Overnighter in the USA - Happy 4th of July!

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hey guys want you here I just want to say happy 4th of July I hope you guys have a safe holiday make sure you're responsible so have a good one guys and I hope you enjoy the video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there guys July I'm out here with Monty and we are gonna do a little overnighter here in spirit of the USA I got the flag on the back of the boat Monty's got his red white blue bowtie I'm wearing blue or red is the boat red white and blue we got white shirt blue shorts and Milo is red stole funks boat she allowed it for this one cuz my boat's green that just doesn't add up it is very hot right now there are a lot of bugs and I'm actually paddling down a spot where I went fishing a while ago the earlier this spring and I don't know what's going on right now I have no idea but the water level is just like four feet up the the to track that I take down here is flooded so I don't know what's going on maybe the Beavers took out one of their dams I'm hoping that's not the case because with the amount of water that's flooded through here I mean it would have to that Lake might be drained I don't know it is a lot of water I mean all the years I've come here I've never seen it so high so we are going to see when we get there what's going on what's the scuttlebutt but it's a hot one the boats are getting us I'm happy for this breeze we're gonna have some fun today [Music] I'm gonna do some girl fashion fourth of July shenanigans but the flags blowing strong Monty are you just the prettiest prettiest girl ever pretty easy easy the prettiest girl at the ball yeah Monty but last time I had to go over multiple beaver dams to get up here and this time I don't know what's going on but they there's the beaver dams are all underwater maybe it's not four feet up but it's definitely two maybe even three I wonder if this this next dam still here this is crazy I had to walk through all of this last time I came here well this beaver dam still here at least that's good news [Music] [Music] hoo-wee it is so warm right now oh you're gonna do some swimming today the horse flies are definitely out so far the mosquitos don't seem too bad because of the heat but it's a sunny hot one I cannot wait to do some swimming what about you Monty a little schmutz he's got a little red white and blue kitty ears on oh I'm excited we're gonna do a little grilling out tonight since I only got I pretty much now that I've it's way easier that I don't have to go over all the beef adapts I've only had to go over one and then I've got one portage so I brought out a mini cooler a couple of PVR's and some brats two gorillas for the fire it's gonna be some good some good stuff some fun in the Sun I'll give you one guess why I brought PBR it's definitely not the holidays that red white and blue it's got to do Monty was upset with me that I made him wear cat ears little little flowers so you know to to equalize the embarrassment for him because I'm gonna make him put them on again I'm gonna have to go ahead and wear him for a little bit that make you feel better buddy do they look better on me or better on Monty I'm gonna go ahead and say that 99.9 of people are gonna say they look better on Monty than they do on me but you know what I'm gonna take them off now that's all that's all I'm gonna wear for that's all you get I always have the hardest time packing for summer camping I don't know why because you know winter camping and you know fall cold spring weather camp and whatnot I know all you need this this summertime you don't need anything at all really just need to be out there you know definitely struggle there's a big Beaver Dam right before the lake and I'm just gonna go check that out quick see if that's still there and the water level is higher in the lake that it is in this section because if it's not I will be really sad we were really upset because that was definitely one of my favorite little spots go fishing but you know that happens with time it could it could totally just be beavers I doubt his people I really doubt it as people there's no way I mean I guess there could be people doing it but if someone did destroy the dam it was mother nature you can see the water levels still fine in the Beaver Dam still there so I don't know where this water's coming from interesting I have no idea where all this extra water came from I mean I guess it could be the rain we did get him pretty heavy rain but that is a lot of water to be rain but I guess that's it so now it's gonna do that portage but you're so handsome see little bowtie on I was debating between getting him to tie in the bow tie Monty but he's such more of a bowtie guy he does so well and I mean he can sport a tie pretty well don't get me wrong it's crazy man see how high the water level is unexpected long-expected oh man we're gonna do some fishing today I think we're gonna catch some fish oh that's gonna be fun catch some Sun they brought sunscreen and I did it guys I brought bug spray and I might use it because I know I'm gonna be probably up till dark tonight and if I'm cooking it dark I am NOT getting mauled by bugs I will definitely be using both great today so now we've got to find our way into this here portage it's a little sneaky I could see you could see where to go there's a little clearing there but you got to weave your way in you kind of gotta wade so let's just go in right here this looks like the spot I was worried about my flags here for this spot I gotta be careful they get ripped they don't get ripped off cuz I hear there's a chance they can rip it off I'm not gonna mess around with that no sir ain't no littering from this guy they're staying on fine shoot I could have done both sides [Music] oh let me tell you it is warm today it is warm as warm that was a warm portage I'm dripping sweat I had to take off my shirt and my underwear I'm free-balling ladies and gentlemen Monty you swimmin he's warm he needs a swim it's a really short distance there the lakes right up the other shores right up ahead where he can swim to mr. Monty Phelps I had to take the flag off and read duct-tape it I made sure to not let it touch the ground don't you ever let it touch the ground it's disrespectful oh I'm bleeding bleeding already oh I can't wait to get in the water it is so warm good boy Monty man it is a gorgeous day today I'm glad I didn't have to go over many more beaver dams I was really warm going just one portage if I had to do a ton now I've been I've been really sweaty come on not you little muskrat come on now yeah little otter your beaver [Music] you be good boiling that good boy Monty we even have to go far at all we are already at our campsite and it is vacant as usual this nice little secluded spot [Music] all right hey Monty what do you think about this we all know once again okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm thing that's right about six o'clock you know I got a little bit late today a little late start that's okay I'm gonna get camp sit up here and we're gonna do some fishing but I think it needs a little way to spruce up this campsite just a little bit just a little bit [Music] Oh No [Music] we know more over here no USA camps I would be complete without a little wins penny thing I hope we get some win here all right camps is it's 4th of July's right Monty Monty look at always keep it flies are oh we got the little spinner all right it's good enough it's got a bunch of extra stuff with me how's my ice keeping in my mini cooler I'm gonna have a nice cold beer later I'll tell you that much bugs are getting me a little bit though but I had to bring out extra stuff so I am just gonna get set up here throw up the tent real quick and then we're gonna get in that water I want to do some swimming I kept all my fourth of July stuff on the water you know that's that's where it's that so the the nobody that comes by will see all my it won't see my flag and stuff I made sure to bring out the correct tent and rain fly this time don't want any repeats so the other mosquitoes aren't really that bad right now cuz it's windy it's sunny it's hot what's getting me is the horse flies well oh no bugs aren't too bad right now they're not too bad not too bad at all we need to feed our little Monty here might be hungry Monty you off some food Monty Monty your foods over here ker Monty he is uninterested come here I need you to know that there's food here okay see now that you know you know so you can do you you don't want to eat it that's your call we're not getting crazy we're not going deep far hard we're just relaxed and enjoying the hot sunny summer day and it is beautiful outside I cannot wait to go swimming well it's gonna be awesome [Music] and then we're gonna eat later we're naughty we're not even eating dehydrated spaghetti we're growing up brats we're having cold beer spoiling ourselves the boy I know traditional law the absolute most traditional fourth of July meal is probably burgers and hotdogs but when I went to the store I was just like I want brats burgers sound good I am NOT a hotdog person I don't like them at all I mean I'll eat them I'll eat a hotdog and in on occasion like a gourmet hot dogs pretty good but for the most part I don't really care for hot dogs I mean don't get me wrong like I said I'll eat them it's got to be the right time in the right hot dog chili dogs are pretty good but if I have a choice between a nice broth or a hot dog or a meaner or a burger I'm gonna choose a broader a burger every time every time I love them brats I love some broth there's absolutely no way that I'm sleeping with a rain fly on tonight whoo there's bees there's big old Hornets around whatever the huge white and black wasp Hornet things are they are here there's gonna be a big nest somewhere I'm gonna have to be careful on the bathroom mom do you get number they getting you are you getting them which is it I think I think it's a bowl more so they're getting Monty anyone out there that does crazy amounts of work in the heat my hat goes off to you so I've said this before this is this is generally how I setup in the hot weather I put on my my rain fly here and I set it up just like just like it was gonna snow on and I get it all set up and I hook everything down I cinch it all down and then I just unclip it on one side and hunt unhook it from all the all the steaks and I leave them in the ground and then what I do is if in the middle of the night it starts to rain I'm a pretty light sleeper when I'm out of the woods and I will just wake up I never sleep hard in the woods sometimes I sleep like a rock if I'm dead tired after a long day of palliative origin I sleep pretty hard but I still will wake up but as I was saying before Sarah ramble it up there I go yeah if I hear the rain I'll just I'll wake up jump out of my tent look the rain fly over clip it on that's good to go he just good to go now that it's completely set up ready to you know for rain and wind I'm gonna unclip pull these stakes up just a hair turn them in and just like that flip it over I'm gonna have to undo this one too [Music] and then I'll just leave that drag on the ground and that way I can pretty much sleep under the stars the only reason I sleep with a rain fly I would just sleep on the Stars but that is 100% the mosquitoes I will not get eaten alive by mosquitoes no sir now when I'm trying to sleep not gonna happen not this guy and much doesn't need that either of us Monty did you get a bug up the nose come here what's going on let me see let me see did you get the bugs get Jack they get ya yeah you get you tell you tell ya Monty yeah you show moves boss anyways I don't like to let me or the dog get neither my mosquitoes and someone was mentioning I should do some hammock camping and I do have a hammock with a bug net and I like I like hammock camping it's fun but I don't do it with Monty because when the bugs are bad he has nowhere to go and as you guys know I pamper him a pooch here and if he doesn't he doesn't get bug protection I don't so if I give my protection he does you know I'm not gonna just throw them outside the hammock let him sleep on the ground when the bugs are bad if the bugs calm down I'll have no problem doing that there's just like a little little few bugs not a problem he can he can do it just fine but I'm worried about getting eaten alive he is he's getting protected but this is this is something new in my arsenal you guys know about my big sleeping pad I have my luxurious nice sleeping pad well it had a hole in it or something and I sent it into thermal rest and they were gonna repair it but they lost it they lost my sleeping pad like we're sorry we don't know what happened to it and long story short they sent me the same one back but they don't make the one that I had anymore so I got this new one and it's got this speed valve which is different no it's really great to blow up only problem with it it's twice as bulky as my old one I mean I can blow this thing up really quick watch so you got to do then you go like this roll it just like a just like a dry bag and then you finish it with this and that's a super bulky I mean look at how thick this thing is and that took me what a minute to blow up I mean it is super comfy and thick it's like four to half inches thick why like I said it's it's so much bulkier than the old one when it's all rolled up I don't know if it's even practical to bring out the only reason I brought out this time is it's summertime and there's like nothing in my bag but kind of upset that it's so bulky but there's nothing I can do they don't make the one that I used to use I still got one of them but this one super bulky anyways I'm gonna finish throw them a crap in here and then let's do some swimming right Monty we're going swimming right buddy man I'm just walking around butt naked butt ass naked walk around my campsite buddies chasing flies I don't watch go get that's the best part about camping out here places like this because walk around your campsite completely naked and you don't have to worry about other people right Monty I'm a free spirit right now Monty I'm free Monty oh hey sorry Monty but I was just rinsing off buddy I'm okay good boy thank you thanks for checking on me kind sir Monty I'm just rinse it off my hair no okay I'm okay I'm okay that's a good boy Marty I'm I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm totes fine Marty Oh oh man Oh feels good water feels good today let's see if Monty oh let me swim away good boy my Monty come swim with me [Applause] [Applause] what do you want to race back to shore come on come on come here come here come here karate pure mighty you got a bug in your face all right I'll give you a head start go ready 3 2 1 go good then you're gonna race him on teeth you can't come you can't cut me off grunting you're cheating [Applause] all right I'll doggie paddle it's not fair it's up there oh you win you win right guy see one just like it's not food you know doggy paddle dude he gave the head sink how long can I stay underwater Monty until you come look for me I could probably only hold my breath for a little bit right now let's try [Music] while you were coming you were coming I would just seep under water my teeth oh sorry I'm gonna see what he does when he turns around and I'm gone again this is so mean we confused Monte where was I where was I I was in the water bugs on your nose all right time to get out get away from these four slides maybe do some fishing what do you say Monte back in the boat back into port your chariot awaits just worm it is work so I brought out I brought out a few PVR's with me I got on my cooler and they should be ice cold we're gonna play a little game I cannot crack one open until I catch a fish no fish no pier no PBR I will I will watch them so I better catch a fish so I didn't carry those things out here for no reason well that's the game we're gonna play right now so come on fish come on fish we're gonna start with the old castings first do it a couple times slow down as we get out away from shore it drops down we'll see how it goes then we're gonna cast along the drop-off and down the drop-off Bogey's aren't getting us so those horse flies man they're relentless they're not the stable flies I learned what those evil biting flies are called the stable flies those are not here those those seem to be in more popular areas not deep in the woods you get the horse flies but you don't get those stable flies I keep calling them staple flies I'm pretty sure they're stable flies stable or barn flies is what they are called and they are vicious and I know what deer flies are like and horse flies right now out here I'm getting beat bitten up by the deer flies and the horse flies oh oh that was a fish I didn't set the hook maybe if I dang it dang nabbit I'm trying to coordinate getting funks family to visit and visiting my parents my family there we go I saw that one take it oh he spit it out that was a pike I love when you can see him NAB it let's no on it love what you can seem nabbit thought I was gonna be shaded over here more but I guess not oh there's a fish there we go let another pikers oh yeah yeah another pipe oh yeah yeah there we go we got a fish ladies and gentlemen you know that means [Music] why don't I get PBR I'll let you answer that question [Music] ice cold well that is high school all right fish I'm sorry about that be free I should have fish Camden should have fish Camden I was too excited I don't ever drink PBR the only reason I got is cuz it's a red white and blue oh it's funny I don't know the last time I had one of those anything is good when you're out here [Music] shoo fly don't bother me deep you're such a good boy yeah you are he stinks Monty needs a bath Monty you're stinkier than I am you're a stinky boy smell like poo what do you have to say for yourself mister huh please just stop at the boat how did you have to say well that's not cool hey hey you be careful as this Punk's boat this isn't my boat what you doing Monty stinky dog hey hey [Music] yeah licking himself mud doesn't like horseflies Oh got it [Music] see that one's a deer fly right little blackout swings in the color flies I think that one's a deer fly I'm pretty sure now right there is a dead deer fly [Music] bugs bugs nice tasty buzz I read Bobby bass come on Bobby bass or Peter or Peter Pike come on either one of you guys let's go right here come on right here let's go let's go enough messing around yourself laying on my face is a Monty you're rubbing off on me hey I didn't say you could land on my hair maybe that works [Music] see they just love my hair dad they may get me to smack myself in the face but I gained them IKEA I sure do there's a group of minnows or small bluegill breaking the surface now that means bait fish so that also container if I run my lure through there a big old lurking Pike or a predator might potentially see my bait and go for it thinking it's a straggler [Music] nope I wasn't sure what to do for this one for the fourth of July a holiday special video I knew I wanted a big flag on the back of my boat but the other thing that's still yet to come is still up in the air I want to do a little bit of a firework show because there you know there's always fireworks on 4th of July but the logistics of it that's something that shall be discussed later I don't want to spoil anything right now because I still don't know what's gonna happen and you'll see why later you'll see why later oh the GoPro will be able to pick it up but you can spot my campsite from a mile away it's got that stupid wind thing blowing around it's such an eyesore that's part of the reason why uh you know when I make these little holiday videos I go to somewhere where no one's gonna really be out there and it's pretty secluded because you know it'll be pretty funny to come across people have Monty be wearing you know a red white and blue bow tie and have this big ol American flag on my bow you know and they'd be like are you just are you just doing that for yourself are you just out here with a huge flag just because that patreon might can say he's got that wind thing it's just the little triangle flags are flying flailing in the wind so these deer flies I don't really mind them that much they definitely don't bother me like the stable flies because they're easy to kill the most they do is just bug you like flying around into my hair to keep landing in my hair but they're easy to get there's only been one time when there's too many of the handle and that was with my old dog hatch Hachi if you if you if any of you have watched my one of my first videos the dog treat song I'll put a link right here but uh it's a little song a jingle I made where I put a treat on his nose and he stays through the whole song without that was me and phung's first dog war so funks first dog but he was my dog too but he passed away but we came here he was the original adventure dog he was a big Alaskan Malamute anyways we came here and we set up our car at it on one side of the whole area and we were gonna portage all the way through and go through all the lakes so I didn't have anybody to drive me back around so what I had to do was drop off funk on the opposite side with all our stuff all our boats and everything and then I had to park the car I drove around and parked the car on the opposite end near the exit and then I hiked through the woods back to the road and walked back and it was kind of raining so I brought rain gear but then like we got through the woods we got to the road and the Sun just came out and oh man on that dirt road the deerflies were insane they swarmed us just a cloud just an insane amount and I was just I couldn't I couldn't handle that I I like took my rain gear I threw out my rain gear I grabbed a big pine branch and I was just like I was running me and were both running there we go that's a bluegill that's a nice bluegill anyways oh look at that thing that has a blue gob let me tell you if I was if I was going for for panfish that's what you want right there that's a slabber look at that thing I got big old hands anyways we were running and I was swatting at him and there was a cloud and I had my rain gear on it was hot and we had to do about three and a half four miles on that road something like that and what was well the worst was I Hachi was he was up ahead shaking his head and I looked and I saw all these red bumps on his ears now she's like what the heck is that so I like I stopped because I just did I'd never seen red bumps Oliver's here they had no idea what it was I think that is so weird what is that I've stopped and what it was was about a hundred deer flies per ear all full of blood I grabbed it and squishing it was just blood all over my hands his entire ear his face was just filled with hum and like at that point man I grabbed a second a second branch and I started swatting him with it while I'm swatting myself and I'm just running and I can't remember if anybody passed us or died I think somebody might have and I went alike stopped swatting myself for a second to not look like a crazy person and I didn't want to ask for a ride with a big dog like that cause he's a little intimidating but man that was the worst deer fly experience I've ever had in my life that was bad that was I would take the stable flies over that that was a nasty experience but seeing his ears like that I felt so bad I felt terrible that was also the same the day after that was that story where the lightning struck within a hundred feet of us and then Hachi that dog you know he got the bugs the first day lightning strike actually lightning the same day it was the same day yeah and then the next day he took off and waited because we lost him for like three hours in the woods and we were just worried and he was just waiting he found his way back to the car because we hiked through and he was waiting next to the car that's crazy oh here we go is this another jumbo oh man look at the size of these gills wow that is a bluegill whoo it's got that Oh see watch how easy these are oh I didn't get them oh okay now I don't know what this is look at this stuff this right here this is some kind of let me get it let me get it some kind of infection or something I've seen this on fish before and I don't know if it's good to put them back or kill her you should kill them I don't know but that's a jumbo I'm gonna put them back because I'm not eating fish today but I don't know what disease that is or if it's a parasite or something [Music] I've always wondered if it's better to just kill those fish when you see that disease and I logic would tell me that you do want to kill them so that it doesn't spread to other fish especially if it has offspring I don't really know just a guess estimation we fish this side out pretty good there's our campsite still over there oh yeah it's still there it's still there [Music] and what's the Monty's favorite thing in the world to do on the boat does anybody know does anybody know at all eat a meat tree right Monty you sit sit sit pretty Monty's so pretty so pretty oh that's pretty good that's pretty good that's pretty good on the boat Monty I'm proud of you for that one wanna try to get them one more for the people for the people by the people and I said pretty oh you know what that's the best set pretty ever it's just a little use the help with a bow railing that's a good boy good boy yeah I normally would just keep working the whole shore around the lake but I don't feel like but I don't feel like leaving Monty in the Sun this sides kind of shaded right now so we're gonna stick over here until the Sun gets a little bit lower here's bass ring and I've got a weed immediately so that one doesn't count I say I saved my fish called got a oh there's a fish going for it whoo that's a pike there we go I saw him just like that was good oh he swallowed my steel leader I didn't see my lure in his mouth I let him swallow too far that lady isn't gentleman was a decent sized pike I saw him thrash for it and that's why people put on like 36 inch steel leaders not just 12 inch steel leaders or 24 inch steel eaters or 18 inch actually that's that more like 18 inch steel ears I don't know if anyone ever uses 36 inch steel leaders but anywho that's dung that stunk a little but see that's the length of my Stelio that's like I think that's 812 inches somewhere in there 10 inches maybe that's the same size the one I was using that thing was all the way in his mouth and he snapped it it was a good size Pike though but I think the reason that happened is because he was I saw him splash at it and I saw the water move and he went at it again and then I just let it kind of just drop like he'd he nailed it and then I let it act like it was dead and it just sunk and he must have just swallowed it all the way up got all the way up to it nothing you can do maybe I need to get longer steel eaters that's only there ever happened to me maybe one other time I normally don't ever lose him like that this is one of funks favorite lakes to come to and unfortunately she hasn't been able to come out yet neither his rubes cuz he still got the blasto but I'm sorry funk I'm gonna fish your favorite spot when the Sun starts to set I'm saving her for a little spot when we came out here for Farooq's time camping when he was a little puppy it was through here and funk caught dinner at this lake at the spot I'm gonna try did you get him did you get him auntie just calm down I know you want to get him aunty but I want to stay in the boat Monty Monty I want to stay afloat okay you don't understand these things are driving me nuts they're getting me to Monty they're just annoying Monty they don't really bite I mean they do bite but they're more annoying than they bite okay he's gonna flip us for these bugs I've got some pretty good balance let me tell ya you get good at balancing when you got this going out on the back of your boat especially when Monty does his Monty he does Monty ships and Monty plops the plops or when he just goes and sits down and he sits on one side he lays his big old butt on the side those those are scary right now he's just oh he's going nuts those bugs Monty what are you doing I'm gonna feed him this beef jerky and then he doesn't know it but he's totally getting brought later and I sure hope the combination beef jerky and a brat doesn't give him the poops a little loose but syndrome that would be very unfortunate very Monty [Music] Oh little bass we finally caught a bass would you look at that would you just look at that hey Bobby hey Bobby little bass the bass I'm gonna get so crazy with the firework show you guys are you have no idea what's coming I'm pretty excited it's gonna be a pretty epic firework show I guess I don't need these on right now oh wow you can see so much better I can see how shallow it is here now these little gnats are getting us they're getting me at least they're probably not getting monty as much I don't know what they are I don't think they're black flies I [Music] think the black flight time is kind of almost over they're just some kind of little annoying net a nap that's annoying that [Music] that Sun is so bright had a bite be with even with my shades on it's insanely Brad came and went that way oh man I got you about to having a block man that is bright I need a second pair [Music] that one got me and I got him ha ha what'd you get look at it it's just so it's so patriotic over there it's so hard to see all these sunglasses are just not good enough right now I don't know I'd need welding goggles right now with the Sun good thing I'm blocking it for about two you though he needs this he need this we need to go into ELISA little Bay Monty it's so close to setting why won't you just set Sun why won't you just set so I can evening fish and not get blind not go blind [Music] oh we're at Fung secret spot and a big old fish just jumped out of the water so what it means if I don't catch a big old bass here is that funks better fishing than I am so it means so we'll see I got my fingers crossed I better catch something I can't give up my title I can't do it alright alright come on [Music] come on Monty you just stay there [Music] we're gonna catch on the monster biggest bass in the lake Monty no he's damn near jumping out of the boat after these damn flies whoops it's a little one it's nut doesn't care it doesn't count [Music] look at these blue yo that's not huge but it's another nice one but do say so myself [Music] okay I can't handle it anymore they're crawling all over my body so much better I think I think we're gonna have to leave the title to funk in her spot because we are not just in them team Matthew and Mattias is getting kind of skunked here as far as big bass goes oh [Music] she's not even here and she's out fishing us again it's just not right it's just not right Monte I thought we were the winning team okay I thought we were gonna catch the biggest bass in the lake and we are just turning up with his little baby bass Bobby juniors we're getting we're getting bit up blood and every single one of them they're Chrome Oh poop well a little biting the little gnats the biting Nets have come out in full force all right I'm gonna only give about five to ten more minutes and then we're gonna have to go in and I'm have to get some long sleeves on because let me tell you these little things they I don't think they're black flies maybe they are I think they're a different bug what they're getting me mosquitoes oh my god [Music] every time I catch a good bass the cameras looking at Monty and they've got enough I've not brought in one good-sized bass all day this one feels nice this one feels decent feels oh here it goes flop it out of the water I'm bringing you in come on come Bobby one nice bass let me just get out of the way then you can flop off all right that's all I wanted [Music] barely hooked there we go one nice bass lousy thinks that he's gonna get that fly there we go all right Bobby of the bass check it out there you go [Music] nothing like the fourth of July and Bassin I mean it's obviously not the fourth of July for me currently fourth of July when you guys are seeing this because let's be honest how on earth could I record the evening of 4th of July and release it in the morning of 4th of July it just doesn't add up so I have to do this before the 4th of July and it's you know it's my personal me and Monty fourth of July thing is what it is Monty is just having he's having the best time let me tell you I mean there's no greater joy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man I can't stand the water too much longer I'm gonna get I'm gonna give it another couple minutes because Monty for Monty here you just saw a little slow-mo action of him attacking the bugs he is he does not like them right they are not his friends they're his mortal mm enemies his arch-nemesis are the bugs there's there's a log I'm gonna cast up near a couple more cast Bob we're gonna do five good kids there's one yeah we're just gonna do five good casts and then we're heading back for the Monty he is he is not happy with these flies right now there we go there we go this feels like a Oh monster bluegill so it seems like fourth of July time is the time for the big old slab or bluegills [Music] be careful when you're grabbing these I always like to lay them on my hand and then gently grab them but I always yeah I always do best for a thing like they always had their spikes I like that so I just literally flat kinda and then slide backwards and you won't get [Music] here we go another slabber that'd be good eatin I've whether that's four or five of those monsters that would be some tasty tasty food right there and if I wasn't doing brats if I was just out here having my old dehydrated spaghetti I would definitely devour some of those me and Monte both but he's gonna brat there's no sense in us killing some fish on top of all that so I thought I had to stop for a second because I thought I heard the sound of like wind or something coming over the lake and when I really stopped and listened for a second there it was the sound of all the bugs buzzing and flying over the water and they they're in my hair they're getting Monty we're going back to camp and I'm gonna get some long sleeves on it is time to relax and get ready for a firework show camp USA it's not much but I'll take it Monty may be the good boy I'm sorry [Music] poor guy shoot little bow tie all right I'm doing it for the first time you guys have ever seen I shall apply bug spray for the first time ever I'm going to use some DEET that first time ever first time that you guys have seen I'm just don't feel like getting mold right now what feels better burns a little cur Monty come here Monty come here come here come here stay we'll put a little bit on your head come here here Monty come here just a little bit come here come here come here there you go just let top of your head good boy are you gonna need your food he hates us stuff [Music] alright guys I think it's time I'm getting pretty hungry and I can't start a fire and leave it while I go out there and do a firework show so it's time to do the fireworks show let's do it I'm just so excited it's gonna be awesome let's go bye Rick show are you guys ready alright let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is so intense right now [Applause] this is the fourth of you laughs oh yeah for sure [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right that was cool and all well let's kick it up a notch you okay see what happens [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay one more I wasn't just the best fire-show you ever saw oh it was good that was a good one some big old fireworks now now obviously I didn't launch the mortars and the Saturn missiles off in the wilderness area I'm not gonna do that that was recorded at a place I could do it and I did not I just put that in there so don't think that I was just out here launching those off out here but you know you know you gotta have some fun the truth be told I didn't do that launching of a canoe till closer to the fourth of July because it's not legal to do so so I don't know how it went yet and I don't even know if I did it so it's gonna be some fun but I hope it was awesome at this point in time I know it's a bad idea and if it was just played but uh anyways now it's time to cut up a little firewood get a fire going grow up some brats let's do it I'm kind of hungry what do you think Monty what do you think Monty it's beautiful out there right now are you some wood here so I'm just gonna use this that was fun the only fireworks I did out here we're actually just the sparklers figure that wasn't gonna be too much damage that's a nice way all right so I'm just gonna cut up some firewood here then we're gonna spark up the fire now we're gonna get growing I don't need too much honestly they're gonna burn so fast this is probably good I'll just sticks in that little stuff and we're gonna be grilling the frogs are going nuts everywhere I walk there's a frog I'm going to get sticks and I've like almost stepped on there just like hopping all over the place we're just going nuts hey there froggy you're pretty good-sized bullfrog start cooking some food me and Monty are hungry gonna burn this stuff in half it's gonna burn quick that's gonna be hot okay guys well karate time for Matthew to make a little bit of a confession Oh Monty come here now while we wait for this fire to burn down a little bit I'm gonna confess a little something to you guys and it may come as a surprise pretty big shock to some of you but Monty is in fact a dog not a human I know I know you think he's a person but the reason I bring this up is he's been getting this sickness or disease if you will called sleeping pad entitlement and I only brought out one sleeping pad and the reason I always bring him a sleeping pad warm winter camping is because he needs insulation from the ground he needs to stay warm it's for you know health safety and now it seems as though he's developed the sickness where he wants a sleeping pad every time we go out no matter the time of year and I'm Monty I'm not bringing you a sleeping pad when you can lay on the soft cushy ground okay oh yeah he's groaning at me he's upset right so I'm sorry to reveal that to you guys but it needed to be brought out there needs to be awareness about this sleeping pad entitlement for dogs in summertime because Monty's got it and you're just a dog yeah I love the damn thing like a kid he's the only kid I got all right we got the red white and blue we did some fireworks you know we went fish and we enjoyed the hot Sun there's one final step for a fourth of July that you need to do and that's grow you should be barbecuing and grilling so it is time to grill up some bratwurst and I know I don't need to put tinfoil down the reason I do it is because I don't know who cooked what on this grate I don't know what they threw in the fire I don't know if they burn trash so in case they burn trash or peed on the fire I always put tinfoil down if I'm gonna grill over one of these grates it's a safety thing these are gonna cook pretty hot over that fire so once the outsides burn I see it and when I cook brats I don't mind if they get a bit charred up same thing with hot dogs actually I know I said I don't like hot dogs at all but if I ever do like a hot dog pretty much like it black on the outside really charred up put the brats I don't mind if they get really cooked there they're gonna get charred on the outside cuz a fire so hot and it's gonna take some time to cook the insides but I don't want to eat raw pork don't do it hot dogs you can eat raw not brats the mosquitoes are pretty rough right now I'm not gonna deny it guys the only reason I put deed on and I rubbed it on Monty's face and I know it's working on him because he's not swatting in his face and biting at him I don't put it on this nose I put it uh just like the top of his head because Monty's weird and he'll lick stuff he'll lick lotions and all sorts of things so I'm not gonna put it on his nose but just a little bit on this forehead is enough to keep him away but ow I should have brought tongs Oh how many times have you heard me say that guys should be using tongs on my fingers learn frogs creeping next to my fire - they are everywhere I don't even know why you'd want to be here mr. frog I mean you are three feet away from a burning hot fire and smoke doesn't make any sense don't do it look at this thing this frog he's hopping towards the fire I can't have this I can't you're know I'm sending you back to the water go away I'm saving your life I am NOT gonna have a frog jumping in the fire on my conscience no way no how all right we're grilling this is how you get calluses ladies and gentlemen you want to lose feeling in the tips of your fingers do exactly what I'm doing oh man there's that hot hot grease oh wow now out pain ow oh mudsy can't even be bothered by frogs there's two ways of moving brats around on the fire when you're growing you can use your fingers and burn the tips of them or you can use tongs your tongs can be crafted from sticks or they can be actual tongs but uh I don't feel my hands anymore so I switch over to stick tog well I'm thinking that these brats are done here oh yeah the hay looks so good IRA Monty these things are done look I'm cool and we're going to devour these things all right all right Monty we're gonna put Oh mix us into this food here looks pretty good oh it's hot mm-hmm you stay there it was a pretty good day today wouldn't you say Monty other than the fact that we we got out fished by team funkin Ruger even though they weren't here we couldn't catch the big bass in their secret spot what's up with that Monty huh what's up with that do you think that I had something to do with you swatting at bugs or do you think it was just me being a bad fisherman that's what I want to know Monty what do you think all right he's getting a whole bride with a hole but I'm getting a whole bunch of bites I was getting mixed in alright you stay there no not yet I am gonna get a bra ready because I'm hungry and I'm out of beer Monty just got h2o so you will not be getting any special snacks without me don't you dare and yes you are forced to wear the kitty ears alright grilled brats over the fire some mustard I cannot do brats without mustard that's a frog or a fish Monty get these things out better hey you ready go ahead go ahead get it get alright let's try this mmm you know [Applause] [Applause] hey fish up the fire stake over the fire all sorts of meals over the fire but there's something about rots a little bit of mustard on there that I just love it's maybe nostalgic is that the thing I don't know what it is about mustard and brats but I was loved them so good 98 years too fast you eat that right now all right guys if any of this is too dark to see I'm sorry I am going to clean up right now put out the fire dump water on it yeah clean up all this crap and get it in bags and whatnot you know I'm gonna head into the tent get ready for bed that's a little sleeping pad entitlement I'd say Monty you're gonna be my pillow huh I think he's volunteering to be left hello right right we're gonna do this what if I just lay here like this are you gonna are you gonna stay you're gonna leave let's just let's just bury our heads in there get all up in that Monty you have the nastiest breath it's worse than mine I'm serious Monty's warm I know I've got enough water for the both of us anyways we had some fun in the Sun today Carl a little fish ate does some grilling and chilling if you will and had a cool firework show don't deny that was the coolest fire sure you've ever seen anyways guys we're passing out got to get up early so I will catch you in the morning good night everybody [Music] that's pretty early off I was sleeping fine until a certain monster had his sixth sense go off and realize there was room on the sleeping pad and then he just flames a steak yeah you mister hey you little turd yeah I sigh at you too little is impose is a little monster you take it more room that I do you stinker we could have just slept like this I can spoon you and let it have enough room to sleep but instead you just take it my feet space yeah I can't really lollygag too much today so she should probably get up here sing his heart and get much sleep sleeping great like I said there was all sorts of noises going on last night the frogs were going nuts jumping around Monty wasn't really satisfied until he got a little sleeping pad and now you can see he is just a sleepy puppy Oh Monty Monty Monty so mr. Monty we got to get up buddy we're gonna get up Monty Monty we gotta get up well gee hey buddy Monty it's Christmas we gotta get up Monty watching we gotta get up we're here to get up yeah I want to be gonna wake up I gotta wake up and wake up we don't know we have to get up for the day I bet you slept better than I did I bet you did I bet you slept better than I did you stole my sleeping bag yeah you stole my sleeping bag you little turd oh my gosh I got you fluffy teddy bear that's gross that's gross you got your sneeze all over me should we get up I'm gonna get [Music] does he look uncomfortable or does he look pretty right at home your stinky dog Monty ready to get up wanna go site you go st. Joe go say you look really content right now I don't think you want much of them to just lay here all right you gotta get up you gotta get up let's go ahead good easel one more deep this morning and then I got a poop I gotta make a poop there did you picked up right Monty got a poop I got a poop all right took my book poop and I got a pack up and create a lead but before I do that I want to take a couple casts right here it's just too pristine out right now for there not to be fish over here all right Monday now you want to live here forever but come on let's go good boy mind you only missing one thing there you go there you go mati we're gonna take five casts okay five casts no more no less we wrap to disassemble the SS USA that's what we're called this vessel this trip the SS USA because I'm not gonna read duct tape the flag to get out of here are you Monty you're good enough with your bow tie we don't need a flag we just need you that's all we need all right where is it good where's a good little section here for five casts [Music] there we go there we go oh that was a pike I saw mm-hmm that was number four we got one final cast this is my last cast all right here we go here we go right near the edge see I told you was my last cast final cast of the day was that last one that was 100% the last cast yep I don't ever betray my word when I say it's the last caste it's something I would never do you know when I say things are done they're done last caste means last caste it's a play on words it's not a gimmick it's a trick you know I just like to make sure that when I'm done doing something I'm done doing it and you know I'm a man of my word I try to be so whatever I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do much my best to do it oh we got a we got a tree our free last post post last cast post cast we kind of leave this is my actual final last cast [Music] all right okay and just one cast for good luck for good measure you can't just have your last cast be your last cast you got to have one more cast pass that cast in case the fish bites I cast it I just don't want it to be my last cast okay I caught the flag that's my last cast come to my aid reads [Music] break these chains there we go freedom now why would stay here we go hooey my legs and feet are a little mucky and stinky Yuki I'm getting a little toasty it is gonna be a hot one today let me tell ya it's it's what 8 o'clock right now maybe 7 no yeah maybe 8 o'clock didn't get out as early as I was hoping for that's ok but it is hot already that Sun is hot I've half a mind to go swimming right now already guys that's gonna do it for today's video just got a bit more of a paddle I got to go over that Beaver Dam I'll be heading a home so I hope you all have a happy 4th of July be safe be responsible and as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit subscribe button I'll catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] you did it you did it [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 50,130
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: 4th of july, fireworks, camping, wilderness, wilderness area, wild camping, backcountry camping, summer camping, camping in the usa, usa, celebration, fireworks show, fireworks fail, backcountry, wilderness camping, michigan, forest, outdoorsman, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, bushcraft skills, how to camp, summertime, canoe camping, campfire cooking, cooking, food, delicious, funny, hilarious, silly, dog, camping dog, wilderness animal, wildlife, fishing, fish, catching fish, fisherman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 17sec (6497 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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