The ULTIMATE Movement & Mount Guide | Palworld Max Efficiency

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if you want to stop being a ground peasant and start spidermanning your way through the power world then you've come to the right place today I'll be sharing my top tips for efficient movement along with the actual verified test results to back them up that way you can be sure you're taking advantage of the best strategies possible so that you can spend more time hunting those elusive lucky Pals breeding God World mounts and slave labor I mean well-compensated employees and building your dream base I'm confident everyone here will learn at least one thing if not many from this video but if you've seen any of these already congrats you're a power world God and I encourage you to share something that you think most people may not actually know in the comments let's get started another happy Landing we'll start things off with a simple but frequent problem I'm sure many of you have encountered if you're like me you're constantly over encumbered while you're at your base and it can be a giant pain in the ass to move things around especially if you're shuttling resources between bases now you've probably done the shuffle of Shame where you drop your stack of stuff a little closer to where you want to go then pick it up and rinse and repeat and that takes ages instead why not just whip out your trusty grappling gun and let it lug you and your pockets full of ingots and stones to your destination oh you've done that already all right but did you ever consider four grappling guns you heard me right four call me crazy but if you know you're prone to getting into these situations anyways then you may as well load up on extra grappling guns and throw them in a chest in your base that you can grab when you know you're going to be doing some big moves and you can just cycle through them to speed up your transfers now four is probably a little insane in most cases but two is definitely viable to actually keep on your person at all times if I'm being honest and it can be pretty handy while out of exploring too if you're willing to give up an extra offensive slot which I think is very possible if you swap out your pick your axe or baton and it's simple enough to switch back to them too when you need them now the multi-g grapple method is definitely best for when you're doing manual clean up of Wars at your base or you're transferring more than one type of item at a time but if you're moving one single heavy stack of items out of one chest to another then this next method is probably going to be your best option simply grab the item you want to move out of its storage container and and hold it but do not place it in your inventory the item will be treated as still being in the original container but you can freely move around wherever you want without being over encumbered when you've made it to where you want to go you can either click to place it in your inventory or into a new storage unit entirely the exception to this being that you can't fast travel without it first being put into your inventory I'm sure the devs didn't intend for this to be possible so if anything was going to get patched on today's list I would say it's probably going to be this so use it while you can next up is for those of you still trying to figure out what flying and ground mounts to run prior to obtaining the endgame legendaries like Jet ragon and necromus which are the fastest of those respective categories now your first instinct might be to go to the pal deck site to see what the fastest Mount you can ride is and you'll think you've got it all figured out well not quite this is in fact a complete trap that is easy to fall into because normally bigger number equals better but not in this case what this doesn't account for is each individual mounts stamina from from my test it turns out that feris and the suzaku are actually the best overall performers with the feris getting slightly less total distance for a full stamina bar but traveling much faster so it is actually pretty accurate to what the site says while the suzaku can actually get you way further than any flying mount on a single bar in terms of Mount unlock progression I'd suggest that you get your Nightwing first which is the obvious choice for anyone in the early game then skip the hell Zer as it actually has pretty janky controls for some reason and it's not pleasant to fly at least from my personal experience and then go straight to the beacon once you hit Level 34 a lot of people then recommend going to the ragna hawk as it's not too hard to grab or breed but it also has some semi- janky controls I've noticed the reason it's touted as being a great Mount though is because it has a character model small enough to let you fully fly through any dungeon including fire region dungeons without burning yourself while also counting towards your warm equipment making ice regions easier to explore if you don't have maxed out protection yet these are definitely two good use cases for using the ragnok but they also fall victim to having very low stamina bars once you've hit Level 38 or 40 there's really no good reason not to breed or capture a feris or suzaku as they're significantly better overall though you could keep a ragna hawk on your roster if you're planning to Dungeon Crawl for endgame flying Ms don't bother riding an ason that guy is one slow mofo and the shadow beak is fine but you also need to be level 47 so you're going to be pretty close to getting a jet ragon at 50 anyways as for ground mounts they're all pretty similar past the xra deer at level 25 each one just gets progressively faster with some like the Fango getting an extra jump thrown into the mix I don't think they're worth discussing too much more since ground mounts are unlikely to be high priority over a flying equivalent tier so you can definitely just mess around with these ones and see whether you want to go fast or jump more personally I think the extra jumps are usually better overall so Fang Lop was my choice earlier on once you've truly hit the end game though you'll pretty much much always want to run a jet ragon necromus Frost alion or palladius there's no reason not to if you have the means of capturing them one final thing for these mounts that I didn't touch on too much is that some can boost your damage while firing while mounted while also changing the damage type that you deal because we're focusing more on Mobility as it pertains to mounts I'll dive into this deeper in another video but it is something to keep in mind for the general usability and ranking of mounts I feel pretty 50/50 about fighting while mounted as it often can get your pal nuked against tougher enemies and they won't naturally attack while you're mounted either so you're losing their DPS there too but it does let your character zip around while fighting so it really depends on the situation whether you should use it or not what you're looking at is pal world's number one hottest person of 20124 Walter milon I mean look at him he's got it all step aside wfu characters the people have spoken and Walter is what they want subscribe for a chance to meet the legend himself or to just stay updated on highquality well researched and tested content on your favorite games this is a super short one just to provide Clarity to people who might have been confused when looking for endgame Mount Saddles anytime you see a pal related Tech Tree upgrade like the Jet ragon and relaxus missile launchers or the gis bolt minigun those are both the pal weapon mode unlock and the saddle upgrade to ride them all in one purchase there isn't a special separate saddle purchase that you're missing next is a huge Pro tip for anybody who's above level 20 and has been wondering what the best glider in the game is and it's surprisingly a more complicated than you think so buckle up for this you may have noticed that there are five Pals that can be used in place of your glider those being celer kilari both hangu and the Gail claw now you may have also heard people Tout The Gail claw as the best of the bunch and I was totally on this boat initially as well until I put them all to the test for General use I would say don't even bother investing points into the celer as it's quite underwhelming and the standard gliders will perform about the same without using up a roster slot the kilari is a happy middle ground glider pal that lacks any special features other than being able to very casually Coast though not indefinitely on a flat surface without reactivating multiple times the hangu on the other hand are kind of nuts when you use them correctly while the Gail Claw is an allaround strong performer so depending on your play style it's going to be a tough choice on which one to run the Gail claws are awesome because they allow you to move extremely quickly when activated even when starting from a standstill with top speeds from just the glider powered inputs being easily double of most gliders the big trade-off is that the time you can spend in the air is much lower than other gliders and you'll see why this is critically important in a minute to get the most out of the Gail claw you either need a higher starting point for gliding or you can continuously jump and activate it which is a completely viable alternative in fact you should pretty much never simply Sprint again once you have a Gil clog glider because you move two times faster than sprinting with your stamina draining at almost an identical rate by jump Glide spamming as a quick aside spam rolling to move is also faster than just sprinting but because it drains your stamina so quickly it almost Nets out to the same distance traveled over time since you're going to have to wait to regen so I wouldn't really recommend this for anybody who's trying to play more casually as it's a lot of extra inputs so if you're speedr running this is probably useful otherwise I'd say avoid it this makes the Gail claw Superior for getting around your base and general exploration especially when you want to chase down a pal to smack it with the Baton to increase your catch rate or for a quick escape to cover for more heated fights where you're more exposed the hangu on the other hand is the king of longdistance exploration and has two KNE use cases first off the hangu can actually lift you vertically if you repeatedly activate and deactivate it making for easy climbs up steep Cliff faces in some of the later areas of the game yes you can definitely use your flying mounts to achieve this as well but there are some spots where having both will be very convenient prior to getting a jet wagon and the hangu will always be better than just climbing the second piece pieces how crazy long it can keep you in the air without touching the ground which is essentially the entirety of your salamina bar assuming you don't hit anything along the way now under normal circumstances you'll only be able to Glide at about Sprint speed with these guys but in combination with my next tip this is what makes the hang you absolutely nuts and that's slingshotting which is my favorite way of getting around the map in style slingshotting is great for Rapid travel earlier on before you acquire faster amounts and it's legitimately the second best flying method in the game behind a jet ragon in terms of velocity but with high stamina you can glide for more than triple the amount of the time a boosting jet ragon could go for more realistically though you'll be weaving this in between Mount Sprint cooldowns now it can be tough to execute this so this will be a matter of getting good before you see the results think of it as a fun little mini game to mess around with that feels great once you've mastered it to pull this off consistently you'll want to Grapple as horizontally as you possibly can to maximize horizontal velocity from the pull then when you've hit Max velocity or just before you reach the surface you're grappling towards start to spam your jump button while pressing your roll button a single time and watch your character sore spamming the jump button makes it way more consistent than only trying to cancel the grapple then hitting your jump button afterwards give it a try for yourself and see what works best for you I found the most consistent results doing it like that after testing this quite thoroughly I found that slingshotting off the ground is better in many cases for consistency and especially so with the hangu since the hangu can consistently gain altitude it doesn't actually matter where you start the slingshot from all that matters is moving as fast as you possibly can because once you're in the air you won't lose that momentum unless you do a hard 180 or you hit something for Gail claws you'll probably be better off launching off of a tree or a cliff face so that you have more time to spend in the air as the Gail claw will descend much more quickly if you have a Max grapple gun you can often grapple immediately after landing if your slingshots are well executed so depending on whe whether you want to travel across the entire map super quickly and consistently with the hangu or you prefer the general quality of life boost that the Gail claw provides both of these are massive upgrades to movement when paired with slingshotting an interesting note on glider Pals is that increasing their star rating does in fact impact their performance along with the speed Buffs like Swift and Runner the speed Buffs aren't really relevant when you slingshot since the majority of the Velocity is generated by how well you grapple but for general movement the passive perks and the star rating do have notable performance differences Additionally the higher the Hang You star rating the higher it will lift your character up as well for the Gil claw it'll actually descend slightly slower and travel further per jump so investing at the very least into their one star variance is probably worth it and honestly it's probably worth just going two stars and Beyond long term if you really want to commit to the best of the best load out all right that was a ridiculous Deep dive on the inner workings of just glider mounts let's move on to some other movement topics this is a quick one but if for some reason you didn't already know this as I have seen some people surprised by this you can recover stamina over any surface with a flying Mount including water you won't sink essentially rendering water mounts useless therefore I would recommend not using Tech points on them unless you're planning to use them for combat it's kind of a bummer honestly and I wish they made water mounts move way faster than any flying Mount but limit them to water use to give us a niche reason to use them the game still in Early Access at this point though so anything's possible you'll hopefully know that as well but in case you don't you can always full drain your flying Mount stamina bar and you'll never take fall damage when it hits the ground in addition to being able to fly directly over any surface my next piece of advice is to always fly while touching the ground where possible unless you need a bird's eye view of the world below you you get way more distance out of each Mount Sprint session by staying connected to the ground this seems to either be because it simply drains less stamina or that it's actually simultaneously regenerating your stamina while touching the ground either way it extends your Sprints so you should avoid hovering where possible to add to this your mounts will drain their stamina in 2/3 or even 1/3 of the time when there's directional input on both the X and Y AIS the Y AIS always drains at a fixed rate and can't be boosted like the X and it's actually quite efficient to use naturally you would think that you would want to do as much diagonal traveling as possible if you're climbing up hills but this can actually leave you out of stamina way too quick forcing you to sit around to recharge your stamina before you start climbing up again even worse if you run out of stamina before you can catch yourself on part of the cliff you're climbing you'll be looking like a fool while your feet hit the ground in most cases you're actually better off straight shooting forward as much as you possibly can to take advantage of the more efficient ground boosting and then only doing an upwards movement input so you can max out your height now this next one isn't something you can always pull off but with the right terrain you can get some pretty sweet Hang Time grab yourself any ground mount with a charging Dash attack preferably one with at least a double jump like the the Fang L and while you're exploring you can use the charge Dash to launch yourself off a cliff and hold the momentum if you have a double jump you can extend this if you time things so that the dash ends almost immediately after flying off the cliff but before you hit the ground so you can get that jump off obviously this one won't happen nearly as often as some of the other cases but if you're experimenting with ground mounts it's a handy little trick to speed up exploring and that is all I've got for you today folks we covered a lot but I've got a lot more planned a breeding guide is high up on my list along with a few topics coming soon if you enjoyed the video click all those silly buttons or comment something stupid like what the Flack because it made the YouTube machine very happy last video it seems also Walter seems to have gotten some trouble with the PF and things are getting a little out of hand anyways I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: UncleMumble
Views: 76,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld walkthrough, pal world, ingot, efficient, palworld builds, builds
Id: Rm7LliSLrsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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