Palworld - BEGINNERS GUIDE - Best way to earn EXP, Best Starter Base, Pals, Combat and more

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hello everybody it is ebontis and today we're going to talk about po world the goal here is to smooth out the you know first 20ish 25 levels or so of your experience so you have a smoother experience than I had there is a survival guide in here there's a lot of information but there's also a lot it doesn't quite tell you or you got to learn along the way something like the elements like which type of pal works against which type of damage and all that type of stuff that's always a nice one to reference but not everything is in there and also it's it's going to take you a little while to work yourself through all of that then the game has a tutorial to tell you you know go pick up wood and stone and then build a crafting bench and do a couple basic things but the idea is my goal with this video is hopefully when you're done with it you've learned a lot or you've learned at least something and when you jump into pal world or you jump back into the game that you've been playing you're much more efficient little more efficient and then as you get going you're having a better time so first thing you've got is when you start you can make a new world with whatever setting settings you want the only things that are going to stick are the name of the world once you make it and then the character that you create inside of it but the custom settings you can come back to any world that you made change those up no worries maybe you're like man I'm just tired of dealing with Hunger take it down don't worry about it you want normal difficulty that's fine put it on normal it's really really up to you so when you jump in and you're like okay I'm just going to be playing on normal no multiplayer there you go I am good to go so if there's something about the world that you tend not to like don't forget you can come back change your world settings and everything is going to be okay because you can have it as survival hardcore or as easy as you like because you can go pretty casual and you can go pretty rough depending on what you want to do but overall just make I would probably try it on normal see how it feels and then if something bugs you you know jump back out to the menu change the setting jump back in and have a little bit more fun pretty simple all right so nighttime is definitely a thing you'll notice because is you got a little Moon down in the bottom left hand corner and couple things are going to happen at night time one you're going to get really good visibility for these little green they're little like jade statues basically and what they do is they make your pal spheres those are what you throw to capture the pals they make them more effective so like the first time I think you need one and then two and then three and then you need a lot more so as you find more and more of those you turn those into a statue to level up your or Pal sphere basically efficacy uh so when you throw it that has a better chance of catching Pals so good way to spot them is actually at night kind of a cool thing um so if you get a good vantage point at night time maybe from a different angle than you're used to looking at you're going to find them because they'll be like off under a cliff somewhere this one looks like it's kind of on a Spire because I've got a pretty good line here and it looks like it's in front of the beach because I've actually got a different angle on this one and seen it so it looks like it's sitting right here on top of this this thing don't know when I'm going to get it but I do believe that's kind of where it's going to be so mark it on the map another thing just try and go line of sight that's somewhere between say maybe my base and this point somewhere in there and then you can try and find them just to give yourself a clue of where they're going to be now the other important thing that's going to happen at night is temperature so you'll notice that the temperature is almost cold right now now I have gear on that's going to give me cold resistance but if I take it off I am cold freaking freezing right now so that is why one of the first things that you always need to make sure you build and have on you is a torch cuz that is going to keep you just warm enough to survive especially when you walk around early one of the first things you build is a basic tool bench and when you're figuring out where to put your base that can take you a little while or no time at all depending on what type of player you are you may set up a base exactly where I did right here on this like initial Plateau it's totally fine wherever you do it but biggest thing is make sure you have a torch on it you can have an axe you can have things to be able to to get materials but if you don't have a torch and you freeze to death in the middle of the night it's not a good thing so make sure you have a torch on you make sure it's repaired especially until you have clothes now once you get cloth and you can put clothes on and you've got a little bit of material then you can hang out in the middle of the night and you'll be okay so keep that in mind now I haven't noticed any nocturnal Pokémon I feel like there was one called Daydream it looks like this this kind of ghostly little thing but then I feel like I've seen them in the day too so it's probably just more location than anything so the biggest things about nighttime are you know Vantage points for the green statues and if you ever just want to skip nighttime all you really got to do if you're in the middle of night time just go to your bed which you'll have to build one at one point and if you lay down and sleep for one any of your party members especially if you've taken them into battle any of the ones that have been defeated and it get like zero hit points they either take 10 minutes to come back or you can sleep and by the time you pass sleep time then they're also going to wake up and they'll be restored too so we're going to sleep and then you'll kind of see a black screen happen The Roosters will Crow all of your pals are going to wake up with you everybody's going to get out of bed and get back to work and you'll be good to go and they also notice in the bottom left hand corner that the sun is kind of working on Rising and it's over there so but you'll notice when it's lighter I know this one's here and I know this one is kind of there on those Peaks but there's still one of those somewhere over there that I can't even see anymore so those green things are just hard to spot during the day night time they shine trying to make note of their location it's pretty good thing to do at night now everybody's going to have a base in a different design shape fashion whatever it may be but your idea is your base is going to need a couple of things proximity to materials and if you get it near or that'll be a good thing but I built my first one on this Plateau I literally was like hey here's the Fast Travel point and then I was like kind of roaming around here for materials I got the materials I needed I literally built my basic toolbx that thing right there or workbench basic workbench there and then it was like okay so where do you want your cent of your base to be and the center of your base is where you build this thing this is your pal box this is where as you capture all the pals this is where they're stored so when you pick this position it's going to set a center point and everything out from there that is within this little blue circle is is considered your base so inside the blue circle if I want to build a chest you'll notice even though it's just like on a slope I wouldn't worry about that I have tons of supplies cuz I've been farming for a while but if I walk right outside I don't have materials cuz they're all in storage in my base so in your base you have access to every storage box and any materials in those boxes outside of your base or wherever you're at and again you will be able to make multiple bases but the materials don't transfer and we're going to cover kind of how to take care of that a little bit but the idea is in your base is this circle and this is where your pals will do work this is where they will kind of farm and gather materials and do all the things that they're going to do in this circle anything outside of that not really in their purview unless you specifically assign them to do something like that ore down there unfortunately as it's outside the blue circle even if I had a pal that had mining capabilities he wouldn't be going after it now if I would have built my little pal box kind of like right I don't know here about 20 ft this direction then that blue circle would Encompass this thing and I haven't tested it yet cuz I think I would break my entire base if I deleted my pal box but if I had that within the blue circle and I had a mining pal then they could be potentially mining one of the more important resources or kind of on an Indi basis and that's the thing about the resources if I chop down a tree in a day or two or three that thing's going to come back if I break this giant stone boulder over here in a day or two or three and again I say a day or two or three cuz I haven't counted the days but any of these like Stone Boulders that you mine if you break them completely they'll come back in a little while now it doesn't really matter too much about trees and stone because eventually you're going to have Pals with these like logging pits and Mining pits where they can just get stone and wood to your heart's content but there's nothing like that for ore at least right now in Early Access depending on maybe that's something they change later but where you place your base will determine what you have access to but you also have to think about you have to defend your base because every so often there are raids so when it comes to raids they're going to come charging at you well I'm kind of up on a plateau so if I defend this bridge here kind of this Crossway here and up there I'm pretty safe for the time being now if they fix like Ai pathing and them attacking walls and stuff that'll be a thing but for the time being they I kind of have them funneled into certain areas and I can kind of get get them cornered and then go attack them before they really get to my base they wrecked this building once and I didn't want that to happen again so if you're in the middle of just like a big green open field and your base is down there and you got to try and defend every single side of it that's a lot of walls to build so keep that in mind where you build your base if you can find ore on your first base great if you don't don't worry about it because honestly most people's second bases are there where they're probably going to go try and find like four or five of these things all together and they're just going to make that base an important like or Mining facility that's the biggest thing now the other thing to know about your base is what your pobox will do and that's going to allow you to level this thing up now when you go to level up your base every time you work on a level it's going to give you a specific thing to work on right now I'm working on a weapon workbench and that's a couple levels away and the levels are based on the technology tree now you're going to start here and then as you level up when you when I get to level level down here at level 20 I'm going to be able to open up and build the weapon workbench but the technology points you get them from a smattering of different places and those are what you spend to access each thing so if I wanted to get an alarm Bell for example I would spend one technology point and now that's something that I can build so it's going to show you the resources the object will require but then also it's going it's it's going to unlock the ability for you to build it but then you still need to turn around and actually build the alarm Bell as a thing so like defenses I wouldn't then I need to actually build that with the resources that I've got so you have to unlock it in the technology tree then you actually have to turn around and build that and it goes through that in the tutorial because you're going to build a workbench then you're going to build your tools and after you do that stuff you're probably going to be level two then you're going to build a pal sphere by getting a little bit of materials build that at the workbench and then once you've actually captured one of your pals then you're going to need a pal box and then you set your base location so it's going to take you through that but the idea is your level that you get up to is largely going to be XP based and the way you level up in this game is all about capturing these guys so don't go around and kill them all that is not very beneficial for XP it's all about using your pal spheres all that different levels you hand the higher you go the more difficult the thing is to capture the more powerful the pal sphere needs to be like these guys down here really easy to capture I just got to make sure I don't kill them too fast honestly for me but then you get to like mini bosses and bosses and other things that are wanding out in the world you're going to need some powerful stuff to capture him but every time you capture you get XP and you get the biggest chunk by doing that and then you'll notice if I click on one I you can see how many times you've C captured one so if you go to your pal deck and I see cattiva I have captured it five out of 10 times every time I capture it the first 10 times I'm going to get an XP bonus so it is beneficial for you to capture just about everything you possibly can for experience because more often than not unless you're just getting overrun and you need to take one down so you can survive if you can capture it then do so because you can hold what looks to be a near infinite Supply on all of these Pages I've got like box 16 as you can see here so I'm not really too worried about running out of space and then at some point you're going to be able to condense these things to help level up your kind of primary ones so on the right hand side you'll see that I've got like stars on these things right here up at the top and when you condense say like a few of these guys into this one you'll level it up to one star and then it takes more to level it up to two stars then it takes even more to level up to three so you'll be capturing a ton as you go but all the capturing is how you really get lot of your experience so try everything you can to have a lot of these pal spheres on you as frequently as possible and also looking for those green statues so your pal speres are more powerful that's how you're going to level up but as for getting access to having all these guys running around your base it's leveling up your pobox so whatever it tells you to build here do it that's the biggest thing I can tell you cuz it's going to take you through build a PO boox build a palis spere and it's going to tell you to build a chest then it's going to tell you to build a bed to sleep in then it's probably going to tell you to and to build a bed it has to be under a cannot sleep unless built under a roof so then you need the wooden structure set so you can have a foundation you can have a wall and you can have a roof and that way when you actually place your bed you can sleep same thing with these here they have to be built on a foundation they can't be built on ground so it's going to take you through pretty much what you need to like then you're going to need a berry Plantation at some point then I'm going to need a statue of power then it's going to have you build a stone pit and a logging site and then a Crusher for the stone it's going to have you build a hot spring so you can keep your guys sanity right primitive furnace the things that are not required weapons like the stone spear you may not need that and you'll realize that the attacking ability of your pals is way stronger mostly the likely than you're going to be so you're going to be using them more for their abilities as opposed to you getting your like attack strength up and that takes me into stats stats the main stats that you want to focus on they are going to be weight down here is absolutely important early on because one of the things you're going to be doing until you can make those you know infin mental logs and stuff and then when you're running around picking up ore is wait how much can you carry now I will tell you there are certain Pals cattiva for example has the ability to while in your team kativa helps carry supplies increasing the max carry capacity and it does it by 50 which is legit so if you have an entire party of civas while you're running around you would have about 250 more weight which would really help you farm a bunch of stuff now work speed you are never going to be the main focus of building anything after just the opening so it'll be a little slow at first but if you deal with it as soon as you get anybody who's going to help you and by that I mean anybody who's got handiwork like if you go to your party I would have to check handiwork if you're building something they're going to come over and help you build it probably faster than you could and then they'll be level two and they'll be level three and they're going to out build you pretty much straight away so your idea of needing work speed not going to matter defense the only way you're getting defense you're going to get from gear that is all so your defense isn't anything you can do the player attack as I was saying like oh I can get a crossbow that does a little bit more when you put one stat Point into this you get 102 attack it is so tiny it doesn't seem to matter this will probably be something that needs balanced stamina and HP are the other two stamina I got this up to about 150 stamina shows how long you can climb run swim fly like Glide all of these are extremely important and when you run out of stamina you can't do anything you'll drown if you're on water you'll fall off the side of a cliff stamina is actually really important so what I would recommend early on being is you're not going to do quite so much attacking do a couple into weight like get it up to you start at like 300 get it up to 4 450 500 then start working on some stamina then you can start probably bouncing between weight stamina and health and then as I got my weight to about 600 and I've been worried less about carrying but if I go farm ore I still Max this thing out pretty well um stamina's really important for a lot of things so don't sleep on that one be a weight getting that one pretty high is going to be good if you get it to 600 you could focus on these two for a while and then if you get far enough into the game you can figure out what you want to do kind of there but attack doesn't seem to be worth a damn and neither does work speed so I would avoid those two do not waste any points on those because I have not seen a way to Respec yet and if there is one I don't know it and it doesn't seem very common knowledge yet and I don't know if it's even in this early access build in the game you might be able to later but in this early release can't seem to do it right now so stats weight first so as you're running around farming a bunch of materials with your basic axe you can hold as much as possible to bring it back to your base stamina lets you run around and do everything longer then when you start getting the combat little higher areas and stuff like that then you can drop some pops into HP and you get 100 per each HP which is nice so my equipment enhancement right now is getting me 200 so I mean I put six in here put five in here and I probably put about six in here but again remember you you can take a whole bunch of your you know civas with you and then you could have like 850 for what I'm at right now so keep that in mind too if you're going on just farming runs take all the cats with you and that's why catching multiple of the same thing can't have some benefits just a quick rundown of how stamina Works stamina in and of itself is one of those things that if you're using it it's going to slowly go down I'm just trying to sit here and use it up now on a wall you can sit here and climb to the top but if you run out of stamina on a wall you will just straight up fall then if you fall I can't jump I can't run I can't literally do anything until it's back so that's why you will drown in an ocean that type of stuff it's bad to run out of stamina so you really want to make sure you don't pretty pretty much however you can so be careful of your stamina running out especially if you're in the middle of combat or if you're in the middle of just like you know farming materials for whatever reason if you run out then you've truly just got to stop you can't like wait a little bit and then finish up wait a little bit and finish up if you go to Red you got to you can do nothing so be aware of your stamina gauge that's why stamina and weight early on kind of balancing where you put your stat points stamina is definitely going to be worth it long term even you won't waste any points there just you know balance those two early now some Pals have different abilities pals are cool you're going to have a pal that you can just summon and then if you get into combat all of a sudden they will start engaging in combat too now some of the pals are very powerful so if for some reason I'm attacking something kind of lower level and they're cooking them on damage you can pull them back pretty quickly that way they don't kill the the pal that's out there if you're trying to capture it so that's one thing to watch is how much damage the pal that you threw out there in the world is doing and also if it's doing too much or if it's going to kill things maybe use one that's a little weaker if you're still trying to work on capturing a bunch of stuff or if your weapons are strong one thing you can do instead of using say like I've got a crossbow now for example if I use my mining pickaxe or just my regular axe yeah this is a metal axe so it's better than Stone but it's not going to do that much damage so that's my way to like if I get most of their health gun I can get them a little bit lower with like a weak tool as opposed to say like if I come over here to this kativa and I swing at him I don't want this thing out cuz he'll just nuke him and then if I can chase this guy down he'll probably hit the wall and turn back see if I hit him a third time if I hit him four and that was just with an axe and then if I throw it and capture him now that's an easy capture cuz I'm leveled up but again I just got 470 experience bonus just by capturing that one kativa again capturing is the way to get experience another 474 I could sit there and like build and cook and do all those things all day long to get 400 experience would take forever or I can just capture two basic guys that I have less than 10 of and I'm good to go and now I've got stats that I can spend so this one I'm probably going to go put a little more into stamina for now next one's probably going to be weight and then HP and that's going to be my rotation now some Pals will have abilities so if you take um one of the guys that I have on me for example right now is celery you'll notice since I have the thing unlocked the Zephyr glider while in a team he can be summoned instead of a glider so I have a glider that I have on me that allows me to like float but instead I have this guy on me and he's going to be a lot more kind of efficient uses his own stamina I can just float along you also can get the ability to like get a harness and you can mount up on guys and you can even them you can choose them to attack so if I want to fire I can even just like fire I can do this like antler uppercut thing that he's got that's going to be another attack I've got a stone blast over here all of those things I can control and yet I can also use this thing to absolutely just like cover ground a lot quicker way faster than I normally would and then if I use this like charge attack I love that one cuz I can cover some ground really really fast so the palser kind of special in this game because all the things that they can do are really going to add up and I don't have a lot of them right now but you're going to get a plenty of them later on and you can call them out just as quickly swap them out and that's one thing to note as well when you are in combat say this guy's taking some damage and I'm fighting a bigger guy as long as he doesn't fully die if I switch him out with somebody then the other guy is going to be in my inventory and as long as he is fed in which by fed I mean you can literally sit here and eat stuff like me I've got my health my feed bar here and this is my deer so this is the ethic deer or however you want to say that if I feed it long as it doesn't get in red hungry then if it's in my like party and inventory it's going to heal up so if you're sitting there fighting a big thing and you're rotating through these while they fight as long as they don't fully go down you can rotate them pretty quickly and have them get off different attacks and stuff like that that's really kind of cool so having the ability to rotate between your guys is beneficial but also just knowing how strong they are versus like a level three and this is a level 18 they would absolutely destroy those guys down there so I would never get to capture them so I wouldn't even like have him out because as soon as you attack he's going to attack and then you're kind of toast so pals are quite powerful and when it comes to combat they're going to be what does your majority of the damage but also depending on harnesses and stuff like that like there's one this guy right here Fox Sparks pretty much what you're able to do is the Huggy fire if you get a harness on this guy you pick him up and when you squeeze him he's a flamethrower so not everything has all a special ability but a lot of them have something depending on what the ability unlock is there's somewhere probably buried in the tech tree and they have some unique ones even the lamb ball has the ability to give you an extra shield which is kind of cool now also when it comes to working in your base all of these guys have may as well get uh back to my base all of these guys have little like traits and abilities and some are going to be different some are going to be good some are going to be helpful they're all going to be a little bit different but what's going to happen is if you come into your party and you click on one of them you'll see they all have these different work suitability things kindling planting handiwork is literally building lumbering obviously getting Stone medicine production there's a place for that transporting the it's literally moving materials from one place to another watering that's for farming Gathering is harvesting mining pretty straightforward cooling you've got the ability to preserve food farming for like chickens and cows and other stuff and this guy's electric so generating electricity some kind of power plant type of stuff later on you'll notice like I've got some guys over here that are watering I've got some guys over here that are that dude's transporting these guys over here are mining and all of these have different jobs and what you'll note is some are going to be better than others so if I click on this guy he's serious that's just his passive trait so he works 20% faster than what he does this guy is a mine Foreman 25% increase to player mining efficiency so if he's in my party I'm just mining better so if I'm mining ore he's a good one to have on me e deer this guy's just more defense good thing to have this is another mining foran so my mining efficiency right now is just like cooking and then this guy right now is conceited sometimes they have bad stuff give up a little bit of Defense but he works harder and then I can quite literally go to all of these things so I can go to this and I can see that he's downtrodden and you can look on all of these and what it is but sometimes you'll have some of the helpers this guy's a slacker so if I truly put him in my party and you look his work speed is terrible likeus 30 % so he's not somebody that you actually want to have roaming around helping you work but he's he's really not helping you so down here like this guy is destructive I probably need to swap him out cuz right now he is helping me with Gathering but he's also destructive so he's helping with sorry he's helping with planting so I can probably swap him out and at least that guy is only one instead of level two but he's not destructive at least cuz you can actually check what it is and if I check destructive is his sanity this is this guy's sanity which is how they kind of keep reasonable it just drops faster now he's a little more efficient at planting but that means he's going to have to spend more time in the hot springs over here so he's actually going to be less efficient probably going to need more brakes all of these are the little nuances that come in that when you're figuring out who's going to be around working on your base it kind of makes sense to pay attention to those little things because it can really make a difference you can come over here and you can see you know this guy the tanzy monkey this is a really cool one because of so much stuff that it does planting handiwork lumbering transporting and Gathering so planting and Gathering you need something else that can water but then that can pretty much run a farm also if he's waiting on the water or the growth segment he can go gather wood he can transport if he needs to some of these are really good to have in certain spots and it just kind of depends on you know kind of what's what your base needs if you're working on a whole bunch of ore smelting you're probably going to need the fire guys somehow because they are going to be able to cook faster again fire related and they're also going to help smelt ore so when it comes to work suitability that's what all of that that stuff means so whatever their talents are that's what they're going to be good at anything that's handywork is if you're building a structure they're going to be able to help you with it so that's not anywhere specifically in the tutorial these are why I was trying to make the tutorials for all of you because that type of stuff does really make a difference if you put somebody out there who's they're all slackers all of a sudden and nobody's helping you out you're like why is this going on and this guy's unstable what's up with this guy he is his sanity drops 10% faster this guy's struggling too so again pinget do I have another one this guy's level and this guy's a dainty eater so the difference on the dainty eater part his sa I'm trying to remember how to say that word it's basically being satiated but SE drops 10% slower that's how quickly he becomes hungry but he actually survives without food food longer still very beneficial in what he does out there helping so the the pals when you dig into them really have a lot a lot of benefit and if you want to level some of them up just take them with you and as you do random stuff they'll all get leveled see if you have some lowlevel guys and you run around and you're just doing some basic farming you'll actually be able to kind of get more out of them by taking them with you and then they'll be leveled up so one thing I will definitely say about exploring is do it because I showed you a little bit of running around but as you run around you're going to find you're truly just going to find so much random stuff you're like over here in this opening section there's always like a chest down here usually there's a chest about right over here every I don't know few days that's around but part of what's going to be around is I found a gigas spere I found four of these by exploring opening chests sometimes the chest needs Keys more often than not they don't the ones that do you actually need keys they're going to give you schematics which is you'll get a schematic for something depending on what level it is at and around but you potentially could craft something that's now uncommon does a bit more damage than the base level item that you could craft so schematics are going to be something that are really important and that's more of an advanced thing but like these MEAP spheres I've crafted none of them I found all of these so far some of them just laying on the ground also fast travel if I just want to bounce around a different areas like okay I did beat this guy I've captured him 23 kicking my butt uh over here 17 haven't quite found him but the 15 pin king right now it's like an interior area kind of kicking my butt too so they're there's a lot that you're going to be able to explore and wander around and experience 28 not even going to try it 30 nope um I know there's like a dungeon entrance over there there's dungeons that you can Farm once you get comfortable at like taking out what's inside of them um but the Fast Travel if you get far enough away that like fast travel is going to be a while try and see if you can get a decent Vantage Point look for the little blue glow look for another fast travel point because if you unlock it once then you can use it and it's so much easier to get around with fast travel points but I mean I will tell you wandering around has been really beneficial to just especially once you get a mount the ability to jump on like this guy was a great capture then it took me a little while and then I un lock the harness and now that I've got the harness I can run around on him I can Sprint if I really want to cover some ground I can do the charge which I'm trying not to go bust up my base I can do that charge and get it like really Sprint through some ground I'm going to run around on this guy for quite a while and it really allows you to explore more freely and quickly cuz early on on foot everything's going to be a little slower as soon as you get your first Mount work on it unlock it totally worth it but that when you get to exploring like early I was just like doing so much in this area and then now that I've had a mountain I'm running around all of these areas kind of seeing what's out here cuz the map is massive I have no idea how connected all this stuff is going to be seems like some of these are going to be separated by water maybe it's a lot of islands I don't know but this place is going to be big so use the pals use them for exploration and occasionally you're going to find um see if I can get off this thing sorry uh you're going to find these things like they're little fruit trees these and it's a fire skill fruit tree and it's Spirit fire and what it's going to do is allow you use it on a pal to teach that so you can literally feed it to a pal or use it on a pal and when you do that I've got the ability to actually train a creature in something that it wouldn't know otherwise I could get a water thing shooting fire and then all of a sudden I'm getting all over the c dragon Grass Electric dark electric ground I could give something that's effective against you know one thing and have it be effective against something else so you'll find th those as you explore kind of randomly you run into a lot more Pals you can capture a bunch so when you go exploring really go exploring like take a lot of pal spheres with you because honestly when you go you can capture 20 or 30 of them while you go and they all just kind of land back here you're not limited how many you can capture while you're out so as long as you've got pal spheres you can keep capturing as long as you can survive and do damage to them and stuff like that now one thing to remember is your stuff's going to have durability damage so repairing it making sure you're able to keep yourself alive and healed and keep your armor up and stuff like that will be important and I do advise building the shield I know the common Shield doesn't seem like a lot but being as it regenerates itself depending on if you can stay out of the line of sight and stuff that's going to be important the early glider to be able to kind of jump off a cliff and glide down you can catch yourself near the end of a long fall and not die so glider is an important one and as for weapons I will tell you early on I didn't really use the bow you probably do want to get arrows I'm not entirely sure why that is working without it I didn't go fire arrows because every arrow is going to cost me flame organs and those aren't something I have a lot of because I haven't killed an infinite supply of these things so I try to stick with the base stuff so I ended up getting like the bat for physical yeah I had to be closer but it was better damage than obviously the basic wooden Club after the bat I've actually messed with the spears I did do the three shot bow at least it was going to be more ammo efficient but like the metal sphere was pretty good I got the crossbow and then I found the um diagram basically for The Uncommon crossbow so I replace that one and then as you come down you'll see you've got more stuff coming I've got a poison crossbow a mega shield and this thing goes all the way down when you come down here looking at a giga Shield I've got handguns you get the ammo and all this stuff later on I'm not even near that so there's so much that this game has to offer truly and I think I'm just kind of getting going but I'm having a really good time and hopefully with what I've learned and told all of you your early part of your experience is going to be a bit smoother bit more fun and if you guys are looking for more from me hopefully I can be beneficial in coming up with kind of an advanced guide maybe some good locations maybe top Pals I've seen some different guides out there and kind of with my experience I would be curious what uh you know what I find beneficial so have yourselves a good one if you enjoyed this video drop a like below if you have some early tips and things kind of not late game but earlier you know mid first half of the game per se throw those in the comments and um if you want to see more from me hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell hope to see you guys in a future video and if you want to find me on Twitch on Twitter find me over there too I'll be streaming this probably for a little while as well have a good one everybody good luck
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 131,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Base Locations, Palworld Farming, Palworld EXP, Palworld XP Farm, How to get EXP in Palworld, How to Capture Pals in Palworld, Pal Sphere, PalBox, Palworld Ore, How to get Ore in Palworld, Palworld Raid, Palworld Dungeon, Best Pals Palworld, Best Pals, Best Stats Palworld, Palworld Stats, Palworld Tips, Palworld Guide, Palworld Walkthrough, Palworld Tutorial
Id: cwInOIekbzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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