EVERY Grass Type Pokemon Move Explained! | Gnoggin

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grass-type pokemon are so important that it's number one in every pokedex but how does fighting a plant work in today's video we are going to go over every grass-type move in pokemon and explain how it works why is it grass type what does the pokemon do and i can't think of anything else to say here so let me just drop it etc yeah so let's begin hey you check out noggin.net for some awesome merchandise and help support the channel it'll be great you'll love it uh get grass stains on it yeah now it's topical promos topical huh so pokemon moves in general have a level of magic involved but usually there is some basis in reality or at least an in-universe explanation and i'd like to start with a category of moves that works as a great starter and is more grounded seed moves seeds are basically plant eggs i mean that's what executed are so any move involving a seed is clearly grass type for a good reason perhaps even the seed contains all of the life energy of the plant and in this state it's concentrated so more powerful yeah maybe i'm looking too deep into it let's talk about bullet seed getting shot by a bullet hurts how heck even just getting shot by paintballs or salts from salt guns hurts so seeds would be no different with this move the user forcefully shoots seeds at the target two to five times in a row now this may seem like a fantasy thing i mean a plant itself shooting seeds like how kids and cartoon characters shoot watermelon seeds out of their mouths like plants versus zombies peashooter plants come on but no you'd actually be surprised there are loads of plants that actually do this in nature well not shooting them at targets like this that would need sentience but forcefully ejecting their seeds through a pressurized system is a thing violets and squirting cucumbers among many others do i mean heck the cucumber looks like it shoots the seeds very much bellsprout and peashooter style enough plants do this that there's a term for it ballisticory essentially the plant shoots its seeds because the fibers in the dried up fruit pull against each other to create tension and when the tension is great enough the fruit literally ruptures itself open ejecting the seeds up to 200 feet away which is impressive for a plant but terrible for a bullet but that's what this move is based on add in real machine gun game mechanics and you get this whole deal the two to five hits thing is basically their accuracy how many shots actually landed on the target because usually the strategy with machine guns is to mow down the area your enemy is in and hope that some of them hit seed bomb the user slams a barrage of hard-shelled seeds on the target from above oh man more weapons of warfare but it's a plant the move itself is pretty simple to explain the user just tosses up a huge seed and then lets gravity do the rest bonk and similar to the shooting seeds some seed pods are known to just rupture and explode i mean look at that seed bomb worry seed is a move that plants a seed on the target that seed then causes them to worry it prevents sleep by making the target's ability insomnia wow too real game freak too real a popular saying in english is sowing the seeds of doubt where someone would basically cause you to worry so much that you have a hard time sleeping because of the bad vibes in your head space you dig but this move's name in japanese is good too it's really good fun you see the name worry seed comes from an overly literal translation of the saying naomi notan it's fun because the kanji can also mean seed but when used in the saying it means to cause trouble or the cause of trouble basically a worrying thing a thing to worry about with seed flare the user emits a shock wave from its body to attack its target this may also harshly lower the target's special defense stat explained in the movie giratina and the sky warrior seed flare is a process in which shaman purifies polluted air it inhales into its body and then expels it in the form of light and water oh yeah it's the signature move of shaymin the hedgehog and also shaymin the dog but the move is a very bright explosion of blue sometimes green energy that blinds the enemy hence the special defense lowering i guess can't dodge ranged attacks when you're blinded as for why it's called seed flare though well flare duh it's bright but there's nothing inherently spelling out seed for us like is it a plant thing yeah totally plants normally take in co2 a commonly agreed upon pollutant and expel oxygen in its place plants literally clean the atmosphere that's their whole job but that's normally the leaves not the seeds so what well if we actually look at the anime it absorbs the pollutants straight into the seeds specifically the seeds or flowers later but sometimes the seeds i mean seeds are where plants store a lot of the nutrients and toxins that they develop over time so there you go i guess leech seed plants a seed on the opponent and absorbs a little bit of hp every turn healing the user so plants are crazy they can suck the life out of anything even small cracks in concrete and that's pretty much this move plants use their roots which come from seeds to push their way into anything and leech nutrients out of the ground or in this case out of the other pokemon it then has some sort of magical connection to the user which is explained by magic because it's magic just like sappyseed the user partner eevee grows a gigantic stock that scatters seeds to attack the target the seeds then drains the target's hp every turn it's just the same thing but better because it's partner eevee but come to think of it there are a load of hp sapping grass type moves so we got absorb a nutrient draining attack the user's hp is restored by half of the damage taken by the target and i mean what a plant move it's just so typical that a plant in a video game has a sort of life drain mechanic you know it's just like bugs and vampires in games but at least vampires you know there's magical stuff that explains it i mean if you were fighting a plant monster and you took a bite out of it would you heal no odds are you'd think it's gross because it's green and your mother and i are worried about your diet absorb is most likely based on how plants are seen to grow and live but exaggerated and done through a magical means rather than literally through roots but this is such a big part of grass-type moves that there are two other moves that are the same thing but better mega drain and giga drain but as a plant grows it only makes sense that its need for nutrients would increase much like how real plants root systems grow as they get bigger speaking of there's the move ingrain rather than magically absorbing life energy from the opponents the user lays roots that restores a little bit of hp every turn but because it's rooted it can't switch out and well i mean it's a plant and now it's even more of a plant because it's actually acting like a plant it's not really moving much and sometimes pulling weeds is a hard because they get crazy roots so it's easy to see why they can't switch out now and the healing is easy too it's just the magical methods of the drain moves but now it's rapidly absorbing life from the ground on which it stands like a plant with strength sap the user restores its hp by the same amount as the target's attack stat it also lowers the target's attack stat so in essence it's similar to the dream moves but instead of sucking up life energy it's sucking up vitality or even muscle fiber i mean that's how i'd explain it plants are pretty metal they eat corpses i guess more specifically they'd want to eat glycogen it's the sugars that our bodies store in the muscle fibers so that we can have rapid access to full muscle power in case a puma attacks us or something both plants and animals use sugar for energy so this would be the easiest thing the plant has access to in regards of how this move works and then there's horn leech the user drains the target's energy with its horns the user's hp is restored by half the damage taken by the target again it's similar to all of the other drain moves however this move is much more direct as instead of a magical power this time it's actually a big old horn that they're stabbing into ya at first this was the signature move of sazbuck whose antlers are tree branches and tree branches also play a role in the transportation of nutrients but more so from their leaves which get it from the sun not other animals that happen to be sitting on the tree that'd be terrifying so uh clearly there's still some magic at play but speaking of tree branches here's a good all honest move branch poke the user attacks the target by poking it with a sharply pointed branch i mean you can't get much more true of an attack than that it's like poke sharp stick goes poke and then i guess woodhammer would be the upgraded form of it huh the user slams its rugged body into the target to attack this also damages the user quite a lot though does wood count as a grass i mean we've talked about it before i guess technically grass type means plant type and wood is what makes a tree a tree and trees are plant so it's like crab hammer but with wood yeah wooden mallets and clubs hurt but wood is not nearly as strong as rock and metal and so it hurts itself while ramming into the opponent but still speaking of trees apples grow on them and grav apple is the signature move of flapple the user inflicts damage by dropping an apple from high above this also lowers the target's defense stat the animation shows a tree just suddenly being there and it drops an apple but considering it's a physical move and it's flapples i'm sure it's just flapple flying up high and then letting gravity do the rest of the work for it so gravity is what causes things to fall and scientifically speaking the simple explanation of gravity came from the time that sir isaac newton was sitting in an orchard and got bonked on the old noggin by an apple and boom he wondered why do apples always fall perpendicular to the ground and thus he began to understand the concepts of gravity and began doing all that research and stuff so apples and gravity have always kind of gone hand in hand and fun fact one newton of force is normally the weight of an apple at sea level normally 100 grams apple acid is the other apple-based signature move this time belonging to appleton who attacks the target with an acidic liquid created from tart apples this also lowers the target's special defense stat funnily enough the japanese name of this move is just straight up malic acid which is also known as apple acid mainly because it's exactly what it is it's exactly what it sounds like malic acid is the sour the tart acidity that fruit has and it just so happens to be mainly found in apples especially crab apples uh just thinking about those makes my face pucker oh whoa boy fun fact most candy that claims to be extremely sour uses this instead of citric acid so take that lemons now as for the special effects of both of these moves they make sense special defense is a sort of mental defense and it's really hard to focus when your face is all puckered up from a tart sour thing and then for regular defense well malic acid is an acid after all it melts away tooth enamel and can be used to clean things multiply that effect via magic and there you go lower physical defense now then nothing says grass type more than the moves that literally involve grass did you know that grass is leaves a grass r leaves a grass is a leaf there we go it just is leaves we call them blades of grass because of their shape but are in fact just leaves the move grass pledge creates a column of grass that hits the target when used with its water equivalent its power increases and a vast swamp appears oh no grass you better watch out because it might be slightly irritating and might cut you with its tiny little blades oh no i jest but my skin is actually really allergic to grass so like i understand plus if you're fighting i'm sure you're sweating a bunch and sweat getting into all of those tiny cuts hurts and now if a pillar of grass erupts beneath you of course it's going to slice you up ouch and when used with the water type move water pledge they form a vast swamp because we all know when you mix water and grass you get wet grass now with the move grass whistle the user plays a pleasant melody that lulls the target into a deep sleep it's just a copy of sing the normal type move but grass a grass whistle is an instrument technically but i wouldn't exactly say it's very lulling i bet it could be if you were into high-pitched whistle noises that were really irritating listen to this fun fact there are professional leaf flute players yeah it's the same thing in concept so you know when you tie people's shoelaces together and then they trip and fall and hurt themselves well that's what our next move is grass not the user snares the target with grass and trips it the heavier the target the greater the move's power so yeah the user controls the grass around the battlefield to have it tie up the feet of its opponent and you know the saying the bigger they are the harder they fall yeah now grassy glide gliding on the ground the user attacks the target this move always goes first on grassy terrain it's like a slip and slide but it stains your pants green this one's pretty self-explanatory grass can be slippery at times especially when wet so there being grassy terrain would speed up this grass-propelled tackle and being tackled hurts but speaking of grassy terrain with the move grassy terrain the user turns the ground into grassy terrain this restores a little bit of hp for all of the pokemon on the ground and powers up grass type moves so on top of making the ground grass it heals so it's it's nature magic you know nature magic is usually all healy hippy-dippy stuff because of medicinal herbs being a big part of healing which also is probably why the grass type is filled with moves that involve healing but also nature magic and plant magic the magic of springtime it's all pretty equitable to life magic a lot of the time usually due to how plants grow and bloom in the springtime it's the power of life and the power of nature but like death is also natural like come on gang nature is vega about death and decay just as much as it is about life and stuff but this is a kid's game so let's focus on the happy parts right so the terrain is filling each pokemon with infinity energy or health as it may be but why well in the anime we see that it's almost like a huge sphere that fills the battlefield with a green aura obviously green because grass is green and all this really does has explained that it is in fact wholly a magical thing with no basis in science like most pokemon really and just like the move energy ball the user draws power from nature and fires it at the target this may also lower the target's special defense stats it's like dragon ball z spirit bomb but nature themed but it was already nature themed but now it's green and it takes only one turn because the pokemon world i guess is filled with just that much more life and power than the dragon ball z world but basically this is just a concentrated ball of infinity energy that originates from nature and thus it is grass type even though fairy type would also work but it's grass type and just like all of the powers in dragon ball z forest's curse is also just fairy tale magic beware of the dark dealings of the black woods for vile nature is at work here and woe be to the foe who has bestowed the forest's curse the user puts a forest based curse on the targets the target is now grass type as well a very interesting move changing the opponent's types during combat is always a super fun maneuver great for strategizing and there are all sorts of mythical legendary beasts that have plants integrated within them and in europe there are so many stories about the spooky woods it's scary and being cursed and turned into a tree is all a part of that in pokemon though looking at the moves animation it seems like these large dark spooky trees surround the target likely then integrating themselves into the target's essence in quotes i mean it's the signature move of trevenant the ghost grassman known for cursing so it's perfectly fitting it's a ghostly grass spooky move thing frenzy plant is also somewhat magic tree themed and in japanese it's called hard plant just wanted to say that with this move the user slams the target with the roots of an enormous tree the user can't move on the next turn though this move is only learnable by fully evolved grass starters so perhaps it's only usable by the strongest of pokemon in my mind in canon starters are rare right i mean oak gave you the choice of three rare pokemon and rare usually means good because it's a video game after all so you know it makes sense that this bunch of pokemon happen to be the ones that can learn it but on top of that you also need your friendship maximized to even be taught this move so it must take a lot of skill trust and power to pull off so with this move your plant man summons all of its power to control and or summon some crazy tree roots which then just smack the heck out of the enemy it's entirely plant-bending nature druid magic stuff they just go crazy with it which is exhausting which is why they gotta rest on the next turn recharge their magic rillaboom has a means of doing basically the same thing just to a lesser extent though with the power of music with its own signature move drum beating the drums roots attack the target and lower their speed stat i mean it makes sense feet all tangled up in roots but it also works on levitating and flying pokemon so i assume that's just game mechanics or maybe it's because the music of the drums puts them off of their own beat it throws off their groove either way it hurts because roots were smacking them but speaking of smacks and whips with power whip the user violently whirls its vines tentacles or the like to harshly lash at the target it's simple it whips powerfully it's kind of a trope at this point that all plant monsters have tentacley vines that they can use to manipulate things around their environment as most plants tend to lack fingers or even farms and being as bendy and long as vines can be the connection to whips is easy oh yeah vine whip the other move that's just the same but worse it's the same but worse but speaking of vines jungle healing there's a connection trust me jungle healing is the signature mood of zarud and zarud is all about swinging on vines and having vines inside of it so i mean there's one connection to vines already but there's more don't worry with this move zarug becomes one with the jungle restoring hp and healing any status conditions that it or its allies have so it's grass healy nature magic again clearly but jungle themed as for why it's a rude signature move though i have a few ideas one is that the movie and his habitat are in the jungle and he's almost like a jungle guardian spirit so of course he'd have like the only jungle themed move and being a guardian spirit just fits because they protect when you heal things you're protecting them but also he's a weird combo of many monkey and ape things and orangutans have been known to use jungle herbs and plants vines especially to create poultices a poultice is a gross goopy glop of medicinal paste that you usually apply to wounds and injuries to help the healing process essentially a super low-tech band-aid yeah orangutans do that they're so smart synthesis is another grass-healing move the user restores its own hp the amount of hp regained varies with the weather aha a healing move that isn't stealing health or some weird gimmick of the jungle plus it's based off of a real world thing that is easily explained and everyone really should know what photosynthesis is by this time in their life but here's a refresher sun hot hot is energy energy can do thing thing in plant need hot to make into other thing that thing food food for plant plant grow because food good and tasty done really though this is the whole thing that plants do they turn sunlight into energy and then use that sun's energy to convert all of the nutrients that it brings in with its roots into things that it can actually use as energy to make plant good solar beam pulls from the same idea the user takes a turn to gather up a bunch of sunlight converts it into a form it can work with and then fires it and like with synthesis if it's a sunny day the charging habits faster because more sun more sun good there's solar blade also a two turn attack that has the user gather light and fill a blade with the lights energy attacking the target on the next turn basically it's like enchanting a sword right before you slash with it but the sword is a leaf and the enchantment is photosynthesis but hey i guess that makes it a step above leaf blade with leaf blade the user handles a sharp leaf like a sword and attacks by cutting its target critical hits land more easily i mean slices and stabs they can be pretty critical a lot of the time so there's that we already talked about how blades of grass are sharp and our leaves but on top of this plenty of other plants and even trees have sharp painful leaves too we normally think sharp means perfectly thin and smooth to slice through whatever we need but sharp can also mean pointed and in nature points are easier to keep around and replace than long thin edges so most cutting things in nature are actually serrated heck most plants have tiny bits of silica also known as glass in their system yeah they are glass edged well more or less but the takeaway is that plants can be just as sharp as steel what i'm getting at is that leaves can hurt okay so obviously there's going to be a load of leaf based moves like razor leaf sharp edged leaves are launched to slash at opposing pokemon critical hits land more easily it's basically the same as leaf blade but a ranged attack but for a leaf to actually be razor sharp it'd have to have some crazy magic nature power right like with magical leaf the user scatters curious leaves that chase the targets this attack never misses it's just razor leaf but with even more magic involved because now they're enemy seeking leaves with leaf tornado the user attacks its target by encircling it in sharp leaves this attack may also lower the target's accuracy leaves not the i mean ah just just think sharknado but with leaves oh that's just a regular tornado a lot of the time well sharp leaves hurt and tornado wind makes the moves less accurate so uh with leaf storm the user whips up a storm of leaves around the target the attack's recoil harshly lowers the user's special attack stat so it's not a tornado anymore it's a storm gotcha otherwise same basic logic and whipping up all of that stormy magically done wind takes a toll on the user which makes their special attacks that lower and then with leafage the user attacks by pelting the target with leaves another leaf move that just kind of throws leaves at the opponent how good it's simple and i like it it's kind of like rock throw but the name is rather odd leaf age is that a joke on foliage but with leaf added that's not really a joke hmm but the definition of foliage which also happens to be the name of this move in japanese is healthy green leaves the name is redundant that's all i'm saying it's an all right move though now then here's a question what's similar to leaves but aren't leaves petals i guess i needed a segway with petal blizzard the user stirs up a violent petal blizzard wow it's exactly like leaf storm but with petals so what the heck how do petals hurt i mean the edges of the leaves are super sharp and pokey okay but petals are soft and luxurious it's most likely some sort of symbolic visual part of the spell they are casting i guess i mean huge blasts of pink petally energy emanates from the petals so there's got to be some magical leaf magic pedal stuff going on petals charged with infinity energy yeah aromatherapy has the user release a soothing scent that heals all status conditions affecting the user's party and it shows a bunch of pretty petals all floating around because flowers and petals smell very nice and are pretty powerful in terms of your psychology aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body mind and spirit and most essential oils come from plants but i'm sure in this huge world of ours people use other sources of smells to help their mental health i mean technically bacon is an aromatherapy i know it cures my sleepiness basically aromatherapy works by using your olfactory sense aka the nose to bring molecules into your limbic system the part of the brain that controls your nose along with emotions long-term memory and decision-making did you know that all of those things are done in the same part of the brain how strange brains are weird but i mean they do say that smell is the strongest emotion but well it makes sense that they're all kind of the same group in the brain that's why smell has a particular effect on memory smelling certain things can often jolt up all sorts of memories good and bad but anyway typically aromatherapy is used to relieve stress or other ailments hence why it heals all sorts of ailments in game i mean lavender is used to calm people down and lemongrass is used for headaches but then too many people too many karen's take it too far and ruin the whole perception of aromatherapy for everyone thanks maybe we could convince them enough aromatherapy is all it takes to undo the autism part of vaccines anyway with pedal dance the user attacks the target by scattering pedals for two to three turns the user then becomes confused flowers are fabulous okay but they are also very pretty and fun to watch however apparently pokemon are still dumb because they get distracted and confused when there are too many things going on on screen and that's what this is trying to replicate i guess sensory overload at its basic level just too many things in the sky but i guess it's also potentially confusing to the user because you're telling it to scatter pedals all over the battlefield and attack with that like pedals don't hurt why are you making me do this scattering petals everywhere is usually a sign of celebration we have not won yet what are you doing trainer is this some sort of romantic setup are you trying to breed me trainer why why do you do this to me this is we are in the middle of a pokemon battle it is not the time to be scattering pedals i am so confused like petals cotton is also a very soft plant part and with the move cotton guard the user protects itself by wrapping its body in soft cotton which drastically raises its defense stack quick pop quiz what is the strongest and most important part of a night's get up correct the sword but next up would be the gambeson the cloth layer under the steel that provides pinch relief from the armor along with ample protection from slashing and stabbing and bludgeoning attacks the gambeson is mainly made of a nice thick cotton which dampened blows on its own but then it was strongly woven to stop stabs i mean if you stab chainmail the tip may still make it in and also just think of wearing chainmail with nothing underneath you also ow and then the move cotton spore the user releases cotton-like spores that cling to opposing pokemon which harshly lower their speed stats like it's perfect because i personally know that these cotton spores from experience suck to drive and even walk through it's like a flurry of small white dots in the sky it's snowing but it's it's bad for the allergies it's all over the sky it's on the ground it's in the car it's everywhere and lowering the speed of opponents is pretty true i mean you can't really move fast when you can't see well and that it gunks up everything that it can but speaking of spores that's the next move spore the user scatters bursts of mushroom spores that induce sleep wait isn't that just sleep powder sleep powder the user scatters a big cloud of sleep inducing dust around the target making them sleep what sleep powder is much less accurate so spore is just better i guess plus much fewer pokemon learn it too but anyway both of these moves work similar to aromatherapy again it affects the target's olfactory system lulling the target to sleep it's just like mega lavender or something but now why is spore the better one well because media often depicts spores as more sinister because mushrooms thrive off of decay and death so it's possible that the spores are getting into your respiratory system which is connected to your blood right so the spores just mess stuff up in your brain and cause you to shut down for a while and in fact this might be why spore has the only 100 chance of sleep because the spores directly affect the brain rather than just being sleepy smell time but anyway then stun spore has the user scatter a cloud of numbing powder that paralyzes the target i'm tempted to say it's mushroom spores again messing with your brain functions causing paralysis but the move's name in japanese is numbing powder and it's known by a load of pokemon not just mushroom pokemon lots of bugs too and well the list of numbing agents found in plants and insects is long and extensive so just know that it's a really easy connection to base a move on now aside from mushrooms which aren't even actually plants cactuses are probably my favorite plant and the move needle arm has the user attack by wildly swinging around its thorny arms this may also make the target flinch there's nothing weird here it's just very straightforward and perfect for a cactus thorns hurt needles hurt though normally they are used as a defense but i guess that's just because plants don't normally attack things actively but that's also why there's the move spiky shield in addition to protecting the user from attacks this move also damages any attacker that makes direct contact this is exactly why cacti have spikes and roses have thorns it's a pretty decent deterrent against messing with them do you not want to be hurt right now then i would recommend not kicking that cactus with the move dropkick the user serena lands an intense kick of tropical origins on the target this also lowers the target's attack stack okay first off trap kick like a drop kick is that the idea here but it's charged with grass type infinity energy so it's tropical since serena is a tropical fruit yeah i guess so plus she's all about her powerful legs so she deserves a drop kick and then snap trap the user snares the target in a snap trap for four to five turns which is a fun chain of words snap trap it's like a clap trap but he talks too much so slap trap is way better it's a trap that goes snap like a bear trap which is why this is the signature move of gallary and stun fisk wait hang on why does a ground steel type pokemon have its signature move be grass type and what even is the point of this move being grass-type if it's like a snap trap steel would work better because steel is what they are literally made of what why well i'll tell you why so a lot of signature moves will only be signature for a single generation or even a single game and then the next generation or the next game they give it to both new and older pokemon we have a big video about this and other signature move details right here and this move while fitting of galarian stun fisk would also fit perfectly with carnivane a gen 4 pokemon gen 4 remakes coming soon but it would also fit well with the victory bell line plenty of grasmon but until then and if they don't give that move to them then really this move should really not be grass type bloom doom is the grass type z move the user collects energy from plants using its z power and attacks the target with full force i'm sure this move is the way that it is exclusively because bloom doom sounds fun also it's a good juxtaposition flowers are a symbol of life and love which is kind of the opposite of doom so it's funny otherwise it's just a z energy attack that happens to be grass type max overgrowth is the grass type dynamax move the user turns the ground into grassy terrain for five turns by blasting a load of grass energy and seeds at the opponent those seeds are massive and explode so it makes sense that it hurts and also that grass grows everywhere easy but again mushrooms are not actually plants why are they the de facto grass type dynamics move thing just do trees or pushes or something instead gmax drum solo is the gmax move gigantamax rillaboom uses so rillaboom can control its wooden drum because plant magic and when you gigantomax it its abilities are increased because it's very big now he's a big gorilla and the power of its drumming arms increase so it only makes sense that its power of doing the drum root stuff only gets stronger as well gmax tartness is exclusive to gigantomax flapple it reduces its opponent's evasiveness and it shoots huge seeds that instantly grow to be extremely tart apples not apple trees just apples straight out of the ground like a pineapple but it's not a pineapple it's an apple apple okay game freak we talked about tartness earlier how apples have huge amounts of malic acid it's basically a giant form of apple acid but this time the name is referring to tartness instead of its acid like properties uh also it's flaffles instead of appletons now appleton instead gets j-max sweetness it heals the status conditions of allies it's the same animation of huge seeds to apples that explode and explosions hurt still so there's that and the only thing i can think of involving status condition healing of your own team is the classic saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away and lastly gmax vinelash the move for gigantomax venusaur who by the way looks even more fitting of the grass type if you know what i mean okay so this move is like vine whip but way bigger it's just huge mega gigantic vine whip it's actually one of the much more straightforward g-moves in this series it just hits them nothing crazy just smack and now they're covered in vines so they continually get hurt afterwards very good and there we go honestly there was only that one move that would probably be better of not being grass type the snap trap won but even it has its reasons so the grass type is pretty solid though i guess it is kind of hard to be considered grass-type if it's not plant-based and if it isn't plant-based then how is it grass-type anyways thanks so much for watching i love you check out noggin.net for cool merch and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 542,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon moves, pokemon moves explained, pokemon explained, grass type, grass type pokemon moves, grass type pokemon, grass moves explained, sceptile, shaymin, best grass type moves, infinity energy, pokemon infinity energy, grass type pokemon deck, pokemon tcg, pokemon journeys, grass pokemon, grass moves, flapple, bulbasaur, every pokemon, every pokemon move, max overgrowth, leach seed, magical leaf, not grass pokemon, not grass type, leech seed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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