Every NORMAL Type Pokemon MOVE Explained! | Gnoggin | Part 1

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sandy-T-Poro 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Wild-Starfish 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
normal moves like walking and uh breathe at them give them an old punch wait no well i guess but not a trained punch oh jump on them you know you know typical attacks that animals do like scratch and bite wait no okay the way typical lawful good animals fight like with tackles animals do that right today we're going to go over and explain every normal type move in pokemon and considering just how magical the pokemon world is there can't be that many normal moves right oh there are a lot of normal type moves and normal moves aren't even moves are they or are they like the most moviest moves of all the moves like what even is normal well it's an adjective technically meaning conforming to a standard usual typical or expected common not a surprise generic stuff so normal seems to be just what we think normal is but when we're talking about the pokemon world inhabited by these crazy insane pokemon creatures with redonk powers breathing fire is perfectly normal for them but we could talk forever about these strange definitions and how infinity energy manifests itself as plane but that's not this video at the end of the day miltank is just a cow humans use for milk it's on every continent in the pokemon world as of this video and it's not really anything special so it's normal and it's really good at doing normal things like normal moves because it's normal one other thing that makes normal moves special or rather not is that just about every pokemon can learn some normal type moves they can recreate the actions that lead to the moves because it's a normal everyday thing to do like think belly drum yeah they probably all have a belly and some way of drumming on it so that's sort of normal right however the special effects specifically might be unnatural and take some level of know-how to do properly you gotta be especially good at drumming your belly to get the magical effects of it hence why not every pokemon can learn it so now let's get to the moves but before i start explaining them specifically i wanna let you know you should probably go get yourself a nice snack if you're planning on binging this and part two and maybe even part three who knows where we're gonna go because there's almost 200 of these stupid moves 197 to be exact and uh well here i go in no particular order but completely organized decently enough we start with tackle a physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the targets with its whole body it's like mega normie like just ramming into stuff i'm sure you do it accidentally all the time it hurts and typically it hurts both parties but if you are the tackler actively doing it you are probably braced for it so it shouldn't hurt you too much or at all if you know what you're doing but even then if you really want to do some damage do a take down a reckless full-body charge attack where you slam into the target it's a much harder tackle so it does hurt both pokemon and then there's double edge and no they don't just magically have a sword the move goes like this a reckless life-risking tackle this also damages the user quite a lot it's named after the saying it's a double-edged sword meaning something has its positives but it also has just as many negatives but i think the original japanese name gets this move across better it translates to life risking tackle whoa the mon throws 100 of its effort into this move and throws caution to the wind you need to tackle this thing like your life depends on it then with giga impact the user charges at the targets using every bit of its power the user can't move on its next turn we see this a lot in normal moves just all-out assaults of unrestrained power it isn't classy or fancy it's just pure energy and this is just like another big tackle but it has an explosion at least they use so much infinity energy to impact the opponents and it takes such a toll that they have to rest and that's coming from pokemon that can cause earthquakes every turn think of the energy that's in giga impact then if they have to rest now breakneck blitz oh we're talking about z moves already well yeah i mean with this move the user builds up its momentum using z power and crashes into the target at full speed it's just the big go fast it's basically just a mega tackle a tackle on steroids only if it used z power instead of drugs now a body slam that's just a tackle from above isn't it the user drops onto the target with its full body weight this may also leave the target with paralysis did you know that pokemon is actually fully supported by the wwe not the wwf though they got issues but this move just dropping your weight on a creature no matter your size is gonna do something right well maybe not if you're tiny like flabebe or cutie fly but typically using gravity to do your work for you is pretty helpful especially if you're heavy like a lot of the normal types are because being large isn't like special like good job you're big how normal but what are special are signature moves even the normal type ones and pulverizing pancake is the signature z move of snorlax z power brings out the true capabilities of the user snorlax and it moves its enormous body energetically and attacks the target with full force it's just a really big body slam but even slammier flat as a pancake fun fact pancakes are in fact more round than kansas it really is a dust bowl like actually pancakes and while we're talking about snorlax gmax replenish is the move gigantomax snorlax uses this move on top of dealing damage restores berries that have been eaten already man this guy just eats but so does everything honestly you kinda need to to live it's very normal however this move restores berries that have benitin because this snorlax has a berry tree growing on it and everything so when new berry just falls basically this move is giga recycle you see with the move recycle the user recycles a hailed item that has been used in battle already so it can be used again basic knowledge of any item will produce the added benefit of being able to use it multiple times if proper precautions are met i read that on a shampoo bottle once when i forgot my phone and honestly this is one of those moves that i could do a whole video on so i guess i'll save all the details for that but we gotta move on what are some of the other food related moves i mean eating is like the normalest thing there is you gotta do it to like live eating is just breathing but with solids does that mean we digest air with the move stuff cheeks the user eats its hellberry then sharply raises its defense stat see eating is a primal and basic thing only beating out reproduction barely also eating is typically related to healing in most video games because that's literally how it works only a lot a lot slower in real life but in a way you could also say that eating is what creates buffs in this case defense what do you think calluses and hard shells are made out of yeah food and not being hungry will usually mean you have better everything defense included the move soft boiled has the same idea the user restores its own hp by up to half of its max hp it just eats a soft boiled egg to heal whoa it's called egglay in japanese though it's chansey's move it lays an egg and eats it to heal but like it had to make that egg with the nutrients it already ate and now it's making another egg with the nutrients it just ate which came from the egg is it a never-ending cycle of egg it's like drinking your own pee and what rhymes with p t with the move tea time the user has tea time with all of the pokemon in battle each pokemon eats its hellberry it's a very british move and the signature move of poltigeist and it's rude to not invite the whole gang to ever spot a tea now in it it's tea time everybody have a snack and you know what goes with tea milk with milk drink the user restores its own hp by up to half of its max hp milk it does a body good but does it milk was marketed so hard in the 90s that i'm sure big milk paid for this move to be added along with miltank and while their claims may be overstated to heck milk is full of calories fat protein and sugar so i guess if food and berries heal why wouldn't milk the idea of reaching down and sucking your own udder is a bit odd at first though but cows and goats will actually do that sometimes if there's something wrong down there with stockpile the user charges up power and raises both its defense and special defense stats the move can be used three times creating an energy reserve in the form of a fat stockpile is incredibly common fattening up for winter is quite the survival technique and having more fat does mean there is more padding on your body so you're more defensive i guess it only works to a point though before it's doing more harm than good which i guess is why you can only do it three times but really though while that may have been the inspiration for the move the move itself is stockpiling energy in a more magical sense but just look at the pokemon who can learn the move most of them are the species who do just that they stockpile fat reserves and food all at once and once they've stockpiled a bit they have options if they use the move spit up the power stored using the move stockpile is released at once in an attack the more power stored the greater the move's power basically it's throwing up but magically magical vomit or they can use swallow the power stored using the move stockpile is absorbed by the user to heal its hp storing more power heals more hp much like the other food healing moves it consumes the energy just one big gulp another healing move is slack off the user slacks off restoring its own hp by up to half of its max hp basically it's just taking a break so it can rest taking breaks from work or school is amazing for both mental and physical health productivity too so this move is basically that idea but magical it's taking a break which really should be a normal thing to do nothing at all to be ashamed of we all need breaks and if i keep telling myself that i'll actually take a break next year now could a move be more generic sounding than strength outside of battle this is what strong pokemon use to push heavy things around being strong isn't really typed so normal makes sense but inside of battles the move is described as the target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power but if it's a punch then why isn't it fighting type well the simple answer is that technically everything with an arm can punch it's very normal very standard but the fighting type punches are much more well trained punches anyone can be strong but only a truly honed and trained body can recreate fighting type key energy or whatever so with strength this isn't some ultra skilled or energy-filled punch it's just like a punch with muscles sorta like comet punch the target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row odd isn't it the name of the move makes it sound like some huge powerful explosion of rock careening into the planet with the force of a thousand jewels but it's just a normal type a couple of punches just two to five punches wow maybe it should be named meteor shower strike or something oh wait i'm sorry in japanese the move is called consecutive punches it's like one punch man's mega super move just multiple regular punches in a row okay well i think we can put this move to rest then they just named it something cool to be stupid chip away is also a sort of punch looking for an opening the user strikes consistently the target stat changes don't affect this attack's damage because nothing says average and normal like throwing yourself against a wall until you take it down the persistence of the average joe the true normal little by little is the move's name in japanese and it's perfect since it's simply doing small yet repeated damage to the enemy chipping away at any stat boosts they got it's sort of like a barrage where objects are hurled at the target to strike two to five times in a row the pokemon just throws things things that it has things that it finds on the battlefield but they aren't rocks because that would be rock throw which is rock type but being hit by thrown objects does tend to hurt and since we're talking about generic objects here we also gotta be talking generic types slam is also generic sounding and for good reason here's its description the target is slammed with a long tail vines or the like to inflict damage like it's just a slam it's body slam but with something other than your whole body thing hits other thing it's normal just like pound the target is physically pounded with a long tail foreleg or the like or the like you say really give them a good pounding deal some damage but do it generically or at least more generically than tail slap where the user hits the target two to five times in a row it's like a tackle or a pound or a slam but with a hard tail oh snap it's double slap the target is slapped repeatedly back and forth two to five times in a row but if it's a double slap how can it hit five times well because it hits five times twice it's double you see prepare to get slapped twice a couple of times but if that math is too hard for you just stick with double hit where the user slams the target with a long tail vines or a tentacle twice in a row always twice just bam bam a one-two punch but with zero training so it's generic and normal just like stomp you get stomped on it can cause flinching because a good stomp leaves a good bit of lingering pain because it's just like ah you just got pinched but between a foot and the ground have you ever been stepped on by a horse it is the worst and you know what else is a big pinch being grabbed i guess with the move bind things such as long bodies vines or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the target for four to five turns so again it is normal type first because it is generic it could be wet watery tentacles or grassy vines or just a normal body all of these things can bind so to make the move work for all of them it's normal type also holding someone down takes strength and being strong isn't anything crazy it's normal for pokemon heck i mean a snake wrapping around its prey ooh how mundane another move that's very similar is rap where a long body vines or the like are used to wrap and squeeze the target for four to five turns and the move constrict the target is attacked with long creeping tentacles vines or the like this may also lower the target's speed stat however this is much less of a multi-turn move now i would argue that they got them wrong in terms of naming constriction sounds like it should be the damaging and long lasting turn whereas rap or bind should just lower speed but that's just the naming ideas i have in my head i guess these moves are for creatures that have vines tentacles snakes and heck anything long and movable even a tail might work therefore it's just normal typing another grabby move is crush grip or grip crush if you're japanese this move is where the target is crushed with great force the more hp the target has left the greater the move's power another simple move a lot of these in normal types spoilers yet the move's secondary effect is interesting referring to how once you crush something subsequent crushings produce less damage think of an orange if you crush it a lot of juice comes out and you damage the rhine but every time you crush it again the amount of damage is reduced less juice comes out the ryan is already cracked so it doesn't really rip much more compressing damage is very non-linear i'm saying it's an asymptote until it hits a theoretical death point that is already in place as hp but it's harder and harder to get to that point as you crush with vice grip the target is gripped and squeezed from both sides to inflict damage yeah same stuff here with the crushing and the gripping like a vice which is used to hold things tightly and squeeze stuff yeah same deal ring out has the user powerfully ring the target the more hp the target has the greater removes power it's the same idea as crush grip except instead of crushing it's more like twisting until all of the fluids drip out like how you ring out a towel honestly this one's a lot more gruesome with crushclaw the user slashes the targets with hard and sharp claws this may also lower the target's defense stat a pretty straightforward thing to do if you have claws you can crush people with them huh based on the name i'd assume it's like a crab claw which crushes but no look at the mod that can learn the move this is just regular claws i guess the lowering of defense is related to that key word though crush bludgeoning weapons work wonders when it comes to getting through and damaging armor whereas sharp weapons really don't so i guess they're swiping with the back of their claw the thicker harder blunt part of it now scratch there's a move that uses claws proper this is the move of every cat in existence hard pointed sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage it hurts because you get cut and anything with a sharp bit can scratch it's very normal then slash is basically scratch but better the target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades critical hits land more easily a basic move like scratch and the like typically slashing weapons and games give crit chance because well cutting an artery is way more damage than a typical cut so if you just happen to hit in the right place critical hit then with cut the target is cut with a scythe or claw i'm really surprised there's not a move that's just called punch or hit really then again tackle exists but yeah it's basically the same too but this one can be used outside of battle you can use it to cut down baby trees like what's up with lieutenant surge's entryway just why with sharpen the user makes its edges more jagged which raises its attack stat making your weapons sharper seems like a normal act cats regularly sharpen their claws on trees scratching posts furniture hopes and dreams because the repeated friction hones the edge to a refined point makes the attack better then fury swipes the target is raked with sharp claws or sides quickly two to five times in a row like when a cat goes nuts on a dog that just wants to sniff it personal space then false swipe not to be confused with fury swipes it is a restrained attack that prevents the target from failing the target is left with at least one hp and with a japanese name of two strike with the back of the sword i'm not kidding that's its name it's sort of an easy no-brainer it holds back leaving the target alive so like another cat thing it's playing with its food then fury attack the target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row it's just fury swipes but with not claws then spike cannon sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession they hit two to five times in a row it's the same but with spikes launching at the target like a porcupine launching its quills and then guillotine oh the stakes have been raised get them off the ceiling this is a vicious tearing attack with big pincers the target faints instantly if the attack hits well yeah that's how guillotines worked if they hit and they usually do you die now a move like this again it's generic it could be a crab claw making it watery like crab hammer it could be a bug claw so bug type it could even just be a sharp blade like with fracture or cortana so the move itself then is normal type to be fitting of all of them also how sick is this moves animation now growl the user growls in an endearing way making opposing pokemon less wary this lowers their attack stat oh wait hang on that's completely different from what i thought it was when i was a kid i thought growling was spooky and intimidating like a growling dog so it made the opponent unnerved and unable to attack with full strength because it's like kinda scared and when you're scared you do things fast and not the best you know like punching a spider that snuck up on you well it turns out that this oddity is because of the western localization team they decided to call it growl when in japanese it's actually cry like those are totally different yet both of them do make sense because there always has to be an explanation and young child me is really good at making things up i guess but why do tears make you less weary to attack well i guess that's because of your empathy typical social creatures see crying as a way to de-escalate aggression like it actually works in humans too tears contain chemicals that reduce testosterone levels typically in fact this is so true that we even have a second move for it tearful look the user gets teary-eyed to make the target lose its combative spirit it lowers the target's attack and special attack stats oh but still that has nothing on tail whip tail whip is the most confusing move in all of pokemon i swear i never understood it as a kid like how does whipping someone with a tail just lower their defense are you whipping them in the eyes to make them hold their eyes which means their defenses are lowered wouldn't that still hurt why doesn't being whipped hurt even just being cacked in the nads by my dog's tail that hurts and it's not a pokemon needless to say i never read the descriptions of the moves as a kid i just saw the name and effect but the japanese name gets it across better as it translates to tail wag that's what it's doing the user wags its tail cutely making pokemon less wary and lowering their defense stats it's very look at me i'm not a threat don't be defensive against me and then blam you're upside down in a suplex and speaking of with the move attracts if the user's opponent is the opposite sex the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack just like real life attraction it isn't special at all it's a very normal part of life as it typically leads to more life it's like the second most normal thing only beaten out by absorbing sustenance through eating and breathing so that's why it's normal type and it basically just goes by the logic of you don't really want to hurt your crush right maybe you should go easy on them it's the same logic for the move captivate if any opposing pokemon is the opposite sex of the user it is charmed which harshly lowers its special attack stat it's just attract with different effects and then finally there's g-max cuddle a normal type attack that gigantomax eevee uses on top of dealing the usual damage this move infatuates opponents basically it's a mega version of attract see it's so normal that there are three moves that talk about the primal need of love with covet the user endearingly approaches the target then steals the target's held item one of mankind's greatest downfalls is their inability to be truly good it is only normal for someone to covet another's goods or life i mean it's one of the ten commandments right that means it's a super normal thing to do so you gotta not do it but animals they do it all the time you see birds and squirrels stealing each other's things constantly so coveting held items i'd imagine is super common to wild pokemon seeing another pokemon holding a gift from its trainer friend they want that in fact pokemon wants to be captured and hang out with trainers even so they're quite covetous of your pokemon's life so they act all oo and approach you let your guard down because they're cute and just approaching all cutely and then oops they stole a thing follow me as sort of a woo the user draws attention to itself making all targets take aim only at the user look at me i am cute so cute and innocent that i make an easy target hit me i'm normal i just love getting hit that's normal right i'm not into anything weird in this universe it's totally expected to be into getting hit [Music] do it again with the move encore the user compels the target to keep using the move it just did for three turns please don't stop not exactly sure how this move works without some psychic shenanigans but i guess just through taunts or cries of encouragement they compel the other to show off that thing they just did again but a lot it's odd but i guess it isn't super out of the ordinary oh yeah oh please more then with endure the user endures any attack with at least one hp left over but please one more time i can take it it's a perfect move to use right before a great big attack or right before you use endeavour a tag team made in heaven really however it's not unnatural for a pokemon to endure an attack heck sometimes pokemon hang on just because they love the trainer so much but speaking of endeavor this attack cuts down the target's hp to equal the user's hp it's the most powerful move in existence i mean it's a no limit move no matter the health or the defenses of the opponent it's now the same as your rattata it's called daredevil in japanese as it seems to be based off of a pure dare however the english name endeavor is much less direct and endeavor is something you do to try and attempt to achieve something basically it's a very hard thing that you want to do so it's sort of a last ditch effort a last chance at lowering your opponent's health because yours is low you're about to get taken out of the picture so try and take them down with you there's something to endeavor too then with double team oh please yes the user makes illusionary copies of itself to raise its evasiveness ah yes it's clone jutsu but worse being based off of the after image trope in anime where someone is moving so fast that you see where they were but not where they actually are basically they are moving faster than light that's what that means and really you wouldn't be able to even exist next to something that is doing that think of the energy and shock waves emanating from the object moving around you pushing the air aside destroying your surroundings for miles but i suppose speed isn't inherently a type so it's normal now right that's enough with these two with baton pass the user switches place with a party pokemon in waiting and passes along any stat changes taking turns is normal okay we're taught about it as we tots plus really this is more of a trainer move wait that's a fun idea the trainer knows how to manipulate the ball to keep the status effects on their digital fighting monster basically training as a trainer would have you trained in how to execute what you've trained in so i guess it might be pretty typical for a trainer to be able to know how to do this and train their pokemon this move they are called trainers after all i guess only certain pokemon have the right properties for the trainer to be able to do this though but speaking of trainers um here's a secret for you from playing pokemon emerald all the way through moon i uh i always played as the girl trainer but because i i just thought they were cuter and more relatable um please keep this dark secret between us aha and now you're distracted thinking about my deepest secrets and that's the move confide the user tells the target a secret and the target loses its ability to concentrate this lowers the target's special attack stat look at that mom i'm a pokemon now using moves but if a normal human like myself could do that can't anything that talks use this move pokemon included with their own language i guess that's what makes this a more normal move instead of dark now facade this attack move doubles its power if the user is poisoned burned or paralyzed a facade is a fancy term for a mask or fake a long lie dramatic untruths and here we see that the pokemon seems to put on a facade that it is more hurt than it looks before unleashing a tackle and when it's aided by a status effect the facade looks all the more realistic so it catches the opponent even more off guard then fake out this attack hits first and makes the target flinch it only works on the first turn the user is in battle though it's different than sucker punch because it's actually a slap in japanese the move translates to slap hands in the anime it's seen as a huge clap at the beginning of a match typically with a big shock wave of energy it's based off of the nekodamashi which is a sumo technique where you clap loudly to cause your opponent to flinch or close their eyes to give you a head start and neko also being japanese for cats is why every cat pokemon can learn this move how fun now what is camouflage besides lying about your looks with the move camouflaged the user's type has changed depending on its environment such as out on the water in grass or in a cave interestingly enough this move used to be the signature move of staryu likely because sea stars are masters of camouflage but really anyone could be a master of stealth it's another basic survival trait that many different species have evolved over the course of our planet's history from a gecko looking like a leaf to a bug looking like a leaf or baby birds looking like a leaf lots of leaves it's normal the attack faint is not the pokemon pretending to faint because it's the other faint to faint is to make a pretend blow or kick typically to force your opponent to take a defensive option which then causes an opening for you to actually attack it's like dash dancing and smash bros and even a well-trained heavily defensive opponent will act out of reflex and this is why the move goes through things like protect and detect even if they are focused on defending themselves a faint will get through their reactions leave openings it sounds frustrating so let's talk about the move frustration you know like realizing game freak is very capable of creating one of the greatest games of all time but instead they settle for this it's frustrating this full power attack grows more powerful the less the user likes its trainer which is not normally touched on topic for pokemon in fact i feel like that's why they removed it in gen8 however it is normal to feel angry and frustrated so geez game freak you're kind of being hush-hush about feelings dude the move is interesting though because it's stronger or weaker depending on a pokemon's friendship level and fun fact the opposite move return is always stronger than this move so it's like friendship is stronger than anger normal type lessons actually speaking of return it's described this way this full power attack grows more powerful the more the user likes its trainer so it's the same but different however like i said because of math it's actually always stronger than frustration because love and friendship idk something stupid like egg bomb a large egg is hurled at the target with maximum force to inflict damage and before you say oh it's just an egg no dude eggs hurt a lot first the force you have to throw an egg to break it that's a lot and it's at maximum force so we're talking well past that then there are the cuts from the sharp shells shattering against your skin and then there's the yolk oh the sticky and the salmonella oh and did i mention that it's a bomb yeah it just straight up explodes it's totally normal for creatures to just you know just pop out an egg really casually but it is not normal for it to contain dynamite what have you been eating well i guess non-fiery explosive forces are considered normal because we also have the move explosion the user attacks everything around it by causing a tremendous explosion the user faints upon using this move just boom a violent explosion of energy transmitted outwards as a shock wave that's the definition of an explosion considering every pokemon's very life force is powered by infinity energy i suppose some of them can shoot it out all at once which would cause them to faint but also explode i guess that's normal for some pokemon to do i feel like this move is normal out of technicality like a rocky explosion from golem that would make sense as rock type it's like a frag grenade but then there's also electrical explosions from electrodes poison gas explosions from coughing and so on so for the move to fit all of them it gets none of them explosion is normal type now i'm sort of surprised harden isn't bug type since it's so synonymous with metapod and cocuna though i'm sure that's only because of that one early episode the user stiffens all of the muscles in its body to raise its defense stat so it's similar to defense curl yet instead of fetal position it's more so just tightening its muscles to brace for impact protecting your softer insides it's generic so a lot of things can do it so it's normal type though i'm sure some of the pokemon who learn it are more so just hardening their outer shells or defenses rather than just flexing their muscles though like again like metapod and cocoona now porygon there's a pokemon that's completely unrelated but its line has some normal type signature moves conversion and conversion 2 electric boogaloo with conversion the user changes its type to become the same type as the move at the top of the list of moves it knows it's similar to camouflage but it has some more control over it however this move really is nothing normal it's not common for pokemon to change type yet at the same time i guess porygon isn't normal or i mean it technically is normal type yes but it's not a normal normal type it's not even normal to exist it's made of data yet it's not electric for some reason it possibly it's because it isn't actually data when actually in the real world out and about rather it was just created digitally and the person modeling it works as game freak's tree modeler hmm well the move is normal type because porygon is normal type and conversion 2 porygon 2 changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack the opponent used last it isn't like a direct upgrade to the first one in fact it's similar but not a second edition it's like more of a sequel something sort of the same but it does not capture the same spark that the first one had wow this move really is normal it's just blockbuster movies sad porygon also knows try attack the user strikes with a simultaneous three-beam attack it may also burn freeze or paralyze the target again we have a move that is more than one type so it's classified as normal when really it should be fire ice and electric but you can't really mix those but it is neat that it's those three it's the three offensive magic types it's just like the legendary birds and even the gen 1 eevees if vaporeon was cooler speaking of with extreme evo boost eevee obtains z power and gets energy from its evolved friends which boosts its stats sharply evie is just so excited that it has so much potential and so many options so it fights more confidently it's just so happy now using happy hour doubles the amount of prize money received after battle this and payday are really weird moves payday goes like this numerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage money is earned after the battle now think of the inflation problems that the pokemon world must have and like why isn't the move steel type to fit the metal coins where does meowth get the coins are they real or are they counterfeit either way the move is normal so that meowth gets a stab bonus with it and then there's the g-max move gold rush a normal type attack that gigantomax meowth uses this move confuses opponents and also earns extra money and all i gotta say is that these moves leave me confused as well but throwing money around is an easy way of having to pick up money later that's a proverb entertainment is what you get when you like and subscribe and it's also a pokemon move where the user dances with an odd rhythm that compels the target to mimic it making the target's ability the same as the users uh-huh hey dance with me so that your cellular structure changes and you gain a cotton down or a clear body or like none of these make sense yeah there's magic involved here for sure but considering it's so broad it can't really be typed now can it so it's normal type plus rhythm it's a thing that all animals understand and it's not unnormal to know how to manipulate things using tempo what is a bit unnormal though is hyper beam the target is attacked with a powerful beam the user can't move on the next turn oh yeah just blasting a laser of normal nbd it's just pure raw infinity energy being blasted out of a pokemon usually the mouth but also snorlax's eyes it destroys everything in its path and it might be one of the hypest moves in the older games though like the animation and sound effect is so hype so that's why it's called hyper beam fun facts most of the pokemon that learn giga impact the physical counterpart of hyper beam can learn hyper beam as well normally it's all the ridiculously strong pokemon like agirados and reggie gigas they just have so much power stored in their bodies completely normal power that they just focus into a beam of energy i guess with focus energy the user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily the calm before the storm the inner peace formed to create perfect movement people really forget that they can take the time to focus and that that will lead them to achieving something better then laser focus has the user concentrate intensely the attack on the next turn always results in a critical hit it's much like focus energy yet stronger i mean laser focus is much higher than just focusing your energy lasers are precise and need to have perfectly focused optics to be so exact now if you focus with your bio optics aka eyes for a long time you could call that a glare and that's a move with it the user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis wait what that's not really eyes now is it what's going on oh this was the signature move of arbok at first that makes sense its hood pattern looks like scary eyes but the older descriptions of the move do mention that it's just eyes the target is transfixed with terrifying sharp eyes but now that more pokemon can learn the move besides just arbok they gave it a description that only really works for arbok that's odd and dumb well at least in japanese the move's name is snake glare so it's actually just a thing a scary snake staring you down and apparently this is an actual thing we're doing a whole video on it but yeah it's a normal thing for snakes to do unlike swords dance a frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit this sharply raises the user's attack stat sword dancing is rather common in most folk rituals in fact it's not just any singular group typically it's called a weapon dance these ceremonial dances are to recall moments of battle or to prepare for battle invigorating the fighting spirit or perhaps the dance moves are just fancy versions of actual fighting techniques so it's mini practice before the fight getting worked up oh wait that's the next move with workup the user is roused and its attack and special attack stats increase getting amped is very vital to winning a fight and working yourself up is rule one of hype training speaking of hype it's hyperfang the user bites hard on the target with its sharp front fangs this may also make the target french a move that i got mixed up with super fang a lot as a kid superfan is where the user chomps hard on the target with sharp front fangs but cuts the target's hp in half both moves use the idea of a basic big bite with big teeth motif so there's lots of rodents here hyperfang is just a typical bite but superfang seems a little crazy it's just an asymptote screw your defense you're half dead now yet hyperfang's japanese name is certain kill fang now that's even more unexpected because it's not a one hit ko move and super fang is hatred fang in japanese why don't we get the cool names let me guess flail is like mega murder impact or something oh no it's just wriggling well with flail the user flails about aimlessly to attack the less hp the user has the greater the move's power it's one of the more slept on moves i feel having a chance of being at 200 power if your hp is lower than 5 basically your near fainted pokemon is desperate and is just moving its body around wildly to try and hit its opponent before it faints so it's just sort of flailing now then i'm getting tired so let's talk sleepy moves sleeping is also crazy normal after all using the move sleep talk while asleep will have the user randomly use one of the other moves it knows did you know at least five percent of all adults sleep talk regularly and up to 50 percent of children reportedly talk while asleep too neat but for pokemon that means sometimes using flamethrower while taking a snooze in your trainer's bed catching the whole thing on fire the horror i wish it would just snore instead with snore the sleeping pokemon makes a harsh noise that can also make the target flinch it is a sound-based move that may still be normal because almost 45 percent of adults snore and that's almost half which means it's so common it's basically average so it's normal enough and then yeah i'm yawning and uh so are hundreds of you now with the move yawn the user lets loose a huge yawn that lulls the target into falling asleep on the next turn and uh i'm sure we did a whole video on this at some point link here but the basics of that is that social creatures yawn to each other to tell each other to either hey wake up or hey i'm tired are you tired however it also means we yawn when we are tired telling others that hey it's time to be tired i'm tired let's sleep it's normal to be tired don't you want to fit into the group we're tired here and you being a social creature will be like oh i want to fit in and i want to be normal so i'll also yawn and now i am actually tired because yeah it's totally normal to be tired right now [Music] you know what it's nap time we're going to finish this video later so uh never stop using your noggin [Music] sleepy [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 420,419
Rating: 4.9526596 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, normal pokemon, normal type pokemon, normal moves, normal type moves, normal type deck, best normal pokemon, best normal pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon diamond and pearl, normal pokemon explained, pokemon battle royale, normal moves explained, normal type pokemon explained, not normal, best normal type pokemon, average pokemon, top 10 pokemon, top 10 normal type pokemon, normal, miltank, pokemon whitney, eevee, pokemon eevee, jigglypuff
Id: yh_9Z7MIEfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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