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not electric-type you say as I have an obviously clickbait Pokemon like Pikachu on the thumbnail well yeah it got you to click right so it's not that bad but truly some of these Pokemon really should not be electric type or should all Pokemon be electric-type pokémon are basically animals which are just hunks of meat that get tickled by electricity to secrete juice that makes the meat do its bidding so really when you get down to it aren't we all electric-type but we're not here to have an existential crisis we are talking about the magical world of Pokemon where a mouse could probably kill you and oh boy are there a lot of electric rodent Pokemon is like their mascot is one or something and they had to make a bunch of failed clones to try and repeat Pikachu success but none of them worked truly except for the one non electric one that one got popular but if we take a quick glance at all of the electric types up there they there they went all of them see gone now they all seem to fit into the electric typing rather well save one or two which those are you'll have to find out because overall nearly every single electric clips pokemons origins and reasonings for being electric type can be explained that's right Game Freak really went all out with their mascots typing there are a few oddball ones but it wouldn't be Pokemon if everything was straightforward so to add meat and substance to this video I'm going to be categorizing if a pokemons electro typing is due to it being AC or DC and no we're not talking about what type of Australian rock band 2 they are we are talking about if they are utilising an alternating current to the electricity or a direct current and for all of you non electricians out there let me cue in on a few major points and differences between the two AC or alternating currents describes the flow of charge that changes direction periodically as a result the voltage also reverses along with the current AC is used to deliver power to houses office buildings etc and is used primarily at high voltages thus less energy is lost in electrical power transmission higher voltages means lower currents and lower currents means less heat generated in the power line due to resistance so it's much more efficient at long-distance transmission essentially DC or direct current is a lot more straightforward instead of oscillating like a see the voltage charge is constant meaning it does not change imagine a tank of water with the hoods the tank you can only push water one way out the hose and similar to our DC producing batteries once the tank is empty water no longer flows through the pipes DC has many more uses than AC because of its constant voltage unfortunately though it is rather hard to have it travel long distances and unfortunately this is a Pokemon video not a Thomas Edison versus Tesla discussion so let's get back to the Pokemon right after the intro now we know there are things that can shock you in the real world oops did I say we're going back to Pokemon no just the ocean the closest thing to the real world pokemon world we have though there's so many weird fish like the infamous electric eel a real-life electric type essentially and the basis of our friend Electro's this eel has three special organs that help it create electricity and to spare you the fine details it works like a battery slowly charging up chemicals called the electrolytes once the eel spots its prey it opens an ion channel allowing sodium to pass over the electrolytes creating a difference in charge this makes the electricity jump out and ground itself through the water shocking anything unlucky enough to be close to it to humans it feels like just a little shock but to a tiny fish it is deadly but Pokemon are a bit different they seem to be able to create vast amounts of power and then almost choose where and when it discharges so either they are really good at aiming the UH nameable or they are actually able to manipulate the path of energy it's like they're magic or something so we're going to categorize these Pokemon into groups like normal and first up are the AC Pokemon at first we thought they were going to be more of them but it turns out there's just a few and all of the rest are DC so yeah AC category first and then we'll split DC up even more you see AC like we talked about earlier alternates normally via some sort of mechanism a loop of wire is spun inside of a field which induces a current along the wire the rotation of the wire can come from any number of memes a wind turbine a steam turbine flowing water even Maxell turning a big ol crank because the wire spins and enters a different magnetic polarity periodically the voltage and current alternates on the wire which brings us to why so few pokemon are AC most pokemon don't have literal generators on them but fortunately some do or are based off of how generators work in this category of AC pokemon we have Zekrom Rotom Magnemite Magneton Magnezone circuitry and maybe even Voltorb an electrode the strongest candidate Zekrom literally has a generator for a but it's literally is an electric motor that spins so for sure it's AC also being the pokemon of ideals works well ideals are constantly changing and adapting as time goes on it's like an alternating current whereas Zechariah's counter Reshiram is the pokemon of truth a fire-type because of the truth always stays constant and burns yet it is always there and purified next is Rotom a ghost able to possess motors hence its name being motor but backwards almost all of the appliances they are able to possess either run off of AC or have AC like motors the only one that's a little iffy is Moe Rotom but there are electric mowers that run off of a cord so I guess I guess that one still works basically Rotom is electric because he is the Machine spirit of the Pokemon world the Emperor protects next is the Magnemite line it's definitely based off of magnets and the electrical currents created using magnets making an electric type and its source of energy is similar to AC generation as explained earlier power can be created by passing a magnet across a wire in fact most power production in the world is based off of this simple mechanic now I'm not saying that Magnemite for sure has a small generator inside of it but we also don't know if it doesn't and at the very least it seems to create power via magnets which are inherently alternating due to the rotation generally needed and these magnets do spin after all then we get to the ultra beast circuitry based off of power lines and I got a tree I guess this ultra beast is said to shock everything and everyone around it and much like real life power lines this pokemon may have high-voltage AC power as almost all power lines as for Voltorb and electrode interestingly enough these Pokemon could be AC or DC there simply isn't enough data pointing us in any direction they could be AC as they appear to be somewhat man-made and are often used in power plants but being used in power plants doesn't necessarily mean they are AC neither does them being man-made so really we just don't know they might have a little generator in there they might not and thus they are a good segue into our next category because that's it for the AC Pokemon all of the rest of the electric pokemon are DC and yes even the electric eels of our own world are using a direct current though obviously leaving the categories of this would make this category massive so let's break it up further the next set of pokémon are all DC but they are also not necessarily given the electric type because of electricity directly per se this next category is more or less pokémon that have electrical powers but they really shine somewhere else I'm talking lighting not lightening lighting get that in out of there lightbulbs is what I'm talking about here I'm talking to shanks Maurice Blitzen and chin Chow lines all of these pokemon are electric but for different reasons than merely being able to shock things sure all of them can but their true power is in their bioluminescence in the pokemon world light equals power apparently except for illumise and volbeat they didn't get invited to the party all of these pokemon can generate the electricity sure I mean that's why they are electric type and not light type which I seriously hope they never add that as a type the Shinx line is a little odd but super cute and then cool-looking they wind up becoming a dazzling Lynx luxray and Luxio are based on similar ideas even the first half of their name Lux means light in Latin and Lynx are known for their gleaming bright eyes and terrific night vision after all and you can see by their Tufts of fur all over here that it's definitely a Lynx and not a lion Ampharos is apparently able to be seen as a beacon almost like a lighthouse at sea and its previous evolutions also have bright bulbs on their butts and the name points us to Egyptian kings pharaohs which are said to be the gods incarnated as humans gods with creation power which is often associated with light Jojo and Lantern are based off of angler fish who used their bioluminescent lights to entice their prey closer and remember light generation equals electric-type sometimes finally Blitzen and ZEB Strega are just edgy zebras they are in this category because they seem to communicate by brightly flashing their Mane similarly to lightning bugs except they are horses and the next category are Pokemon that use electricity to enhance their speed and trust me there are more than you think it's a classic anime trope at this point that electricity means fast and it makes some sense light is commonly seen as energy thus electricity and heck light is pretty fast but did you know that the electricity in our wires is much closer to the speed of honey flowing down a 45-degree angle but lightning is very fast so I understand and while all of these pokemon can use electricity and store it they really helped pace the competition when it comes to speed in this category we have electric metrics aurora and raikou while they may also fit into other categories and other pokemon wouldn't fit in this category too i feel like this is a really good way of organizing them anyway so hush it's a Venn diagram so much like kahlúa zoldak Scott Speed ability the pokemon here bypassed their only brain signal to their muscles by directly putting electrical signals into their muscles bypassing their brains otherwise slow response time how that works I never know electrics pokedex injury even states that this pokemon stimulates its leg muscles with electric charges these jolts of power give its legs explosive acceleration performance another entry of manectric its evolved form states that it eases its soreness with electricity too so it can recover quickly as well which has been shown to be true even in us humans electrical stimulation therapy exists and helps to a degree against soreness and inflammation in large muscle groups also bonus fact manectric may be based on the ride you a lightning spirit that takes the form of a wolf also it's enough looks like an alligator clip which are used to attach an electrical cabling and now we have an excuse to have an electric alligator Pokemon and I want that desperately then we have the legendary raikou which is stated to be able to run as fast as lightning which let me say is very fast like lightning fast roughly 750 miles per hour fast and based on the name it has origins in the japanese god Lightning zero aura is also capable of running as fast as lightning and the electricity sparks off of it as it does so this thing is super charged to the max though I guess you kind of have to be when you're constantly running from artists the next category of Pokemon are thieves or are known to steal power while they may also be able to create their own electricity lease Pokemon seem to more so absorb it from their surrounding sources much like having a rechargeable battery in their bodies rather than having an organ that can generate it elekid electabuzz and electivire can be seen hanging around power plants like many other pokemon in this category previously they were thought to cause blackouts but electabuzz has now been freed from this claim as of the Sun and Moon pokedex entries it turns out the cause of these outages was more often an error on the part of The Electric Company or us before it was believed these Pokemon just gobbled up all the power at power stations which they can do just not as commonly as The Electric Company wants you to think joël Tech and Galvan Chawla seem to be power hogs jilsuk is a little jumping spider with tick elements that leeches jolts or energy instead of blood from its hosts while Calvin Chula uses power line like webs to shock and ensnare Pokemon also fun fact Calvin Chile's name comes from tarantula and galvanism which is the act of contracting muscles using an electrical current essentially with the speed category Pokemon did Voltorb any electrode we touched on earlier they could have AC generators inside of them but I'm more inclined to believe they are a DC based electric generator but a very volatile one because they sure do love to explode but according to stadium's decks entry they have been seen drawing power from trolleys of electric trains the electrodes have also been seen congregating and electrical power plants to feed on electricity that has just been generated which makes me wonder if fresh electricity tastes better Plusle and minun are - Pikachu clones that love to help out each other they're pretty much positive and negative P choose these little rascals use electricity to make spark pom-poms and cheer each other on plusses pokedex entry states that it cheers on friends with pom poms made of sparks it drains power from telephone poles meanwhile mine ins entries do not state whether or not it generates its power but I feel like since these two pokemon are so close we can assume that they gain power from the same source and as telephone poles are normally an alternating current it's quite possible for what they positively and negatively charged pokemon to gain power from it each drawing from one of the alternating currents and now we're onto the next category of Pokemon Pokemon that generate their own static or used static electricity from the surrounding air rather than being made by man though not necessarily we all know that if you rub your feet on carpet nothing happens but if you put on a pair of soft socks you'll start to build up a nice static aura or simply rubbing a balloon on your hair will make the hair strut to stand on end because they are being pulled by the static charge so how does that work well caused by friction static charge generally occurs when a non-conductive material and insulator are rubbed together the friction and motion allows the charges on the insulated item to build up a little fact of nature is that it likes to be in equilibrium meaning a balance once a particular item has enough of a difference in charge the charge wants to escape now air doesn't like to be disturbed but it's also kind of a pushover so once the charge is large enough to overpower the resistance of the air it immediately dissipates out creating balance once again and now that's on a small scale but it's not just little zaps and crackles no static electricity can grow big-time in fact lightning is a static charge just on a much bigger scale its friction produced by huge million-pound clouds creating huge differences in charges compared to the ground now then the Pokemon in this category are mareep fluffy or a choreo in its pom-pom style Jolteon dynamo electric electra stunfisk charge about Vica volt Zapdos thunderous helioptile basilisk dedenne Pachirisu Emolga Pichu Pikachu Raichu and toget Amaru fluffy and mareep are sheep beep beep and all that wool generates a ton of static electricity which they then used to power their light bulbs and that's why you get to see them twice want to see them again here's a whole video about why they lose their wall as they evolve it's quite fascinating now the Pikachu clones oh yeah and Pikachu this little mouse the faithful mascot of the franchise good lord I'm glad it wasn't Clefairy can you imagine these small mites are able to generate electricity as they sleep possibly just absorbing the residual static around it and then amplifying it as the pokedex entry states that while sleeping it generates electricity in this act in its cheeks if it's not getting enough sleep it will be able to only use electricity and it's stated that if you touch their little cheeks you'll get a nasty shock all of which makes these pouches quite similar across most other big achoo colognes Emolga and Pachirisu are both electric squirrels that also share these cheek pouches although they seem to use the electricity differently Emolga uses it to help it fly and glide across the sky and Pachirisu likes to store it in trees what yep like a nut there's nothing wrong with that at all it's not like it would just instantly ground out through the tree and dissipate nope not at all stupid stupid squirrel other clones include dedenne which is a tiny Pikachu with antennas in its cheeks helping it both absorb and dissipate electricity and to get Amaru the lightning-rod who loves to steal electricity from other pokemon due to its underdeveloped ability to produce its own electricity and finally leaving the Pikachu's next is our choreo pom pom style these fast-moving little burbs are super cute based off of the dancing style of cheerleaders this high-energy dance really captures the essence of speed also rubbing together pom poms in this way creates a good deal of static electricity Jolteon method of electric generation is odd out of all of the ways to get electricity Jolteon chooses the slow route of just absorbing the charge how it attracts charged ions from the atmosphere I'm not sure but hey it's a genuine Pokemon so it doesn't really need to make sense charge a bug and Vica volt our batteries or at least charge it bug looks like one and apparently works like one according to the Dex entry its body is capable of storing electricity on camping trips people are grateful to have one around like can't we go camping for once without having all of these gadgets we're in nature for a reason people but it also explains that it generates electricity from its electro sack it may work similarly to the electric eel of our real world speaking of electric eels the electrons line are based off of it fun fact the electric eel isn't actually an eel it is in fact a knife fish but it's an off-brand eel essentially and pretty much the same as the real world eel these pokemon create electricity from their own electric sacs although they are able to make a much bigger shock and some point to these pokemons leeched like appearance and assume that on top of the electric generation they also suck electricity from underwater power lines stunfisk now you would think that yeah it's based off of the eel thing because it's also a fish but you'd be wrong in fact there is a real-life fish called the electric array stunfisk looks like a flounder mixed with a manta ray is sort of and this electric ray also has the same shocking defense and attack abilities that the electric eels have helioptile and heliolisk are lizards that use the Sun to gain power now you'd think duh all lizards need the Sun to move because they are cold-blooded and you're right but these guys are pretty much literally solar panels heck they don't even need to eat if it's a sunny day they can photosynthesize their own energy much like the real world spotted salamander thunderous is basically right in the Japanese god of lightning I mean look at it and thus it is the Pokemon equivalent to an elemental deity the god or guardian of thunder and lightning now that being said it is also very similar to Zapdos they both control lightning possibly gaining this power by flying through clouds creating huge amounts of static electricity on themselves or they just absorbed the static from the clouds giving them huge amounts of power that they can use at their own leisure and now we reach the final category other I suppose here we have the lowland Geodude line and tapu cocoa yellow land Geodude line our Rock Pokemon that seem to be magnetically charged now you can take any ordinary metal and magnetize it in a few ways one is striking it with another strong magnet or metal giving or taking charge away from the first one other ways include running a current through the metal this gives the object a magnetic field Geodude and gravel air just seem to have charged metallic rocks inside and on their rocky body but golem is on a whole nother level based off of their design and its pokedex entries golems are miniature railguns guns that fire using the power of electromagnetism and these golems even go as far as to shoot other geodude's at their targets where they get their electricity from though is a mystery but they most definitely are electric type for a good reason due to their whole electromagnetic thing and now top ooh cocoa the one electric-type pokémon that doesn't really need the electric type at least not based on its origins topo cocoa translated through various Polynesian languages translates into a number of things the coolest being God's blood but more accurately to etapa cocoa actually it's most likely translated to holy chicken noise it's based off of the Hawaiian deity ku one of the eternal gods that have existed since forever and is often depicted as feathered like a chicken no you would say hey taco Coco is based off of a God so it's probably a god of lightning or thunder but no ku is well known as the god of war conflicts heck even the god of fishing but not lightning that title is held by Cain another old God and the one that Tabu lele is based on the heck is going on here Game Freak well these main for Hawaiian gods that the tapas are based on our each gods of many different things Cain was the highest of the gods and the creator deity lightning is just one thing that it happens to have control over as light is often associated with creation but all of Cain's other aspects such as being the wisest the creator of the body mind and soul etc do point to the psychic type more so than it happens to be able to control electricity pointing to electric after all being able to control lightning is just one of the smaller aspects of Cain topu cocoa then is based more on qu due to ku being the God of War and we see top of cocoa moves in a very war dance like way which are very common among Polynesian warriors so the electric-type may simply come from it being fast like some previous pokemon but they are mostly all based on other things as well and clearly taboo cocoa is the fastest of the four by far but overall looking at all of the electric-type pokémon top of cocoa has the weakest reasoning for being electric-type well we'll do a video about the top who's at some point and maybe in that research we'll find the real reason but what do you think both about this whole top of cocoa thing and about the rest of the electric-type pokémon and what type should i do next and be sure to check out this playlist of all of the other types we've covered so far just in case you missed some and until next time please remember to never stop using that noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,410,426
Rating: 4.8924365 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, Pokemon, pokemon theory, pokemon anime, pokemon go, pokemon lets go, electric, electric type, electric type pokemon, pokemon explained, pokemon science, pikachu, pokemon lets go pikachu, zeraora, electric team, science of pokemon, how electric pokemon work, how electricity works, science of pikachu, pikachu science, electricity, zapdos, not electric, ac vs dc, electric eel, mandjtv
Id: 75kksjRxUJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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