Fresh & Fit Cringe, M&M Controversy, Metaverse Fail - H3TV #22

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I genuinely had one of the hardest laugh fits Ive ever had when Ethan was running around the MetaVerse freaking out at how cool everything was.

👍︎︎ 169 👤︎︎ u/BetaUntested 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

“Yo, you guys seem cool, don’t come to the metaverse tomorrow”

👍︎︎ 155 👤︎︎ u/MemphisKansasBreeze 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

It got blocked wtf

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/ChangedRacer 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

God damn man who the fuck is adrevEnt_managed and who can I shit post to? I swear it feels like YouTube just lets companies do whatever the fuck they want when it comes to copyright

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Thunderdemonftw 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

banger episode 🙏. the metaverse bit had me dying

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/delilah_lee 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Fresh and fit isn't just cringe, it's dangerous. I hate being reminded of how many people out there think women are objects, and think even worse of black women. I really hope they have a very small and ineffectual following. Wankers.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/killingmehere 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

I just hope the superman tik tok guy will respond

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Calicoe-Jack 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Waaa I can't watch it, it says it has been blocked on copyright grounds???

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/naughtykittykatty1 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yo, that fresh n' fit guy is giving me serial killer vibes. Like he hates women and wont date in his own racial group. I dont know, I feel like if we check his basement its gonna filled with remains of black women is all I'm saying.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Sad_Store9934 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
wow wow two well well well here we are it's monday january 24th the gang's all here love is here and love is in the building too i got a bowl of brown and green eminent oh i guess well you guys see them as blue they're getting keyed out oh yeah good point honestly it's probably good because it's just not it's not it's way too provocative this show yeah in fact should we even be talking about this the circle we should blur this bowl yeah blur this bowl okay cabinet post it's way too sexy these glasses have changed my life oh interesting welcome everybody it's h3tv hope you all had a blessed weekend today's episode is sponsored by hello fresh me undies mint mobile and love them love them reminder call in to the show today 808 hot meme taking calls now hey everybody that's your [ __ ] call today h3 tv all right um everyone have a good weekend indeed well yeah yes i did i can't speak for everyone though i know some of us did not have a good weekend but more airbnb drama oh yeah from the boys horrible horrible weekend you want to give us an update on the airbnb so short and sweet we got kicked out from our airbnb just randomly no one day noticed we had to leave and it wasn't even the host's fault it was actually airbnb's fault who decided to just end that listing because apparently it was going against tos do you know what was the violation or no do you think it had anything to do with us talking about it and people mass flagging i have i think so yeah i think that was the case cam doesn't think so um well then how else do you explain such a radical by the way you guys they didn't want to move okay so don't come for me like and yeah no no don't call for anyone please yeah anyways yeah they just randomly kicked us out and one day noticed on a on a sunday afternoon super random yeah we were i was going to take uh love out to venice beach to to see some sites in la and stuff and then i got a message from them in the morning just like uh we're actually you have to move today so so they give you a notice they said you have to move up by end of day asap within hours yeah it was like literally like you need to get out now yeah because that listing is gone from airbnb they don't offer that airbnb anymore and it's not the host's fault i want to make this very clear it's not actually the host's fault directly at least airbnb decided to cancel that listing completely for whatever reason while there was two people living in it and they i guess that's awesome how you guys been absolutely screwed by airbnb on both ends now so crazy that's the thing about i hate airbnb i hate airbnb i'll just say i hate it i had a horrible experience with them there's just no regulation it's like you know you guys have a long-term rental and then both the site and the user can just be like you have to leave in an hour there's just it's just they're crazy crazy i guess they they said that it doesn't like hold up to our standards anymore so you guys better live on the streets instead that's better standards right that's what i love about it is like it's not up to our standards but what is up to our standards is kicking you out in 30 minutes they're like well there's a tent encampment down the street that might suit you right right right your needs a bit cheaper too can you make clear please that guys i i tried to get him to come get out they didn't want to get out they're coming for me did i hear them sharpening their pitchforks yeah see no one is at fault here no no be specific i've gotten help to move wherever i want to i i got you i could send ethan offered to find them a place thank you maybe their pool house if need be whatever they need to try get them off the streets you're such a good guy and i've also seen some hate for what i do cameron before wait why are people hating cameras because he he's like my apparently my like guide here yeah it's not as bad as i made it sound out it's not nearly yeah by the way i i didn't know where it was okay and first you know what i'm not entertaining you the worst of you okay shut up you know i'm taking care of them they're fine leave me the frick alone dude and i see a lot of comments on behind the scenes because i showed a little bit of the airbnb and they're like wow this place is really nice it was nice yeah okay leave me alone that's the real idea of it it's like yeah it's in a bad neighborhood it's in los angeles it's all about neighborhood yeah for people who are unaware there was a lot of people who are angry at me for letting them stay in such a run down we were playing it up for the show too we're just yeah well the thing with downtown is that just a couple blocks away from downtown it gets really gnarly but when you live in like further more local in downtown it's actually like a decent neighborhood yeah changes from block to block yeah exactly so we were living in a fine place we don't live there anymore for that fact anyways so it doesn't matter so you guys found a new place cam said uh yes yes we do is it now how now the proximity to skid row how mad are people going to be at me for this new player well you might catch some heat for this one but i do think it's a slightly better place okay good so but you know you you might get some hate though i don't know you know well that's up to you love how you want to frame it well i'm very happy to just be here i never hate it on anyone just for the uh yeah no i'm bringing a bunch of [ __ ] yeah right well said and you're wearing a mask so people can actually tell if you said it or not right exactly this is not good [ __ ] yeah this is baby world you know you could be popping at any time which is kind of crazy her due date is on well her due date is on a week from today we're in the danger zone we're definitely in the danger zone now where all hell is about to break loose [Music] i think how good that clickbait will be though ela's water broke on the show today epic wait parentheses epic you won't believe what happened next stay down [ __ ] baby oh my [Laughter] god yeah um so that's my life basically just enjoying my last moments of like sanity here but i'm so excited to meet little baby bruce kind of recapping from last week uh zach cut a little heat on uh his antics from last week i did yeah how are you feeling zach i just i i after the episode ian and i and sam spoke on the phone and you know publicly i do want to apologize to sam and ian for how i was reacting what did i miss what did you catch me dude i don't think you have to apologize honestly yeah like i don't believe all the [ __ ] zach gets zach is the kind of soul i probably ever met it drives me insane like i don't i don't know what it is well how you always get [ __ ] for nothing i actually don't think you need to apologize either i mean okay i retracted that yeah retract okay i retracted actually spit on them i confused what he's apologizing for because of the steak antics people took it we're like they're like sam made him that steak and he didn't need it sam you weren't upset that he ate the steak it was just we're just doing goofs right yeah we uh we called zach after and we were like because we saw some of those comments and we were like what the hell we didn't care that's fine they tore my boy up on reddit yeah exactly they cooked zach more than that steak yeah that zach was cooked like uh straight straight well done they made him reared my boy we were having fun you know and it's just i i i didn't mean to make you feel bad sam or anything like because i would never do that you didn't though we all know you know right we're right but you know it could be viewed that way so i mean i we're all good i promise i was not offended at all okay well there you go that's good thank you sam oh i love salmon but the thing is zach i i my take on that situation was that you were actually having you're actually very superstitious you didn't want to get the curse from the stake that was my read yes and i find that interesting i wanted to unpack that experience okay okay but it actually it was it was i guess you could say it was played up but it was real the tension was real and that zach did not want to eat the steak i i once ian said you're [ __ ] that's why that's when i spit it out the thing is too i want to clarify like i asked sam afterwards too i wasn't trying to mess with zach really like [ __ ] no we had that conversation after where i thought it just was like a badass rock looking case like one of zach's favorite band's tool has a lot of stuff that looks like that right you said it alex gray yeah yeah so i was like oh this is kind of like a cool thing and zach wants a steak so to add an element because everyone else got like weird stuff so i was like well i can't just give zach like a badass suitcase because everyone got like a factor of it so that was like to add a layer to it but i really wasn't trying to give him anything like curse it just kind of turned into that on the show so really yeah really i just because i didn't want to be like and for zach here's like a badass suitcase that thing is cursed bro stop it look at that that's that's that's the one that's actually not the one that's not the one we got i pulled this up because a fupa trooper emailed me oh a collection coincidentally said that their father is friends with the original artist that made these cases and they've had this in their garage for years they just happen to have one of the same make it might be valuable i've been getting people messaging me offering to buy it i mean you might want to antics roadshow that [ __ ] before you sell it i find it i'm thinking how i could flip it one person like offered their guitar for it and offering trades i really thought it was just like a cool suitcase no in retrospect yeah but the way you were presenting it like i thought i perceived it as a curse well i was like me too well you walked over and the first thing out of your mouth was like don't [ __ ] mess with me because i had it in the comedy show so then what that's what we play off of right so we weren't intending it was very funny that now you're [ __ ] that was good that's see that's why i spit the steak out just to clarify just yeah it was obvious well you came in like so scared of me and i wasn't i don't know what you're up to i thought the cursed item of the day was going to be the big rat to be honest that's what i wanted you know it's funny the rat is good vibes i'm looking at it right now i'm down with the rat yeah the rat is good vibes like i was a little baffled uh when i opened it but uh but i don't hate the rat well anyway um i was feeling a little bad for zach uh there was a lot there were some mean comments and uh we love our boys well thank you i appreciate that controversy where you've been there i would have joined in yeah you would have got on your head [ __ ] this guy yeah he sucks yeah i don't i don't know what i did to necessarily deserve all that hate or heat but um we're all good between sami and i just for the thank god the record yeah uh by the way i'm gonna need your uh two-week sack just kidding you got a resignation on my desk by the morning yeah i saw this really funny thing unrelated but this girl she was printing out a letter of resignation for her boyfriend and she sent it to her boss to print it without giving him context so she sends him an attachment that says letter resignation and in the body of the email just says yo can you print this for me which is like the most badass way to quit a job and the boss was like are you like what kind of perverted power play is this i thought it was so funny yo can you print this for me awesome yeah we got a lot to talk about today uh oliver is coming on is it tomorrow he's coming tomorrow the episode will be out on thursday yeah i don't know if he's still coming after what was going on this weekend though yeah there's a lot of beef there's a lot of controversy back and forth on twitter of me and oliver what the [ __ ] he's just starting it's he's always starting trying to start [ __ ] unbelievable we've been exposing each other chances are good obviously that he will be here tomorrow and we'll have a show on thursday but the funny thing about this is that me and oliver were arguing back and forth right and guess who guess guess who is the biggest [ __ ] in the world keemstar actually retweeted an oliver tree tweet talking smack about me he said dear ethan you're the definition of fake news i never once begged to be in your shitty podcast we all know the only reason you can afford to pay your producers because ila made teddy fresh it's only a matter of time before she dumps your ass gonna be broken alone and keemstar retweeted that bro how stupid would it tell me my jaw dropped when i saw that oh he untweeted it real fast but we caught him stupid [ __ ] god he's got to feel dumb doesn't he i don't know if he is self-aware enough to i don't know if he has feelings um he um he did follow this up with the tweet saying like acknowledging like i don't care if it's fake everything he said was 100 true or something like that yeah so what wait that eat that the only reason i'm successful is because of ela and soon i'll be alone and yeah yeah it's all true 100 true love that for him gabe took my advice hell yeah it's on tick tock too can you find the tick tock link i want to see because gabe is being apparently he's being um blacklisted on tick tock and then because you know you hear that a lot from creators and you never know what's true or not but love you said every time you post white club gabe it gets taken down yeah i posted probably a four white card game post in the past couple months or i guess before before the break and all of them got taken down and we got banned unbelievable and it's just him cursing doing his normal things yeah just him doing his own like a normal thing some i think one was when he was on our show got taken down and we got a like a three-day ban whoa yeah like they're ruthless over there why do they hate gabe i don't know he's such a sweetheart anyway here's the video dang it's monday pissing my ass yes pissing my ass that's good sunday the toilet baby pissing my ass pissing my ass pissing my ass yeah the toilet yeah the toilet it's monday pissing my ass it's monday pissing my ass pissing my ass my day buddy [ __ ] what's wrong with that all right we got the tick tock let's see if it's blowing up oh i think i think he did i think he was wise to follow my advice i think this is going to go viral dang it's monday pissing my ass i mean okay all right okay okay all right baby okay i'm trying to pause it it's only been up three hours so it's hard to tell if this is gonna go viral or not he put up another one where he says it the one after that or he told tom brady to piss in his ass oh for real i'm having a happy monday you know why because [ __ ] tom brady yeah [ __ ] tom brady yeah tom brady you are pissing my ass [ __ ] you tom brady [ __ ] you that's i'm having tick tock just leave me alone bro nothing you do is good on desktop yeah his views are suffering man hate to see it not cool they really are blue balling them it looks like like his last banger was steak night baby let's see does he curse on steak night hurry up gabe put the steak back on the [ __ ] grill yeah horses you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] let's go is that done ah that's not done yet a little more a little bit more all right hurry up yeah that was a good one maybe he's cursing too much maybe he just needs to tone it down a little bit my ass maybe that's vulgar the piss in my ass that is very vulgar could someone turn the ac off i'm freezing my my dick off my dick looks like an acorn right now thank you a.b hi i'm dick tiff well i hope um i hope that works out for gabe you know he really deserves he really deserves to be seen yeah you want to do a breakdown maybe of something that happened with gabe yeah just that moment is one of my favorite moments in podcast history really and the audience doesn't know that he was supposed to say something when he sat down and hear your reaction was priceless you want me to play it yeah yeah okay so maybe maybe wants to give commentary on this do you want audio or no audio with audio okay gabe was supposed to sit there and say something like i'll help you [ __ ] or something like that but then he just didn't say anything and your reaction was priceless thank you bro baby's full of positivity today this was great [Applause] that's why we're all giggling yeah that's why we're dying in the background are you going to say anything i want to say fried chicken friday yeah it's friday yeah he was supposed to be like did somebody say fried chicken yeah something like that and i reminded him right before he sat down but it was so funny it was even better he's a sweetheart he's a pure soul piss my ass baby [ __ ] supposed to be fight chicken wednesday if i'll say fight chicken friday baby yeah good times good times love that man yeah we got a lot to talk about today lots of fun goofs gaffes today we're going to be talking i don't know if you guys been following this fresh and fit podcast i'm we're going to talk about that these guys are like straight gamma males or black i don't know i guess i don't know what a game of male is i'm oh you don't well we're gonna get to that tim pool said i'm a gamma male in response to me right uh deleting or unlisting two episodes with jordan peterson and i googled it and i gotta say there's a lot there's a lot of conflicting information out there about what constitutes a gamma male so yeah they got to get their they got to get on the same page there so we're going to talk about fresh and fit we're going to talk about sexy m ms that are ruining america uh you know and the cult the ongoing cultural war of the right there are certain lines you just do not cross and one of them is you do not make the green and brown eminem less sexy hershey's it's invisible it's hershey's right uh it's actually the mars company oh the mars company basically they made the m m's the green and the brown less sexy and the right is just fuming i'm a little unclear on how the brown one's sexiness was toned down it looks pretty much the same to me i think just the shoes change she was wearing like sexy stilettos and then she was wearing sneakers no that's the green one all right we'll take a look we'll get into that that's coming up and the metaverse of course uh is always fantastic it's popping in the metaverse baby yeah there's a cl so funny but um let's see um oh i'm not logged into the call thing dan oh i got you yeah i wanna there's a tick tock account i've been following okay and i want you guys to weigh in this guy just trying to make the sound so it doesn't get claimed uh there's this guy superman joe who's like this jacked little i don't know if he's short he's jacked he's five nine i saw i did a little digging he is okay so he's five nine of like straight muscle but the way he jumps doesn't look real and i don't think it is i actually think that there's something fishy going on here are you done hacking my computer dan uh no okay well give me a sec let me put something on all right let's start from the top if i go back you tell me if this is real or fake there's just no way there's just no way um here let's start with this i guess that's fake no he can't nobody can jump like that it's like he defies gravity also i feel like if you're that muscular it's harder to jump because he's got so much extra weight on the top portion of his body you know like when you look at gymnasts they're very slim because it's way easier to do all these crazy tricks and stuff i mean that makes sense there's no freaking way i just i'm looking at an angle from like how you would fake it i mean unless he's wearing some sort of like i mean do they make shoes that make it easier to jump higher or something you got moonshine does it look real i mean i don't know what is here let me pull up the i'm curious what the people say um but okay this is just one this is just one example and everyone's in disbelief that man just levitated yeah the dude is bouncy this guy's got flubber on his shoes i definitely think this is real how i've just i've just seen people jump like that before i think it's about hops yeah i've seen short people especially doing backflips like that i don't know do you want to do a pull you want to pull hold on hold on before we do a pull let's look at more evidence okay but what's really even more mysterious about it is like how muscular he is that's just extra weight he's got he's gotta pull up there and like watch how his legs go back it doesn't make sense who jumps like this look how he puts his legs back he levitated at the top he like literally froze watch this he literally double jumped look at this yeah i think it's slowed down when he's something is going on here king kong ain't got [ __ ] on me look how his legs go back nobody jump like that [Music] dude jordan does pull up jordan dunking let's do a comparison i don't think people put their legs back like they're doing like a wee he's like wee i said ab i thought he looks like a uh like a fighting game character totally the way they like jump you can straight up it looks like he has wires attached to him you know what i mean yeah but they're here let's keep going over the evidence and you guys decide also his whole shtick is superman joe right i mean i don't know i'm not buying it here's another one it's either i see a few people saying it's in reverse i don't know how that would help that was my initial thought but i was paying attention to the background like the basketball the fan i don't know how that would work yeah this one is like pretty crazy but it's i guess believable it's really the the vertical leaps that sketch me out maybe he's just got mad hops i think he's just yeah i think he's just crazy fit i found a photo of jordan duncan just like that okay let's see no it's not like he does his legs are here let me show this okay his legs are like bent at a 90 degrees also that's michael jordan but okay right i mean this guy's superman yeah that's true if yeah here he is dunking again the pole seems divided i'm seeing a lot you see how his legs go literally vertical like str i mean like 90 degree nobody jumped like this somebody said he's an omicron male dude he double jumps he like goes higher than he should like watch this his his max height ends like here but he goes higher why does he go higher dude he has like a i think because it's just slowed down at that moment it gives an illusion that he's going higher i see what you're talking about um [Music] what's the poll let me i gotta open the i don't buy this stuff there's something fishy does anyone back in the poll here uh i'm like i'm i think it's real but i'm not like super confident about it like it it does look strange but it looks so sexy the thing is i can't identify but nothing happens what the fake is so yeah that's the problem back from it's hard it would be really hard to fake that right in that setting with all those people and everything yeah i mean not impossible by any means but it would take a decent amount of effort well let's keep going superman joe right superman joe real or fake oh real fake all right let's ask the community polls going up duh i mean i don't know dude it's just i refuse to believe that people can do this in the real world okay how about this one check this one out i think i saw this one is this the one i saw there's one where he does a push-up like all the way standing like look how he does a push-up hold on he does a push-up basically to standing nobody i'd have never seen anybody do that look at this what this guy's superman i mean there's no explanation i don't buy it this shit's fake always be so he's got to be shirtless shut up look how his legs go back what is that people are saying it's real okay yeah i mean i mean it's a decent third of the audience thinks it's fake it's not it's not a blowout but it just okay well it seems like i mean the i think the consensus is that it's real based on the con i don't see people in the comments talking about how it's fake and anything like that i guess i'm the only one well not necessarily explicitly that it's fake but almost all of the do you know what that's our saying like this is unbelievable or you know what it is it looks like he's on a trampoline it looks like he's jumping off sure right a trampoline okay shout out superman joe i guess keep a close eye on him we're gonna expose superman joe yeah i think it's fake too just for you you do okay love backing me up i don't know i've been blown away by like gfx and before like dude this is fake this is fake that might be in reverse every time i see him jump up on something it looks like it's in reverse i agree that one looks reversed like watch this dude that's like that's edited somehow there's no freaking way that one on the other hand where he ran that's possible but where he stood still and jonathan norway it doesn't look real 100 i don't believe it you guys want to change your votes in the chat let me back me up how would you reverse this one right here what would another point of just doing this one here that one is sketching us out and that one and that one is probably real i'm sure he's like really juiced up he can probably jump very far but some of these nah hell no thank you love you're promoted thank you anyway regardless if it's real fake interesting eh pretty incredible either way yeah true i mean if it is fake it's an unbelievable fake and if it's real i saw somebody we say we gotta ask we gotta get captain disillusion on this huh he would know that's a good idea yeah send him this video specifically because i feel like this is the best example maybe those first two jumps right what the freak what the freak i took a jumping potion you guys keep playing what the heck olivia said if he's that talented why isn't he an olympian or something well [Music] is there i mean there's the high jump but the high jump in the olympics is like with a pole right there's not like is is there a sport for just a standing high jump like that uh not that i know of i don't know i don't know man the muscle thing makes it impossible to do jumps like that because he's got like he's probably got like a hundred pounds of extra weight in his upper body where if you look at professional jumpers their upper body they're they're obviously extremely fit but they're slim okay to kind of support what you're saying this is interesting this is a video from 2016 guinness world record standing jump i don't want to show much because guinness claims so i'm only just going to show i have a queued up i'm just going to just make it smaller they won't uh okay they won't recognize the oh god oh god that's good see that how high was that let me see that again you use audio and let me i want to watch this [ __ ] but to support what you're saying look how skinny he is he's not he's not and also look how hard that [ __ ] is it didn't look like he was levitating or floating right okay so that's about the same height as him let's compare how far did the other you jump was that the same height as him too let's do the mask one the the scare mask dude look at him he literally jumps higher than he's levitating to it it's the muscles that make it impossible it really is can you get doing impossible things men are long jumping they're doing impossible things jumping six meters straight have you ever seen superman joe do a 12 foot vertical he deserves a mass community he deserves to get laid can you pull up a picture of the guinness world record guy search his name let's look at his physique superman joe is inspiring me i've been doing squats every day i still don't have the same vertical yeah this is a conspiracy so the record in that video was 63.5 inches so that would be uh five foot three roughly did this rise up okay so do we know what these boxes are because he's doing we can calculate how tall he's going because he's doing like one two three and more do does anyone know what these jumping boxes are well we know like i said i think i identified that he is five foot nine he's easily jumping his height so is it his own height because then that would beat the record the supposed record of five foot three yeah either this guy's the greatest athlete that ever lived well maybe i mean it's possible maybe he is up wake up superman joe wake up yeah you see how skinny he is yeah i mean this is the guy from again no extra weight no extra weight up top [Music] that is pretty tall can we see it from this profile i want to see him jump that that's really tall or he's relatively short i mean this is supposed to be five foot three and oh man maybe he is real short maybe he's only like five four five five so short guys got the best hop per capita per inch pound for bound i guess there's maybe an argument for that i mean i don't know just the right height you got me thinking though i don't know oh god god damn yeah so am i planting doubt i mean guys i like i said i was never fully convinced it was real i just couldn't i couldn't see the edit so i i was if we can find out what these jumping boxes are we can determine how tall is he really jumping how high doesn't it say how tall they are on the side of them isn't that the length can we zoom in this is like a big enhanced enhancement it just says three two one i don't see anything else no that's i don't know what that means but yeah you should be able to find these j r h just the right height people saying reverse it i mean here i can reverse it with my slider bar i think okay ready oh that looks pretty weird and reversed didn't it well that that last one is the one that we were saying look legit because he has a running start okay so wait let's go that one looked like he jumped backwards straight the f up that dude jumped backwards interesting that one did look pretty natural and this one too look oh might be on to something there the thing is he is really good at jumping so he sells it right i have no doubt that he is a high jumper but it you know isn't being artificially inflated a little bit you tell me which looks faker this or this the the straight jump looks fake the back jump looks real got him thank you you guys feel free to change your vote anytime people saying the numbers on the side are the feet so i mean it would be yeah that would be six feet then yeah over plus plus a half oh come on there ain't no way the world record that means he just beat the world record by like a foot yeah there's no shot you guys yeah change your votes right now i swear to god the reel has been dipping it's down to 58 percent you all change your votes right now this man just broke the world record by over a foot i'd like to see him do it in person well let's cut let's reach out i'd like to see him do it actually that's the only way to verify right get this man and you know what dude superman joe you come on our show you do the jump and we'll get the guinness world record out here too because if you are doing this for real we need you we need you in the history books oh yeah god do it live okay so hassan tried to just so he's so tall i don't think hassan's got jumps just a guess because again he's got the muscles you can't you just have extra weight yeah i'm reading something else that sometimes shorter athletes have a superior strength to weight ratio when compared to taller ones results in a relatively greater ability to perform explosive movements like vertical jumps [Laughter] it's funny anyway interesting eh people are saying new poll all right let's do a new poll real fast and then guys let's try to reach out to superman joe if we can get an end person uh jump uh jumping exhibit exhibition otherwise captain disillusion we gotta get him on everyone we're getting ahold of everyone we need to know the truth the truth will set you free the truth is out there new poll going up ask jordan peterson if you guys can send this video to him all right round two superman joe let's see what we get all right guys you know what to do i've played my evidence forward i have expressed with with sincerity i have told you how and why this jump is fake i have shown you undeniable evidence unless this man just broke the world record by a whole foot with a hundred pounds of muscle we don't know that a hundred percent making a making a guess the heights of those boxes yeah making a guess does that make sister sense it does make sister sense thank you we i've successfully um argued my case 71 says fake how are you love that love that love that so let's reach out let's see if we can get superman joe in here jumping that would be sick i mean that'd be great yeah i'd love to see that we have a new brought bradbury is this good i just saw the thumbnail is this whole raw theory any good yeah i saved it for the show i i wanted to i wanted to go in raw so i screened it uh there are some stuff we have to skip i have a time stamp but it is pretty good oh no it's it's like the culmination of everything he's done it's all led to this video really well that's exciting let's watch it at the end i'm not ready for the raw theory what you want to watch the whole thing right now how long is it no you can't watch anything there's a lot of copyright i just saw the thumbnail and was like dude what god's name cause they've always been kind of what's the word um homoerotic with each other oh yeah and so it's really just it's really just the thumbnail that caught me by oh somebody says those are metas plyo boxes and the 321 is only 90 centimeters 90 centimeters is only three feet wait what there's no way those were three feet it looked like the same height as him so anyway what do you guys think about this thumbnail the raw theory i mean i love it first of all looks like euphoria new episode it looks like yeah okay this is exactly what it was thank you guys wait a minute it does say 45 centimeters 30 centimeters 15 shoulders so if you add all that up where where does that not be six feet here with it why does it look so tall what is he four feet tall so maybe trick of the camera angle or something i mean are those the same boxes i mean i know it looked identical similar it's got to do it live that's the only way to tell they look here let me pull it up the screen one here now it looks identical the box is down well that would be only like three feet oh you know it could be different uh different size same company different size boxes yeah because these actually say the measurement on the side and those don't so so what is he super tiny like super tiny 90 centimeters that's nothing it's like three feet what a twist it's only three pieces something's not adding up here i think i think we can all agree right those those those barbells next to him those those are actually just like little handheld i mean what's what's odd is the three there's definitely he's jumping further away from these boxes these boxes are lined up here and he's not like the three one is closer than the one don't you think no i'm just gonna go with the theory that he's three feet tall and he's interested yeah that would explain if he was the basketball court and like that's just like a nerf uh you know like little kids basketball court that they've set up it's a bottle basketball bottle yeah okay thank you uh we should do uh ads all right let's do two ads real fast when we come back we'll get right back into um all the good stuff eh lots of good stuff so first thank you to hello fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh hello fresh with hell fresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store and count on hella fresh to make home cooking fun easy and affordable for example abe made this burrito how was that burrito it was amazing yeah i can never forget it looks good that's right it's america's number one meal kit you know hello fresh cuts back on time spent in the kitchen so you can spend it in your on other resolutions you've got when you got meals ready and under 30 minutes or less plus quick and easy meals including 20-minute recipes and low prep easy clean up options provide an even faster route to putting food on the table and don't forget dessert satisfying your sweet tooth with seasonal limited time goodies like dunkaroos dunkaroos cookie dough or vanilla delight cheesecake i love hello fresh oh wow this is a new one eh what is that pork is that pork uh looks like pork chops or something yeah damn so this is what i'm talking about this is from the super troopers god bless them thank you guys chicken tacos they send you a whole box of groceries exactly portioned out um full of dry ice so it stays nice and fresh send it to your door and they send you the perfect amount of ingredients they send you instructions it's a fun fulfilling experience or you're making fresh delicious food you don't have to go to the grocery store you don't have to over buy groceries so it tends to even be more affordable um i am a huge fan of hellofresh i've enjoyed and loved every time i've used it and i've learned a lot from about cooking too if you don't know anything about cooking it's an easy dub go to slash h3tv 16 and use code h3h3tv16 and get up to 16 free meals and three free gifts guys h3tv16 use code h3 h3tv16 for up to 16. free meals it's hello fresh america's number one meal kit thank you also a nice sexy little song is there a new one that we're using today yeah yeah we'll try something new and my feelings with this one me undies someone you love in a relationship with somebody who tells the same joke over and over okay am i uh being uh called out targeted or are they uh with somebody who has the audacity to starfish the bed now be honest is this somebody you relationships are not perfect that's why me undies is celebrating our imperfections perfect match with this new valentine's day collection okay chill just call me out better buy you some underwear oh those are sick um me undies is amazing soft uh it's just so soft it's like underwear you've never worn before it's this high quality the prints are awesome you know so many of us are just lugging around the same old hanes underwear that you bought from macy's you know 20 years ago it's time to upgrade where adults impress your significant other with some badass grown up underwear that feels great and a breeze baby you know gifting underwear for think about it dude right gifting underwear for valentine's day it's groundbreaking but gifting matching underwear for you and your significant other now we're talking express your one-of-a-kind relationship when you match your bottom half to your better half and a full limited edition print and if you're single and ready to mingle and matching pairs with your friends or fam don't mean yeah i okay you can even get dog hoodies or buddy bands to match your four-legged bff and be sure to check out all the mandy super cute and super soft undies socks bralettes loungewear and more available in sizes extra small to 4xl mnd says a great offer for our listeners for a limited time get 25 off your first order of matching pairs for valentine's day and as a first time purchase purchaser you also get 15 off and free shipping right to your door to get 25 off matching pairs 50 off your first order and free shipping and 100 satisfaction guaranteed go to h3tv that's h3 tv [Music] um why does valentine's day have to be in february right after we get off all of these holidays in like no from like october through february like the holidays are too clustered we need to spread these out throughout the year more you're saying i think the theory if there is a theory is that like spring and summer are great everyone's happy in spring and summer because the weather's nice and then when winter and and uh and you know december starts getting cold and dark you need the holidays to have something to look forward to to cheer you up but what if i mean if you don't have a significant other then valentine's day is just like a spit in the face in like the darkest time of the year already i mean valentine's day is kind of a [ __ ] oh holiday let's be honest it is at least i mean i'm looking at the calendar we it's a desert from like late june until september basically we get fourth of july that's it and it's not really a gift-giving holiday you know no but i'm just i'm happy i don't need a holiday things rule dude it's june it's summer baby yeah sunny it's good winter comes around dark cold then you go it's christmas we got christmas to look forward once christmas is over christmas good day i mean christmas depression christmas has priority for sure but valentine's day i mean this is artificial holiday anyways it's like why not it could have been a little more strategic about it that's all i'm saying could be a may holiday yeah may you know who do we talk to about changing this let's leave valentine's where it is for now and all right we'll we'll put a pin in this yeah put a pin in that we'll come back can i watch this local news reporter hit by car uh i think we have to it's not it's you'll see it it's not very violent newschannel 3's story orgy joins us now live in dunbar and jory they're not seeing any flakes but wet roads and now we're starting to experience unfortunately in freeze thaw we see this water main breaks [Laughter] what the hell is that hold on that guy did not even react he did not even get phased by that not even a little bit woohoo i just got hit by a card [Music] you're okay we're all good wow man this is straight uh anchorman [ __ ] i mean that guy does not have an operating brain cell in his head teleprompter and that's it imagine you're on a phone call with somebody who gets hit by a car and your reaction is just huh we'll do it live huh wow he hits her with a wow in a second wow keep watching we're good man you are so sweet and you are okay what a trooper she is [Music] so you you know it's my last week on the job and i think [Music] what did he say you know it's my last week on the job and i think this would happen [Music] i think she got bumped and her whole body got bumped everywhere just a whole big old bump just lasting four months but this is live tv and everything's okay no cutaway man i love the i love that they just they keep it on her capture the moment you think when she got hit here they'd be like all right well we'll check back and win with her like at least a little bit of like oh my god are you okay oh my god he's just like huh no reaction oh our on-field reporter appears to have been hitting by a car yeah and i guess he didn't have a video feed so he was just hearing it but i don't know it i don't think you need to see it to be able to react a little bit more than that what is this comment abe was that meant for me not just what dan basically just said about uh oh he couldn't see her i'll stop why is phil you got to ruin the phone philly d said he couldn't see her philly just stop stop j you didn't have to say that i don't think it matters really well oh it's yeah she literally says i was just hit by a car and it's like right regardless if you see it or not you know if you're on the phone with somebody you would be kind of shocked to hear that oh wow i'm talking to dan hey so yeah we're finishing prep for the episode i just got hit by a car oh anyway [Laughter] [Music] well she's a trooper anyway i love she says it's okay i got hit by a car before yeah this ain't my first rodeo i think she probably got hurt from that yeah she's in shock i love his concern man he's awesome well there you go oh wow that's what's happening huh all right this is what i've been looking for oh caller isaac sounds really pro okay we have a caller we got a caller huh let me check over the calls we've got something good um um oh wow i got a few people i want to talk to here oh this guy's from my town spending time in ventura i don't know bro let's talk to you so isaac here this sounds interesting isaac had a run-in with our good friend gary vee garyvee and friends prolific crypto uh i don't want to say scammer but uh hey how's it going how do you how do you call some yeah maybe more of a cult leader how what do you call someone who convinces morons to part with millions of dollars willingly for something that's worthless a marketing genius oh fair hey uh hey isaac what's going on hey how's it going how's it going well i just want to say i'm a member of the tribe as well love you guys you know ethan it sucks you're famous because i i think we'd be friends um but i'm appreciative for your entertainment damn that sucks it sucks sucks you're famous dude i'll give it all i give it all up to be friends with you isaac well thank you thank you we would have been what do you mean you're a member of the tribe that you're jewish yeah i'm jewish i'm jewish do you think that contributes to me that we could be good friends because we're both jewish that's actually the only reason yeah i feel that something else sometimes that's enough no i think yeah no i'm just kidding there's a we have a lot in common but anyway so we were uh we went uh went to a basketball game we were sitting courtside at madison square garden and uh garyvee it's a you know it's a humble brag but wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on your court side yeah what do you do for a little bit we record that what do you do it was so it was my i know it sounds like a humble brag but it was it was my dad's gift to himself for his retirement oh okay so kicking cancer oh that's good for your dad so you know he treated my girlfriend and i and my sister so the four of us went so okay so it was a it was a it was a kind of a one-time lifetime experience celebration well yeah i mean you know we could you know it would be nice to do it again but uh yeah it was it was good okay one time ago well very good i'm glad your dad's doing well the point is the point is we don't go every week i think that's what we're saying we don't go every week you know we we could hopefully go again in the future but yeah we haven't done it before so anyway so we were sitting there you know it was exhilarating uh you know we there was like celebrity role bro so there was like you know kevin bacon ellen pompeo trevor noah spike lee you know like big celebrities were sitting there and you know i don't have like this you know groundbreaking story but like gary vee was there and the only reason i saw him like actually notice him was you know all the other celebrities like michael rappaport i sent the image i took a selfie with like wearing all black black cap you know kind of like incognito you know how you know like celebrities usually do like you know how you walk around with you know glasses on and everything um just kidding but he so garyvee was wearing an orange jacket like bright orange and a backwards cap and the only reason i noticed him he was sitting like right behind celebrity row like they called it and uh he was waving like in the video i sent he was waving at like people and like like trying to flag down a friend but like he was instead of just texting his friend like hey i'm sitting here he's standing up waving and then other people are like waving at him and he's like just like making weights oh we have video no way we have the video oh this is yes so so let me get this straight he's not in the celebrity section he got the tickets he's sitting behind it that's awesome he was part of it so he bought tickets close to the celebrity section to make it seem like he's in the celebrity section then he stands up and starts waving around so people to make it seem like a video he's waving around like probably trying to flag down a friend but he's throwing up the peace sign for so long it's like ridiculous and so then so you know like and also you know at the end of the game or like during so during uh half time we went to like the uh like i don't know it's like the vip lounge whatever it is like free food and stuff and like you know uh michael raptor is there and he's just kind of standing by himself like michael rappaport would go to the lounge for free food yeah exactly that that's the reason he was there but anyway like garyvee is just trying to make a bigger deal than it is but after the game i'm like trying to take a picture with real celebrities and he's walking around as you see a picture i sent it on the court and he comes up to me and says hey do you want a photo with me i swear to god i said yeah i said yes because you know let me give him the benefit of the doubt he's being nice and like why would you go up to a random person did maybe because i'm standing there with a phone and he goes hey do you want do you want a photo can i not like and even my girlfriend's standing there like who is this and i'm just like oh it's garyvee like at this like like i'm nervous it's garyvee asking everyone if he wants a photo it's like can i exactly and you know i'm giving him the benefit of doubt is that you know if if i wanted a picture with him instead of me asking he's trying to be nice but it's just like no celebrity like no one else was doing that there it was very weird like is it is it possible that you were staring at him because you were so amused by the spectacle and he thought you were a fan like eagerly but too shy to ask for a photo could be or videotaping no no it it would be that if i was staring at him like holy [ __ ] scary it was like he walked by we made eye contact but he's walking on the court he's the only celebrity guy like like going like on the court after the game to like obviously he took photos of a ton of people like he's like walking around like trying to get himself noticed but like also it's it was it's more exciting to see celebrities when they're like kind of hard to reach and reserve like you have to go up to them and it's just like this weird balance where he's just on the wrong side of the scale like you know i looked in his direction and he asked me hey you want a photo and like in his voice hey you want a photo like hey you want a phone hey my dad's here you want to make out yeah wait did you wait did you take wait hold on hold on hold on hold on wait hang on did you take this video yeah i i took that thing oh this is a good video he sent these i thought you guys pulled this from the internet or not no no no yeah no no no i i i took i took way more videos oh so he was he was actually too far away from you i think to realize that you were wait was he giving you the peace sign no that's what it looks like he actually i don't know if uh cam showed you the photo but i took a spill of him just staring why it looks like he's looking at me but he's just like he's just staring he's standing and staring and yeah and it's right so he's like one row behind celebrity row and all the other stuff like look at him giving the peace sign it's so weird you're right it's it's attention seeking behavior he's looking for validation big time and and then if you see in the video like other people kind of throw up the peace on because it's just like you know you wave behind somebody other people are going to wave too but look at that stare look at that dome and also did you see he has a new nfc restaurant where you need his nfcs to join and eat at his club oh god no i'm telling you i i don't i get bad vibes from gary vee no it was oh wow wait how tall is he wait hold on sorry to keep doing this this height this height uh gating but how tall is he you got intel on that dan i'm looking it up uh no not gary valenciana five seven five seven that's not bad i guess he's just on a he's on the court and everyone there's tall as hell can you just cruise around on the court what is this like what's the rule what's the etiquette he's not even in the celebrity section well after the game but yeah like you said i mean he's not even actually courtside so dude is literally not even in the celeb section it's awesome that's a great one there you go are you still with this isaac or it looks like you dropped actually oh well shout out to isaac yeah that's awesome thanks for bringing this to us garyvee my name is gary me i want to do that i want to sit right by the celebrity section because you know if you have any notoriety at all you're in a stadium with what like 30 000 plus people you're going to stand up and give out peace outs and if you're wearing an orange hoodie people are going to notice you oh they look you know shout out everybody it's just it's a little cringe isn't it a little bit yeah here i found what he's talking about nft restaurant opening in new york status with a side of seafood once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face that's my trick to happiness folks that's what he was doing to that pretending to shoot him in the face what is this restaurant he's doing i just found the article uh let me uh i can't wait for the nft market to [ __ ] implode i think it's in the process and then doing it and then he's going to move on to the next scam the next scam yeah he's like well anyway i made like i made like a hundred million dollars so anyway have you guys heard about this new thing called uh hollow uh have you guys heard about this new thing they're like holograms that you keep on a rock it's gonna change the [ __ ] universe wait i are you referencing the guy that was getting roasted on twitter for making a a physical nft that was just a hologram no that is not the best that's the best it's a circle he made a physical nft yes you guys they're making physical nfts now do you know what that means i don't but it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense i cracked up when i saw this uh i try to think but nothing happens yeah i bet you once the nft economy is totally collapsed gary v is going to pretend like it never happened i basically turn an nft into an animated physical object without using a screen cables or electricity i'll be doing a lot more of these it's literally just like a [ __ ] yo like when we were kids yo let me frame that and put it on my wall that's sick it's like a real physical piece of art that's fire also and this is new technology it's not just like a piece of plastic with some layers that's existed for like 50 years this is so good yo this guy is true i love how he tries to hype up like it's some crazy technology and do you ship it on pokemon cards for like 30 years right i'm skimming the uh i was giving this article about his restaurant and apparently it sounds like it's just that you have to own some nft to be able to get into the restaurant okay why do i care is it free food or some [ __ ] well it just seems like it's just like a it's just a membership it's just a club that's the thing is like all of this nft stuff and not just most implementations of like this block change [ __ ] like can anybody point to one that isn't just something that's always existed but shittier like this is just this is a country club this is buying a membership to a country club but now it's on the blockchain but it's shittier right right like you go to a re that's by the way that restaurant is not sustainable business you can't serve people that just own kryptos i guess you can if you're gary vee made a hundred million dollars selling dumb ass i mean it's something like thing in manhattan so you know they're gonna have to pay for it anyways no oh definitely yeah oh yeah no it's not free once you get in it's just it's just you have to pay a lot of money to even well be able to access it as a wise man once said i would never want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member right so count me out who was that was that groucho yes it was okay great saying yeah so true also oh so this attention-seeking behavior extent this is a b a b sent me this are you going against the garyvee family no but you know you always got my loyalty you think you come first so in the dark knight situation where you had to kill one save one all right kill gary thank you say it again say it again but louder i would unalive gary you hear that game terrible maybe maybe you stand up please stand up baby um here's more attention grabbing behavior uh by gary vayner would stand out just moments ago i was on sportscenter they were showing a ridiculous highlight that serendipitously happened near me and then i you know celebrate i'm sure we're chopping it in right now dude you're such an attention seeker and they made a reference to me which then got a lot of people who follow me to mention me on social i engaged with them this my friends is what's called classic attention oh my god wait wait whoa whoa wearing an ugly sweater courtside at the knicks game and hacking attention he's hacking this is social engineering wearing obnoxious clothing cord side by the way it's not that [ __ ] easy to hack people's attention when you don't have like twenty thousand dollars to blow on a courtside seat which is like all of the advice he gives is like well if you have ten million dollars this should this tip is really gonna help you out abe i still like them okay just checking what an [ __ ] i love this if you're an obnoxious piece of [ __ ] people are gonna notice you does it really work though if you're not already famous because he says people shared it because it was me yeah so you're just going to be an obnoxious you're telling people to be an obnoxious [ __ ] right understanding what you need to do not only digitally or by being in the community 90 times two cents at a time but also understanding in real life you know whether it's your speaking style and it's not about being provocative or ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous you need to be authentic to yourself right and so it's not a mohawk or a big hat it's like i can wear some sweaters i can do that i'm comfortable with that so it's not forcing it because lack of authenticity is the vulnerability at the macro of this whole game can you please shut the [ __ ] up then vulnerability of authenticity is the macro at this whole game hey garyvee do me a [ __ ] favor just take a vacation okay with all your nft money go to the vineyard and make out with your dad i don't want to see you anymore that was just another attention tactic right there i think it might have been yeah okay i've been waiting to talk about this i'm very excited tim poole this is kind of old stale tea it's kind of room temperature at this moment but it's still good this was in response to oh me calling joe rogan unhealthy right i didn't talk about it on the show it happened over the break i made some jokes about joe rogan uh he's not healthy what can i say the dude is jacked with he's he's full up on steroids human growth hormone he literally eats only meat red meat he eats red no he's not on that diet is he he just recently announced he's gonna eat only red meat and doing the jordan peterson diet yeah oh he's doing fruit yeah he's adding fruit to the mix okay at least that i guess that gets my dick hard yeah i mean that all meat diet didn't go so well for for old jp no he he still stands by it even though he had like a thimble of apple cider and had a thyroid overwhelming sense of doom that's awesome i think it scrambled his brain because ever since he had that sip of that thimble of apple cider things have been just i don't know he seems lost to the world anyway tim poole of course everyone all the conservatives are simping and defending joe rogan's honor it's important to talk about you so this was uh here we go tim pool everybody tuber ethan klein calls joe rogan a piece of ish for vaccine misinformation rogan's fan hit back after klein calls out how podcasters logic makes no sense i appreciate you bringing back ish by the way well luke did it now by the way this guy nick what's his name nick fuentes or is that someone else well who's this guy he's another like i would be shocked if nick fuentes was on the show this guy is just as bad i mean yeah i don't think i don't think it's him the fuentes is the little white nationalist guy that picks his nose until it bleeds right yeah right not nick flint is his favorite word i can't say much here it's deserve it's deserves my vocabulary has been cut in like deserves who lives on elk meat egg yolk and human growth hormone with lungs full of tar thinks he's healthier than everyone this mf or shabby that when he got covered he threw the kitchen sink at it if you're so healthy just write it out like you say a man should do this cause so much vaccine hesitancy and misinformation and he doesn't even have the balls to stand by the issue preaches now he's on his show talking about are you really not saying [ __ ] you giant [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] you know what i shouldn't even say [ __ ] that's derogatory towards women i'm gonna start phasing that out they're really just um cowards they're turret you know flaming turd bag is saying is avoiding saying curse words naughty words uh an alpha move i don't think so it seems weak it's a baby should just die of covet due to such an effing piece of s um is i mean i i wait does i have a legitimate question it's not a dig is ethan klein saying this because he's an unhealthy overweight individual it's important to talk about again they i love that so so he here they go his logic makes no sense and then instead of addressing why my logic makes no sense they go is he just saying this because he's fat so like it was like when joe rogan was talking about being overweight and unhealthy was bad for you i think people yeah people take it personally so if you understand so okay first of all tim poole is a [ __ ] such a stupid analysis i know i'm fat i know i'm overweight why don't you talk about what i said but then his homie comes in here with the really dumb [ __ ] here if you understand um uh sociosexual hierarchy right this is typical red flag any women who ser dude if you ever encounter a dude [ __ ] sexual sociosexual hierarchy abort abort abort these men are black built [Music] these men hate their moms they hate themselves you kind of have to be a psychopath to believe in this [ __ ] h against the alpha male right this is the basic idea of you know someone who's kind of at the bottom of the food chain in in terms of preference lashing out at someone who is higher up on the food chain from them and it's it's very simple you see this a lot with youtubers but not just youtubers in general that's just they're more ubiquitous these days um you see it everywhere you see it in real life you see it in you know office hierarchy you see it in high schools colleges political leadership that's when it's scary to an extent oh yeah political leadership is a little bit different though because isn't is not conducted because just because of someone's um you know health and prowess and and accomplishment right there's all these like byzantine rules and ways let me look at you know we've got like the peter like the peter and i want to play this again because i was talking over the first part when joe rogan was talking about being overweight and unhealthy was bad for you i think people yeah people take it personally so if you understand if you understand um uh sociosexual hierarchy right this is typical gamma male rage against an alpha male gamma member so so me criticizing joe rogan spreading covet misinformation is gamma male rage which i didn't know what a gamma male was but apparently it's even is it gamma male it's even lower than a beta or it's higher than a beta i think it's in most cases lower but i'm not kidding when you go to like when you just type gamma mail and it comes up with all these articles from [ __ ] like the red pillar men men men's they have radically different definitions of what a gamma male is well i know it's bad well here listen this one gamma male personality qualities adventurous fun-loving and restless but that's one so some of them think gammas are good some of them think gammas are bad right he's talking about the bad gammas okay so i mean here let me click a different one let's see what this gamma says gamma means i mean left intellectual romantic man who struggles with women and suffers from chronic nice guy syndrome i mean that doesn't really sound like ethan i mean well i've been married for like [ __ ] 10 years and i'm about to have my second child i don't think it's almost like none of this is really based in anything i mean it's based in their own insecurity that's the only thing it's based on i mean this whole alpha male thing all started i believe because of like one study 30 years ago about hierarchies in in wolves and it was completely discredited because the study was based on wolves in captivity and their behavior in the wild doesn't actually follow this whole like alpha thing anyways so it's all based on also um they're not wolves right exactly so structures are a little more complicated in a very specific circumstance that has been widely discredited are there gamma walls i think if there's alpha water they're beta i don't know and they just keep stacking them like the wolves well see this hierarchy doesn't even show the sigma we just got alpha beta delta gamma omega well anyway his hobie here is saying that i have gamma male rage against alphas like joe rogan by the way who literally is joe rogan and alpha i mean dude what are we talking about here i'm not somebody in the chat said it's astrology for in cells that's astrology for insults i mean joe joe rogan's like 5'3 the dude is so insecure his nipples are like the size of the eiffel tower because he pumps himself so full of human growth hormone testosterone because he can't handle the the thought of aging appropriately nobel prize yeah i mean he he yeah i mean his blood his blood might have more alpha brain in it than actual like red blood cells but that doesn't make him alpha that just means he's taking a bunch of weird supplements ooh somebody just did a five dollar super chat that said epsilon ethon epsilon ethan is epsilon male 1 what's that epsilon male is that a real thing it is now all you have to do is speak it into existence ada ila delta dan lambda love iota ian zeta zack and omega olivia zeta sounds bad zack because that's like the all the way down at z no it means he's a zetty a zaddy that ain't bad that's good [ __ ] i'm about to tear you up like a bowl of brown eminem's boy zing it on dude um it's too hot in here now bro that's so gamma of you all right i got it so so let me make this straight because like otherwise i mean if we're talking about social sexual hierarchy i have i'm like have a good job right i have a wife that i've been in a loving relationship with i have i have a family so i'm fat basically does being fat make me a beta or gamma well also like publicly calling out another person with a huge platform a bigger one than your own and going in on them i mean again i don't think any of this is real anyways but can you argue that that is alpha energy like you're not backing down like if you were like submissive you would just like i mean what's beta is all of these people who go on joe rogan's show and just submissive right so submissive to joe right never ever ever do it never be well yeah you never be a beta being a beta is death never be a beta which i hate even like framing it like that because again the whole premise is so [ __ ] stupid of course i'm just trying i'm trying it's like even within their own exact world view i i don't really see how it's gamma but his theory is that i'm angry because of all the [ __ ] joe's getting right joe is such an alpha and he gets so much [ __ ] so much female or woman's attention that i'm just bitterly jealous of my gamma rage yeah i guess yeah this guy's name is jack prosiak he's also like a psycho oh i know that name i recognize give me some factoids about him someone who's kind of at the bottom of the prolapse in in terms of but again my favorite part of this without knowing anything about me he doesn't engage with my statement at all he is completely sidestepping what i think is a totally valid correct point which is that joe rogan and an ultimate beta move after preaching about masculinity and just you know not getting vaccinated and all this [ __ ] instead of just riding out the virus like he should do like he preaches he should do he literally has a doctor on call to give him experimental drugs and every freaking drug under the sun to treat it that's beta energy bro submissive you know just take the vaccine at that point you beta ass oh yeah he works for o-n-n o-a-n-n jack apparently he had something to do with the charlottesville rally and stuff too who's been embraced by president trump of course he has collaborated for years with white supremacists neo-fascists and anti-semites a hate watch investigation has determined so by the way super quality guest there uh tim poole well that's just the mainstream media that's uh you know um uh smearing his good name fake news uh he was also a pizzagate guy uh right oann uh far right cable news network turning point usa so yeah i mean you know typical you get the idea yeah these guys are all virgins by the way like let's be honest all these turning point usa guys all these tiny faced white supremacists yeah he ran a game of thrones blog for a while he did yeah that's the coolest thing about him yeah it's called what what interesting hobby there buddy i mean some alpha [ __ ] right there blogging blogging about uh fantasy shows on beta energy is he married is he in a relationship tell me tell me this this uh tell me about this alpha male as he is he is successfully mated with a female uh i mean he doesn't have a wife listed on his oh my god dude you're not even mad you haven't even successfully made it oh no he doesn't he was married oh here's a beautiful picture of them together hold on this is this is what comes up just doing a little white power assembly white power white power that's a good guy tim paul are you comfortable having people who flash white power signs when photographed well he's he is in gay he's married that's good lady macbeth over there looks like he even has a kid so okay so he's so he's up there he's got the proof sexual sexual hierarchy he might be above alpha he's he's transcended black power cool guy yeah i love it tim poole what is wrong with you bro you literally have people who flash white power signs and then act like you're just some dude you're just sitting across from a dude who actively flashes white power when photographed with his family and you're like yeah this guy has legitimate views about sexual social hierarchy and that's what we're going to talk about and i'm going to get it not pick because he's our most competent leader right um that's not exactly how he got there so for ethan klein to lash out it's totally in line if you understand okay do you want to talk about what i said at all [ __ ] [ __ ] you're talking about astrology dude do you want to talk was mercury in retrograde or what's the bro version of that was uh was the alpha pack circling yeah was the alpha pack was the alphabet made in january i like cam's little comment on that instagram post that says a gaggle of a gaggle of gammas gaggle gamble males gossiping well stated cam grants biosexual hierarchy that being said my question is he says lungs full of tar is is derwick and a smoker yes geniuses he lit he smokes in every episode uh yeah well he smokes cigars which you technically don't inhale but he also dropped the weed yeah exactly so yeah that definitely puts starring by the way smoking cigars is not a healthy activity right i don't know if he was maybe trying to be smoking so get a small gotcha on that or something he smokes weed that's what i was talking about right yeah but thanks for bringing up that he also smoked cigars yeah right he didn't understand weed right yeah he didn't smoke cigarettes but does he i don't think cigars pops on oh that's right that's right i'm pretty sure you guys know there's tar and weed right cigarettes but does he inhale he's a healthy guy i don't know you don't really you're not supposed to inhale yeah obviously so how would your lungs be filled with tar you just said he smokes weed you [ __ ] morons but we should also point out that this is some of the stupidest advice given out by ethan klein that absolutely makes no sense you're telling joe rogan not to take medicine that a doctor is telling him to take this is the paradox of what he said ethan kline is not a medical doctor a doctor oh my [ __ ] these people are you just so that he shouldn't take it no i was speaking rhetorically because i was like if you're such a man right and you're telling people not to get vaccinated and just ride that out because because it's like apparently not dangerous then why did you get all this treatment i didn't say don't get treated they're they're are they dumb so dumb are they honestly just misrepresenting this to keep the propaganda going z right now joe biden was not picked because he's our most competent leader right yeah it's crazy man these people are just dumb as hell look straight up pretty interesting right jordan peterson's going on uh jordan peterson is going on joe rogan what's his [ __ ] going to the oscars is this for real why are you dressed like that why are you dressed like a waiter oh my god he is just this is going to be an unhinged one i have a feeling so he's going on joe rogan today both just real quick i'm seeing a bunch of people in the chat saying weed doesn't put tar in your lungs yes it does guys google that is just please don't look it up i don't know i don't know what you're talking about yeah i'm not doing this marijuana uh is a miracle drug that has no consequences at all a little propaganda and somebody who smokes weed all the time there is definitely i mean if you're smoking butt if you're if you're burning flour it is if you are inhaling smoke yes you are putting tar in your lungs you are damaging your lungs just be straight up look it's probably less harmful than you know yeah probably than cigarettes because it's cigarettes are so processed with all this crap if you've ever smoked in out of a a glass piece uh like a pipe or a bong or anything you know like the resin you know all that stuff that like builds up around the bowl that's in your lungs that's going in your life go go go take a dog go smoke a joint or whatever and blow it through a t-shirt right see what happens guys this is i'm so sick of weed smokers acting like it's some miracle drug that just like magically goes through your body okay wait what the [ __ ] what is this you google it dan it doesn't oh my god yeah edibles edibles obviously what these people are still saying that i'm wrong not that you need to google it but if you google is their tar and we it's literally the first thing that comes up that they're similar to tobacco just go blow weed smoke through a shirt you guys are seeing what i'm looking for like hassan right now i'm not sick guys i'm not saying don't smoke it's fine do whatever you want i'm not saying don't do it but just be real about what it's doing exactly i grew up around all this propaganda that like weed is like this miracle drug it's perfect it doesn't harm your health it's good for your mental health and i'm sorry but i think the the dangers of weed is so understated now there's nothing wrong some people love it it's medicinal it's recreational and all these good things that i that i'm totally down with but guys let's be real okay you could get a vape right yeah i mean i've heard that wheat has even more tar than uh cigarettes because you smoke more of it well and it's not filtered i mean if you if you smoke cigarettes it's going through a cotton filter that is absorbing a decent amount of tar if you're smoking joints or blunts or something it's going well i mean once wrapped in tobacco so people are saying there's no tar someone said because of how typical i'm sorry because how it is typically smoked marijuana smoking leads to four times the uh four times the amount of tar company exactly it has more tar so you guys let's be real come on smoke weed but but be aware of what you're doing at least smoke weed every day so yes joe's rogan's lungs are full of time also i think joe rogan might be an alcoholic after i saw his recent appearance on kill tonight my video was so [ __ ] funny if you're 50 years old and getting that trashed out in public you might be an alcoholic and he drinks every day like it seems like he's drinking on his drink on the show i i don't i don't know he might not not healthy just saying well certainly drinking alcohol isn't healthy yeah drinking every day not a healthy activity might come as it comes as a surprise to all the alphas out there just saying just saying just saying so yeah anyway uh uh jordan peterson cosplaying as an usher for the uh what this is bad bro he's usually well dressed in his suits but i don't like this what's with the talks dude let's see that's how you know he's gone full uh right wing when the bow tie comes out right the tucker the tucker bow that's true somebody said well if i don't drink then how will i cure my depression three sips just that well you won't you don't have to drink a lot you just need three sips yeah don't go crazy yeah and it could just be beer you proved it [Laughter] um so what i'm wondering is he's going on joe rogan we both we ha i had a very public twitter uh entanglement with both of them there's a good chance they're going to talk about me i feel like i yeah i've had that feeling too i'm waiting to watch it it's fine i haven't even considered that well here's okay i'll make a prediction jordan peterson will bring you up and joe rogan will act like he has no idea who you are you think so he follows me on twitter we've talked in the dm's of slightly joe rogan yeah a long time ago it was something about when out when we were i'm not saying he doesn't know who you are i'm saying are going to be like who who's this right okay i hope they don't i don't need any [ __ ] from their the psychologist all right i don't need well have you heard about this ethan klein character he tried canceling me i by the way do you hear that he self-cancelled he quit uh his university job yeah when's the last time he stepped in a classroom i have no idea he's been on a hospital bed for the past year from one draw i had a drop of apple cider i'm still recovering [Music] but um jordan's gonna this thing this is the new thing on the right any mild amount of criticism he's cancelling me bro i don't give a [ __ ] what anyone else does i didn't want you on my channel you got to decide do i have ownership of my property or am i a trouncing free speech there's literally people saying i'm sent it's censorship it's my [ __ ] show yeah that's a weird [ __ ] take it's my show when you when you talked about this on your uh on your on the ethan klein channel which by the way big big fan of the name change thank you we're back to being the only h3 tv on the platform well done well done but yeah um i watched the video where you were talking about this whole situation and everything and uh yeah that is gotta be one of the worst censorship set your sense it's your own show it's my [ __ ] show it's your property so stupid censorship and then well there was a tweet that's like wow censorship nice job and i had like you know an insane amount of likes so it's actually these people are not they're not bright yeah so i think jordan peter's gonna be like this guy canceled me on twitter named ethan klein he erased two of my episodes and i owned him i told him watch out for cancel culture bosco yeah what was the own because he said underneath to be careful about appeasing the mob because soon they'll come after you and you will never be able to appease them what an own yeah and then well he asked me for specific reasons i provided them and he did not respond [Music] i provided for explicit incident incidents that i thought were disgusting takes on his part he didn't address it so who's debating out he straight ducked me okay yeah but he's gonna go cry about how i canceled him by um taking ownership of my own property let's see yeah i actually hope they don't because i don't need that [ __ ] especially when he was about to give birth these people are literally psychotic yeah yeah i guess we could do without that ethan klein who lives in bel air at this zip code and this community tried to cancel me [Music] a [ __ ] dozer just eating m m's yeah and the chad's not happy about it because you're chewing into the mic just just saying i'm moving the mic can i get some of those oh i almost caught it one more jesus you're gonna tear the whole scorpion apart come on you know what we should stop doing we should stop because the dogs yeah the dogs are gonna come in and eat just just one just wait don't don't grab just let it come to you stick your finger all right nobody tell me you throw it to me i'll give it to him why don't i just come over there and grab him instead of instead of doing that why don't you throw it to me and i'll give it to him all right i'm throwing baby i got it nice first try beautiful wow you got one m m what's on one guys do you think i'm a gamma male an alpha male a beta male or sigma can we take a poll um well there's only four options yeah um well there's so many more types of males than just the four well those are the ones that have been floated and so well what's nobody's floated alpha let's be honest what sort of male is ethan alpha alpha sigma sigma gamma or beta beta wait why aren't we putting yeah beta's got to be in here [ __ ] the sigma no it did they're both in there no alpha sigma gamma and delta no not delta there's no doubt there is delta don't include delta okay beta sigma alpha gamma don't let me down i won't be able to live with myself if i don't get what i want what do you want i need their oh baby i'm an alpha what are you was that what you were hoping for just oh no i have 20 beta i wasn't hoping for anything particular show this because we all determined that we were this is a group of sigmas yes sigma falling out of favor i noticed a lot of them don't even reference sigma anymore i'm a ligma uh yeah well it looks like alpha but just by a hair stigma not a hair that's a that's a resounding victory bro don't take that away from me okay i'm straight alpha mailing it up sweet congratulations sick damn dude all right let's do do we have two more ads at the time i sure do so let's do this we'll come back and do the fresh and fit podcast these guys are terrible freaks they are just such [ __ ] they oh this is actually from their description they describe themselves as the world's number one men's podcast we provide the truth to females fitness and finance that's their words verbatim they've had a whole slew of women come on their show and they just are horrible say horrible things and actually they've been getting owned by them too i don't know why this show's even popular but we'll get into that let's thank our sponsors first mint mobile we love uh mint mobile saving more spending less is one of your top goals for 2022. amy can it why is it going to be like all or nothing with the ac aren't there layers uh i'll get right on that thank you bro no problem like there's got to be something there's got to be something between full blast and all completely off i'm literally just heading on and off i need green m m's only i need brown m m's only i need all my eminence separated yes it was don't pretend like you didn't i think now that you know you're on alpha you're kind of just i'm like dude no but like come on i don't i'm freezing i'm freezing my ass off you're wearing shorts in january i uh look just set it to a nice degree it's all it can't be all on and all up i'm sitting in front of lights it's hot all right fair enough you know set to like 40 degrees oh did i mention mint mobile [Laughter] if saving more and spending less is one of your top goals for 2022 why are you still paying insane's amounts of money every month for wireless switching to mint mobile is the easiest way to save this year and as the first company to sell premium wireless service only online mipmobile lets you maximize your savings with plans starting at just 15 a month dantome it's only 15 a month well it starts with you love it though but i do love it it's uh the service is great it's just as good as the big guys same [ __ ] same 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granted him a hundred thousand followers back on his tick tock account huh what does that mean like they took three hundred thousand away they gave a hundred thousand back yeah so confusing why are they messing with them i don't know but one step in the right direction well free game guys pre-game we absolutely need to free gabe they really like that peeing my [ __ ] thing that really worked they were so pickled by that tick tock was loving the new direction of his of his account come on that shit's funny you guys stock market's been a wild ride this week man last week would it go down like 10 or something by now oh i haven't really been watching that closely i know it's heading down i just reinvest them down what happened maybe you lose money because you rebought i'm yep i bought i think three ethereum i've lost almost 40 percent if not more are you 40 it went down since you bought it i think i'm whoa i'm still up from when we did all the stupid nfts we got 1800 it was worth when we got it i think it's going to end up being because i from the get-go i've been holding on to it for a year because if you hold for a year then it you get taxed at a lower rate right is it a year or two years it's a year okay capital gains what just one year yeah just one year baby i thought it was two well [ __ ] well maybe two that would give me more time anyways uh so i that was always one year yeah that was always the move it was for me was to just get rid of it as soon as i could oh you're just waiting yeah but then now it's it's crashing i i think it'll be a year in like another month or two so let's just hold it in 12 months i mean chances are it's going to bounce back up or it'll go to zero maybe basically those are the two outcomes i also bought back in i uh i took a hit too i should have known when zack bought it and i should have known i [ __ ] up i was like with peace and love [Laughter] like a month after that whole meal by the way ethereum is down 40 percent this month that is whoa yeah but guys look on the bright side the in the year ethereum is up 95 yeah see there you go so that's kind of great when we got the ethereum it was worth 1800 it's still at 2400 which is i think it was wasn't it like 1400 when i got no it was 18 i remember yeah right because you got rid of it immediately right i sold immediately yeah yeah yeah well i guess i could have waited a year that would have been smart i sold that [ __ ] because i was like this going to zero i thought for sure i was like this is a hot potato it's going nothing this [ __ ] is worthless but i was wrong uh but what did you buy it at ab because it's at 20 basically 2415 right now i bought them around 3 000. oof yeah and how long ago was that uh honestly i don't even remember to be honest it was like a month ago right yeah i bought two like a month ago and then one more recently well i didn't i didn't buy the market what'd you buy zach i didn't buy a full token i just threw like i don't know maybe a thousand bucks at it and what price did you buy it [ __ ] i forgot it might have been like three thousand thirty one hundred were you guys like talking was this something absolutely not i don't know you never you never share your uh your game plan with zacky oh wow well this week alone it's down 26 that's brutal the problem is i i look at it too much like i'm in my yeah on like an hourly basis and then you're always stressing yeah you just gotta leave it i mean what are you gonna do you're not gonna dude i check in the middle of the night i wake up to use the bathroom i'm checking it first thing i wake up i check it so i'm not the only one then it's not worth it then don't even put your money in it because it's ruining your life yeah if it's like stressing you out that much well no i gotta make my money back set it and forget it just put why don't you just put your money in like the stock market where you know you're going to get returns oh it's not in the chat has a good point uh you should have put your money in dink doing my dude ding dong big doink is my favorite coin i feel like a [ __ ] dink doink i didn't invest in it i feel like one i am down i'll tell you exactly how much i'm down i have it open still let's see i'm down 1600 bucks ouch this thing's going ding-dong it could be worse oh my god that is a legendary dump wait was it ever actually can some can actually guys um can somebody tell me how logan paul isn't a straight scam artist looking at this chart dink doink created by logan paul he lied about creating it literally rug pulled immediately how how is guys can we talk about how logan paul is literally a scammer oh no i'm a strawberry oh no he's a strawberry can he be both um let me tell you about banana where's the safe moon at remember safeman going to the moon yeah safe man oh man they've got to be hurting right now yeah look at how many safe moon cash safe coins safe mars wait what's the difference between safe moon and what the [ __ ] is that chart well love and i were looking up the creator of ethereum owns like how much billion dollars worth of sheba going yeah like 21 billion worth of shiba like we couldn't believe that it's crazy the creative ethereum yeah he owns more than that than [ __ ] his own token oh yeah way more that guy's so rich it's crazy just this little dork who made a stupid little crypto crazy safe moon's going the moon baby any day now go back to like go back to max hit max dan let's see that was already pretty much on max yeah i'm surprised it's not lower i mean it's not on zero it's point zero zero it's like eight zeros wait what's the volume it says the volume is 18 000. go down to the volume the trading volume is three thousand dollars that's the market cap [Music] yo oh no the market cap is 270 thousand dollars it's just the volume that was traded on that particular day um anyways safeman's going to the moon baby going on the mountain scam artist beats scam rsb feasting well anyway um i think that the bloodbath is pretty much over um av at this point hopefully snail's birthdays this week and i had enough of this [ __ ] whose birthday lena so what you gotta you got your crypto's got to make money to celebrate money yeah nothing's in the budget well in the last hour it's up seven percent it says that's good we'd love to see it one day you know dude that's not healthy you got to get rid of that [ __ ] you'll be like what do you what do you mean lina's birthdays this week you're saying lena's birthday's on monday yeah i want to do something nice for her yeah you can't now [ __ ] so what every all of your money's tied up i'm sorry baby all my money's in think doing you got to get out dude it's not healthy for you to be doing that [ __ ] yeah i know logan might have pulled no i've been out for a long time i literally just why don't you just go play casino games or something you'd be more honest with yourself ethan i have to say logan might have pulled the rug but he did write the catchiest [ __ ] crypto tune ever you have that on your soundboard i don't unfortunately oh man sucks well let's see we got the fresh and fit podcast we got sexy m m's dan just bailed probably go take a [ __ ] this morning there was a poop in the toilet did you guys identify who left that there we didn't i'm surprised we didn't talk about this at the top of the show i walked in the bathroom there was a straight floater i was like guys there's a floater yeah like everyone went to go look at it too i was like man it was in the men's bathroom i don't know if it's you guys use the genders we use all of them yeah that's what i thought there's [ __ ] all over it was small it was a petite little poop so so i i don't know i feel like that rules me out man like i'm not i think so covering my tracks it wasn't me but if it was that would have been like my worst nightmare because i'm like [ __ ] shy someone often be like oh there's a turd in the toilet then like everyone in the office going to look at it like they're going to identify based on how it looks it was a little nug man it could have been yours it was petite it could have been a little fika drop someone's got it i think it must have been love's it could have been ian or cam i haven't got a bathroom today me neither i'm clogged up man yeah who [ __ ] this morning not me done no i feel like dan's always in there dude dan said he [ __ ] today but in the other bathroom so he's the only one fasting up to taking a dump by the way it looked like someone flushed and then one of them floated up or something could it was on a girlfriend yeah you have to hold that one down so i don't i don't think someone didn't flush it just floated back up was it in the women's bathroom yes oh okay yeah i've never i i thought actually it was gender specific but you guys are no it's not okay you gotta go you gotta go man all right all right interesting well we'll have to interrogate dan when he comes back from leaving another dump in the toilet i will check the toilet after he leaves all right well let's talk about um fresh and fit this guy's real interesting it's a podcast that has 500 000 subscribers on youtube describes themselves as the world's number one men's podcast we provide truth to females fitness and finance i think he described himself actually as a red pill dan we concluded you left the floater no it wasn't me i swear it wasn't me i did i did poop this morning in the office but it was in the other bathroom and the one on the left right the one on the left which which gender huh which which one the woman's the one on the right is the one that had the floater the men's had the floor yeah the right had the floater right and i said i went in the left bathroom i thought you said the opposite no no no no it was in the men's oh did you flush it can we do a forensic analysis on that yeah it's about to send that to the lab all right let's talk about fresh and fit also what's with that name what are you doing like a subway sandwich or something like jenny craig fresh and fit weird name dude so dude their podcast is literally called womanizer wednesday oh my god you know that's not a good thing right guys a womanizer like even if you're red pill that's not really the way to describe yourself so are these guys just famous for being provocative are they from something else i mean because i just see them in the news all the time these days you know i didn't have too much time to do a deep dive on them because i was just going into it last night but it's in this they've only been on youtube for one year and they have tons of controversy surrounding them i'm not surprised they're self-described womanizers well let's see the podcast has enjoyed record growth and success it was set up over a little over a year ago podcast discusses dating commitment and features a mixed group of men and women here let's let's enjoy some of their best takes uh i want ethan to make a content court on this actually i do too on this steamy pile of garbage but i guess we're talking about it now so who knows but let's do it you guys this what you want the wig impromptu no no there's the music i don't want to abuse the wig okay all right all right cut them like i said before why the hell are you gonna pay full price for a goddamn car that's been used what women don't understand is men don't ask for much okay if i'm gonna take you seriously as a girlfriend and or a wife my only real request is that you don't embarrass me and [ __ ] other guys okay but they have the [ __ ] gall to sit here and say yeah it's a care yeah it's a cure no you dumb [ __ ] i'm not [ __ ] insecure i'm very secure yes you are listen to yourself you made a whole podcast to try to make yourself feel more secure about women you literally doing womanizer wednesday and shouting like a cartoon character you're so insecure bro it's actually pathetic this is crazy [ __ ] goal to sit here and say yeah it's a care yeah it's a cure no you dumb [ __ ] i'm not [ __ ] insecure did you really put a record scratch in there you pathetic freak did he put that in there they got a sound they have a little yeah he did a record scratch yeah that's what i'm saying dude do we have the best sound in the game we never do we don't drop record scratches okay we could yeah maybe as homage to them i'll add it for next time let's get some record scratches yeah no you dumb [ __ ] got him here i'm very secure in my goddamn confidence i don't want to [ __ ] wipe up no hoe all right and i'm tired of women out here telling dudes small dick enemies energy [ __ ] i'm not going to the lamborghini dealership with 300 bands to pay 200 thousand three for a [ __ ] pay you know what doesn't bother me small dick energy when people say that it doesn't bother me actually people say i have small dick energy sometimes guess what does guess what it doesn't bother me i don't even shout i need to call women [ __ ] i don't need to do any record scratches or or a symbol crashes you know these dudes are textbooks someone broke my heart they got buff dude made a podcast hating women the first one i'll tell you the first woman broke their hearts their mom i mean i i know it's brutal but it's true you know these women have ra these guys usually have mom issues which is why they hate women so much just it's a mommy makeout day just a guess i mean you don't end up this twisted for no reason one bad breakup doesn't do this too yeah [ __ ] i'm not going to the limit it could be daddy issues too i don't need to blame the mom no i think you're right i think it is because to hate women that much i mean i feel like anyone who's raised by you know a woman would teach their son not to act that way you know it's not even about being taught anything it's just about seeing what's normal um yeah i'm gonna [ __ ] wipe up no hoe all right and i'm tired of women out here telling dudes smells like enemy small dick energy dude it's so awesome how that offends him so much like uh so insecure dude [ __ ] i'm not going to the lamborghini dealership with 300 bands to pay 200 thousand three for [ __ ] pay 300 000 for a lambo with 200 000 miles on it bro it's [ __ ] we need to start holding these women accountable you want to do that six feet tall oh he's making an analogy he's gonna protect you in times of danger take care of you be a leader six figure [ __ ] abs all this extra [ __ ] but you can't even be a [ __ ] decent woman and not be a [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here bro i don't know what you're talking about but like probably you need to probably uh change your parameters a little bit there if you keep ending up with women who i don't know dude you're not that's how lambo is a lambo i'll take a lambo yeah lambo's a lambo also dude i don't think lambos do 200 000 miles just to be fair i think those things don't clock anywhere near that um the man has he this man this is classic example of gamma rage is this gamma yeah i don't know i can't i can't tell it might have been columbia this might be zeta this is beta as [ __ ] bro this is straight up yeah i mean the top comment is perpetual single energy it's like i mean yeah dude um i don't know what women you're talking to okay but obviously um something is not working with the way that you are approaching women and in this world my friends there is one thing you can you can change and that's yourself you can't change the whole world of women you can change yourself you know change change this guy's like going to like influencer parties and then trying to take home like instagram like influencer girls every night and then getting angry that none of them want to marry him or some [ __ ] i mean isn't the point of this podcast to give dating advice is this i don't know what kind of data advice this is this is just gamma and this is just gamma rage yeah see also he's talking about slots and hoes is he insecure that they had and he's talking about mileage he's using the car analogy does he want a like a virgin does he want a woman that's never been with another man or something like is that what his idea of a perfect woman is or something that's what it sounds like based on his stupid-ass car analogy i mean i wonder how many women you slept with dude you probably keep a tally of it i just don't understand what's wrong with women sleeping with other men with men i don't understand it this person makes a good observation they say uh men like him and keem are so insecure they want girls with no past relationships or sexual experience because they are terrified of being compared to other men you think so it's interesting that makes that makes a lot of sense well it definitely comes from insecurity right because they're not they think that they need to be the only man in the world because they're so insecure that any past experience to compare looking out and seeing other men they're afraid that they're going to see better options out there so it does come from a deep deep place of insecurity there's really no other explanation for it he also sounds like charlie day you know what i mean it's like always sunny rant like i said before why the hell right here he hits that joke [ __ ] i'm not going to the lamborghini dealership with 300 bands to pay 200 thousand three for on the rant a little bit when you start stumbling over every other word let's see [Laughter] so this this girl brittany renner confronted them on saying they are warning men about women like her this is fantastic this went viral lately of her absolutely destroying these fools actually exposing too straight just how insecure and beta they are fresh great idea was don't tell mario until today so wait this is an eight minute clip am i is this whole thing good to watch because what i saw was only like 30 seconds well i could find a shorter one but i don't want to watch it all of it good i thought it was good it just like she confronts them and they completely [ __ ] breaks like they're doing everything together and we're like we're thinking you're probably gonna be like okay [ __ ] we're gonna have this great debate but you said you said initially like yeah i don't think there's much to really like debate why well i mean we here's the thing we've always said like men and women were very different we have opposing goals like girls are trying to you know get resources time attention out of guys guys are trying to get sex and girls a lot of the time are trying dude you need new friends she's already like men only want sex we don't want resources family comfort love we just want sex and women on the other hand they don't like sex in fact they avoid it they only want resources clothing cars shoes and sex is a tool they use to get those things this is the world of the of the gamma mail trying to get what they need to get attitudes without necessarily giving it up and some girls are good at it some girls aren't and then there's other girls that are kind of models for that that are good at finessing dudes and not to say that you're a finesser i ain't saying that but girls are able to you know run laps around a lot of guys and that's why our podcast exists to help dudes out to understand like how women operate and how they move this guy is no game dude if anyone should be given that seminar it's not you well he's given a seminar on something that's not it doesn't exist so i guess you can be the the guru of any discipline you create out of thin air your point of view wait wait where do you think she fits in that because you know i i think her point of view would be diametrically opposed to you guys by saying well well i'm not the exact typical person who you may think dudes or running into her you're trying to tell people to stay away from i mean well sir she could tell she was saying that we're wrong i guess about that can you tell us a little bit about yourself no i think you know more about me than i do myself so you're saying no no obviously you do though because you said that you warned guys about girls like me so tell me about girls like me human in general like i mean well no no don't women in general because you literally specifically said before we got on here yeah you did say that that's true you warned guys about girls like me so now that we're face to face what kind of girl am i you're not special you're like other girls i'm not special oh my god she's actually so much smarter than him and what she's saying is really smart and true i mean you made this huge generalization about women you said girls like her she says okay tell me about myself she's exactly right he has nothing to say he can't even make eye contact with her he's looking around yeah because he's singing face to face and probably he's intimidated by a strong beautiful woman that he knows he has no chance with and that's where the rage comes from uh that's straight up gamma ray i keep saying that people can think i'm serious yeah the dude is so insecure and my homie here doesn't even say [ __ ] ever like what's the beta energy here in the corner take that medallion off bro you got to say something before you get a big fresh medallion literally this dude hasn't said [ __ ] his only job is to look fresh this is the other guy is that he's the fit one right uh it's so satisfying to watch these guys get absolutely schooled what makes you special then i never said i was but you're trying to say what makes no she's right you're saying you're not special that makes you feel well i am special i know about you know you're the you're the one that can identify who's special and who's not right very special you're very special dude it can be different from like a lot of women operate the way you do and how do i operate yeah what does that mean in general what i just said before women it's a dance between the two genders men are trying to get sex women are trying to get resources time attention whatever it is that they're looking for and a lot of girls play the game better than guys we talk about this openly on our podcast and we're teaching guys how to not necessarily do his homemade but they're not able to get it but girls are easily able to obtain money time resource attention whatever it is girls are running laps wrong dudes which is why podcasts like ours exist do you believe that brittany has been effective in extracting as you say time resources and other things out of dues yeah to a degree sure yeah i mean like a lot of girls want to do i mean here's the thing you've been so adamant about me being incorrect and i i don't know and you don't know me and all this other stuff tell me then maybe maybe who knows well i think first of all let's bring it back a couple notches okay so [Music] there's really a lot to unpack here because my first question to you is what do you gain from telling girls that they're not special how does that make you feel i mean i know everything i know everything is a joke but i'm asking you a real question so how does that make you feel because if i say you're a bitch-ass [ __ ] that does something for me right if i insult you or if i tell you're not special you're forgettable what does that do for me no but that doesn't that's what i'm saying no but i'm but i'm saying what if i call you if i just say that again you're forgettable that's why i didn't want to do you guys podcast forgettable hate the setup uh the name is underwhelming i didn't really see the value in it right that's how i feel oh my god dude he's so owned right now he's feels like a little boy again he's back to when he was a little boy growing up which is where all this trauma began look how little he looks he looks like a child and he is a child it's sad that this guy can't ever grow up he's stuck as a side note academics keeps moving her microphone to adjust it when i could hear her perfectly but i can't hear academics at all his mic is super low just something funny pay attention to wait who's suggesting what mike the guy in the middle he keeps adjusting the host yeah he keeps adjusting the girl's mic but i could hear her perfectly but his mic is like sounds like it's not on he could barely hear him hmm interesting observation there right but so that's fine but for me that's okay if it wasn't a fit for me but i also don't need to you know in a way kind of try to devalue what you guys have going on because at the end of the day i might not agree with anything you guys talk about because honestly i feel like when you've seen two or three videos you've seen them all but the reality is is that i went to your guys's page and i went to the different links and the different services and the courses that you guys offer and i do see that there's a place for that so even though it may not have been in alignment with what i am about i can still give credit where it's due without trying to devalue you guys because you guys are doing something special right because you guys are i mean so good cam that's literally him bro alpha sigma beta gamma omega he sounds just like charlie dave so it's pretty amazing are there a lot of other people doing what you do you could consider your guys's podcast special right i think what she's mentioned is like the self self help portion for dudes where you guys offer services so you know help guys you know either attract or or you know try to talk talk and bang these guys for a class you engage with them at a higher rate that you could you know potentially one of them doesn't even talk for christ's sake that dude is so quiet date them right yeah yeah well i i guess i guess the point that i think she's disagreeing with right when i'm simply asking her to tell us about herself because we were so incorrect oh my god bro you got owned so hard the host has to interject to like try to get a response out of him he's so embarrassed right now it's amazing so tell us about yourself that's all i'm saying and then well attacking us no no one's attacking you because like i said i never listen there's a lot of people that will not sit down and have a conversation with you just because of the comments that you guys made well you made and well you chimed in so you guys are tweeted and tweeted out kind of right so i'm here to have a conversation with you guys because for me i feel like what a lot of mailed mail so he's like yo you're insulting me it's like don't you do that all day you insult women all day and so when you're face to face someone that's bringing that's actually trying to talk to you and confront you you turn into a little [ __ ] a little baby dominated podcasts are missing is the bridge of understanding so i came here not to argue you guys or to call you out of your name or to disrespect what anybody's doing because i i felt like the interview i had with him there were things that he said i didn't agree with but i wanted to sit down and hear his point of view so that's what i'm trying to do here so for you to say you're not special well i'm special to someone just like you're special to someone just like he's special to someone so are you trying to all groups of women then we would have to take it back to where this even began like why you even have this view of women and every like i said you have a bunch of dumbass [ __ ] on your guys podcast and i get it they don't challenge you and i know you're a really smart guy but it's like i feel like you need to kind of just be honest and show people who you really are like i know that for people to be dragging you guys and say take this little clip and say that's who you are that's not true so that's why i sat down and had this conversation is he really gonna have nothing to say here to degrade you so when you make comment let me see what i'm saying when you make comments like oh yeah no women are special so no woman is special but yet you guys have a whole podcast dedicating how to get women just for sex that's all you guys are so you're saying men are just limited to just sex that's all they care about is sex yes or no that's what i don't care about there's no i'm just saying they're laughing and answering the question it's just my dick [ __ ] sex i want a hole wow you are triggered man wow wow oh my god dude absolutely embodied let's see what you have to say she wanted a whole lot right there honestly it's just i speak with conviction yeah i mean for you to say girls like me i'm they're cutting out his response or something just like okay well i'm assuming if i go off of what it's pretty amazing how his his sidekick his henchmen there didn't say a single word to be honest you're not really making a point i said at the top men and women it's a delicate dance between the two genders to get what they want correct i said men want sex women want resources attention money time whatever it is from a man changes per girl some girls want money some girls want attention some girls want time while some girls want a hot guy whatever it is no girl wants sex in this guy's world that's crazy that's sad they're only the only people they have sex with is against their will apparently nobody enjoys sex there's a multivariate requirement for women of what they want okay wow i love how academics was mansplaining the whole time what she meant was he was translating for her like she doesn't speak english but she was trying to say well he was just trying to elicit a response from the guy because he's just sitting there like a [ __ ] here is their uh this is one of their websites i found on their social media the only way left for the normal guy is to become a high value ma'am fresh and fit giving away they're jealously guarded secrets for scoring nines and tens wow and more this is pathetic wait and more and more eleven elevens oh [ __ ] literally off the [ __ ] scale are you seriously ready to pull nines and tens and more [Laughter] let's watch this video i bet it's good uh oh i'm muted hold on these guys don't know anything about dating that's the thing like i mean obviously for you like money isn't really a thing in november december 2016 would make this week of the thirty thousand dollars in one week ecstatic there's no way around it in 2021. that's when i made the mill in a week of 8 million weeks yeah yeah they're just talking about money and then asking people to go on patreon i still haven't seen this dude say a word that's not him we got some big things coming guys this website the only way people like these guys make money is fleecing more pathetic dudes or you know all these gurus self-help guys who talk about how to make money they all make money just from fleecing this website design is something else i mean it's typical conversion page [ __ ] yeah whoa get in now i still haven't seen that other guy talk i could say every time the other guy talks it's a self-report every every clip i've seen where he does open his mouth he kind of self-reports somehow he does talk so here i've got another one yo this course costs 700 [ __ ] high value academy yeah the only high value is their how to aesthetically fit starting a business making money yeah i love it's just that easy start a business yeah here's the first lesson use the gta 5 font gta 5. finance investing high level networking dating professionalism dudes giving courses on professionalism yeah definitely that's awesome i kind of want to take the course don't give these guys let's see if people are interested to do uh well it's fine we can sign up and then do a chargeback not kidding just kidding so here's another clip there's so many of them this guy they say they don't date black women straight up just no no black women what about the black dating app called black it's funny i never use that one bro but hey man i mean hey bro if you want to date a bunch of shaniquas go for it man laquisha yeah like me and fresh aren't really down with the brown like that we ain't night riders so i'm good uh you know sometimes if they're you know red bones like in general me and fresh uh don't dabble in the dark if you know what i'm saying yep um okay so last one guys uh good thing the spoken code there now we're not going to mention names for certain reasons right for a bunch of legal implications but if you guys are you know in our in our community we talk about this extent what about the black dating app called black they don't take black women yeah they hate they hate their moms i mean how else can you describe that like you're all the women in your family are black your your sisters your moms everyone that you apparently i don't know apparently don't love but yeah i mean they obviously hate their moms right they're like i don't date black women weirdos uh i don't even know here's the whole thrift she is so i don't care simple damn um guys guys guys sidebar sidebar conversations please all right what i've told you this is like you know this is like the fifth time i've told you that right like stop for real like stop hey man it's [ __ ] up yeah it's the whole show yeah she's been doing the whole show i'm not mean as [ __ ] i just have rules simple all right good it's buckas damn um by the way as someone that operates a podcast um when you have two four six seven eight nine he has nine people in the room with nine mics there's gonna be sidebars bro that's a lot that's like a [ __ ] whole crowd of people okay um what the [ __ ] is this setup what i look for in a man that's like approaching me hold on excuse me dude you better oh no what the [ __ ] is that you can't do the record scratch what the [ __ ] is that he literally and he did his own record scratch you see him hit it [ __ ] insult dude let's let's content court the [ __ ] out of these guys i swear there has to be more than enough yeah this is just [ __ ] on twitter i mean there's apparently a year's worth of content from them you me i'm not mean at all okay i don't care have you been here the whole time i know all right then so you don't know what was happening right okay then so how are you gonna come on somebody's show not know go down and say oh you're mean it don't matter i can say what i want okay we can get the [ __ ] off the show especially when the other dude was like yo uh oh he's getting criticized by another man i wonder if it that homie's higher on the sexual hierarchy chart and then maybe that's why he's shutting down very calm but it's like like bro you got to show a little bit of respect bro he's just clearly a gemini it is what it is what the [ __ ] do you think his mercury's in rising yeah i think it it it's risen it's straight up fully up dude mercury is these are the types of dudes by the way who would like talk so much [ __ ] about astrology now i think astrology is dumb don't get me wrong but they're they have their own pseudoscience while being like astrology's so stupid anyway i'm a gamo my game isn't rising you grown as hell what yeah well okay okay okay okay so earlier on the show this guy has lost control of his own show he's shutting down look at him he's like raging he's shutting down and once again can't make a trigger in his parlance he's triggered he's so triggered right now and yeah he's avoiding eye contact amy you're right he's only capable of looking at the man in the room because it was like five times like chill yeah so that's way okay but i said he mean what he why he want to earn right that's a good point because you don't know what was going on that she's right she's like i just said you're mean you lost your [ __ ] mind it's good bro all right we all right this is the guy trying okay just just like from here on out like please one at a time because you started over i was almost saying nothing i promised the fifth time you said that last time yes yes did you have nine people in a small tiny room listen dude let them down his food also apparently they're drinking too based on the red cups there i mean did he just bail right where you paused it looked like the guy oh dude i'm just talking to general don't get me beat up but no no no no we don't know the door i think he's out there dude he left he got so triggered he left his own podcast jesus that's awesome what a baby and all she said is that he's mean he he has so much rage towards women this shit's scary dudes like him yeah big dudes who work out and they can't control their emotions and [ __ ] like that those are the ones you really need to look out for for sure yeah i mean he talks about how no women's worthy of him and i would say i i i agree uh but opposite i don't think anyone i don't think this guy's ready for a relationship i think he needs therapy lots of it what's his name my myron fought for tomorrow dj says 700 self-help course to act like this storm out of his own podcast dan when isn't all set down all the other girls his friend trying to act like it's all good all right um oh my god and then we yeah say whatever you ladies want bullied off your own show i want to hear what y'all have to say yeah um cool so we're gonna uh end this show here shortly and then his his dude can't even carry the show obviously on the show he's panicking and um chris chris please chris help help me chris um let's close up yeah yeah good decision to roll out asian don't come on someone's show not knowing oh what's going on and speaking down the on the host respect the show yeah facts yeah uh first time donating just say myron is a real one don't change so now he's reading mean comments from his insult fans in front of the other ladies who are apparently sitting there having a conversation and he's acting like they're not even there for nobody yeah [ __ ] out of here bro we don't change uh i don't even know who she is so i don't care that's kevin girl like you don't know who queen vaughan is no i know who king vaughan is but i mean you should know who his girl is so uh anything else we caught up all right cool uh with that said uh guys thank you for coming in i think it's just incredible that these guys actually have a fan thumb um that's incredible i mean half a million people subscribed to this train wreck oh man traits of feminine women what's her gram what's your strengths that's crazy i ain't gonna like just keep it real yeah they're drinking white claws and he's like i have a room full of nine people drinking and i'm getting angry that two of them are are having a side a small size i really date black girls it's not because like no no like like most black girls are like annoying how to put this ratchet and they don't know how to like be reserved you're like the opposite you are not the stereotype that you are not the stars you're not the same that's awesome yeah so we'll give you that complimentary instagram yo literally hate all black people but you're one of the good ones so take that as a huge compliment oh she goes oh yeah yo can i get your instagram by the way oh boy it's funny i never used that one bro but hey man i mean hey bro if you want a date a bunch of shaniquas go for it man yeah then they backtrack later on it's in the dock where they're like oh we were just talking about our preferences not about it's like no you weren't talking about your dating preference uh let's see is this one oh my god there's so much is this a new one uh maybe or did i was referring to the previous mainstream media it just wants to make us look a certain way because they're because obviously we'll talk guys the red pill is in the mainstream that we we've we uh us uh are pretty much i won't even sound cocky we're at the forefront right now of bringing the rpm to the mainstream and bringing the what rpm red pill mail oh rpms oh i don't know i don't know about my pay grade he just mentioned red pill was the only reason i recognized the acronym there ah this is sad you gotta remember guys most people do not want to resist the slave mind they they they want to be in the slave mind so we talk about you know cryptocurrency being in the of course they're in the crypto what a shock redfield this is the this is the male version of damaged goods you know what i mean pendant uh being an entrepreneur uh not letting women control your life looking at the world from a red lens versus looking at the world from a blue lens a lot of people are not used to looking at the world this way you know what i'm saying everyone thinks women are right you're wrong your women are champions let's pedestalize them whatever so we go in there and say nah you got to make girls uncomfortable or whatever everyone's like what the what the what whoa that's childish they just use a jontron drop on their show that was jontron going what i don't know yeah yeah that was it i recognized it you know what i'm saying like there so many people guys are not aware you know what i'm saying you guys got to remember that the rp is still a relatively new thing and most guys don't know it yeah it's a new thing to be a chauvinist this is this is a brand new concept in uh the history of civilization of the invented being yeah looking down on women and thinking of them as lesser this is a this is a brand new it's revolutionary basically 21st century thinking baby we're taking over the world also based on the past two videos we've seen women make you uncomfortable not the other way around they're they're well stated they seem very comfortable actually you're the one that left your own podcast the only pill you'll be taking is uh beta brain is uh what do you call the melatonin because you'd be sleeping man yeah it just wants to make us look a certain way because they're because obviously yo real talk guys the red pill is in the mainstream that we he's like yo listen bro this new movement i'm saying i don't want women to vote i don't want them to be able to get abortions that should be our decision i don't want them to be able to leave the house they got to walk behind us this is a new kind of [ __ ] we're dealing with yeah i'm coming out with a revolutionary idea it's going to change the world nobody's ever done this before i think the government should be run by old white males those are the only people that i know and he's like hey and i don't even like i can't even say it because people take it out of context but you know i was going to say his words not mine yeah dude it's revolutionary and as you guys know women don't like sex so we got to keep them at home you just knock them up with babies you give them like food and shelter which is all they want oh i'm telling you and we're going to call this new world uh uh what was the name of that country and handmade entail oh [Music] god damn it gideon something gilead yeah we're going to call it gilead guys wait they went on tent pool yeah you're gonna like this you're gonna like this what a crossover you guys no shot they went on temple let me just say one thing too for a lot of people what what is wrong with him well you gotta watch him he's based hold on i'm on it asking about vaguely about something that you guys are accused of doing that i don't know anything about and they're they're they're super chatting as if i would know what it is but i can i can't i can't ask you just the simple one adam griffin says can you ask why these clowns tried to take down abba and preach with fake dmca strikes what you want to go into it yeah it's it's uh so so basically uh we have a lot of people that talk about us on internet and some of it is slander some of his defamation and using our content in their videos and we're like okay cool we've waited out for a while for you to stop you're still doing it so oh you know what cool now we're going to take legal action against you because obviously we're attacking our character in our integrity what he's doing actually is he's admitting that he followed them in bad faith he's opened himself to a lawsuit basically an instant l well guess what tim agrees really at that point eight is all for a game yeah i mean yeah wow simply put if someone breaks into your store right and use it takes a broom off you have a hardware store takes a broom off the shelf and starts beating you with your own broom and won't leave and doesn't idiot wow wait wait you know what we need for that cannot [ __ ] you know what we need for that oh we got our own records guys we just figured out and get in their new country of gilead no free speech you're not allowed to to you're not allowed to use anybody's speech against them once it's been spoken you can't criticize them you can't show clips of their footage no free speech guys these guys are true secure warriors hey you can't use my words against me how dare you it's not like i live in [ __ ] america freedom of speech douchebags holy god okay tim let's see what you got this is a layup so damn yeah but still for four months what are you gonna do well you can't file a dmca over it apparently not yeah so what they just get it reversed or what yeah it's it's it's a long story but basically simply put the challenges when it comes to public failures and defamation cases is really hard to win it is yeah but you know look i i actually tell people we we've got people who rip off our members only content which is actually probably not fair use so if like if i downloaded your video well if they just re-uploaded depending on yeah video by video but yeah very difficult to win that but i've got people who go to go to take those behind a paywall publish them on you know online and then comment on them that's fair use tim 100 fair use now that's the line i don't go after them still though like they they take clips out of context they make stuff up i should ignore it it's probably the best thing to do he's right and it's the legal thing to do and when you want to when you want to be at least tim is consistent at this point he's this uh red-blooded american at least in this case you know he is uh taking the correct he's never dmc at us so no it's a low bar but i just uh i appreciated his the bluntness of his reply when he made that incredibly terrible analogy of uh you can't go in my shop and use my own broom to beat me up what would you do about it he's like well not file a dnca the creators that they uh went after responded abba and preach they're pretty good responses i put it here in the dock to him talking about the broom analogy wait what's their name i think i know that abba and preach is it two blocked out yeah does it do reactions they're pretty funny i think yeah they're really cool again i don't know anything about them so don't like you know try to cancel me because i said i like them you [ __ ] up but they're pretty funny they're actually funny yeah well i i watch the clip that a b is talking about it it's really [ __ ] okay so let's so so that's nice okay but this is this is where people are so that one of the questions about copyright infringement and fair uses i don't know are you infringing on someone's marketing no it's that sorry that's what i was going to say because fair use depends on different countries it's different where depending where you are no phrase is an american doctrine you dumb ass you don't know anything fair use depends on different countries where are you located dude what country are you sitting in right now that's actually a good question are they american they could be canadian or something i don't know fresh fresh and pit podcast american they're american awesome they're in america tim poole is in america they're podcasters shot in florida there you go yeah but i'm pretty sure regardless well okay let's watch but a big thing on fair use where you know it hurts your ability to get protected by fair uses are you hurting that other person's ability to profit from their own product but this is this is how is him making a reaction video preventing you from profiting dude specific it basically means also fair like very like let's say a critic of a film he writes a scathing review of a movie and so as a result people don't go watch that movie less people go watch that movie that's still protected speech my dude okay like if uh if you're a photojournalist and you sell photos for a living and then you post one you post a sample on twitter and you say to license this photo buy it here and then people start posting it everywhere now you've got copyright infringement because even though it's online even though it's newsworthy and even though people are commenting on it they're infringing on your market because you directly sell this content which means you said license it from me if you guys do a publicly available show and people post and comment on it you got no case you can't you can't dmca it so for us what i'm saying is on our website we have a paywall if you want to watch the video you're actually wrong if someone then takes that post it online and says i'm commenting on it nope no dice that's why you can't post he's just talking at his ass he's totally wrong about that just movies on youtube but just say like you you can't post a movie while watching it and go wow that well that's not fair use no matter what you're watching tim it's crazy because you're literally taking away the the the market share from from you know from the business these guys they're all wrong man and it's funny how they all like spin it just to protect their own like uh their own investments and stuff he's like well my paywall says i can't do this well this one's uh this guy's saying mean things about me so he can't do that uh abba and preach respond to these absolute [ __ ] who dmca their video and literally admitted that it was bad faith these guys should sue them with your own broom and won't leave and does it for four months what are you gonna do what the [ __ ] is he talking about yeah let me let me what happened is that you have a store that you sell brooms and we told you that that bro what's crazy about these two guys is both of them talk one of them isn't like a weird beta that like masturbates with his tears in the corner well the other one does all the talking is garbage that's what we did we left the google review that's what we did we left the google review saying your broom asked me for a fight now that broom don't want to fight and that broom doesn't pick up this that's what we did wait what is he saying that did he he said because he gave an analogy of imagine you have a broom store a fresh and fit and someone comes in and takes a broom and then starts to hit you with it and he's like we didn't do that he's like we bought a broom and gave it a google review yeah well that's true actually because like i said if they make a negative review that results in people watching them less that's protected speech that's what we did that's the only thing that we did we didn't break into nothing we didn't steal nothing we told you your broom is not doing what it's supposed to do you guys know what it's claiming to do and that broom challenged me into a fight when i showed up and i wanted to show up that broom turned into a dustpan that's what happened okay so we left the google review and that's not illegal no it's not darn bro well you can't file a dmca over it apparently not yeah apparently it's it's it's a long story but it's not a long story it's not a lot of course youtube was like yo what the [ __ ] is this yo take this [ __ ] down and your little [ __ ] ass ran to you to be like uh we're retracting it please don't delete our channel please don't do it he retracted and you retracted all your strikes don't be acting about it's a long story no stupid you did the wrong thing right susan wojowski just came in there with a long slung and slapped you that's what happened and it's okay but don't make it sound like it's a long story and also shout out to teachers these guys are funny they're the way they play off each other it's great who said uh that's not how it works he just yeah you didn't hear what he said no it's not me and won't leave and does it for four months what are you going to do well you can't file a dmca over it apparently not [Music] yeah tim's like uh well you can't do what you guys did [Laughter] tim doesn't know he doesn't know what happened tim doesn't know what happened but he just went off what they told them you want a bias from someone that didn't know what happened then there you go seems like that's not that's not what happened that's not your response if somebody breaks into you call the police you can't just go and shoot up their place yeah that's awesome man they're getting dunked on by everyone as they should uh welcome to a free society where when you say dumb [ __ ] people get to respond okay yeah dan was saying that they're going to try to dmcs but we'll see about that if you or block or something i don't know at the minute 37 mark of their video it's pretty good they're talking about his partner they're pretty much saying the same thing that the guy never talks oh for real in the same video yeah at the minute 37 minute 37 let's see god damn it can you ask why these clowns tried to take down abba and preach with fake dmca strikes what you want to go into it yeah it's it's a hey no wonder you don't want to talk about it yeah it's funny because it's the same i i i that he did when you went on there live and you asked the question straight up so i just want to ask you about that why do you think i might be blue built um well from what i know blue pill i'm trying to remember i would say uh like i'm trying to i'm trying to think like which video was oh yeah so what's up yeah i heard you were talking to the podcast what did i say and then well actually what you said and fresh through him under the bus fresh is so unaware and lacking in any awareness think about this so so basically uh we have a lot of people that talk about us on internet and some of it is slander some of his defamation and using our content in their videos and we're like okay cool we've waited out for a while for you to stop you're still doing it so oh you know what cool now we're going to take legal action against you because obviously we're attacking our integrity so at that point hey it's all for a game yeah i mean yeah okay so i want you guys to be what he said he said yeah we did copyright strikes against you saying you misused our content why because you attacked our character criticism yeah i mean these guys are smart the other guys are dumb it's basically just those guys are such easy layups man it's sad that people actually listen to them i mean my god there's so much more interesting and smart people in the world than those two bozos it really is this guy's name oh is this his man is he posting cringe on his main yeah look at the caption oh on that one yeah number one men's podcast in the world actually you know what we're the number one men's podcast in the world i'm saying it men and women are welcome to join well apparently anybody can just make that declaration i'm saying it right now we're the number one men's and the number one swimmers joe rogan would probably constitute the number one men's yeah in the world the caption is my face when a bimbo says the wage gap exists because of sexism and the patriarchy that's your face that's your name that's your face when she says that that's not how the meat works at all this guy deserves all the the gooning he's getting hope you found the talk to your man you've been looking for i love it i hope this guy comes after us in response because i'd love to get into it with him easy layup easy w come debate me dude i'll be your blue pill i'll be a blue pale debate yo you want to be red bill let's go i'll be straight gamma male energy call in let's go man wage gap uh wage gap me daddy [Music] a full-on war are we blowing the warhorn more of a skirmish at this point yeah really this is more of a scouting mission we haven't even reached the uh skirmish yet yeah we're we're scouting to see if there's a battle ahead right i'm up for it though yeah i wish that we could battle like i want to take over their podcast and then like take all their audience like soflo did to me back in the day you go to war and whoever wins gets all their subscribers just conquer them yeah i want to conquer that they're the fresh and fit podcasts can we just grab fit and fresh or something we should make a new podcast called the fit and fresh and just take over their seo yeah yeah call me dude i want to debate you the baby beta look at me i have the ultimate alpha a bust of the ultimate alpha on my desk sir dr jordan peterson and by the way right now huh you guys want to order food by the way i'm living on m m's so if you want i'm all sexed up on brown and green eminem i know we haven't even talked about that let's talk about the success all right you guys now let me just say for those of you out in public this part might be too graphic lots of uh let's say skin it might get you going it might get you uh [Music] thirsty i'll let me just put this the fit and fresh guys probably couldn't handle themselves around these m ms because they are hot they are sexy oh wow oh talent telling you so eminem made up this press release it starts here and this story is amazing so you all are going to want to watch this um candy is about to get more inclusive with the makers of eminem announcing its faint characters are getting modern makeovers that will make them more nuanced personalities i mean the whole thing's so stupid from top to bottom been praying for so long yeah that they will add more nuance to my m ms you know it's just it makes such a difference when i know that uh my yellow m m is uh my yellow eminem has is is uh supporting trans right yeah well my blue eminem he's a uh blue m m's overweight over uh obese eminem yeah oh fat uh it's fat acceptance mukbang lives matter yeah the the orange enemy's a cop the orange one is actually a [ __ ] he's actually neurodivergent no he's a cop and blue lives matter i'm telling you the red m m we don't talk about the red eminem i think the reason is [ __ ] up the red's the cop he's [ __ ] up dude the remnants help the green is the skank she hasn't only fans and the brown she's your girl boss right straight girl boss in it straight girl boss love them all so nuanced personalities as part of the new mission increase the sense of belonging for 10 million people around the world thank god that is my favorite part wait why only 10 million why why only 10 million and why are we putting a timeline on this by 2025 10 million people on planet earth will increase their sense of belonging that is the mars company promise yeah i mean look we all have lofty goals you know like the united states recently pledged to like cut their carbon emissions by half by you know 20 30. well mars is is planning to make 10 people 10 million people increase their sense of belonging via news news how do you quantify a sense of belong oh well i don't know i mean the yellow m m this yellow m m means more to me than you can ever imagine fat acceptance no i don't think healthy at everything the blue one is the overweight one this below m m means more to me than you could ever know fat acceptance shout out i think we all went anyway blah blah blah we all win when we see women in leading roles so okay whatever who gives a [ __ ] um the point is that here's the rebrand so let's take a look so orange hasn't changed he's like what's wrong with orange who wants to be orange gamma energy all day i told you he's neurodivergent oh i'm orange eminem take it easy on him yeah he's neurodivergent eminem red is the cop he's a narc look at him yeah [ __ ] her right eminem arrogant [ __ ] yeah who wants to be red m m okay yellow still i guess fat i don't know i guess blue is kind of fat too but here's where the problems begin let's look at green m m actually looks at the identical oh so she showed leg maybe well they all did they don't have skin tones anymore now they're just kind of cartoons and she had like i i don't know that you could even call it sexy but it has like heels right not really sexy it's just a boot with heels and so she they gave her a tennis shoe that was the big change there and then the brown eminem honestly not really doesn't appear to have changed at all again the skin tone has been toned down i guess here she's more open and here she's more like oh i don't have time for you tucker yeah but it seems like the green one they just gave tennis shoes instead of boots the right wing conserva sphere has completely had a meltdown culture war love what do you think about this uh uh come on mom can you believe this is a on the news and [ __ ] yeah it's crazy because they're we i was talking to them with it about this before and it's clear that they they probably wanted people to be upset because you think so they are [ __ ] like you couldn't pay for such like advertising well here i am this is a perfectly planned advertisement don't fall for it and moreover as a lot of people have pointed out the parent company of m m's mars along with nestle and one other company are currently battling a child slavery lawsuit oh for real yeah oh my god oh so that's what i was just going to bring up is actually the brown eminem is the child slave oh actually i think that one's the green here let me show you where the green is actually the child slave okay uh and and i have good reason for saying so um the green one is actually the slave master so his life also matters there you go so they're also changing the shapes of them all this is why i was saying the blue one's overweight he's like they're getting new shapes yeah and then look how tiny the green one is that's your chances definitely yeah so but yeah the blue one he's a white boy he's thick mm-hmm chilled he's content showdown [Laughter] so well okay so um tucker carlson is outraged outraged by this the eminem's are not sexy anymore you guys now if you happen to be a watcher of this tucker caution show after watching this you really have to ask yourself why why okay that's it the other big change is that the brown eminem has quote transitioned from high stilettos to lower block heels okay also hold the phone hold the phone i didn't notice the difference in the browser they look the same okay but here let's let's we don't have an eye for fashion yeah that's to be fair maybe oh i see yeah it used to be a stiletto dan more sexy and now is it the brown eminem has quote transitioned from high stilettos to lower block heels also sexy that's progress yeah m ms will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous yo these m m's are busted i am trying to nut every time i see that green m m drawing what a clown what a dumb [ __ ] weirdo he's so desperate to cause division and culture war anyone that watched this really needed to wake the [ __ ] up this dude is literally preaching about eminem's not being sexy enough and therefore society is downward downward spiraling until the moment you wouldn't want to have a drink with any one of them that's the goal what's an eminem [ __ ] i'm not having a drink with any of them or any cartoon character for that matter he's been looking more proud broadly about cartoon characters in general and how they can't be sexy holy [ __ ] dude hentai fan uh tucker here yeah you know actually he could be a good guest on the fresh and fit podcast they could have a really lively debate about the brown eminem totally turned off we've achieved equity they've won i'm sorry but this man literally delivered a serious monologue i don't have a boner they've won the other big women should be out in the world to turn me on okay hi stiletto heels boots first of all makes my dick soft women should wear stilettos just like that eminem the m m no longer wears stilettos oh here uh light up whoa whoa you can't show that on the [ __ ] show [Music] oh also it's king because it's green it's time to light up the runway from something from my private collection oh no tucker we made you the green eminem flesh ball [Music] just to commemorate what real women look like sexy sexy time yeah never only used once tucker so it's basically just wash it out it's titties you can put it in the dishwasher you may not want to put anything else in there with it yeah if you've used it you know what i mean you got a solo solo on that [Laughter] women are meant to make my dick hard okay and these m m's are destroying everything now i like my mistress to use the tip of a stiletto to step on my dick jesus this flat shoot [ __ ] is not going to achieve the same ends okay this is the state this is the most popular news show in america what do you think was the harder loss uh the green m m or lola bunny from space jam oh that's so true i mean lolo was actually like come on that's so true lola was a huge loss we'll never recover to the to the furry community but i don't know did tucker do a whole segment about lola no longer being hot he may have he may know that yeah of course well the quartering's having a mid-life crisis over them and unpredictably yeah they sent the thumbnail let's see quartering seven i didn't even know the brown eminem was supposed to be female and by the way i don't care does anybody even know the only eminem characters i know are the the peanut ones like yellow and red uh red is not a pinot noir uh uh excuse me can you speak more respectfully about red that one represents child slave labor and you need to put a little respect on that name okay dude you're being insensitive right that oh m m's and meanings what the hell are we going to do without red m m's red m m is for the red pill males who dress up in tuxedos forced monogamy let me tell you something bucko the red m m takes what he wants the green eminem forced monogamy i bet you didn't know that i catch that [ __ ] looking at the yellow m m i'm gonna stomp her [Music] she wants material goods and i want sex it's just the way the world works bucko [Music] [ __ ] psychopath dude literally cartoon characters that's the m eminem's everyone knows i don't know about all these other ones the green eminem will also be better represented to reflect confidence and empowerment as a strong female first of all let's just talk about how dumb it is right that mars is trying to do some [ __ ] that it's like it's a [ __ ] candy you literally have slaves child slaves making your game i'm gonna say so we should keep watching the clip but so far i don't necessarily disagree with what jeremy is saying well i think what it is stupid it's stupid but then they're making it into woke culture right the real problem no in the tucker these corporations are [ __ ] pathetic they're literally doing crimes against humanity and then trying to tell me that like green eminem isn't wearing stilettos anymore because women need to be empowered it's like it's pathetic but they're they're missing the point and known for much more than her boots is she going to have a shaved side head haircut because i assume that's what it's going to be showcasing a force supporting women who what what is even happening who who buys m ms and ever thinks about this by the way who even buys m m's anymore according to mars the orange m m is one of the most relatable characters with gen z are m m's played out of course it is it's the one that's a complete mess mars will also include imagery of the m ms in all shapes and sizes well i want my m ms to be different shapes in my in the bag when i buy them then because just like we're all beautiful snowflakes i want my m m's to also have infinite designs i mean i guess now i kind of want some but the dark see it's working and also guess what they are different shapes and sizes in the bag so but so you know he doesn't go the next level in his thinking right he just takes the culture war bait right and he doesn't go corporations these huge corporations are literally [ __ ] on our [ __ ] faces using woke whatever cultural [ __ ] governors on to pretend like they don't have child slaves that's the real story here also i did a little a little digging and um i think the m m should have been cancelled decades ago oh i'm pulling it up right now yeah all right what is this 1995 eminem blue blue blue yes it's true [Music] i want to be in this commercial you ain't getting this job because you're not blue green oh look at that oh they even got baby king singing so pause it for a second okay the blue m m in this area of advertising was clearly coded as being african-american really yes wait hold on let me let me he plays the blues he's wearing the ray charles glasses he's performing now the blues blue right i mean it's a pun obviously but do they inherit okay now watch what happens next [Music] they've got blue face they got blue face on dude oh they called him out the audience called him out for doing blue face yeah whoa crowd it's a king ate him one bite saw with my own eyes pretty [ __ ] right yeah that's that's very damaging i mean i just want to know did they walk by this child uh the child slave pit there in the background i want to be in this commercial yeah that's john goodman the yellow who's the red his voice in the red dan didn't you say you searched us i don't know no i just recognized john goodman's voice yeah i don't know who the other one is how long we've been going uh three hours well we've done the main stories we or we didn't do the metaverse actually [ __ ] that's all right ace family click baiting their son that was good there's a cav cav update oh that oh my god that he's coming after you yeah i mean we've talked about it a little bit on this show i don't think we talked about love yeah how he messaged love and [ __ ] yeah maybe we didn't mention that yeah i think it deserves more did you ever message him back or anything yeah i asked him what's up did he respond no oh yeah he's just trying to scare you i guess yeah it's just trying to scare me you don't want the beast don't scare any of us okay oh the other one is john lovitz by the way and the chad's saying oh okay the only person you scare ryan kavanaugh is your lawyers about what dumbass thing you're going to say next new elephants what'd you post oh yeah these are awesome the little baby uh teddy bear sweater so cool yeah that's very looks kind of big though dorbz well brucey well maybe we should just [ __ ] to lightly touch on the metaverse since we're here we can always save it because it's in the title already oh not that anyone gives a [ __ ] this is enough to justify being on the title that's a good point you know we got a we got a lot to prepare for for um uh this [ __ ] it's just one clip let me just watch so this guy posted he goes this is that metaverse a live rave happening right now in decentral land he's talking about how amazing it is there's a live rave it's off the rails check this [ __ ] out dude is this copyrighted music or just random [ __ ] lit well i mean that's that dj so maybe i'll just turn it down a lot i mean whoever's playing the yes the nft race look at this [ __ ] it's off the chains this guy posted this he's like this is insane the future this is like a shittier version of of third life second life well no no i guess second life was super super popular back back in the day so this is basic i can't believe people are actually like hyping up the metaverse it's so [ __ ] dumb it's so dumb it's literally just like a basic vr game second life it's nothing it's nothing on the meat show i mean it's just people like garyvee who stand to profit who already like scheming to profit off it but you need an nft to get into this party damn this looks so lit yeah this is lit i want to be at that party do you want a major foam so you you could actually i believe i have it right under there um yeah here this that i highlighted that's you can uh hop in can we take a second yeah create yourself last guest sure don't i need a vr set or something oh dumb this how is this the metaverse this is the metaverse this is a new thing this is not at all reinventing the wheel just wow this is dude the customization you can create a character yo look at the customization no freaking way shittier [ __ ] literally never seen nintendo me yeah no freaking way dude it's like crazy this is a whole new world about unibrow no freaking way whoa i feel the rave you guys feel that i feel it coming here we go yeah bro i can finally be the off the handsome chad i always wanted to be you look great yo such a chad someone said can't wait for the mlk nightclub drop i have a dream shout out to this one goes out to george floyd now that would be a rager is my guy this is crazy right now let's join this world hop i think i skipped i think i just hit next in it yeah right at yo i'm in i'm about to invest everything i have into this metaverse here we are wow it's like a [ __ ] you know this reminds me of like a video game that comes in your cereal box hey don't checks adventure or whatever their chex man was uh what happened like learning to spell with captain crunch chex quest yeah wait what happened jump in oh it crashed jump in yo the metaverse is happening right now yo garyvee says i should turn my house into an nft and put it in the metaverse that's sick that's such a good way to make money you heard a chex quest yeah the [ __ ] was way better than this to be honest the cereal box game from 1994 yo no way you got it where is the freaking metaverse people are probably joining from the show we're probably gonna crash this [ __ ] everybody hop on the freaking metaverse this is insane wow freaking no way how do i just type standard chat what's up ask where you can get oh i can use my mic hold on no freaking way dude this is crazy this is like the real world that's where you can find a gun where i got a gun about to mass shoot this [ __ ] [Laughter] wait so there's a way to speak oh freaking waited i think they're hearing you wait no way can they hear me i think so well i mean it has to use the mic dude can you guys hear me or what yo this is crazy this is the metaverse oh come on i don't think it i don't hear anyone else talking they're all too shy yellow don't be so shy you guys the metaverse close the tab behind hi i can type hi is there a mute button top or bottom left the microphone use button yeah okay no it's enough to work hey guys dude this is crazy right now wait oh my god this is such dog [ __ ] yo this is like fortnight without the guns it's free crazy it's like real life this is awesome bro look how you have like a crosshair in the middle of the screen yeah i wanted about to do a school shooting up in this you guys somebody better talk to me before i start to get uh blackpill wait wait wait i genuinely need to figure out how to talk to these guys wait look at the bottom left you see the little red x that might be like i don't know how to click because it just oh it won't release your mouse hit enter maybe there you go okay click that oh i have to hold it you have to hold it yeah you guys this is crazy right now yeah this is the metaverse you all freaking out right now like me yo look at this guy he's glowing and [ __ ] he's got angel's wings it's so the controls are so hard it's like so hard okay and then to type all those wings are sick right now where'd you get those dude i don't hear anyone else talking someone else they're gonna be they're just shy yo you better say something to me you're starting to feel bad you're not talking to me dude let's some of you guys are cool you should uh stay out of the metaverse tomorrow yo yo i like you guys don't come to the metaverse tomorrow okay yo come on guys seriously say something to me this is the metaverse uh let's let's let's come on let's let's chat yo what's up daytripper yo what's up daytrip guys come on seriously hello let's talk hello hello something's not happening i'm not getting the social experience this is not the social experience i was promised you guys ryan cavanaugh i wonder okay yeah ryan kavanagh talked to him in the metaverse yo kavanagh talk to me baby ryan say what's up yo there's something wrong i don't think i mean i see it registering the levels on that mic symbol but i'm not hearing anyone else but we we're hearing like the pitter patter of them walking around foot soldier said this is the future you can press v for first person it's like i'm seeing through his eyes this is insane no freaking way dude wonderbot no i can get no robot oh it's for sale oh i have to earn money there's been three wonderbots minted already yo i'm looking for a job so i could buy a wonderbot yo can i get an nft of an ak yo you guys have any aks without serial numbers says we can hear you ethan i think you're just yelling are you pressing pressing t to talk well he was hitting that oh yeah t does talk but i was guys who could but i can't hear anyone else talk somebody say something i want to talk to you guys man this is crazy right now oh a snowman no way how did you do that dude you get this little snowman real oh i can go outside oh questing oh can you hear me oh interesting yo i'm going question right now this is crazy bro no freaking way this is the worst thing i've ever seen oh wait i gotta get back into town i need to talk to somebody oh oh i almost crashed there oh guys you could do question out here there's like stuff outside you guys i can't hear anybody where is ethan all right i gotta end this stupid huge ass huge ass can i climb this ladder no freaking way if i can are there ladder physics oh yeah they haven't implemented they haven't minted the ladder oh i can't climb the ladder you guys yeah that's whack cab cabs in here my full lobby everyone's name is like ethan klein something this is crazy bro i'd rather be here than at home with my family to be honest it's dangerous this is so futuristic right now i'm about to sell all my belongings and just buy virtual goods because that's all the matter in the future yo that's a real nft yo yo what about this one this one is not for sale either dude yo how am i supposed to get my [ __ ] portrait on the wall if none of this shit's for sale yo pickaxes floods freaking go though dude is that a minecraft reference is that a minecraft reference to megan grant's the wear significant mining bonus yo just like real life i'm gonna go freaking mine wait is this supposed to be like a real life sim cause why am i mining yo just like real life i'm about to work the coal mines right now oh my gosh yo no one let's [ __ ] party start yelling at them hit t whole t dude oh i just saw your undies bro oh no way those moves are right oh my god dude is this an npc a real person okay let's go yo i can go up here um where is this oh that's where you want to be what is this you guys there's a hologram oh there it's some sort of like demon summoning circle let's go to the top you guys this is crazy this is like the real world but better dude this is way better than that [Music] this is [ __ ] epic all right i'm done okay that was fun there's the metaverse guys it's all happening it's crazy it's real it's 20 fast it's 2022 [Applause] turns out you can't have more than 200 people sign on to the metaverse at the time just like real life it's real life but better all right thanks for watching everyone so we'll be back on thursday with oliver tree unless he cancels on us again yep which we're filming tomorrow theoretically theoretically what time are we well okay disgusting thank you guys for watching thank you so much a good one it's been fun crazy one though super nice dude oh it's my avatar the metaverse is leaking out into the real world who's controlling that in ian is you're pretty good at dude it's like real life that's what that's that's how i see myself that's my astral projection right so much hotter so much alpha all right guys have a good week we'll see you soon peace and love bro no way [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,894,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, h3tv
Id: Rni5vczZCjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 35sec (11975 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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