IS THIS EVEN LEGAL? MANAGER STOPS AUCTION At Abandoned Storage Units Locker Auction / Storage Wars

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I thought they were all right actually what it is when he says a minimum that's actually hits the auction just finished and I've got to tell you the most oddest most weirdest thing has ever happened it was so awkward we've never witnessed anything like this awkward for everyone and in 20 plus years I've never ever seen anything like this before which is why we always say you never know what the hell's is gonna happen and if you want to see what happened make sure you watch to the very end and then let us know do you think this was right with the facility manager did or do you think this is wrong what the facility manager did anyone has the right to been defied the discretion of the auctioneer they have the right to pull any here from the sale at any time the liquid storage customers or the reference this will not be permitted purchase unit for less than the amount all payments are today no checks or credit cards there is no sales tax there is a 10% buyer's premium even dollar amounts only in other words if I say five fifty that's five hundred and fifty dollars not five dollars and fifty cents I do appreciate verbal bids so I know where they're coming from because if you're standing up to my side you raise your hand I don't see you don't count how much money are you gonna spend today George I don't know we'll see hopefully I know how much money I brought with me but I don't know how much I'm gonna spend I hope she doesn't buy anything big and heavy because now this used to actually be a steel factory implant and they actually have some antique cars still stored here and part of the facility and so unfortunately we're not allowed to bid on these yeah it's like a little it's a little kids train track I you know what this looks like this looks like an office like that would have been for the kids to play with like a dental office or a doctor's office so those totes are probably yeah this was like an office soon be a 500 beautify 5 out of 5 out of 5 ml 4 4 go forward to get 300 300 anywhere 3 3 go 3 now shoot to go to we yell $100 I got 10 15 15 anywhere 15 15 anywhere 50 $15 $15 15 yes we're full of $10 what's your number Hey look at all this there's an artist that actually have sculptures back in here you see this like an angel they're everywhere but babe I see him but we got to get to the next unit come on babe we're looking at all this cool stuff that actually isn't for sale max back there how's it smell oh yeah we've we've smelled some of those before you know 100 hundred or 100 now 70 values 75 50 give $25 to started there's no interest with this go on anyone interested you want to see you on less than 25 I would that's up to you alright who give $10 in ten ten your 10 let me look again then give 10 10 anywhere 10 10 10 10 yo 10 was even no one's even going no one's even going to yeah let me bless a lot of work [Music] [Music] there's a suitcase you like going through suitcases if 50 50 or 50 give 25 give 25 anywhere 25 give 20 2015 10 I got 10 now 15 15 anywhere 15 15 15 now 20 and 25 20 25 25 I said 20 you know what I did here yeah I got 25 there now 30 30 or 30 and 35 in 35 in 40 42 or 40 anywhere 40 40 40 40 40 40 I got 40 now 45 and 50 50 go 50 where 50 get 50 50 50 totally money come on 50 50 sold it 45 [Music] [Music] the unit that I've been on and he didn't realize that he was big against sweet oh nice one empty box is there something in there oh you got more fireworks oh nice you got more fire boost phone a boost on top of you and it's a little heavy let's see nothing okay did you find those all the Bell a lot to most but it's a lot to some dude no way a Mario monopoly is on the way fellas oh maybe why didn't you keep bidding why we could be at Dave and Buster's right now party napkins that is an idea pole a man of your car you do it's always Chipotle toothbrush for a chapo let's see we got a hammer sometimes if I have the patience we're changing our name it never changed so it's Ohio nineties vintage nice nice retro clothing hey check us out on se Ohio 90s Benson's how is it again oh wait 90 lowercase s capital D vintage gotcha gotcha check out the end of the video because literally there's some crazy stuff there easy stuff that happened here literally cannot believe it and this has been the most unorthodox unit I've auction I've ever seen I would never believe this stuff if somebody said it happened to them and they were at an auction the only way that I believe it is because it happens and we record it you've never seen it happen either have you Yeah right I was speechless look at this this looks like a heavy-duty coat here le le we gotta get you might have that one's gonna be up on that'll be up on the @c a bunch of garbage right at the barbecue spot and are you trying to say if he found breadsticks you would eat them it's Olive Garden yeah she would eat think you guys just heard that she said if there were Olive Garden breadsticks in that bag she would have eaten it from a unit that was my Jeremy Jeremy moment this is what she wanted to know she always wants to know what say anything that might be one of the cars the collectible cars next to us yeah haunted establishment got all kind of crazy stuff you guys are find outside yeah I didn't that the truth okay here we go we're gonna start off with a few nice little shoes look to be in decent condition but you with all the foreign names oh well you know if I knew how to read maybe I could say him to ya Chapel does the reading I'm probably there's a good guess if you were way off opening it what's your guess what do you think's in there I think a bunch of nice beautiful clothes these are something cool and a bunch of money and jewelry and breadsticks and yours there you go there you go whoa shoes shoes there's some Mickey Mouse shoes you know maybe I could restore these this would be right on the shop honestly weird is great we're just what sells is what sells like looks like a bunny issues can be issues with a bunch of NBA logos on up those are Timberland okay those are oh timberlands man I don't know if like somebody buy them but they will be up those are cool yeah whoa all right so we have a bunch of shoes I would like to be in a center at least like 125 minimum you know I would think cuz we can restore the major swing selling shoes on that too yes more my lane unless you have folders that's usually where we find the legal paperwork tells us why they lost it grayling they're usually arrested we're just gonna skim through this really quick because a little more but we'll just try to see if we can get a quick background on this guy okay I already pan down to not the show yeah beautiful family beautiful kids beautiful woman fun forces we just didn't we just didn't show picture we don't really have any Chicago Bulls Mitchell enough hopefully run through the wash you just dare he just dared you i I wouldn't I wouldn't put it on behalf it could be worse I could be licking ice cream right the viewers have no idea it's burning up up here he's burning cool thing was the that was your favorite oh yeah that was the favorite thing it says has a seven years $80 tag on it but we're gonna load it up it is hot what was the favorite thing that you saw from this unit that you didn't buy George but you bid on the luggages one got me intrigued my what about you know I've never never the material was like old Scotsman that's quality like I need Dave and Buster's coupons that's what I like yeah that's where it was that [Music] George for on a giant elevator with a bunch of people how does that make you feel it brings back memories like deja vu yeah back to California what do you think sweetie I think there's a laptop back to the left there's a laptop up to the left there's a lot of garbage yeah I don't like a lot of boxes in there 300 every tree goes through you get 200 here too to go to give $100 75 give 75 anywhere 75 and 50 if 50 50 go 50 we give $25 a certain I got 25 thank you sir and 35 go 35 anywhere 35 let me back there we value a 35 35 35 I'm surprised Apes help is jumping all over this I got 35 now 45 45 and 55 55 55 65 65 go 65 65 I got 65 75 75 go 75 75 I promise to take my wife out to lunch today folks I got something out 75 in 880 Oh 80 where you started the $5 180 ATO 81 give eighty yeah baby eighty how 85 go if I told it but now 90 90 90 90 anywhere $90 $90 everyone happy 90 bucks 90 bucks he's got to take his wife out to dinner helping my how literally just found a freaking laptop and it's heavy and let's hope it's not like bricks and metal and stuff this is in the second unit that you bought this is the second unit I've got small purchase today again $85 for this unit $85 versus the laptop Oh more god there's a whole wide screen looks like a heavy-duty last week how it is you just you just made your money back in this nice job thanks I learned from the best honestly nice job you got two of them I got two of them - you have two of them dude and George just put it out another box there's another box HP box that feels like something's in it it looks it says who I'm not even spoil it I'm not even spoiler says fragile it says fragile credulous it's a monitor nice whoa an HP monitor not bad [Music] wicker furniture anyone want to start out all right I got 20 bucks now 30 30 go 30 we is $30 3080 where 30 30 go 30 you I got 30 and 40 40 40 go 40 and 50 50 and 60 60 60 now 70 70 and 80 80 go 80 with you baby now nine ninety ninety and a hundred hundred hundred roll hunter Rudy give 100 out 100 110 ten 110 go 110 were to get 110 bender by 110 1010 110 110 110 anyone 110 110 you want ends 110 110 sold hundred bucks number seven weather if to to go to we have $100 and I don't think might want to sell it this morning what I got 20 now 30 30 or 30 specimens with that one chair do you want for the minimum on its minimal hey you got a bid for 20 so damn I did take the bid so I'm sorry too late now do you want to pull it for $20 yeah all right anybody wanted the what's the minimum bid thank you for 500 that's awesome oh I could talk about that nice though all right actually what it is when he says a minimum that's actually his bit so I have $100 I was just agreeing that he said yeah what the hell is going on okay [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 144,053
Rating: 4.8013945 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: cuseIi3Uoog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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