PALWORLD Plagiarism Tier list

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when pal world was first revealed in 2021 it immediately caught my eyes an absurdest parody of Pokémon that I thought was hilarious but assumed would be a terrible game to actually play however fast forward after a few days of actually playing it I can unironically say that it's more than just a parody I've actually been having a lot of fun with the game adding base management to Pokémon turns out to be a really cool idea with a lot of potential but there is just one problem with the game and it's that after looking at some of these Pals I can't help but feel that I've seen this somewhere before and that not alone a lot of people have been claiming that pal world is just openly copying and plagiarizing Pokémon While others are claiming that it's just parody and inspiration but which is actually true someone needs to get to the bottom of this and so I decided it would be me I would put myself in the middle of this make everyone on both sides angry at me and rank every pal and pal world on a tier list from original idea all the way up to something that pocket pair ink actually could be sued over which when I started this was just a joke but uh might actually end up being closer to reality than I thought originally up first lamb ball a little sheep P that rolls around right off the bat it's very similar to wulu who has the same gimmick both being based on sheep with overgrown coats but the actual design here is very distinct so I'm going to put this as being the same idea but not actually plagiarism next we have cat via this is just a pretty generic little cat there's obviously cat Pokémon but there's also cats in real life and uh Pokémon's not the first franchise to make them into cartoons so even if I think this particular design is a little Bland we can't really call it a ripoff Chickapea is uh just a chicken there is a barely a design here at all frankly they just made a generic cartoon chicken and uh stuck it in the game this honestly might be the laziest design in the entire game but it's not ripping anything off lith monk it's a grass chipmunk another generic But ultimately uncontroversial design Fox Sparks is a Firefox another Elemental animal nothing really controversial about this one but then we have Flack uh this one's just an angry little platypus maybe it looks a little bit like Ducket but that's just what platypuses look like so uh nothing really controversial to say about this one I don't really get the pun in this name though is it [ __ ] quack that can't be right is it like no problems with this design here but someone please explain what the pun is supposed to be next up we have spark it here we go this is when that actual is treading in on some Pokémon territory from the front it doesn't look like anything too terrible right but look at this tail that's Raichu this is just Raichu with enough changes made to it so you couldn't prove that it's supposed to be Raichu in a court of law maybe a bit of a mix with some Electabuzz as far as the first Stripes go but this is pretty much the exact same process you'd see and someone making their OC Sonic the Hedgehog character so we're putting this in a legally distinct te this one's name is tanzy this one's definitely aping on panage they uh definitely took panage here changed the ears a bit and then changed the plant on its head to uh something a bit more fun but you're not fooling me couldn't even change the number of leaves on the tail you you didn't put a lot of work into making this one unique this is uh definitely another one going into OC territory Ruby is just another generic Elemental animal but I don't really know what animal it's supposed to be I couldn't even tell if those are Hooves or feet and I'd say this is AA but it has that big tail and ears like a fox so it's I have no idea what's going on with this but on the plus side uh if I have no idea what's going on with this that means I'm not seeing any Pokemon in this one either so it's almost certainly its own thing pullet uh this is a penguin not a very unique idea but nothing to worry about they're allowed to make penguins then we have ping King The King pirate penguin or maybe an 18th century Admiral may be the most unique one yet honestly I kind of like it putting this down in original now I've heard a lot of people talking about jol talk people are claiming that this one's just a ripoff of Shaman and I mean on the surface sure I can kind of see it but they're both just hedgehogs that's just what hedgehogs look like Shaman just takes the Hedge part a little bit more literally any design based off a hedgehog is just going to look like this and not to spoil things but there's much more uh blatant inspiration if there's something you want to get angry about here but this one I'm just going to have to give them the benefit of the doubt though it's just a hedgehog with colored quills same idea at worst and you know at first I didn't see anything wrong with gum Moss it's just a little drop of tree sap wearing a Little Acorn hat but uh looking at that face I can definitely see some [ __ ] inspiration on this one that being said ciate slimes aren't a super unique idea in video games in general and uh unlike some of the other Pals in this game this one actually has a fun little twist on it so I'm going to have to say that this one's at least fairly original pixie this one's just a cute little fox you know like Eevee a lot like Eevee this is just Eevee with a fox head I mean changing the whole face is a fair amount of work I guess but man they are treading real close to just stealing the original design here good thing they didn't just do that huh C cres this is fine for the most part just an owl with a hat on uh maybe a little honchkrow like but the Hat's totally different and it's a different bird and you can't tell from the design but it's got a philosophy theme going on you know like Socrates or or at least it's spelled like Socrates but the pal deck entry has a Renee deart quote in it so maybe it's pronounced H cart even though it's not spelled that way uh I might be putting more thought to this than the guy who made this honestly anyway this one's a pretty unique if not poorly executed idea dud this next one coming up this one's called T Fant it's a little teacup elephant and I love him look how cute he is T Fant is my personal favorite pal now this isn't the first time I've seen a little teacup elephants in a video game but it's a very old pun and I don't think I've seen it a monster catching game before so I'm going to put this one down as unique this is depresso a depressed uh thing it uh kind of looks like indid mixed with an esper changed up the hair a bit it's just so generic it's hard to really say if it's just a mash up between these two Pokemon or just some guy so I'm just going to put this one under the suspiciously familiar tier just to be sure okay now remember how I said Vixie was Eevee if they just changed the head a bit well kemis is Eevee that's it kemis is Eevee this is just straight up Eevee particularly gigantamax Eevee with the EXT extra poofy F I can't actually believe they put this into the game so I'm going to be putting this one in potential lawsuit here now I do think it's ever so slightly different enough where you couldn't suit over this pal itself however it's important to remember little instances of borderline plagiarism can add up in the more of them you have in a game uh the more likely it is you actually get served with a lawsuit and that a court actually finds against you and uh believe it or not this is in no way shape or form the worst one they've put in here next up though we have Daydream this one's not an obvious ripoff of anything but it does have some similar ears in the exact same face as weile not to the point where I'd call it a copy but the fact that they both have that single snaggle tooth like that is kind of suspicious in the larger design scheme there's pretty much nothing matching the two so I'll have to call it fairly unique now rush or though when I caught this one between the time I caught it and actually looked at in the pal deck I had completely forgotten what it had looked like and just looking at the icon I thought this was going to be a zig zigon ripoff like you can see it's got the collar and the fur that's exactly the same as Zig zigon but when you look at the full body it's uh it's actually pretty clear that it's just a generic boore with a little bit of a man on it not a particularly amazing design but it's a unique animal at least unique to anything in Pokemon that is uh but then we have noox this one is a also just Eevee now it's no criis level of Eevee it's definitely an legally distinct tier those ears that's H this could definitely be a ghost evolution of Eevee fuddler on the other hand though this one's just a mle I could see a little bit of abusel in the face but uh I think that any small mammal is just going to look similar if you give it orange or brown fur like that so uh nothing really raising any red flags here kilari though this one's giving me strong in Vibes so much so that when I first saw in the game I thought for sure that it was going to be a ripoff uh now that I look at it up close though it it's legally distinct I can definitely see the inspiration this one's named Ma and this is what I like to see when taking ideas from Pokémon it's got the same idea as Meowth you know money cat but rather than than just gluing a coin to its head they took the same basic idea and put a new Twist on it now that twist is that they just took a more realistic hat and put a bunch of gold jewelry on it so a bit boring in practice but taking the ideas that a Pokemon represents and twisting it into a new thing is actually a pretty good practice that feels like it builds on the ideas from Pokemon rather than just ripping them off I'd love to see more Pals do this in the future just maybe not in such a generic boring way this one I'll put in the same idea to now SEL on the other hand that's just man it's a manay that flies in the air the exact same idea just slightly tweaked enough to be legally distinct I want less of these this one is neither fun nor unique now at first glance dire hell looks like lyan rock and I've heard other people say this as well and that's because it does it looks like lyan rock but there's been a particularly hot debate around this one because people are just claiming that the developers beond pal World stole lyan Rock's model and used it for this pal however when you put the two models side by side it's pretty pretty clear that they're just entirely different the most you could really claim here is that just dire hell is based on LY and rock I think they're both just pretty generic wolves overall and since dire H doesn't have any rocks or stones and fur like lyan rock does I'm going to have to put it in the same idea tier it's not really enough to be suspicious when they're both just based on the same animal like of course they're going to look similar in that case Toko too on the other hand is a much more interesting comparison because this one doesn't look like they started with an animal and made a pal from it it looks like they took zatu and just turned him into a different bird like they both have these same wacky designs and the exact same color scheme on them too too doesn't even have the same psychic lore to explain the patterns like Z to definitely some OC stuff at play here then we have FY uh this is just some generic grass Sprite thing a bit Bland of a design but it doesn't appear to be a ripoff of anything as far as I could find so we're just going to have to give this one the clear although do feel like I've seen that hair somewhere a no no this is just tinon without the murderous intent everyone loves I mean it's it's legally distinct for sure definitely not the exact same but yeah no that's a that's OC tinon this is masarina uh this is not a Pokémon uh this is just a cow but it is clearly a ripoff of the moo Meadows cow Nintendo's coming for their ass over this one uh Bristol is not a ripoff of another thing though uh because it's a ripoff of two things this looks like a lance and a gsif Flur Blended together now I'm pretty sure that smashing enough plant parts together does make this legally distinct but man they really just stuck a bunch of parts together and called it a day I can see the scene where they Stitch this [ __ ] together gobin though gobin's fine it's just a goofy little shark goblin I don't see anything wrong with this one maybe the colors are a little similar to Sharpedo but it's a shark it's just kind of the colors you'd expect from it the whole design is radically different from any Pokemon I've seen though so I'm not going to pretend that this is any kind of a ripoff this one's good I like this one kingu is another fun one he's just a little ball with two long arms he gives me a bit of chimco energy but I think that's just ultimately because their bodies are cute little balls and if we're going to going to start calling having a circle for a body plagiarism I am in trouble so uh I'm I'm fine with this one he's just a little guy he could never do anything wrong Moss sander this is a panda covered in Moss there are multiple Panda Pokémon and this looks like none of them so good on that pal world not a fan of this pal honestly but I don't think I've seen anything like it before now woollip though yeah no I've seen this before this is alchemy it's even got the sweets in the hair and the double ponytails in the exact same way like animals made out of candy isn't a unique idea to Pokémon so it's plausible this is just an example of convergent thinking but I highly doubt it I'm putting this in suspicious CA uh kaer is even less creative this is just a go-o that's been packing on a few extra pounds like there's some changes here and there he looks a bit happier so that's nice like clearly just a legally distinct go- go knockoff going to have to put this one in OC tier alpaca though this one's good I like this one it's just a pink alpaca um the pun here though I I don't I don't get don't get what melpa is supposed to mean but whatever I've seen some people say that it looks like flaffy which I I guess I can see they are both pink but um that that might actually just be a coincidence definitely distinct enough to be its own thing either way though Iker however is a not exactly a distinct idea you can tell from its name what it's actually based on Iker a mythical nor stag the exact same mythical North stag that xerus is based on iader is a bit more of a direct depiction of a stag though with less of the magical life Powers so it's definitely another case of them taking an existing idea and making their own monster from it rather than copying xerus directly I do wish they did more with it than just deer but it's not plagarism unlike Nightwing however uh this is a star rptor with the hair turned up and they made it a vulture instead of whatever kind of bird this is like a big Sparrow what is star rptor not a vulture that's what makes Nightwing Le distinct enough for Game Freak not to sue here just like rib bunny rib bunny is rabbit Sylveon there's no other explanation for the ribbon tentacles it's just what if Eevee was a bunny I've never seen seen anything other than Sylveon have these ribbon tentacles I'm going to be honest it's a pretty unique trait at least ribon isn't as lazy as incam though just look at this this is zor Ark but with maybe a little Houndoom mixed in just look at those arms though they're the exact same ovals with the three fingers and the TPS of fur near the elbows it's not even subtle this is actually just a Zoro arosi this one though is named cin moth it scales taste like cinnamon apparently because it's brown I guess I I don't know the idea is not super well reflected in the design uh than being a moth doesn't really resemble any Pokémon I've ever seen though so at least there's no plagiarism here our Sox is pretty unique too it's a it's a fire goat I mean there's there's Elemental goats in Pokemon but like are we really going to knock pal world just for having a goat in it I think a fire goat's a pretty neat idea pretty new element for a goat can't say I've ever seen this one before except um except the Devil he's a fire goat isn't he never mind this one isn't a unique idea but it's not a ripoff of anything as far as I know so we can put it in unique uh this one's Dum mud Dum mud is uh again just mashing two Pokemon together but way less subtly than some of the other ones uh it is a Claire but with Sable's fin it's not even that just resembles Sable's fin either it's just Sable's fin straight up if there was a lawsuit with the Pokemon company this pal would definitely be making an appearance got to put this in the lawsuit tier now Cognito though this is actually one of the best Pals in the game it's just a little plague doctor bird it's not the most unique idea in the grand scheme of things using a plague doctor in your design is a pretty common Motif but it's really well executed here and not already being done by Pokémon so I got to give him some props here this is a nice fresh is idea love to see more of these um Les punk though doesn't quite meet the same bar of freshness I do like him he's a little wrapping lizard but it's uh it's clearly inspired by both scray and toxicitry they didn't rip off the designs here directly but they do sort of have the same Inner City Music theming going on and if it wasn't for some of the other Pals that were coming up I'd give it the benefit of the doubt but but as it stands I'm going to put it in suspicious tier I think it's a I think the design and isolation is pretty okay though uh you know what's not okay though is uh is loot Moon loot moon is uh just Zoroark they ripped off Zoroark twice this one isn't a fox though so you got to give them that they uh swap the head out I don't know what animal that's supposed to be but hey again creatively bankrupt but legally distinct what more can you ask for uh Gail claw seems fine though he's just a bird I uh I think he's supposed to be a bald eagle but it doesn't have the same native American Motif that braver does it's just a straight up Eagle it's kind of the same level of design as ekins it's hard to uh make a ripoff when you're just drawing an animal in an anime art style well it might be hard to call this original it's certainly not a ripoff of anything ah this one though this one's absolutely a ripoff Robin quill is somehow a blatant ripoff of both galade and dusci sigui but they didn't even get rid of the Archer aspect of this one so it just feels like they ripped off to sigui even harder like usually when you're blending two Pokémon together it ends up up feeling too different from either one to feel like a direct ripoff but they just put so many aspects of deui on this Glade body it feels like they just want to play J eyes deui now there's enough differences in color choices and feather patterns here we have to say it's an OC tier I don't think it copies anything closely enough to be used as evidence in a court of law but just barely now goror rat goror rat is a monkey that's it it it's not it's nothing too special doesn't really look like any other monkey that I've seen in Pokemon either as far as I can tell so uh we're good here this is beard it's a be nothing nothing particularly special here honestly it doesn't look like any be Pokémon I've ever seen it's more of a just a woman but hey I'm just judging if these are unique not if they are good so here we go and elizabe elizabe is the queen be I I think it's supposed to be like Elizabeth like Queen Elizabeth that's the pun it's a it's a bit of a stretch and requires historical knowledge of previous British monarchs to work so uh bad name on my book but uh Design's fine though just a larger beu guard grin tail at first glance is just a fat cat but that face I've seen that face before because it's ripped right off of a Garian mouth it's not even that it's similar just look at those teeth it's the same face with the same number of line strokes and everything this was at best copied and at worst literally ripped out of a Pokémon game and just pasted onto this model like this is the kind of thing that you could actually use as evidence in court here one toone Recreations of assets from other games is explicitly illegal you can't do that you might be able to argue that copying such a simple design is okay because there's only so many ways to draw a mouth and uh you know what you might have a point there that would have to be handled on a caseby casee basis by a judge not me uh swo seems fine it's just a big clump of hair with some cat ears kind of looks like aupa but that's a very superficial and loose similarity both just being big white fluffy boys a similar design concept but I can't really say that one's based on the other here and then we have sweep up which is just swe with a mustache same tiar Gillette is a nice one though he's just a big furry boy you can ride around on him too I love this guy the closest Pokémon I've seen is Furret but they're both just you know ferrets maybe not even that I'm not sure what animal this actually is but you know Pokémon doesn't have a monopoly on ferrets so this one's unique enough not to draw any criticism from me univolt doesn't feel as original I wouldn't say it's copying any Pokémon but it is an electric zebra just like Zip Striker it's a radically different design but I'm not really aware of any electric zebra Trope so the fact that pal world has an electric zebra makes me feel like they're taking the idea directly from Pokemon on this one radically different design though so we can't knock this one any harder than just stealing the idea then we have foxal uh this one's a fox uh it doesn't really resemble any particular Pokemon just like univolt but there's obviously the ice Fox alolan Ninetails the thing with ice foxes though is the white foxes are just a real life animal so unlike an electric zebra it's really hard to call this idea youque unque to Pokémon uh they're both just kind of looking at a real life animal and assigning the most obvious element to it uh puring though is a little less unique it's a it's a fire horse just like Rapidash the design is a little different but if the fur wasn't black it would it would be almost exactly the same they really did just change the fur color and then add some extra fire decals onto the side the fire decals do make it go faster though so cool design honestly it is just a touch too far away from Rapid Dash to call it a Rapidash OC so I'm just going to split the difference and in suspicious tier rrick is an ice deer whose fur is a Christmas sweater so that's cool very cozy this does feel more like a dog wearing antlers than an actual deer when I look closely at it but as far as I know this one's entirely original now rhound though rhound feels like it wants to be Bulltown the naming scheme and the idea behind these monsters are identical but executed entirely differently but unlike Norse deer or moneyat I've never heard of a common trop or myth that both of these monsters are drawing from I think rhound is just directly ripping off bull towns but since there's no visual similarities other than uh dog I'm just going to put this under suspicious kitsun kitsun is based off the idea of a Kitsune I'm assuming it's a it's a Firefox thing looks more like a wolf but uh whatever it it doesn't appear to be ripping off anything directly as far as I can tell it does look like a furry OC though dazzy though uh dazzy is a little bit less original but you know also in a way you can't sue over it's clearly inspired by the force of nature Pokémon but all these Pokémon have the same origin being based on Japanese nature Gods the mythical being on a cloud Trope is far older than Pokémon and even if you just play Nintendo games you've probably seen it before so you can't really get upset about pal using it too and now we've been looking at a lot of similarities between Pals and Pokémon what if we had a pal based on an OverWatch hero now I have no evidence of this whatsoever and some people might call this a stretch but lunaris and Echo from OverWatch have the same color scheme same general silhouette and even have the same blue fingertips going on I'm not crazy there's got to be some commonality between these two maybe they're both pulling from a third thing I'm not familiar with but the similarity is striking I obviously can't put this any higher than suspicious because this is all just personal suspicion but I'm feeling it there's something here what a little easier to argue over however is dinos uh this is Goodra it's just grass Goodra it has the same tail the same ears the same curvy body he just took a Goodra painted it green and copy pasted the Lan's flower onto its head like I feel this one just did not get enough work to make it unique we are straddling the line between OC and something the Pokémon company could actually Sue over here but given there's a few Pals that actually present legal troubles I'm going to have to put this in OC tier but just barely serpent though he's fine just a generic sea serpent sort of a monster it's fairly unique not copying anything as far as I can tell bit of an underbaked design in my opinion could use a bit more pizaz marath on the other hand has too much pus I don't like it it's just all the fire the death mask it's supposed to be a sort of Death Angel sort of a thing but it's on four legs for some reason uh I've never I've never really seen anything like this before so uh unique we can definitely call it unique dig toys doesn't really feel like it's ripping off anything in particular either but man when I see that spiky shell I can't help but feel like I'm looking at Bowser now spiky shells are definitely not unique to Mario even if it's the only place where I really see them regularly so I'm just going to put this in similar ideas here but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it took some inspiration up next is tomat the magic cat he superficially reminds me of gisore but it's it's different completely different animal this one's a magician instead of a vampire bat thing and they both they both just kind of fly that's uh that's pretty much where the similarity ends I'm going to have to put this one under Originals this is the big one number 69 lavender which is exactly what it looks like they took a salazzle and leaned into the I want to have sex with this Pokemon Motif the pal deck description even says as much there's a lot of people saying that this one might be made from stolen assets but when you actually pull up the models for this palad and the original Pokémon side by side they're they're clearly two different models like the skulls are slightly differently shaped if you look at the trunks of the bodies the pal is one polygon wider like there's no way you can claim these are the same models it's definitely wouldn't get them into any legal trouble so I'm going to be putting this in OC do not Sue tier but honestly uh out of everything in this tier so far I think this one might be my favorite because it's just an actual parody of the Pokémon uh it's might not be the most original joke but hey it's it's uh it's more than a legally distinct Pokémon it's more than you can say for most of the things in this tier fella on the other hand is a little Lava Girl with some goopy hair and a little flame on the top of her head I'm pretty sure they just started with a Litwick and turned into a new idea entirely but I do like where they went with it it's evolved enough to the point where I'm not actually sure if it's based on L Wick or if it just happens to look kind of similar so I'm going to put this in suspicious here I think for a game that's trying to Satur Pokémon this is a pretty good place to have Pals be just taking the idea behind behind a Pokémon and just squeaking it into its own unique thing I think if this is the closest you ever got to copying anything in Pokemon there'd be a lot less controversy around this game van worm uh he's fine just a dark vulture not really ringing any alarm Bells with this one original enough then we have bushie since everyone who watches my videos is fluent in Japanese I'm sure there's no need to explain that Bushi is just a Japanese word for warrior uh Bushi is based on a samurai just like Hui and deui I thought this was going to be a slam dunk case of copying Pokémon when I first saw it but after taking a closer look they clearly went with a much more literal Samurai appearance than deui with actual clothes and even a sword given however that they just copied to sigui wholesale for another design though I'm pretty sure they just copied huri and to sigui and worked backwards from there but given how much work that was put into making this one distinct I can't really say it's anything more than a suspicion Beacon is more or less in the same camp but even further removed from the Pokémon of the same idea it's an electric bird like zapados I think the black mask is sort of similar to the Garian Trio of birds but looking closely at it it's not really an exact match with any of them so they're definitely not stealing any assets here as far as I can tell and uh given how unafraid pal world is of just copying things from Pokémon sometimes it might actually just be a coincidence this bird has a mask so I'll just I'll just put this down as an idea of convergent thinking uh ragnok exact same thing very similar to both garan mtrace and Talon flame but nothing that directly indicates they're just copying Pokemon here just similar theming catris the cat Witch is uh this plenty of witch and Cat inspired monsters in media but I'm not aware of anything that resembles this too closely so I'll put this down as original at least original enough cis's rival of wixen though yeah no this is just a recolored Del Fox with a hat on like there's enough little differences here along with the fact that uh fire witch isn't the most unique idea in the first place so that will definitely keep pal World from getting sued over this one but this one radiates OC do not steal energy here bird Dash uh probably the same level of creativity here honestly this is just a grass score bunny this is also going in OC do not suit valet is a flower fairy not a not a super unique idea widespread Trope and as far as I can tell the design is entirely original so I'll put it down in Originals here cilic though that's uh that uh that just looks like they match together a hatchet and a frost moth definitely legally distinct territory here I don't think you could actually Sue over this but I can see where they Stitch these two Pokémon together definitely can't call this original in any way shape or form aladan though is just a dinosaur with wings uh also not like an original idea pretty boring but legally uh entirely distinct they're in the clear here along with kelpsey who is also fine legally but um uh since I've seen the discourse I'm going to bring it up here a lot of people have been accusing this game of using AI to generate Pals however most of these designs have been around for at least 4 years before the Modern Wave of AI generation tools existed and on top of that I've found no actual evidence that AI was used in any portion of this game so as it stands I'm going to have to say for now that I think that the AI allegations are false however looking at this thing if there's any pal that was generated with AI oh my God it's this one it is just a fish blob with no mouth and some fins haphazardly glued on it is so generic uncanny and underdeveloped as a concept I am kind of surprised a human thought this was okay probably my least favorite pal azro definitely isn't AI though it's just a lawsuit waiting to happen uh this is Far and Away the worst one in the game and I'm sure looking at it you can see the problems it just took superior's body and slapped primarina's hair on it but uh that that's not just me saying that people have actually looked at the models and compared them primarina and aurob have almost identical hair which is wild given how unique that hairstyle is I can see some small differences in in shape and there's a couple places where the triangles aren't exactly the same in these models but it's obvious where they pull the design from I'm not a legal expert but in the world of writing at least getting this close for a copy is plagiarism you can't you can't do that without going to court this could legitimately be a lawsuit we're looking at here credit links is fine though not like aesthetically I hate it but it's not ripping anything off so we're we're good Blaze hell is like a devil lion thing not a not a super unique idea but it doesn't seem to be ripping off anything as far as the design goes don't think we'll be seeing this one in a courtroom anytime soon relaxasaurus is in the same boat as far as I'm concerned just a big silly dinosaur just a goofy guy I love him nothing to hate on here now Bron Cherry though yeah I've seen this one before this uh this is a souped up Meganium it really redid the whole design from the ground up here so definitely nothing that wouldn't be covered under parody law certainly nothing they would get sued over like some of the other Pals we've looked at but uh we we all know what this is really supposed to be we're slapping this an no tier pellia is similar a girl in a grass dress now there's plenty of Pokémon that look like this but uh you can't really nail this down to anyone in particular uh so just for that we're going to have to bump this down to just using the same idea ryro though uh this one this one's fine just a big Fireball kind of similar to Heatran but entirely unique design has to go an original now King paca I like this one I think he's a really nice design uh there's a lot of people who have issue with the Trident and I see it it does look just like impol Trident but Pokemon did not invent the idea of trident being a sign of nobility uh pretty sure we have to give that one to Poseidon and Poseidon's been around a lot longer than Pokémon so I'll put it down in the same idea category but honestly I really love this one mest is another good one it's running the same idea as torta being an animal so large that's it's essentially its own living ecosystem but that's a Trope as old as the human race so we'll we'll just put this down as the same idea then we have wo wo reminds me of a lot of things he's got some snow and and my neighbor todoro energy but he's pretty distinct from both of them honestly he also has that tangla thing where his face is in the shadows but that's not really something we can pin down as being unique to tangla Shadows just kind of exist in real life this one seems to be pretty unique overall but I just can't shake that feeling that I've seen this guy somewhere before there's something I missed here be sure to let me know up next we have War at first glance it uh looks like Mega Heracross but when you actually compare the two designs it becomes obvious that this one's akin to more of an actual real life Beetle than Heracross is but honestly you can't ding it for anything more than that so it might ultimately be inspired by Heracross but at the end of the day they're both just interpretations of the same thing a beetle these next couple though are going to be uh a little harder to explain away uh this is Fang lope can you see where they got the inspiration for this one I do think it's just so slightly different enough where they can't get literally sued for it but uh it's uh it's clear what's going on with this one going to put it in see just like with felbat this is dark cry straight up dark cry they barely tried with this one just gave it some shoes and a horn and called it a day same thing with fop this is this isn't an asset flip they clearly came up with their own design of the the same thing but there are trending a dangerous line here uh quiv quivver is fine though it's just a big Angelic Dragon I do get neopet vibes from this but I couldn't find any Neopets that this was actually stealing from so I'll put this down in original tier now pleas me was another one I'm going to put down original tier I don't think it's ripping anything off but bracados from Monster Hunter has the exact same Rock pillar arm thing going on in its design everything else is super different of course so I can't really accuse this design of being a copy of that one but it definitely feels inspired here there might be some common DNA or a third thing they're both based on that I'm just not aware of el Zephyr also seems fine its moon-shaped wings immediately triggered some red flags for me for some reason when I saw it but the closest Pokémon I could find is just lunala and it's it's pretty different overall so I'll just mark this one down as being unique for now now aagon he's been catching some Flack online for looking a little bit too much like Mega Agron and yeah it's pretty similar the front of this helmet's definitely got the same general design and the whole armor Motif is the same as well but the armor does have a different plating pattern entirely so it's definitely not an asset Rip but given how close the design is overall I'm going to stick this in suspicious tier uh another pal that took some uh inspiration menting this this is gutina this is gutina if it was a scorpion instead of a centipede now while the inspiration on that mask is pretty clear it's it's not a copy it does look different so I'm just going to have to stick this in OC do not steal tier honestly I think this one is just absolutely hilarious I I do kind of like this one what I'm not a fan of though is Anubis Anubis is creatively bankrupt yeah can't pretend this pal isn't a stolen idea a lot of people have been saying it's just like Lucario uh that's that's it's not what I think they're stealing from I think it's you know just Anubis the dog man God any bipedal dog is just going to look like that now the good thing about Anubis is it is a 5,000-year old character so it's I'm pretty sure it's in public domain at this point so I guess we'll just put it in same idea if we count humanoid dog is same idea now jde has some obvious inspiration behind it on the surface it does look pretty similar to Gyarados but it's important to remember that the idea of a giant sea serpent is as old as seaf fairing itself and there's a lot lot of variations of it out there I feel like this design leans more in the direction of being a sea serpent monster that you would hear tales about from Sailors rather than the sort of mystical Asian water dragon Trope that Gyarados is clearly based on so I'm going to have to put this in the camp of same idea while I could see this is being directly inspired by Gyarados it's not a very unique idea at its core and they've changed it up enough here to the point where it's edging into a different theme entirely suzaku though I have no idea what the idea behind this thing is I've um I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before in my life and I couldn't find anyone online talking about this guy no matter how hard I searched maybe there's some Niche design that I missed out there but uh this one seems entirely unique from anything I've seen you know who's not entirely unique though my neighbor electrobuzz yeah this this is not unique at all GIS bolt is 100% if todoro and electrobuzz had a child it's uh it's legally distinct for sure it's definitely getting into OC tier but uh there is not an original thought behind this man not that I hate it mind you I love this this is hilarious and I want to see more things like it but I have to call it what it is just a two for one ripoff lyen is um another inspired design it looks to just be another girl in a grass dress perhaps a mix between lilligant and meag gardav War like I can see The Inspirations but it's just slightly too different of a design to really pin it down on anything in particular you know and here's glaris glaris is another bird uh it's got some Royal Egyptian theming I I think not not really sure exactly what that's supposed to be but I haven't been able to find any similarities between this and anything else so we'll put it uh in original enough now here's berserk on the surface pretty unique but pull up a g Chomp and look at these two that hunched over posture that pointed nose that hooks over into a little bit of an overbite I mean other than those two things this one's pretty unique but uh I'm a sus out by that head design I'm putting this in suspicious tier there's no way you get that exact same snout without a little bit of inspiration you know speaking of suspicious heads we have Shadow beak a quadrupedal burn thing whose Crest looks suspiciously familiar to Sali there's a few differences to it maybe they're both just using the same bird of prey Motif but I'm going to also have to put this one in suspicious tier then up next is pus it's just a paladin Centaur it's not really a unique idea is it just slapping a D and D class onto a mythical animal and calling it a day but it doesn't rip off any other design as far as I can tell so I feel pretty safe throwing it down in the Originals here and pelus is counterpart ncus exact same design idea but evil uh still still going in the original tier right next to pus though you're allowed to rip off your own designs that's fun next up is Frost alien it's a frost Pegasus not a not a unique idea at all but the closest thing to it that I've ever seen is like what that that Queen Pony thing uh Queen Princess Celestia is there a different My Little Pony princess I've never seen a single episode and I I really don't plan to regardless I don't think this is copying anything in particular so we can just stick it down in original with the last few uh that however is going to be the last time we're putting something in the original tier because up next we have jet dragon who is an Unholy blend of salamance and Latos with the holographic diamonds from a paradox Pokémon there are multiple jet Pokémon and this is somehow worse than all of them my one rule if you're going to rip something off is either make it cooler than the existing thing or make it funny like grisal this is just disappointing I don't like it at all OC tier definitely it's not close enough to any particular Pokémon to be plagiarism I just wish they took the opportunity to do something better you know and with that we're done with every pal in the pal deck however there's one honorable mention I have a 112th pal that isn't even in the game now this one has been shown in trailers so I don't know why it's not in the game but what I like to imagine is that even the developers behind pal World thought they were flying too close to the Sun with this one and pulled it out I don't really know how you fly closer to the Sun than what appears to be a slightly modern ified model ripped directly from a Pokémon game but whatever this is boltman it is lray this is the same creature with a little Diamond added to it uh this one is even lazier than the ones where they just smash two Pokemon together because they they just took one Pokemon here it's just a direct ripoff now if you look at the model side by side they're not exactly the same so definitely no asset theft here in fact you can see a number of small differences across the entire Pokémon so on the whole it's it's legally distinct for sure and that's every pal and compel World ranks by how much of a ripoff I think they are now I don't actually have a problem with making parody Pokémon I actually think it's pretty funny but I am disappointed to see that there are some Pals crossing the line into possibly being asset reps or direct plagiarism here and while plagiarism is nearly impossible to prove in court and an actual lawsuit is unlikely I think it's still pretty clear what they're doing on a few of these Pals there's no there's no other way of explaining that hair which is pretty sad honestly because pal world is a really fun game on its own right and really enjoyed playing it so I do hope that they update a few of the more egregious Pals to have a bit more of a unique design here just to put the whole plagiarism issue to rest but am I being too harsh not harsh enough let me know in the comments what you think now then there's a video I've been editing for 2 months that I put on hold for this so I got to hop back to that now all right [Music] bye-bye
Channel: OnADock
Views: 1,361,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onadock, games, gaming, gaming funny, pokemon, palworld, pal, pal world, ranking, plagurism, pal models, palworld models
Id: EBDG7mLDryw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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