EVERY Normal Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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normal normal normal ah you know we've covered nearly every single type now on this series Dragon and fairy are all that's left and I wanted to save those for less because they're so cool but I also kept putting off normal because well it's normal it's boring plane the toast sandwich of Pokemon so I'm going to have to add a whole lot of jump fluff into this video to make it a decent link yeah except I'm not because that's a grass type Pokemon but at the very least all pokemon have inspirations so we can still say something about these Pokemon and maybe some of them are rather unique who knows I don't yet I'm still writing this actually I've written it now I'm voicing it oh man times have changed but still the ultimate question of this series needs to be answered why are Pokemon the types that they are what makes a normal-type pokémon normal and which ones really are not normal I'm Loxton and this is every normal-type pokémon explained but first this video is sponsored by me that's right I'm sponsoring myself to show you this new video series we're doing if you like these type videos then you'll definitely like this series too it's basically the same but we're covering every single move instead yeah every single Pokemon move because we don't like taking it easy the link is right here and in the description thanks so much for checking it out now then let's start with categories how the heck am I gonna categorize these from most to least normal as if I could figure that out case-by-case so I'm just gonna wing it starting with the first category of the normal flying Pokemon it's the most common type combo ever heck there's more normal flying Pokemon than fighting or bug Pokemon yeah in this category we have Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Sparrow fearow doduo dodrio Farfetch'd hoot-hoot Noctowl swablu Taillow swellow chatot starly staravia staraptor ruffling brave iary pied of quill unfit fletchling Becky Peck trum beak and two cannon 26 normal flying Pokemon and the reasoning for this typing couldn't be any more straightforward they are this type because they are birds and that's about it but then why not just be Flying type well there's actually a fun fact in this originally in the beta the type was called bird type and the birds were bird type instead of normal flying but eventually gamefreak decided to make flying separate from birds specifically as more things can fly besides birds like dragons and bugs so flying type was more so treated as a property they are in the air they are flying type they are immune from things happening on the ground then the only thing left to do is to differentiate between flying things that are fiery and flying things that aren't so flying bugs are bugs flying Moltres the fire bird is fire flying and these birds that are just birds are normal flying and if you want to know the details about these bird Pokemon and what they are inspired by they are all in the flying type video over here they are all based on birds and birds can fly hence the Flying type so go check out that video for the details and with that huge chunk out of the way we can really start digging the Pokemon that will only be in this video of this series the pure normal-type pokémon what are they and why is that normal let's take a look at Sentret and first first you know I just realized that I wrote this pun in the script and I have no idea how to get it across on screen you see I spelled first like the beginning of fur its name I'm getting sidetracked what makes these Pokemon plain as day as we can use that explanation for most of the normal mods well Sentret is a why did I start with sand shred what is this thing Sentret is the every rodent it's a flying squirrel tanuki rabbit ferret now then aren't all of those animals plain think about those animals from the perspective of us in the West and also those in Japan these regions don't have many crazy animals like birdy ting spiders tigers platypus giant tortoises trakone ik lizards etc these are all unique and neat but a squirrel rabbit thing squirrels and rabbits are pretty plain very normal hence the typing Sentret is just a fictional animal and that's about all there is to it in fact yet let's make that the name of this category put it on screen in big white letters ah yeah Sentret then evolves into furet which is a giant ferret yes you know let's have a speed round I'll save the interesting ones for the end otherwise let's get through this tauros is just a bull crossed with a bison with a cat-o'-nine-tails with tail it's similar to Bufo ant but with an afro and gold rings seventies style miltank is a very round cow Snorlax is a rather uniquely designed hibernating monster bear sleeping is a very normal thing to do and that's what this thing is famous for and munchlax its baby form just eats constantly and eating is a pretty normal thing to do kind of got to do it to live teddiursa and Ursaring are also just brown grizzly bears with elements from the Sun bear and teddy bears Zigzagoon is based on the Japanese raccoon dog and Lagoon adds elements from the Japanese badger smeargle is odd but most closely resembles a cartoonish beagle that likes to paint with its super long tail slakoth is a baby sloth figure Roth is a sloth crossed with a baboon and slaking is perhaps a giant ground sloth Bigfoot monster thing and they got a whole video to themselves right here check it it's nice I love the thumbnail I censored a man's butt with a Pokemon but haha skitty is a pink kitty with cat tail grass for a tail or perhaps at the dangly cat toy and delcatty is just a cat with a neck pillow so it can sleep wherever and whenever at once glam yo is also just a cat but with a springy tail fun fact a spring tail is a type of flea maybe it has fleas well no in this case it's more likely a reference to some cat toys poor ugly is just an old fat cranky house cat meow is also just a cat though it borrows from Japanese lucky cats with its hole lucky coin thing and its main pose and then if evolution Persian is just a puma it's a puma it's a puma it's a puma Dunsparce got a whole video about it not too long ago it's a Tsuchinoko a plain ol little Japanese cryptid and if you really dig into it I argue it shouldn't be normal type reasons are in that video the thing is based on as venomous it should be poison type Stantler is a Sika deer with shisha for antlers which are Japanese devices used to scare deer away Horst and lore can't stand its own reflection kecleon is a chameleon doing normal chameleon things at least as normal as media likes to portray them bunnelby is a bunny and so is binary and law pony is 2 but with bunny girl elements still popular in Japan today and popular in the West in the 80s and 90s I only bring that up because then mega lopunny is also inspired from the 80s and 90s though in this case from their aerobic workout outfits young goose is just a young Mongoose and gumshoes is a mongoose detective furfrou is literally just a poodle lilipop dirtier and stout 'land are all just terriers Patrat is an in-between of a prairie dog chipmunk and a meerkat and watch hog is the same but with a safety vest Kamala is a sleeping koala what else is new Minzy no and Cincy no our chinchilla feather dusters they like to clean stuff a normal thing Bidoof is a gopher mixed with a mountain beaver Rattata and Radek 8 are just a rat and a muskrat and spin de is just drunk look at its wobble also it's like a combination of a kindling panda and a rabbit and those were the normal ax stuff the normies they probably play apex legends the rest of the just normal type pokémon are a lot more interesting and take a little longer to explain individually so the next category is still kind of normal but not as plain at least kangaskhan is a good example to start with because no amount of convincing will tell me that this is a kangaroo what is it just because it has a pouch Tasmanian devils and possums have pouches - are they kangaroos well the other part of its name is from Genghis Khan the Mongolian warlord and looking at its skull structure and back plates I guess if you squint it looks kind of like it's wearing mongolian laminar armor anywho I'm pretty sure it's just a made-up a monster dinosaur thing with one element from a kangaroo the pouch Audino is also pretty unique I mean what the heck this Pokemon would become sound type if that ever happens as it's all about singing and having good hearing hence the huge elephant ears on this rabbit pig nurse with a stethoscope huh very unique adeno is for sure normal as that's what mini sound based moves fall under sound is a pretty everyday normal thing that's why Whismur loud red and Exploud are normal type too they are just monsters that have sound powers and pull design elements from earmuffs speakers and a massive organ did you know that sound can kill you video about this line here happening Chauncey and bliss er egg mother nurses Blissey looks kind of like Nurse Joy and they are always helping her these Pokemon are all about high health and healing again a pretty normal thing a palm and ambipom are pretty normal they are just monkeys with hands has special also ambipom is one of my most hated Pokemon look at its face but the hand on the tail thing is a reference to how many monkeys have prehensile tails that they use to grab onto branches to get around and we can go even deeper in Aztec mythology there is a hui subtle a dog monkey thing with a human hand on the end of its tail perhaps it's an inspiration perhaps not likho Tong and He Who Shall Not Be Named are also pretty unique in design and they may pull from a mix of things like the economy yokai which has a long tongue and a single claw on each foot and then that gets mixed with a generic Bloor P sort of lizard as many lizards have long tongues that they use to catch prey such as the chameleons though liket tongue does have some traits similar to iguanas which may have led the designers to the Iguanodon as it shares the famous thumbs perhaps lick a tongue is just a very fat blur P Iguanodon oh well right I'll go over he who shall not be named it's even fatter kind of like a balloon it also looks like it's wearing a bib because it's so fat it looks kind of like macaroni or dandy style fashion think Hansel and Gretel now let's move on before I have to look at that for another second Castform is what happens when science goes too far and you give flesh to a cloud yeah this is flesh it's gross to think about this Pokemon changes form and type based on the weather but always defaults to its normal self seen here being normal with its body looking like an h2o molecule crossed with a Japanese weather charm the tattoo tattoo BOSU did oo also changes form that's its whole thing it's able to transform into any other Pokemon it sees but this is how it normally is its default form its normalness Eevee is similar in that it too can change into many different things of many different types but again this is its default nothing special about it so it's normal just like our KS completely normal it's just the god of the pokemon world the creator deity nothing out of the ordinary just normal though again it's normal typing is just its default in the anime and even in game canon it's all types at once or rather it can switch between types whenever it pleases using its plates but in gameplay this would be very overpowered so instead you give it one plate at a time and it becomes that type for the battle but again normal is the default also could you just imagine if in-game rks was all types at once what would that balance out to what pokemon would be good against a god like that well I explained it all in this video here man this video is just full of shameless plugs calling it out doesn't make it less shameless but speaking of our chaos type null and it's evolution Silve Ally were an attempt at recreating our chaos by Team aether thus it too is normal type by default but can switch between types man and it looks like an odd hodgepodge of creature parts poor thing it's like an alchemical chimera regigigas is big really big strong too and about it it doesn't really have powers it's just big and strong so strong that it's said to have one time pulled the continents but still it's just a big giant that's all it is now then there are two more pure normal type Pokemon lines we haven't touched on and that's because I am of the opinion that they should not be normal type or rather not just normal type let's start with the porygon line as I'm not sure about it Oregon is a Pokemon created by man inside of a computer that then got a physical form it evolves with an upgrade and then glitches out in its final evolution so being made of data means they are literally ones and zeros in a computer binary and binary is just where electricity is and is not in the microchips if there's electricity in a place it's a one if not it's a zero repeat billions of times so this means porygon is literally electricity it's pokedex entries even say so a pokemon that consists entirely of programming code so it's no wonder that it learned so many electric moves so why isn't it electric type it would be the most literal electric pokemon there is I mean I could even settle for electric normal as a later pokedex entry says it can convert its body into digital data so then okay it isn't digital data always but then that begs a question when it is physical what is it is it like hard steel or is it kind of plastic e rubbery latex I guess whatever it is it's normal hence the normal type but I'm pretty sure normal electric would work too and then there's zangoose which is what happens when anime goes too far with a mongoose I mean first up it's just an edgy Mongoose so normal type works but I'd make it normal dark myself it's pokedex entries are all about how aggressive it is and it's intense bitter rivalry with Seviper now that sounds like a dark-type attitude to me and there are other dark-type pokémon with my smaller worse reasons for being dark type plus dark type just fits with this edgy too and now we've covered all of the normal flying and the just normal Pokemon this next set of Pokemon are dual type Pokemon let's start with normal that aren't also flying so these Pokemon are a little less normal but still normal enough for the type I guess for instance both meloetta forms one is normal psychic and the other is normal fighting she has these types because she does have psychic and fighting abilities but she's more so about song-and-dance and normal as the stand in sound type so there that's the same reasoning for the singing putting balloons that are a Glee buff jiggly puff and Wigglytuff normal sound powers azumarill is a cute as heck Mouse thing and it's normal fairy when it evolves it swaps it's normal for water type so I assume the idea here is that Azurill can't swim very well so it's not water type yet it still needs to learn I imagine it's hard to swim without fins or arms and did you take a watery Pokemon and remove the water 'no strum it it's just normal Bidoof also gains water when evolving as a barrel it is now normal water type easy to see as its body is still relatively the same so the normal typing here is a good example of what I mean when I say it's still normal just not as normal as now it is able to swim super well and use some water moves it has a mastery over water and it controls the flow of rivers with its dams because it's a beaver it has a barring normal beaver body it's just like Deerling and sawsbuck I mean look at them they are just normal deer but with plants growing on them so they are normal grass girafarig is also just a giraffe crossed with an okapi so it has a super normal body but it also happens to have a few psychic powers so normal psychic same with Orin guru it's a regular everyday orangutan it just happens to also have psychic powers diggersby is a plain normal rabbit but it also has excavator ears that let it dig it's super fast so it gained the ground type and stuff I'll and fee wear are a stuffed red panda and a red panda mascot suit guy they have normal cuddly soft typical bodies but they also happen to be super strong and know how to fight well so normal fighting type DRAM paw Oh is a bit weird a normal dragon I mean what's normal about being a dragon I can't use the same logic as before oh it's got a normal body so it's normal type because yeah I guess it has a normal body for a dragon so it's a dragon's body this dragon has a dragon's body because it's a dragon what's so normal about this when there are other Dragon II Pokemon that are just dragon type is it because it's a grandpa is it the fluff loads of normal type Pokemon are just fluffy animal things so maybe also maybe the origin will help it's based on hue long a Chinese serpentine dragon that invented day and night cycles and has the head of an old man now I don't know what you think but I think that's anything but normal is this another not normal Pokemon do its pokedex injuries say anything oh it likes to play with and protect kids geez it's gonna have its comments disabled that jokes gonna get dated does it learn a ton of normal type moves I mean it does learn plenty but in my comparisons there were loads of other dragon-type pokémon that learned the same number of normal type moves sometimes plenty more so is there a good reason for DRAM paw being normal type no but that doesn't mean there isn't a reason it's just not a good reason I think we all hear what you're trying to say Game Freak you made rampa normal because even you think that normal-type pokémon are boring right that must be it it's an old boring man dragon it's lame so it's normal you're so rude to my sweet sweet skitty hashtag not all normals but really though grandpas reasoning may be just that or perhaps in its origin you know it's the dragon that created day/night cycles and like day and nights very normal Hey well now last category secondary normal Pokemon so Pokemon who are dual typed with the second type being normal so they are even less normal than the previous group and there's only three lines to cover first we have a lowland Retta and Radek eight same normal type reasoning as their main landforms meaning is because it's brat and a muskrat but these ones have turned into little thieves that Remagen ruin in the night and bring food to their gluttonous mob-boss the darkness has taken over thus the dark type on top of their normal nests next is litleo and pyroar they are fire-breathing lions and that's all there is to it they breathe fire so fire type but otherwise they are just lions they have normal lion bodies they aren't like the other mammalian fire-type pokémon that have fire literally sticking out like khulafa and Infernape they are just lions with fire sacs on the inside so their outside body is normal and lastly helioptile and heliolisk electric normal so again the normal here is in relation to its body they are just lizards a combination of the frilled neck a lizard a basilisk and a spotted salamander fun fact spotted salamanders are able to photosynthesize meaning they get energy from the sunlight which falls in line with the solar panel Pokemon they charge their internal batteries this way which means they aren't able to just generate their own electricity like most other electric pokemon do they have to get it from somewhere else in this case the Sun so by default then perhaps their bodies are just normal they just happen to also be able to manipulate the electricity thus electric normal and those were the best explanations I could come up with anyway so did I miss anything got any cool things to add you let me know down below and while you're down there check out that series I mentioned that's all about Pokemon moves I just know you're gonna love it we have two episodes of it out already steel and fighting I particularly love the fighting type one thank you all and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,701,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: normal type, pokemon, normal type pokemon, normal type pokemon explained, normal type pokemon team, every normal type pokemon, normal pokemon, pokemon anime, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon lets go eevee, eevee, lopunny, not normal, not normal pokemon, pokemon explained, the science of pokemon, normal type pokemon moves, sound type pokemon, sound pokemon, pokemon science, pokemon prediction, galar forms, galar pokemon, gnoggin, pokemon top 10
Id: qVQ7yGepyAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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