I Spent 100 Days To Complete PALWORLD 100%

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power world has taken over my life recently and with millions of copies sold already it seems to have done the same for a lot of people I've decided to do a 100 day playthrough for my first run and I say playthrough rather than challenge because I really wanted to enjoy this one the next run I have planned will be very tough so I wanted to learn as much as I could this time around the rules are pretty simple one catch every pal including all four legendaries two defeat every boss three max out capture rate with the Effigies and four craft some form of power metal armor gave myself the option to manipulate the world settings in this run while I learned the game but future runs I won't be touching it unless it's part of the challenge for starters I put no death penalty on and for the vast majority of the game that's all I used I assume most of you have played the early parts of this game so I'll make this part quick so far I've caught these guys and a couple of the basic ones but this is by far my favorite nice okay we've got some basic clothes now nice we got parachute as well no wonder he's hot he's on fire I've ruined my chicken Army because this guy kativa has mining so I want to put him in here now at least I can rely on Daydream to put in a shift nice I can make eight more okay that should be a decent amount okay I found another one of those statues but I don't know if I want to try this oh I'm going to just risk it cuz I got a glider okay that was easy intelligent as a 5 to seveny old child okay so it's pretty much as smart as I am hey I'm looking at these wolf boys over here and I'm thinking I want one however three are pretty scary this one seems to be on his own will they all attack me if I hit one oh no I missed okay 6% is not great it's gone up to 20 go on please oh I caught one okay run run run run run run run run run run run run long ago dire how dire how would hunt okay never mind long ago di how would hunt interesting so after building a basic base and catching some of the early game Pals I was ready to start thinking about taking on some of the bosses first up was Zoe and Gris bolt this fight was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be and I died the first time around but after catching some stronger PALS like helzer and AR Sox I took them on again and this time we won easily okay it's Day 26 I've got my statue of power my Farms over here I've got one little building egg incubators with fires just in case I need the fire ones got a good amount of Pals got a little production of gold and pal spheres over here I've beat the first boss which is Zoe and Gris bolt and the part is looking pretty good if you ask me I'm pretty happy with how this is going so far let's see if I can keep it up this game's been the center of a lot of controversy on launch and I can understand why playing through I can feel the influence of Pokémon Arc in the recent Zelda games heavily but with that being said said there is something so unique and refreshing about this experience that I can't quite put my finger on maybe it's the unity of all the best bits of some of my favorite games working in harmony or maybe it's the refreshing Taste of a development team that's listening to its player base whatever it is I like it and I won't be putting this game down anytime soon with the game being in Early Access it's pretty buggy as of the time I'm making this video with the main offender being when you fall through the map this happened to me so many times but the devs have been great at communicating with the community and seem dedicated to fixing the issues it can also be extremely dark at times especially in the Dungeons and I found it really hard to see where I was going it it's day 48 and I've made a new base decided to move away from the last one cuz everything was getting a bit too clumped together so I've got all my workbenches and stuff over here going to do my electric buildings over this sort of side and then we've got the breeding pen and the farm and all of our resource Gathering areas over here as for the team this is how it's currently looking so I'm pretty happy with how it's going at the minute 52 more days to go we'll see if I can catch them more the mid game was mostly splent exploring the map catching tons of Pals and fighting the various boss or Alpha Pals around the map these are bigger and stronger versions of pre-existing Pals with four of them being the legendary creatures of the game one thing that may be helpful that I certainly wish I had learned sooner is the leaf monk or life monk Effigies there are way more of these than you need to max out your capture rate on the Statue of power so you don't need to grab every single one you see it was around this point that I decided to go on my world settings and ramp up the EXP gained I knew at this point that I had made a ton of mistakes in the run like sleeping through every night and generally just wasting time through lack of knowledge my next Run's going to be on the hardest difficulty and I'm not going to touch the world settings at all I really needed this run to truly understand the mechanics of the game so that I wouldn't struggle in the next one on day 67 now and I've made a decent amount of progress I've got this cold resistant metal armor and a handgun crafted I've also so Brad this guy oh no sorry this guy which is pretty cool and I've started putting electric facilities in my base so my big luasa surus or relaxasaurus Lux is going to be charging all of that up I've gone around the map collecting a ton of the figes and fighting all of these bosses which is great cuz I've actually got a lot more of the map unlocked now I know there's a whole section over here and up here that I've not found yet and if I can find him oh he's in the hot spring I caught myself a pal Merchant so I can actually buy and sell PS directly from my base now which is really helpful so yeah happy with how it's going now got 33 days left to try and catch the legendary Pals and everything else in the pal uh not pal deck pal deck cuz that's completely different to a pokedex but yeah getting there so check in in about 20 days or so as I entered into the late game I went to the volcanic area on the left side of the map here I found Blazer mut and I also found a few other powerful Alpha Pals this is also home of the legendary jet dragon of all the legendary Pals in the game he's probably the most sought after because he's the best flying Mount and the fastest creature in the whole game there's a steep curve when it comes to the crafting requirements when you get this far into the game a lot of things need a lot of resources and you're going to spend a lot of your time grinding for those you'll need resources for armor weapons pal spheres parts of your base and even Saddles to ride your different Pals this is going to take up a lot of your time so make sure you you get ahead of this early on in the game by this point I had some of the strongest armor and some of the strongest weapons I also caught loads of the alpha Pals and some of the best Pals in the entire game it was time to move on and go and fight some more of these bosses next up was Marcus and feris I really like these fights as they really test your team and give you a great sense of achievement when you finish them I was pretty overpowered in this run so I can't wait to see how challenging they are on the hard run for this one I went in with my best team and pretty much took him out without any trouble to be honest I was getting quite close to completing My Pal decks and defeating every boss in the game I'd also maxed out my statue of power and had the highest capture rate I could possibly get I was also however running out of time it's now day 92 and I'm getting a little bit concerned that I'm running out of time I've beaten most of these bosses but I still haven't explored this whole area up here I still need to catch all four legendaries and even beat the Anubis boss over here uh I've got most of the towers to beat so it'd say matter of time now and I'm starting to think I may have wasted quite a bit towards the start I've got 17 hypers spheres 88 Ultra and 17 legendary I've also got a way better team so hopefully this is it I'm on day 96 now so I'm getting pretty nervous to be honest I've still got all four legendaries to catch two bosses to beat uh I've maxed out my fgs and I've done my base pretty much how I want it so after this uh I'm going to just go and catch in really I need to just catch what's left let's see if I can get him this time I think I'm going to go for a legendary one first just to just to see if I can get him and if not I'll just switch to the hyperspheres or Ultra spares for a bit I want to get him low first he's pretty much halfway now I want to get him as close to the bottom as I possibly can cuz he's really difficult to catch from what I've heard once I've got him I'm going to be able to whiz around the map hyp speed so hopefully I can grab what's left in that little time I've got but this run I just wasted way too much time so I'm nervous I still think I can do it but I am nervous okay let's pull him back I think one more shot okay we getting close oh okay yeah I think I'm going to leave it there come on oh okay I'm going to go for Ultra spheres now oh man this is a pretty shocking to be honest oh I missed as well yes come on come on yes I finally got him oh my God and he's got three gold abilities oh that's so good oh this run might still be alive you know that was really quick to get him oh I'm so happy with that with jet Ragan now on the team I decided to craft the item needed to ride him unfortunately this was the nail in the coffin for the run as the crafting materials needed were huge I still wanted the run to be 100 days and with this run being a practice anyway I wasn't too disappointed I went onto my world settings and made the day night cycle the longest it would possibly be I accepted the loss and carried on my mission to complete this fantastic game jet ragon was a game changer I love nothing more in a game than reaping the rewards of something I've worked really hard for the sense of freedom and sheer speed that my new Mount gave me made me ready to catch the remaining Pals and finish my pal deex next up were palladius and necromus these two were really difficult and even with jet dragon behind me and all my poers at level 50 I really struggled one of the things I didn't really think about was the lack of ammo I went into these fights with just a crossbow which in hindsight wasn't very clever I probably should have taken the time to craft ammo for my shotgun and it would have made these fights so much easier after what felt like about an hour but was probably more like 15 minutes I caught both of these two and I only had one more legendary to catch I then needed to do a small amount of breeding I would finish the pal deck leaving only two bosses for me to fight yeah I finally crafted a full set of pal metal cold resistant armor and took a minute to enjoy my new legendaries Frost stallion was such a great design and it's a close second behind jet dragon as my favorite endgame pal the fact that you can breed a dark version of this legendary is so cool the fight didn't last very long and before I knew it I had four legendaries in my team I bred the last two Pals I needed but for some reason no matter how many times I caught the flower gumos it didn't count this is 100% % the flower variant I can see the flower on its head I'm throwing legendary sphere at it has 100% cor now I'm going to my P deck what with the p deck complete I faced the last two Tower bosses Axel and ozerk were the first and they were really easy using my new legendaries and my newly bred frostell knocked I made short work of them this fight gave me a full sense of safety as the final Tower was way harder than I expected it seemed to be a bit of a running theme through this game that I didn't craft really any ammo and I spent most of the time using my pickaxe and my crossbow so that's something I'm definitely going to look at going into the next run preparation was something that became very apparent in the final Tower when I first attempted this I came in with very few shotgun rounds and with the limited amount of time in this Tower I around ran out I decided to craft about 100 rounds and completely repair all of my weapons and armor the next time I came in I was prepared and I managed to take them out in no time in my fight against Victor and Shadow Beak was the first time that I truly considered my hard mode run to be extremely difficult if the time limit is going to be like this on a harder difficulty I'm going to need to be prepared and that's something I've definitely taken out of this run the mistakes I've made early on and the lessons I've learned in this run have been extremely helpful I feel fully prepared for my future runs and understand the mechanics far better even though I had to manipulate the world settings I still consider this to be a personal Victory this game is an incredible addition to anyone's library and I highly recommend it what I would like going forward is for them to fix the Dungeons and also to look at falling through the map cuz it can be pretty gamebreaking at times especially on the harder difficulty if you have a death penalty for example falling through the map and not being able to come back could mean losing a lot of your items this is going to be really unfortunate in one of my runs if it happens later on so I'm hoping they fix this soon I really love this game and I can't wait to make more videos about it so if you're interested in that please hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos like this one
Channel: LeonardGaming
Views: 2,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palword, 100 days, Palworld 100 day challenge, Palworld Review, Catching every pal, Palworld completion, 100% completion, Gaming
Id: nAySDvIGcn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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