Where to find the RAREST Pals in Palworld

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hello everybody and welcome to another video I'm going to show you all how to find what I find to be the most tedious or rarest Palace to get so let's get into it now I want to get into all the sanctuary spawns I'll also show the easiest Pals to use to breed for the rare spawns however I'll just show it on screen this time that's not lengthen the video even more for Sanctuary 1 pen King azobe and ik dear Terra are going to be the most common spawns you'll see now for the RAR spond you'll see patalia alidon vilet and GIS bolt in sanctuary 2 the most common spawns you'll see are inam knocked Yanti ignis and wo baton the rare spawns will be Vash wark King Paca quivver and menting for Sanctuary 3 the most common spawns are going to be in cinam knocked once again bushie and Fango the red spawn will be blaz mut and I want to to specify quick you cannot breed for blaz mot unless you already have a blaz however there is a boss location located here on screen the next R spond you'll see is ozerk aagon lene feris and Shadow beak first off I want to talk about jol hog Crist it can only be obtained through breeding or by finding a wild chance event or a pack of dire HS are surrounding a jol chist or by finding an a cage in a syndic or free line space you can also breed for it using jol and Panget I will also be mentioning breeding methods for all these Pals as well as their locations I'll use the combination of Pals that I find the easiest to catch next I want to talk about KNX there are no specific spawns for it but it seems to be just a rare chance spawn at night it spawns on these highlighted parts of the map and it can also be found in cages in free Alliance and Syndicate bases again you can also read for it using T Fant and celer next kilari well I didn't didn't find this really that hard to find it's just exclusive to dungeons specifically the lower level dungeons so the level 13 dungeon on the spawn Island and you can also breed for it using Peng gullet and gumas next is Mao same thing as kilari it's exclusive to level 13 dungeons but you can also breed for it using lamb ball and chapi next Mand Deluxe there is a boss spawn for it or you can find it in dungeons in the bottom left Volcano Island you can also breed for it using Manda and GIS bolt don't worry I will cover where to find GIS bolt later in this video now there's lunaris there's a boss spawn in the southern left Island for lunaris but it can also be found in higher level dungeons in the ice mountains you can also use dinum and sparket to breed for it for alyon aqua I couldn't actually find any spawns for this guy but there's no boss spawn or dungeon spawn I can find you can breed for it using alidon and Surfin and as far as I know that's the exclusive way to get it for relaxasaurus Lu this one can be found as a boss Bond shown here other than that you have to breed for it using relaxasaurus and Spark it next is Bron Cherry Aqua you can find it as a boss shown here and it is found by going through a cave here or by breeding Bron cherry and Flack repo Crist which formerly had its name as ice repo but it can be found in the Dungeons and the ice mountains also can be bred for using riro and foxic also a note foxic can be found on this Mountaintop it is a very small snowy biome that I almost missed entirely and it is the only spot you can also get kitsun and and that is a nighttime spawn only so just want to mention that briefly next is King Paca Christ which also had its name as ice in the beginning so it was formerly Ice King Paka now there is a boss SP for it here in the ice mountains and you enter through this mine here and you can also breed for it using King Paka and rri for felbat there's a boss Pond here but it can be found in middle Lev dungeons around the level 25 to 29 dungeons as well also can be bred using rush or and malpa next to New nubis as far as I know it can only be found as a boss in the wild in this small desert here but it can also be bred for pretty easily by just using relaxasaurus and ceray after that yman tide there are two boss pawns for it oddly enough but otherwise it can be red for using gisb bolt and Nightwing as it has no natural spawns I mean obviously aside from the boss spawns but whatever next is suzaku aqua as far as I know there are no normal spawns quote unquote around on the map for it um I found mine in an ice Mountain dungeon and I believe it can only be at the end of the dungeon as the alpha or boss it can also appear in later level raids such as the Ferocious flying Pals um I believe the levels of the raids are dictated by the base level and not your personal level but in case you don't want to have any RNG involved you can breed for it using suzaku and Yan Tide next one is Lely knocked this one has a cave boss spawn here in the Ice Mountain you enter through this cave but it can also be bred for using lyine and menting both of which will be covered later as well and lastly for this section is Frost alion knocked this one is a breed exclusive pal right now um you have to breed Frost alion and Hell ZR that's the only way to get it so you will end up having to catch one of the legendaries I will talk about the legendary location later on but if you don't know where to find hell Zer it is found in this central island but only at night time you'll find them around the 25 to 30 range roughly around those levels but that's all for the you know natural spawns or however you want to call it now the last Pils I want to show the locations of are the legendary Pals now keep in mind the only way to breed for these is by breeding them with themselves meaning palladius and palladius frost alen Frost alion all that so you can find Frost alion here in the ice mountains jetrion here on the outskirts of the volcano island and palladius and AC chromis in the northern part of the desert now I just want to give a quick tip in case you want to go fight these the order I would recommend is Frost stallion jet dragon necromus and then pus the reason for this would be because Frost alion is strong against jet dragon jragon is strong against necromus and necromus is strong against plaus so it' probably give you the easiest time if you use them against each other like that I hope you guys found this video useful and if you enjoyed I'd appreciate if you liked And subscribe have a great rest of your day and adios [Music]
Channel: Sanythe
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Keywords: Gaming, Twitch, Sanythe, Gamer, Pro, Funny Moments, Try Hard, Tactics, Voice Trolling, Entertainment, Quality Content, How to, Minecraft Pro, Memes, Meme Edits, GOOD CONTENT, Memer, Professional Clown, Console Gamer, Survival-Horror, Scary Game, Horror Game, Funny Game, Palworld, Palworld Review, Palworld Funny Moments, Shiny Palworld, Lucky Pals, Palworld Shiny Hunt, Palworld Playthrough, Palworld Gameplay, Is Palworld Good, Palworld Pokemon, Palworld Tips, Palworld Guide
Id: Vb4bHN5rz8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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