Pokemon! EVERY Fire Type MOVE Explained! | Gnoggin

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ah it's autumn the weather is starting to cool and I'm excited to sit by the fire so let's talk about fire type moves in Pokemon how do they work let's explain every fire type move what it does and how it might just function scientifically speaking but first I just know that a lot of these moves are scientifically saying me I mean it's fire it hurts because it's fire so before we get into the specifics of individual moves let's explain why fire hurt right after the intro you check me up I'm a whole party of awesome heroes and one of over 10 million players of today's sponsor raid shadow legends a beautiful-looking free-to-play turn-based RPG game for iOS and Android just look at my body right now and tell me that these champion designs aren't awesome I mean just check out the amazing graphics and details all these champions and in raid you have the ability to personally customize and choose the artifacts and design a unique mastery builds for each one of them this game is growing super fast and there is a new faction wars feature it just came out people love this game which is apparent by its 300,000 plus reviews which give it an almost perfect score on the Play Store and if you haven't given rate a try before now is the time because there's a new awesome rewards program for new players get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days in the game so go to the description click on those special links he'll also get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as a part of the new player program to start your journey videos like these are only possible thanks to sponsors so a big thanks to raid shadow legends link below typically fire comes from a chemical reaction between oxygen in the atmosphere and some sort of fuel like wood or gas though of course wood and gasoline don't spontaneously catch on fire just because they're surrounded by oxygen with my goodness could you imagine for the combustion reaction to happen you have to heat the fuel to its ignition temperature usually by just showing it some other fire with a lighter or spark but there are other means as well so that's how you get fire but like why does it hurt I mean what makes a burn be pain how would fire relate to pokemon taking damage well in actuality fire itself doesn't need to be involved just the heat hurts and fire just happens to be hot and this heat went against our bodies denatures the proteins that our tissues are made of basically meaning that it alters us on a molecular level basically making our proteins a soup instead of a nice sproingy mass if the body is incapable of restoring the damaged tissue to normal physiological operation then this is known as a burn for those of you that don't know what a burn is other than the status affected pokemon a burn is where our outer layer of skin is damaged either beyond repair or severely there are quite a few types of burns as well first-degree burns are like a sunburn second-degree burns will normally see blisters form these are commonly obtained from touching hot pans or boiling water for too long then third-degree burns are where the outer layer of flesh is completely damaged in some lower levels of skin as well these sometimes can be very large and require medical skin grafting to help repair scarring is guaranteed with these and then there's fourth degree burns where flesh almost crisps basically like a hot dog that's so black and shriveled not even a dog would eat it and then worst of all there's the almighty internet burn these ones are deadly but watch out for those YouTube comments also hey here's your invitation give me your best burn in the comments hold nothing back but back to the burns effect on the body once your skin is burned there is a severe risk of infection as the body's normal skin barrier doesn't keep out the bacteria that thrive on consuming the nutrients of dead tissue plus the skin underneath that is now exposed is fresh and new and not fully formed yet so it's rather sensitive and sometimes nerve endings can be exposed and burned so obviously because heat can cause so much damage our bodies are keen on sending signals of pain to the brain so that we stop touching the hot thing so this is why fire attacks hurt now then the moves ember is perhaps the simplest fire type move hence many lower-level fire Mons knowing it it's a simple little spit-up of fire not quite a whole flame but the start of one it explains it's low chance of causing burn and it's Japanese name translating to a spark it's just a little spark like when you're trying to start a fire or when a fire is just about dead it's weak faint but it's there flamethrower is easily the most iconic fire type attack it's your classical fire-breathing monster fire breath and obviously fire hurts heatwave is essentially the same but without the fire rather it's just really really hot air being grieved but unlike flamethrower this attack spreads out to hit multiple opponents you see flame throwers work essentially by launching highly flammable fuel like a hose and then catching that fuel on fire as it moves across a little flame it's alright to assume that this is how a lot of the Pokemon breathe fire too but this of course means the attack is concentrated in one area but without the actual flame like if you're just breathing hot air that air wants to spread out like in a cone shape so it does so with heat wave and heat hurts Fire Blast is another sort of a flamethrower attack but just one big burst and somehow in the shape of the Japanese Kanji for fire the name of the move in Japanese diamond G refers to the diamond G Festival where several giant bonfires in the same shape are lit neat flame bursts is basically the same move but without the gimmick blue flare is a signature move of Reshiram and basically is just a really powerful version of flamethrower but does blue fire necessarily mean stronger what's going on here really a better question is why is hotter fire bluer than cooler fire funnily enough a red or yellow flame is the weakest in terms of heat though of course at the same time this isn't always the case some fuels just happen to burn at different light frequencies that's why there's even green and purple fires but generally speaking when using normal fuels like oxygen or propane the flame burns red on the outside and hotter and blue on the interior meaning this is a more complete burn the fuel is being used all the way creating the blue flame in the middle so blue can mean hotter fire but doesn't necessarily mean that fusion flare is the other signature move of Russia Iran and white qrm ultimately it's just another big fireball just like those other fire blast moves from before fire hurts but if it's used right after fusion bolts from Zekrom its power Devils lightning is also super duper hot and causes burns so this combo is essentially burning the opponents and then burning them again and anyone who's gotten a burn can tell you that burns gets super sensitive to heat and thus hurt much worse even just under warm water thus the second burn hurting even more double the damage and the way this move functions is similar in concepts to fire pledged on its own the attack just summons a call on a fire on the opponent but if it's used right after grass pledged the attack power doubles and it hits multiple targets the idea is that it's burning all of the brush that the grass pledged moved through all around the battlefield thus the fire spreads when it comes to forest fires this underbrush can be detrimental it makes the fires spread significantly faster a very dangerous and very bad thing my father-in-law has been a California fire fighter for 40 years and he's told me that back in the day the brush wasn't as much of an issue but since then environmentalists have passed a bunch of laws that make clearing at a huge hassle it's missing with nature and so it's basically not an option for them of the time and then they wonder why California forest fires are so dang bad it's reached a point where many firefighters will get the fire just under control but then let it continue burning thus the fire clears the underbrush for them it's a loophole making the whole area safer for years to come thankfully these laws have been loosening up over the last few years though all it took was the loss of several lives and thousands of homes in my hometown silly environmentalists putting emotion and opinion over logic and facts where was I right fiery dance is the signature move of Volcarona you my favorite and it has Volcarona do a dance summoning a vortex of flame around it and then using its wings to send that vortex over to the opponent obviously causing pain because heat hurts this along with fire spin the much lamer version of the move are examples of a fiery vortex which happened because of windy updrafts sort of like how you know in breath of the wild you can light the grass on fire and then use that to parachute up because you get lift however unlike that unrealistic power fire whirls or fire Devils are caused by the burning of the oxygen in the fire basically the fire is creating its own wind that swirls into itself beating the fire it just so happens that the fire gets caught up in its own wind and it's creating and it's just a big loop both literally and figuratively it's a demented twister and fun fact the internal spin of a fire whirl can get up to 1,000 degrees centigrade and remember heat hurts in general rage also known as complete burn in Japanese is just another move that involves an intense flame but like an incinerator to trash this move has the added effect of burning up and incinerating the opponents and Barry if they're holding one anyway Inferno also known as purgatory in Japanese G's has the user engulf the area around the opponents in flames they get burned and thus the pain the name purgatory is a reference to well purgatory there are all sorts of different beliefs on what purgatory is but one of these is a place where your sinful soul it's purified by fire and since we're talking about Souls will-o'-wisp also known as ghost fire there are many interpretations of these things found throughout various cultures all around the world but they are all the same at their core it's a ghostly flame and one that doesn't necessarily catch things on fire so no initial pain but they are capable of causing burns and smoke among it doesn't hurt the opponent initially but it's a guaranteed burn mystical fire was the signature move of delphox until they later gave it to miss majus nothing's really different about it besides its source I guess the game describes it as a special fire and considering the two Pokemon that learn it well it's easy to say that it's pyromancy which is the branch of magic regarding the element of fire sacred fire was once the signature move of ho-oh where it engulfs the opponents in a mystical blue flame likely blue due to the spiritual ghost the side of it rather than it being super hot but still feet hurts sunny day could also be chalked up to pyromancy I suppose it makes the weather sunny for a while the user intensifies the Sun so uh this power is pretty intense I mean changing the weather is one thing but making the Sun itself stronger the Sun is so far away clearly it can't be doing that rather it must be putting some sort of barrier around the battlefield after clearing any clouds this barrier works sort of like a magnifying glass concentrating the sunlight into the battle zone that's the only explanation I can really come up with you could also say it's sort of like making a miniature global warming greenhouse gas effect thing yeah it's burning a bunch of carbon putting it up into the atmosphere but just around to the battlefield so the sunlight comes in and just bounces around instead of leaving it's it's magic so let's do some simple moves next blaze kick has the user kick with a fiery foot heat hurts fire punch as the user punch with a fiery fist he hurts fire bang has the user bite with fire in its mouth he hurts by your wheel has the user code itself in flames and charge roll into the opponent he hurts flare blitz is the same thing basically but without the rolling and it's also much harder so the user gets hurt to sizzle II slide is also basically the same thing but it's what your partner Evie does and then flame charge is you guessed it it's the same thing but again this time it has a chance of raising the users speed stat which is referenced by the Japanese name of the moon nitro charged nitrous oxide is what racers often inject into their fuel as it burns even better than air it's basically just hardcore oxygen for the fiery engine heat crash is the signature move of the Emboar line and on the surface it's the same as the previous moves too and bor gets all hot and bothered and then slams into the opponents but this time weight is calculated into the damage the heavier n bore is compared to its target the more damage the move does it's essentially body-slamming them while also glowing red with heat V create or V generate in Japanese has the user normally Victini generates a massive fiery V on its head and then Ram the opponent with it it's super powerful but causes it stats to lower because it burned up some of its poor ears they're singed ziering shot also known as flame bomb is the signature move of 15/8 and it essentially turns itself into a bomb of fire that explodes flames everywhere burning everything around it and fire hurts fire lash is the signature move of heat more why does this thing get its own move it basically Balrogs all over the place with a fire whip except since it's a fire-breathing anteater the whip is its fire hurts mind-blown is the signature move of bless athil on the lamest ultra beast it blows up its own head which is basically a firework ball thus it also hurts itself fireworks are pretty and explode with fire and fire hurts shell trap is the signature move of tert inator terton a der shell functions very similarly to a landmine you step on it it explodes so here if you attack terminators shell physically you get a fiery explosion sent right back into your face burn up is extremely intense the user essentially takes all and I mean all of the fire in its fiery body to launch an attack and after using it the user will no longer be fire type yeah even if that means they would become typeless which has its pros and cons for one the user wouldn't have to worry about water type attacks anymore you know more weaknesses but it also doesn't get stab bonuses with its own fire type attacks anymore so it's a mixed bag this is essentially a reference to the fact that fire needs fuel to burn no fuel no fire once all the fuel is spent the fire goes away it's been burnt up this does bring up alot of questions though like how is typeless at night and since it is why haven't they used it as a gimmicky type for a monument also what does this mean for the fire type Pokemon what makes the fire type if they can put that out because they aren't becoming normal type they're just losing fire type what sounds like something to cover in another video and so many questions moving on blessed burn is insanely powerful and can only be taught to fully evolve to fire type starter Pokemon by a move tutor it's that advanced which seems a bit silly since the move is just summoning forth an eruption of flames from all over its body and expo no big deal would actually ease big deal the user has to rest on the next turn to sort of recharge I mean they basically drained their fire reserves but not entirely since there's no fire type and then there's overheat which is just blast burns little sister remove lava plume ah and this brings in more questions lava is molten rock and it's in the ground so arguably these next moves should totally the dual types moves like flying press they could be fire Rocco or fire ground but I guess just fire makes the most sense for now I mean guava hurts through the same way that fire does is hot and heat hurts while the plume is described as an inferno of scarlet flames washes over all of the pokemon in battle it may also inflict burns bases it even well eruption sure is the Pokemon erupts with explosive fury this move is what camerupt is all about spewing hot lava so hot that it hurts because heat hurts magma storm the signature move of heat rain is also intense a maelstrom of flame bursts from the ground under the opponent causing and ouch now this is exciting this is the first max move were covering the moves from Dynomax Pokemon since they were recently revealed and all max flare is well really it's just flamethrower again but big that's sort of what the whole gimmick is it's just regular battles but big and lastly Inferno overdrive the fire type Z mode it's described as the user breathes a stream of intense fire toward the targets with the full force of its Z power ah so well what you see is what you get nothing really special it's just extra a lot of an extra hot and well heat hurts thanks for watching and as always remember only you can prevent wildfires and only you can use your daughter [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 400,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire type pokemon, fire moves, fire type moves, all fire type moves, every fire type move, every fire type, every fire type move explained, every fire type pokemon, fire type pokemon explained, not fire type, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sun and moon, charizard, volcarona, scorbunny, victini, fire pokemon, pokemon fire, pokemon anime, best fire moves, top 10 fire type, best fire type pokemon, best fire type, best fire type moves, pokemon science, pokemon theory
Id: oNbMadMESnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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