EVERY Steel Type Pokemon MOVE Explained! | Gnoggin

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[Music] Pokemon would not be Pokemon if they didn't do anything I mean could you imagine pokémon without moves it'd just been Neopets to anyway pokemon moves are an integral part of the franchise and that's why we here at noggin thought we would make a series a series that goes through every single Pokemon move and explain what it is its lore if applicable and maybe some science if needed at least as deep into science as you can with such a broad topic there's so many moves if we detailed science for every single one oh man this would be long so only some of them some of them not only kind of deep sometimes if a move is deep enough it'll get its own video like this one here yeah anyhoo we will of course also explain why each move is the type that it is when applicable like if it's confusing for some reason and we figured why not start this series the same way we started our pokémon types explained series with steel-type moves and rather than spend forever explaining how this series is gonna work let's just explain through an example so let's begin with an easy one right after the intro Iron Tail it's not that bad of a move it's got decent physical and such but remember we're here for the lore and some science not meta and thankfully this move is pretty self-explanatory iron tail now notably it's a steel type move and yet iron Iron Tail what well you see steel type is really treated more so like a metal type but steel sounds cooler than just metal we covered this in detail in the video that started everything where we show that not every steel type Pokemon is even made of metal let alone steel specifically so keep that in mind back to the move the pokemon uses their tail to strike the opponent and that tail is made out of some sort of metal for Chi metal well that depends on the Pokemon now there are only two pokemon that art steel types that can learn this move by level we won't really be counting the breeding thing or egg moves a normal or natural way to get the move in that case the move is less innate or natural for that Pokemon and more so just the move was taught to them by their parents and that's why they can use non normal moves but the only two who aren't steel type and can learn Iron Tail are onyx the pre evolution of steelix who will as a body as hard as steel so let's be honest this steel works and Gus Lord the ultra beast who has a literal mace on its tail look at all those spikes if he didn't have iron tail it would be a travesty now iron tail is a very special move by which I mean it's incredibly basic so basic that humans were able to turn it into a technical machine or TM what teams are is a whole other video but I thought I'd touch on it now while we're at the beginning of this series most moves that our TMS are able to be taught to many Pokemon most of which are outside if the type of the move is usually associated with in other words TMS are also unnatural and also the move could be seen as not type-specific by which I mean a Pokemon using Iron Tail could be using that move with their metal tail striking things with it or through a TM say Iron Tail to a Pikachu it's the Pikachu tensing up the muscles in its tail to irregular levels and then slamming the opponent's with it thus doing more damage than a regular tail slam as if it were as hard as metal oh and all the TM grants certain Pokemon abilities that are otherwise unnatural for them to learn but that doesn't mean there's not a possible explanation now then I hope that was a decent example of what this series is all about now some moves are very self-explanatory what others get really interesting so onto the next one metal claw unlike Iron Tail this move can be learned by many Pokemon just by level and with this move especially take note of what we explained in the not steel-type video being a steel type Pokemon doesn't necessarily mean you are made of steel or even metal it could just be that they are as hard as steel it all just depends on the Pokemon and we see that a lot in this move I mean Charmander can learn it so while Charmander isn't steel type its claws must be as sharp or as hard as steel anyway metal claw is a basic move where the user hits the opponents with their heart as steel claws pretty straightforward steel wing is also really simple the Pokemon uses its steel wing to strike its opponent with razor-sharp wings unsurprisingly Skarmory is one of the only Pokemon that can learn this move by level of course in fact it was the only Pokemon that could learn it all the way until talonflame needed the move probably for the anime or something oh well but this move is also wasting enough that it became a TM and thus it follows the same logic as Iron Tail supernaturally tensed muscles into wings next is doom desire the signature move of jirachi and it's an oddball it's based off of Jirachi z' ability to grant wishes and it just so happens to have wished for its opponent's untimely doom its desires doom hence the name seems simple enough given the Jirachi wish-granting context but we need to go over why the move is steel in fact it's one of the very few non damaging non-physical steel-type moves at all and this is where things get interesting you see the Pokemon anime has a very end I mean very large influence on the games I mean rock rough sadame is terrible just so that the anime dog could bark rock rough I'm not even kidding but anyways Jirachi had a whole movie made and in the movie we see Jirachi signature move of doom desire and the way it's betrayed here makes it much more realistically a steel move it summons great meteors to hit its opponents and meteors most commonly are made out of iron the game really should have changed the appearance from its gross old gen weird look to a more accurate look we have the technology now please do it iron defense brings us back to the classic Pokemon style the user ups its defense by increasing its iron will its steely resolve and by hardening its armor again it's possibly just the animal tensing or moving its muscles in key locations normally impacted as to not take as much damage though considering the magical pokémon tower involved it may also be moving key nutrients in its body around to rapidly harden its outer shell or armor think of it like sci-fi spacecraft you can divert power away from the weapons to strengthen your shields you know making your defense as strong as iron it could even be as simple as positioning or bracing your body think about armored dinosaurs when standing reggae they well they just stand around but then when they are attacked they can use their iron defense by getting into a position that points their defensive armor more towards the attacker and even brace for the attack so that concept may play a role too after all getting your shield striked by a sword is easier to hold onto when you've positioned and braced yourself for the impact metal sound is enacted by creating a very unsettling sound using the pokemons body it's described as a loud scraping sound so think about scratching a chalkboard only several times worse obviously the opponent will want to cover their ears but doing so is a distraction and the headache and ear ringing that ensues as another distraction thus the unsettling sound lowers the opponent's special defense meteor mash is interesting as the user takes its fist or arm part and strikes with the force of a meteor pretty hefty of a punch then I guess it gains its steel typing from the word meteor mainly you could think of this as the steel type equivalent to thunder a nice punch bullet punch well we all know what a punch is and bullet well that's just an adjective here isn't it this move is where the attacker launches a flurry of punches as fast as bullets now bullets until recently were made out of lead and nowadays they come in all sorts of different metals heck I've even heard of them coming in being and salt now the vegans can hunt - bullets are a truly versatile object but the primary reason this move is steel type is because of the association of bullets to metal it also always goes first because wool let's be honest bullets are fast and when you are striking that fast you are hitting super hard so you might as well be striking with steel and mini Pokemon that use this move are now with flash cannon the user gathers all of its light energy and releases it all at once the reason that flash cannon is not an electric-type move is simple it's based off of light energy not electricity and there is no light tire theoretically when using this move the pokemon presumably made of steel or another reflective surface is able to direct all of that light into a single point to charge the energy at later releases this attack may also lower the targets special defense stat which makes sense I mean a huge blast of blinding light energy would definitely make me close my eyes so I wouldn't be able to dodge that next fireball that quickly when using gyro ball the user tackles the target with a high speed spin the slower the user is compared to the target the greater the moves power first off I love that Mille tank you can learn this move because if it ever wants to stop using rollout over and over it can instead just roll out differently it's all the pokemon does besides drink its own milk the way this move works is pretty simple it's similar to a gyro specifically a gyro ball which is a type of throw used primarily by Japanese baseball players both this move and that throw are named after the gyroscope as they both use centrifugal force to spin one uses that force to alter its flight pattern and increase its speed while the other uses it to rectify itself to be level with the earth now the move is almost a mix of both of these factors using the spin from the baseball move and being level with the earth to almost home in on the target well at least in the anime that's how it works think of it like Sonic the Hedgehog's homing attack only now your body is as hard as steel also gyroscopes are usually metal so there's that too Ironhead as the name suggests is when the user slams his opponents with their iron head now again it's not actually always made of iron it could be steel like the type or even just a really really hard head what a wonderfully interesting move magnet bomb is pretty interesting in terms of pokemons hold anti weapon thing I mean the Pokemon is launching bombs specifically bombs made out of steel oh and on a plus side this attack never misses because they are also magnets even though not everything is made out of metal huh well in that case they are more like homing bombs then which tends to be metal themselves considering all the pokemon that can learn this move also have powers over magnetism you could say that it's just a metal bomb and then it never misses because the launcher is able to control it's even after it's fired with their magnet powers neat when using metal burst a sort of counter-attack the user retaliates with a much greater force against the opponent that last inflicted damage on it as for why it's steel type we'll have to look at which Pokemon can naturally learn it as well as its animation we can see that only steel type Pokemon learn this move normally and the animation shows metal shards bursting out of the users body after being attacked so my guess is when using this move the user purposefully makes some of its metal armor brittle so that upon beating attacked it can easily counter by bursting using the opponent's hit combined with its own energy to burst the metal out of itself striking all of those around it it's similar in concept to terton aiders whole thing where if you strike its back it'll explode and hurt you back only now it's a bunch of steel type Pokemon that can do that with our own armor mirror shot is much like flash cannon however it doesn't need to gather its light energy instead it's just so polished that it hits the opponent immediately however instead of lowering special defense this move is much more of a blinding attack so it only damages their accuracy it's just so shiny autumn eyes is a pretty weird move to be honest the deck states that the user sheds part of its body to make itself lighter and sharply raise its speed stat so the user almost makes itself more efficient as to increase its speed much like how automation would work in the real world like in car manufacturing plants and such you reduce the size and weight and suddenly all the machines can move quicker gear grind is the signature move of the clink line and well what better move for a bunch of gears than to throw its gears at stuff and repeatedly pinch its opponents between them essentially grinding the gears now gears are normally made of metal and the clink line is steel so they had to give it a stab move so steel type it is very straightforward now I'll give you one guess as to why heavy slam is a steel type move that's right because most metals are heavy good job man I could write children's shows now on top of the moves base damage it also does additional damage based on the weight difference between the Pokemon so it's good for steel type Pokemon to learn as they are generally heavier than most steel and metal is very dense thus weighs a bunch yeah scientific terms no I swear Pokemon likes gears as much as they'd like a bones so there are several gear specific moves just like there are bone specific moves but not only that they love gears so much they made a gear waifu the move shift gears is a status move where the user essentially gets amped it shifts gear a common saying to gain more attack this is in reference to gearboxes or transmissions where you shift the current gear to either gain more speed or gain more torque essentially power king's shield is another signature move this time for edgy slash and it's simple it goes into its defensive posture hiding itself behind its kingly shield which is made of metal anchor shot is del Mises signature move we're in it entangles the target with his anchor chain while attacking thus it becomes unable to flee the anchor and its chain being of course made of metal a common material to make an inker out of funnily enough the animation sends out an additional anchor not its body so is still mine is actually two anchors does it have anchor summoning powers or are we just supposed to be using our imaginations I can't wait for a Pokemon game where the models actually like move to bind each other and stuff double iron bash is the signature move of male metal wherein it rotates centering the hex nut in its chest and then strikes with its arms twice in a row this may also make the target flinch I mean you got slammed twice by this thing I'd flinch - and considering that you are getting bashed by iron a double amount of times it's clearly steel type smart strike is a tactical attack wherein the user strikes its opponents with a very sharp horn however many Pokemon with horns are able to learn this not just steel type ones so it's similar to metal claw many horns in the Pokemon world are as hard as steel and thus has steel like properties even if it isn't actually steel I mean steel and metal can be pretty sharp that's why we make knives out of them what a knives suck gear up guy again the gear thing like there's only four gear Pokemon Game Freak why do they get so many special moves well this move is a reference to how in many RPGs the characters gear when leveled up gets better alright now I'm just adding fluff it's again just based on transmissions shifting gears the user engages its gears to raise the attack and special attack stats of allied Pokemon with the plus or minus ability so it's pretty much just shift gear but for allies likely this is due to rotating gears being able to generate power then it can give that power to its friend Suns steel strike is the signature move of soul Gallio the legendary Pokemon the emissary of the Sun the user slams into the target with the force of a meteor backed by solar energy so again we're back to the meteor argument however so Galileo is a bit more based off of the Sun which is a star and stars are not fire stop complaining about Sol Vallejo not being fire type stars are plasma they are made out of gases and metals that are just super hot that's not fire the Sun is full of plasma metal which is why Sol Galileo is steel and not fire tight corkscrew crash gives us the first Z move of the series well not anything crazy as this move is pretty generic for steel types so generic in fact that any damage dealing steel type move it up by the Z crystal can become this move it makes the user spin very fast and ram into the target at the full force of its Z power and the power varies depending on the original move why they went with a corkscrew for steel though is a little shaky I mean most cork screws are metal yes I think they were talking about the motion of a corkscrew not the wine bottle opener but having a metal body crash into you in any motion would probably be heavily damaging so it's better than giving this move to fairies fun facts this move in German is called turbo spiral combo hilarious searing sunray is another signature move however it is a signature Z move so what's even crazier after obtaining Z power the user soul Galileo attacks the target with the full force than a Sun deity can unleash is basically just the other so Kaleo move but crazier and I love how the dex entry has to state the user despite this being a sole galileo only move it's like they just knew people would mod this game and do move swappi things like like make Wailord use dark lariat so there you have it all of the current to steel-type moves explained i mean what more do you want there is simple explanations for all of them and i hope you liked it because we're gonna be doing all of the types yeah have any thoughts comments or ideas on how some of these moves could be explained a bit better you let me know down in the comments and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin you'd be using as instruments noggin merchandise
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 710,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon lets go, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon go, pokemon anime, steel type pokemon, steel type pokemon explained, pokemon explained, pokemon move explained, pokemon moves explained, steel type, pokemon steel type, NOT steel, not pokemon, pokemon type, pokemon types, pokemon types explained, steel type moves, steel moves, pokemon steel moves, steel type z move, steelix, metagross, aggron, mawile
Id: VzJgJTBzjwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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