Evil or Not? EVERY Dark Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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right when you thought Pokemon were all happy-go-lucky kind creatures who battle with honor gem 2 came around and introduced dark-type pokémon but I mean not all of them are dark are they Tyranitar is rather quite a bright green so that was the intro joke but curiously now what is so dark about them are they all nocturnal are they spooky what gives well it's a fairly commonly known fact that dark is just the English translation of the type well translation is also not entirely true localization fits better because in Japan this type is officially called the evil type now of course philosophers have debated the concept of evil for millennia but even still in the context of Pokemon are all of these dark type Pokemon actually evil or perhaps are they just lacking in kind spiritedness that the other Pokemon types have but in that case would that mean that there are no evil Pokemon that aren't dark time that's actually a really great question oh hey it's true green 7 I'm just dropping by to let everyone know that I just covered that very question in my latest video that sounds like an excellent video I'll put links to it in the top card and in the description thank you very much I'll go ahead and get out of your amazing here right now bye bye thanks for stopping by now where was I oh yes since TruGreen 7 has that covered we could focus wholly on just dark-type pokémon which is good because that would go against this type series anyway so let's go over the inspirations for every dark type Pokemon and explain why they are dark or evil type or possibly why some of them probably shouldn't be let's start with the lowland forms of Pokemon that weren't previously dark-type as I think some of them explain the typing best let's look at me out fans Persian and their dark type o lowland counterparts the elf is based on a Japanese lucky cat said to bring good fortune and meows signature move payday does just that both forms love collecting coins but here is where the Pokedex shows a distinct difference meows dex entry state that it is nocturnal and fights with more crows a lot and that its favorite thing is happily collecting coins whereas a lowland meows dex entry state that it too loves collecting coins but it is selfish and overly prideful and pride is a deadly sin when either Meowth evolved into Persian we get to somewhat mean cats but a lowland Persian is still extremely prideful and its preferred tactics are sucker punches and blindside attacks it's so brutal that it tortures its weakens prey rather than finishing them off and though that's pretty normal for most cats in pokemons case that's pretty messed up clearly there is something evil going on behind those eyes Rattata and eradicate are the same while their normal forms pokedex entry state that they are basically rats their dark type counterparts dex entry state that they infiltrate and steal food from people's homes they love food so much that they get fat and gluttony is another deadly sin and curiously these whiskers are designed to look like Japanese thief masks and then we get to Grimer and amok comparing their Dixit comparing their dicks comparing their Dex injuries doesn't tell us much to summarize all of them these Pokemon are made of toxins and their toxin is gross and that's about everything the Pokedex states heck the one thing in all of the dex injuries about temperament says that ol ol and muck is unexpectedly quiet and friendly that's not very evil of you at all what gives granted it also says that if it is not fed it will get mad break furniture then eat that but if you push literally any pokemon or any animal to starvation I'm sure they'd get pretty upset so I've got a small theory about this one I think Game Freak gave muck and grime er the dark type just that they would get bonus damage from their new moves bite and crunch both dark-type since these new forms of muck and grime er have teeth now and that's kind of their whole thing so now you have some direct examples of what the dark type is all about both strong and not so strong examples so now let's go over the rest of the Pokemon starting with Pokemon that are dark type based on the way that they fight or hunt by that I mean a good example is an honorable fighter versus a street punk one will win through training and strength alone another will throw sand in your face bite you and kick you in the throat or nuts with no regard for your future you don't fight with honor needed and with that scraggy and scruffty are perfect examples of this found in you Nova which is based on New York these Pokemon are designed after hoodlums fighting with shady tactics over turf it said they had but anyone that looks at them wrong and the Saghir they're pants the more respects they garner from their game when they evolve they gained this Punk looking mohawk crest they taunt their opponents by spitting and they don't feel bad ganging up on a single other pokémon that ventured into the wrong territory definitely a gang of low pantsed bullies poniard and Bisharp are also good examples by sharps will leave their groups of poniards into the attack of food and they are pitiless they will shred their prey to pieces this war loving species spends its free time preparing for the next fight by sharpening their blades and they are designed after samurai bandits after all samurais that turned bad while at first Wolle bee and manta buzz don't seem much more evil than your typical culture delving deeper you can start to pick up on some things unlike real vultures they don't just eat carcasses they actually hunt out to the youngest and weakest Pokemon and to rip into them and hurl them into their nest made of bones sharpened bones they also wear the sharpened bones of their prey as a means of intimidation and as a trophy as they are proud killers which be seen as a sort of evil I suppose carvanha is literally a piranha they are ravenous and shred their prey to shreds in minutes just like real piranhas so again they aren't evil per se just very very hungry and piranhas Sharpedo though is known as the bully of the sea and being a bully is pretty mean and also tears his prey to shreds before devouring it just like a shark Cacturne is a nocturnal cactus based loosely on a scarecrow so by being scary and nocturnal predators they got the dark typing they prey on sleeping and exhausted Pokemon in the desert pangoro is an interesting case they are based on Japanese pompadour hooligans and street punks but like many of them in popular media they mainly only act and fight tough pangoro's pokedex injuries point towards this - it has a violent temperament and prefers to talk with its fists and isn't afraid to fight dirty however it does not put up with bullies and will defend anyone who's a victim of bullying by beating the bullies half to death straight to-the-point antihero vigilante justice krookodile though interesting leaned on its previous forms are extremely violent they were given the name intimidation Pokemon for a reason and their Japanese name directly translates to a vulgar Isle which is a type of crocodile and like real crocodilia they are vicious with their prey clamping down and twisting to rip the prey in half furiously crocodile might also be inspired from Sobek and Egyptian god with a crocodile head known for violence and robbery hence the crook in crocodiles name and unlike previous evolutions its eye membranes are spiked up and out and sunglasses of that shape are often associated with gang leaders and criminals in anime and manga launch crow is the head honcho of a gang of murkrow which are referred to as it's goons it's de c.v as' and merciless and commands its murkrow to fight and find food for it in the wilds the only time they do the fighting to deal the finishing strike for the satisfaction of ending the battle murkrow however its previous evolution fits better as your next category which our Pokemon that are dark type more so because of their behavior meaning while the dark type may be applied somewhat for the ways they fight it better reflects the way they act day-to-day murkrow like real crows love shiny things and are known to steal them and steal food too and they are said to bring bad luck wherever they go Sneasel is a weasel and like weasels they love stealing eggs from nests and eating them it's like eating a baby which is pretty evil and its evolved form is said to be much much more intelligent but also much much more devious and they hunt in extra coordinated packs and can communicate their evil plots via writing and scratch marks crawdaunt is very aggressive in nature and is very violent as well and that's by Pokemon standards even it's very aggressive and highly territorial and will intimidate and possibly even fight any other living thing it sees and viciously purloined and life hard are devious thieves through and through they play cute and innocent but they are true cat burglars another cat in cinah roar is said to be prideful and have a violent selfish to position they are based on heel wrestlers the bad guy restless from things like WWE and Smackdown staged fights for the sake of entertainment and that's why it's dark instead of fighting type heels are meant to be intimidating and fight dirty mean not necessarily good fighters Zorua and Zoroark are illusionary tricksters they have the ability to create illusions and make you think they are something they are not one pokedex entry states that if a usually very talkative child suddenly becomes quiet it may been replaced by as a Rua so they may even be kidnappers and fans of identity theft both are pretty evil Sableye is based on the hub skin Vil complan and goblins have always been mischievous little devils these guys live in caves and are said to be able to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow which is pretty messed up they also love to eat car banks drapion is very prideful of its stretc pride being a deadly sin of course it will also attack anyone it finds crossing the desert just to show off its skills Koopa is much deeper it's a mischievous trickster first of all and if you've seen the movie its unbound form certainly is selfish and evil Koopa Unbounce design has a few elements that closely emulates common designs of demons and either form could be taking inspiration from Meza a mischievous trickster deity worshipped in Taoism and Chinese folk religion and is commonly referred to as a trickster deity Meza is often depicted holding rings and sometimes depicted with multiple arms just like Hoopa and also just like koopa it has the ability to use its hoops to transport things hell doom is spooky and evil looking and it's howls are said to bring the grim reaper closer it strikes fear into other Pokemon and it tends to hunt in packs and show no mercy also if you make it angry it's capable of causing burns that will not only scar over but be permanently agonizing the pain will never go away and that's pretty messed up that's very evil Wow its previous evolution though seems to fit more into the next category that being Pokemon that were given the dark type more so for their design rather than their behavior or fighting style hounds our is just not that evil at all I mean they look at the part and they evolve into evil but the only thing really evil about hound our themselves is that they also hunt in coordinated attacks like a basic wild dog there's nothing evil about that at all though I guess they do look mean and intimidating so there's that greninja is also not that inherently dark mean or evil the Pokedex mentions it likes toying with its enemies in battle but most Pokemon happen to like paddling no in greninja case I believe it was given the dark type based on the fact that it's designed to be a ninja those dark rebellious assassins known for stealth and by ending lives through stealth and deceit rather than through honorable combat also it having the dark type made it balanced with the secondary Taipings of the other starter pokemons of that generation but as a follow-up to some Pokemon with weaker reasons being dark type let's now go over the inherently evil Pokemon those Pokemon the truly are dark evil beasts evil in the vettel's name comes from the old english speaking word evil and being the pokemon of death and destruction that certainly is fitting its design is said to be inspired somewhat from carrion birds birds that eat corpses such as vultures and crows and I suppose I can see that if a vulture died and its body was taken over by devils fingers a type of fungus known for smelling even more putrid than death itself the Pokedex states that it's capable of absorbing the life force of Pokemon just by spreading its wings which obviously has quite Evo indeed Dino's violence and hydrogen are interesting dino starts off as a dinosaur with an emo haircut and causes itself a lot of self-harm constantly tackling nearby objects but when it sprouts a second head is when it really starts showing its mean-spiritedness neither head likes each other and they are constantly fighting and they are known as the hostile Pokemon after all constantly upset and attacking things then it evolves into hydrogen which is said to be brutal and devours everything in its path anything that moves seems like a foe to it the world is its enemy and on top of this the inspirations for this line of Pokemon re Amada no orochi vague gory niche and the lernaean hydra all three of them evil antagonists in their legends inkay may look super cute but it hides its nefariousness well it's Japanese name directly translates to demon squid and it is capable of hypnotizing and draining the willpower of enemy Pokemon to bite it time to evolve into its true 4 the malamar malamar is truly evil I mean malamar looks like a Power Ranger super villain first of all and the Pokedex says that when it comes to strong hypnosis there is an endless number of people who utilize malamar for their nefarious deeds in the anime there was a whole episode dedicated to an evil malamar bent on world domination with its hyper intelligence and especially powerful mind controlling abilities mallomars evil the ultra beast Gus Lord also looks like a Power Rangers villain and this one is all about gluttony it's constantly destroying and eating everything no matter what it is mountains buildings people and its droppings are never found as if its interior were a black hole it would certainly take an evil gluttonous being to have absolutely no regard for what it guzzles down Gyarados maybe a mean-looking sea monster but it isn't dark type it's water flying but when it mega evolves it becomes water dark and the reasoning is quite simple according to the Pokedex mega evolution also effects its brain leaving no other function except for its destructive instinct to burn everything to cinders so basically while Gyarados normally is easily angered and goes on rampages it doesn't just do so really nilly because it isn't inherently evil but upon make it evolving it can think of nothing else but destruction becoming inherently evil until the end of the battle when it returns back to its normal form Tyranitar is a big bully based loosely on Godzilla this Pokemon guards its mountain territory well and will occasionally come down just to pick a fight with something makes sense considering its Japanese name comes from the word savage barbarian and hate this impudent Pokemon is one you do not want to mess with nuzleaf and shiftry are both based on Tengu Japanese goblins known for their long noses ability to read minds and cruel tricks pretty simple spiritual is made up of 108 evil spirits bound to a Keystone it is said that their constant mischief and misdeeds led to them all being locked in there so it must have been especially bad for people to take such drastic action against it Darkrai is a shadow monster so fitting of the literal dark type but is it evil many say so as it flies through the skies giving people and Pokemon horrible horrible nightmares though the Pokedex states that it means no harm so it's sort of a cursed existence really it has this evil ability that it cannot stop from happening and it doesn't want it to be happening sad which segues into our final category Pokemon that really are not dark as in evil much at all maybe they have a few elements here and there but compared to the rest there's not much Umbreon seems to be more literally dark type rather than evil type it likes the moon it hides in shadows waiting to attack its prey so it's like any other nocturnal predator the only thing vaguely evil about it or that it's rings that glow in the dark are kind of ominous kind of scary yes stinky and skunk tank aren't all that evil either sure they smell terrible and will ruin your whole day but nothing in their pokedex mentions them being bad or anything the closest thing is skunk tank and pokemon mystery dungeon being the leader of a group of bully bandits but otherwise these Pokemon are just strong skunks I guess it's just really mean to make someone smell bad all day Poochyena and Mightyena are also more so just generic pack dogs or pack hyenas they hunt in packs and ambush their prey one will scare the prey with its spooky fangs and the prey will then run into an ambush so again basic pack animal not really evil I mean they gotta eat Sandile and croc arak unlike their final evolution aren't all that dark or evil at all they're pokedex entries are all about their specialize their body temperature and how they like to bury themselves in sand and live in groups nothing about too violent nature at all they may be dark just because they are a bit meaner than most predators or just for type balancing sake since its final evolution is pretty evil and abyssal just gets a bad rep it lives in the mountains and can sense natural disasters and impending danger so it will come down from the mountains to try to warn pee and Pokemon in the area about the upcoming natural disaster but because it's known to do this people began to think it caused the natural disasters meanings people think it's evil so why is it actually dark type then at the very least to balance it out it could be normal dark but no I smell a theory there so this last group of Pokemon that are not really dark at all all I'm really getting at is that there are other non dark Pokemon or non evil type Pokemon that are significantly more evil in some of these and for more information on that true green 7 has an excellent video right here check it out and if you're still here I just want to say thank you so much for watching this video and a huge thank you to our patreon supporters especially as of late YouTube has been all over the place and I've been in the hospital and so many terrible things have been happening but I'm fine now but you know financial stuff thank you so much patreon supporters you guys are amazing it makes the world of difference for not only me but for all of team noggin so thank you and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,607,476
Rating: 4.9303498 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, dark type, dark type pokemon, dark type gym, pokemon, pokemon anime, truegreen7, bird keeper toby, pokemon theory, pokemon sun and moon, pokemmon sun and moon episode, umbreon, not dark type, incineroar, greninja, yvetal, evil, evil pokemon, the most evil pokemon, krookodile, darkrai, darkrai movie, pokemon amv, hoopa movie, theme battle, pokemon theme battle, dark pokemon, alolan, alola, zoroark
Id: 9ThNmkCSwbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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