [ __ ] I would eat more I'm just worried about the heartburn oh that is really good the texture everything the texture it stays with you well wow okay this one I thought they were little penises but now keep in mind I bought this chocolate or this this candies the day I traveled here so they're a couple days old what does that matter it's sealed well there when you get them Super Fresh from the store and open them immediately they're super soft really oh yeah yeah even candles just a couple days can what oh wow not old they're just not don't taste it on the Shelf yeah of course yeah but from the day that they're made um like they kind of degrade a little bit okay the day off when they're made there so this is super hard yeah it says best by 2023 I don't no but I mean if you leave Canada you can get it fresh yeah I got it Super Fresh yeah this is good which is like a really hard chili wow so those Ferraris are very classic Swedish candy Ferrari yeah that's just some good feet in my dude thank you dude thank you you guys like that chocolate one that one's insane yeah ELO I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to enter a polyamorous relationship the chocolates got him Goddamn oh so I guess I'll say when I posted a picture of these on my story a lot of people pointed out that the candy isn't from Sweden but they might some of them might be from Norway Finland and we all share them right yeah that's okay yeah it's okay pin pin pin those are all right yeah similar to Ferrari sure yeah yep um a little weird aftertaste yeah they're very ischemical almost very chemical yeah they taste a bit chemical yeah those are horrible I hate that really horrible probably forever wow oh it does end like it's just like battery acid brought down like a cleaning product I know people like that and some people do it's like a child's candy for some reason I don't know but there's one bag that I sealed off you see those bags that I sealed off those yeah those I think is no one is gonna like okay because they're either a bit spicy or strong these are considered candies yeah this one says salt on it that doesn't sound like a good candy oh they're green screened um they're salty it doesn't matter I think it's pear hair super salt it says super salt how is that a candy that sounds like a nightmare they're good inside but very salty outside yeah yo one of them tastes just like Swedish Fish yeah is that the Pimpin Ferrari yeah they're probably all right the Ferrari the Pimpin tastes like dog [ __ ] my [ __ ] mouth I hate it all right so this one's called Superstar yeah so I don't think you're gonna like that but if you give it a second so either but if you give it if you get over the salty face then it's good A little torture a little pain a little pleasure I mean this looks like a really disgusting it looks like a weird vitamin I like those a lot have you ever had air heads here or not uh Atomic or yeah I know what you're yeah I've had those shower heads I've had those here you like those I mean sure all right here goes one salt one two Stone of salt which apparently candy in Sweden super salt [Music] it's kind of good right [Music] I don't know if I'm ready for it I'm trying to work through the pain but it's not [ __ ] gross sure nope you better you got everyone got to try one of those should I try it or is it too crazy the salt one yeah oh it's not getting good yet love oh God I I warned you guys I chewed it it's really not sweet in the middle it is I'm gonna do it I hate them so much thank you ew I'll have one now this is the worst thing I've ever done my tongue is literally burning oh terrific yes the worst I think they're pretty good oh my God I like it those are some of my favorites you promised me some of your favorite are those the Non-Stop never stop I never stop those are so good yeah you guys are gonna like those I've had my eye on that that looks good I need that an everlasting Gobstopper ah that was the worst thing never stop those are the same kind of chocolate as you guys ate before yeah ah yeah man they need food the place have you eaten fish food yeah you know it's a bit of licorice in there I love this it's okay it's like an Eminem yeah be consumed this is the worst thing don't ever eat this [ __ ] it says salt on the front it says super salt in Swedish that's not a candy it literally says salt on the front dude that's literally the worst thing I've ever tasted it's horrible horrific all right back into the the bag of Horrors yeah so this one says sour not super sour all right but those are better I think because there's no licorice what's with these extreme Challenge candies aren't we supposed to enjoy candies well that's why I segregated them because it's got the same shape like a Halls cough drop oh it can't be worse than a warhead right um probably yeah you're gonna like them though I know I'm unusual but I I'm sucking it hard love Warheads I'm just getting into it Shredder is walking out might need to go potty did you try the salt walking out he's over this just quit did you try the salt Manila the salt is the worst thing I've ever tried ever this sour is not bad Warheads are way worse but they're pretty tasty too those you're you're having now they're they're tasty they're not only sour I wouldn't say they're tasty honestly really no I love sour candy and then the end doesn't justify the means on this one I really don't think so oh my God super sour I can't get over that other one the salt boy yeah you guys shouldn't have the bad ones I admitted some of them are bad that one taste like uh when you jump in a chlorine pool and you don't plug your nose do you like that no it says the worst yeah the word it's just the worst experience basically yeah and they're all different tastes all right next up from the bagel horse we have see these I don't think you guys are gonna like one bit it's called the Turkish pepper yeah what's pepper mean pepper oh it's a better right spelled it's not the correct spelling but it's like Turkish Turkish pepper oh it says soft and salty guys can we stop with these salty candy into it these I don't like I don't look like rat poison I don't know about it like literally you shouldn't have it it's bad I mean I'm not I'm going to skip the bad ones I'm not gonna get a whole thing though if you have it's too long texture is nice this is amazing it looks like licorice it's licorice so you like licorice yeah oh it is licorice hold on this is great okay I will try one there's nothing wrong with this the one that looked the most deadly yeah it's sweet I know this yeah we have this in Israel too oh yeah it looks it's a little salty but it's still sweet right but don't do you like the salt in the candy or no I mean there's too much salt in there because I like when it's salt in the candy oh there's too much salt in that I like it but it's good I like those two you like that yeah okay pleasantly surprised I was expecting yeah because those are the only ones I don't like from there really yeah up next we've got from the bag of [ __ ] it says salty sour and what's tea fish Nutter I actually can't see what fishes suit there show me again salt sit Sear um I don't know s-o-t sweet oh sweet so salt sweet and sour that sounds good to me here we go it says banana banana no but it's just a banan it's banana banana but in Swedish you say banana but no okay yeah let me tell you how back in this game vanilla there's this guy is so soft I don't like the color like try it pass this one around Dave you guys try it that's the worst one this is actually the worst that's worse than the fish I can definitely spit it out what cannot do that and then that's just the it's just not okay laughs it's just a ball this is the banana ha hmm so tasty oh no oh freaking girl what the [ __ ] do you need to Crunch I can't even swallow my spit it's like oh but it disappears in like two seconds I'll work through it am I supposed to Crunch it love when you Crown fit you you're gonna get the second surprise everybody's going to the bat the crew is gone I don't know there's nobody left to even oh Ian you're still there did you try it again yeah I'm sucking on it crunchy done crunch it it's not great what's the surprise I just pulverized it it's more salt the [ __ ] love dude this some of this candy is some of the best candy I've ever had and some of it is the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life you guys are a bunch of [ __ ] yeah you just wait till the Mexican comes it didn't actually itself that is [ __ ] [ __ ] whoever made this candy [ __ ] you okay now this is the worst candy ever made I think the Danes made that candy actually oh that's expensive I don't we need to invade Dane we need to invade yeah I think so too actually take over Denmark yep we have one more oh no oh my goodness I forgot about those this everyone should take one at the same time and we'll see what happens it's called it's called June what does that mean jungle scream okay all I see is that it's a song promising all right everybody it's another all the ones that say salt on it have been we should take all these uh at the same time okay okay everyone grab a monkey so this is a licorice uh topped with super much salt why the uh all right well I'm not a fan of licorice so that's all right so Ethan if you get over the salty period you're gonna probably like this one is it a black licorice uh yeah black licorice I don't actually like black licorice at all but I like to suck on these for the salt extra salt all right I'm so I ate one of these Pollies in Atlanta those are really good the police okay are we all doing this ready I guess so oh it's so intense it's so sauce salty I can't yeah I could I could season eggs with my spit right now oh yeah dude the [ __ ] I'm actually gonna spit this one out because I don't like the eye for days you're bringing us candy that even you're spitting out yeah I brought you the whole experience dude what's wrong with it oh my God what's going on in Sweden what is happening so I think there are so you know what I just realized socialism foreign I mean I was able the last one was worse because I had to spit that out immediately that the flavor was worse this is the saltiest thing I've ever tasted guys I hate it so much got that dirt tasting good right it sucks oh nightmare spitting this one out too I'm out yeah you guys don't like licorice either I guess so basically they seem like candy bars are these anything special love uh they're lying you can have they're really made by Nestle how bad can it be those are good those are one of my favorite candies so I think you shouldn't like have a bite at least if you're white yeah oh just a good candy bar bomb it's pretty good right yeah all right now Sam bring out the Mexican for a lovely track and I'm done sure I'll eat anything got him a nice Spicy Bite are they here oh we just we'll have you try it since you've never really tried Mexican food before it's pretty incredible thank you oh [ __ ] it's Juiced off dude it's a wet burrito can you try to show it to the camera it's green screening up the sauce yeah do you even know what you're looking at look at this so I'm supposed to eat with with a fork right yeah okay love do you know what you're looking at no I have no clue oh it's a turkey you know what tortilla is uh I don't know the difference between tortilla and burrito give it a different tortilla and what burrito oh the tortilla is just the wrapping oh so it's a tortilla it's got probably like beans and rice and chicken and salsa and guacamole okay it's all wrapped up in there and then they pour salsa on it what was it on or the at the end what did you say at the end they poured salsa on it oh I see well so this is guacamole like some can we get the camera down on it yeah let's get a shot here there's a bunch of cheese on top too oh yeah so it's not diet food I'll tell you that right now so is this enough oh yeah that's a big bite [Laughter] so why would you eat a wet burrito bro because you're about to find out basically the theory is that you put so much salsa on it already you might as well just drench it dunk it it's definitely a decadent food it is not necessary love took a bite this is tasty mom he says it's tasty stuff feels the Heat going for a second buy it I'll explain this he'll slam okay good hear that I'm gonna smell it and what why do you put sauce on the [ __ ] cookie dough why do you put sauce on a tortilla no on a crispy ship like this crispy [ __ ] ship there's a chip in there shouldn't be like it's just uh like a sheep that's just the way it is bro chilakitas is actually a dish I feel like he does is a dish of basically soggy chips okay no I mean The Taste is really good okay we love that so is this chicken in here yeah is what chicken in there yeah there's so much sauce I don't know what I'm consuming just drink it eat it get in there get weird welcome to America how long we've been going Dan uh we've been going about two and a half hours should we go down the cuckold before we go the cuckold [ __ ] hold the clock hold the [ __ ] Hall I'm still yeah should we be talking about this I feel like something else I mean we already brought it up I know but it's just like I just feel like we already did a lot of Kavanaugh right yeah I mean it's like a king champion but it is interesting it's the wildest wrinkle yeah I love it so I'm like I want to talk about it but also it is because we are surprised by the wet burrito I mean that's like it's American Mexican food I think it's more California or maybe California I know in Mexico they don't even really make a burrito at all no no the burrito doesn't it makes it La food more than it is Mexican food but I mean it's real Mexican food the people who make it are Mexican I mean this is a Mexican-American food yeah so if we can talk about one other topic what do you guys want to hear you want to hear keemstar going after my dad let's set up a poll for additional one more one last topic okay keemstar going after my dad coconut keemstar versus Gary yeah Ryan cochina Joe Rogan fans want our treaders cancel me and then Jordan Peterson fans try to cancel me I guess two separate ones I'm not take a year to go over all that [ __ ] and then there's Ace family click baiting their son getting hurt I can only do four hours so that's it and then there's Logan Paul loss but there's old news Jesus that's coming up I'm gonna I'm gonna even know what that was I didn't know if I say bless you or pretty good okay go ahead with it let's see yeah I'd be happy to talk about any one of those topics [Music] with burritos in Mexico okay I mean I don't know we've spent some time there I mean we've visited a few times usually it seemed like the burrito wasn't a thing there's a lot of um Tacos yeah Taco is very popular in Mexico uh looks like keemstar versus your dad seems to be running away with it that's pretty juicy I gotta agree almost almost 50 percent wow game starters Gary Klein taking a huge dub okay fun yeah I'd love to talk about this I mean super interesting so let's pull it up um okay [ __ ] okay [ __ ] so sorry Uncle Brad another time bread the bull so yeah um basically let's let's pull it up let's take it from the top um so I don't I don't remember why he went after me if there was a specific like or we were made oh I think it was pretty much the moment you got banned on YouTube keemstar decided he was it was fair game to just like talk [ __ ] yeah and I thought it was pretty funny how he got real comfortable the minute we went on break yeah like a lot of the characters came out the woodwork and all of a sudden it felt really comfortable to say whatever they wanted about me and my family in this case so yeah keemstar basically one day after we started Bray Ethan Klein's father from H3 is trying to take basically my dad by the way is like the most woke libtard of all time I mean he is so far left socially and politically it's kind of laughable but keemstar is trying to take him out of context to prove that I'm somehow a hypocrite or something or that my dad is a racist somebody said what a discouraging day I have terrible luck with airports and cops pulled over and written up four times for offenses my dad said and you don't even look black of course look my dad is a [ __ ] I wouldn't type that but obviously his joke is that black people get you know targeted more right um but he's a boomer this is from 2017. so I guess keemstar realized that he had already come through all my tweets and then he's like I can go through Gary's tweet and try to embarrass Ethan also he kind of has a thing for messing with the elderly he's done in the passes right all right all right good point it's only a matter of time before he accuse him 2017 did he was he just like scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through Gary's he's like yeah he's like yeah [ __ ] up this old man's Christmas yes that's literally what he was doing weird so he goes Ethan Klein fathers from H3 podcast which and like let's be honest it's not even that good of a fine bro it's just kind of weird and pathetic don't you think to be tweeting out like deep weird cuts for my dad but obviously he knows what that he's not making a racist comment also I mean whatever your dad is saying is not you saying it why why are we even focusing on your dad's Twitter from a few years ago is not even a public figure he has two likes this is tweets yeah two likes yeah I mean he probably had like two or like five followers or something back then but not that it matters he didn't say anything racist it's just so Ethan Glenn's father from h3g podcast um there was something that led up into this I can't remember what bone is found by Nicholas diorio shout out um can you put up a picture of Nick while we read this one found by him sure one second hold on but wait it didn't start with this stuff it started with him talking to like porn accounts no there's it's all in here okay um this is Nicholas diorio okay hold on I'm gonna do this in two steps here's how Nicholas diorio depicts himself on the internet right that's some kind of he doesn't show his face well he does he just not on his channel and then um this is like Keane's uh heir to a drama alert apparently because he was posting uh videos on the drum alert channel here's what we're dealing with here well besides him just being like a child he's like so I mean he looks like he's barely out of high school or still in high school I mean he's a young dude yeah this is what I mean yeah you argue with people on the internet and you get charged up and you've got to realize that you're probably talking to someone that looks like this and what I mean by that is a pimply faced kid who you know he's just he's a know-nothing yeah these are the people you got to remember what's going on on the internet like if I met this kid in real life I would literally just you wouldn't think twice about him yeah I mean this is Nicholas diorio yeah that's a good one with that um with that uh weekend at burnt what was it Weekend at Bernie's what's that movie uh yeah we're gonna Bernie and again not um listen cool guy exactly so this is the kind of person that uh is a tough guy on the internet you know so shout out to shout out to uh at least keemstar shows his face and you can you can Goof on him for his face oh maybe he's saying he's 24. really I thought he looked like 17. maybe some older photos we saw where he was maybe this one is from it says this is relatively recent like within the last okay he looks older on this one yeah he looks a little bit older that's true but anyway my point is you know it's like yeah so anyway shout out to Nickel Nicholas diorio for shouting for digging up dirt on my dad who's body shaming anyone I'm seeing people I literally didn't even comment on his body you guys you guys are projecting a little bit here I didn't say a single freaking comment she said that he was pimply what you said that he was pimply I guess is that body shaming no pimples saying he has pimple we all had pimples yes yeah okay guys am I not get let me ask you something am I not allowed to talk about anybody who's over like what is your point then nobody's allowed to talk [ __ ] about me I'm fat don't say anything about me Dollar Tree scarce exactly guys I didn't body shame him come on not a single comment about his body he's youthful he's got pimples he looks like a child I mean what the hell I know I already see that Ethan is a hypocrite he is body shaming Nicholas yorio gift of the year what I said they're gonna he fed the birds we're gonna have videos for weeks now or whatever yeah I don't care it's not like the nobody watches either way there's gonna be videos so whatever no I don't care but I just want to let it be known that I am not body shaming him and I never said a single freaking peep about his body so don't be acting like I body shamed you bro thank you all bodies are beautiful now okay I mean well why don't we show what the Oreo sent to Kim star so let's see um are you at least eight wait what is this oh wait what these are wait these are super out of order dude like this is keemstar being creepy on his man because I know he accused my dad of being creepy but these are all old keemstar tweets yeah everything everything about your Dad should be in that first that first link is there more and I didn't see it yeah there's more okay okay I didn't know that okay so got it so shout out bonus found by Nicholas diorio are you more enthusiastic with your I can't read it because it's cut off let me see maybe is it down here let's see um oh yeah here it is are you more enthusiastic with your BJ's there disappointing still because you're so far that's disgusting I mean and what well first of all my dad is a disgusting I can't believe he was writing those comments on Twitter that is just so embarrassing oh my God so disgusting but here's the thing that they don't they don't get is that I am calling my dad out for being a creep consistently oh no I don't know you did it on the show with them we counted literally how many porn accounts you followed yeah so they think they're doing something it's like maybe you should just admit that you're a fan and you watch the show because we already did this but yeah that's disgusting I mean I agree just wait till we look at your Tweet scheme star but wait this was in fact we're not remembering the context because what was this following he was trying to say that your dad is a creep because we were talking about someone else I agree there was what was it bro I don't I don't even remember does any of you guys remember we were talking about someone um that was actually doing something creepy maybe or or was it just keemstar maybe about him dating dating children oh yeah yes I made a joke about keemstar dating a 20 year old right and then he's like really well your dad was comic on a on a 20 year old porn stars account or something well I think we'll get there to it right it's a little out of order uh so this is a picture of a girl posting herself my face over it your ass does not look busted well see he's just being a sweetheart there isn't he 2014. he thinks this is dude nobody's embarrassed by this I talk about it my dad doesn't care smash that like button I mean I wish he didn't I keep calling him out for it and he doesn't stop well this is from 2014. I think he's stuck bro yeah this is really old I think he didn't know even that it was public no definitely not yeah uh Ethan Klein from H3 podcast keeps bringing up that I dated a 20 year old as some kind of own when his own father publicly simps for girls in their 20s bro are you really dumb to think that that's first of all the same first of all you're talking about my dad who I already call out for being a creep versus you actively being in a relationship with a girl who just finished high school yeah who has literally had her braces in their mouths dude but it's like yeah I don't get it your your dad is not trying to date anyone No in fact he's only consuming their service yes they're put themselves out there for that purpose and he is and get on a public farm and he's engaging with it and it's not to say that we like that he's doing that we've told him about it many times not to do it and I think he's learned but this is not the same wait wait wait this girl is 26. she's not even like dude you're okay that's but it's not it's just not the same I so when girls put up porn is there an age limit of who's supposed to watch it or interact with it's 18 plus no no but no I don't I mean your dad is technically like you said consuming their service a product that that she's put out there he's not trying to actually be with her in person yeah it's such a sad but and also I didn't do it keemstar uh I oh God I could go in on him so hard but it's just below I'm so [ __ ] angry I'm so [ __ ] angry I mean you say what you will about my dad but at least he didn't [ __ ] leave me in a dumpster Bono fire station [Applause] insane like if you want to go after my dad then it's all on the table right I mean bro this guy texts and he messaged you two years in a row on Christmas talking [ __ ] about your wife saying he slept with your wife uh talking about your son talking about your father with peace and love I'm going to be quiet now yeah thank you yeah GameStop tried to no he's trying to say my dad's a creep he's okay he's in my life thanks for reminding me he tried to say that me and him were like oh yeah he tried to make a rumor that you slept with him when he was doing our podcast yeah it's not that I slept with him it's that he [ __ ] me you know it's like more degraded it's not that I slept with him he got me him and Lisa and now teams little lack he's like Nicholas diorio and our son is technically his son which is like I've never puked in my whole life but this might make me puke star yeah exactly the guy is total scum I just want to attack my dad right I could at least defend my dad by saying he didn't abandon me right in a [ __ ] gift basket to uh you know the neighborhood uh orphanage I mean I'm just being real if we're gonna talk about each other's fathers like my dad has a lot of shortcomings but he didn't [ __ ] leave the family neither did my mom by the way I mean I think that's fair to say is it too is it below the belt and I can't wait to if you're saying it with the point that it doesn't make sense to go after each other's fathers like that is my point if he has a point if he wants him with you who's the worst dad I mean you know I'm sorry I gotta defend my dad here foreign you think my dad didn't want to leave the family [Laughter] animals die don't feel bad for keemstar he's actually the trashiest worst human being ever he literally tried to make a rumor that people were believing that he quote [ __ ] Ela when he was here doing the podcast and he made multiple videos he made tick tocks about it all of his sick to my stomach to just hear that he reported that leafy made a video saying he [ __ ] he was actually trying to make it a thing yeah and his his followers kept trying to make it a thing while also calling you a horse yeah so she's gross but I [ __ ] her anyway yeah he's disgusting he's gone after my dad my wife and I love how this gang that talks [ __ ] non-stop is gonna act so sensitive now I can't believe what Ethan said right I am so outraged that ether would make fun of keemstar for being an orphan orphan Cobra Kai baby no [ __ ] Mercy I really don't care yeah yeah I'm ready to join Cobra Kai [Music] sweep the [ __ ] eyes sweep the [ __ ] listen he made fun of my [ __ ] dad I wish I could make fun of his dad I just don't know who he is and sadly neither does he I mean we're not [ __ ] around this year I'm just saying it's and it's not it's not keem's fault it's his dad's fault for being a deadbeat yeah there you go that's that's important sorry yeah team has lots of failings yeah you can't blame the kids for what their parents did it's not his fault he was left like a [ __ ] where's your daddy where is his dad again brutal uh yeah where is his daddy so anyway that's basically that so anyway uh H3 issue from it keeps bringing up that I dated 20 year old but his dad watches porn can you believe that your girlfriend has braces it's over like why just don't bring up any of this like if you're dating a girl with braces just don't go there because right who by the way you pretended was your assistant for a long time right because you were too embarrassed to admit you were [ __ ] a girl that literally graduated from high school yesterday the day yeah I [ __ ] up probably closer to my dad's age than your girlfriend be more it'll be more appropriate for you to be in a relationship with my dad than your girlfriend that might actually be true by the way I just want to clarify you know nothing wrong with first of all orphans not their fault every kid deserves loving parents it's just a horrible tragic thing so I don't you know I have a lot of respect for people that grow up in the system it's hard it's a messed up crazy hard life and you know for that experience I actually do have sympathy for keep star and anyone that grows up in those conditions and you know it's a horrible situation so just trying to make you're trying to make the point that if you're comparing that yeah I got you okay just saying just saying my dad can beat up your dad considering well my dad's good at Shadow Boxing is my point oh my God oh my God I can't can't lie that was a good joke good one Ethan people are typing dear Susan let's not start this year there we go there it is yeah let's start it off good I can get back to my H3 TV yeah today I went after Ethan's dad Gary I Ethan's dad is a bad dad he watches porn and leaves comments on Twitter nothing like me then he said that I was left on a porch in a bread basket at the fire station actually that's just a lie that's defamation I was left at a uh Church anyway I hit a dog this Christmas it's been a rough year [Laughter] true story true story it's too late in the day for this you should wrap it up we got food waiting for it so because it was good and got good reviews from normal oh this is this is unrelated meanwhile Anis Aniston residence wait this is this is whatever it's just a picture oh and that yoga position is called okay who cares um oh yeah they're trying to prove that my dad's racist uh Tucker if the NFL owners are racist why are 70 of their employees black my dad said if slave owners are racist then why are all their employees black which you know makes sense right he's make again saying it doesn't mean just because their employees are black that they can't be raised right he's pointing out their earnings obviously very obvious so they started clipping just this right yeah and then trying to show that my dad's a racist um if slave owners are racist then why are all which out of context is just kind of weird and doesn't make any sense he also follows this account that mainly posts 18 year old girls dude it's porn stars what do you want you're actually [ __ ] an 18 year old with braces who literally had to get a permission slip from her mom to go on a date field trip to your house it's 18 but okay okay hi Ethan Klein's dad and he's tagging him like what harasses someone's Boomer parent he's literally tagging my dad and harassing him on Twitter way more pathetic knowing that you have already addressed it on the show you've talked many times so it's like what do you want people know about my problems with my Dad yeah um hi Ethan Klein's dad this girl messaged him because my dad we because of the extensive conversations we had on the podcast she said hi I'm your biggest fan oh maybe I should scroll down so much I don't think I'm seeing it I am your biggest fan this is thank you for supporting women who choose sex work and not putting us down but empowering us all by watching you on your podcast and Cameo take it off the screen for a sec okay I think he left the comment here here's the damning evidence you're welcome actually the biggest crime is that he misspelled your no no actually not you are welcome um murderer murderer yeah so you got him guys got him you're welcome crazy cavos and other keemstar Lackey Ethan Klein's dad bloody loves it let's see there's a name I haven't heard in a long time Cabos what happened to that guy these is he still my content I I don't know I literally haven't heard that name in like two years you can see her nude doing lesbian stuff if you search well Piper I mean wait where's the one he's okay so oh we already saw this one but what is this in reference to my dad said I think your boobs are crooked I mean dude what are you doing such a dumbass yeah why did he why would you say that that's just that's kind of mean I mean I don't have the context well yeah you don't have my was like oh yeah I just to give him the benefits that my dad would relieve me no yeah um so I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt because I don't think he would just be like nice boot nice crooked boobs lady you can see her this one's pretty funny you can see her nude and doing lesbian stuff if you search well wait a minute yeah that's my dad of course I was giving giving advice yeah search well my friend dad what the hell it's just so funny to me like this group of like 20 year old guys is just all teaming up on this old man and tagging him yeah yeah like antagonizing him I'm sorry you guys okay that's it so I mean you know luckily my dad was pretty unbothered by it but you know they try they were trying to really I think a lot of people can imagine attention because he was he would he even have been aware of it if you hadn't like asked him about it no he was aware of it he was responding to them and [ __ ] oh he told us about it it was like Kim starts trying to come after me he was response he was trying to be like because they were trying to paint him as a racist which isn't cool and he was like look at the contacts he was just leaving comments and stuff but it didn't really take off in the drama sphere just because it was so obviously but keemstar made like a drama alert about my dad too didn't he maybe um pretty sure you mentioned he cares about that well exactly it's like Gary Klein it's not you get clickbait Gary Klein sorry probably why we went back to just talking [ __ ] about Pokemon all the time I don't hate women I think they had like a schedule while we were on break let's start with the old men then we'll move on to the women Go Go cover all the bases yeah well I'm back Daddy's back the one you never had five enough [Applause] just saying just saying just saying stars fall hit me with it just saying Zach Carlos's channel is like dead got 50k views on a video some days ago that's what I'm saying you know like you fell off plus ratio [Laughter] just gave him content for another video that's okay nobody's watching well they might if he clicks away to us yeah the only video he has recently that has views is one with uh Jake Paul on the thumbnail okay hell ratio fell off in real time on a YouTube channel I don't I don't condone that I have no part in that okay so anyway again keemstar who attacked my dad for being thirsty on Main here's keemstar being horny on Main and you tell me which one's worse keemstar are you at least 18 I'll give you another chance nice boobs show me them on Skype now how are you going to compare that to I will give you dick stop it I'll beat it up big titties you want would you want me to read one of these again I mean just all of them I will give you back stop it you better stop it our next bks will be in your butthole stop I'm drunk and you're using me for my Greek god sperm shared DNA I'm down three-way I'm not yours to share quit being greedy hoe I'll lock you in seven rooms so get ready for that Labyrinth r word wow want to be the random sexy [ __ ] on the bks live stream tonight okay now if you can just change your underwear we would be getting somewhere that's disgusting shut up [ __ ] tit or get the [ __ ] out foreign [Laughter] Skype sex you're lucky my fav [ __ ] gave me her blessings on your follow 16 more take a dick to the face skank let's make out c word can't even say it I can't say that keemstars okay whatever shut up or your mouth will get sperm what who talks don't shut up or your mouth will get sperm for years like dude just trying to learn how to trick shot then suck his dick you both suck that kick kick star anyone from Denver going to be there all weekend fan meet up at Dave and Buster's King star [ __ ] hmm please stop God camera profile pic I'm a I'm a person not a piece of meat I would honestly love for my first wait just carry a condom around easy to conceal and great protection who does drunk up start what is all this are we done tonight uh if Kim I will be paying playing with your boobs all night also using the n-word I mean so like so get off the horse there sixth grade I'm gonna play with your boobs all night so here's a girl she's coming to his fan Meetup possibly 12 I mean who knows the age wait let me go back up here I mean that what's the age of that girl he said boner boner breaking news confirmed boner literally just boner oh you're so he's so he's got such a game you know he's so Suave it's no wonder alert it's no wonder the only people that will touch him are ones who are like literally uh foreign let's say have no experience in life I don't know who like don't know any better show starts in 29 minutes retweet if horny you are too don't lie you coming on I mean my [ __ ] I'm not easy ho so this is how long ago these are old but still yeah like so we're Gary so we're my dad nine years ago or something that well you got to remember he's like so he was exactly so he was still 30 years old you know yeah voter alert that's a third year old man burner yeah so keemstar I mean shut the [ __ ] up you're by the way yeah game stuff shut up yeah thank you you're not a [ __ ] cap that off so that's about it it's an old-fashioned shut up [ __ ] what is this baby just a little reminder of all the stuff he's tweeting about Eli I mean past the horse stuff this is well oh I can't play the audio quick you can because he's just listening to uh hit him up by Tupac oh yeah this is what he posted at the time it just says where I asked your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] yeah I [ __ ] your [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] yeah you sleep with 18 year olds dude because you can't get a real woman so and this is after right after ethi uh leafy tweeted this is not a joke keemstar just told me he slept with Ethan's wife cool and then he put out and he doesn't understand why people think he hates women or um yeah like you didn't have a choice in it or it's just like you're just this Idol [ __ ] doll that uh yeah huh here is he on the other side of the bed I haven't heard in a while either I wonder how his channel is doing oh oh [ __ ] and this don't give him Compton he'll make a video on Instagram or something Facebook what Facebook they make a Facebook video about you Dan he's here in this chord the these yeah and then there's the hang on the thread why is it not opening my it's not opening my Discord oh this cute word monitors up it's just super fun flipped I won't open my Discord okay there it is so then we got some other additional stuff yeah this this thread is pretty Epic on its own he met he responds to Leafy and he's talked to him he has three different video games all to make fun of Elo one's Hit and Run one is called My Horse and me and the other one is Super Smash Bro wait hold on let me show it this is not a joke keemstar just told me he slept with Ethan Klein's wife I couldn't show the original tweet since leafy's band on Twitter as well all right rip that's pretty impressive to get banned like I think he may have a record I mean that's something he could tell people who's banned on every platform it's funny how they parade around me being like I'd like to see him survive on platform today and I was right he got banned off every platform and it didn't even take that long he actually should have listened to me I was trying to warn him yeah really he blamed you though it was good advice he thinks that you got him banned that you did they think a lot I can't even get my videos monetized on my new channel it's like I promise you could work 24 7 and you can't do as much damage as he does himself it's amazing but like I've been literally tweeting at Team YouTube trying to get the new channel monetized um and let's like I can't even [ __ ] help myself bro how am I gonna get your channel been um wait you sent me more stuff I wanted to show it you got to send me like an album because it's hard when okay so this is good so um he posting his games hit and run I guess this was at the time picked this up today my horse and me that's of course they were calling Hilo a horse and kept saying he slept with their another good one Super Smash Bros and again this has nothing to do with Ela he's literally just insulting her saying he [ __ ] her calling her a horse because it doesn't like me I mean what kind of purse yeah obvious misogyny oh yeah the man hates women and I might hate my mom too if she abandoned me when I was a child so I mean I understand if he has mommy issues and that's fine her kids I'm covering my lap but I'm just saying he has a lot he's clearly unloved that's what led to him yes who he is something went wrong there and undesirable okay star would never touch you sorry yeah that's the other thing it's like dude you think you could get a [ __ ] real woman like Ela I mean there's no wonder you spend your your days outside the high school seeing uh who's [ __ ] impressed by your your Mustang enough to get in the car and spend a minute with you yo you have quad bikes looking for the first girl who's like yo you have quad bikes that's awesome what the hell is so cool you want to see my man cave you want to see Mario you have a bar in your basement that's freaking awesome can we go um you like buy me some alcohol do you have alcohol there he just straight up said I [ __ ] her yes all right cool and then he kept being like Oh what I didn't say anything because it's all like sort of not saying it directly thinking that it's fooling anyone it's like just say what you're saying yeah exactly he's a coward or maybe he thought it was like defamation or something so he didn't want to say it no he's not it's the king slide it's what he always does he always does that yeah but he's like what I just said I bought a game with a horse what mm-hmm um he also made a drama alert about it if you can I remember oh you did yeah in the drum alert it's just all the Keem slide I remember him saying something like I did not no matter what the rumors say I would never you know like he's trying to uh yeah well he's just trying to make it a thing where he's like now everyone he just wants everyone to harass me and heal him being like keep store folk through what I mean he tried so hard with that horse stuff it's uh well it picked up with a few people I still get them here and there well all the all people that like Nicola yeah which again it's like if you're gonna I'm not body shaming but if you're gonna call someone a horse at least show your face when you make videos I'm not wrong did that guy do that too he would yeah of course they're all keemstar Lucky Horse gotcha gotcha yeah I guess that's how you become the error heir to the crown mm-hmm exactly because they're in although didn't Kim say like nobody can do what I do and I'm not gonna retire after all or whatever yeah oh poor diorio hosted got like really bad viewership oh you don't say laughs wait so does he host them in person is he showing himself no I think he's still cartoon no I mean I saw people talking about it what I think he's been on Kim's podcast a few times and then he did like a documentary for Keem but I think someone else may have actually hosted it okay yeah well I'm I'm not the uh well anyway we got Mexican food so that's that um you know what I'm saying the the haters becoming too comfortable out here in our absence so we got to let him know we back there's a million more things to talk about but on when you know what on Wednesday we're gonna have Oliver tree but he he something came up right then yeah so uh that's gonna have to be a rescheduled what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude that sucks I was really looking forward to that yeah we got a lot of fun stuff planned for that episode I don't want to give him too much away but it's gonna be a good one okay well maybe we can just keep catching up on all this other stuff all right guys well thank you if you want more go to the H3 TV channel that's got to be not like the h3tv podcast it's gonna be so bad for search results too I like daily maybe maybe not I don't know who knows it's never been done before no two channels same name nobody's been that brave nobody's ever been done I just H3 to my basement oh no all right guys all right all right we'll see you on Wednesday huh come on thanks for watching forget it welcome back everybody thanks for being here what a good time what a blessed time to be alive and thank you either for being here yeah that was fun [Applause] but my my tags are so insane it's all just like straight up the verge of neo-Nazi reactionary conservatives cool I wonder spamming straight up death threats too it's weird that when you call uh Jordan Peterson a gateway to the alt-right yes that all these people show up even though he's I know everybody's telling you that he's not the gateway to the already it's very strange where all these where are all these Nazis coming from dude straight up Nazis sending me death threats like it's really menacing psychotic I love the the fun the most ironic one to me is people saying wow I thought we were free speech i'm like [ __ ] it's my content yeah you say whatever the [ __ ] you want see no [ __ ] free speech issue are you Pro can I are you Pro property right oh because you deleted the episode yeah yeah it's your speech exactly am I not allowed to do I not own my property I was thinking of that Meme with the guy where there's two buttons it's like property ownership Free Speech yeah oh that's Epic yeah that one got a lot like thousands of likes somebody said that's not fair damn they could be Rogan fans right that's true this other guy whoever the [ __ ] this guy there's an overlap yeah this well we'll get into this on Wednesday I'm getting ahead of myself but we have all the choice response and everything we'll go over but man these people are just wait Haley Baker Happy 25th birthday oh do you want to read some stuff they were they were crying about wanting a shout out all episode what's your name Haley Haley Haley Baker shout out 25. it's a big one wait do you want to read it you're now officially too old today you must feel old now sorry wait do you want to um do you want to read some donations sure give me one second I'll load them up here uh now gonna watch some Hassan I love you all peace and love have fun have fun over there no go to HGTV [ __ ] it's on we're all right now we're on History TV podcast h3tv not the channel H3 TV Alpha Beta donated 10 bucks and said Ela is so beautiful thank you uh peace and love uh does that mean you're into horses oh you know what Jack you gotta pull some of those sound bites of the guy being like what a beautiful mayor [Laughter] anyway keep going down sorry um blah uh I'm looking I saw a lot of big ones so I'm trying to make sure I hit those um my roommate has covered it's been hard on me taking care of her alone thank you for making me laugh guys peace and love I am sorry Marisol I hope your roommate uh recovers and I hope you don't catch catch some Strays from that Rona uh we do eat burritos in Mexico says somebody who donated 50 uh pesos so they likely know what they're talking about okay shout out to the Mexicans eating burritos in Mexico we love them Mexican food is the best we love our Mexican our burrito eating Mexicans don't we folks somebody donated 250 pesos and said please you guys should try Mexican candy I may send you some there crazy I've had Mexican candy many times I hate it you don't like it well they put like paprika on it Dakota and salty spice [ __ ] it's spicy sweet a lot of it [ __ ] nasty bro do it uh come on I know there were I guess they were just a lot um well thank you everybody who is uh Subs uh becoming a member who is donating it means a lot I'm very happy to be back we've all felt that void and it's time to get back to work I had nothing to listen to I listened to the H3 TV right that's nice the podcast or the uh yeah the podcast you're in the room when he's recording the other one yeah yeah I want to give a quick shout out to the crew and just thank you everyone for being so welcoming Ethan Mila thank you everyone and the viewers have been so nice to me ever since I've been here too shout out to everyone thank you guys all right guys we'll be back on Wednesday I'm gonna go eat a burrito Tata stay well love you see you soon h3tv Dakota HTT the channel now foreign [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,739,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, h3tv
Id: sHrEyuHHM9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 25sec (11305 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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