EVIL Pokemon Moves! Every Dark Type Move Explained! | Gnoggin

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have you ever gone down a dark alleyway at night and got shanked it hurts but why does it hurt alright that's dumb today we're talking about every single dark type move in Pokemon and explaining what it does why it does and how that doing fits the descriptor of dark time so what even is dark type well it's not literally darkness not the lack of light but it's also not what many people say it is either lots of people say it means evil in Japanese so it's evil type but that's also oversimplifying it Japanese is a very complex language I mean plop their name for the type into Google Translate and oh but this whole translation business is worthy of its own video so for now know that dark type isn't like the embodiment of all Eve you type for evil and kun it's destroyer of worlds type it's more like rude mean underhanded etc which is a good descriptor of most of these moves they are pretty dark but I'd like to put an emphasis on most their most fit dark well but then a few yeah I guess it works but then the last few no it would be much better not dark type and those are our three categories in that order so let's begin we are running a sale on our key chain then stickers right now also this ultra soft Nagin shirt and once they're gone they're gone for good get them while they last at Nagin dotnet the move assurance works well the user attacks the target and if the target has already taken damage that turn then the power of the move doubles the game just shows it as some hands slapping but the manga and anime sort of clarify that it's just a generic sort of attack paneer doesn't slap it just slices and stabs the moves Japanese name translates to make sure which I think explains them imagine for instance a mob boss with a group of goons hey when you've done with them big it can also be explained as just a generic attack but if the enemy was recently damaged then you make sure that damage is deep by striking the same spot again immediately very dark and then the move beat up is underhanded cheating and its finest when used all of the conscious pokemons in your party come out of their pokéballs to attack the target like how is this allowed well it probably isn't because it's never been done in the anime and the one time it was used in the Pokemon adventures manga it's done by silver you know the bad guy Giovanni's son but clearly the move is dark it's again like a group of Yakuza goons kidnapping someone and beating them up in an alleyway one keeps you held down and the others just take turns punching you so those two moves are extremely obviously dark type perfectly fitting of the definition but now bite is an interesting one most animals do bite attacks as their main attacks because teeth are hard and sharp it isn't inherently evil it's just their only means of self-preservation be it defense or against their prey that they must eat to live and because of that at first glance I'd argue that bite should probably not be darks hype but now consider that Pokemon tends to be a lot more human espagnole animals bite is more so dark because when biting comes to human combat in traditional fighting biting is seen as a jerky thing to do you're wrestling your boxing or street fighting or something it's a show of power and skill biting takes no skill it's very animal s so biting your way out of a grappling match is considered rude it's just very pain it can draw blood and it causes the receiver to flinch you just bit them hence the similar function in Pokemon and the move crunch is basically an upgraded Bunch it's more powerful but instead of causing flinching it lowers the opponent's defense compared to the bite animation in the games crunch often has extra bits flying everywhere which could be symbolic of crushing away bone or bits of defensive shell bones and hard plates like that would normally go crunch when a predator bites down hard after all and suddenly being crunched in that way what for sure lower your defense of some kind and then there's jaw lock the signature move of dread nah this move prevents the user and the target from switching out until either of them faints so it's a big crunch and it does not let go dark and pretty accurate to real alligator snapping turtles they have powerful jaws near impossible to force open and usually they won't let go of whatever they've grabbed until it's dead dark pulse now gives us our first special attack of the video and with that we need to briefly go over dark aura as it plays a big part in what makes dark type attacks dark the in-game description of this move reads as follows the user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts this may also make the target flinch all right so what does that mean so with Dragon and fairy we were able to explain their magical properties as just that magical dragon type is explained as a sorcery type or as faerie is light or nature magic so I guess in this case then dark is like a subset of Dragon it's dark or black magic not as raw as source degree but still dark or black all the same magic with the sole purpose of scaring or harming others often with selfish gain as a bonus it uses the power of darkness or say black mana like in magic gathering so in this case the black dark infinity energy hmm but we can see this aura depicted in some other attacks like the previously mentioned assurance it's not just a generic normal slab or to those slaps are charged with dark aura you can see it in the colours in its depiction it's the same way that dragon moves differentiate themselves from generic claw and tail swipes and even generic fire breath it's dragon II because it's the colour of dragon magic of sorcery and so dark pulse as the user gather up their sick and twisted thoughts and manifests them in a magical form that pulses out from it and damages everyone around it lovely dark volleyed is also powered by dark energy and it's the signature move of darker I fun facts the name darker eye comes from the word dark and the Japanese word for dark so I call him dark dark sometimes dark dork with this move dark dork drags its foes yes plural into a world of total darkness causing them to fall asleep and have terrible nightmares and that's the power of dark aura the move nights days or night bursts was the signature move of zoroark until they gave it to Luna la also the user lets loose a pitch-black shockwave at its target which may lower their accuracy because you got darkness in your eyes it's a lot harder to see when there's the manifestation of darkness in your eyes and your life sucks just a bit more now due to all the darkness in your eyes but ok what is this darkness because it's not squid ink it's just darkness clouds I guess it's more dark aura magic the power of the night which is inherently dark or evil because most bad deeds are done in the dark it's harder to get caught also throughout cultures around the world the moon and night sky is often a symbol of evil things wicked spirits ghosts the supernatural scary stuff dark alright I think the in-game description for the move nastyplot is my favorite the user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts I love the little animation - it's so good and clearly dark type dark types tend to be all about those bad thoughts it's how they're immune to psychic attacks their brains our minds are so twisted with negativity and bad that psychic attacks don't work on them because they have totally different brains from the mons of all the other types and clearly because those special dark attacks utilize negative thoughts being put into dark aura clearly thinking up a bunch of them all at once it's gonna raise your special attack the move fake tears has the user pretend to cry which lowers the opponent's special defense again special defenses like a focus or mental defense so your opponent suddenly breaking down into tears would be a bit odd pudding are you really gonna beat up such a sad wimpy thing maybe you should hold back a bit but the thing is the user was only pretending it is a ruse a trick a lie a bamboozle in such trickery is certainly fitting of the dark type lying your way to advantages it's just like the move false surrender the signature move of more grim and grim snarl they pretend to surrender and bow their head in submission only for them to trick you they stab you with the hair that they can magically control this signature move fits with their fairytale inspirations perfectly by the way we did a whole video about that up here check it out later faint attack is also essentially the same deal the user approaches the target disarmingly then throws a sucker punch it hits without fail and then sucker punch is also just the same kind of move too same idea it's a surprise unexpected attack somewhere weak but this move only works if the opponent was preparing an attack - the idea is that while attacking the Darkman hits a weak spot on the attacker instead of trying to avoid or block the attack this tends to be an unexpected move in real fights and both Sucker Punch and feint attack are basically that trope of the school bully saying they aren't gonna beat you up because we're friends right they say as they approach and friendly put their hand on your shoulder you let down your guard because you guess you're not gonna have to fight this guy and then right when you relaxed he punches you're right in the gut very dark there is zero honor in such trickery and to the move payback is also textbook bully if the user can use this attack after the foa tacks its power is doubled it's like oh you want to stand up for yourself and fight back the bully so you hit him and then he's just like oh he punches you right in the gut even harder and bullies delinquents goons mob boss people thieves they're all dark type lash out was added most recently in the aisle of armor DLC and it has the user simply lash out it's frustration at the target if any of its stats were lowered that turn the power of this move doubles this move works really well just think of the big strong but dumb goon trope getting really frustrated during a fight with a small hero that's slowly slowly whittling them down with chip damage it's frustrating and the ante digression makes them attack harder more damaged wicked blow is the dark type signature move of ur Shifu having mastered the dark style it becomes one punch man and deals a single devastating punch it's always lanes a critical hit and it's essentially just that one big mean punch charged with dark aura very straightforward the guaranteed crit gets the idea across that it is always striking a weak point which is mean and G max one blow is the same but bigger you can even break through protects and fiery wrath is the last new move but we don't know much about it as of right now it is the signature move of gallery' and Moltres and it summons a pillar of dark aura which damages the opponent and can cause flinching it likely does this in a similar fashion to dark pulse but because it's from a bird so evil that it exudes dark aura and all times uh yeah it's it's it's you it's how our arch it's very arch now then the move bladder is used to confuse the target and raise their special attack so that if they hurt themselves in their confusion it hurts even more it's all very manipulative and wily there's gotta be a choke for this scheming low-key esque tricksters using words and plots instead of strength to win battles I feel like that's a big part of dark type moves with this one in the middle of battle you just graciously flatter your opponent they weren't expecting them so they get a little bit confused or perhaps confusion is just the closest thing to what would actually happen and so your game mechanics that's why they do that because what what actually happened is it gets overconfident in its ability you just flattered it it gets more amped hence the raising of the special attack and it's over confidence leads to it missing more often maybe even hurting itself similar to confusion but not literally maybe his game mechanics the move taunt follows a similar idea the user taunts the opponent into only using it a sort of you can't get me think which obviously makes the other one mad and now it really wants to get them it's all more tricky manipulation stuff and there's another one torment the user torments the foe making them unable to use the same attack more than once in a row I'm not sure how tormenting someone would do that but it is fitting of the dark type torment is defined as severe physical or mental suffering so the user is making fun of its opponent bringing back their bad memories causing them to have a bit of a mental breakdown so they can't do the same thing repeatedly anymore Japanese name each Aman translates to falsely accuse or to find a fault to pick a fight which i think helps a lot in understanding the intentions here it's like accusing the other Pokemon of not having any skill huh you're relying solely on only one move o lame your training must be bad because your trainer is bad the trainer only has you use one move and it hurts feelings and words uh so now it just has to use different moves just to prove it wrong sticks and stones can break your bones and dark-type words sure hurt me and these last few moves are all in a similar vein to party shot which was the signature move of pangoro until the very next gen which is amazing we'll get to why in a moment so a parting shot is a threat insult condemnation sarcastic retort or the like buttered upon leaving so it's like saying by the way your cooking sucks as you're walking out the door it hurts the feelings of the people you told it to so in the case of the Pokemon move it lowers their attack and special attack and then the user retreats but get this another great example is like you're already dead or some other sort of finishing blow retort you say right before your combat ends because you did a bunch of punchy and stuff and the reason it's so perfect here is because pangoro is a walking jojo reference he does things like that constantly plus sees the delinquent stereotype perfectly fitting of a dark-type bond to be based on him into the animation for this move it's anime hijinks it's like a manga speech bubble and the pose is in the book it's all over the top I love it I love it some much it's very dark type because it's mean Snorri could be seen as just that the user snarls showing its teeth looking aggressive growling all to intimidate the enemy hence the move luring the opponents Special Attack doing all this is mean it's scary so dark but interestingly the Japanese name of the move is bark out and it's in-game description says the user yells as if it's ranting about something making the target special attacks that decrease well that's not a snarl at all but either way yelling and ranting to harm the focus of the special attack of the opponent yeah it works it's dark just not as obviously powertrip was the signature move of krookodile until generation 8 and this move would have it boast about its strength before attacking the more the users stats are raised the greater the moves power basically as the stats of the user are going higher and higher it's getting more and more full of itself and how much better it is than you it's very prideful and pride is a deadly sin so dark type plus going on a big power trip is a very common trait for villains and antagonists and then the move punishment goes and does sort of the opposite thing the more the target has powered up with stat changes the greater the moves power it's also an antagonist trait oh you think you're better than me you think you're stronger than me I'll prove you wrong the move embargo or C's in Japanese has the victims held items suddenly become useless and the trainer can no longer use items on it either all right that's useful but how in the older games that's shown is putting a dark force field around the Pokemon so okay the trainer can't access it anymore gotcha but the more recent games show it as magic chains and battle revolution shows the items themselves getting a shield around them which makes more sense I guess what a country puts an embargo on something or someone they are no longer able to trade with that someone or trade that thing for example the United States embargo to Cuba for a number of years Cuba could barely exports anything food medicine and humanitarian supplies were the only things they could get so the name embargo works well the victim can no longer get help from the side as in the trainer and it has some issues with its own supplies to unable to export them so I guess it works just through dark magic that has to be it I mean it is a pretty rude thing to do so dark type is fitting the move fling is much simpler the user throws its held item at their opponent and the power and effects of the move depend on what that item is is it a berry it's weak getting hit by berries doesn't really hurt you monster hahaha what is that item an iron ball expect massive damage is it a flame orb expect to burn etc but now the only way I can see this as being a dark type move is that it goes against conventional pokémon battling pokémon are allowed to inter battle with a held item for them to use and this dark man just threw it to surprise and hurt its opponent it's not literal cheating because I mean it's allowed but it's close plus I guess the item is charged with a dark aura the smack effect that it shows is the right color after all knockoff is also an item based move the user basically slaps or rips the item from their opponents grasp so that it can't be used it's just rude you ever just walk up to some lady you don't know and slap that doughnut out of her hand yeah that was very rude a very dark thing to do no one benefits from this it's not like you stole it it's just on the floor ruined at least if you stole it you could eat it and that's the move thief it's dark ax type too and I mean if you don't think thieves are automatically dark type well then you're automatically dark type in town aren't you basically everybody agrees that thievery is wrong and with this move your Pokemon acts like a thief and steals its opponent's hild item so now it's it's own held item which is similar to switcheroo where you trade hild items but by force obviously so you give your held item to the opponent while taking theirs and this move can lead into so many hilarious shenanigans it's very tricky very sneaky thus dark pursuit is kind of cheating too it's just a generic dark type attack normally but the power of this attack is doubled if it's used on the target that is switching out of battle so like what a pokemon returns to its poke of all it has to stand there standing still typically oh that sounds like an easy target which is rude these are unspoken rules for battle like they aren't actually rules but like come on you're still mean you're so rude just want to win you don't even think you can to win oh there's no honor so it's dark-type throat chopped or in Japanese hell thrust is the signature move oven sinner or until they gave it to a Paris CUDA the user attacks the targets throat and the resultant suffering prevents the target from using moves that emits sound for two turns the throat is a very weak spot and being punched in it is akin to being kicked in the groin it's a big weak point there's no honor in attacking there it's rude so dark type works and being hit hard enough to damage the windpipe temporarily forced or make sound based moves no longer doable darkest lariat is in sinner roars other signature move until the next games anyway the user swings both arms and hits the target it's silly but the move ignores stat changes so that's good good as in rude cheating McGee so dark plus look at the dark aura yeah memento has the user caused itself to faint but it lowers a lot of the opponent's abilities while doing so a memento is something that serves to warn or remind sort of like a souvenir but also for people and sometimes dark like if someone stabs you specifically to leave a scar so that you'll always remember them that's a memento it also plays a bit into thee I'll take you down with me thing where villains usually but not always have accepted that they have lost but wants to lose while destroying the hero at the same time a final act of dark revenge stuff like that night slash has the user wait for an opportune moment to strike and when they do what they do so with a slash doesn't inherently seem dark type until you look at its Japanese name crossroad killing that name refers to the seriously legitimately evil deeds done by some samurai in feudal Japan when they bought a new sword or had their current sword repaired they would stake out by a crossroad at night and once any lower-class commoner happens to come by well they would kill them just straight up they don't know him they probably cut out of big family big happy family now and for what so you to test your sword yeah but remember samurai are super honorable warriors and should be revered by the West it weebs too many weaves see Japan has a non-political paradise but like no any country or heck if there's any group bigger than six people that has done no wrong because they haven't existed long enough dark hyperspace fury is the signature move of Hoopa unbound and with it it does its portal making thing all around of its opponents and sends a flurry of punches no regular Pokemon is going to have had any sort of training that helps them deal with a demigod Pokemon power like this with regular battling you tends to have an idea of where the attacks are coming from you know the elder Pokemon but when you're surrounded by portals that you can't really see into you have no idea it's like a group of people all ganging up on one guy even though you're just fighting a single multi-armed space-time rupturing deity genie demon thing it's dark time it's rude black hole Eclipse is the generic dark type Z move and it goes against the idea that dark doesn't mean literal dark because black holes are literal darkness but I suppose clearly this is not actually a black hole because only the enemy gets sucked in but whatever it is for sure that dark aura stuff I was talking about earlier though but supercharged with Z energy it inflicts dark magic pain everywhere where they are enveloped in it so clearly it hurts GMAX snooze is the signature move of Giganta next grim snore with it it not only releases a load of dark horeb magic power stuff but it also yawns greatly putting its opponents to sleep this like it's regular signature move plays a lot into its origins it's basically a NMAC McNutt a giant bay goblin who could make entire towns fall asleep so that it could do its dark deeds and max darkness is just the same but without the sleep effect it's just the generic dark type Dynomax moon just a bunch of exploding dark aura what sort of nasty thoughts through Dynomax pokemon have and with that those were all of the obviously dark type moves moves that fit the bill just about perfectly so now new category the yes category moves but do have reasons for being dark type I just don't think they are at the best or the most obvious like brutal swing the user just swings its body really hard damaging everyone around it so it's not a skill base to swing so not fighting type but still why not normal type well the best I could come up with is the idea that it just does not care about its surroundings he damages any of its friends with this move - it's pretty dark just not super dark foul play causes the opponent's power to be used against them the animation in the game is a bit not obvious but that's definitely dark aura in the newer games the anime showed this one well when attacks ek grabs the dinner and uses its own momentum against it that seems more like a skillful kung-fu kind of thing it would probably work better as a fighting-type move in this case but the generic description ended being charged with dark aura says otherwise in certain situations it for sure could count as a dirty tactic like hiding a big rock behind you so when the opponent punches you dodge it in them they punched the rock that's foul play that's rude you would never pass in real sports so dark type I guess I'm not super confident in this one which is why it's in this category obstructs is the signature move of obstacle it's functions are similar to protect it prevents any damage to it but if the attack done against it is physical then the attackers defense stats drops so obstacle is a rock-and-roll no stereotypically speaking especially from the perspective of proper boomers and such for lack of a better word rock-and-rollers and punks are just that punks they obstructed the streets with their protests they obstruct justice with the riots and so on it's just a very rude thing to do of course why they do it should always be taken into context but that barely matters to many higher-ups in society and so they just blink it see all of them as bad people and thus dark but this is the reason I have it in the I guess category like skillfully protecting yourself from an attack that's dark what how does it lower the attackers defense do you fight back is it because in the case of actual obstruction and protests II stuff like there's a line of police and some of them are now distracted with the obstructionist protesters just sitting there so technically now the whole line of police is weaker how does that translate to a one-on-one pokémon battle ultimately I think it's just dark because it's the signature move of a dark-type pokémon which is reason enough so I guess topsy-turvy is the signature move of inkay and malamar until they gave it to grapple locked eventually it reverses the status changes the target has had so like if their attack was raced twice but their speed was lowered one now their speed is up one and their attack is lower twice it's just hilariously rude it means all of the buffing they spend time doing is not only useless to them now but it is actively hindering them it's rude it's mean so dark-type but how the heck do you do that with dark thoughts alone like oh I'm thinking bad things now your stats are reversed what the whole concept and even the animation seem to fit ghosts or better yet psychic much better it's like hypnotizing or mind controlling someone into thinking that their stats are the opposite of what they really are and psychic would have worked well too because malamar it's dark psychic-type pokémon but I guess since it was its signature move at first it can be explained as a psychic attack but one that is charged with dark aura because it is a super dark pokemon thus it's dark type so okay fine I guess malicious moonsault is the signature Z move uh Vincent award and also it's the final smash that it uses in Smash Bros it strengthens its body with Z power and crashes into its opponent Bowl on heel wrestler style thus dark-type in sinner or is full on a heel wrestler those sports entertainment wrestlers who play characters that are to be seen as the villains the stark type and this attack is fiery and has a bunch of fire and ends in a big fiery explosion it's dark type and like in cinema with regular body slam moves aren't dark type because it is a dark type being so why would this body slam be just I guess it's just because it's charged with this dark type Z energy but because it's a fiery Mon there's fire everywhere - but the fire doesn't affect anything it's so it's dark you know it has its reasons to be dark type but it also has reasons against it so here it is in the middle ground category and plus I guess it's not as bad as these last few the move snatch has the users steal the effect of the move that the foe uses next what that means is okay it's a little confusing here's the scenario Sneasel versus muck Sneasel uses snatch so it waits for the effect of the mucks move which is acid armor so muck does acid armor and it melts away it's stuff to raise its defense Sneasel comes over and it steals that acid armor and so now the Sneasel gets the defense buff instead but that makes no sense the Sneasel would just melt Oh Sneasel versus Beedrill Beedrill uses double team to make clones of itself to raise its invasiveness oh the Sneasel though used snatch so it just steals the Beedrill clone now there's a second it's just it's Beedrill versus a Sneasel and an illusionary Beedrill Beedrill still does its worse evasion it doesn't know which ones which the move has never shown in the anime because it makes no sense but the one time the manga shows it there's a Gyarados it uses rest rest it's a sleep to heal and ban it just steals the healing from it what like how do you steal a bird landing like roost you know the bird lands for a turn to heal how do you steal that some moves that makes sense no stuffed cheek the move the greeting uses to boost some stats you look at reach in and grab the nut steal it eat it there you go - Tommy Matt it's called something else in English I only know the Japanese name cuz I'm a wee bit but tatami mat yes it raises in its their Sneasel steals that it makes sense for some he does not make suits for others how do you steal agility arcanine is like Oh use agility I'm faster now and then sneazles like actually no I'm faster now it alright we have to move on it's very very much a dark type thing but it is not no it is not there you go I feel like it would be better ghost type actually because at least then there's some level of like supernatural stuff going on there like the bayonet using it against the Gyarados it's a ghost it can reach in and pull the healing from Gyarados is very soul reach in and pull the numbers from the code that says there's a stat buff I don't know it should be ghost type there yeah it's a very mean thing to do but ghoster mean also so it's a should be ghost type and that's why it's in the not category hone Clause has the user sharpen their claws to increase its accuracy and attack I guess that's dark you see in cartoons and movies all the time when the camera is like panning over the pirate or bandit camp there's always some guy sharpening a sword but like everyone needs to sharpen their weapons to keep them operational even the just heroes heck not sharpening your chef's knife is an even darker type thing to do so I don't get it animals of all kinds need to hone their claws to survive there's nothing dark about that at all so for sure this move would be better off not dark type just make it normal or fighting instead quash or postpone in Japanese causes the opponent's attack to go last ah it's only really useful thing double or more battles and it says that this is done by suppressing them so it's like suppressive fire when in a modern combat situation suppressive fire is when you shoot at nearby walls or the space nearby where an enemy is hiding behind cover not to hurt them specifically but to keep them from leaving the cover as them leaving cover would mean getting shot it's a very common thing in tactical RPGs like XCOM but I wouldn't say that's dark it's a very valid strategy 8 hey keep this guy from helping his buddies kind of deal which I guess is a bit rude maybe enough that it's passable for dark type perhaps it's just a strategy it's just a normal thing you're sitting on the other Pokemon you're distracting them or something you're keeping them from using their move until everybody else has done their move first it's just a sort of normal thing to do should be normal time and lastly very bad you're totes adorbs partner Eevee pretends to be bad and attacks the opponent with a magical pillow of doc Oh wah it also acts as the shield of light to protect Eevee because it's unfair that's entirely the reason partner idea is there because it's unfair partner Eevee is cheating it's dark there well I guess since its using literal dark aura again it's it's an all right type for the move but if you ask me this move should just not exist but what do you think any details to add what's your favorite Pokemon let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 612,506
Rating: 4.945559 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, dark type pokemon, urshifu, galarian moltres, wicked blow, dark type moves, dark type pokemon moves, best dark type pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, Incineroar, greninja, dark pokemon, dark type pokemon evil, evil pokemon, pokemon are evil, dark type, what is dark type, pokemon explained, pokemon moves explained, pokemon abilities explained, fiery wrath, crown tundra, top 10 dark pokemon, dark, pokemon anime, zarude, zarude movie, pokemon attacks
Id: qiaK-O5uido
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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