FaZe Banks, Jeff Wittek, James Charles, David Dobrik - H3 After Dark # 29

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so ethan dyes his hair blonde, zac and AB follow suit, and then ethan shaves it all off.... let’s see who really is the biggest simp

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 136 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IvyCalico πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

is faze banks forreal ? fuck that guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 103 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eyedontknowhowthiswo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

David re-uploading all his videos to facebook is the OPPOSITE OF TAKING A SOCIAL MEDIA BREAK AS WAS PROMISED. how can someone be that tone deaf?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 217 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/justsayinyall11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

oh man, the "shout out to his family" near the end of them talking about Jeff (21:57) was hilarious! It was so abrupt and awkward but in a good way.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/musimuse πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Faze banks looks like he's constantly having an allergic reaction to his own bullshit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 168 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bambiheadshot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 146 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jyuunbug πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hila crying to Jeff and then getting pissed at Faze Blanks like a true queen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dandydaniella πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I dont know how if those Dom contracts are even real, but everyone should know that you cant contract out of the law. If someone does something illegal (i.e rape or sexual vioence) an NDA doesnt mean anything and you are allowed to go to the police.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Trumans_grow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s adorable how Ethan compliments Hila’s hair and/or hair accessories every single episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 145 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/confusionwithak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
three two we're watching the h3h3 vodka podcast let's crank it up a little bit what you going to do jay-z everybody welcome everybody to h3 after dark our live show where anything could happen we've got a lot of show here today there's a lot of fun developments there's some shots fired i may even be blowing the horn of war foot soldiers assemble all right you know what i understand i'm a few minutes late but you all cannot be threatening to take my wikifeed score like like that's just you don't know that people get fired for example if they're late to their job it's my show who's going to fire me then the audience but it's just not fair you guys i'm out here trying to put together the best show possible and you all threaten to take my wiki feet like come on that's not right you know hey i think they have a right to i think that's you live by the foot you die by the foot my friend it's the way of the world you know you've made it warrior you know um well anyway today's episode is sponsored by viori and adam and eve do you think trisha is gonna be pissed at adam and eve sponsoring us it had nothing to do with her right they came they came through us through our other agents they came on to us they came to me don't have anyone tell trisha that adam and eve is sponsoring us i think she watches this show yeah she says she's well don't be stupid well anyway there's i i'm not kidding there's so many good things to get to uh but first let's start with something heartwarming really white claw gabe who i gave a shout out recently who's my yeah one of my favorite uh oh my thing kind of got a little goofy um the fry i love fried [ __ ] chicken guy he saw the shout out and he he reciprocated you wanted to say thanks so i thought hey let's start with some some hey ethan yeah thanks for the support i appreciate you i appreciate your support yeah let's have a white class someday yeah i'd like to meet you someday yeah let's have a [ __ ] good time yeah baby yeah hey ethan yeah thanks for the support i appreciate you i appreciate you wasn't that nice of them that's really nice i like what i gave i just started chickens [ __ ] wednesday it's [ __ ] wednesday i deserve fried [ __ ] chicken i love i just you know you do deserve fried chicken yeah okay you goddamn dew everybody deserves who deserves fried chicken meat um you want to talk about your new teddy fresh release um just had tea with your mom new grass oh yeah we have some fun stuff to look at here so we have like a cool retro hoodie this just came out uh yesterday it's a little bit of a mini drop next month you know next month we'll have a bigger collection but this was just kind of because of code everything keeps getting separated yeah but this was fun retro graphic shirt graphic yeah neon green and new now talk about this one um yeah well guess who came up with that sentence go ahead ethan thank you um [Music] yeah it's just some cool graphics i don't know do you like it i was debating do you like it i was debating if it was funny or not i i do and i we've done a vibe check with the whole team if we should keep it or not and they all voted to keep it so that's good i was thinking about removing it but it's not like a sexual thing in my opinion it's just funny yeah it's more like no i i just had like this is badass biker who just had tea with your mom because he's a softy yeah not because he [ __ ] her because he's a teddy bear yeah it's funny it's funny yeah it's cool i i like it that but the illustration is sick yeah that's our room we have um eli our graphic designer who's just a super talent oh actually sorry well he did the flames but yeah sorry so that reminds me that's it you got socks you get the other design yada yada teddyfish.com okay is there any uh teddy fresh stuck in the suez canal right now what's happening with that [Laughter] you guys don't know about the story about the suez canal no what is that there's a so there's a giant ship a cargo ship got stuck side like they austin powered it they like got stuck yeah it's been like that like all week i think it happened on like tuesday how does that happen where's the media show him oh there's pictures i want to see that dan's a good man i thought you were saying where's the media like nobody's nobody's covering this it's oh no no it's causing like a huge disruption to uh thank you love sent me so explain to me what the [ __ ] am i looking at here how does that happen block the whole thing like nobody can get through my god and they're totally stuck they're totally stuck they're trying to like excavate it out it's actually it's like grounded on the side so it's like yeah so who's drunk grandpa as far as i've seen that there no like real info has come out if it was like if they did it on purpose if it was an accident because that that's a canal you're supposed to go straight yeah that would be pretty funny it's something to do on purpose like i mean not funny a day of wrecking will come papa was possibly captaining this ship what's the [ __ ] disrupting global trade papo shout out to the evergreen love that all right listen guys i'm gonna talk about david dobrik and jeff whitake more but i'm telling you there's a good reason we have to follow the story through all the way at this point we're in too deep but it's all good stuff you promised you promised i tried i listened to a promise i tr what was the promise well last night but it was that was the last thing we were going to talk about i don't think it was a promise i think it was a more of and now may i please never talk about david it was more of a plea than a problem but i do feel like i owe after the amount that i ripped into jeff yeah i feel like he's done a good deed and i owe it to him that's what we love to recognize and one thing i want so jeff jeff weddick who we criticized his video he called and you guys all remember he uploaded he deleted and uploaded a new video now first thing i want to debate no oh all right so i deleted my list why did i open that like that like what just opened the video youtube why you all got what the [ __ ] is this all right youtube why you always got to change your [ __ ] up on me it's it's just opening yeah like it's a tiny box we'll do it live all right my last video titled my truth and never that so i deleted my last video don't be like that well do we like you the way you are [Laughter] they're like okay when is after truck dark um 12 at friday let's push a new update okay here's the first issue first i'm going to like it because i appreciate it oh wow we can debate if we want to remove it later but i think it's like look at the and title just a period i like that is that new that's new it's kind of avant-garde when it comes to uh apology because his last one was just a date and i thought oh this is avant-garde but then somebody said who would have you guys who said you'd seen that before so i had the the the dated the yeah the date apologies has anyone ever seen a period before i i don't know if i have yeah that might be novel i like wasn't david's the date and jeff's was yeah jeff was just my truth which is that is [ __ ] lazy yeah david's was the day my truth my truth is like david also had the famous let's talk let's talk let's talk with comments off the market [Laughter] so my truth was a disaster yeah but the dot is fascinating if i have to ever make an epic apology video like this i wonder i would consider it i would consider it because it's like how do you title an apology and also they've all been done before and it's they all are they feel so charged it's like not another i'm sorry not another i messed up yeah you're not trisha had a really good idea i don't know if you saw but she says whenever she has a video like this she just she doesn't edit the video file and makes that that's right yeah and mov seven one three that's very attrition and i like that that's pretty good too i thought okay boomer all right let's watch you know my heart does go go out to jeff a little bit i know the guy's going through hard times but here let's give him a fair shake here and see what he has to say all right so i deleted my last video titled my truth because turns out i had some things wrong from my memory and there was a lot of things i said wrong and did wrong in that video because i acted out of emotion and impulse and frustration that my name was even mentioned in it and i said i didn't want to discredit the victim but by discrediting the reporter and my small minuscule part in the story i did just that i think he also ditched the second camera so far oh no second cam it's better well i don't even know if necessarily there's a cut in this one which will happen there was already a tiny cut but it was very tiny still a single camera though that's but it sounds like he's read the article first of all which is a good idea because he said it was just a small minuscule as part of the of the article which it was yeah so props on jeff first of all for reading it we love that and for removing the first video love that credited the entire story that this girl worked up the courage to tell and i feel horrible about it and i just want to apologize i truly believe hannah's story i respect her for coming forward and telling it it takes a lot and to have somebody like me come on and just focus on myself and my part of the story and saying that it was a lie just because i was i was selfish and i didn't want to be mentioned in this act at all imagine if something like being did and then nothing happens to that person but they keep growing and keep getting more successful and keep making the same jokes i had to take some time to think about all this in david's video he said that he got the text three months after the incident happened i wasn't filled in on this for whatever reasons i don't know if it was because he thought i would attack dom or maybe he didn't want to tell anyone to protect his squeaky clean brand that's not cool they should have been informed i love this from jay yeah first of all owning up big time yeah to being like you know it was selfish of me to try to get just to be only obsessed with how this affected me yeah and also really interesting because this is possibly the first time i've ever seen a a um a member of his gr friend group ever lay any responsibility on david himself he's like david got this text message three months after yeah and he didn't tell him he didn't tell any of us they're part of this video they should have been informed at least yeah what they were a part of and also jeff also acknowledges which is really a good it's like so so david knows this happened and yet he continued to portray dom as this lovable uh you know this lovable he's just just a little creepy predator yeah yeah just your your your friendly neighborhood predator so so so far jeff's hitting all the right notes for me at the time i don't know there's no excuse for it it's just not something you hide and i wasn't told and i was in the video and i was acting in [ __ ] and i stand by that i was looking in a room and i didn't witness anything but something horrible did happen and people knew about it and they didn't tell me and i didn't find out until the reporter reached out with this article because the state of mind i'm in once again my point is like your anger is misplaced yeah your anger should be towards david right who knew who put you in that situation and who knew what happened and still allowed you guys all to just laugh about the situation and go and attack the reporter i can't i can't get over the fact that david got that text like three months after and kept it a secret that should have been a big like hey guys we need to talk you know and and kept continuing with dom yeah like as if nothing happened i acted off impulse and anger that my name was even a part of it and i apologize for that i don't even have the courage to tell you guys what happened to me so for me to discredit this girl for coming forward and talking about a traumatic thing that happened to her and it had to be extremely hard to come forward and say it and i'm supposed to be this tough guy and i can't even tell you what happened to me because i'm scared of the criticism i would get in return i don't know if i would be able to deal with it there's no contracts there's no ndas there's no lawsuits i just don't know if i could take it because i know how i got hurt was stupid and i'm embarrassed of it and i've been acting irrational lately i've undergone various surgeries on my eye and my head and i had brain trauma i've been on meds and that's why i stutter and that's probably some cuts in this video but [ __ ] it i'm gonna try my best to be completely transparent and vulnerable and honest and i'll probably [ __ ] up on a couple things but when they asked me about the article i didn't know what to say i didn't want to speak about my health and my my vision my [ __ ] eye i'm embarrassed of and i see like a camera that's out of focus i i see complete blur out of my left eye and it [ __ ] up both my vision so it's difficult for me to read and i had the article read to me and that's still no excuse i could have had it read to me 30 times and got every detail right but i let my emotions get the best to me because of just me being selfish and that's it i tried to blindly defend my friends when truthfully if something like this happens you need to speak about it you need to tell people you need to take action because you can't cover [ __ ] like this up this girl spoke up and told her story three months after it happened and then everybody continued to keep making these jokes and including myself if i was the victim and i continued to watch these videos and and see that i was still associating with dom and i was making j i made a joke with dom that they separate the sexual i mean i literally said something based off a character that i thought that we all had an understanding of that this was just a character when he was a known abuser and i i had jokes come out after the situation and after people knew about that and that doesn't sit right with me so obviously there's a respect level here that's off and i don't stand for that i'm gonna take a step back i'm gonna be accountable for myself and that's it obviously i need to take some time to heal and get my [ __ ] together i'll do just that i'll work on myself and i'm gonna try to grow from this experience if this video gets torn apart and it's my last video and it gets a million dislikes and i get [ __ ] ripped apart again but it got at least one person to speak up and one person to get help or call and just talk just get your story out there if you know somebody if you know somebody that's that's assaulted someone even if they're your your best friend or your own [ __ ] family member you need to speak about it the story is getting a lot of attention all over um youtube and and articles being published and it's become a form of almost entertainment for people because of everyone that's involved and it's not entertainment at all this is a girl's life and it's a it's a thing she'll have to live with for the rest of her life and if you're making money on it i'd understand businesses need to keep their lights on and and people need to make money and that's how the world works but just try to help just do anything you can to help i feel like you should i suggest you [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] what anybody else does i can't be accountable for anybody but myself i chose to donate to rain rain is a charity for essay victims it's a hotline as well if you want to call them and talk you can do it for free this is an ongoing situation that needs to be talked about you cannot keep things like this a secret and if you know anybody just call and talk if you've been assaulted call and talk i appreciate you know everybody educating me more on this situation because you know that's what life's about that's what that's all we can really do is learn and grow from these situations and try to help other people jeff wow let's donate to the rain organization well guess what jeff that's i don't think this is getting torn apart and i think this was just exactly perfect yeah it was perfect it's like he said he was coming what do you want to do like 10th let's give 10 000 to rain whatever rain is mm-hmm someone look up what's rain before i give money to it no i'm pulling it up right now i've uh i i think it's a pretty legit organization though because i've heard of it before i'm sorry i was muted yeah it's the nationals i'm sorry the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization next i love i love that i'm gonna i'm gonna don't we are gonna donate ten thousand dollars to rain and um it's like he said he was trying to cover for his friends i feel bad for him i feel yeah i think like me and trisha always said we're like you know we feel that jeff's a good guy like he's always done the right you know i i believe i believe that if he saw something bad he would if anyone's at fault it's david for hiding the fact that he knew this three months after it happened yeah i mean i don't need to read the text again i read it before but the text message that hannah sent to dom was extremely graphic extremely detailed extremely genuine and jump dom basically said k the the video the video is gone and you know david saw because it was on david's channel yeah so yeah once again it's like who are your real friends david put you in the situation but i like jeff i think he did the right thing and i feel like with the amount of the amount of uh criticism we laid at his feet and the scrutiny that we laid on him when he was here the fact that he came out here and did the right thing i felt like i i needed to show that mm-hmm yeah so good job to jeff yeah that was really i don't know i was kind of tearing up i feel bad it's just it's a lot i feel bad i don't know i don't know what happened with the injury but it seems like that poor guy really got really got mangled up whatever happened so there's that so so good job jeff man i'm happy i'm happy i'm proud yeah i i feel bad too so i'm not gonna fight him anymore whatever i said i feel bad too so so i'm not gonna fight him anymore i'm not gonna box him anymore oh i told ab if you agree because jeff came on and challenged a b to a boxing max i said dude just go well yeah he thought he was challenging yeah i said av just go for his bad eye you'll take him out in the first round yeah everyone always mixes me up for dan i'm always the guy simping dan's the one not hating in the background not me then the hater so you of all the people involved jeff is the guy who did the right thing after doing the wrong thing but also i mean not getting a full information on what was happening right he didn't know it's kind of like acting from being misinformed for a long time yeah so shout out to jeff and his family um other news regarding the vlog squad david dobrik you'll be all be happy to know has is funny it's funny at what it took to for to make this happen he will no longer be a part of the no place for hate anti-bowlering tour no way bye bye it took it it only took a mere a small account of assault and covering up and deflecting and let's see pranking what he did to seth which was another essay bowling big neck well trisha talking for years already too yeah so but but you know sadly david will no longer being teenagers not to bully oh who famously said let's not forget do you have the soundbite zack of what he of what jason was like they used to throw pennies at my feet and he's like you'd have to be a [ __ ] or an [ __ ] to be offended by that no i do not have that one you got you can you follow that for me sure thank you yeah he famously said jason was like yeah i used to get bullied all the time in high school people would throw pennies at my feet and say pick it up joe and he's like oh you'd have to be an [ __ ] and a [ __ ] to be offended by that anyway thanks for attending my no bowling tour love it um this is huge news you guys this shocked me the author of the original story cat ten barge she says we have finally received a response from youtube about david dobrik and dom i still can't say his last name zegliagas segali uh monetization has been temporarily suspended from both of their channels that's a lot for youtube dude i who's that who's that happened to other than logan paul that i can recall um g station rest j station's in a in a in a graveyard someone trying to ouija board his career what the freak um he's up in heaven with sonic exe now sonic.exe yeah youtube stepped in and demonetized dave david dobrik that took me advice such a surprise because i'm so used to youtube just not saying anything and not ever responding to anything yeah they weren't involved really no i was like oh wait youtube right like oh they commented nice could you think they probably would have taken down some of his videos or something but no just straight d monetized so well that's but that is a big um huge punishment what i what i what i would guess happen is they go i'm demonetizing your whole channel until people in the chat are saying shane got the same treatment oh right yeah oh shane got this treatment after the whole smith family do you think it was because he [ __ ] on his cat i mean that's part of the story it's because there's like so much and how do you start to separate which videos are okay and which are not you just shut it all down yeah i understand it yeah good thing we don't have a cat i couldn't even choose on a cat i don't even own a cat i'm here live that's not i'm not a cat i keep trying to want to eat a pair but i know i shouldn't the parrot let me take that for you thank you it's almost like just a reflex so that's huge oh but another interesting development because i can't stop now what do you think of this well now exactly what now david dobrik he might be [ __ ] on youtube but he's sure that his [ __ ] [ __ ] up on facebook oh yeah facebook delights the resort um he's going the soflo antonio uh that dude and joey salads too right yeah on the meat shop facebook is the graveyard of youtube but it's you've it's almost turned into this place where you can make even more money on facebook now but listen to this deaf noodle shout out to deaf noodles who we love david dobrik's videos are being re-uploaded to his facebook page okay oh wow look at the views oh my god three minutes ago he's really 5.2 million no so he's actively doing that right now he's looking at this look at this i'm telling you four minutes ago five million five hours ago two million what five days ago five million i don't i i don't believe it five days ago twenty doesn't make any sense five million in five minutes how is that possible my tesla flew off the ground i mean it's facebook bro well amy can you fact check this like what's going on what's actually going on on facebook so i mean i was trying to figure out if he paid to get them pushed because i don't know how they could spread that fast like yeah five minutes yeah i did go to his facebook those numbers are correct um jesus i feel like facebook just lies about their views to try and promote their videos yeah it is to an extent because like every time you scroll by that's a view right dude your hair looks so good thank you the color came out crazy like lush it's nice i like the red onion yeah i love this girl jessie she just does the best i never had fun with my hair like this like she every time i would go to a barber shop or in her son whatever the right word is i would always hate it afterwards like it was never a positive experience you know what's fun about this too is that as it fades it looks cool it just still looks yeah it changes everything it's like a new look anyone that never dyed their hair i actually recommend it i think it's really fun yeah you look wonderful trying at least love a fun mom so can you send me a link i want to look at his actual facebook page can you send me a link so this is how this is what happens on these facebook pages because i know people who do it i've had people reach out to me because you know maintaining facebook is like is a nightmare so what happens is you work with a third party who basically retake takes all of your footage re-uploads manages spams the [ __ ] out of it and then they just take a cut of the revenue which is quite a bit on facebook these days so but it can be a lot of work so that's fine oh no it's a great deal yeah but i'm just saying you can make a lot of money david's still making a [ __ ] load of money you know this was uploaded yesterday yeah my tesla flew off the ground how many views does it have why is everything so impossible to figure out on facebook where's the views because you're not i don't think it's because you're not logged in it's so annoying yeah i'm making meats now smoking these meats here can i log into something real fast like can someone make me a [ __ ] facebook account that anyone here i'll make one right now you guys excited don't you know screen now it's just going to be the same thing do you uh do you not want to what do you want me to look around i'm [ __ ] no we do not please enter your email or phone no don't please don't you want me to make one and then i could let you know yeah give me get make one and then give me the login id because i want i want to be on facebook i haven't logged into facebook in like seven in years meantime let's see how active he is you cannot i can't see anything well they're showing me something can i see the photos it's a tease oh look they did this photo and this photo which one do you like better angry birds um [Music] i just you know it we're at 32 minutes we uh we are the sponsors so but let's see facebook so he's making a [ __ ] load of money re-uploading his videos on facebook but i'm dying to know so let's do the ads and then just kind of gross to me because you see like the reaction on jeff's video yeah and that's kind of what i would expect from david or anymore considering that he's the one orchestrating everything like i would think it would take this time to like self reflect and learn about himself and not figure out how to make money right now that's the problem i had with david's apology which everybody apparently keemstar gave it a standing ovation it was pretty good you know on surface level yeah but what he's not starting like that's not exaggerating like he he stood up and gave him yes right well who's watching it somebody can attest to that somebody told me that i don't want to get it wrong anybody has any anybody watching uh i'm proud to say that nobody none of our people watching somebody told me that who was it i'm sorry about the podcast keemstar gave david's apology a standing ovation oh i don't know okay um maybe maybe it was but what he's not a joke but maybe what he but what he's not saying which jeff finally does says is that three months after this event happened david received a text detailing and graphic account and what happened about it and continue to make those same jokes about calm silently remove the video and let everyone else make a fool of themselves exactly so save your apology and i'm team trisha on that one now it's just that you know like he's apologizing and it was a better one so it's like you don't want to just dismiss it because it is progress but this is kind of gross to me a little bit that is like already figure out he's very he's figuring out the next on facebook and it's like he's posting the same content it's not exactly like brad did you see this five days ago 22 million views buying views no dude that's david dobrik facebook is crazy like that what is this uh what is this here tana mangu photo with dumb dirt day holding up a baby with the cat i can't read because it's so far away aged like milk tana and dom holding up a baby with the caption me dom and the girl he brought home to hook up with that night oh bro gross that is not okay wait i gotta step away for a minute that is so disgusting uh i'm gonna close the picture are we really making jokes about him [ __ ] babies oh yeah whose baby is that i will i'd be pissed if someone if that was my baby well but whose baby is that um probably a family member but this is what jeff was saying like they all kept making those jokes thinking that it's a character i mean well even still that's really not a good joke it's not but it's just looking at it now knowing what we know now is disgusting okay so i tried to make two facebooks with my two different emails didn't work so i had to use my phone number i'm gonna send it to you just please uh okay i'll log well let's do the ads let's do that let's do the ads now that we've looked at that meme that will be scorched in my eyes forever all right ready hit me with some spicy ass ad music you feel that i'm catching a vibe who are we talking about viori it's a brand new performance apparel it's perfect if you are sick and tired of traditional old workout gear everything is designed to work out in but it doesn't feel or look like it dan you want to show off because you're wearing a pair you might you might showing off let's see it i don't have an angle no well come stand behind us then because dan got a pair of these and he's freaking loving it and also your girlfriend got a pair too you hey i walked down here and you're like do these pants rule pants are nice i mean hello so freaking comfortable you're gonna want to wear them all the time in or out of the gym thank you damn the product is extremely versatile it can be used for any activity like running training yoga it's also great for lounging or weekend errands or gaming am i right then that's right boy would you game in those oh i've gained i've gained so hard in this there you have it i'm working as a producer what is viori ela vyori means mountain because it rep i'm reading this verbatim because it represents it represents the view from the summit the expanse of clarity that can provide the awe-inspiring experience it brings wow now that's a [ __ ] pan listen it's incredibly versatile and comfortable it's designed to look great every day in or out of the gin it's perfect for any workout activity what can i say and dan loves it i haven't tried them yet but dan is a [ __ ] fan [Music] and dan doesn't like many things no i hate most things yeah how we uh it's super easy to shop their website in fact [ __ ] it let's go to their website what do i care viori [Music] fiori pants men's athletic wear look at this [ __ ] you want to see what we're talking about probably look at this guy big pimping out there he's standing on top of a mountain just like they said so they got the color kind of just floating in front of him hands basically here's here's what here's the offer most comfortable most versatile gym couch game jogging it's pants for life let's check out the women's wear look at that yoga pose couldn't do that in any pants could you hit it with them regular hit it hit it hit it all right you get the idea it's perfect all right the ori is an investment in your happiness for our listeners they are offering 20 off your first purchase go get yourself some of the most comfortable and versatile clothing on the planet earth at v o u r e dot com slash h3 viori that's v u o r e dot com slash h3 oh say it one more time i think you you spelled it wrong v-u v here we go one more time now let's don't forget the last time this is the real one v-u-o-r-e no that's literally what i'm reading eli you read it's an i that is an i not an e oh go ahead you read it it's b u o o r [Laughter] uh but we said it so many times this has got to be good at the wrong time let's all say it together on three okay ready u o r i dot com slash and i'm gonna do it one more time so they don't make me do a make good and that's v u o r i dot com slash h3 not only will you receive 20 off your first purchase but enjoy free shipping on any us orders over 75 dollars and free returns so that's the deal go to viori.com h3 and discover the versatility of viori clothing [Music] how long was that it's like a 20 minute average this folks is why you don't do live ad reads especially with me i tried to get you to do it we did them we did them we did it i mean you know i did my best please guys if you want to support the show go buy some of their pants so they don't get mad at me they are very comfortable i i'm not bullshitting i i'm enjoying them very well walk down and dan goes these pants these were pants i can't believe it well it wasn't um well i'll re-enact what you said reenact what you said to me i don't remember exactly i don't think i i ambushed you with it though i think it came up organically it came up organically in the conversation because we're talking about the sponsors of the day dan is a fan okay the next sponsor don't tell trisha's adam and eve [Music] what you doing tonight girl [Music] this episode of h3 after dark is brought to you by adam and eve free stuff is awesome but free stuff to spice up your bedroom is even better select any of select any one item from 50 off did i read that right sorry i'm having like a super dyslexic day select almost any one item for 50 off and adam and eid eve will load you up with free stuff what does free stuff mean you'll have to find out it doesn't say just says free stuff it's probably good enter code after dark at checkout and get 10 tantalizing free gifts i'm talking a sexy item for him a special gift for her and a third item for both of us like a double-sided dildo we could both utilize that a little less to ask hilo love me daddy has to ask move on [Laughter] all that and set six free spicy movies i'm talking what i think that means is deep physical dvds physical media hopefully you have a dvd player and all that and it's still free shipping that's after dark eight well do you guys know how to spell that first let's make me spell it a-f-t-e-r-d-a-r-k after dark use offer code after dark at checkout at adamandeve.com and get your hands on all of this free stuff and one item from all of their stores i'm talking but this is what i've learned from trisha butt plugs nipple clamps [ __ ] rope like you could goddamn get like futuristic like robot robocop toys to go up there and bust crime in your vagina all for 50 off i'm saying just go check it out see what's out there to offer go to adamandeve.com and use the code after dark for 50 off and get 10 free gifts wow what an offer for one item yeah well the other shit's free thank you guys oh god are we gonna have any sponsors left [Music] i'm having an off day i'm loopy on a scale of one to ten how likely do you think these sponsors are to return dan i think it was i think it was fine oh you do yeah oh thank you guys i'm super loopy today man i've had a hell of a week it's been a lot what were we talking about oh i wanted to get into facebook do we have a facebook login now maybe yes i sent it to you all right i am not going to talk to you yeah don't do it on screen i won't put it on screen um okay yes dan are you just logging in to look at the views again i just want to know what the [ __ ] going on you know look around okay i'm taking this so it's just your phone number which i will grab from discord oh don't show on screen login okay i've got his login top secret you can't see anything i'm doing right no i'm not showing anything why is it all creepy it sounded like nice wedding music and then there's like creepy music i like this because i guess there was some creepy music underneath that clock who knows if you're gonna talk save here okay i am logged in good job i'm in thank you ab thank you baby [Applause] so this is interesting now that we're in look david's vlogs this is from one day ago okay so now how do i see the views how do i click like this i mean i'm serious it does facebook doesn't make any sense i see comments and shares why you lot where do i see the videos i just spent all this time to log in can you tell me where the views are i don't know i know i don't it probably doesn't show on here i don't know somebody showed it facebook [ __ ] sucks videos dude facebook is such a dumpster fire i literally hate love you're young how do i look at the [ __ ] views oh here they are here they are latest see this is six days ago five million views yeah the views are wild oh he this was a justin bieber one so he's re-uploading his bangers like justin bieber and probably making a [ __ ] load of money it's kind of epic don't you think he wanted to kick his ass he probably put up a fight i mean that's so shameless it's like he's trying to cash in before this guys will also tell them they don't want to appear in the videos oh they're right well also he knows facebook doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything he could be he could be uploading like he could be uploading like uh execution vid like isis execution videos and facebook wouldn't care why would he do that but it's just kind of my point google some isis videos what what anyway so he's still out there doing the taking out of context david is still crushing it on facebook what else we got we have got um oh this was something i just absolutely had to discuss it came to my attention that there are some sick mother lovers out there who have i guess it's not surprising seeing it is the internet that people are going to jason nash's kids instagram pages who are uh 15 and 12 and leaving hateful comments why exactly why would you do that no i i'm i'm hoping and praying that none of the foot soldiers are participating in such horrid horrid behavior but let's these kids have first of all enough and and this goes for any of these people's family members yeah that have nothing to do with this this is not an okay behavior i made a tweet about it i said if you're commenting on jason nash's children's instagrams post you are a piece of [ __ ] stop his kids and all their family members have nothing to do with this don't be like that it's unacceptable and gross i'm begging you to please stop now these are young children don't [ __ ] do this and that goes for any of these people's family members i mean i was not happy about that neil do you have anything to say it's just not right but that's the internet for you can't say i'm surprised it's like but like imagine leaving a hate comment like a five-year-old's page it's like i mean she's a little older than that but yeah either way it's no excuse yeah there's no excuse it's just insane i believe she's around 11 or 12. i mean they obviously have nothing to do with any of this of course okay and again just because there's so much coming out i know you guys this is really good i'm sorry but i'm still going ela you're gonna love this i promise this is okay we've got a gardener situation here this is one of these things that's going to blow your guys's minds okay i took a pic this morning and it oh you saw a look oh i wanted to surprise you with it i didn't read the whole thing but yeah okay so this is the consent form when dom sleeps with girls he makes them sign ndas allegedly first first first i want you to notice that how much there are he's got stacks of this [ __ ] you know that's like 30 right there easily okay vin diesel's like oh man so this girl said anyone remember seeing signing these dirty doms and dirty doms apartment i looked through my snap stories because i remember there were sexual consent forms and i always wondered if they're serious or joke well we know now now when you read it i was wondering so is this in connection to it being a part of david's videos or that's just dom's personal ndas that he gives to girls i have heard that allegedly these were given out to any women who slept with members of the vlog squad i don't know if this is just something dom did though they were found in dom's apartment but the terminology in here is gonna make you scream okay get ready i blank hereby declare under penalty of perjury that i am over 18 years old penalty of perjury how about just look at her id dumb [ __ ] also it's called sexual consent form how is someone going to consent to have sex if they're not he's like dude that's not how it works that's what i was i saw in the comments on this thread they're like well if they're not 18 then this whole document is not valid that just goes to show you how many people he slept with who are right on that cusp could be 15 could be 19. it's all good i further declare that this agreement is of my own free will and that neither i nor any other near i nor any near or dear to me has been threatened with harm or embarrassment who wrote about this jesus well right off the bat literally the first thing it says under penalty of perjury it's not it you're not under oath signing this [ __ ] nda in his apartment what the [ __ ] are they talking about but what is what does this mean he says i am signing this and i nor anyone near or dear which is not a legal term by the way has been threatened with harm or embarrassment is that is that suggesting possibly that like he's they're trying to declare that they're not being exploited into doing it uh willingly signing this right like it's not like if you don't sign this i'm gonna kill you okay what the [ __ ] now stay tuned because my favorite part's at the end i promise both parties agree that this is a private agreement not to be disclosed to third parties except in case of accusations of misconduct s misconduct by the agreeing party if he she shows us if he she shows or makes public this agreement without accusations it is agreed that they will be liable for damages of invasion of privacy this was written by a lit by a [ __ ] idiot this person can't even pretend to have legal training [Laughter] i found a tweet that said that he copied it straight from google images love let me see that yeah i would not be surprised yeah that's a joke okay so by initialing i agree to engage in all or some of the following consensual acts you ready okay sexual fondling and kissing sure i feel like those could be two separate categories i feel like kissing and sexual funding fondling because this is so awkward he's like okay he goes oh dude bro oh my god just imagine before sexual encounter like here's okay pen also you know they're already like drunk get ready for the next [ __ ] penetration vaginally or anal with penis also he didn't he didn't a complete width he did a dash for the sake of brevity apparently what is it a tweet uh with penis fingers or any toy slash body parts so that includes foot body parts oh then oral copulation mutual mutual of course and then another oral copulation unilateral wait what what does that mean i'm not i didn't really understand it means it's just going one way they're basically clarifying both 69 and just getting a blowy those are both fine right i'm going to come oh and then he has a and then he leaves in a space to you know uh if there's any other comments he definitely wrote this himself i mean allegedly not definitely other consexual sexual conduct to be specified so they'd be like okay baby so let's see what do you think we're going to do tonight japanese rain goggles dirty sanchez red wings i'm going to be taking a [ __ ] on your chest okay we're going to write we're going to fill that in down here cleveland steamer you know so okay now get ready this is my favorite part i've not gotten to my favorite part yet really not even close just you're going to freak when you're here i know i further declare that i am at this time not under influence of alcohol drugs or medication and agree to engage in this consensual act get ready hold on to your [ __ ] hats at this time i do not intend to change my mind before the sex act or acts are over however if i do it is further understood that when i say the word code red my partner agrees to instantly stop oh my god so so just to be clear stop this i'm not uncomfortable stop that's not the right verbiage the correct verbiage is to scream cold red cold red ladies and gentlemen so i feel like there it had to be just him or a friend because no lawyer would have whatever signed him bro if you sent this to a lawyer they would be like you cannot give this to anyone you do understand that they'd be like have you given this to anyone yet they'd be like okay we need to gather all of these if possible and bring them back and incinerate them um code red so if anyone out here is listening and they want to know how to stop it's could be called we can call it a code red i think i read i also made a funny tweet thank you very much i like to call myself out don't hate me i make funny tweets my hi my name's ethan klein and i make 23s i said in response girl says stop stop dumb she didn't say code red give me some skin for that it's funny high five you i mean the topic is kind of serious i don't feel like high fiving you but it's funny it's funny stop you didn't say code red you remember what we agreed to in the agreement you clear we clearly wrote in that i'd be [ __ ] on your back and the extra addendum addendum thank you though called red code red all right are you even just imagining that go red go red yeah it's so romantic deepak oh my god i can't this story just keeps getting crazier is there something you guys wanted me to watch in the discord i haven't been following no just i found a video where the forum is shown but it's only shown for a second and they don't discuss it it's just like in passing they show it they show what the forum he says there's really the form interview i have no i have no problem believing this because i was wondering what if this is made up that i made up code radical it's just so dumb it's almost hard to believe you know not stop called right you have to play this sound if you want to stop [Music] [Laughter] stop i'm very uncomfortable dog let's do make the sound [Laughter] oh no you believe this [ __ ] yes and no and poor jeff had to come out and like you know defend this guy knowing that david received a letter saying this guy this guy dom is really people say why why is jeff getting all the hate and not dom my answer to that is like everybody knows dom there's no question about dom i mean that yeah i'm sure that he is it's just that oh yeah dom is [ __ ] because jeff spoke then there's more like what's happening with that well also people like jeff myself included now i'm just i say that because i didn't know him but there i feel like there's a redemption arc for jeff and so there's the conversation around someone like jeff is much more interesting where dom it's like like you know bye forever you're done code red please stop stop so interestingly that document doesn't say anything about alcohol being involved it did it said it says at the time of signing this you have to be sober okay yeah but what if you're too drunk to remember code red well on forge you know like then you're [ __ ] out of luck well what his expert legal document fails to take into place is that you can remove consent or at some point of being too drunk not be able to consent right in which case you need to go it's a cod red you guys want to move on to my next favorite topic [Music] you know how we do it around here what else you got what should we title this oh no oh no oh no hey hey let me ask you something what sound would a small boy make the moment he walked into james charles house yep that's the correct answer in fact we need to sell that device so you can just right so people know that should just be our apps i want to sell the device that just cycles between james shows going oh no can you play that for me zach i wanna hear this wanna hear this side by side [Laughter] oh no what okay okay here let me ask you something zach what does james charles say when he hears the code red oh no that's it [Music] there's some really funny james charles news what should we call this title i feel like we should put a title up on it already discussing after the episode why i like these meta discussions what what maybe we call it you already know you already know what it is oh is ian gone oh no oh no no no no no no yes his internet died i'm sure he'll be back whenever it comes back how about this forgiving jeff burying david bearing's deep ms dog let's not say bearing yeah we fight i like forgiving that's nice yeah we like forgiveness [Laughter] forgiving jeff hmm yeah maybe we'll think about it afterwards shame all right jade this is this is a really good james charles news i swear to god this has just been a really good good [ __ ] james charles first of all tells a fan to text them we love that deaf noodles shout out as always guys you don't even need to watch my show just follow jeff's noodles the sky's the [ __ ] wait are you showing his phone no no no no it's a it's like a commercial number okay okay i think well it's in his story so oh james charles asks fan to text him this is less than a month after james confessed to sexting minors in the last six months five of james fans exposed him for allegedly solicitating nudes and pressuring them to do the same three of them were minors there's been five yeah i don't even realize oh my god this is the t so here's james he's but you know so the thing about these like commercial numbers is that he has the he can still vet them and respond to them so it goes hi sisters tell me your measurement your size how much armpit hair you have and maybe i'll get back to you sister you remember how he's in the armpit hair hi sisters respond with a picture of your armpit hair and i'll maybe get back to you hi sisters hit him with the code red please act keep your hand on that button all episode yeah so i feel like he's probably gonna pick up a few young boys this way yeah and that definitely makes me feel let me call it let's call the number and see what happens no it's not it's it's one of those community numbers it's just it just puts you on a marketing list that's all it does oh [ __ ] really yeah yeah don't do it i'm coming it's just going to take you to a voicemail of him i guess it might be funny to hear that yeah fair enough eight i wish i didn't have to use my number but hey [ __ ] it let's listen i got it can you hear okay yeah yeah okay you just [ __ ] answer it says i'm texting y'all back right now am i supposed to text well says text me sisters who calls boomer hi sisters charles here and thanks for calling my phone number my voicemail box is currently full but you should definitely send me a text i'll reply right away with a link to sign up so you can receive exclusive messages from me you'll be the first to know about new videos photos merch sales events and you may even get a selfie or two oh no we don't have blocks oh no oh no should i text it code red should i oh i'm gonna text him a picture of my armpit and see if he responds because he won't be able to tell 3-1-0 905. then you just call this number right you're right all right well these are my phones are so annoying okay recent okay here it is [Music] how do i make it look like i'm a boy though okay boomer i need it to look like i'm uh i needed to look like i'm a fertile young man okay boomer like that maybe does that look good either too much hair that one doesn't look too hairy that looks pretty good here click the photos click the photo wait wait you can see our background right right yeah yeah yeah you need to retake oh you can crop it okay here no let me take it wait do it again because you can see my face or make it as youthful as possible good what's happening here like that perfect people like sing button oh that's sexy now let me add like an emote or here i'll do i'll draw a heart or something don't you want to know if he's going to respond or you just watch to someone just walking on you wait how do i draw mother why am i such a boomer ass [ __ ] i want to do a heart well why didn't you ask him how to do emojis why is it so thin it's like so thin sister slacking [Music] okay okay can i show this i want to show you guys the picture be careful about showing your phone screen i'm gonna take a screenshot send it in the discord okay i'm gonna save the photo and i'm gonna attach this to my text message to the one and only by the way you know he's gonna get dick pics and stuff he said send me pictures and you might get yourself a joke but i need to crop it sorry guys it's important [Music] i'm sure everybody understands people aren't mad right i mean this is important [Music] okay i got it cropped perfectly okay here we go i'm sending it sent okay i'm going to send you dan the photo i sent yeah this is good i think this might be a chance he responds maybe he can tell i'm a little bit older right yeah it's not really his style okay here show him what i sent all right one sec sister sister sister someone else do me this challenge hello you you email him or text him to just say hi i love you i love you i love you i'm six a 16 male or whatever see if he responds let's go okay you got it here open it on discord does that make sister sense it does make sense since you guys think this is going to work probably not the heart the hair is his thing no he did he said he wanted to see hairy armpit you think he wanted a twink armpit i mean i guess i just would have assumed but maybe you're right with the age cohort he's going to wait okay cool wait i didn't pop the bottom well you screenshotted it on your phone that's what you sent me okay i did crop it when i sent it to you also do you think it helps that there's like several attempts such a boomer ass [ __ ] sister hi sister did you text him maybe that should be him i'm hi sisters you want to craft a text together that should be your nfts anyone want to buy that nft you know they're cracking up by that [ __ ] just type like hi sister i love you i'm 16 am and i've got and i'm uh whatever ah you tell us what you write you do it you can't keep getting i've spent too much time already on this uh so anyway that's him now next up james charles is starting a podcast called get this i swear to [ __ ] i swear to [ __ ] it's called this fresh and young you're making that up you think so you think i'm making that up oh it's called good and fresh okay okay that's pretty that's definitely different that's their friends [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] i would [Laughter] okay but it is called good and fresh i said i've been compromised because i text i texted before you corrected yourself i said hi sister i am young and fresh and then i put correction i mean how do i watch young and fresh but it's not called young and fresh hi i'm young and fresh come on baby he's not answering that oh god i cannot his smirk you guys want to hear my bomb tweet um so but hold on when you wrote you tweet were you thinking no i knew the title okay i said look i just was remembering it wrong looks like james charles is starting his own podcast called good and fresh it's perfect title because it also describes his pref his perfect sexual partner i heard their first guest is woody allen they should have a lot to talk about nice crickets tweets are always really funny when you learn all right well listen i'm not relenting on james that dude i what i should have said is you it's a great title but i think what you should have called it is is is uh young young and fresh that would have been that probably just better anyway there's more james oh i know i know but it's good oh no aren't we having fun okay a great meme james charles when he takes the wrong beauty gummy these are his subs you remember how many subjects james charles sucks the wrong beauty gummy for hair james charles admitting to exchanging nudes with a child all right anyway i can't wait to listen to his uh young and fresh podcast another james charles meme i swear to god i'm not stopping wait oh okay so so james charles interestingly does seem to be um facing some some backlash on what's going on his controversy once again cat 10 barge the legend i don't know anything about this maybe you guys do but there was a youtube series called ins instant influencer you guys know about this show i do not it appears to be a youtube original uh that starred james charles i'm assuming it was a reality show based off of the images i'm seeing where he was like the lead judge it seems to me like a top model top designer kind of thing you know top chef right yeah yeah so season two was renewed but guess who's not hosting this time james stratton youtube kicked him off his own show love to see it oh my god this is challenging hello i do not like james he is a predator one good thing but and that includes this portion of the vlog squatting game stronger i was just gonna say that it's it's nice that um it's nice that youtube is finally like doing things taking a stand saying something because they don't usually do anything yeah they usually wait until the basically the whole ecosystem of youtube is on the brink of total annihilation but again i said it last time and i feel like i should say it again going into our next story is that the way that logan handled his massive controversy makes me appreciate him more compared to what david's doing yeah which is basically still re-uploading his videos on facebook and monetizing them love that yep anyway we have uh you guys aren't gonna believe it but wendy williams has farted again no i swear to god dan wendy williams has farted again are you ready zach oh yeah okay you guys aren't gonna believe this what is going on with her she must have some kind of condition i don't know with peace and love you know i mean i hope she's okay but she's on a show well here's the first one you're old enough to understand political correctness in the times that we live now you can't get over there people on the board you know she's working right from a man to a woman or a woman to a man but you can't even do that locker room thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean you're lucky you only got now we've i said go ahead and hit him with the isolated part that crazy okay second one happened recently she farted and burped at the same time fantastic stuff looks like new boyfriend we haven't caught anybody coming out of the house yet but you know just a matter of time she's not lonely i apologize i apologize oh she's not lonely go ahead zach [Laughter] come on people that doesn't get better than that well oh ian is back just in time oh ian welcome back we're just reviewing wendy williams third fart breaking news this one apparently is a fart or a snort burp i'll be honest with you it's pretty wild let's like slow down it's okay move what the [ __ ] was that i can't wait let me go back cause come on yeah oh with her mouth say how you doing look at the audience members be enough to understand wait look at that the first time i met him you know he was um in think like a man one and i and joelle reminded me of this too this morning every time he used to come here to our show i would always say if i wasn't married if he wasn't married that's my kind of guy you know like taller how you doing love it enough to handle me and fluffy enough to understand let's go out for good food look at that and and funny in a corny cool way calm down but but groan and then she's talking about she wants to [ __ ] with this guy and then i don't know what he's doing now but it is never too early to jump back in the game and [Music] yeah how you doing because you'll find that when you get divorced later on in life i don't know about you but i don't want anything going like i'm back in the game immediately immediately and then the virus happened so i just slow down it's okay where did we pass it no [Laughter] okay again i'm not quite sure what i heard zach okay okay okay wait oh wait let me focus now we can't laugh because i really want to listen okay go ahead zach wait did you cut it early because i feel like there was more noise after the oop okay okay now can you slow it down a little bit okay now can we get a symphony of all of the wendy's sounds yeah [Laughter] no not to be controversial but i think that's a snort right it didn't sound like a fart not a fart the best is that laughs like what yeah so i'm calling out all musicians who are really good at making digital music to you know i want that beat i know there's like a dope ass beat somewhere there between all those sounds yeah definitely so i'm calling all that calling all you guys out wait play it all i love the hoop that origin i mean i got to say the original yeah i don't think anything like i mean people don't believe us when they say that's the real isolated sound it is 150 the real isolators like here's can you do because i know there's doubters in there play the original one on play the original one unboosted and then play the boo thurs wendy williams yeah there's wendy williams she's leading a whole and she calls it a fart gate like i'm sorry bart gate no what's what's next 911 was it inside you know what i mean like come on okay it kind of makes me like her it's like wait play it and the original sound oh he probably doesn't have that on the sound board you're talking about like from the show yeah well yeah okay because so all you wendy william fart truthers need to [ __ ] get a grip 27 years old with the amount of misinformation out in the world we need to get the facts the grades gotta get it right and political correctness in the times that we live now you can't just slap people on the booty yeah of course he probably knows it's not right from a man to a woman or a woman to a man but you can't even do that locker room thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean you're lucky okay we all heard it wow i definitely heard it isolate it boost it yeah come on ladies and gentlemen the jury i think i rest my case on wendy williams anyway that's that i wanted to ask you guys you know after all of our nft adventures we all got we all got paid out some nice coinage what's everybody done with their coins because i see eth uh ethereum's dropped a bit let me check it where it's at right now ethereum right now is down it's down a little bit not too bad so what what did you guys all do do you guys sell are you holding i'm holding holding two i sold two as well good luck chatter out ian i'm holding hold on baby oh yeah i was like what's i was like what is cryptocurrency i'm selling this the reason i sold is because i saw that it was at like a peak and based on what i've seen at crypto it's always like yeah well we're all rich and then it's like oh it's worthless so i got it i think that over time though it's gonna go up it's not you shouldn't check it every day exactly i i was saying we should keep some but ethan was like well then you make your own digital wallet and i was like okay i'm out no i know i didn't mean that we could have kept it in the same digital wallet i wasn't trying to like beef with you well i did not feel like having to mess with anything well because i wanted the i wanted to give it all like on because i was thinking like i i think having a bitcoin would be good and i think this and that but i'm not actually i don't actually want to get into all that yeah she goes ethan i want you to buy bitcoin i was like we'll make a wallet and buy a bitcoin no what the [ __ ] my wife still doesn't believe in me ela apparently but the real reason i wanted to take it out is because this passover which is a secret to any of my family listening switches on sunday is it customary to give gifts out on passover no not really you don't need to oh what hold on isn't it say what zack the offi common like the kids find them oh yeah there's their pokemon oh that's yeah well we don't really like hide it and then the kid who finds it gets it hey wait is it yom kippur where you give gifts no absolutely not which is the one you give gives hanukkah not only hanukkah no in israel you buy [ __ ] like bed sheets um i think that's like september-ish yeah so well anyway during this dinner um uh that nobody knows about i cashed out all of our bitcoins and we're gonna and i want not bitcoins but yeah we don't have right the ethereum and i wanted to present a um nice present to all my family based on all this funny money we made yeah yeah any of those family mm-hmm yeah yeah so i'm sorry what was that and ironically enough guess who's going to be there trisha hopefully will not be um it's her first passover huh is it for seder she's going to want to lead she thinks she's like they do next week she's going to lead she'll start arguing with people about what things mean the parsley what is the parsley okay oh another big news zach are you moving out i'm anthony's song i'm moving out whoa proud of you what's the deal worth what situation or i guess what's the address i found an apartment um wow i'm super stoked uh it's available april 14th and um already buying furniture wow april 14th so that's what like two like uh like two weeks just over two weeks and may i ask what part of town you're moving into no don't well you shouldn't don't ask them what area no no just don't what uh remember that we've been getting swatted every day what area why let me ask you this okay let me ask you this are you moving closer to the city um it's still in the valley okay yeah all right setting up roommates housemates not one bedroom good for you man i think you're going to love it i'm very excited um and i i mean it's a new journey and yeah i'm looking forward to it are you scared to move out of your parents house a little bit uh i mean there's a little there's qualms with it you know but i i think it's time i think it's time are your parents supportive of your decision they actually are oh actually yeah yeah they're um they're actually very supportive of it you know waiting so i could get the [ __ ] out well you know you know obviously they're sad because you know leaving the ass but um yeah they're they're like we cannot be with furniture or you know whatever so cool you know what they're planning to do with your room are they going to turn into like uh a sublet i heard they're turning into a sex dungeon but shout out to todd [Laughter] are you worried at all um let me do you eat a lot of your mom's cooking are you worried about the like that you're just gonna be eating out a lot does your mom cook for you a lot um no i actually i mean she cooks for me um but i i make my own meals like i'm actually a pretty good cook um yeah interesting excuse me interesting yeah so a lot of chicken a lot of steak uh you know that kind of stuff well that's terrific news that congratulations thank you all right now we come to basically the the sounds of war wait what we haven't been at war for the whole first like hour and a half no the sounds of war come up now uh okay play the war silence i was just trying to get people from the beginning do you hear the call my warriors [Applause] foot soldiers are simple 9 11. wake up wake up wake up now is the time you hear that do you okay thank you you're gonna see the power of god [Applause] wait play the horns again semen makes miss semen makes milk tastes great semen is just another type of tastes milk you know starbucks put semen in their milk frankin semen is a good idea all right kill the music burning in their butthole all right here's the problem i've got huge problem so interestingly mike maljak matt magelack faith banks and keemstar did a podcast together here's the biggest twist not mad at keemstar how is that possible but i always knew face banks was a was a utter [ __ ] idiot oh god but now i literally have actual proof that this guy is operating on what could only be you know perceived as single digit brain cell capacity okay you want to know why why yeah take a step back okay here's what here's what face banks by the way who has credible accusations of essay against him who is a menace society who's been in fights like you remember that whole thing at the bar where he was like trying to like it's like the dude is a literal degenerate i mean mike's in it i mean zac we know how zack feels about mike he be [ __ ] his gym shorts yeah enough said that's all you have to say and we have proof of that that's not even that's not even defamation we've seen [ __ ] we've seen him shoot his fans i've seen him [ __ ] his gym shirt parody parody no no no no we've already we've seen it i thought nobody's gonna assume can you imagine suing me for defamation your honor he clearly has not seen you're daring him too because here's the thing during discovery he'll have to turn over all of his underwear prove that there's no [ __ ] stains on any of his underwear i followed him into a 24-hour fitness and i can confirm that he's [ __ ] his gym shorts wow okay that might be defamatory parody all minecraft in my minecraft anyway listen to these [ __ ] frat bros emotions out of it and just like what could this be like i'm right i mean not really because she knows them yeah and she's in the video wasn't she in the [Music] lgbt we have this issue where is this not because you don't have the new computer yet or is this some other [ __ ] all right we have a shitty laptop we should replace this what's that zach dan get that mayo zach uh or sorry ian say that again dan get that mayo whoa what does mayo have to do with anything i don't see ian's lips moving ian did you say dan get that mail [Music] what did you say i'm stroking [ __ ] down here huh he's a ventriloquist yeah you heard of jeff dunham ian might like that i've been chugging the water all right are we good dan all right let's assume these because i thought i thought in the whole all right let's listen to these frat bros talk about basically bruh just listen to [ __ ] the thing it was like we're gonna refer to her as hannah yeah because of further work projects or whatever they wanted to protect her yeah okay i mean but we know who she is like we can see her face and obviously i say this listen um we were talking about how ethan klein and trisha paytas have um a fat interest in seeing he's fat i mean can you imagine that this guy how old is faith how old is he i'm gonna guess like 25. yeah that would be my guess too let's see just imagine that's how you talk 29 okay yo ethan klein and issue bridge have a fat interest doug what what universe do you live in i'm going to take a step back so i'm going to under a drinking age let me clarify uh so drunk and she completely passed out doesn't even remember the night and basically while she was passed out she claims that dom raped her you know those are her allegations so ours obviously we weren't there but yeah that's what we're referring to now okay listen i'm probably gonna get crucified for even dancing on this line but and i will say this if i had to bet my money on it and i'm also a man of the facts i want to see what's going on like i want to i want to know what proof is there i will i want to say this um the girl who is accusing can i pause it you're mad at the facts and there there there's there's all the fact like in terms of any case of essay can i just say there's never proof of our word or essay like what what proof do you want you want her to stop him and say hey let me record i'm listening obviously she wasn't capable of even consenting so of course there's not going to be proof and by the way usually in cases of essay because of this this like uh victim blaming mentality that faze banks the who's always on the side of fat facts i always need to get the fattest fat even in this case the facts are so overwhelming yeah nobody's even doubting i mean there's about as much evidence as you could ever have yeah like i don't even see anyone trying to even discredit her because it's simply so overwhelming i don't know if the facts qualify as fat though as soon as i heard him talk about proof i was like no tell me i didn't hear that david and everybody of this whole night the victim right is completely anonymous right no can you just learn before you talk i want to get the facts straight so before you get the fat facts straight what do you go i mean it's the same thing jeff did it's like if you're gonna come out here and talk about something so seriously you should at least [ __ ] read about it they're not anonymous oh i'm sorry i need to make a correction there are no accusations of essay against banks that's an important correction it makes so i take that back there's no uh credible credible there was accusations of assault okay okay then he assaulted an ex right no his his ex was sexually assaulted uh allegedly at a club when they were together but not by him by someone else by a security guard he was yeah he was at a club and he um i believe there's accusations of him uh attacking a girl or something along those lines oh yeah there was a lot of [ __ ] that went down at that club but okay but i correct the record i apologize there's no credible allegations thank you guys okay good job ab for for correct me on that one peace and love with peace and loves banks no accusation essay but i both peace and love you are a [ __ ] brain dead vapid there are more brain cells in the vacuum of outer space than there are in your head it's got a fat brain though fat alright let's continue it was like we're gonna refer to her as hannah yeah because of further work projects or whatever they want to participate it's a pseudonym to protect their [ __ ] identity how dumb are you he's like they're calling they call her hannah because it's a made-up identity and that's fat facts dude this like victim or whatever this suppose hannah supposedly hannah yeah okay i mean but we know who she is thank you she can see her face and obviously i say this listen um thank you keemstar okay we were talking about how ethan klein and trisha paytas have um a fat interest in yo sound by we have a fat i am i have a fat interest that's for sure i can't stop eating that's what you mean as far as having a fat interest in some other thing yeah fried chicken wednesday baby yeah now that's a bad interest seeing these people fail for every reason and just go down right um if there was ever a vlog or there was ever a piece of content that david made that you could go and like a reverse engineer and create some kind of story out of wouldn't it be this because of the because of the what are you talking about okay faye okay banks ricky ricardo okay let me call you ricky you are more of a ricky banks you know let i mean the man to actually go out there and be such a [ __ ] in public yeah okay first of all i'm re i'm i'm sp me i'm fairly busy guy i am spending my time reverse engineering all of david's vlogs let me also notice that he removed this vlog a year and a half ago why ricky fat fat ricky because it was removed the video was removed so that so how am i supposed to reverse engineer a video that was removed and then ricky if i may call you a fat brain ricky fat you want you want to know a fat fact it's because he got a email from hannah saying she was essayed and that's why they removed the video go ahead okay let's go ahead with the [ __ ] galaxy brain argument oh yeah it's just it's food for thought i'm not sick i'm not saying this i'm not trying to say anything again this is the coward's way to make any pathetic argument i'm not claiming that ethan and tricia are are combing through every single david dobrik blog ever made by the way i i've never had a problem with david i'm not saying that the victim is lying but like this alleged is like anonymous or whatever and like hannah whatever is she i don't even think she exists that's a fat [ __ ] yeah i love this guy thinks that i'm just like again i didn't have a problem with david i literally only learned about this when trisha explained to me her history with david dover because i knew she had this history with him [Music] yes because his [ __ ] brain is blank and he's shooting blank bullets what's better he's shooting blanks or his head is blank i don't see why it can't be both yeah i like phase blanks you guys like that i like the shooting blings she looks good you shooting blanks love that fat blanks bretta like i said if i had to bet my money on it weird should happen it just seems like weird [ __ ] happened not essay not nothing she's probably exaggerating if i had a bit if i oh what kind of bet is that yeah what kind of bet if i had to bet my money weird [ __ ] happen okay not be specific about it no i i hear i hear what you're saying it's just it that it could yeah but here's the the reason why yeah i disagree back thank you keemstar wow i'm about to become friends with people oh my god i never thought i would hear that thing is [ __ ] innocent thank you thank you or whatever i don't think he's i don't think he's i don't think he's saying anything i'm necessarily just saying like this would be i'm saying the correct approach to situations like this is take a step back emotions out of it and just like what could this be like i don't know here's here's here's the problem you're not saying anything this is the correct the correct way what is correct way is to let david continue to do his thing no actually funnily enough again this girl sent this message to dom three months later you're not familiar with the story you're doing a dangerous disservice to all of your listeners who are probably all young men who are you are and who are you know no i think he has a lot of girl audience too and his mom's basement i don't know about the i don't know about that i don't know i think the banks guys the phrase guys shooting blanks they're shooting at the face means he's impotent that's what i thought you meant i wasn't really sure what the other face blanks either way whatever it is it's only bad like you're discrediting the victims and any future victim that would think of coming out well also the way that he framed all of that is he under the impression that you and trisha like broke the story like he doesn't even seem to understand that this was like an investigation like we we've just talked about on our show this was cat that put this all together right we we had nothing it does sound like that i think he's under the impression that like we i don't think like he probably never read the article i don't think he knows any of the basic premises of anything yeah and that's why we call him phase blanks because his space is basically a perfect void you're very special do you know how hard it is to create a perfect void nasa goes to such lengths and expensive experiments to suck all particles out of a space to create a perfect void phase banks need to be studied by science because his his brain is such a perfect void you we could conduct experiments inside of it here's the problem there's a strange dichotomy here okay in the real world in the world as we know it to exist where where claims like this are brought up in criminal court there's something called the burden of proof the burden of proof falls on the accuser and the people who provide uh charges against the person claimed to have committed a crime unfortunately some would say fortunately that burden of proof does not exist on the internet and so what happened wrong this is not a ex this is not a situation of cancer culture i mean the article had receipts for every single thing i literally saw everything was backed out with heaviness i literally saw a picture of of dom come out with a used condom the same night in the same clothing and a picture of her blackout drunk being held up by her friends i mean if they looked and read their article they would see that they were very very demanding of the girl providing as much evidence as possible and they they decided yeah oh they reported her of course she did that reporter cat there was no like there wasn't a moment where you read something and there was no evidence provided or listed that they received it you know cat did an absolutely amazing job of her journalistic due diligence everything was so well supported but the thing is when you have such a perfect void of a brain you can't feel it with anything otherwise it's not a perfect void so he's holding on to that phase of phase blanks ladies and gentlemen what happens is you can be cancelled via headline you could be if trisha paytas okay if trisha paytas tomorrow decides you know banks is the new target if she put her cards together right now she could make you look like a [ __ ] bad person why are you guys so scared why are you guys so scared for yourself maybe there is stuff to to find out about you sound like yeah it sounds like you're just being really defensive because there is something i mean no it doesn't work like that things are backed up we're talking about things that are backed up otherwise the conversation will go nowhere this is this is textbook r word culture it's like nobody can ever make a claim and one by the way that says credible it couldn't be more credible than this without people like these guys trying to change it into this other conversation of like you could say anything about anyone yeah like you could say something about me tomorrow oh really trisha peters could say all kinds of things about me man all the dirt she has on me interesting because that wasn't my reaction when i heard the story certainly my reaction was that i felt really bad for the victim i was really upset david you know it was about how is this gonna hurt me yeah what what is someone gonna do to me tomorrow yeah exactly hit the red alert button quick yeah that's what they're thinking they're like also you gotta love that it's such a boys club these three guys are sitting there talking about all this the voice of reason so that should just tell you something yeah was that in that last little bit that was actually mike talking yeah that was mine thanks right but but like so he also seems to be under the impression that trisha is the reason that all this is happening that's what he just said yeah it's like trisha can go on a podcast and make something and say whatever which is which is by the way i know this is like we're auxiliary players in all of this let me just take what he said at face value trisha cannot say anything she wants about either of you because trisha has spent years of her life with the vlog squad and she's been talking about it for years what is the alarming oh you have your vaccine oh [ __ ] i have to go how let me check how far is it i think i did it early um i'm going to get my vaccine today it's awesome thank you um not only that but trisha was there that night you don't [ __ ] you [ __ ] she was there she's in the video she spent time so it's like your whole argument is like oh [ __ ] anyone could say you are you you you pathetic is completely scary and scary no there are scary to you probably because you guys are scumbags yeah i mean that's the only thing i get from it is okay tell me why is it so scary let's talk about it i'm sure phase blanks and mike have plenty to be scared about areas of it that are that are helpful and and i think you know trisha would say this and and other people would say this where people have continued to skate the line and not been taken down by authorities because of power because of their elite status whatever and now you have these guys are always like i'm so proud of the movement and it's so necessary so you have like 20 minutes before you have to leave okay good you know what these guys are always like i'm so pro the movement and the need for it and everything but once it skirts a little bit too close to me it was a boy's club and trisha couldn't say anything about anyone and get any of us in trouble faze blinks phase galaxy brain and mike we need a good name for mike mike [ __ ] my gym shorts unfortunately i don't think it doesn't really roll off the tongue i i think it's funny slick in arabic means like like skink i mean nice nice slick yeah mike magic wake up [Music] it almost looks like it says jail mike my jail if you take out the let's keep this i have a new way to hold people accountable but i think it is a very very dangerous game that we're playing here with cancel culture which also is equally as scary and [ __ ] like you know what's actually scary is people abusing people and nothing happens and there's no repercussions and they just go on and succeed even more in life and how about that's actually scary oh yeah and to the victim seeing that and also by the way guys i recommend reading the [ __ ] article yeah this isn't a game first of all stupid and also it's it's it's not just cancel culture it's actually kind of cool to see that people can hold other people accountable and get something done i got two points to make all right first of all go ahead keemstar well banks i know you didn't see the new dramaalert but i'm just going to briefly explain it how do you know that and how do you know that because you're because of what you just said so what you're talking about how phase blanks man you really are a stooge misogynistic mic i don't know if that i don't know if he's a massage he certainly sounds like it it needs to rhyme with his name yes no [ __ ] shorts mike [ __ ] shorts mike shit's short i i just [ __ ] my gym shorts come on zach we can't do that i like love said mike [ __ ] shorts i'm kind of liking that mike well maybe you did i don't know maybe you do love me i saw it okay so 2017 elisha daniel starts coming out with claims that dom from the vlog squad was touchy feely with his friends right and then more i'd have to listen but shout out to keemstar for actually being uh for actually not being so the worst very important stuff at that point in the show is that was he talking [ __ ] about me where in the very beginning he can't resist oh right oh we don't want to go down that because that was right we left around the same time i was ready to offer uh olive ranch to keemstar they're liars they're full of [ __ ] keemstar would you like to be friends with me very hypocritical i can't imagine him wanting to be friends with such a hypocrite so let's see we've got that [ __ ] those guys especially faze blanks i feel like mike was just going along with it because he's like i'm an idiot i'm a [ __ ] as trisha says he's a picnic man he totally is a pikmi boy it's like he just plays along just be like me me i agree i agree i want to be i want to be in with you guys i don't want to be your friend mike is definitely a pick me face blank gym shorts yes sex thank you let's see oh here's another my okay i know i don't know why but faze banks uh twitter profile what with the money no just the the hit is like tagline or whatever it just always makes me laugh there's just something so stupid about it just a random kid who was born to be a loser but [ __ ] around on the internet and made a life for himself you want to break that down i don't know it's just i can't explain it it's just every time i've i've seen it he's been brought up on the show and i pull it up it just it makes me cringe so hard phase blinks ladies and gentlemen i think but nothing happens what's that three stages i i i try to think but nothing happens that's fine but nothing happens i try to think but nothing happens oh there's more guys there's so much good stuff today i'm running out of time i didn't know that was we were gonna have this conversation about blanks but jesus yeah that got me they had this fight okay so mike uh mike mike [ __ ] pants [ __ ] the pants magi-lick right yeah also got also gotten to beef with logan paul for being a total [ __ ] douchebag and again now i feel like i feel like i'm team logan paul i'd be coming i've i've gained respect for logan paul only i mean he dedicated like an hour and a half now an [ __ ] he was like two weeks ago yeah because of the coven stuff like he's a coven dinner and he called you the scum of the internet and then like triggered a [ __ ] movie i'm very pretty also he said he wished that you were the one that was getting uh oh his wish came through oh there you go yeah no maybe i would love it maybe it's him careful what you wish for let me tell you about banana let me tell you about bananas oh no i'm a strawberry so wait let me make sure i'm clicking this right so they had this debate earn a dress doing whippets do you guys remember he's blowing up a balloon harry styles wore a dress and a vote cover and like who cares right it's like it's like it's bro it's 20 21 like fine who gives a [ __ ] it was cool yeah i think it's cool too i'd [ __ ] him and and so anyway they have this whole debate just in all the wrong places no but look okay so to me i see this and i'm like what [ __ ] g like he don't he don't give a [ __ ] right right wait is that really what you think or is that what you're saying but like i swear to god i swear he's wearing a dress like your immediate thought is wow this guy's a real gangster yeah yep because i'm all about challenging social norms i swear i swear i'm old school man i like the way it is like challenging covet status masks cultural norm maybe i have super power filming corpses challenge the norm okay sorry over that but yeah yeah i agree with him on that i totally agree with you freaking blueberry what is the way it is the way it's been why because the way it's been has not been great well i just mean just because like all like 10 minutes and all are great especially for men and just you know but if you think about it listen if we switch the roles i feel like the access for us to pee would be a lot easier on a dress that i mean it's a good point listen and that's why he might have been doing it listen i watched a whole thing from uh uh uh uh oh [ __ ] i'm gonna forget his name now the hbo uh pull it up bill mulligan is an entire uh like ten minute dialogue he says well there's a point where they start arguing and he's like i know i'm just i'm switching gears a little bit but i can't tell you to hold on you tell me okay well anyway this was a while ago and now mike during that recent uh shooting the blanks podcast starts talking [ __ ] on logan paul who's harry styles with the dress with the dressing i provided a different viewpoint because i'm going to be honest with you there are a lot of times where logan is can be a dick rider on [ __ ] and i was providing a [ __ ] on on stuff like that like if lo i'm gonna be honest if logan sees an opportunity with a celebrity of that stature of harry styles he's gonna say something on the podcast to squeeze it into the red like he didn't come off that show and i would say this directly he was here straight up i would tell him he didn't come off this that show like wow we did a great job pushing for the the wearers of male wearing of dresses like he did that because he knew it was going to get clipped it was going to give him you know a hand up in obviously once again this is just this weird game that everyone's playing all right that's that's everything is a game by the way to go on someone else's podcast and [ __ ] on your call like i feel like that i agree with logan why do you need to get so up in arms about a dude wearing a dress so then logan that's this is a lot of drama anyway logan put our response he's like [ __ ] mike you want to read that i mean mike would be nothing without logan why is he like [ __ ] such a shitty golden egg it's not even it's so honest it's that he's basically calling his friend disingenuous liar he said here logan went in he said i'm gonna find your ass in a [ __ ] force and film you next [ __ ] he said this upsets me and i wish i hadn't seen it mike will change his character based on who he's with a pick me man like i said who he's with and what room he's in everyone in the house knows this and it's been an issue in the past especially when we go out these guys still live together i think so man zach you're millionaires like you're going to have 11 with your buddies you're going to have less housemates than logan paul it's an issue in the house everyone knows this and it's been going on especially when we uh go can you ask elizabeth to prepare a coffee for me to go okay thank you very urgent well i'm gonna have to leave like right afterwards i try my hardest to help him shed that very ugly part of his personality ooh oh he said i've caught mike in lies before and i try my hardest to help him shed that very ugly part of his personality but evidently there's been no progress he'll make things up to further his agenda everything he said here is not true george can attest if i was even more fired up before especially after the podcast when they couldn't see him who cares they're all douches definitely i shouldn't move on mike's yeah and it doesn't matter because what he's saying could easily be interpreted as like that's just your feeling doesn't i mean talk about they just criticized us for playing games with people's lives it's like you just sound bitter phase blanks made it sound like we have a whole fbi operation with the command center all looking over every david vlog ever made trying to crack like crunch the algorithm on which one would create a yeah it's like bro i will say that i have gained points for logan and keemstar today wild on a scale of zero on a scale of minus 100 to zero they're both at minus 99. not bad i guess i have to wrap it up even though i have a bunch of really great [ __ ] so it's [ __ ] outrageous yeah but the cinnamon toast shrimp gate you know they the vaccines are becoming really available so i recommend everyone to start checking what websites and see if you can get one we're in a um we're in a uh what do you call it essential field now because we're in production video production and but it's becoming like really well there's like five million vaccines in one day in america wow that's a lot of it 19. so they said sign up so i just put my name on the list and they called me so hopefully i'm not late because i want that shot do you know which one i'm getting i do not i kind of want pfizer for no particular reason you don't want that good good that jay and jay it's not that one shot i want it done that good good that top shelf i'll tell you what i like not that i want no it's the one that's two shots so it's either pfizer or madonna i like jay and jay because it's one shot but i only get one shot i like that you get your shots did you get your johnson johnson girl the the johnson junction one's weird because it's only one shot i got it you know i have to get back in your vaccine i know that like in the banks no one buys or something is it johnson johnson or johnson and janssen because i i don't know if it's the same company because i swear i've seen it spelled differently no i'm not [ __ ] kidding i saw someone spell it differently okay hold on johnson playing that today um i mean if there's any other parents in the chat let me know if you guys agree but i've always heard like why are you like from johnson johnson no no no that's [ __ ] oh they're called she okay baby hold on before you guys [ __ ] make fun of me it's called the jansen pharmaceutical company uh it's called jansen pharmaceuticals okay the company that makes it so it was it's made by janssen pharmaceutical companies wait so it's not just johnson johnson i don't know but i know it's made by jansen can you turn off the [ __ ] hotel i see it's a so jansen pharmaceuticals is owned by john johnson okay okay okay they got it wow he is such an idiot that's that i got i got nothing you said i got faith you said johnson and jansen that's not a thing but i can see why because here you confuse it yes it says it says johnson's yeah covet no that i i would actually take the jansens for sure one shot it's a what's interesting about the jansen it's a little less effective but it's very effective at preventing severe covet illness you know what i'm saying so it's like so okay the johnson johnson one is made by this jansen pharmaceuticals right i see jansen pharmaceuticals is a belgian company so it's based in europe oh the pfizer one came from germany did the modern one come from a european country too one of them we made this whole big stink about this giant push to get the vaccines here in america and we're like so proud of ourselves it's like we didn't even well we i think except except is the modern one american because i know the pfizer one is is a german researcher besides advisor the america fund gave a shitload of money to fund it so all the time they put up money yeah tons of money got it the the operation the moms in the chat agree with me but uh about what moderna is based in yeah i don't know what is that but johnson and johnson um it's like no one buys a baby product they really lost all the reputation why because they put like a little lead there was an apple sauce what's the big deal there's like baby powder that was oh it was the baby powder controversy yeah or talk about it or something well but that being said i it's not that i don't recommend getting that vaccine i would what times my my what time's my point um you gotta leave it out i literally have to leave yeah let's wrap it up and it's not a drive-through that's annoying you have to get out of my car oh complaining oh no okay i'm gonna go did you do you have yours did you get your shots i'm about to be able to say yes yes thanks for watching guys i got it i got it i got it oh i can say that i got it i got it i got it guys i love you guys i love the foot soldiers such a fun time i love being out here with you guys to everyone saying you like stay um i appreciate the compliment but there's no way i would ever have the confidence to do that do what they want me to stay without you oh i have to go so do you guys wrap up no i mean i can wrap it up thank you guys you can't do anything you guys mean lately has just been overwhelming and so positive and so beautiful and lovely please don't put me on a pedestal i can't deal with that i'm not a saint or interesting or like i'm not the arbiter i'll take funny but just i don't like the whole pedestal like arbiter of truth like the whole batman spider-man whatever don't do that to me that being said i'm i'm gonna go get my shot and i'll see you guys at the usual time next week love you bye all right all right bye-bye that's a wrap ethan actually wrapped up the show for once yeah right he didn't just walk away and gave a whole little button on the whole thing all right well i'm starting the music well thank you everyone um bye bye we love you we love you we love each and every one of you right and you are very special what you gonna do with the event gaps with all the guests you'll see the best podcasts in the world take it from me jc over cherry xp baby we podcast now you're watching h to the three three three [Music] honestly shredder will start rapping
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,040,264
Rating: 4.8461785 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: Ze3pzXECLzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 30sec (8190 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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