Weeklong Spring Wilderness Adventure With My Dog (Part 3 of 5) [Extended Series]

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[Music] [Music] oh geez okay let's settle down whoa geez I said pretty good eyesight [Music] why did you see pretty good you only see pretty good Monty just moved about 20 minutes ago but he was laying his face was where his nose right here we were sleeping face to face like this all night I don't know why he decided to lay out but his paws were like right here and I was just like you ready buddy finished oh I got to see is just over biting his tongue sticking out that's how he sleeps [Music] yeah Oh Jill is Young's like that - what is this mighty there's the camera [Music] well I suppose each time you get up another sunny beautiful day out there might be we gotta catch Larry today we gotta catch up Walter we gotta catch a feed or a Bubbe we gotta catch em all gotta catch em all Monty we're gonna catch a fish we've gotta catch a fish [Music] it's a mess [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow look he told earnest hey [Music] [Music] oh yeah that's like Groundhog's Day with these beautiful sunny days out here you know it's just the same day every day we got blue skies there's no clouds out there hot side it's warm out hey Monty what do you smell he picked up a scent he dropped his stick yeah yes mr. puffy poops all right well I guess it's time for a little breakfast we gotta catch fish today woke up at the same time as usual 9:00 9:30 99 12 is the exact time oh I sleep until I can sleep no more every day and that's when I wake up I don't know sir Monty you'd be nice to that beaver stick what are you doing to it you just trash the life out of it Monty you coffee and oatmeal sequence go what you doing here doing why'd you bring the stick [Music] [Music] [Music] sube wait this is an old meal keep hot water today [Music] [Music] one of those meals I watched my gear load a video that I've released right before the first episode of this I mentioned how I have these two big ol Rubbermaid totes big ol things filled with backpackers meals and from years ago and oatmeal and I had emery's in there and granola bars all this stuff and I hadn't seen it since last November when I moved into this house just moved into and put in the garage and I guess one of the lids are cracked and [Music] mouse made a home out of the old pill granola and one of the tools and some other stuff it was just a mess the other tote was fine I just went to the bottom and check to be sure and I saw these little biscuits and gravy things and there had two of them you know what that sounds kind of nice I also had another meal that I brought out so I've got three three of the meals are two of these and one's another one it's a big ol delicious meal so yeah what the heck change it up I like to bring out rice and beans when funk makes that up so I'm gonna have to do that next time I do love rice and beans in the mornin I'll go boom dehydrate some beans next feels good just don't really read add like a change he's having trouble it's turned into a paste all right go ahead yeah he's been so picky I decided to just give him his nice hot meal so he just doesn't have any excuse sube biscuits and gravy you know I want to try dehydrating other meals like chicken riggies and stuff with dairy and I just don't know I think if I do it right before I come like a few days before and just make it last the week it should be fine but we'll have to see maybe I'll do that and eat it at home just to see if I get sick or something but it should be probably fine I just just as a general rule of thumb don't dehydrate things with that are high in fat or dairy because I know that makes them go rancid quicker but I'm sure it'd be fine for a couple of weeks we'll try it I would definitely love some chicken chicken riggies all right we're just gonna finish up our breakfast here and then let's go catch some fish just want to mention quickly why I don't really feel guilty taking firewood you know if it's late and there's fire were there and not replacing it because half the time Oh a nice little pile of firewood see know someone can make a fire right Monty oh the wind just like died wow it is just a hot sunny day Monty is just hiding in the shade so we got to start them up before we get in this water with a little swim session he needs to have that cool roti all right I'm gonna throw on the chartreuse layer on my line while he's having a blast women but yeah it's just too warm for mr. Monty to not be getting wet I've got my sunscreen right here I'm gonna put it sunny but we're gonna try we're gonna go for a little bit and then as soon as I feel the burn on my arms I'm gonna put it on so probably like two minutes I should probably just put it on now yeah I'll just put it on now that's a better decision that's the best decision Monty all right we'll do a couple more oh all right I'm feeling good this morning I think today's the day we're bringing a fish in the boat today Monty hey don't lick my sunscreen you creep it's like in my sunscreen but a weirdo whoa okay so we're just gonna get out a little bit of wheeze from camping and start trolling the chartreuse layer we're gonna stroll the whole way on this lake we're not gonna do any like secondary passes we're just gonna hand it go but yeah we're hoping to catch a fish let's just start it now let's just go this is good enough if I catch one to eat with us today Brian well I probably actually have a Brian from the Sun but it just feels better well now it just stopped it was nice and cool felt great it was like perfect I was just warm again hot hot hot so they I think the plan for a tag for fishing today is I need any Lake that's got lake trout in it we're trolling trolling the chartreuse layer because for me personally I think that's the best way to pick up a lake trout with the Arsenal I got and the way I like to fish this time of year just to cover ground cover humps and stuff find where they're at tonight we're gonna be at a lake with walleye so if we don't have any luck all day today we don't catch no fish we are gonna actually go night fishing tonight so what I'll do is when it gets close to dark we'll start trolling our little lure or Rapala and we'll do it into the like sunset and then once it gets really dark I'm gonna rig up my other pole with a slip bobber and the little fake leech and what we'll do is we'll cruise around and see if we can see their eyes and then we'll try to toss the fake leech on them see if they'll pick that up I mean last year it's spring in the cold temperatures they were lurking around you know made bit those so we'll try that again that'll be like our last-ditch effort late to the night I definitely want to try catching today something something there's even fast in that Lake so we'll do we'll do some jigging to go out before we start trolling at evening a little star jigging casting for plank and bass and walleye too but yeah okay another thing quick is the next Lake we don't get any bites from lake trout in this Lake and the next Lake is the last link of the day for lake trout there's one good drop-off section it's like a nice straightaway drop off we're gonna troll along that three or four times we haven't had a bite yet and we'll do two passes i contradicting myself already but we're gonna do two passes with the chartreuse layer and then we'll do two passes with a spoon and I just for some reason that just looks like a spot was gonna be a lake trout yeah it's just a nice steep drop-off and a straight like flat yeah that's what they're gonna be yeah I'm confident confidence is high like it's no it's no [Music] trashin maybe you are in distress just taking a bath just like / like crazy on up these wings broken or something it looks like he's swimming kind of funny but just flopping his wing I'm flipping over I don't know if that's normal or injured you seem to be able to swim fine well hope he's okay I'll be just being a loon doing loonies things and he's not injured hmm whatever he's doing every time he flapped his when he flips over and you can see his belly keeps doing it Dallin wouldn't let me get close even if I wanted even if I couldn't get close was I gonna do how am I gonna do let us hope for the best I think maybe he's gonna be okay someone down there and the council probably like doing this but it doesn't look right whatever he's doing this doesn't look doesn't look like a happy loon maybe a press I don't know I'm not a loon expert I am I am a loon call expert I am one with the loons no sound just like him why do you think so so it looks like we're gonna go down a long skinny stretch that's just a teeny little portage it looks like it's maybe even just a a beaver dam or just probably rushing water like an just paddle through come on so won't even really be a portage but yeah I bet there's gonna be fish in there so I'll probably put on a jig and cast a little bit for the heck of it since we've got the entire day we've got eight hours of day left and we've got let's see teeny teeny then a lake trout lake then a nice half mile portage and a nice third of a mile portage and then lake we get fish and then eighth of a mile portage and then Lake we can fish and sleep at so gonna be pretty chillax we can take our time and we'll fish the next trout lake pretty good and then we've got some back-to-back Portage's we've got one last good spot the troll by on this lake before we must move on and it's a it's a little it's a little pointy hump just like the opposite side of the lake where we had that first one on so we're gonna try going by it and if we don't have 103 that's a snag waiting to happen river milk coming in here and if the waters rush usually where I do my best is those little river mouths like there's a couple little holes you'll catch up it's really shallow but I don't think they mind the shallow right now as much because it's so cold oh there was a little mini Pike there's a little baby Pike I wouldn't eat him doesn't mean I don't want to catch a little I will totally take a little 12-inch Pike as my first fish because first fish means one thing I caught a fish dagnabbit [Music] today is so nice the nicest day so far I don't mean that because it's any different as far as the amount of sunshine and clear skies I just mean like the temperature with this breeze blown into our face it's just like perfect I'm not hot I'm not cold I'm just like as perfect temperature is you could be right now like crazy Sam I'm gonna notice it that's how good it is [Music] water I just got a fish up there was that little pike maybe just got to be more I think it was just a little Beaver Dam but I did the little underwater shot at I think that was supposed to be the portage I just don't get it looks like it's like eight feet deep Little River it was like logs all over the bottom looks like plenty of cover and sticks and stuff there's got to be a nice pike lurking in here somewhere nice PETA there we go I got one we got a Peter they got off awesome we got our first fish now he's not very big it's not the biggest fish I know I said I was gonna keep the first fish no matter what but I'm feeling good about today we're getting greedy changing my mind contradicted myself just like I said I would but hey we got our first fish we broke the streak it's all uphill from here and I said there was gonna be one - that's a nice little here but the bowls are gonna be so fine let's let this guy go and don't worry I know some of you are like how could you let that fish go well I can't it's my choice it's my choice okay like I said I changed my mind a lot and I decided that that little Peter Pike needed to grow and to be a bigger fish and that's not all we wanted to eat tonight we want a Larry dinner or Walter now there's nothing wrong with Pike you'll notice that a lot of the time I let the pike go and the reason being is they've got the Y bones so it's not a really big deal I can pick through it I've got all the time in the world out here anyways it's just I prefer not having to pick it's like I'm a picky person the meat is delicious the flavor is great don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with absolutely nothing wrong I just having so many Pike over the years when I was a kid just pike pike pike I catch so many pike pike are the most numerous fish I catch all year long I catch lots a little plank so I just don't prefer to eat them that's just it is what it is some people target paint specifically for eating that's fine too there's nothing wrong like I said it's just a personal preference I do like walleye I like those trout like brook trout rainbow trout those type of trout those are top notch those on the walleye and pan fish those are my favorites but lake trout I like those too when they're small I don't like them on their big and bass love bass I mean I'll eat it all if I you know if I don't got a choice but yeah if I don't catch you our fish the rest of the day yeah I'll have a little bit of fish release regret okay it's a real thing I've had it before but right now I'm feeling good about it I'm feeling good here is our first porta just see little rushing water I think I can go through that but it looks like a good spot for prevention potentially that water Russian and Korean food we're on try now I think I think we can make it never thought I'd appreciate the smell of fish slam so much I missed maybe it looks too shallow for this to be a good spot unless there's a little hole [Music] [Applause] I will not get on with my boat no we got some ducks hey ducks sorry to mess up your day I have to go here this is where my path is we could be friends you don't have to take off I'll leave you be I swear I will not mess with you guys I'm not chasing you just take a little left you're fine no no don't worry yes you just turn left you're good I have to go here guys don't make me chase you Paul okay ducks silly ducks little baby beaver dam we got it mighty good job man [Music] Oh - there we go - fish gonna let him go - it's okay fish seem to be biting today so far just the pike home come on win let me just yeah so what's working right now for these pike it's just just casted it out letting it bounce on the bottom and just drag it's probably gonna be working for most fish right now to be honest my little cast or a tree thing hasn't been working at all this is this will probably be the thing that's been working the whole time so take a few more casts scarcely we got our little pikes but I want to get to the Larry Lake you spend more time there and Walter Lakes the Bobby Lakes you know we engage a nice tasty dinner one more cast here and let's just do some paddling looks like we've got a little portage where it didn't show on but that's okay little rushing water but first we got to take some casts we've got to just a couple before we part it's just in case you know hey it's a little shallow let's just do the portage Monty you're a champ what gunas ready to go on the boat he just ready to go I don't look ready ready [Music] oh man it is just so beautiful I don't think I've ever had such a fair weather trip for this long I mean what date for even the first day even though it was night it was just nothing it was calm clear skies a little on the chilly side every day has just been crazy just sunny and gorgeous I do hope that this will bring storms because usually when you get like five days of hot Sun and just perfect weather it's followed by like up front that bring some like stormy weather and I'm hoping that's the case like I said when I left it was twenty thirty percent chance that could be more like 50 60 or maybe even 190 somewhere around there I'd be cool I take that I don't think we're gonna do any more casting for a bit here just because you know we we definitely dilly-dallied a bit we're gonna be arriving to camp especially we fish an excellent pretty good we're gonna be in the camp right at dark so we might not even set up we might just throw our bag because we've got a lot of paddling to do today we've got Portage's right at the end we've got another little portage in a bit here but mostly just battling all day today but again as far as casting in this wind man I'll just troll and we're pretty much just gonna troll the next Lake and depending on the time I don't know if we'll do those three full passes on that one spot maybe we'll do two I don't know we'll see when we get there like I said change my mind contradict myself it's okay but now let's just do some paddling at least get there home give you a little underwater you up the beaver home they're like I know they dive up in there and they come out pretty sure they built like that it definitely attracts fish I've caught pike and stuff out of them for crappie and whatnot so you can just go out and snag a fish maybe maybe that's the idea behind it but I love the underwater shots those are my favorite and this new GoPro you'll notice in the past I've had a problem with fogging up lenses because the other the past two versions the GoPro they were all underwater without a casing waterproof I mean but there's a little lens cap and it would just get it just that teeny tiny amount of moisture trapped inside and as soon as the heat the camera would heat up it would cause fog this one has no lens cap it's like built into the camera the only downside of that is if you happen to crack your screen or get a big scratch like I think you'd have to replace the whole camera or maybe send it I don't know but I haven't done that yet I've cracked is the screen that you can read not the actual level but yeah this one's built right in so there's no possible way get fogged up which I really like because I love to stick my water quite often and stick it under water and a rainy day with the old one yeah boys you're trapped in there there's no way of getting it out it just keeps coming back I've tried everything to get that moisture out when it gets in there and just the only way to get it out is to completely dry the camera out and if you got humid weather it's near impossible if the breeziness I'm feeling on these little like this river system with just any little legs then he any indication was going to be on like this big lake we're gonna go for lake trout then we're gonna have a rough time because it seems like the wind is blowing that way and that's the exact way that it's shaped for us to troll that spot you pass my plan we'll see when we get there if it's just Gustin we're gonna do like one pass we're just gonna fight in the wind and we catch a fish well we might have to do another pass but it'll be fun to bring it in when we're just getting blowing around well yeah it'll probably a bit windy and we're gonna be like strongest part of the day for win we get in come on Dean come on hurry hurry Bunty hurry times of the almighty get an aunty come on do it oh you did it you wouldn't probably not made it my TV you're lucky I was just playing around okay all right Oh Morty oh you shifted okay stinky dog could you lay down for me please please Marty you're sitting on one side speaking of please fonti okay easy easy Thank You Marty appreciate it hello lunch break I made up my protein shake to be honest the protein shake I love it I love it it's just like a tasty drink middle of the day I get more water in a little like 18 so it's all-around good for my body definitely this isn't like an insane amount of work to my normal trips where I've gone crazy but I'm still don't cordage is I'm paddling all day burning calories in this crazy way and then I'm gonna drop down chartreuse layer we're just rolling I wanna make sure that I'm not gonna get snagged or if they go to spots that are just I don't want to be deal with snags in this that is fun looks like a perfect spot control to me great let's do it across a big lake it's always good to make sure you wait till the weakest part of the day make your path straight to the wind fun that's why that safer it's not less work but it's more fun a date right and then you definitely want to drop the line control you know because yeah then that has a little extra resistance you know that's all we got this protein shake the wind died down Monty had hit his head he's tucked away he was singing getting blasted with the wind I'm getting sick of trying to keep a hat on my head about to give up dang dammit right now is the time for a nice jolly rancher there we go blue raspberry that could stain my teeth please just died down for a sec my hat back now if only we could get a fish Oh much is groaning down there try a little magic five four three two one nope one of these days it's to this point where I'm just like maybe a spoons better maybe not I don't know cuz I'm not getting bites and I've used both and got Lakers before so I don't know why I just have this want to switch attitude but when the one's not working you know you just want to switch we just went by that drop-off and nothing now I'm debating I want to go by it again and maybe switch the spoon [Music] yeah a chance not confessed by the other button it'll be fine we've made the switch to the spoon I couldn't make up my mind I just feel like with the sunlight I want the flicker of the spoon I know spoons work great the indecisive fisherman strikes again [Music] crazy big waves I feel like my voice is overpowered right now or just the perfect amount anyways probably upstairs wind should died down to 80 seconds we got our first real portage of the day though coming up there kind of back-to-back a nice old half-mile er and it should be up and down according to the map dang it I just got a big snack gonna have the fish for a second looked over the poles bent over I'm like oh hey there Monty nice to see ya hey oh we friendly out of the wind now it's time for a carriage oh yeah hey I can finally put my hat back on maybe maybe it'll stay on here we go yeah it wasn't staying on in that way there's no way I tried like ten times in a row just flying off oh man right next to shore second a breeze yeah it's a breezy one today I won't lie it felt good though that was a nice paddle very nice paddle yeah I was right into the wind we didn't catch any fish but hey I still enjoyed it oh I take it back about that one that was like two-thirds mile being the most fun portage that one was the most fun portage sure sure just up down up down up down up down I felt like I just climbed up and then went right back down about eight times or that half mile I got so sweaty this breeze feels so nice so we've got one more and then we're gonna be in a lake and we may or may not stay there it seems like the the lake after this and the leg after that are both got walleye pike and bass so if if the next leg looks nice but just thinking thought we might just stay there really depends we've got three and a half hours of light left yeah we'll probably end up just stay in exile asleep we'll see it looks like those nice stuff campsite we'll stay on that one that'll just give us more time to fish and it's a little bit of smaller length than the other one and the winds are so bad today that I think it'll be better to be on the smaller lake as far as winds go for fishing because then I can fish longer wait the night to fish I just pretty much sprinted or just hiked very fast oh we're on our link for the evening we are greeted by a wonderful beaver as you can see just splash you probably couldn't hear that because I was turning the mic hello beaver beaver please yeah make up your mind huh when I keep elbonia you put your face there oh no you're back on this side huh okay so this Lakes got walleye bass pike I maybe you should start casting part of me wants to part of me just wants to get the camp quick set up very fast and just get back on this water and get to fishing oh there's spots I just need to take oh this all looks so good okay we're gonna take a few casts the old jig Mundi don't like my sweaty back please Oh Monty stop that Monty don't do that please please please please I know it's salty and delicious to you but it's just it doesn't feel right I don't I don't prefer it there's a couple of nice trees in this little channel here nice dead trees okay we're just gonna make our way to camp and drop a line and troll get set up let the winds die down a little bit and then come off for the evening fish [Music] tent and it's fragile pretty quickly here because I want to get right back on that water and get back to fishing no bites I tried the chartreuse layer across the lake I'm still feeling good though there's still time we've still got time we've still got hope Monte I need you to move my friend I'm sorry but you picked exactly where the temple is going to go how about I just lay the footprint on ya and you'll figure it out okay [Music] I don't think Monty gets it yet well maybe when I set the tent on him he'll understand my teeth what are you doing under there oh you figure it out Marty that's what the chants gonna go to goodness pitbull voice recorder [Music] [Music] [Music] I got your mighty I gotcha [Music] no time there's no time okay okay I am just going to quickly gather up some pieces of firewood I can process up later later really quickly and then we're gonna get back in that water and get the fishing okie Dokes we have got one and a half hours til the Sun sets and then probably at least an hour of thinking in the Twilight which will be good for : for walleye and then we we're gonna fish probably will see how our feeling at that time but if we haven't had a bite or caught anything by then we might just fish from camp at least we've had some strikes we might go around and use the headlamp to uh see if we can see their eyes and cast the whatchamacallit on there yeah slip bobber but I've got my one pole rigged up with the slip bobber and the other one right now is got the chartreuse layer we're just gonna troll this a little bit until we get back to where the winds blowing because on the map it shows there's a nice little spot as an island there's a couple of islands and it looks like it's just a nice drop offs in Ihram so we're gonna start by just rolling down that way and then we are gonna take a fake leech put it on the slip bobber and I'm just gonna cast it you're the drop-offs and the rocky points about eight to ten feet down or right on the edge of logs and we're just going to be patient and see if that works because right now with the Sun so bright and it being so bright for the past few days I don't think the walleyes are gonna come into the shallows till at least it sets so we are gonna need to go down a little bit or get near like some cover whoever shakes me try some orange shaded also wanna try one quick cast this I just don't know if I can do the whole slip flower thing until we're a shake camp there's just like not in my blood to just sit and watch a bobber unless I know there's fish somewhere there's a nice tree up ahead we'll try the slip bobber if I can get it right next to it now if there's a fish I'll catch there's just bazillions of these bugs whatever they are they don't bite and I'm a flies know what the heck they are what a cast Wow even better just so much so many oops there's so many trees and stuff down here in the water it's insane the amount of coverages in here okay we're gonna go to somewhere that's got shallows we're gonna just troll along the way cuz this deep drop-off stuff is not working at one we're gonna troll this guy to a shallow spot was the skete oh dang it I got my first mosquito bite it look at this dog he's just passed out back there he's had a full monty day he's just tuckered out enjoying the cool temperatures she's comfy spot in the sound of the water hitting the boat he's just chillaxing he's out so many of these bugs you've been trolling for a ways now no bites but I think we're about to be near a shallow spot it's right in your camp yeah I get a little shallow wouldn't say super shallow but shallower the sun's about to set it's actually setting right now yeah so I'm gonna take off this lure we're gonna take a few more casts here just for sunset and then after I take a few cast we're gonna put on it's the same kind of this just not joint it it's like this stick that's usually what does best for me for walleye I think this jointed when I got is a little too big so we'll go with the smaller guy to be honest I should just do that now and just keep going yeah that's probably gonna catch me fish that's the best chance I have actually we're just doing that first control this is our final hope for the evening well not our final help actually slip out early choose our final hope but we're gonna troll this for like an hour we're just gonna go along the shore with a whole bunch of line out nice and slow I'm gonna get there's like a nice channel where we first enter the lake I'm gonna go all up and down that and then if we have nothing it should be pretty dark by then and then I'm gonna throw in the headlamp and I'm just gonna kind of creep along and see if I can see their eyes shining and then cast my slip bobber on them Matty please give us your charm and your luck tonight we need a fish I'll feed it to you if we get a half or a third or a reasonable portion or something I'll give you other treats and so many things just help us get a fish come on come on Monty oh you like that scratches huh yeah behind the ears how about if I lift your nose no you don't like that okay how if I try again no okay one more time I gotcha I gotcha Monty I got you I just had a bite I wonder if the camera picks those up there are thousands upon thousands of these larvae of these flies in the water and the entire Lake [Music] [Music] no I don't have fish release regret no no no no no no no bites I thought I had maybe one but I don't think so he's gonna press with some firewood I don't know if I kind of like camera but there was two little walleye right near camp here and they would not bite my Beach I play it right on them they wouldn't bite it yeah I'm not sure what those little bugs were I don't think there are mayflies but there are something but there was just bazillions up in those larvae I don't know if you could see it on the camera out but they were just everywhere [Music] oh yeah there's some just delicious firewood just delicious as I should be fun split up [Laughter] [Music] not too bad of a little fire pal yeah as much back support as the canoe chair gives it's nothing compared to these little camp chairs this always feels the best on your back whoa dude caught some fish let some fish go one of the fish dinner didn't get one yeah I still think we're gonna get a fish dinner I'm not too worried we're just building up the anticipation as all that's all we're doing we're making victory that much sweeter normally I get these fish dinners like clockwork you know every other day whatever I want them nice got a boil up a little water per mr. Monty here and my hot cocoa Oh mr. Boddy's sitting right there it doesn't really appreciate these uh the way the the logs are here and stuff with the fire pits he doesn't like those because gets them too close to everything he would prefer if this was a big open space and it could just lay right here or right here but he's gotta lay over there it's okay I'm getting some Sun this trip man we get another how many more date full days do we got left we've got this is day four so we got day five six and seven and then I go home on eight I get three more days of that intense Sun whoo hoo wee little hand lotion my dried-out hands oh yeah there we go Oh Monty likes to eat lotion he's so weird look at him just creeping over his lotions Oh Monty what are you doing he just likes to eat lotion it doesn't matter what kind either even hand sanitizer I have put hand sanitizer on the way up here for the gas station and he was just doing that trying to lick it a weirdo they're supposed to eat hand sanitizer okay well we've got a creature creature creature screeching rocks pretty good that's pretty good Monty nice they stick so keep your mind off his food Walt's getting ready for him to eat need to get my spaghetti little and then I'll play stick with you while your food physics just get mighty okay I call it play stick now because the obviously doesn't fetch I'll take the stick thrash around it's playing stick oh my laughs little chunk a dehydrated beef in there like and I need that I need that little chunk one soupy sketti again I love it soupy listen to the loons okay our foods on Monty will have a chocolate and then let's play steak okay you need a brush and don't you go yeah at this this mr. Wendy eat your Center there you go get some of that that Monty slime on it oh [Applause] yeah you wanna go a nice open spot here oh this is just been a nice trip so far just a real nice trip not much not much fish action but that's okay Oh what you bought it we're playing fetch tug okay yeah I mean we're just gonna keep trying keep trying for them fish we're gonna have fish dinner it's gonna happen I may have I may have to settle for pike but that's okay no I wanna Larry or Walter we'll keep trying for them he likes this nice light it's chewable are you the goodest boy do you want your slop okay go ahead go ahead Monty this soupy spaghetti is almost already i fluffy here's a brushing yeah you do oh I know Oh with so tough business being this fluffy oh okay on your your back this is what you wanted or spaghett time awesome a good time oh yes mm-hmm why does it feel so hot still I'm sitting break 40 minutes I swear ah I wasn't still this thing hot what the heck it's just as good every time never fails mm-hmm I don't know if it's just super delicious or if it's the only thing I have for dinner and it's food but either way I like a lot well I'm gonna finish stuffing my face here and do the usual cleanup and then I will check back in with you guys or and I'm ready for bad inside the tent oh yeah oh [Music] we're silver and you must be ready for a bad master oh you can only rain in the middle of everything huh just there you go we had an unreasonable Monti he needs to be moved Oh Monty he'll just big snuggled a teddy bear why he'd lick in my hands mister there we go yeah Monty something right head just just baking himself right at home there you go bud you getting comfy you didn't comfy there pal alright well we got to fish today so that's a good news I you know I don't really regret letting them go it was early in the day it was super warm they would have gotten the SD they were just little itty bitty Pike how many more excuses do you need to justify what I did huh okay get off my back I'm just kidding Oh anyways yeah I'm fine with it I've diced we're fine we're gonna catch fish it's gonna happen it's got to happen I'm gonna catch fish in 2020 at least maybe maybe not this trip we want to fish through this trip maybe but like in 2020 I think I'll catch a fish dinner okay it's gonna happen anyways I pooped it's super late it's super super late Oh two rows just a mainly paddling day not much portaging we're hoping to get the soul camp set on the lake might not happen might happen who knows but we've got plenty options but anyways we are gonna pass out and I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody I'm making my arms do funky oh oh oh jeez Monty [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 87,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: u8ftJKxmcqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 44sec (5444 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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