EVERY Ice Type Pokemon Move EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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it's the most wonderful time of the year Mary but the weather outside is frightful and I have an excuse to be inside now so I'm not weird about it anyway it's called so let's talk about X type moves what are they how do they do and well let's start with the generic coverage that will explain most oh yeah and speaking of this video is sponsored by displayed any purchase made after clicking the link below directly supports this channel and my word it's been amazing absolutely a sincere thank you to everyone who has gotten themselves an awesome metal poster for the support and of course thanks to displace for making it possible you know how youtubers are always worried about January revenue well thanks to you and a displayed we actually don't have to worry about this January anymore February and March are iffy but the worst of it's covered and I cannot thank you or displayed enough for that this channel not only supports me but several others on the team too so January through March was a very monetarily stressful time so again thanks so much check them out with the link below and we even have some of our own posters on there and yeah now back to the main video ice has always been an insurmountable element for and fire was mastered so so long ago but the power of Isis gold has escaped us until we did it eventually freezers are cool but just like fire ice or brother the cold is quite dangerous cold weather still claims lives every year and it's even worse when it comes to hypothermia I mean if you fall into water that's just zero degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit you could fall unconscious in 15 minutes or less depending on your fitness heck even if you're in water that's 40 degrees you can still die in under 30 minutes so the cold is no joke which is why it's an entire attack type in Pokemon but how do i stipes work with their powers function well we just did a video about that right here so see that for more details but I'll summarize it real quick ice types create cold by either compression or by pressurizing naturally found elements into highly condensed liquid gases such as co2 oxygen or even nitrogen the gases evaporate quickly creating the cooling effect that can reach temperatures well below zero degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit and sometimes with some Pokemon it is just straight-up ice magic so let's start by talking about physical ice moves first up we have a simple ice punch where the user uses its fist covered in ice to punch the target which may cause the frozen debuff oh you know what now is a good time to chat about the best part of ice type moves the ability to cause the frozen debuff also known as freezing or just ice in Japanese when frozen the affected pokémon is unable to move being frozen is incredibly dangerous in a Pokemon battle and with the debuff being able to last an incredibly long amount of time it can really start to hinder your team every turn you have a 20% chance to thaw out and with the way statistics work you know that someone somewhere has been frozen for twenty-plus turns in a row but you could always just use a fire-type move those thumb out there are other things that prevent being frozen though such as harsh sunlight but overall causing your opponents to freeze is amazing it's just better paralysis really so now that we've got that covered let's go into the next move ice ball it's a ball of ice launched or rolled right at you ice is as hard as some stones though it much easier to shatter this attack lasts five turns or until the pieces and every turn the ice ball gets bigger and more powerful it's like roll out but covered in ice it's based on the idea of a ball of snow rolling down a snowy mountain getting bigger and bigger exponentially as it collects more snow also if the Pokemon use defense curl the turn before then they are already in position for this move so the attacks damage is doubled also fun math stuff if you use defense curl and ice ball hits every time the last attack could have 960 power that's nutty like chill out please G's icicle spear is where the Pokemon fires out its icicle like Spears that hit 2 to 5 times icicles form when snow on a high place like a tree or roof top melts and the water drips down slowly but then refreezes once the Sun is no longer heating it up the pokemon that learned this move like the vanillish line are perfect for icicles I mean vanillish is literally a sentient icicle it just decorates itself to look like ice cream it's got snow on top that melts and drips down onto its super cold body bicycles that times can be the perfect spear if the conditions are right they can get quite sharp and plenty of folks have died from them but most of the time when they hit anything they just shatter icicle crash is completely similar to icicle spear except it's completely different instead of small missiles of ice this is a large icicle that could easily knock you out with its weight alone but it's also sharp now when you're talking about ice and snow you can't not have an avalanche move that's like if you had rock type without rock throw or something like that it's like a requirement however being gamefreak they didn't think of that it took them four Jens to realize that they needed it so i yeah avalanches are caused by tiny bits of snow shifting or moving and gravity slowly pulling the snow downwards off of a mountain eventually that small event slowly builds until all of the snow on the mountain is moving its huge weight pulling even trees along down its path some ways to start an avalanche rather than kicking the snow around is the Sun melting bits and pieces of the snow here and there and even just the vibrations that her voice could cause an avalanche if things happens to be set up just right for that but back to Pokemon this move uses the intense power of the falling snow to damage the target and depending on if the opponent has attacked the user this turning up can make this move deal double damage the thought process behind this is possibly that if a Mon just causes its own Avalanche well that's that it's your standard avalanche but if it has had help from the impact of the other attack well now the snow comes here much quicker ice fing as a move wherein the user covers their things with frigid cold and bites the target how do they do this again details in the last video but they either could breathe their ice breath on their fangs or their fangs are hollow and filled with really cold substances then they just kind of bite with them simple facts ice shard is a very simple attack and it's called ice throwing stones and Japanese the user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target quite simple that's why it's so quick it's a move that always goes first and now we reach our first signature move of the video freeze shucks the signature move of black erm not white not normal only black erm makes sense though this is it's ice electric-type on the first turn of this move of black um charges at the tack in the generator tail and on the second turn it launches electrically charged to ice interesting when you think about it I mean ice is made of water and water conducts electricity but ice is not that great of a conductor funny isn't it and that's because the ions are unable to bounce around and tunnel easily ice is too hard for the electricity to move around in similar to wood however I'm pretty sure the legendary pokemon black um is strong enough to ignore the limitations of ice it is a dragon of ice and an electrical generator merged into one after all but still this move could be better maybe if they made the ice look less like hard ice and more like melty ice like a breath attack that's using both pokemon powers at once I don't know make it look more like how the anime portrayed it more electrical less ice even though it's ice type our next signature move on the list is ice hammer the move of the second doors - Pokemon ever why does Krabappel get it don't move this move has crab Bominable swing it's strong heavy stupid fists feet claws pretty simple it's ice tight because crab amiable stores cold in its claw feed fists which are stupid physical moves let's move on to the special moves and they are only a bit harder to explain I mean breathing ice that's fantasy or is it I'm not gonna stop promoting this video over here click it I explain how it works let's start with a roar abeam the target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam at first glance you'd think oh wow it's a fairy type move I mean rainbows that's just magical I mean xerneas learns it but that may be for less of the ice reason and more for the rainbow reason however this move is not fairy-type it's ice and well it really doesn't have anything to do with ice the move is based off of the aurora borealis or possibly any other aurora the borealis is just the most well-known one these only happen in certain locations because of how the magnetosphere interacts with solar winds or the magnetosphere is weakest or the sword winds are strongest particles in the sky get messed with which allows us to see the interaction as you can tell by that description ice really has no effect in this scenario I mean sure it just happens to be cold at the poles which is where this normally happens but that's because it's the furthest from the Sun always less light you know so as an ice type move I could really argue against it it could easily be fire or fairy-type imagine how cool a move like solar winds would be yeah but to explain it's ice type I guess it's ice man see it's magic yeah this move will be better off not ice type know besides avalanches the next most iconic thing would be a blizzard with this move a howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing Pokemon possibly leaving them frozen this is one of the more powerful moves that's actually able to inflict a status condition that matters however it's trade-off is rather interesting its accuracy is only 70% how a huge storm that fills the entire battleground misses almost a third of the time even is a mystery to me maybe it is just meant to be a focus stream of blizzard then maybe it has to do with the pokemons ability to withstand the cold for eight seconds it is just a blizzard after all wait is it blizzards are classified as winter storms that have sustained winds or frequent gusts that are greater than 56 kilometers an hour with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibility to 400 meters less and must last or a prolonged period of time typically three hours or more so I guess this move isn't really a blizzard I know that or these fights are way longer than I thought almost as long as Gen 4 battle animations but anyway I guess it's a blizzard in name alone it just rushes a huge gust of snow your way ice beam strikes with an icy cold beam of energy this may also leave the target frozen this move along with frost breath and powder snow all used the same basic mechanics with a few twists but they all work the same way the creature may build up a large amount of liquid co2 or nitrogen your choice and then they expel this cold substance in a few ways for ice beam it's a cold beam of energy so basically magic while frost breath is more akin to a dragon's fire but super cold so an ice dragon and powder snow is the frost breath but with bits of total snow mixed in it's just cold air just like icy wind also known as chilly wind it's very similar to the previously mentioned frost breath but possibly more wind and less frost in fact you wouldn't even need the supercooled gas here they actually could breathe just air but not just any air it's got to be compressed air that's right even just slightly compressing air will make it feel colder do it enough you've got some icy wind and then we have sheer cold and hoho man the target faints instantly just straight up it works based on the idea of well sheer cold it's so cold that you freeze solid instantly in Japanese this move is named absolute zero which is a temperature the temperature to be exact at absolute zero or zero Kelvin there is no movement nothing would be able to survive this temperature it's basically as if every molecule every fiber of your being stopped and unfortunately once your body stops it's really really hard to get moving again next we have QM signature move glaciated which means to cover with ice or glaciers QM attacks by blowing freezing cold air at the opposing Pokemon this lowers their speed step in Japanese this name is called frozen world and that makes sense I mean if you were to freeze the ground or create a glacier type landscape to fight on well you've made a frozen world and I'm sure your opponent might not be so inclined to fight on slippy ice so it's slowed down however again the fast decline in temperature would still be damaging as it's a sudden drop in temperature creatures love homeostasis big changes always affects creatures in negative ways ice burn is the signature move of white erm which is a tad odd this kirim is fire instead of electric which helps in explaining why the move causes burns but still it charges one turn and launches an ultra cold freezing wind that surrounds the target so how come adding fire to the ice makes it colder well because rather than launching the fire along with the ice it's using the fire powers to draw even more heat out of its ice storage tale thing have you ever felt behind your freezer it's warm because to put it extremely simply freezers aren't adding cold to the inside they are removing the warm from the inside and they gotta put that somewhere so in the case of this Pokemon it's expelling the heat from inside at its cold storage thing so fast that it causes some flames to appear and then it launches the supercooled burst the reason it can cause burns is just for a mechanical reason but I guess also frostbite frostbite is one just a part of your body freezes solid it deals similar damage to a burn but usually it's worse again more details in that video on how the ice types work please watch it give me views freeze-dry is simply described as the user rapidly cools the target this may also leave the target frozen this move is super effective on water types now freeze drying is a very common technique in preserving food or dehydration uses heat to remove the water from something freeze drying or cryo dissociation first freezes the object and then uses sublimation to remove any excess ice or water if you don't remember chemistry class sublimation is where you basically skip the liquid phase between solid and gas so in this case the solid ice is vaporized normally by lowering the pressure by great deals to where the ice evaporates from its solid state and this would explain why the move is so much more dangerous to water types I mean the process of freeze drying is drying it's in the name and then after a really interesting move we have frizzy Frost where your partner Evie attacks with a crystal made of cold frozen haze and well I mean what else there is to talk about it's a frost that's freezing and like an ice crystal those hurt partner Evie and thus we've reached the next category status moobs haze is where the Pokemon releases a haze that resets the battlefield of all things that change stats it's not to be confused with mist another move that we're talking about at the same time with mist the battlefield is covered in a mist that prevents all stat changes from then on but why are mist and haze ice type and not water type that's the real question possibly it's due to the fact that they aren't really either you see in Japanese they are known as white mist and black mist but they're black mists can translate to more than just black mist it could actually mean fog of suspicion or secrecy a haze to reset your stats but white mist but as for why it's ice well we could look into the examples of things like hot springs commonly found in cold icy parts of Japan due to the contrast of the heat and cold along with all of the moisture it gets really quite misty and hazy at these places and with this analogy well it also links into what the moves do Hot Springs can relax you the slower any stats you've raised but they can also help heal the Sree zhing any stats that have been lowered and since you're all chilling out here well your stats can't be changed no more maybe that's a stretch but the move Hale creates a hailstorm it's as simple as that the Hale pours down for five turns and deals about a 16th of the other pokemons max HP each turn makes sense most of the time he'll does hurt a little but it isn't overwhelming most of the time sometimes things get crazy and we have hailed the size of soccer balls why do people live in Texas that's a lot of damage but thankfully is if that's not what the Pokemon are doing with this move Aurora Vail reduces damage from physical and special moves for five turns this can only be used in a hail hmm interesting Aurora beam also has a little thing that mixes with hail if you use it right after the move hail during a contest it gets more points but now why would Aurora's interact with a hailstorm typically during a hailstorm you can't even see the Aurora's even if they were happening at the same time I guess the Aurora in Pokemon is a magical icy thing so being surrounded by hail just increases its power like how being in a volcano makes fire magic stronger being in the middle of the ocean or with there being a full moon makes water magic stronger etc but for a mythological reason in Old Norse these lights were seen as reflections of the shield's carried by Valkyries perhaps they are blessing this Pokemon allowing it to sustain more damage essentially by reducing the damage from all attacks this could also explain Aurora beam I guess it's the concentrated spirit of the Valkyries power which is why it also has the effect of lowering their attack stat in a way this power is providing more defense to the caster by doing so and again I'm not saying there are actual Valkyrie spirits in Pokemon I'm just saying it might have been the inspiration huh it's theoretical now then sub-zero Salama the user dramatically drops the temperature using its Z power and freezes the target with full force the power varies depending on the original movie of course and ultimately this is just a mega Z version of sheer cold in fact the Japanese name of sheer cold chairs the sub-zero meaning with this move now I don't know about you but I've learned that sub-zero temperatures are very dangerous and in addition to freezing your opponent it then hits them possibly shattering those frozen cells causing even more damage like have you seen them video games where someone gets frozen and then they shatter into a bunch of pieces yeah like that Fidji fainted max hailstorm is the Dynomax ice type move it's literally just a big hailstorm remember when I mentioned that sometimes hail can reach the size of sports balls well this move makes them the size of a house a stack of cars a Wailord at no 8/10 sword and shield whale Lords regardless its real big and at this point it being ice type almost doesn't matter it's just a big heavy thing that's gonna crush you and lastly G max residence is G max the Lapras is take max hailstorm it summons the same big hailstorm but it also causes an Aurora veil to happen it's ice magic and with that the ice moves are explained for better or for worse which type is next take a guess down in the comments and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 570,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon moves explained, pokemon explained, pokemon science, pokemon theory, pokemon sword and shield, ice type pokemon, pokemon ice type, ice type, ice type pokemon moves, ice type moves, ice type pokemon explained, ice pokemon, ice type z move, ice attacks, pokemon attacks explained, pokemon attacks, pokemon frozen solid, pokemon frozen, frozen pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon anime, pokemon go, max hailstorm, best ice type pokemon, top 10 ice type, ice
Id: jy87U568-pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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