Pokemon: EVERY Fighting Type Move Explained! | Gnoggin

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“...you start getting light headed and confused.” I think you mean “Concussed”.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Wow Pokemon hitting each other how original but here's a good question what makes a fighting-type move like how is the normal type Comet punch different from a focus punch or all of these other punch moves man there's a lot of punch moves I guess punching is pretty necessary in the context of battling but really though what makes a fighting-type move fighting type what's special about them and how do each of them individually function today we're going to go through every fighting-type move and figure that out starting of course with mr. punchy pants so here's how this is gonna throw down normal types beware because this video is filled with pan champions I sure hope you viewers aren't planning on stealing this video because that's too bad because it's bad oh man keep these bad puns out of here I am so sorry but please don't let my bad puns Breloom over you because I'm gonna make your noggin buzz swole with knowledge of a champ in the making knowledge about how each of the fighting-type moves works as well as maybe what some of the fighting styles are we've previously discussed fighting-type pokémon themselves but the moves they use can be interesting too trust me now then Hitmonchan can learn just about every single punch move because that's all it's good for punches by default makes sense as a fighting-type move as when do you punch things besides when you're fighting it however not all punch moves are fighting type this makes sense for some fire punch ice punch and thunder punch all fill the punch with elemental energy so it changes the type obviously but then there's dizzy comment and mega punch all normal type I guess the details will be explained in the normal moves video but on the surface I guess this makes sense just look at the fighting type punch moves dynamic punch focus punch terrain punch balk punch and powerup punch through names alone these just scream Street Fighter a dynamic punch takes skill a focus punch takes fighting spirit and focus dizzi punch well you're just kind of dizzy and you happen to punch something as you're stumbling around even the normal type mega punch is easy rather than a skillful strike with a fist it's just raw power raw strength in the arm striking with a fist think of it like this here comes big strong Russian homeboy shocked versus kung fu master sure the lumberjack is stronger but he's not gonna win against the skill of a kung fu master that's strong normal type versus fighting types for you and that's why some punch moves are normal lumberjack can throw a pretty powerful punch but it is not necessarily a skillful fighting type one so now let's get to the nitty-gritty details dynamic punch is a punch so unique it's characterized by constant change and activity which is the definition of dynamic as such it misses half the time but when it does land it always confuses the opponent it's like a very specific strike to the head when you get punched in the head enough times you start getting lightheaded and confused meaning in a battle situation you often protect your head above all else leading many to dodging any attacks to the head such as this dynamic punch but when that punch does land oh man you get dizzy Mach punch is an incredibly fast strike blinding speed move so quickly takes a lot of fighting skill drained punches interesting it's a punch that then drains the hit points of who it hits and feeds it to the attacker so it's like all of those grass-type drain moves but it's a punch focus punch has the user calmed down mid battle and begin focusing it pays close attention to its opponent and so long as it remains undistracted its next strike will be devastating but if it is hit while it's focusing it loses focus and doesn't attack at all this move is very inspired by many Eastern fighting styles and this type of attack is shown in media all the time rather than just going out fists a blazing take a step back and analyze the situation and strike that's just the right time it takes a very skilled and calm fighter to do this a lot of focus powerup punch has the attacker sent out a flurry of weak punches really quickly which do little damage but in doing so it raises their attack in a way by moving so fast and striking so quickly it got their blood really flowing and got their adrenaline pumping adrenaline being the fight or flight hormone increasing all of your senses and your strength in a burst this is very important for fighting-type pokémon sky uppercut is a powerful upwards blow capable of even hitting pokemon high in the air uppercuts are a powerful tool in boxing oftentimes a boxer can only block from certain directions at a time block the front block the sides block at the bottom etc and if you can catch them off guard while they're guarding elsewhere you can land an uppercut in the middle of their forward guard uppercuts hurt especially so because they can send your head flying back bringing extra pain to the neck ouch and those were the punch specific moves but there are other fighting-type moves that use the hands and arms primarily so let's cover those next karate chop is actually normal type what oh oh okay that's just gen1 they fixed it in the karate or carrot a fighting style it is common to strike with the side of your hand rather than a fist this way while the attacks may individually be weaker you have more precision it's perfect for hitting joints causing your opponent to stumble and famously it can also be used to chop wood and concrete in half this works due to physics exploits and precisely striking where a structure is weakest rather than raw power so again skill this is also the reason why rock-type pokémon are weak to fighting-type moves and where the move rock smash comes from it's a precise strike capable of smashing a rock and brick break to a precise strike capable of removing why screens and reflect barriers in Japanese the name is called tile break and both are also referring to chop like moves which are capable of breaking bricks or breaking tiles cross chop is to karate chop attacks at once and it is very powerful it may be using the idea of striking both sides of the lower neck at once a very disorienting thing to happen almost makes your brain skip a heartbeat wake up slap is a strong smack right across the cheek and if the Pokemon was sleeping it deals even more damage the cheeks are very sensitive to slap induced pain all four of them and often when sleeping the facial nerves may have heightened awareness just in case you need to wake up because of something on your face so a slap to the face while sleeping is an easy way to wake someone up and a super hard smack to the face especially while sleeping hurts an extra extra amount arm thrust is just that the user thrusts its arms forward with an open palm attacks like this are common in sumo wrestling hence horror Yama and Emboar using them a lot as well as a honda Hariyama also uses force palm a lot it's a strong open palm slap that sends a shockwave out able to attack those up close or from afar it's Lucario's side special in smash bros and those were the handy moves but are they the only handy moves nah up next we've got feet kicks and leg things most kick moves follow the same logic trail as the punches but they incorporate different fighting styles instead of boxing kickboxing and more Eastern stuff low kick is just well that it's a low kick like a kick to the shins the shins are susceptible to pain because there usually isn't much muscle or fat there to help soften the blow so your nerves get crushed between the kickers foot and the bone often resulting in whoever got hit to flinch and grab their leg lots of pain maybe they'll even fall over because they're so heavy which is why this attack can cause flinching and does more damage the heavier the victim is jump kick though is like the opposite the attacker jumps in the air and lets gravity do the work for them sending their foot straight into their opponent but if they miss the kick the ground instead and well you just kicked the ground it's not as squishy so it hurts you instead high jump kick is the same but it deals even more damage the jump was higher so there is more time to fall so you fall faster in the end double kick is simply kicking twice most of the pokemon that learn it are quadrupeds so it's easy to kick with both legs triple kick is simply kicking three times and it's only known by hitmontop and fara mosa both very skilled kickers low sweep is a sweeping kick to the legs which lowers the target speed normally moves like this are used to trip your opponent meaning they need to take time to get back up rolling kick is similar the user spins around and kicks the idea here is that it's a fast and disorienting attack so it may make the target flinch the kick moves are all very straightforward a lot less complicated than our next category which are throws yes throw the Pokemon its moves the moves it can learn haha but really grabs and throws are all important to fighting there are even several fighting styles that are based on it alone think judo vital throw always attacks second as the idea is when being attacked you grab your attacker and then throw them to the ground which induces pain circle throw has the user grabbed its opponents and fall onto its back using all of that momentum it's able to throw its enemy super far in a trainer battle this means the trainer has to swap Pokemon now in the wild it means you just threw the Pokemon so far that the battle is over oh I hope it doesn't get lost seismic toss is when you grab your opponent's often from behind and spin them around possibly numerous times before throwing them to the ground headfirst it's very powerful and very disorienting all of the blood rushes to your head giving you a head rush on top of that you are dizzy from all the spinning and being slammed down which way is even up anymore they just don't know their world is upside down it got flipped hence the world being shown when this attack is used submission is similar you grab your opponent and spin him a couple of times using the momentum to slam them into the ground yourself included but in doing so you are hurt slightly too because the ground hurts and storm throw is only naturally learned by Pinsir and throw and it has them grab on to their opponent and pummel them while they are unable to escape always resulting in a critical hit and those were the throws next up let's just throw the rest of the attacks in a bucket and poll amount or a sphere and focus blast are both special fighting-type moves based on the idea of key or key energy where with enough training you can use your soul your aura your fighting spirit to send out a blast of energy it's similar in concept to the kamehameha or the Hadouken notably despite the appearance attacks like this are most often depicted as not being fiery or hot or searing the Hadouken specifically is described as a warm punch so it's just like sending out a ranged punch flying press is exclusive to hawlucha and Libre Pikachu but let's ignore her it's actually fighting and flying-type at the same time and we need more moves like this but anyway it is a specialized body slam from high up in the air inspired by professional Mexican wrestling which is more for the spectacle and fun rather than actually being effective vacuum wave is complicated and basically impossible but let's explain it anyway the user whirls its fists to send a wave of pure vacuum at the foe is its official description in order to create a vacuum in this sense let's explain with an analogy think of a semi truck driving on the freeway the air moves around it but then at the back of the cuboid trailer that air doesn't move down immediately instead it curls in and under its aerodynamics it creates drag a negative pressure zone there is less air right behind the truck than there is a bit further back if you increase this difference more and more eventually the negative pressure would become a vacuum what to do is that would take ridiculous speeds and strength and we just don't have the time to calculate that right now but we will eventually but for now you can just say it's stupid you can't just spin a fist around to create a vacuum and send that vacuum forward the air pressure around it would fill it almost immediately what the heck game freak my suspension of disbelief is ruined sacred sword is what the swords of justice are all about they slice with their sharp horns with such skill that they ignore any defense buffs their opponent may have these Pokemon are based on the three musketeers who who would use refuse to fight which are swords that are more skill-based rather than strength and can also strike with precision through holes in armor or in this case a buff defense stat secret sword is this thing's signature move what makes it unique is that it's a special attack that causes physical damage it has extra range like most special attacks as it fills the area in front of its horn with magical energy because of this it uses kill the O's Special Attack stat for its power but then this magical energy becomes physical in form so it uses the victim's physical defense it's a very unique move reversal is a generic sort of attack could be anything going on here really use your imagination but its main draw is that the move is stronger based on how low your pokémon's health is it may be inspired from generic anime crap where the hero always gets beat to near death before magically becoming stronger and turning the tide of battle at the very end oh wow the suspense it was so rad you know though there can be some scientific basis to this as it's all adrenaline again if you're nearly passed out about to be defeated or even killed your body is going to do everything it can to survive so it may very well release absolutely everything it has left in store giving you that final burst of energy and if trained properly as a skilled fighter would be you can utilize this power super well instead of just jumping out final gambit is similar but in a different sort of way wasn't that a very nice and important sentence with this move your Pokemon drains all of its energy its HP and faints right after dealing a massive blow the more HP it had left the stronger the attack is it's the whole give it all you got 110 percent thing as well as I'm taking you down with me sort of aggression super power is also an adrenaline boost the user does whatever this animation is trying to get across again just use your imagination it puts so much power into a single strike that it winds up extra tired afterwards so its attack and defense stats are lowered close combat follows a similar idea but rather than putting all of your energy into a huge blow the Pokemon gets super up close and personal striking several times as fast as it can and not worrying about its defense at all it's all about offense right now as such the defense and special defense stats drop revenge is another move with an internal induced if the attacker was already attacked for this turn then revenge will do more damage each time your brain receives a pain signal it sends out a little bit of adrenaline the greater the pain or danger the greater the amount giving you yet another burst of power to strengthen up your next attack counter though is more skillful rather than a retaliation after an attack you use the attack that was sent your way against its own user think of a kung fu or judo master you go in to punch them and instead they counter by grabbing your arm and flipping you around to half a dozen times using the momentum of your own attack against you and as such if your Pokemon using counter doesn't get attacked by a physical attack well it has nothing to counter so it doesn't do anything detect is also a masterful move the Pokemon pays very close attention to its opponent and detects any attacks that turn and can thus perfectly avoid the attack as a master should quick guard is also masterful think of those action movie scenes where a fighter in training tries to catch his master off guard with a quick jab and the master blocks it perfectly the idea here is that the user will protect itself and its teammates from priority attacks meaning the extra quick ones like quick attack mach punch it can do this because of its reaction time blocking quick but weak attacks but if it's attacked by a particularly strong attack it can't do much like using your hands to try and block a Buster Sword matte block is learned only by throw and greninja and has similar functions the user brings up at the Tommy mat which are frequently used as floorboards in dojos places of training in Japan in raising it up it now has something to hide behind thus protecting it from damage dealing attacks bulk up is an easy one the user bolts itself up to raise its attack and defense at the same time bulking up is a term commonly used by workout guys they are accumulating mass bulking up to get to bigger muscles and lastly all-out pummeling is the fighting type Z move wherein the user absorbs all that Z energy to form an energy orb again inspired from Chi and shapes and slams it into the opponent's either up close or from afar depending on the move the Z power strengthened this then of course induces pain oh well then fighting-type moves turned out to be way more interesting than steel which was surprising to me because like it's fighting that's what all Pokemon do anywho I hope you enjoyed this look into these moves I'll catch you on the next one and until next time detect that like button and give it a dynamic punch and please consider supporting this channel through patreon or our merch store and never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 541,103
Rating: 4.9103031 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon sword and shield, lucario, fighting type, fighting type pokemon, pokemon fighting type, meloetta, machamp, pokemon machamp, primeape, hitmonchan, pokemon moves, pokemon movesets, pokemon moves explained, fighting type pokemon moves, fighting type pokemon explained, pokemon z moves explained, z moves explained, pokemon fighting, fighting pokemon, top 10 fighting type, every fighting type pokemon, not fighting, not fighting pokemon, medicham, lopunny
Id: ajak0w96Y_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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