Every Pokemon MOVE Explained! BUG Edition! | Gnoggin

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yes we finally made it to bug type moves explained and that isn't excitement it's a it's withheld paranoia bugs are icky and I'm sure I'm going to love having to watch this video as much as you guys are but hey I do it for those of you who do enjoy them bug oohs I just hope I don't get skeeved out within the first few minutes okay so real talk right now bugs are mega evolved creatures they are the perfect niche creature every single bug is able to do some sort of astounding thing I mean they've all had like a brazillian years to become what they are or something and now they have like sci-fi abilities and as such in Pokemon bug type moves are just as crazy if not crazier because you get to apply some fantasy but bugs make up in technology for what they lack in power and size which is why most bug type moves were going to see are well below the average power for Pokemon I mean it is just bugged after all and we start with one of the oldest and most iconic bug-type moves would each life wait a minute are leeches bugs hang on oh it turns out leeches are basically worms just just worm ease with teeth dick I always thought they were some sort of weird eel fish that was wrong and who wants to look at footage of this well the move leech life is good then the user drains the targets blood the users HP is restored by half of the damage taken by the target because that's basically what leeches do pin missile is where sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession well plenty of bugs are sharp and prickly but I'm sure they can't actually shoot their spikes like a projectile oh they can Oh God another reason to stay inside forever there's even a tarantula that can do this with twin needle the user damages the target twice in succession by jabbing it with two spikes this may also poison the targets this is pretty par for the course in terms of bug like behavior always trying to ruin your day and I mean if they're gonna stab you they might as well stab you again it's rather rude but they are bugs after all it's just in their nature along with poisoning you bugs are rather small and thus for defense or even sometimes for hunting they require help by breaking the international laws of the Geneva Convention jokes aside many bugs actively use Venom's to help with their escape or in capturing prey fell stinger also known as finishing stinger and Japanese is a stinging attack where if the user knocks out the target with the move it's a tax that rises dramatically so it's basically a finisher move it's wonderful for ending fights lunging is a normal thing to do when you have a stabbing or piercing weapon it's a common move taught in swordplay the Pokemon move lunge has the user lunge at the target attacking with full force lowering the targets attack step so why is this bug time well what natural creature actually has a stabbing implement bugs right proboscis is proba sky progra brush brush brush steady mouths mosquitoes moths etc this could also explain why it lowers the targets attack it's sucking out some of their muscley energy and in the case of buzz swell it's keeping that muscley energy for itself string shots next we all know that spiders back even caterpillars are able to secrete a sticky string that they use for well a lot of stuff from webs to just start up to hanging out it's pretty useful and strong which is why the opposing pokemon becomes bound with silk blown from the users mouth that harshly lowers its speed stat the only odd thing is that pokemon shoot it from their mouths or head horns instead of their but I guess that's to protect innocent eyes from sticky white but stirring another sticky move is sticky web user weaves a sticky net around the opposing team which lowers their speed stat upon switching into battle now you'd think in a realistic sense the opposing trainer just wouldn't let their Pokemon out on the battlefield right on the web you know what a stupid game and then there's spider shot basically the same thing again and what it is but is different and how it do the user ensnares the targets with a thin gooey silk so that it cannot flee from battle now then we have cutting moves these moves seem to use the bugs hardened carapace or exoskeleton like a blade there's furry cutter the fury cutter yes the best move to spam the target is slashed with scythes or claws this attack becomes more powerful if it hits in succession the more you use it the better it gets and I mean who doesn't like slicing into their foes with a giant bugs razor-sharp carapace shaped like a site huh how a bleed Zoll is able to learn it I don't never know x-scissor is where the user slashes at the target by crossing its sides or claws as if they were a pair of scissors much like the leaf cutter ant uses its large mandibles to actually cut the leaves into a more manageable size that way it can carry it back to the nest to feed bacteria so that it can then eat the byproduct of that bacteria they are little farmers it's super cute or at least as cute as an ant and a farmer hat and overalls can be megahorn has the Pokemon use it's tough and impressive horn the user rams into the target with no let-up it was at one point - the signature move of heracross the rhino beetle or her these beetle you know the ones with the big ol horn however nowadays pretty much anything with a big ol horn is able to use the move so it's not that you need a bug horn to do it it's just that bug horns are well really large and proportion to the rest of the body signal beam isn't really a bug move is it not more non bugs learn it than bugs the user attacks with a sinister beam of light which may also confuse the target in order to figure out why this light is bug type we have to look at its origins back in Ruby and Sapphire it was the signature move of volbeat though later in the same generation dugong could also learn in FireRed and LeafGreen well regardless so to give volbeat a stab a bonus with it it gets the bug typing and it could be easily explained as it's a beam of light made in the same way fireflies make light via a chemical process these insects use light signals to talk and communicate with others as well as to confuse any predators hence doing the same in pokemon tail glow is basically another signature move of volbeat it stares at flashing lights to focus its mind drastically raising its Special Attack stat again it's a Firefly thing another set of signature moves are the three moves known by only vespiquen the queen bee pokemon with attack order she calls out her underlings to pummel the target critical hits land more easily this is a perfect example of how insects can often win thanks to sheer numbers vespiquen commands others to do the work for her and in this case the order is to attack and when there's a swarm of little attacks all over you odds are at least one of them is going to strike a critical spot hence the crit rate defense order is the same basic principle vespiquen commands her underlings to shield her body which plenty of bee colonies have been observed doing to protect the more vulnerable members like the Queen and then again she has heal order all the little bees work together to heal the leader you know this seems super unfair aren't you only allowed to have one pokemon per opponent how come vespiquen gets like a hundred plus underlings are these just normal bees or these calm bees does the Pokemon world have normal bees these don't look like calm bees so many questions questions that only continue to get more question filled when we look at the move infestation the user summons several teeny tiny and sectoid things that infest to the opponent for a number of turns it's like a literal ton of fleas so hang on a minute are these just fleas or what are their regular bugs in the Pokemon world oh maybe the Japanese name of the move can lighten us maddewar atsuku probably mispronouncing that since I didn't even try depending on the context this could translate into a few different things like to follow about two coil about to stick together or infestation well great that doesn't really help and they all just sort of mean the same thing so the move infestation works this way in some way or another hundreds of tiny insects question mark Pokemon question mark essence of bug question mark things go all over the enemy like a flea-ridden stray dog oh it does damage over time so now from a move that makes me question everything about the Pokemon world to one that is about as basic as can be we have bug bite where you guessed it the user which is a bug bites kind of like a bug would bug bites hurt though this move also has the added effect of if the target is holding a berry the user eats it and gains its effects if picnic ants have taught us anything it's that bugs love to steal your food this is because they lack the social concept of property now picture this it's summer in a slice-of-life anime we cut to a stock illustration of a building maybe there's also a tree can you hear it in your mind can't you just hear this image in that context that's because the cicadas are 1 million decibels and they are just screaming at the world looking for someone in Pokemon this is the mood bug buzz the user generates an ear-shattering sound wave by vibration which may also lower the target special defense stat because special defense is sanity in a way they drive you nutty with their annoying buzz bugs me so much sometimes that was a pun now on to struggle bug the move that's somehow better than struggle while resisting the user attacks the opposing Pokemon this lowers the special attack of those hit you see it lowers their spark because they feel bad poor little bug that they're fighting is struggling I mean you can't just not take sympathy on something so much smaller than you trying its best to beat you it's almost endearing now you know what I like butterflies and moths especially when you disregard butterflies then only look at moths I like moths and there are a bunch of bug type moves regarding the abilities of butterflies and moths such as silver wind where the target gets attacked with powdery scales blown by the wind this may also raise the users stats it turns out that moth and butterfly wings are actually made of tiny little scales which is what the Pokemon throws and the shedding of all those old scales could possibly help them on in battle it's the stat increase makes a more agile I suppose quiver dance is another butterfly move in fact in Japanese the move is called butterfly dance which is why again it's learned primarily by butterfly like Pokemon the user lightly performs a beautiful mystical dance this boosts the users special attack special defense and speed stats butterflies in cultures across the globe are seen as mystical beautiful symbols of hope as well as new life and energy so this power is innate to them rage powder has the user scatter a cloud of irritating powder to draw attention to itself opponents aim only at the user you see bugs are masters of chemical warfare especially hormones and when dealing with the fantasy world of Pokemon you can easily say it's a powder that really bugs the enemy the move powder is extremely nondescript like what sort of powder because the world is filled with a lot of powers of varying use and importance and its Japanese name is just dust well at least we know it's a combustible powder because this signature move of a villian will explode when it comes into contact with fire dealing extra damage to the target moths and butter lies are often associated with dust because again their scaly wings but also because some of them basically eat it and get covered in it and dust when accumulated enough is quite flammable because fire burns using oxygen and fuel the tiny dust particles burn up almost instantly because of their high ratio of surface area to volume so the fire spreads quickly and creates a vacuum or a flesh which then spreads the fire much quicker and you're welcome for that long explanation of an almost useless move here's something a lot of bugs are famous for being skittish and for good reason when you are the size of a grain of rice the world is just a Megadeth world anything can kill you thus the move you turn is bug after making its attack the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokemon in waiting it's scared it's got to get away steamroller has the user crush its targets by rolling them over with its rolled-up body the fun facts if the target had ever used minimize than the attack would do double damage makes sense because squish and if not for the existence of golem this gen-5 move would be the signature move of the world of headline but speaking of signature moves pollen puffs signature move of ribbon be it attacks the enemy with a pollen puff that explodes though you can also target an ally with it and then the pollen puff restores HP instead being pollen shouldn't this move be grass type meaning not bug pollen is just plant spunk huh well insects famously use it all the time like bees it's super nutritious so healing from it is an easy connection to make that's really exploding well little do many know that row bomb B has bomb in the name for a reason it can make bombs out of pollen because sun and moon was a hilarious anime now there's just one more move and it doesn't have the best reasons for being bug type and that move is first impressions the signature move of Galatia HUD though through breeding a far-fetched can also learn this the heck well this move is strong but it can only be used on the first turn the user is on the battlefield and the real reason it's bug-type is just so that it gets a stab bonus from the goal isopod though I suppose since its depicted as sort of a generic slam you are being slammed by an exoskeleton which is quite bug like I suppose but other than that it's not exactly bug ish unless you base the whole move on some context like picture this just after you get out of a shower or turn on your bedroom lights you are greeted by a horrific insect monstrosity your first impression is one of fear though once you calm yourself down and are aware of it being there and what it is exactly here huh you're pretty much fine and can take care of it ghal ISIF ha takes this fear and makes full use of it with its first impression nice oh no I forgot the Z move savage spin out the generic bug type Z move finds the target with full force with threads of silk that the user spits using it's Z power so uh apparently all bugs are able to use silk so funnily enough string shot isn't one of the moves that can become this is emu silly bugs so is white goopy stringy silk just innate to the essence of bugs I guess so it's odd so odd but there you have it every bug type Pokemon move explained hope you learned something today so save that right into your noggin lúcia on the next one [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 578,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, bug type, bug type pokemon, bug type pokemon explained, bug type pokemon moves, bug type z move, bug type gym, new bug type pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon moves explained, pokemon moves were realistic, pokemon were real, pokemon science, bug type pokemon team, scyther, beedrill, kabutops, joltik, leech life, fury cutter pokemon, golisopod, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon sun and moon golisopod, pikachu vs golisopod
Id: LuVt__ieVCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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