Palworld - The True BEST Pal Tier List - All MOST POWERFUL Pals Ranked & More!

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congratulations you are the strongest well thank you I bet it's the mustache that's doing it's the mustache right no I I don't think it wait is it ladies gentlemen and Pals of all ages there are a lot of different ways to think about this game but one that everyone will have to consider at least a little bit is combat there are various stages of challenging combat along your way through the game and there are tons of ways to make that easier with one of the simplest ones just being to use strong Pals well I know there are a lot of people that just want to use the pals that they like and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that that does mean there are simply Pals that are more suited to combat and better at it than others so today we're going to break down a tier list of the top 40 or so combat Pals the main cutoff being if it doesn't make this list it's just significantly weaker overall the pals even in the lowest tier to the point that if you are using it it's because you want to really not because it's strong as well with the disclaimer that I have seen a lot of tier list out there based purely on stats specifically the numbers that we use to differentiate the species which are their growth rates which is a whole mathematical formula but for the sake of comprehension higher number means they gain more of the stat per level than a pal with lower number growth rates thus differentiating these species that said while stats are a big part of this they are far from everything to consider when deciding just how strong a pal is so we will also be talking quite a bit about partner skills and just general usability functions as well as just my opinions on some and why I think they should maybe be less or more used than they currently are for example if the partner skill makes up a mountable pal mountable Pals have a distinctive advantage over those who that aren't which is that attack cooldowns while riding them are separate from the attack cooldowns while you're not riding them meaning you can give a pal three super high damage but long coold down attacks and then just watch them launch the same strong attack twice within a few seconds just because he got on or off of it without further Ado then we will generally be going from worst to best at least from the ones on this list from bottom to top but with the exception that I do want to start by talking immediately about sweepa all the way at the top of this statistically speaking sweepa is not really a combat pal it's just not got that oomph in its stats that a lot of Pals do but thanks to two things it is undeniably in its own tier above every other combat pal in the game the first is its combination with s where anyu in the party boost the attack and defense of sweepa by 12% base up to 24% Peru if they are full fourstar condensed sweepa itself also gains a self attack buff as you condense into it even past the normal stat gain of condensing meaning there is a massive potential for buffing sweepa up but the reason the real one that sweepa is up here is quite simply a bug while riding sweepa if you go to your party screen and drop s out of your party then Dismount and pick it back up the buff it gives to sweepa becomes doubled essentially sweepa doesn't lose the buff when you drop a s so when you pick it back up again it gains an extra stack you can just sort of keep doing that pretty much infinitely though even with the same swe which means that swea does not actually have a limit to its potential attack and defense step in this stage of the game it is technically speaking infinite because that bug's existence makes sweepa an absolute nom which is why it is where it is then let's round up back down to the D tier I'll be spending a lot less time per pal than that normally swe but just deserve some extra love and this tier starts with kitsun 115 attack growth rate is pretty good not quite the best but decent then 100 on HP and defense is perfectly acceptable not fantastic but decent generally speaking we're also prioritizing the attack stat over the others to begin with however its partner skill has no bearing on combat with this one which in itself does give it a bit of a disadvantage compared to similarly sted Pals but it does gain the cool down reset function of mounting which is nice still a great combat pal just not high compared to the bar that we've set for this grouping of top tier Pals next up is Verdes 115 attack again but only 90 on HP and defense so equally offensive a bit squishier but his partner skill makes up for that Gap a bit making the player's damage count as grass and giving movement speed to the player as well the main situation this excels in is against ground Pals as making the player damage super effective is a 50% bonus damage bonus but outside of that it's nothing too special for combat after that we've got Beacon 115 attack growth rate 105 HP which is a bump down from the last two but then 80 defense which sort of evens it back down this one however gets a bump from its partner skill as well being ridable changing player damage to Electric to let you super perect water types and also giving the player a 50% attack boost based up to 100% at partner skill rank five so that makes it a nice jump above the previous two then we have falope 110 attack so going down on that just a touch but 110 HP and 90 defense so not bad there at all more importantly this one is ridable and also the fastest ground Mount that exists so mount resets for this are a thing the speed makes it easy to dodge enemy attacks while actively riding and it has a pretty strong species unique attack too you could argue it might go a bit lower than this even just because it's a neutral type pal which means that it can't super affect unless it uses typ mismatching moves and using a move type that doesn't match your pal in itself is a 20% damage loss so that's definitely a weak spot if I had to call one out next up is relaxa orus Lux 110 attack 110 HP 75 defense so pretty average on the defense front for this side of the tier list but its partner skill both makes it ridable which allows the amount cool down reset but also has a missile launcher attached to it that does respectable damage on its own then comes rep Tyro 105 attack but 110 HP and 120 defense so notably beefier and tankier than the ones before but it comes at the cost of not having a combat partner skill so you could argue this is weaker than the others if you focus purely on attack power but I do think the Tak us here deserves at least some respect after that that is feris 105 Attack 100 HP 110 defense so not exceptional in that sense but it does have a riding partner skill for Mount cooldown resets but no other combat applications of its partner skill so it's good but just not particularly exceptional then we have univolt 105 attack 80 HP 105 defense so not great there but it is ridable so Mount cool down reset along with this also being a pal that changes your damage to electric type so strong against water types and also one that gives you that hidden 50 to 100% player attack bonus while mounted to and that bumps it up quite a bit just by itself next up is inceram knocked 105 attack 95 HP 85 defense but the partner skill is actually a powered up version of a skill that normally has being up to three times damage one full four star condensed which makes that skill actually really strong not to mention that it actually applies to the normal version of the move that the pal already has which means that you also get a three times bonus whenever it uses the regular version of the Attack 2 and if you want to actually be really cheeky you can reset partner skill cooldowns in the game by dropping a pal out of your party inventory and immediately picking them back up which makes this one definitely worth its lot here and finally for the D tier we have GIS Bolt 100 attack makes its tied lowest on the list 105 and 100 defense isn't bad but the trick here is Griz bolt is both ridable for Mount cooldown resets but also has its whole minigun Shenanigans which does actually do pretty decent damage if you fully condense into it moving on to the C tier then we will be starting this one with moss sand Deluxe full 100s across the board on attack HP and defense but ridable for Mount cooldown resets and more importantly has access to the grenade launcher while mounted which is an Unstoppable force of stun locking against the majority of enemies in the game if they get hit by the grenade launcher they get stunned if you wait between shots you extend the stun for solo play this doesn't really add a whole lot as far as actual combat Effectiveness really aside from maybe giving you some time to heal if you space out the shots and it let your regen actually start again but this one really shines in multiplayer where one person can be used this just stun locking a powerful alpha or something while the other person lays into it completely just focusing on damage and nothing else after that is ice rep Tyro and the only difference between this and regular rep Tyro aside from obviously swapping to ice element is that it gains an even higher Defense number up to 130 growth rate making it tied for the fourth highest defense in the whole game then let's talk about orz zerk the Lord of lightning this is a fun one because his partner skill is non-c combat really he isn't mountable so he doesn't get those bonuses he's just a pure stat with 130 attack tied as the third highest attack value in the game which is nuts he also has 100 of each other stat which isn't bad but he also has a fantastic species uniique attack skill too to even boost it further next up we've got aagon non-combat partner skill but it does allow riding so that you can do the amount cool down resets 125 attack so a touch lower than or zerk but 100 HP and 125 defense which is quite an exceptional defense too all those things together edging it out just a bit over or zerk for me following that we've got ragn Hawk 105 attack which is not a thing you'll hear much more as we progress up through the list 95 HP but an unusually high 120 defense as well being a rable mount gets Mount cooldown resetting it's relatively quick and also a flying Mount which lets you dodge stuff pretty well while riding and it's also one of the riding Pals that switches your element to fire letting the player themselves super affect both ice and grass types while mounting and also gives a player that hidden 50 to 100% attack stat bonus then we have suzaku and suzaka aqua who I'll be talking about as a sort of combo entry 100 105 attack 105 defense and then 120 HP on suzaku 125 on the aqua variant so it gets a very slight Edge ridable through partner skill which means Mount cool down resets and also these ones have a bonus effect of further boosting damage with their Elemental type specifically by 50% at partner skill rank one but 100% at full partner skill rank five which effectively means that when you are riding them they deal double damage making their somewhat lower attack St a complete nonissue after that we move on up to the B tier and this one I will be starting with felbat 105 Attack 100 HP 110 defense which is pretty nice not a ridable pal but has a semi-unique partner skill that gives both itself and the player up to 6% life steal on damage dealt when fully fourstar condensed into lavander does this as well but simply has worse stats and also is a neutral type so no super effect matchups meaning felbat is actually just Superior for this purpose by a pretty large margin and thus feels a pretty special Niche next up is Van wor 150 attack which is really respectable 9 HP and defense are pretty reasonable too also a ridable pal so Mount cool down reset is a factor and it also gives you a bonus to weak spot damage while you are riding them which scales from 20% up to 40% at partner skill level five so that's a really nice bonus on top of it all too following that we have bushie 125 attack which is extremely solid but only 80 HP and defense so a bit of a glass Cannon relatively speaking and its partner skill is like incin am knocked being just a super powerered up version of one of its normal attacks dealing up to three times the damage though that it normally would at Max partner skill level that said because bui's natural attack growth rate is as high as it is this has a much greater effect on him thus it is a much higher placement than it's in Ram knocked especially when you combine it with the dropping from the party to reset partner skill cooldown thing then we have yorman tide 120 attack which is really good 130 HP and 100 defense so reasonably tanky as well ridable which allows for amount cool down resets but doesn't have any combat benefits outside of that the one secondary concern I have for this pal is that it is generally just massive even the non-alpha versions are really big which makes it a lot easier for enemy Pals to actually connect attacks so the tankiness is sort of evened out just by being hit more often than most pals are after that finishing off the B tier and no this is not a joke elizabe combined with beard this one is pretty simple elizabe is 105 attack 90 HP and 100 defense it's not crazy but it has the same interaction with Bard that sweepa does with swe meaning you can get right around 100% attack and defense bonus from having a party full of its supplicants though because you cannot Mount elizabe you can't do the bug that makes sweepa actually just ridiculously exploited Le just overpowered so elizabe is instead just a very respectable top of B tier starting off the a tier then we have Len and lilene knocked 110 attack 110 HP 115 defense on L Knocked while only 105 on regular lolene which is why knocked is ranked Just a Touch higher the main reason these are here despite those stats that would generally place them a fair bit lower is because they again have a relatively unique partner skill not one that assists in damage by any means but instead one that heals the player in a burst when activated as opposed to the passive life steal of felbat the main advantage to burst over sustained healing is that you can throw lene out just for a moment just for the heal then immediately switch back off of it to your actual main combat Pals which is why I thought it deserved a tear up from felbat next up we have Anubis and I know a lot of people would probably put him in a higher tier but hear me out on this 130 attack is great HP and 100 defense is quite tanky too he also has multiple unique strong species specific attacks but he's just too small and a lot of his moves are extremely close range with small hit boxes there's a lot that he does do well even changing player damage type to ground and providing a small attack boost one out two but in my experience in actual in the- field testing Anubis tends to miss a lot of attacks which still puts them on cool down and makes him less effective than he could be given the stats and mova that he has then we have pen gullet and this one is very simple not worth using combat wise outside of one momentary ability it's partner skill which lets you fire it out of a rocket launcher that said it does pretty damn respectable damage when you do so so if you literally have an empty P slot and you just want an extra burst of damage there's nothing wrong with including this little guy hell while it is supposed to actually kill the pullet when you do this you could also technically run around with five of them and give them the Burly body skill which increases their defense and actually makes this not kill them that way you can have them survive the explosion and use them again letting you just cycle through a ton of different pullet rocket launchers as your method of combat and as silly as that sounds it's actually not bad after that is Van worm Crist 120 attack which is a step up from regular vanor 90 HP and then 95 defense which is also a bit of a step up the rest is pretty much the same except that it's ice type rable Mount cool down reset is really nice bonus damage to weak points allar around just solid just a bump up in stats from its normal version following that we have hzr 125 attack which is great 100 HP 100 defense is bad but it's ridable so we get the mount cooldown resets it changes player damage to dark while being ridden which lets you super affect neutral Pals and it also is one that gives the hidden player attack stat bonus of 50 to 100% depending on Partner skill level so it's really just solid all around after that we have gobin as well as gobin ignis which I just generally wouldn't use as your active combat pal but they are absolutely top tier party fillers with the main reason being for each one that you have in your party you get 10 to 20% bonus attack set on your player depend depending on the partner skill level and this Stacks up to pretty silly levels that you can take significant advantage of you could argue the pal itself is not the strongest but it also is a core component and one of the strongest sort of Team comps that exists which is the one where the player is actually the main damage dealer so I felt that they deserve this spot at minimum also worth noting there are a lot of party filler Pals that boost different element type damage as well just by being in your party they didn't make the cut more just for space concerns cuz I'd have to include every single one if I was doing that but know that every one of those is very good in their own purpose in their own place and a build focused around making Just One Singular pal incredibly strong then finishing off the a tier maybe a controversial Choice padus the first legendary on the list 120 attack 130 HP and 145 defense so extremely tanky highest defense stat in the whole game but 120 attack is for a legendary a bit low the partner skill is not combat based either though it is ridable for the mount cool down reset honestly the stats are still great the main reason this is the only legendary below the s here is that it is also a neutral type pal so it just cannot physically get super effective damage on anything unless like I mentioned earlier you go to out of type moves which removes the inherent same type attack bonus of 20% Which would cost you 20% damage overall so just generally speaking while it is an absolute Menace compared to even the D or C tier Pals even the B's for a lot of them it just has limited topend potential compared to the other ones I'm going to put above it that said let's start off our s tier with blaset at this point in this list every single pal is a a Powerhouse the difference between them is just little bits of percentages for the most part or non-attack stats or tinier things they are each all capable of carrying through the endgame as your main pal Without Really switching them outside of unfavorable type matchups blaset has 125 attack growth rate which is great 100 HP and 120 defense which is reasonably tanky as well it is a ridable pal so Mount cool down resets and more importantly it is one of the pals that boosts the damage dealt with its own Elemental type while ridden by 50 to 100 % meaning while riding it its attack stat will be basically doubled and that is just silly strong following that is actually yman tide ignis another fire pal funnily enough though this one is also part dragon type 130 attack so just a touch higher 130 HP which is massive and 100 defense which is decent too this is also a rable pal though and is actually one that boosts damage with its Elemental type while ridden by up to 100% so essentially this is just Blas it but it has slightly better stats and also has access to dragon TI moves with the same type attack bonus too somehow they just made Yanti ignis just so much stronger than base Yanti I I think that's crazy next up is Shadow beak and this one is pretty special 120 attack growth rate 120 HP 140 defense the second highest defense in the game so incredibly tanky but with a high damage stat too that's a really good attack stat its unique attack Divine disaster is 160 power one of the few attacks of that power ranking in the game and it is also a rable mount which means the high cooldown on an attack like that is a big deal cuz again we can reset it on top of that it also is one of the pals that boosts its own element type damage by 50 to 100% while ridden which makes this one just absolutely nasty when fully set up then we have necromus our second legendary of the day 145 attack stat the highest in the entire game as a base 130 HP and 135 defense and it's worth mentioning of course that specifically the alpha legendaries if you catch them in the wild have a massive increase in HP compared to what they get if you were to breed into them so that's a bonus too if you were to somehow get a perfect one in the wild it has great attacks fantastic speed and hit boxes allow it to hit its targets consistently it's ridable for Mount cool down resetting and it's just very much generally strong Shadow beak is stronger while being ridden but necromus is stronger without that kind of specific management so which one is better really depends on how you want to play around with the palel especially as they are both dark types to begin with and again necromus does have that HP bonus then we have jet dragon 140 attack growth rate tied for second in the game just behind necris 110 HP 110 defense which are both sort of just decent actually J dragon's defensive strength however comes from its insane speed the same speed that it uses while you fly around on it is the speed that it uses in combat which means that you can use that to just genuinely Dodge attacks just from movement very easily on top of that it is a ridable pal so Mount cool down resets and it's also one that gets a missile launcher that you can fire as part of the partner skill and as you rank the partner skill up the damage can get pretty decent on that too then we have Frost Dian knocked the sword sort of technical legendary 140 attack 140 HP 135 defense probably just the best overall stats on any pal the game extremely well-rounded being tied for second in attack third in HP and also being third in defense and that's before even considering that it is a rideable pal so Mount cool down resets as well as being one of the pals that boots its own Elemental type damage while mounted by up to 100% And even past that it has an extra bonus of also turning the players attack damage into dark type as well which would then also be having that extra damage bonus applied to it so basically this is the absolute most desirable combat partner skill boosting the Pal's own damage by 100% while also giving the player a 100% damage boost at partner skill level five and more specifically while there are amounts that we talked about earlier that give the player up to 100% attack stat boost that is actually quite different attack stat boosts stack additively with each other meaning the more than that you have the less valuable each one is it's a diminishing return however this specific bonus is just double damage with dark element attacks it is a completely separate multiplier and the fact that this pal also makes the player's damage count as dark makes it absolutely nasty for player damage based builds but then of course on top of that it affects itself doubling its own damage it already has some of the best stats in the whole game and it also gets cool down reset so as a whole it's just absolutely nuts the final one for stier then is honestly a bit of a subjective one you could definitely argue it should be placed at least below frost alien knocked but I felt it deserved a spotlight here and that is guirat this gorilla pal is still a bit misunderstood it only has 95 attack growth rate 90 HP in defense so on the surface it is comparatively quite low to everything on the list it is not ridable so it doesn't get the mount cooldown resets that I've been talking about a lot but its partner skill sends it into a berserk rage increasing its attack stat by up to 200% at full partner skill level which means that it would be dealing three times its normal damage when this is active making it hit the highest base attack stat in the game while active being just slightest touch lower than then Frost alion knock attack with its own mounted damage boost but without the requirement that you have to be mounted for it to happen so this is a much more prominently active boost as well as we discussed you can reset partner skill cooldowns by dropping the pal and then picking them back up which allows you to essentially keep this at 100% up time too of course the only other thing is that this is a neutral type pal so no super effective attacks without losing out on same type attack bonus but with its massively buffable attack stat it more than makes up for that loss finally then we have our s+ tier and in this tier is one pal and one pal only which is base regular Frost stallion Frost alion is identical to its variant except obviously being ice type which makes it strong against dragon types which are much more prevalent and dangerous Pals than neutral types are and it also has 120 defense instead of 135 so a reasonable drop there comparatively but this is more than made up for by being an alpha legendary and again Alpha legendaries caught in the wild have a significant amount of bonus health over the ones that you breed down from them so because Frost alion knocked is only attainable through breeding it can never actually quite reach the same Heights of stats as a wild Alpha frostell that you would have somehow just happen to find with absolutely perfect passives and IVs and everything yes the chances of this happening are exceedingly lower than just breeding a perfect Frost alion knocked but if we're being technically correct the best kind of correct Frost alion simply has a notably higher potential power ceiling while providing all of these same secondary bonuses both to itself and to the player as well as just being honestly a better element to have it on generally too and that just about does it then everyone a tier list of the top 40 or so Pals for combat purposes in the game stats partner skills contextual interactions hidden bonuses all these things taken into consideration and because of that my bias is definitely in here a bit but that's also the bias of someone who has spent a ridiculous amount of time not only playing the game itself but also researching and looking into the finer details of it all hopefully this helps you out in some way then maybe giving you some ideas for stuff to build around and have some some fun with while decimating the largest challenges that currently exist like if you like the video subscribe and hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 100,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: REbNzPt1aaA
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Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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