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i cannot believe what we just caught on the cameras we caught them red-handed we got all the footage well you're not leaving without me wait for me let me grab my code let's go you don't need a coat we need to go now come on come on hurry up they're here we actually we caught these baby pigs i don't know a month and a half ago wasn't it about a month and a half ago maybe a little bit more maybe a little bit less they escaped during the transfer to the other pig pen from the trap to the pen and um now they're back this is crazy we're gonna try we're gonna try and reunite them with their siblings let's see if they recognize one another wait look beast is coming to help come on boy come on come on that's my guard hog come on boy come on i need your help i need your help can you speak hog can you speak hogs snort twice if that means yet can you bring them right to me boy can you bring them right to me you know what the other thing we're gonna have to do now you have to name every single one of these four if and only if we can actually get them to the pig pen who's naming them me or them you know what all of the fans should have to name them we have to capture them we have to put them in the pig pen and then we need your names down in the comments but before we do i think we need to go feed some of the other animals and then we're going to get these ones beast our family guard hog not a dog he's our hog in here with me as i'm prepping food for all the animals and i hear something up here look at that i actually see something and i'm gonna have to let's see what i can do here oh what are you doing up here beside oh my goodness she's been laying eggs up here five she came up here in the eaves to actually lay crazy chicken i lost my guard hog please come here boy beast come here boy i think he ran this way come on beast come on beast i'll do my animal cry and maybe he'll come come on boy bees come here boy we'll hear from the chicken they know that call hi baby come here boy bees come on boy here he comes here he comes bees come on boy he was acres away there he is come on boy that's a good boy that's a good boy i'm a guard hog he's my guard hog controlling patrolling the borders come on boy here we go beast good boy that's my boy good boy good boy come on come get you some treats beast good boy good boy that's a good boy that's a guard hog you the pig beast you the pig i think i have the major food groups in here i've got chicken that's one of them fruit that's another of them creamed corn i mean creamed corn is an actual food group of itself right and juice so there you go some green beans chicken of the sea uh chicken food group number one chicken that is a food group yeah and let's go see with the rest of the pigs let's go see how they do see if they're hungry they're i'm almost ready to eat it it smells delicious they're so spoiled now this food is compliments of colleen yep this is colleen her husband passed away and we were able to rescue three adult chicken which they're right there and they're doing great and uh we get to spread the love with food to our other people you ready beauty are you ready babies for whatever reason beauty didn't want to come out beauty did not want to come out she didn't want to come out and play here you go here we go come on dude there we go eat up eat up bon appetit piggies bon appetit good girl good girl i just noticed your shirt oh did you uh-huh well welcome to my jungle oh they're loving it they're living their best life right now they wouldn't find this type of food out in the wild if they only knew what's coming next beast on the out he's on the outside of the pen he's like let me in guys let me in on that let me in on that beast look at him he's looking through he just wants something he's looking through the gate like you guys he wants to be on break right now you guys he's like i've been patrolling the borders i think i deserve a treat and now it's time to gator scout jeremy i need you to wear this hat okay i'm ready okay and next gator scouting hat next i need you to put on this bed wait hold a second have you seen my shirt captain fumble fingers with the with the flying leg appropriately don't forget to pop your collar there wait there is the first gator i ever caught this represents the first gator jeremy ever trapped and now it's time for him to capture some piglets well i mean really it was robbie and z dog that trapped the gator but i get the pin you know you know you know what they taught me you have to become like the animal to catch the animal between you guys i've never trapped a piglet before i have no idea what i'm doing you coming [Music] [Music] this is reference what are they ready for they're ready to go into what do we do the other cage so we can transfer do i just grab one how do we what do we do i touched it i touched the butt i touched the butt i think that was the rump roast i'm gonna try it again wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm gonna try and touch it again i want bacon oh man what would you name that one if you were a viewer i kind of like oreo you like oreo i do you're not a viewer though do we try and like take a rope and lasso this is the trip wire and so what they do is they root so this holds that up the corn the corn falls here they root this up and bam it closes shut now we have to figure out how to hails to get them out of here i got a plan i got a plan you go you go left okay i'll go right wait why do i have to go left why can't you go left you go right i'll go left we'll see if we can get him in the middle whoever can grab a leg by the way extremely important gloves those little razor sharp teeth take a finger right off i used to have one there that was from catching the last pigs all right so i have all ten of my fingers okay so we're gonna handle them we're gonna manhandle them we're gonna try and grab a leg we're gonna just be aware when a pig when a piglet gets grabbed it it squeals more than george when she's hangry so which way are you going uh left in three two run i thought you were running i almost had one okay same deal same deal go over there stretch that way that way that way up that way george that way that way they're not even great these little suckers are fans they're not even grief bring it to me bring it to me bring home the bacon baby okay she actually touched one okay all right i'm a little too old for this i'm gonna try to sneak at there we that which one did which one did you touch the one to the left this one over here all right converge in the middle [Music] oh i almost had one i almost had one maybe i should get something no no no no no forget the cash let's go [Music] look there's your family your family's right there your your brother your sisters right there look at look reunited look beast came along as well it's all right it's all right okay we need you to help name that one we got three more to go if you know what that's exactly where that one escaped last time you see where these logs are there was a hole in the fence you got right underneath that hole in the fence hopefully not this time let's go get those other three look at that look how happy they all are right now oh i love it here at the shelling tree those massive sharp tusks rubbing against each other we we got some in there just like that are you brave enough to go back in george i'll go first ladies first you're going first yeah here you want my hat and jacket no no no no no no i have my own hat and jacket all going for she ain't earning no patches back for round two jeremy are you behind me uh yeah view looks nice from here three three rump roast right over there three rump roast right over there what do you think of the same plan the same plan oh surprise what if we surprise the tech just go straight let's just go straight out i'm surprised at that in one two seven that didn't work george are you are you even doing anything [Music] let me love you that's the aggressive one that's the one that charges okay all right oh look at that did you see that did you see the charge on that thing so aggressive so vicious it reminds me of george when she's hangry you want none of this that one that one's brown and aggressive like george i think i already know the name for that one are you getting in there or what i don't know i panicked a little bit i panicked just did you pee your pants a little bit just a little bit i need a little bit of admitting this on here that one went for my foot she's gonna she's gonna rush me again and you going george i had a leg are fast i haven't taken my hard met dead today so i can't run mama can't run george i had the aggressive one for a split second but it was elusive to me [Music] you don't want none of this you do not want [Music] i don't know if i got this into you do you want some of my heart meds jeremy do you want some of my heart back i got a purple pill i need a purple pill all right well while while jeremy catches his breath we're gonna come up with another game plan [Music] new plan body slam worked it worked when i caught george it worked when i caught this pig body slam is the way to go it's okay if i were naming any pig this aggressive one this would be baby george this would be junior i don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment i think she already likes her name you like george yep loves it i said george she calmed right down you see that you see that you should come right down when i say i guess i'm taking it as a compliment hey george george or junior george george jr right here george junior parasites and all this is george wait no we need your help you have to let us know is this george jr definitely has the right coloring and the right hair everywhere i might not survive this if i go missing help pig number two the other piglets love these flavored dog biscuits let's see if she'll like well i bet she will if she's anything like you no she's not hungry right now i've never known a george not to be hungry she's just we'll try again in just a bit no no look at her she's so in love with her man look right now she's just so in love so in awe euphoria euphoria complete and totally for ya that's my baby give me a kiss bad news we lost the first one so whatever whatever it was named we did not lock the bottom chain and it pushed right open that is the second time that pig has escaped second time i know beast oh i cannot i'm gonna have to catch that pig for a third time and i don't know if i can do it three times a charm beast i know you're guarding the gate all right close it up george hey guys look who i brought i brought your sister i brought your sister george well she knows she got family around there she goes all right i'm gonna throw in a treat do you think a treat's gonna help jeremy what's our game plan after i just lost another piglet i'm gonna harness my gator catching skills the powers here we go ah this is the plan are you gonna come in and help or what beast is trying to tell them the best food is in the pig pen not in the big trap come on george get one the big question is will george catch a pig besides just me [Music] i've now captured the mail i've had to put a dominant hold on him so he knows he is not the leader of this pig what do you call a bunch of pigs is it a pig pack he's no longer the leader of this pig gang i have taken full authority of this pig game as the gator scout i'm definitely getting me a pink patch whoa what just went right by me george get it again get to go buy me come on if i can get him i've got an animal called that's her that's her go right behind me oh my goodness okay all right get it get her to do it again george trying to get her to go right behind me come on i got him i'm using animal crackers i've got him i call this hold spoon that's what i call this big hole this is called spooning now we're gonna see if we can fork that one up george's oh it just ran that george oh it's getting intense over there i just ran out george again tried to bite her wow the georgia's gonna try and get her to run right by me i almost had her but i almost lost him oh just tried to bite george again george push push her along the side of me push her along the side just push her the other way the other way george george i'm over here [Music] i'm out of breath i'm out of breath but we got him we got him yeah what do we do now i'd fist pump you but my hands are a little occupied this pump yeah all right how about flying chest pump all right a little confused is what to do now because the two people that are catching pigs now both have pigs and somehow we got to get out of here uh this is the male okay you know how you can tell how and that's the female all right you know how you can tell how she's got the little teeth okay we'll be milking those later um i don't know all right let's catch our breath and i thought we were catching pigs not breath how's your how's my breath catch mine that good let me smell yours no thanks no thanks okay we're coming up with a game plan yeah who's goes out first yours are mine who ever thought catching gators and pigs would be this awesome okay i'm hugging her so that she can remain calm all they need is a little loving and a little hug there's a male hog that's been coming around that's at least five foot long we're gonna get him next may there always be slop buckets may there always be water troughs may there always be baby pigs may there always be george and jeremy catching piglets from the wild i need a nap oh my goodness i need a nap here we go we're in the pen we're in the pen jeremy all right ready here we go and away they go release the piglets now they just have to calm down and acclimate and reunite with their siblings get names give them names give them treats no you know what we need to do we need to go get them treats and see if they'll eat out of your hand let's see what we can do we're here in the pig pan with organic animal crackers we're feeding the siblings and the mama and hopefully we can lure the other ones that we just got in come here babies get your treats get your fanciful treats it tastes extra organic here jeremy you want to try they're right by you yo give me some here boys and girls there we go come on right now they're in the toilet that's the bathroom area in the pigpen that's where they all got out before now there's logs there we've got one we've got one already lured in by george's food now the other two oh you got another one coming right now george behind you oreo the the spotted ones you're gonna name him oreo i like i thought your viewers were gonna name them oh yeah oh okay it's up to you guys to help us come up with names we got another one in a dotted one one of this she's been eating now we just gotta get the third one to come in and here comes eat third one i got all three of them to come out and eat the ones are super big it's flying across the pen it's like super big [Applause] this is one of the wild ones he was right next to me right next to me i might have a new bestie for the resty look at this feeding time and all the babies are eating even even beasts got his family under control helped us wrangle all these babies man what a growing family so much fun here at the hales ranch remember hogs are not wild i got them to eat with my hands less than 24 hours they're already eating animal crackers from our hands you want beauty what do you want they're already eating organic [Music] here baby look at that and look beauty's beauty is outside hanging out guard hogging she's like yeah yeah i want it give it to me um what do you think about hoggavision i love the idea jen with raptor invention adventures just had the great idea what was your idea strap a gopro on one of your hogs and check out his adventures oh yeah that would be awesome yeah i think i think they're good now we just have to catch the last one again george is trying to peek to see if baby number seven came back he's trying to hang out with the rest of the family yeah they're three are knocked out cold sleeping they're full their bellies are full their bellies are happy that's where it escaped it had to run back through here we're gonna try and find her because no piglet likes to be alone i don't know where she comes up with this stuff you know a piglet whisperer too i guess well then start whispering and call it in [Music] i hope it didn't get eaten by otter park [Music] jeremy what are you doing i mean what am i doing we're gonna catch piglet number seven for the third time you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 141,079
Rating: 4.8789482 out of 5
Id: S1Wu2eGA7hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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