EVERY Water Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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well so far in this series we've covered most of the time so there are just a few left but now we're going to tackle the biggest type there is that's right it's time for the water type what makes each water type Pokemon the water type and which if any probably shouldn't be what are their origins and reasonings for being the type they are today we'll answer just that it makes sense why water is the most common type almost 70% of our world is covered in the step and the same is likely true of the pokemon world and it makes sense that pokemon that inhabit and even breathe the water would be water type because obviously so we're going to break up these pokemon into categories and begin because there's just so many we need to really cut the introduction short the first category are Pokemon that are practically literally water as they would have the most obvious reasoning but notably there's only one that's right only one water type Pokemon is literally water practically try to guess it what is the water east of the water types pause and guess in the comments no cheating and no worries it took us by surprise as well because it's Vaporeon according to the Pokedex its cell structure is similar to water molecules it will melt away and become invisible in water so I mean if you're very cell structure is so similar to water that you can melt and be invisible in the water that must mean you're pretty much water in fact this idea isn't very unheard of in many mythos water nymphs and such would be able to almost melt away into the sea and such and with the water east of the waters covered let's jump to the next category fish typical fish you know what a fish is clearly water type mostly main things of note is that fish tend to have fins live in water and have gills but they do come in all shapes and sizes you know let's just call this category the fish and other fish like things category and what better fish to start with than Magikarp aka mr. fishy its title is even the fish Pokemon specifically Magikarp is based off of the you guessed it the Asian carp who-who are known to leap out of the water eight to ten feet when frightened who knew a fish could get scared there leaping is much like how magikarps dex entry states it's reckless leaps make it easy pickings for predators on the bright side many Pokemon enjoy longer lifespans thanks to Magikarp I'm sure you've seen the videos with boats with millions of fish flying out of the water yep those are basically real magic arts stupid fish what pokemon has more than just your typical fish what about all those other gill breathers let's really dive into these pokemon so in no particular order the rest of the water breathing aquatic animals horsey Sidra and Kingdra are based off of sea horses see it's in the name although categorized as the dragon pokemon and they know many dragon moves they aren't actually dragons until Kingdra their origins are rooted in the japanese myth of leafy sea dragons actually turning into dragons very common thing actually aquatic animals turning into dragons I guess it's hard to study the ocean when you live on land next up is Skrill but not its evolution dragon key interesting that a seahorse loses its water typing while realistically dragalge would have water typing if it had a third type it loses it due to its other typings being more dominant skrelp is water because it is not a true dragon yet as it's based more off of the kill pluck appearance of the leafy dragon seahorse than an actual dragon speaking of dragons Gyarados is not one huh you'd think as magikarps mythological origin is a fish that leads to leap over our dragon's gate to turn into a dragon would mean that it would be but here I guess Gyarados gets the short end of the stick and just becomes a large water serpent monster this is thought to be the reason why Gyarados is angry all the time remoraid and octillery are based off of a revolver and a small tank or artillery cannon their early concept sprites are proof of this and now you know why a fish turns into an octopus really it's a gun evolving into a bigger gun fun facts octillery do actually have eight arms they're just in the back and it stuck together but what's even cooler is that remoraid is faced off not only a gun but a Remora the small fish that love to stick to large manta rays like a remoraid and Mantine also like a gun the archer fish can shoot water at its prey much like remoraid neat but speaking of Mantine and man tyke they are based off of manta rays mixed with a bored mixed with a fighter plane imagine these remoraid as guns on its wings see little death machines ready to fly but ultimately they are still based off of manta rays or even flying rays due to its flying type fee bass and melodic are based off of the old wives tale of the ugly duckling which was created to help grow so children not feel terrible about themselves we see that gamefreak instead of adding in just an ugly duckling they went with the better route of mixing it up a bit much more creative phoebus is assumed to be a bass and it transforms into a beautiful serpentine sea dragon fun fact phoebus's name phonetically is the same as Phoebus which means shining one in Latin possibly alluding to the beauty within haha now if that isn't an after-school special waiting to happen now to the complete opposite a nice fish turning into a gross fish here is Goulding and seeking based off a big goldfish or a koi oh and you know one of the Hindu god Vishnu zav Attar's aka a goldfish with a horn so basically them huntail is based off of the deep dark underwater hunting creatures using its tail lights to lure prey it's possibly based off of the Viper fish or moray eel gorebyss is another and a monster did you know that when its spots pray this Pokemon inserts its thin mouth into its preys body and drains the prey of its fluids like a vacuum or a mosquito on steroids well not bust wolf but rather the proboscis things that lurk in the dark the scary thing is that this Pokemon is based off of four types of fish that really exist thankfully most of them pose no threat to humans as they live deep in the oceanic abyss and the one that looks the most like gorebyss - the pink coloration is the long-nosed chimera I mean look at it it's almost a spitting image of it notably the last two pokémon evolve from Clamperl how they evolved from a clam is a mystery so theoretically this is the Pokemon really it's just a sleeping egg thing a fish egg also from the deep depths or chinchou and Lantern both based off of the idea of an angler fish who use their lanterns to lure prey close to their mouths before they strike except these Pokemon are actually cute Luvdisc to be honest is a fish that's just in the shape of a heart that's kinda it it's based off of the discus fish a fish that's kind of in the shape of a heart not a real heart though could you imagine you know a normal regular fake heart so here we can really get a feel as to why it's water type it's just a regular fish maybe it should be normal water type ello mamola you would think of offs from Luvdisc but you'd be wrong I mean they just look so similar to each other but you know Pokemon doesn't need to make sense but ello Mamola is based off of the real world mola mola fish just change the L placement and an a and boom Pokemon name Finley on and lumina on our two fish aptly categorized as the winged fish and the me on fish Pokemon note how it says fish Pokemon that's because it's a fish Pokemon based off of the butterfly fish which is a fish which lives in the water hence the water type remember bass killin because I sure don't being based off a masculine bass it's designed by Ken Sugimori who stated there are too few standard fish Pokemon basically he needed filler Pokemon for you Nova's waters no wonder it's so forgettable carvanha and Sharpedo are based off of piranha and sharks there really isn't anything interesting to say about these guys worth sharing other than Sharpedo is fast yo qwilfish is a puffer fish yeah I also forgot this Pokemon existed Marv ouch and wish cash are both catfish loach Pokemon bottom feeders that lurk in the muddy depths of rivers ponds lakes and pretty much anywhere you can find water and dirt all mixed up together temp to cool and temp too cruel though our squid ish jellyfish that are actually interesting well tent accruals pokedex entries are interesting at least stating that normally it has 80 poisonous tentacles the longer one has been alive the fewer tentacles it will have do you see 80 tentacles on any of these I sure don't maybe it's holding them behind its back frill ish and jealous inte R - malformed jellyfish with sick mustachios and dresses with frillies and that's about it Brooks ish is the Pokemon to have if you ever wanted to be bitten in the mind this thing is gross and garish but it's based off of a phial fish and deer reef trigger fish who have hilarious faces and are the official state fish of Hawaii so it's perfect for a Lola fun fact the Hawaiian name for this fish is the humuhumunukunukuapua'a which is amazing to spell wishy-washy are minnows and cho V's sardines mainly the latter individually they really suck but through the power of teamwork they school together and can do anything even old Gyarados runs in fear when they school up it seems like water types really are good at making after-school specials Disney should hire them relicanth is a living fossil Pokemon it really is a relic can't you believe that in actuality it's based off of Coolio cants a very old fish that was thought to have died out but was recently found to be alive still and by recent I mean 1938 okay so that was all of the fish like water reading Pokemon I know a lot of the next few categories could fit some of those Pokemon there too but they fit better in this category I feel and the next category of Pokemon our shellfish seashells mollusks crustaceans you know those things cellos and gaffer Don are sea slugs and I don't really think I need to remind you what the sea is made of Puka muku is the cutest little grosso I've ever seen essentially a sea cucumber that loves to punch people with its anus her I mean special organ according to the Pokedex that in no way is related to the real-life sea cucumbers butthole ejection techniques Fiona and manaphy are based off of the sea angel a small translucent mollusk that lives in the deep dark parts of the ocean Staryu and Starmie are both puns made flesh to suffer a cruel world as they are starfish with an extraterrestrial nature Morini and toxa pecks are also based off of starfish perhaps specifically the crown of thorns starfish now starfish may seem slow but these guys are the Lions of the tide pool apex predators in their own right I mean they can regrow limbs relentlessly chase down prey and when you don't move at all like barnacles and muscles and such these things really do move at lightning speed comparatively and they are lean corphish and crawdaunt are based off of crawfish products crawl dad's freshwater lobsters mountain lobsters mud bugs or yetis you know tiny versions of the lobster essentially they live pretty much everywhere from small puddles to swamps and they have like a million different slang names depending on where you're from Kalan sure and claw would sir are very similar to corphish and these shellfish are based off of the snapping shrimp as well as the whole concept of crustaceans losing a limb meaning one limb becomes way massive because it's older while the new one regrows and it's tiny it's kind of silly cloister and Sheldor are clams in fact so is Clamperl if you didn't guess however cloister despite the name is not an oyster at all it is a thorny oyster which is named wrong because it's actually a clam what the heck crabby and kingler are crabs most likely the king crab as kingler has king in its name and they are delicious almond it--and omastar are lords of the ocean gods of the stream these prehistoric mollusks are based off of the prehistoric creatures of the deep Amma Nadia to be exact which were just basically swimming shells much like the Nautilus of today Kabuto and Kabutops another prehistoric creature of the deep likes to roam the ocean floor they are based off of the trilobite sand horseshoe crab did you know that horseshoe crabs have blue blood like actually humans don't ever that's a terrible misconception but because of this horseshoe crab blood is one of the most expensive liquids in the world the fun fact wind pod and Goliath pod are two really neato Pokemon until you realize that their ability is a terrible thing and isn't useful and competitive unless you build your entire team around it and then you just get swept because that's how Pokemon is it just crushes your dreams of being any decent however these guys don't get crushed by the intense pressure of the ocean much like the isopods and silverfish they are based on their bodies are covered in an insanely strong exoskeleton hard as diamond according to the Pokedex allowing them to withstand the pressure of the ocean binnacle and barbaracle are barnacles creatures so bad they became a swear word in spongebob really though these guys would be a tasty treat for mini water dwelling animals as you know they don't really move that is until mubarak will realize that cannot only get up and walk out of the way when they join forces but they can even fight back also they look pretty darn close to the goose barnacle specifically which is a great visual until you actually see one nobody wants to see that but with that we reach the next category these are aquatic mammals or semi aquatic mammals that breathe air all the oxygenation via the lungs whales seals and otters and such first up our whale Mar and whale Lord literal whales of Pokemon well minus the weight I mean come on Wailord is only 800 pounds not even a ton fun fact though Wailord is in fact the largest Pokemon there is and hopefully the largest Pokemon there will ever be at least non legendary as its based on the blue whale the largest thing to ever live on earth as far as we know no dinosaur ever surpassed its size this thing is massive Kyogre is also a whale of some sort kind of an odd whale it's like the Hebrew Leviathan mixed with an orca which are actually more closely related to dolphins than two whales seal and dugong are based off of seals I mean seals name is literally one letter away from seal and fun facts dugong does not look like a real-life dugong at all oh they're seal Pokemon that actually turned into walruses our spheal sealeo and wall rain here we get a seal but with an added pH as in fat because they are fatter and spherical too and sealeo gets Leo because it's a sea lion pup leo Briona and pre marina again are seals and sea lions but more like dog mermaids which I guess seals and sea lions are and pre marina also has siren elements moving a bit more into the semi parked of semi aquatic mammals we have a schwa Jewett and Samrat this line are based on otters hence the odd at the end of all of their names also they are known as the sea otter Pokemon I'm starting to sense another pattern here sea otter two things that have to do with water I guess game freak's pretty good at making water type Pokemon that's no secret kill do is dumb but I have to do it anyway this Pokemon is based off of the youngest member of the three musketeers the fourth one and lamest by far even his name is lame and hard to pronounce well other than being based off of a musketeer pilio could also be based off of the kiran a mythical chinese unicorn that was said to be able to walk on water another myth that it could be based on is the infamous kelpy or water horse a horse that would lure victims into writing it then take them down into the water to drown them next is Meryl and azumarill note though not Azurill Azurill is normal fairy instead of water fairy wanted to clear that up now in case someone thought it was water type from their looks you could only guess that their water type because of their color well if you couldn't tell but really why are these things water-type theoretically though these Pokemon are based off of the swamp rabbit which is actually a real thing but it really is just a Cottontail robot that have us to live in the swamps and can swim really well there's also the water rat or Rakhal II which may be an inspiration both animals are found near riverbanks and swamps at least it's not a fish right also these Pokemon have elements from beach balls and floatation devices Dweezil and floatzel are based off of very buoyant weasels I mean it's got a life jacket for a collar and they've got fins and they can use their two tails like a boat propeller now while weasels can swim they aren't exactly famous for it so the water typing here certainly is more so because of its similarity to a water buoy and flotation devices the barrel I honestly forgot was watertight after all its pre evolutions only normal well Bidoof is based off of a wood chuck the barrel is based off of a beaver you know those damn mammals that live in rivers that love to Dam it up with wood slow poke slow bro and Slowking or hippos surprisingly a lot of people are surprised by that fact at first hippos love the water and they can be pink in spots plus a little-known fact hippos sweat sunscreen neat and that's it for the aquatic and semi aquatic mammals how about waterfowl now semi aquatic birds Piplup which is my favorite starter print plop and Empoleon which is my favorite final form of a starter are based off of the semi aquatic animal the penguin not much to say here beyond that they are penguins emperor penguins by the name and Empoleon has elements from icebreaker ships ships that travel through Arctic waters breaking the ice hence the name Wingull and pelipper are two of my least-loved pokemon gosh that list of hated pokemon sure is getting bigger well mainly I just hate how there are so many of them if only I had some perfect Pokemon to keep them at bay while I'm fishing in the bay ugh anyway they are based on a pelican and a seagull both seabirds which live by the sea then we got loads of ducks Psyduck Golduck hard fetch even though it's not water type get out of here ductless and SWANA I know SWANA is actually a swan but I mean come on they are basically the same thing at this point plus it evolves from a duck interestingly I mentioned how fee bass and melodic were basically ugly ducklings but not ducks and Game Freak was cool for being with that and then two generations later we literally get an ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan just like the story gosh anyway then sigh duck and goal duck why isn't goal doc the Golder yellow one well because gold symbolizes so many things including great power especially of the psychic variety also considering the lack of wings Golduck may have inspiration from kappas water yokai let's see what's next how about aquatic bugs surskit are based off of water skippers a type of bug that is able to run on the water due to its very light and fast body the waters tension resists the bugs weight allowing it to not sink imagine like you running on very thick jello that's these bugs for life do pider and iraq wa naite are fun pokemon they are based on the diving bell spider and orb-weavers but the opposite these real spiders live in the water but breathe air so they wrap their webs around bubbles to make little scuba suits do pider and iraq wa naite however are the opposite they breath water so likely used their webs to hold on to water and carry it up making spongebob style scuba suits next let's do aquatic reptiles Tortuga and Cara Costa are sea turtles and just so you know sea turtles live in the sea in the sea just for reference is made of mostly water hence the water typing laparis is a mix of the Loch Ness monster and a turtle like a creature like the Plesiosaurus and it's known as the transport Pokemon as it loves to ferry people across bodies of water squirtle Wartortle and Blastoise are the og water starters turtles to the max but interestingly enough these pokemons share significantly more traits with tortoises in other words non water dwelling reptiles however in game freak's ever-loving attention to detail and making these games they didn't really think people would notice the difference and they also incorrectly categorized Blastoise as the shellfish pokemon i just don't know anymore i mean it's not even that watery other than the fact it has massive water cannons on its back and it's blue tortoises are related to turtles at least but bles toys is similar to a huge tank both like the war vehicle and also like the thing used to store water so we'll let it water slide the Totodile crocodile into Feraligatr line being based off of all manner of crocodilia from alligator croc bite down hard fun fact crocodiles do not have sweat glands and release heat through their mouths they often sleep with their mouths open because of this similar to reptiles we have the next category and fib ian's which are a weird middle stage between a fish and a reptile they tends to be born with gills but grow lungs and lose the gills eventually take for instance tympole Palpa toad and seismitoad a guild tadpole that eventually becomes a toad this line of Pokemon are able to vibrate the bumps on their heads similar to frog and toad cheeks except they can do it hard enough to make waves in water or earthquake like vibrations on land and that's not even the final evolution poliwag Poliwhirl and Poliwrath hourglass frogs frogs that are partially see-through on the bottom and thus you can see their organs as such the tadpole stage of this frog has swirly intestines while the adult frogs guts aren't this way anymore the Pokemon keepit politoed an alternate evolution of Poliwhirl looks a lot more like the glass frog than the others I don't really know what Game Freak was thinking with these Mudkip Marshtomp and Swampert are the poster children of swamps and marshes I mean it's in their names mud marsh and swamp apparently they can swim through mud faster than water and I'm not quite sure how that works but at least it means they can swim and I guess it points to their multiple inspirational origins then the mud fish the lungfish and the axolotl kind of all birds together which is similar to whoop er another little axolotl and it's evolution Quagsire is based off of the giant salamander that is commonly found in marshes and Quagmire's froakie frogadier and greninja are frogs full on no tadpole stage even they are also ninjas water ninjas with watery ninja powers there are plenty of legends about ninjas being able to run across the water and they hide in the water too using a bamboo straw to breathe so water ninja is a fairly easy connection some ninjas wear scarves and in this case it's a scarf made of bubbles and then it becomes a scarf that is actually that the frogs tongue because they're super long hmm well on top of water ninja being an easy connection to make so is frog ninja actually you see there's a famous story the tale of the galleon - Jiraiya in a ninja transforms into a large toad a frog relative and with that we've gone through so many Pokemon there are only two more small categories to go the first being other and the last one not or shouldn't be first for other is corsola it's a sea rock or coral essentially living ocean rocks then lotad lombre and Ludicolo one of the very few if not the only water grass pokemon in the game really though you would think that that typing would go hand in hand like normal flying well being based off of lily pads lotad and party are semi aquatic plants although this one's a great dancer I'm looking at you Ludicolo keep doing what you do keep being a stereotypical Mexican dancer also these Pokemon draw roots from the Japanese yokai the Kappa a water demon that is rather popular today in Japan known for its mischief around and in the water they are thought to have been the cause of many drownings back in the day and fun fact they share the water like dish on top of the head just like the low deadlines now while not specifically made of water like I thought when I originally saw this Pokemon Castform is actually just a Pokemon that has the ability to imitate the weather almost as a way of camouflaging itself it uses the rainy moisture in the air to create its rainy form swapping its normal typing for water now what does this I'm not so sure yet it seems like it's more of a sponge than a cloud as stated in the Pokedex this is the form Castform takes when soaked with rain when its body is compressed water will seep out as if from a sponge volcanion is based off of a steam engine into volcano with hot springs this guy blows ha hot air that is steam is the byproduct of heating water past it's evaporation point and evaporating a large amount of water rather quickly will produce steam hence the water fire typing wash Rotom is one Rotom the electric ghost decides to possess a washing machine and washing machines use water to wash things Wow I'm not sure where it gets the water though all of the other Rotom forms make sense as they are things powered by electricity and that's all they need to work and Rotom provides the electricity but where does wash Rotom get all the piping for its water uh topu Finney is based off of the Hawaiian God Ken Aloha and she looks very much like a mermaid or siren when the shell is open and a swordfish or Marlin while closed while the Hawaiian god she's based loosely off of isn't inherently the deity of water he is commonly associated with it as well as long-distance voyaging and healing both watery traits in addition he is similar to the Maori God Tonga rora who is the god of the sea Palkia is a little odd here it is the master of space not not high high because you know time sure doesn't flow like water down a river the super common saying no rather space is vast like the ocean also pearls are in clams and those are also in the ocean and the ocean is made out of water tada pan pour and simipour may be mammals but they aren't exactly based on any semi aquatic mammal at all they are just kind of the water type monkey Pokemon that our monkeys while monkeys can swim they aren't famous for it and these pokemon don't have any design elements like floatation devices or a buoy to give them their water typing it just seems like Game Freak decided to give the water type to a monkey however the Pokedex talks about how it used to live in trees but it started to live by rivers it also uses its Tufts of fur to store water I suppose there are monkeys that are famous for living in hot springs and hunting by the river this Pokemon may also be a visual pun on the word sea monkey which is actually a type of plankton this Pokemon is also part of the elemental monkeys including the other grass and fire ones whose whole group resembles the three wise monkeys hear no evil see no evil speak no evil pan poor and Singapore are based on the see no evil bit of it see what I did there ha I did it twice this is why their eyes are white they are blind so they can see no evil also note the hair looks like a geyser neat well this Pokemon just barely scratches the surface by my lines of being a good reason for a water-type if it wasn't for the SeaMonkey bit I'd put them into the bad category along with the one and only kind of dumb reason for being water and not another type Pokemon that's right it's suicune though you could put pan for simipour in Palkia in this category if you wanted maybe even wash Rotom because like where is it getting the water but then again where were any of the water pebbles am i getting the water you're not I'm just rambling now but I'm just leaving this category for suicune in fact many of you probably thought suicune was ice huh I bet you did everyone I talked to while making this video did I'm sure some of you hardcore suicune fans knew it but really why not ice or even water ice no it's just water yet it learns so many ice moves in fact it learns more ice moves than it learns water moves naturally in fact the Pokedex only mentions how it purifies water which could be a fairy-like move as well it also states that it moves along the north wind which is cold as heck a very icy trait oh but it's based off of a Quillin a mythical beast said to have been able to walk on water Wow and I mean sure if you change its antlers to a diamond then make it more of a dog leopard oh but the leopard like traits are from the Fujian the Shinto god of the north wind ah yes the north wind again the thing that's cold as heck and brings the iced tea times while suicune could be based off of these wind and rain deities I feel like just being water isn't correct at least not as nice as it could be if it were to keep its water type it would need to either gain ice or maybe even flying there are already plenty of other flying-type pokémon that can't actually fly plus its category is the aurora pokemon you know that thing that happens to the sky in the arctic regions the regions that are covered in ice but I I guess I think I know why it's just water if it were water ice it would have two types while the other two legendary beasts only get one that's not very fair and if they made it ice well then the Gentoo legendary trio would just be the land versions of the Gen 1 legendary trio and the fans would never approve of that that's unoriginal and we all know Game Freak listens to its fans right well Game Freak or not suicune really is the only Pokemon that I think shouldn't be water type or at the very least not just water type and man that was a lot of Pokemon to get through I'm afraid of the flying in normal type videos now although they might as well be the same video birds are boring that's what Game Freak is saying well I hope you enjoyed this video I'm sure my attempts at making it shorter are going to fail but as always never stop using your noggin and please consider supporting this channel through patreon or maybe even some cool merch thanks a million
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,507,259
Rating: 4.8669295 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon explained, pokemon types explained, water type pokemon, pokemon types explained gnoggin, dobbs, water type pokemon explained, NOT water, not water type, pokemon theory, pokemon science, pokemon origins, the origin of pokemon, pokemon designs, pokemon water deck, pokemon TCG, pokemon anime, vaporeon, magikarp, gyarados, pokemon go, pokemon lets go, pokemon lets go pikachu, pokemon lets go eevee, pokemon lets go eevee vaporeon, fish pokemon, squirtle, greninja, water
Id: 68sj5M_gzwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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