$3500 Storage Unit I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars / Mystery Unboxing

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this one did i see you peeking rough morning this morning huh george yeah pretty sad i was crying so sick to my stomach what happened vomiting the neighbors pit bulls got loose onto our property two adults to pray like two adolescents and got two of our chicken and i was just so disheartened so sickened i was crying and vomiting at the same time but it's about to get better because we're back in gainesville we came back to see leanne who's gifting us not one but this is the second this will be the second storage unit that we get to go through so to keep my mind preoccupied we're here to find some treasure and maybe some more chickens we're here at the u-haul located in gainesville florida with our friend leanne hello she's back liam we're back with leanne who wants to re-storage her storage units to us so this is the second one if you guys remember last week we did german and i did a competition of who can find the most profit in the unit and i think i want to do that again um leanne are you gonna help george cheat again this time absolutely yes and now we have it it's not cheating okay teamwork teamwork okay okay what do you have in the bag yeah i i brought some snacks cleaning out my pantry we love snacks so i have some snacks for beauty and the bees what oh for the pigs they love cheeses look at that they're gonna love it um should you let leanne know why we need these so bad right now well there's more mouths to feed we've got babies you've got babies i know what you two are doing you two are trying to make sure i don't win again but i've got the recipe for success i don't know what you're talking about jerry i have the recipe for success now one of the things we're going to have to do we're going to have to move some of this bigger furniture out agree don't even think that this is a choice okay this isn't my choice right now although i kind of impartial look at these those would look great on the uh screened-in porch look at those twinning those are amazing these would be great these are not my choice either although i love them okay what do you mean by choice uh because we're having a competition whoever finds the most profit wins so there are four so what you're saying is because you're touching it doesn't count exactly just fine you're just making elbow room just like in chess the move doesn't count until i take my finger off of it which i have not taken my finger off of the storage unit yet i'm still touching it so i'm just moving some of the cool stuff out and there goes the profit turkey for you and turkey for me okay um there are some really cool things in here they're big you know what let's um let's move this over here and then let's move this over here and how about that'll go in your new office how about i just think here a while cross my legs thank you wow about how the heels i'm going to win against two women figured it out would you figure out everything worth finding is in the bed stand the nightstand the bedroom nightstand the night bedroom the junk drawer all right are you ready here we go bam wait wait wait wait but this was leanne's dad's and he probably grew up through the great depression so he could have anything hidden in here true anything let me see let me see let me see oh there's something in the corner is there yeah what is it i can't see you're gonna have to pull it out for me oh you could blow your nose oh yes all right so uh vintage napkins what adventures napkins go for nowadays i'm not sure what do what vintage napkins what do they go for now oh um it depends on whose snot is in it well so like for you for example now it's gonna decrease the value really but any other celebrity it would increase the value but now that my snot's in there that's more flammable so you could use that as a fire starter that's got to have value for something would you say that was my grandmother's that was your grandma's yeah [Music] what was hiding in the corner i see is that your choice this is my well i'm moving this out of the way but okay i i wanted to point it out because i found a rocker just like this at an estate sale here in florida okay and now you have to now you better test it let's see what's what's going on here because the other one i've been sitting in it and uh oh that one's front heavy uh oh that one might be broken no it's not broken but it's gonna be perfect for the screened importer the other one is busted right in here and that one looks absolutely perfect but still not your choice still not my choice this competition is getting hot it's getting hot here leanne what did you want to share with us well what you guys are doing is going to save me over 300 a month which is my car payment so wow thank you okay so no thank you so storage units here's the crazy thing about storage units a lot of people pay a lot of money on storage units and you're paying over 3 500 a year on a storage unit a lot of times people pay more money than the actual items in the storage unit are worth now we're not saying that your items in there aren't worth that it's just saying as a generalization people could pay for 20 years on a unit like this and they could replace everything with two thousand dollars instead of paying twenty thousand dollars in a storage unit one so our viewers it definitely adds up and leanne was going to do a garage sale but with covet hitting this is going to save her even more money by restorating the love to us all right let's see what are you going to find next george i got my eyes on leanne did you tell her to grab this one okay all right so this one oh oh look at that paper uh you better open it you better no we're not moving anymore okay you better open it i love love love love you better open it and make sure that's what it is it is is it i don't have to open it i have leanne is it packaging supplies is it paper lean we have not opened that brand new in my eyes i can find the rules i'm winning uh only because you like packaging supplies for all the stuff you sell all the time i nerd out on it not bad not bad i got an inside scoop from whom a little birdie is helping me out an inside scoop i got an inside scoop from a little birdie i'm going i'm going down down down check this out that one is labeled this says records records handle it let's see oh man this could either be and damned this is your dance okay this is leanne's dad's had to check this time because last time i said yeah and it was great i said it was and it was great um yeah okay here we go we got the great band era look at that collector's edition oh man oh nice okay those are in there you know these are going to be in good condition those are those look good okay we've got the treasury of the golden west check that out does that mean anything to you symphony uh leanne is the artiste in this building uh-huh i don't know what that means but she does no doubt she does look at that they're all in there in the sleeves check nice out right there i can't believe it i can't believe it i've been looking for this no you haven't no you haven't all right you're right i don't think anybody's been looking for pop organ for quite some time now but if they were we got the varieties right here so that's pretty cool and then check this out look at this sydney black mugsy snappery errol i mean all these guys these are the names that what are you looking at my vintage air these are the names that everybody is looking for oh there we go in the group the kings of swings right there you remember when swing made a comeback in the 90s nice box coming back again what's your uh technique are you going smallmouth i'm gonna stick with small boxes you're not gonna go big box you didn't learn from the last time we had this competition okay here we go miscellaneous we haven't set up the table yet this one says miscellaneous kitchen i thought it said miscellaneous itching i thought it was miscellaneous itching what are you doing a makeshift table she is she's taking porcelain holiday sets and turning it into kind of dangerous turning it into a table oh oh man crap okay no that's not that's not crap that's for the shelling tree we're gonna add this to our challenge shelling tree shelling tree look there is a shell that's going on the shelling tree [Music] well you live in florida so you probably get them everywhere don't you no i mean we go to the beach once or twice a year and lift your hair so you forgot to put deodorant on other areas she actually just she sprayed it oh my goodness okay i know i smell bad not that bad it's jolly pine i don't know that it's all that jolly right now now i have to sniff that now that we have your office set up we can search for clips we can start loading you up with uh with some paper clips i just need an actual desk area or a table maybe we'll find one in this unit today maybe maybe that or we're just going to use we're just going to make a desk or a table out of these porcelain sets here need a stapler yes yes is that a swing line yep that's an old one nice very very vintagey okay i need one of those too oh that was her name do you think it's safe to look in there it's probably my daughter's nickname okay we're good we got some jewelry okay check to see if that's gold if it's gold what do you think gold doesn't feel like gold give it a taste could be gold plated better taste it better taste it give it a lick see if it tastes like you look it you lick it yukon cornelius would have done it it was mine and i wouldn't lick it nope what is this you don't remember those no old typewriter manual typewriter you have to erase something she's too young oh so this is the chair that's an eraser so when i was when i was cleaning it off a typewriter yeah it had the backspace yeah so anything prior to that yeah no when she was introduced to it leanne it was on texting on a phone that was her typewriter now when i first started working at the age of seven six four team actually three three uh i was introduced to a typewriter then okay all right some really cool miscellaneous stuff in here yeah this is this is uh definitely a juncture america i can definitely use the uh cling wrap listen to george she's talking crap from cling wrap [Music] uh there's plenty of cling wrap there oh oh ancient cell phone no it's actually a remote direct tv remote directv well now i know what we're going to do on break time i was going to start a remote lot yes you already did start that was my mom's old friend hey leanne 1980s is calling now if i uh can get anything off of this i'm gonna take it so what you could do you could throw that on ebay there's all the there's basically gold refiners will buy old cell phones and there's little little pieces of gold in there and it takes forever to get it off but you got to have a lot of phones to sell them yeah well we do have a bunch of them okay we're finding some doors oh you're really old potholders potholders yeah i mean those are really really like these are your grandmas usually we find mary jane holders so you know pot holders are good too [Laughter] you're like not my units jeremy not my units you're not going to fight all the old party lights well we're not going to be able to smell anything after she just sprayed me with jolly pine all i can smell is jolly pine right here the rest in here i see matches and there's some more uh candles paperwork that i'll get out like in there okay big bunny yeah whatever whatever leanne wants from these units will definitely let her keep it and restored it back to her you should have learned by now george going for the big boy oh look at what it says come around around jeremy what's this say it says you hails size matters that's why you picked it didn't you that is why what are you gonna do with that shell well right now i'm using it to shave and then you see what i just did right you're going to use it as your queries i learned this from the ancient indians this is one of the techniques that um i've picked up in my years of wilderness experience it's working well it was for a second there ah there we go he's just gonna manhandle the rest uh one of the beautiful things about shells is we can use them as problem solving tools or we can just put them around the tree one or the other oh look at this i just found a party in a box i just found a party in a box you found paper clips i found red solo cup i'll fill you up look at this red green remember i'm color blind you know what we could use those for purple we'll put pig feet in it or start having the pig eat out of our hands out of the cup black black i'm colorblind thank you okay but i think you're being extra about it i'm extra colorblind thank you look at that everybody wants us to fork the pigs which when they first started leaving comments about that i thought they were being a little obscene but um but i tried to actually get george to fork the pigs yesterday and she would not take the fork out and fork the pigs so there are some party forks and i see some candles look at this look at that what's that number one zero okay what's that number zero one okay um i think we even got a happy birthday sign here i mean we got our birthday's coming up we got a full party party box here i mean we are ready we are ready for your fifth birthday [Laughter] that or we can celebrate we can celebrate the pigs i think you mean you'll be turning five in march i just old for my age is what it is you going big medium or small uh i think i'm gonna stick with the small oh really right there this is leanne brings the light to the party right there check that out and this one's not labeled no it's labeled i saw it you just didn't read it i'm not going to talk oh she found it that might be a winning box right there some of the older kerosene lamps depending on what it is they have value so it's like anything in life some things like a lot of people told us the cast iron that we found in the unit is worth money but what they don't know is what we know we know who the manufacturers were those cast iron that wasn't worth anything uh you've got to have the right kerosene lamp here's another stapler for your you are on a roll definitely not kerosene lamp you got to have the right kerosene lamp to actually have something worth money so if it's the right one i don't know that you're going to find kerosene lamp in there those are cool those are george just found money she found a dollar how cool is that she just found a dollar would you like this back or should we add it to our shelling tree add it to your shelling tree all right that's going in the shelling tree that looks cool whatever it is here's a fishing hole mug the perfect fishing hole it looks cool do we dare tell leanne about the uh the golfing book that we found yeah we better not we better be off camera uh we found i'm gonna tell her right now we found a book in your brother stuff it's a instructural book on golfing and uh it sells for about a hundred dollars do you want to know why why because it's a completely and totally nude golf training book no joke that would have been my brother yeah no joke we knew we knew immediately it was your brothers yeah and george goes i gotta look this up and we were shocked hundred dollars for the book it was it was selling for a hundred bucks made published in the 80s what is this uh that's a rib rack potato and rib rack this is for future we haven't had a wild hog yet so yes it's gonna be [Laughter] we love the little critters a little bit too much to eat them oh man look at all this some more holders oh more packaging supply you found more yeah i think i found some air oh she's making out on air oh that might be your is that your kerosene all right let's see what is it what is it this one is that's a lamp light lamp light farms okay and then the other one oh oh man you almost saw first hand you almost saw firsthand liam was like what's this doing i almost dropped this okay so we got two lamplight farms are there numbers anything on them to my knowledge you know how they had these so we had these on the back porch and then it would hang up decorations and then that would hang on it guess where these are gonna go so on our screen yeah so i've never i've never heard of this brand having any value probably decorations yeah these were probably my guesses they were for decor although they might be full functional too and they look like they are but you'd have to see if you can open them we'll have to check them out later but again kerosene lamps you have to have the right lamp to have value not a bad box there george i liked it this one did i see you peeking uh yeah actually i did peek what are you gonna do about it is that even allowed i don't think so jeremy you got help uh i think so jeremy check this out okay vintage electronics now i don't know exactly i don't know exactly what's going on with each one of these pieces what i can tell you is vintage electronics are hot hot hot hot right now now hot with two teeth there's something wrapped around this whether it be paper towel or i don't know what it is this is an old sound design am fm two-band radio and again off the top of my head i have no idea what it's worth we'd have to do so we'd have to do the research you always go to your soul to get your comparatives or your comps on ebay now there's that's not the only one so check this out here is i have never seen do not use this see that that's what i always tell you don't use not a handle it's not a handle so here is a direction finder an old emerson multi-band receiver again i don't know that i've ever seen one like this i don't know that i actually have and i don't know what the value is off the top of my head what what you typically want to look at in the old electronics you want to hope that the batteries aren't left in there because a lot of times they'll explode but those but those these didn't explode your your areas where you're going to have more explosions are usually going to be up north where the colder weather and then the batteries actually explode so this while it's missing the antenna uh it does have the cord it has the back don't again don't know what it's worth probably has some value now let's see we got magnavox speakers this might actually be the most valuable thing right here okay let me semi automatic turntable let's see who the maker is let's see who the maker is um it's magna boss but i got a speaker here that won't let go hold on to the the speakers aren't worth anything the turntable is what's worth something i'm too short i can't reach in there all right here we go we've got look at this sealed old cassette tapes nice now for most people right now they're going oh my goodness so what these are probably this is probably 10 bucks these three tapes sealed 10 bucks right there old 80s stuff if you don't believe us look it up look it up if you don't believe it look it up okay check that out that's actually pretty cool looking record player turntable magna box look at that that beautiful dust and dirt that's got vintage all over it you know what else that looks like to me that looks like profit uh nice there's no doubt i'm beating you you figure it out i think so because that one that one isn't closed so you knew exactly what you were gonna get with it i figured since you were peeking last then i can take a peek all right well let's see what you got then this is how much more we have to go once we removed all that furniture really opened things up and let's see oh now i know why you went for it why did i go for it because it has leanne's dad's ties in it and you like tie lots that's why when i was doing comps on some of the ties yeah oh my goodness some of them sell for crazy money crazy and i don't know what brands do do you um the the one thing that i remember is the all silk ties those do better yeah was dad a lover of silk did he love his ties he wore them yeah for church well that might be another one of his bibles right there oh yeah do you want to do you want to give this to the church if it is no that's a grooming kit that's a grooming kit wow didn't you just sell one of these on ebay for 35 i don't know do you remember i think so recently you probably see more than i do you're in the ebay more than i am yeah remember i just buy i don't sell i don't have enough time to hear some belts i can definitely add these to about lot i didn't start about lots there's leanne's purse and then are these your purses or mom's that would have been them these are mine okay mom's purses this is like the leather box right here it is getting hot in here it's getting hot in here you know over here i feel like i'm in an oven right now i feel like i've been in the oven for quite some time i think this is a good box my knees are even sweating the back of my knees are sweating that are that that's that's not a bad box what do you think did it be my previous box no definitely not oh check this out next patty whack give a dog nothing because we don't have a dog but we got plenty of cheez-its for the pigs now they're going to be one happy piggies so thank you family leanne is now uh official grandma so because she's spoiling the pigs yes so those pigs were so fun i drove an hour and a half to go get those pigs to adopt them to adopt them they were watching them to the hails ranch they were wild caught on a farmer's property and then a young lady rescued them and then she's going to the national guard and then we rescued them yeah so we're having a ton of fun with them oh george you know what i'm thinking you know what i'm thinking what are you thinking all right you ready here we go oh geez here we go let's see what we got your juggling skills might be uh not bad right it might be a little rusty okay all right but if i were to do it with this strawberry raspberry tea lamb i definitely wouldn't recommend you just like that and this coaster tell this man no no all right ready here we go don't you even think about it don't even okay all right whoa almost dropped it okay so we got an apple cinnamon tea it's a teapot look at that oh that's so cool it's never been open still sealed that's interesting okay this is piece of glass that goes on a lamp this is a decorative uh trivet and there's another one in here and then here is a lighted tee house oh that's so bunny and light tree house oh that would for easter people would love that uh-huh i did start an easter lot and a christmas lot did you start a lent flop when does lent start it already started oh what what are you giving up all right so she's giving up bacon you know this woman aches for weeks all right never never all right so it's gonna be hard um two things that would be very very difficult to give up are sweets barbecues and pork because she's this is a specially wrapped and labeled this has to be something i know oh look at that ceramic look at you mr from nuts being extra cautious no i'm just going to juggle it in a second and a ceramic dog made in japan oh so occupied japan is always better than yeah something to look for occupied japan you know she might have put her needles in there i think that's for your needles put your needles in there oh cool little hidden treasures everywhere in here huh that could easily go into a sewing lot found one of the coolest things ever here that is so neat okay now this thing is big and heavy and bulky but bring it out into the light how cool this is oh i'm about to shed some light on this competition okay so leanne was this your mom had this in a certain spot yeah she had it on the back porch it still works but the little glass pieces need to go back in yeah so you got to put the glass pieces this this cord is is huge george this could be so cool on the ranch in so many different places we'll fix we'll fix the glass we'll get the glass back it's definitely going to go to a good home and then let's see oh it's a pushing button bam just like that this i i think this could win the entire competition just right there you better come back strong last chance to bring home the win for team george you think you can do it this box is labeled to the house not storage oh that might be a good one that might be a really good one that's a tiny box it is a small box and it has leanne's name on it all right let's see leanne's name and it's breakable if i restore this one um that puts me in the lead right yeah you know what restoration restoration the love is always in the lead it's priceless jack these knickknacks out i think these might be some of leanne's favorites here oh yeah to the house not storage but they made it to storage somehow this one looks gold gold-plated gold-plated this might be leanne's old tea party set leanne how many tea parties would you host as a little girl i have had some but my mom collected this oh the box is labeled to the house not storage do you want this setback it's a whole set or you don't know whatever's in here this was mine that right there did you make it no i have no idea where it came looks like a planter yeah probably what it was little knickknacks george has her hand filled with breakables all right let's see you juggle i want to see you both juggle now tag team juggling tag team juggling okay here we go more breakables no no no times three yeah she definitely did i just said yeah yeah said to house leanne's breakables yeah yeah george i think that one is in your hand that goes on that saucer oh yeah that massive i pulled some out from my aunt but those are still in my house i haven't given them too yet do you want to keep the box then look at that let's see let's see what this one is this could be the cup the cup that everybody's been looking for the holy you might have just found the holy grail george they have that would put me wait wait there's two of them this is unfair you two versus me they both have holy grails all i have all i have is turkey feet turkey legs [Laughter] yeah these these are going home with me but they never made it there they made it to storage they're gonna make it they're gonna make it now they're gonna make it now restoration the love wins this time cheese it toasty easter toasty look at this look at this beast you have you have oh beauty you have an adoptive grandma there's there's bacon bacon strips bacon bits and burnt bacon i think do you think we can get them i'm not going to start them so i'm just going to throw them beast you be good all right i'm just going to throw it all right you see if you can get them be good look you got plenty right next to you oh mama george is feeding the babies you have an adoptive grandma named leanne who's been thinking about you you look at this grandma is spoiling these pigs i got them to eat grandma leanne is actually spoiling the brand new babies too look at that that's bacon strips bacon bits that's burp bacon [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 95,681
Rating: 4.9256849 out of 5
Id: cv6CI9iL3XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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