ONE SQUARE City! NO ESCAPE!! (Cities: Skylines ONE Tile Challenge)

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can we grow a city in one square absolutely huge what can we reach what are you reckon leave some comments below how many citizens you think we can squeeze into this one square and first of all what I would like to do is flatten this thing out and just so we don't lose track of where this is I'm just thinking of running a fence on the outside of this whole thing well messing around with that wasn't a good idea hopefully that'll sink nice and low but I think we'll be okay so let's connect this together so people can happily get in and out let's grab the eight lane road through the middle of our city I think that would be a good idea because this place is gonna get super super super super busy oh it's got a lovely bridge look at that when it goes across the water I should use this one more often so we're gonna have a couple of cross roads over here look the water's still coming I thought we'd solve that problem I'm gonna have a couple of ways to get across here there we go and we might even connect these up as well there we go I think our water problems are sorted now we've got the main backbone of our city here and this lovely triple Junction bridge thing going on which yeah I think that looks very interesting right let's grid this thing up she's not getting sick of this water no matter how low I make it it just keeps flooding all over the place I'm just wondering whether we could stick in a dam you know we haven't done a damn since the last episode let's just sort of flatten this pit over here so it's the same height if we can just block off the whole of this river that would just be fantastic let us purchase this square over here just for the sake of blocking off all of that so that can just stop everything I'd be pleased with that just so I can get me downloads finish a sneaky flippin water look the dam has slowed down the flow here which is just what we want in our sneaking around the back coming round the field what do I have to do to control there we go that's where all the water has to run into please just disappear in one one please just disappear into there that would just be great if you could do that for me thank you very much okay didn't say it was gonna be pretty but we've covered our square with loads every single bit is got building areas on it yeah there we go I know how to grammar English properly as well we just need to make sure that all of these people have water there we go the last one that the whole thing is covered in water pipes excellent and hopefully we've got enough water pipes here we go of course we need to connect them all together hopefully we've then got enough water to keep up with our city excellent we are gonna go for high-density just like everywhere so we're just gonna start filling this in and hopefully people are gonna start quite happily moving into our new city they're all complaining about lack of water because at the moment we have no power no water what city what we're gonna do for power I'd really use it but we're gonna have a nuclear power plant in here somewhere let's say that this is all industry this along here we'll have some commercial in between and we'll see where that we can actually make this city self-sufficient as well and that is gonna give us loads and loads of them now fine so now we can start growing we've already nearly at 2,000 people look Oh celebratory sip of tea was cut short because of the huge traffic inflow of people coming in oh my goodness me yeah yeah to come and find this new place well that's okay it's gonna happen but let's keep them happy they need services we are gonna go for some large services and hopefully cover a big area so we want that we want death care we're gonna have a death care in each of these sections I reckon to try and sort of keep on top of it let's just concentrate on this section here for now and then a police station we're gonna go for a morose if police state is that cover like the whole city yeah it covers about a third will have a massive police station in there to deal with all of those problems oh that was fire wasn't it beg your pardon this will be a police station we'll have a massive police station let's move up a bit further there we go so that should start dealing with all dear crime rate is high do not worry crime rate will be going down very very soon right this is all going to be shots let's get shots in there and then industry we said was going to be in this section over here so let's start with this bit here right by the motorway and it's right by the power yeah yeah there we go they're moving in it's just plain old industry plain old industry and of course we can connect to the train line is there a train line around here somewhere Wow is there no train line no why let's have a look at this there is no train line well there we go that's a surprise still got a huge need for more shops and as long as we keep up with these needs there we go we should keep on expanding we should keep on expanding trash of course everyone's complaining about the trash let's get some incinerator plants over here let's put in a couple right there there we go next to sellafield after they go legions of them running off to do the trash be interesting to keep an eye on the traffic 81% and dropping and these are complaining not enough workers well there will be once we get some education in that is something we haven't done yet the university we're definitely gonna need more than one high school I'm gonna put let's see a high school near these guys and a high school near those guys because that will keep them happy and then elementary school I reckon to down here and two up there because it's gonna be so many people moving in and they need to get educated don't they so yeah there we go capacity lots of capacity lots of capacity lots of capacity excellent how are people feeling commercial not so pleased while we know why that is so hopefully they'll sort themselves out and we're going to turn off traffic lights and just keep that moving there we go in and out no problem at all traffic to me looks absolutely fine what is it let's just check what have we got tell me 80% I can't complain at that and we haven't even put in any public transportation that was sort of cover the most area and that sort of covers those two oh look at all my shops they've all moved we've zoned far too much commercial that was not a good idea let's get some more residences up here I think because we're growing so much we're always gonna have traffic coming into the city it's the only way into the city at the moment until we maybe get some ferries or something now I don't quite how we're gonna do that because this is the square where this see where this fence goes we've got this just slightly outside the city just to try and help us out with the water but that means I can't do something up here so I'm not quite sure yeah ferries and things like that an outside connection to staff I've sort of blocked it off overnight like ships what about a cargo aeroplane cargo plane cargo Airport that might be a good idea can we fit our we've got to fit that removed these ones as well so we're losing a lot of space but this is basically the only way I'll there we go that fits perfectly in the middle there it's the only way we're gonna get cargo in and out of the city I think and if we put in one of those in what about an International Airport oh it's so big I just think a normal Airport this side here would fit in just get that sort of in the middle as well so now we can get people coming in tourists and visitors and we can also have our car go from there why are you not sharing let's visit ooh you're literally right next door to each other there we go first cargo Airport is off excellent oh that's really good and suddenly we've like got a whole load of needs again which is exactly what we want so let us fill in these areas here and in celebration I'm gonna give them another little park let's put it where there's no one living just yet oh sorry sorry about your house my apologies look at the view look this is growing so well and hand-on ha I've not touched him on master since starting this at all Wow this is going absolutely brilliant right I just feel some more people in let's let's fill this in in here there we go how's traffic garyun 71% ok so possibly some traffic issues do you know what we can do to deal with that we have some public transportation options we've got trams okay so our tram comes along the bottom here it goes up through the middle of this section runs along the top and goes down here I'd like to get these two connected up if at all possible there we go perfect that's great and that goes in one nice great big loop around our city okay here it goes our first tram around the city how much this is going to affect all the traffic in the city and now we're heading up into the busiest part of our city here we go which has been growing out rather nicely and expanding and people love a good tram routes as well that is absolutely fantastic there we go we can see all the people waiting hundreds hundreds waiting down here is really good so I think we need even more than eight and I think that's how we do it down here yes double we're gonna double that there we go again we have more needs so let us keep on growing what are we up to twelve thousand he's not bad at all let's put in some more shops and it will have this as no as a lovely little place to live right by the noisy highway okay I could be nice I could upgrade these two sound barriers go on let's do that let's think of the poor people that live here now do we have policies that can help us because money is no object I'm really not worried about all of that so smoke detector distribution definitely increasing the amount of trams you've got to three times the amount there's so many people waiting for trams how is the aeroplanes going over here they are buzzing lots of people coming lots of people go in so how about we have this little area up here let's have this as a nice tourist trap how about that and then how about we have a leisure section this one over here a letter set leisure letter section leather leisure I can't speak that should cheer some people up Wow a lot of these are actually growing quite big aren't they yeah they are expanding 17,000 something we don't have yet is office zone and we'll get some nice tool IT buildings which are going to give us a ton of money and it's gonna make it really hard for people landing their planes but I think they're gonna manage it I think they're gonna manage it not too many complaints No stick in here the Botanical Gardens look at that that has got a fantastic area of affect people are going to absolutely love the Botanical Gardens we just passed 20,000 people in our city oh we've got a huge IT look at that the IT sector is growing jannat I'm actually genuinely surprised that this is working so well I I really know that's not what I want now I really can't believe how well this is working I'm really really pleased I'm really really pleased are we getting some people that are sick let's take a look to make sure we're filling all of the needs that we have oh my goodness industry fire coverage is horrendous let's take care of that let us pop our prison in we are gonna have this smack bang next door to the airport so if you all caught trying to smuggle stuff in it's a quick trip man the corner straight into prison I think that's a good idea and then we can also get some of our helicopters stuff in over here as well if we can squeeze that in let's have that one there and let's have our fire helicopter one oh yeah look at that that will fit in nicely over there excellent they can cross over pick up the water head out to the city and solve everybody's problems brilliant of course with money being no issue we have access to all of the monuments in our city the castle of lordship wink is one of my most famous famous favorite ones it has a global entertainment value off the chart right at the end there we go and have as many people as possible come to visit this area the ultimate recycling plant Wow there we go excellent the Doomsday vault let's pop it in over here we also have the Hadron Collider education is provided to all citizens we are seriously running out of space the case of the education needs of our citizens all we've got capacities of millions it's all taken care of fantastic let's take care of all the medical needs of our citizens as well medical needs taking care of everybody it's all available come farm and wides the Eden Project removes pollution from land sea and air and also helps everybody upgrade look at all these people moving in everyone's so happy to come into our city there we go the Eden Project in the area over here where people want to come and visit the high districts which is a very nice place that is stuffed full of hotels as far as the eyeballs can see the space elevator I believe this takes care of all the education always an influx of tourists look at that absolutely perfect then we can pop some streets back in again one Street there and one Street the middle there brilliant and that is gonna give us an influx of tourists that want to come and see it and it's like past like near our airports brilliant absolutely brilliant we have more needs look at that the more they grow the more other people are upgrading their houses and stuff like that as well oh that is brilliant I mean we've nearly filled every single flippin square yeah oh we haven't filled this bit down here look right this is prime real estate now behind the airport look at how many planes are coming in so many planes let's try and make the best use of this here because we're running out of space suddenly Real Estate's is worth billions because there's nowhere left to build your houses there we go that's all covered now the pilots have become experts in being out to land their planes in amongst high-rise buildings and we're gonna put that to the test there we go you know what's coming next don't you we're gonna have this area here completely filled to the brim with IT buildings that is the plan there we go it's filling up it is filling up the pilots are having Connection fits because they're wondering how on earth they're gonna take off with all the buildings there this guy's gonna go for it did it ever go I tell you let's get in the plane we are now inside the plane we are taxiing we're actually hanging off underneath the plane where Ethan hunts hanging off the plane we go in for it oh we just about made it that was like thrilling stuff there Wow look at the view of the city when you're up this high in the plane oh my goodness me and I I've got to be honest I'm surprised it's managed to grow this much without demand master at all look at it look at it fantastic okay we're gonna give these guys some services over here no one's moving in just yet there we go that'll attract people to move in here and let's give them some power as well oh it's so close to getting power over here let's do that there we go excellent look at all these people coming in oh my goodness me and then let's have a look what if we go we could have cable cars hey we could have cable cars going for one side of the river to the other oh my goodness me we have to do that cable car stop cable car end of line stop yes please I'll have one there let's bring our cable car across yeah that's gonna connect yeah they're good oh good that's gonna connect over there our fantastic cable cars across the river should we do them all the way along let's do another one over oh yeah let's do another one over here tell me what you know having all this stuff crammed into this small area is making the game start to crawl which is really weird which is really weird what am I using on my PC let's have a look while I'm doing this let's connect that up to there there we go only 37% CPU 60% memory there we go another cable car and yeah cable cars across there okay what else could we add oh we haven't got Postal Service in yeah there we go okay every section has a post fan post is being collected and moved around limps oh we're gonna have blimp fantastic people are already waiting to take the blimps so that we don't have his metro now that would be a good addition to the city wouldn't it why every section has a metro I'm not entirely sure the best way of connecting all of these up what is your problem why can't I connect to my metro is it because of the water you see if you're gonna say I can't build in the water you haven't heard of Anarchy have you this has to be the best metro network I have ever made and I know that's going to be the case because once I put all of these stops in there's gonna be so many people that want to use it look everyone's so happy the like yay the ridiculously convoluted metro is here there we go we've got one metro line that takes in all of these stops fantastic people are gonna absolutely love it I tell you they will they where why are these people moving out oh we've got such a big need for industry but these are all getting abandoned I tell you I'm gonna do I'm gonna take out this section here and we're gonna make this commercial we're really trying to squeeze every last ounce out of this square block that we've got here let's see what we can do well I'm gonna risk it I'm gonna try and put something right smack bang in the middle of the river this could go horribly wrong hey there we go we have Liberty Island right in the middle that is fantastic there we go of course we've really really ought to have aa football in here somewhere but again that's gonna take up a huge chunk of space I think we're gonna have to just deal with it let's get rid of that road there oh that is perfect there we go we have got I've gone for the basic one just because it doesn't take up as much space as F&E house we're gonna put all of these on because we don't care how much it cost we're gonna make it free and we're gonna get people visiting this as much as possible Wow [Applause] sixteen hundred people let's have a look at our stops here we go these are the people our waste at the top 584 that one um I'm gonna just max that out yeah we're gonna max that out thousand people let's have a look at our stops loads of people there I've maxed the trams out limbs lots of people I've also maxed those out as well so that is why you can see so many blimps flying around our city it seems me that many maybe they're still waiting to come out and what about the trams let's zoom in another look over this trams everywhere look absolutely everywhere what have we hit 45,000 people we're so close to 50,000 people I think we're gonna do it you know oh yeah how's the traffic 57% we increased it by 7% from the 50% it was before I mean I did not build this with traffic in mind I just built it because I built it I could that metro line there it's like a it's like a roller coaster the other side again that would make you feel sick wouldn't it we're so close we are so close to hitting 50000 come on another couple of people we're gonna do it come on game you can do it for nine eight - seven more people yeah 50,000 we've absolutely hit it 50,000 people in this square what did you put in the comment below let me know I've got a few little things on here coming along here we now have yet we don't have the Colossus here we now have this great big castle thing I can't remember the name of we now have a few things in the water to get power I think this city looks absolutely fantastic look at that look at that how about that for a challenge what are your reckon if you enjoyed it hit the big B with the T stain check out some of my other challenges on screen as well and I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna revisit this city at some other point and we are gonna try and fit everything in the game in one square how about that for a challenge as well thank you very very much for watching and I will see you all very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,983,919
Rating: 4.7807913 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines one square size, cities skylines single square, cities skylines challenge, building a one tile city, building a one tile city in cities skylines, cities skylines, biffaplays, biffa plays cities skylines, cities skylines disaster, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines disasters, cities skylines funny city, cities skylines city, cities: skylines, challenge, biffa plays, biffa, building my own city, cities skylines industries, biffa2001, 1 tile city, 1 tile
Id: nrOsd2N9uZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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