How To Win At Chess, Episode 6 (Elo 900-1600)

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welcome back to how to win it chess a series where  i take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute games   and i go up the rating ladder walking you through  the opening middle game and end game the next   three episodes of this series will be sponsored  by surf shark so i'm gonna tell you a little   bit about them and then we'll get to the content  surf shark is a vpn or a virtual private network   which allows you to encrypt your connection to the  internet so that you can browse it privately and   anonymously we edit this part in by the way so i'm  wearing something different sorry a vpn is great   if you travel for business or pleasure you'll be  able to access certain websites abroad that might   be restricted otherwise you can also log into  sensitive portals like bank accounts without any   concern if you're just a regular user at home you  can access certain streaming websites like hulu or   netflix and get catalogs that are not available  in every single country also using a vpn could   allow you to avoid ads if you select the right  countries but i probably shouldn't tell you that   we can just edit this part out and the best  part unlimited devices not three not five not   ten unlimited something that other vpns cannot  promise you you interested in surf shark take a   look at the link in the description below use the  promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off and three   free months that comes out to 2.49 and if you  hate it you got 30 days to get your money back   let's get back to the video here we  go we have black in the first game   bobby's rated uh 9 26 plays e4 uh i'm gonna  go with the e6 b6 setup because somebody   just requested it so e6 b6 is a setup  based opening that you can play against   anything and the point is that you delay putting  a second pawn into the center your bishop targets   the center like this you can basically play  this setup against any of white's first moves   so it doesn't matter if they play king's pawn  queen's pawn both of the queen spawns bishop   b7 and now the point is with the pressure on  this center if they just develop naturally   with the two knights your idea is to put the  bishop out on b4 to pressure the knight which   will ultimately pressure this pawn this is the  only piece protecting the center pawn uh and uh   that is what you do really depends though we  have to monitor how our opponent develops here   thing about setup based openings is they look  easy to play but not always the case bishop d3   is a natural move i continue with bishop before  if a3 i'm more than willing to make this swap   uh and then we will figure out what to do  the thing is you you don't really want to   rush with the move knight f6 in a lot of  positions because with the two pawns in   the center white can go e5 in this case white  cannot do that because this pawn actually hangs in a lot of the situations when the  bishop is on f1 it is protected but   that is like kind of the trick of the long  range here a lot of lower rated players   will blunder the g2 pawn and get their  rook trapped but still the game goes on   but bishop d3 is actually a good move  rather than lazily developing the knight but knight f6 of course is possible and in a lot  of situations you actually put your knight on e7   so right now i'm not baited into taking i don't  need to take uh knight e7 uh and then at the same   time knight f6 is also okay why is this trade  good with a3 well your alternative is to just   go back because if you go here you get trapped  so there's no reason to waste all this time   um i think i will just continue my development  with knight e7 i'm going to show you all   the idea of this it's like when you castle  your knight your pawn and your rook all support   the advancement of the f pawn which combined  with the bishop moving sorry with the bishop   standing on b7 the f-pawn moving this is the  way you'll fight for the center uh so if a3   will make this swap we will castle and we will go  f5 every opening with black has its pros and cons   the con of this opening is that white has a lot  of space uh and you will need to learn how to how   to deal with that and not get overwhelmed  by that but with black i mean no opening   is is perfect uh okay castle in a lot of  situations if white plays this very aggressively   uh there can also be something on h7 which is a  little bit unpleasant but um c5 in the future yeah   that's the but you know again that's one of the  positives of this opening is that black can play   with any of these pawns really uh and and has  a very flexible decision also black can play d6   and then e5 to try to close the center  so well either this person is alpha zero   or is just a little bit too brave for their own  good um the general rule of thumb in the modern   day of chess is that you just play the h pawn  two squares and you hope for the best so either   this person is lit like literally just an engine  or uh i is i'm not accusing i'm just i'm joking   because this move doesn't look like it makes  any sense but i guess you know uh we're gonna   continue with our plan with f5 and we're gonna  hope for the best so um and that's that's that so chad how we doing youtube how we doing i decided  that for uh for for these for these episodes   it's better if just chat makes me laugh and  then we don't encourage any any crazy trolling   um otherwise it will require stricter moderation  and this is mostly for instructional value have i ever played the accelerated dragon i have  finally this trade occurs now big decision what   do we do with this if anything do we take or do  we push and force the bishop to move backwards   so on the one hand pushing does force a retreat  and i i like it on the other hand then i kill all   my pressure on the center my alternative is to  take and then replace the knight on this square   at the same time i can do nothing but developing  the knight here is another kind of byproduct of   this opening which is unpleasant my knight will  block my bishop so i'm actually going to take   i'm going to take because i like to activate  my pieces and take a little bit more space   long term this pawn on f4 it's not so clear  what it's doing uh because the thing is for   one move you attack a piece but it's a very  short-sighted plan in my opinion and once the   bishop just retreats and the queen moves and  if white castles this way which i'm assuming   will happen considering white already  advanced the pawn on their king side this capture on e4 and now again this trait is  fine you might think well d5 is a good move d5 is   another consideration to just attack the bishop  but then the bishop goes back and what have we   accomplished very short-sighted move we've blocked  our own bishop so i actually think i will take   and then i will move my knight into  the middle and now when this knight   comes out we don't need to worry  about blocking our own bishop   now the question is where do i put my horsey and  another idea is not go d5 here because again very   short-sighted the knight just moves out of the way  it hits this and this pawn will just become weak   we like our structure a bit more flexible  a little bit more back not over extended um i guess i'm i don't know it's re i have no idea  which one of these moves is better and again i   don't even need to play that i can just develop  my knight i don't know see this is a situation in   a 10 minute game where you don't need to spend  like all your time i also can go here and here   for example and and route my queen to this side  hitting these two i don't know i'm just gonna   develop like i said it's it's not a position you  can spend all your time you will never figure out   the perfect perfect perfect move so we're up  one minute on the clock we're going to try   to maintain that time advantage as the game is  going on now i anticipate this happening right   so what if i play the move like  a5 a move like a5 or even b5 because i'm expecting the queenside castle and  i can play b5 and b4 and then we're gonna kind   of get get the show oh i didn't even realize  that we weren't playing music sorry twitch there's your music you guys get music uh my bad i thought it was playing this whole time so i'm anticipating that and there it is so uh  b5 it's gonna get exciting this is uh this is   prime time opposite side castling pawn play here  see anticipated what they were gonna do now we're   playing b5 before trying to create something  queen d3 not a bad move actually queen d3   it's a very good move trying to attack my  pawn and maybe knight g5 trying to mate me   okay i'm thinking rook behind the pawns  i'm also thinking just run straight through   knight g5 is a very annoying looking move actually knight g5 g6 there's also  this if knight g5 knight f5   oops knight g5 knight f5 there could be this move queen d3 okay uh let's go rook b8 let's go to b8  maybe i could have sacrificed this pawn   maybe i could have just went here  preventing this move entirely and then but i don't know we'll  see we'll see if first of all if   my opponent plays that i mean i i don't  know if they will but maybe they will maybe don't know so far we're just thinking  i'm i i do believe that this is the best move rook h3 what this it's a strange move rook h3 is a is a is a i don't think that's a very  good move i think i think knight g5 was stronger   knight g5 is not a maiden two no no no it's  not a maiden two because i would block it well i mean i think i should go night here i think  i think this move is by far the most flexible and then um i appreciate the donation i said in my  first year tournament in years i beat a 1280 i be   i almost beat in 1900 but i lost and you're over  you almost beat a 1900 and your over-the-board   rating is 690. wow okay that is extremely  impressive congratulations very very nice   i mean i don't think you're 600 i think that's  just the old rating but you should just make a new just make a new thing just make it like a new  just sign up for a new you know with a new d5 okay what if i play knight e5 see if i take he  takes with check and then if i i mean you can   you really shouldn't block a check with a rook if  it can be attacked because then there is knight g5   so this is a last resort a lot of people  snap take don't snap take go knight e5 don't snap take a lot of people with snap take i don't like  snap taking and just for the record i could have   taken take king h8 but i still don't want  to activate the queen i prefer to go here um although now that i'm looking at it now that i'm looking at it there is a move here  that i that i find extremely unpleasant for myself and that is the move well the point is that now my knight is under  attack and the rook has opened up to my queen   so there are two threats the first  threat is to take the knight for free   the second threat is to take  the pawn opening up this i think this is a very well trained  very well educated 900 rated player hmm very strong 900 queen f6 is a very good move uh queen f6 is a very good move  if you want to lose a queen so i'm thinking i go d6 take okay so i'm setting a trap a hundred percent that's the best move a hundred  percent it's not to take it's to go here realizing   i cannot defend this with anything and then and  we work we're gonna see if that happens okay so let's let's take a look of course  d takes e6 is also a very good move   for white but let's let's take a look uh guys  b4 is a selfish move because you're not paying   attention to the opponent's threats was e takes  d5 not okay uh e takes d5 might have been okay   but i don't know man like queen e5 and  then and i i guess no i don't it doesn't   feel right it feels like i'm i'm very delicate  here f four okay my first instinct is that is   probably not great because i can go  here or here and attack the bishop   that is my first instinct is the  first thing that i'm thinking about um i i'd probably this but to be honest this actually  also looks good and part of me likes this even   more because it it's like blocking the king side  oh it's a very difficult decision all right let's   just guess i don't know which one is better  truthfully i i don't know nike knight uh b4 is   interesting a lot of people suggesting this move  counter-attacking on the other side of the board   yeah i like that well i'm i'm anticipating that  when i attack the bishop the bishop will go here   so there won't be a knight f2 plus let's not  forget that both pieces defend this but um but we're gonna we're gonna see that  this was definitely 100 the best move   a move ago uh f4 was i think inaccurate f4 was a mistake i think okay isn't this just a free bishop  if rook takes just knight takes okay i guess this pawn is pretty strong but isn't this also free that's free right looks free seems free looks free now i'm also threatening this um right g3 got it which defends this and this i'm  thinking queen g4 to attack the pawn i also like   queen e7 very difficult to decide between the  two um i believe queen g4 is a also queen h3 i   think i like this uh well if i go here maybe the  pawn can come up no but then i block it right this also feels safer all right let's go with  the safe move let's go with the safe move right knight g5 and if i go  here the the knight jumps in   i think that's what opponent wants  well let's get out ahead of that let's get out ahead of that so if the  knight jumps in the rook is out and it's uh   it's more active it's more active and  then if the knight jumps out we have uh we have this a queen g4 was not a fork this is  not a fork a fork has to actually be attacking   something it is not attacking the rook queen g4  would have just been one attacking move queen a7 queen a7 okay queen a7 sure sure sure queen so um wow  queen a7 all right let's move the rook out uh queen a7 what a move nice move activating  the queen you know hitting my weaknesses   and move that uh very strong move  very very strong move rookie eight   um great move rook h1 is a mistake though  queen a7 was great um rook h1 makes no sense   but queen a7 was a fantastic move uh i like the  alternating you know between great and terrible   now we go h6 and we we remove the knight from  the defense of the pawn once we get the pawn   uh then um then i think we're  you know then i think we're good then i think we're good okay knight took a very long time to go back rook  takes now we're in business queen e6 might have   been even a little bit better right of course  pawn takes this is under attack uh i'm thinking   to defend it but i'm also going to just go all  in no need to defend just hunt the opponent down it's not made in two guys rookie  one is a very well protected square uh let's think about this my opponent is writing me  messages and just said bullet time great okay leah let's get even on time  and then now that we're even on time   rook takes f3 does not work because uh it is it  is covered all right my opponent said bullet time   i wanted to get even on time you know to  to to accept the invitation for bullet time   it is not made into i don't know why everybody's  yelling about mating too i really don't know okay so that hangs a piece in a couple of  ways i think it's better to take a free rook   uh-huh yeah bullet time indeed let's bring  the queen back definitely bullet time now we are threatening rook b3 cb3 and rook to  e2 we shred it all open we don't just go for this check defended always hard to find moves  like that now rather than even taking the   knight we can go check king goes here we  can take the pawn with a ladder mate or we   can go rook a1 in the corner i like this one  more all right and now we move on to tinef so let's play uh you guys have  what have you been requesting e4 knight f3 so standard stuff some people were requesting the scotch  so knight f3 knight c6 and now d4 is the way to go this is the scotch opening very useful  way to play if you play e4 and knight f3   d4 happens in a lot of positions first of  all uh in in positions with sicilians and   it's generally a good way to fight for  the center with the knight defending no no no no no no rulo pass why are you playing  rue lopez hey guys a thousand no rue lopez please   italian please italian now after taking  you can go for a gambit you can play c3   or you can play bishop c4 which is called the  scotch gambit uh you tell me what do you want   me to play you want me to play the normal  scotch or the gambit scotch of course i   think you guys can all say gambit but in general  you don't need to play the scotch to play the   gambit you can just play any okay everyone's  saying gambit fantastic um so play bishop c4 let's a bishop c4 there's bishop c4 that's that's a good move bishop b4 check  so i can um i can play the move c3 here   this is generally the best thing to do  uh if they take what's interesting is   you don't actually have to take back uh  you can castle your king out of the way why no rouleau pass at 700 because it's   incredibly dense and crazy opening with a lot  of really really deep ideas it's like trying to   learn a triple jump in figure skating and  you don't even know how to tie the boots   kind of a thing now in gambits what are we trying  to do we are trying to attack and create threats   while our opponent is still stuck trying to get  developed i would say you should start learning huh i would say you should see this is how one  thousands play whatever we saw in that last game   that was like very inspired play from a  900. i mean this this gentleman just is   very high percent chance the gentleman could  be a lady uh after all how to win at chess uh   sorry how to play chess video does have 25  female audience so hello to the ladies um   this is what happens at this level i mean just  small oversized wait i just made a horrible move that's actually really funny this move um is  a blunder wow wait a minute i gotta hold on so if bc3 queen c3 and that's a fork  on this and this can i defend that i can there's a very funny way but can i  also go here to create a threat on the queen   first before i take oh that might be it and then  there's no way for the queen to attack my bishop   see this is just a spot where someone would snap  take i'm thinking i was thinking like this and   then like somehow trapped the queen which is also  possible you can trap the queen in the corner but   the queen will get sacrificed for two rooks so  bishop g5 before i take looks like the way to go so pause when you blunder just pause don't just  you know snap snap because the whole time i'm   thinking whoa the queen's going to be attacking  two things at this level a lot of it is being at   1 000 you're really thinking about your own moves  you're not really thinking too much about your   opponent's moves so what ends up happening is they  play a move and you go oh wow i didn't see that oh   wow i didn't see that it's like they play movie  like oh okay now i'm going to think but hold on   it's you got to think what they're going to do  also so like in this case i saw that the queen   would have been attacking two pieces finding a  way to trap the queen in the corner is ridiculous   because if you think about that i'm suggesting  it is better to lose a full rook than a bishop   so first we need to defend the bishop and then we  need to trap the queen which is not something that   is very natural right like we we're  taking that for granted because   i am sitting here saying it but in this case we  trade the queen we take the bishop we're just up   a piece so you create a concept of a danger level  you don't just take back you go can i attack the   queen oh i can and the reason why this move is so  good is the queen can no longer defend the bishop   and we are defending our rooks so now opponent  just wants to trade everything which i'm more   than happy about uh the way i would play  this position is in a restricting way   so i see that you know opponent wants to  bring the pawns forward you can play moves   like this to create one move threats but this is  a good move actually because if d6 we can get in   and fork so opponent just wants to develop  a bishop and defend their pawn but now   don't just be lazy and make random  developing moves you can continue to try to   win material and the more pawns we win the  better the endgame is going to become so   anyway i appreciate everybody subbing and  giving um bits i don't want to spend the   entire time thanking you because obviously  this will go up on youtube later but   um okay we'll simplify more but just do know it is  appreciated uh i've been getting a lot of offline   a lot of offline uh you know donations on paypal  and things like that people writing nice messages   that they've um and i think what i'll start  doing is maybe shouting them out like at the   end of certain videos it's hard it's hard actually  to figure out exactly how to on twitch it's easy   you know someone donates you're like oh thank you  all right let's just develop this also gives our   king a little getaway so our king that's a good  move if i take i would lose my bishop uh so we're   just gonna defend this that's a nice move trying  to deflect my pawn away from defending my bishop uh and now i should bring my rook right   i want to trade my rook so what about rook  here opposite this rook defend my rook move   my bishop with no rooks on the board might and  and this is never a thing because of the pin thank you i saw a lot of people uh saying things  like you know they enjoy the videos they're   watching on twitch for the first time  we have music here we have more swearing um and my grandfather just emailed me and he  emailed me a forwarded message of my   go live notification on twitch did he do that  because they're watching at home hi gramps   hi family i just checked my email and it was  just a forwarded go live notification i was like   i know i'm live i don't um anyway we can take  uh or we can go here which attacks the rook and   that is better see another moment you don't  snap take you just go here take a pause and didn't i miss mate with the bishops negative  because just king g8 i think i don't think i   missed the mate this is the easiest you open  up two attacks now if my king was on g2 and   they could take this with a check i would lose i  just want you guys to realize this if my king is   here bishop takes would check would lose me the  game or maybe not lose because i would be able   to defend my rook but uh in this case the the  benefit that i have is my opponent cannot take   my bishop and now i will push creating a  glue and by the way the rook is trapped i miss the mate with the bishops  what are you all talking about what twitch how did we ever beat  youtube in a sub battle y'all good youtube's watching  right now like man they stupid man   the hell is stupid we want a rematch all right uh let us create a box to make it  difficult for the king to move uh just take   so this can't you know and i'll bring my king  maybe i can demonstrate how to mate with king   and two bishops and just not use the other pieces  just well there's pawns see this is the problem   maybe i can create an agreement where my opponent  just doesn't move their pawn oh let's do this thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i appreciate it that's  what we'll do so we've locked the structure   we're kind of pretending like this is a  king and two bishops versus king endgame and take at this point you need to okay so you need to  not rush with the king otherwise it's going to   be a draw so what you do is you can go here here  the king is trying to get out king comes here and you need the king in the corner  where you can deliver a mate successfully   so for example the bishop slides back right  king's only king's got a couple legal moves here   okay we can bring the king closer which  would force the king to go to the corner   right and now here's the thing if we give a check  and the king moves and we give a check the king   keeps running we want this position but with the  bishop here we want the exact same position but we   want two turns in a row so what do we do we waste  a move we waste the move we go here or or here   or here or here or any move where  we can give a check on the next turn   so when the king goes here it's check the king  is walked back and then it's made so not not   there that's a mouse slip we give a check  the king goes to the corner and we give a   mate that is how you would mate with king and  do bishops um and it's it's nice and we get to so a little gambit little gambit action here getting  the king out of the way we sacrifice pawns in the   opening we create threats i don't know why  the opponent gave us the night here i was   anticipating the night moving and then we would  have continued to attack for example there's ideas   in early gambits like sacrificing and making  the king move so that we can give a check   and win the night back and this is good because  we've won a pawn in this process we sacked   the bishop for the pawn but we got a knight  back uh and um now black also cannot castle   all right so the knight c3 and  bishop g5 and all these things so   and that in that end game in that endgame uh  it would have been i apologize in this game i   should say it would have been a little bit better  if that had occurred but sadly it was not to be can we get a sicilian dragon sure all  right little shield all right sicilian   perfect we're gonna get a sicilian dragon  so sicilian has to be played against e4   oh my goodness my own opening is getting played  against me that is very funny that is my opening   i like the a3 sicilian so let's go g6 and bishop  g7 this is how you play the dragon sicilians bishop g7 now hopefully this person  learned this before the match and they   are not just using the course during the  game which is a thing by the way that is   not allowed that is very much cheating  let's go e6 knight e7 and d5 all right don't do that ah love me some apple juice you know  people have like lost their minds today   they're like are you drinking perfume are you  drinking urine are you drinking soap a man   cannot just enjoy his martinelli's apple juice  from u.s grown fresh apples it's gotta be pee   y'all just can't behave yourselves it just has  to be anyway this pins my horsey to my queen   so my original idea to put two pawns in  the center is no longer possible because   my knight is not actually defending the  center but what if i attack the bishop   what are you doing here man you want to take or  you're going to go here what do you want to do now a big decision don't play g5 i i  don't i don't like g5 i'm just going   to keep developing i don't like g5 don't like g5  i think it's a little bit too too much as we say   too much too much little  bit too much don't like it castle or finnish how about a6 and b5   so this is this is a very closed position  both sides have their fence of pawns there's   no pawn tension anywhere this is the one  spot where we might have an opening and like uh it's you know but see i just wanted to go here and i was gonna do that anyway but  now we walk directly into a fork   so my opponent did not anticipate my move b5   and queen a5 check does not win material because  the knight can just go back to where it was that's   what a lot of people forget all right so b5  and so somebody's saying daniel nerenski said   you know in the dragon c5 and e6 is not good  because you can give the knight the d6 square   generally that is a good rule of thumb uh but  that is in much more of an open sicilian situation   when the move d4 happens again it's why relying  on general concepts is dangerous you need to rely   on specific situations and in this case like if  you just say well d6 is weak it is you're right   and daniel is 100 right by the way so when someone  asks that question i'm not saying oh daniel is a   stupid guy he don't know listen i love daniel i  think he's got great instruction i'm just saying   specifically he was talking about a probably  a different situation because in this case   my pawn goes two squares and i'm good so  it's really hard to play chess on general   principles okay you you must try to  stay away from always doing things   in a general way it's it chess is a  oftentimes a very s situation specific game so uh oh there was a tts that came in oh  oh a guy oh a guy donated to be unbanned   no you should you you should  have thought of that sadly   no you should have thought of that  unfortunately prior to uh to being terrible the thing is you know i  would say this there is a um   there is a limit to anything to anything  uh and i think that you know it's uh it's important to kind of  have a framework of some sort   in that regard i think that there is  a limit to these things and i think   it could be five or ten messages but a hundred  messages over the course of three or four days   no that's that's not someone we want in  the community so now do i continue with d5   or if d6 just knight goes back and i haven't  really done anything so i am thinking d5 now no i mean if you donated five dollars you can  just ask for a refund and that will be that chad how are we doing how we doing we good it's  been it's been a weird episode of win at chess very weird episode a lot a lot of interesting and  interesting things going on a lot of interesting and exciting stuff this is  the so far this game has been quite something   a lot of pawn play situations today i would  say was queen b6 any good yeah there's a lot   of good moves in this position i mean there's  a lot of good moves here i mean you can play   d6 d5 queen b6 queen c7 g5 f5 king h8 king h7  i mean you can do a lot of moves that don't   do a whole lot and they're not bad um so yeah  there's a lot of good moves i think let's take   and we're up material so we could trade the queen uh we need to um be i was gonna say we we need  to be careful because the queen is guarding   the night so we would destabilize the night a  little bit although it still is protected but   then the opponent just didn't take back that's  very strange i want to activate my bishop and i   and i think i'm just going to do that by going  here uh central pawn trade opens up the bishop   can bring my see i can use a trade to activate  my horsey and get it in later to d3 or c4 and   attack the b2 pawn so using pawn trades to  improve your position uh mobilize your own   pieces which otherwise would be running into the  wall of pawns by chipping away at the pawns super   important skill figuring out when it's good when  it's bad and when it's necessary when it's not necessary i'm necessary you are necessary how about that   okay i'm gonna take that was  always my plan to open the position blundered the night no we didn't we didn't  blunder the night i think what you're what   what this person is talking about is that  in this position if i were to take take   take there would be this but i never i  mean i know i drew this as an idea but   that would have been noticed yes i would  have probably thrown in the move g5 but sadly there will not be any blunders i will  take i'm up material might as well trade horses   and i think i should play g5 or move  my queen out of the pin this pin is   very annoying to deal with i'm thinking just  like here for example this is not the best   move there is a little trick here my opponent  can play but see if they find it my queen is   defending two things that should give you all a  hint that uh the queen is a little bit overloaded   especially when they're on  opposite sides of the board if they push the pawn here i would have  taken i have two things defending that   so we would have just defended  and it would have been good but in this case isn't this countered by this oh my god are you a human i didn't even see that so my idea  was this this this you found that on your own   wow you found that after this i don't have to  do anything and just move attack the bishop and   hit this too and then if queen takes queen i go  here and that hits that and that still hits that   what damn my lessons are paying off let's  finish our development here put our bishop   on the diagonal nice find nice find that's good  i didn't even see that i saw g5 i didn't even see   that i didn't see knight f5 i cause again i had  the g5 id in my mind but knight f5 is a nice move   nice find nice fine very nice that's all me that's  all my teaching no i mean it's like when people   write nice messages they're like hey you know i've  been watching so much of your content um you know   i climbed you know 5 600 points because of you  uh no you climbed it because of yourself i mean   you're the one that had to play the moves now you  can climb it because of me let's go f5 look at   this nice big space we're trying to go f4 g5 shut  down the bishop now our bishop is defending here   so we have a space advantage which is squares that  you control in your opponent's side of the board uh check so that's a move i wasn't really worried about  this check because i'm trapping the bishop i   think so for example bishop well for example  let's trade the queens let's go for queen trade and some fascinating folks in today's  chat i i really hope people who   make brand new accounts to come  in and write hate messages are   like okay in life i don't think they are i just  hope that they are but i don't think they are   but i hope they are i just don't think they are  let's go knight c6 to get the night out of danger   b5 is hanging for those of you who are concerned   uh but let's not forget i have a  lingering threat of trapping a bishop um so even if i lose my pawn on b5  which i am anticipating will happen   there is this okay now this is  the right capture because what   this does is it gives my opponent  time it's all the time they need now i would love to go here  that's what i would love   appreciate the uh oh they did not they had time  but they didn't do anything with their time   although are they trying to go rook to oh i have  something really really mean thank you disco thank   you a lot of people giving subs today so it's a  i guess it's a weird day a lot of ups and downs   it feels like first game of this climb was weird  i don't know what's going on today very strange um the 900 was by far better than these two  1000s let's put it this way to say the least   to be kind about it um so in a lot it's crazy  to me once we made this channel in the discord   um for potentially reporting cheaters how many  people are actually like legitimately cheating   like it wasn't even nonsense like i've been  seeing accounts with like 20 straight games of 99   and i'm like nuts i had no idea so my big brain  idea here was to play pawn takes bishop because   when they take my queen my rook and my pawn hit  this which will be a fork and they didn't do it   i would have won the rook and then i would have  won the other rook but instead i will just move my   queen out of the way my opponent said oh man did  my opponent just like forget they could go here right visualization is a difficult thing   there's no easy tips brute forcing it is  generally a good way to go see pawn to e3 rook 2 a4 is a good move rook take 4 is a good  move i'm playing e3 because it opens my bishop   uh and my queen defends my pawn so uh guys i i honestly i say thank you  for working pawns thank you very much   i say that rather than banning this version  of this account we just kind of it's like   a toddler it's just like a toddler we just  wait for the like the toddler to kind of like   you know use all of their energy on  their outburst and then we just so anyway until obviously you know it  goes past the point and then   the process begins anew uh maybe bishop takes f3 sacrifice there's always a sacrifice like  this when you have like big artillery   bishop f3 i think is the way to go because pawn  takes i can slide in with a check and win the rook   queen is not guarding the rook  there is a pawn in the way so   maybe king h7 that's a check  so i think just king h7 hiding   i'm gonna check of course we can play rook f3  as well but picking up the rook is i think the   easiest a lot you know just go for the kind of  the simple conversion here and uh we'll be okay so queen here check check here queen h5 is mate and one defended can  i go here because of this uh h5 would not have   been made because of this but then bishop  h6 would have been made on the next move   um and this game was a was a sicilian we played  our little setup and we we kind of stayed patient   finishing our development using our pawns to  take space early blunder by the opponent so   a opponent should have just castled knight a4 was  a was a very weird very weird move just from the   way like you just finish your development before  you go to battle my friend said i recently played   my friend my opponent said i recently played  a high rated player who used the same opening   but i can't believe i blundered that fork  early and then didn't take your queen nerves do a lot was a good game just review  the line in the line you're you're not   supposed to play bishop g5 so early you're  supposed to go bishop a2 make a waiting move   and then try to develop your pieces a little  bit later so um but that was a good game i mean   you learn from games like this alright let's  play sledge sledge is not online all right we   will skip sledge for now it's another we just like  i said it's a weird day a lot of people okay our   coombs is also not online fantastic my next two  opponents are not online what do we do i guess   i'll have to edit this part out of the youtube  video but i'll just sit here and wait i guess all right well hopefully hopefully these people  get online i mean i don't know why they wouldn't live please there we go hi sledge c4 in english okay so the best way to play  against in english is to just take the center   of course c4 e5 it's a main line and now white  basically decides are they going to play knight   c3 knight f3 or they're going to play knight c3  and g3 in general knight c6 is the best second   move it's a very flexible move you don't have  to play it there is a lot of ways to play this   uh and my opponent plays knight f3 so i  can play the four knights but i prefer   i prefer two pawns in the center with e5 f5  uh this is kind of like reverse vienna style   actually it looks very much like a vienna now  d3 uh we can play this fully vienna style which   is bishop to b4 pinning the knight bishop c5  looks good but in general it's not recommended   to play the bishop to c4 against sicilian if you  remember from the game we literally just played   you notice what happened i started playing e6 d5   so even though the colors are reversed if i  put my bishop on c5 e3 d4 is possible it's the   exact same thing just with the colors flipped  so we do here if we play bishop to b4 instead   because we don't want to get the bishop hit with  a center pawn instead if we get hit with the flank   pawn we'll just trade and we'll be okay so you  see how the same exact concept comes up with   colors flipped it's hard to realize that but if  the opponent has not committed both center pawns   then this can be possible now bishop g5 is of  course a decent move we just develop maybe i'll   play h6 on the next turn to kick the bishop away  this trade is good for me it activates my queen my   queen gets behind the pawns if a3 i'm gonna make  this trade it's not great to give away a bishop   for a night so early but the position is fine  so take i'm gonna go with my plan if opponent   tries to stick around this just gets their bishop  trapped another pattern from the last game so the   bishop really should be taking or going like all  the way back this way ah but we'll see there it is   queen takes and now black has no problems we have  escaped the opening uh castles is next or develop   our bishop and go long i don't really like  going long i think the rook is on this file   of course if we play b6 we're okay i'm already  also visualizing this and i'm looking at e4 and i gotta tell you that actually uh i gotta tell you oh man that looks is the king kind of exposed of castle no  no no no it is not oh man you see this is   a this is the thing we can castle naturally  but we're looking at one aggressive move and i actually think this is the best move i  don't want to teach you all to go to war before   you castle but at the same time there's ways  you can punish the opponent's setup very early   uh and e4 somebody said what about this this  knight d4 who said i have to take this back who said i have to take  this back i'm gonna go check   which actually forces the knight to retreat  because if queen blocks queen takes rook so   on the one hand castles is fine  someone says is the king exposed on ga   again that is living chess by abstract terms and  i want you all to stay away from things like that   it's very abstract oh it's not a safe king why not  who can attack the king when it castles can any   white has one night out you're really scared of  one horse no you're scared of your own shadow   right so the opponent plays knight  d4 take take take we've won a pawn   we can now take and castle or play queen  c3 check first and now there is no castle   queen d2 queen a1 so opponent has to go king f1  and now they cannot castle the king successfully   which means that the rook cannot get out and now  probably we can just take and then go like this   probably that's the best thing to do just take  the pawn once they have to play pawn takes if they   take like this there is this and then we get out  of the way if we we we actually also could have   castled and sacrificed the pawn but opened up  our rook see that would have been the other   argument castles pawn takes rook is open this way  we don't lose a pawn but our rook is not so open no you're just the thing is you're fearful of the  unknown you're you're fearful of well what what if   i miss something well what are you gonna miss now  here's a difficult decision where do i put my king   i'm gonna put my king here uh because i wanna  go f4 in the future and you know i don't want   my king on a light square this is a light  squared bishop it's the only thing that can   opponent's doing a very good job though so now  i'm going to force the bishop out of the middle   with the move c6 that's number one i'm going  to bring the bishop back i don't like that   i have a lot of options here but and then f4 is  going to be my next move i actually could have   played this first a little bit unhappy with myself  here but i'm going to go f4 of course if pawn   takes there is rook takes and i would like to take  to open up my rook now you say well what about   take take this rook is open too yeah we'll have to  figure that out if we actually want to make this   decision but for now i want this trade because  i just get a fully activated rook and i do have   to play d6 and activate my bishop at some point  also which is why maybe c6 was wrong maybe this   bishop is actually not doing anything and i didn't  have to kick it out maybe that one move actually   brought the bishop back to a more useful square  for white whereas in this case if i had just   ignored the bishop completely it would have had  no role in the game but i don't know i don't know   we'll see this should be four's a bit  strange i guess maybe long-term idea   to like make me somehow like this this this  not a bad idea actually so d6 queen h5 huh that's a move wow that doesn't  move that is a move that is a move i kind of kind of like it hmm that is certainly a  move have i mentioned that it's a move by the way   um maybe d5 which at least hits the bishop and  might deflect it you know what this could be   an instructive move d5 and this is why i'm  playing this move because it wins me time   i sacrifice a pawn but the bishop is  deflected from the useful diagonal   it activates my bishop for me and once i  get my bishop out i also get my rook out and   first of all if i move my bishop to this very  useful square on f5 my opponent will never mate me right they will never make me they will want  to go back what if i play bishop by five now   they go back to e4 f3 check this is gonna be the  key i need to play this move at the right moment   because it cannot be taken with the queen  and what it will do is it will force my   opponent to be very passive let's do it now  let's do it now if i play f takes g3 that's   also not bad but i like this move because one  option is opponent suffocates their own king   right queen is also blocked but if the bishop  takes the bishop is now stuck making sure   my rook never gets activated so i'll play for  example queen to d4 next that's just one option bishop h3 it looks very fancy but accomplishes  literally zero queen f6 is interesting   uh but i gotta anticipate this is happening next  um bishop f5 bishop e4 you know somehow it's all holding together it's not completely lost it like somehow isn't totally losing this move kind of  defends the whole house for white how do we do this let's go bishop f5 if bishop e4 maybe we take  and we go rook d8 maybe that's how we play this   we play this without the bishops and just  two rooks and queen hunt down the white   territory but white is so close to solving their  problems here so close which just makes me think   this might have been a good idea this  might not have been that good of an idea what no no no no no the this this is no no no  no no no because now i go here this one move   very greedy move gives me the time to bring  my rook now bishop e4 is no longer possible   because you've pinned yourself so  this is a is a fatal error i think   i think bishop takes b7 is underestimating my  position here so i'm down two pawns but i have all   my pieces activated now for the cost of two pawns  this looks really scary for white very very scary he might have misclicked uh no that was a very deliberate move  oh and and immediately there's a blunder   black to play in wind chat sometimes the best move is not going forward  sometimes the best move is going backwards   queen c6 check the the light  squared bishop has left the diagonal   and now we hit both we we just look for a check  there was another check that was actually very   cool we could have went here if pawn takes  we take the queen but then they win a rook   and a bishop but this move is just  very easy we pick up the full bishop   and we're winning so uh i i really want to see if  this d5 f3 idea was correct or not i don't think   f3 was the right idea if my opponent had found  that one move which holds the whole position oh   and now this is why you don't just take don't  just take always look for checks kabam bishop h3   rook and queen even if the rook  wasn't there this is winning because   it's a deflection tactic you deflect  the king from protecting the queen   and now the game is over even if the  rook wasn't there bishop h3 was still was there and now since the king is locked   we end this by a rook lift it's maintenance ii  unstoppable maintenance ii rook f5 or rook d5   because the king cannot go back the pawn cannot  come up rook h5 is unstoppable mate rook d5   and rook h5 and the game is over  it's called the rook lift up and over   uh and that is the game how  quickly it all falls apart   uh an instructive game the concept of time in  this game super important white never got to   move their roots i mean i'm not really counting  this move uh white spent 25 moves of the game   and didn't get to move their rooks it was black  basically attacking from start to finish so   um rook d5 or h5 is a nice little finishing  touch and we will analyze the game we'll see   the c65 idea you know this game became crazy um  and and it's funny it's like you pin my rook to   my queen but this is maiden there's nothing  to be done nice game um so first things first   if you're gonna play the english you cannot play  and then trade your bishops like this i recommend   going for uh first of all this setup  the best thing for white to do here   is to play d4 like white needs to just  immediately attack the center so that's   that's number one you go back you learn this  line you improve your opening number two   it's like okay how did i handle the position  i missed e4 i miss that early on it's not   just about you know developing my pieces slowly  uh e4 is the only move here to give advantage   take take take here check king f1 yeah and see  the computer doesn't even wow the computer does   not like my take it actually likes castles  it likes the idea of sacrificing the pawn   but opening up the rook so this this castle bishop  d5 and it also doesn't like c6 see a move that i   played well it likes c6 and f4 together but it  doesn't like it more than just going here um   and f4 by the way notice what the top engine  move here is why would you push pawns in   front of your king because i now have no way in  isn't that interesting i don't have a way in now i can't break through so g4  kind of stops my way through   opponent goes bishop e4 is the best move here d5  yes engine likes it it supports my idea and now   f3 it doesn't like not only does it not  like it it already thinks white is equal why can't white go bishop e4 here oh okay white  can go bishop e4 see this is what i thought was   gonna happen and i was just gonna go rook d8  and see this was good actually what i thought   here as this was my idea i thought this was really  good and the computer likes it the computer only   finds one move for white and it's equal danger  you disregard the attack on your queen and you   counter attack me if white doesn't find that and  instead goes here the game is over after rook d2   so we basically just swarm in which was my you  know whole idea um but there's a small detail   that the computer doesn't like there but this move  is too much and did we play the best move rook 88   rook a beater rook 88 very close rook d8 and now  yeah this of course loses on the spot had the   opponent played something like rook c1 to attack  the queen i would have played maybe queen b2   i mean again this is very dangerous you'll  notice that even though black is down two pawns   uh it's zero zero zero and if anything white has  a very difficult situation defending themselves   so means that white black has something called  compensation black is uh doing very well here very   happy in this position so that was a good game  a lot of unstructured moments in that game combs uh we played e4 last game right so let's  play d4 and maybe i'll play in english yes black has constipation very good you  guys are hilarious uh let's play the london   so london into king's indian  which is what's being played here   uh london into king's indian i like to play  knight c3 queen d2 long castle that's how i play   i recommend all london players play  like this against king's indian players   so you play uh queen d2 e4 long castle why because  this turns the game from a regular chess game into   you hunting them down and they're running from the  woods you know that scene uh in uh sherlock holmes   game of shadows no is that is that the most recent  one is that the one with moriarty that is game of   shadows right yeah when they're running through  the woods and there's like you know the the thing   flying after them and exploding all the all the  things the thing flying after them and exploding   what an epic movie i love those movies i think  robert downey jr of sherlock holmes was brilliant   um maybe i should make a youtube video  about the chess game that they played oh how's that for you oh i  just got a good youtube idea oh oh that was such a good idea oh i'm  like shaking it's such a good idea   my ear is ringing it's such a good idea or maybe  that's just tinnitus sorry youtube i get excited   if you're watching like eight months in  the future i probably made the video so   go check it out okay so bishop h6 is the point  uh and the point is that you're removing the   beacon of hope for black's position that dark  squared bishop is black's entire hope and dream   and you just remove it completely uh  and uh you also remove a king's defender and then you start your own attack that is the  benefit of castling opposite sides i would love it   if this pawn ceased to exist it's it's not a human  it's a pawn so we can say such things and then   the queen and the rook would be activated together nice very nice great move in general  the rule of thumb is h4 h5 is what i   always tell people who play these positions  with black don't let white have fun now i'm   gonna go e4 which is always my idea two pawns  in the center this is guarded this is garden   and slowly we will build up the other pawn break  we need to go g4 at some point so that they take   and we continue to attack we don't care if we  lose one or two pawns on this side of the board   because what will happen is we'll open our  lines for our rooks our bishops our knights   will be very happy now a lot of people  here will play this move because   oh that's not a good move because e5 is the king's  indian style move this move is no good blocks the   bishop you got to go e5 and then i would have  played d5 now f3 g4 is on the way maybe g maybe   g5 maybe we take we don't know but in general this  is like the the move f3 is something i call the   trampoline why not immediate g4 a good question a  g4 they can take with anything that's not a pawn now g4 so now they cannot take with the  knight they will take with the pawn and   we will go h5 maybe maybe maybe maybe we  want them to take so we develop again but   uh very instructive kind of pawn aggressive pawn  attack and you'll notice like my opponent is a   good player my opponent's a 1300 level player  like that's very good 12 you know 1400 blitz watch as they crumble like this attack works  against everybody i play like this against gm's   i love doing this to people who play the king's  indian um people melt in the face of this attack   like and not g5 g5 is a last resort but  i don't want to play g5 i would prefer   for us to be able to take shred it all open  and hunt down the king what is it called it   doesn't have a name you can call it the double  doorp attack i don't know call it the gotham   attack opposite side castling against king's  indian london into you know into this and um it's it's easy like a nice little position and do a nice little attack here it's good easy stuff good move i like this move a lot  opponent is trying to reinforce   this um i mean at some point i can overrun  with the other pawns but i think for now   how do we do this i also by the way let's not  forget there's another break e5 oh that could   be it sometimes when a when a when a castle has  one weak spot everybody floods to defend it and   forgets that there is another break-in point wow  that's deep that's like some art of war stuff   you know two two target spots and now we break  in with two breaks and uh the position is just   not equipped to defend oh my god what is  a philosophical damn e5 and my goodness   is this a sub battle uh no no no this is not a  sub battle now i'm thinking to take but i also   need my knight in the attack i could just transfer  my horsey get my horsey toward the king too now   the knight has been kicked out we  can kick the knight out again with c4 and then later we will kind of finish the  journey with the pieces again you'll notice   i'm not locking i'm not taking anything i'm  literally keeping tension because my pawns   are defended they have reinforcements so i don't  care you can lose your guard i've got another guy   ready to go i got another guy ready to go that  is the key when you attack it's to build up   your forces well now this i can take i  mean i can take like this as well this very   very defensive game by my opponent  but not a perfect defensive game   so for example i can go c4 which kicks  the knight out i can play knight to d6   ed6 looks good now attacking the knight an  attack is successful if we win material so   i mean i i i don't see a reason not to  just jump in here with the horse and   threaten to just maul everybody khabib style  queen to g5 not a bad move at all i see that   being suggested with queen f6 but the knight is  guarding but in general the queen you want to   let's put it this way you want to bring the most  powerful piece let me tell you something you   better be damn sure that that piece is going to do  something because if it doesn't you will lose it   and you don't want to queen trade we're attacking  why would we trade our queen right the queen waits   queen waits for while i mean a5 is just not going  to cut it i feel like the opponent just hasn't   you know i wanna i do wanna go here though so i  wanna i wanna get this night out definitely is   this on youtube um if you're asking at the time  of filming no like a day later yeah yeah yeah   no i mean of course my opponent listen guys i say  this all the time people don't play always up to   their level when they're playing for youtube  when they're playing against me it you know   i appreciate all volunteers for doing this and at  the same time you do have to understand the game   is in the hands of myself right if my opponent  was playing another 13 19 rated player there's   a chance they wouldn't be playing like this i'm  trying to show you how to play optimally but at   the same time i'm also happy to make slightly  inaccurate moves at times to give an example of   the right way to punish it right so but this is  very straightforward i want to put my queen on f4   i now have two threads i have this and i have this  and uh and plus there's also times i just straight   up make mistakes that's life i'm not perfect  unlike some of these 900s that i play against   so it happens it happens remember we do  have courses for sale you like my openings   you look my beginner bootcamp intermediate  study plan intermediate course will be there so uh all these things are coming checkmate with a pawn if i take on g7 i'm not  taking on g7 taking on f7 but yes you're saying   g5 is mate very brutal mate getting mated by the  pawn there f5 but f5 my friends this is a very   important all intermediate players will get this  beginner players don't forget about rules of chess   on passant don't play on passant  every time you can but in this case   it does win the game and peasant i  always say on passant but it's on person um i did some rosetta stone french  so i'm basically a genius check oh opponent just decided that they had  enough i didn't even need to take the horsey   oh man this would have been but what a game i mean the second i get  excited when i see g6 as a chess player   you need to be excited to see certain openings  because it means you've established a way to play   and a level of dominance and confidence  when this opening appears on the board   and in this case london players should  salivate you should salivate at the concept   at the concept of of of of playing one of these  openings and you know we see it go to work f3   g4 bam bam guys from wait a second  every move we made this game   we went forward wait a second did we go  forward every single move in this game oh my goodness 19 moves of going  forward that was pretty cool   that's pretty cool that's a nice game 19 out of 19  straight forward yes except yes castling i guess   was uh but castling still improves the position  so that was a that was a nice game i mean that   was just aggression aggression aggression i mean  just going and but last game we saw that we have   to come back to win sometimes right we have to  come back so it's a balance of the two um now   this next person i'm sorry i'm very immature  but and this is obviously this person's name   but daniel i'm gonna call you simionovich which is  i'm pretty sure the russian way to pronounce this   i'm just happy to which chad  is not on the screen for this uh daniel is not here daniel has signed up to  play and oh there's daniel hi daniel all right e4   uh let's go for a scandinavian defense with d5 and i'm gonna play knight f6 this is called the  portuguese gambit technically this is not the   portuguese gambit the portuguese gambit  requires bishop to g4 but mr suminovich   plays um knight to c3 and we will just  take back on d5 with the horse it is a   slightly different version than just playing queen  d5 because then i the the knight can hit the queen   this way i at least get my knight to the middle  so um knight goes to d5 and already there is an   imbalance of the pawns being traded that is one  that is one move to play here you can take but   i personally like to back up here and attack  the bishop i think that is a slightly better   move yo shout out to dk tizano with the tier 3 sub  thank you haven't seen you in a while hope all is well got a lot of a lot of no but this is just this is not a blunder  but i mean if if there is no reason to give   a bishop away so early don't do that no no  no we don't i don't like this at all i mean   now i just develop i mean i  put two upon in the center and   i don't know i i of course in  this case just retreat the bishop   if there's no good reason to trade a bishop  early don't do it i mean bishops are so useful   like now look i go here who on earth is going to  deal with this can i can someone please answer   this question who is going to deal with this  pin right now and look i can already start   you know jumping in and doing some damage i'm  gonna go e5 and then bishop c5 or bishop b4   no but black is already very happy i mean there's  no one to combat no but h3 just like i go back g4   i go back and i've weakened your structure just  like it's it's if there's no good reason don't do   it because now i just have a light square bishop  i didn't have to work at all make your opponents   work that's what we're trying to do we're making  them work don't make it an easy game for them   now by the way i honestly think i could have  already done something like this and throughout   this video i have been punishing in the opening  and the idea would be to just damage the structure but uh i wasn't sure it was working here   just bishop h5 again g4 is extremely  weakening now because the king is there see a lot of people also gifting random  people subs so thank you you are very kind   you are very much appreciated keep in mind  that at the time of recording this series uh   i'm also taught a steal is going on so every  day there will be recap videos out on youtube why not b4 with what the bishop short-sighted move   which if you've made it this far  in the youtube video or the stream short-sighted move is just we got to stop you know  doing yo motbot just gift to 20 subs my goodness   thank you we have to stop doing these one move  attacking moves that don't improve our position   bishop to b4 is met with knight d5 the  knight jumps to the middle hits my bishop   right back and now my bishop has to move so  the more you can cut back on moves that just   attack once and that's it the better for example  this is not a bad move it's not a bad move   um because it attacks the pawn and it  improves the position of the rook so   i have to respond to it i will move my pawn  up one square it's not a bad move at all   it's actually a very good move it long term  at least improves my opponent position so   uh you know me personally i'm i'm thinking you  know something bring my queen over there in the   future maybe f5 that's also not a bad move now  do i want this trade to happen number one i can   go back number two i could say i don't care  take and i activate my queen now my pawns are   active they can go up tough decision very tough  decision not clear at all both moves very possible   coin toss maybe f5 there was knight g5  trying to fork me but that looks kind of   stupid because i just stopped that and so again  short-sighted move short-sighted move personally   i think that f5 is the best move i think that  allowing this trade and then trying to you know   fight on this pin or play f4 and force the bishop  to go back this kind of keeps my position moving   forward rather than retreating at all but to  be honest i don't i don't know oh but that's   a mistake no but i mean if you go here you have  to so the the this game was strange my opponent   kind of like didn't make the right trades it felt  like just kind of hesitant didn't make the right   trades i mean if you go 94 you got to play knight  d6 you've committed to knight d6 because now you   get your bishop trapped so before you go back you  gotta go can my opponent attack any of my pieces that like before you play knight d2 because when  you play a slow move when you play a slow move   like knight d2 you gotta ask yourself is there  anything my opponent can do here how can my   opponent throw a punch like how can they and if  you just you go oh f4 just drops i can't go there   i got to do something so especially when you're  1450 i am holding 1450s to a higher standard that   is a high rating at that rating you've got to  be looking at what your opponent wants to do so that is um super important skill f4 and then  enters and now it's too late now it's just   too late i mean the bishop is going to be lost  then i think so too i i mean i uh marquis says   i think he's i absolutely think so as well and  like this this is one thing that is very true and   very possible people who play on stream might very  well play 20 lower than their actual rating just   because of you know i feel it when i play the  speeches championship for example not the open   event but the one with the ims and the lower rated  players i feel it but that doesn't mean that i can not explain kind of what's going on so um at what  rating are you not considered beginner uh i think   once you cross like 26 50 i would say that is  when you are no longer considered a beginner so yeah i'm joking it's probably about a thousand   but yeah like feed a not like  blitz or bullet like 2650 fide um yes i'm drinking pee very good yes very  very good okay uh knight d4 now which was   my long term plan uh now my opponent should  definitely play queen c1 to get out of the pin   now because queenie won it's not it's a  little bit cramped and queen b1 why are   you going behind the rook i mean that doesn't  make sense you gotta go here queen c1 only move only move ah the two games in a road  chat we have to remember   we have to remember uh the rules of chess on  poisson don't just move the bishop back on   poissant which i keep saying wrong because  i've said it this way my whole life yes now we have rook bam bam  we're not winning this trade so we can keep it there for a second oh my goodness chat members oh my  goodness we are about to pull off   something so nasty we are going to  play the move e4 hitting the horse   our opponent cannot take with the knight because  that dislodges the defense of f3 so what's going   to happen is we're going to go e4 take here here  here here now what happens in this position is   we have bishop check by moving our knight the rook  is now not defending the queen so we will go check   and our queen will hit the queen and  we will win the queen are you ready   so the knight cannot take if pawn takes we  have this this this this check we win the queen   you think it's gonna happen you think we're gonna  clear out the entire board or is the opponent   going to see that and sniff right through our plan and they play g4 and well yeah well g4 we take  the horse that would have been nice though   i also think well see this is also nice because  now we give a check and we give a mate so at the   end of the day they didn't lose the queen but they  got mated sometimes when i play in these things   i'm like should i just not say it out loud because  i feel like if people uh if people see that   i'm preparing like a nice combination  they will deliberately not let me do it   okay now we have this this  and the king is running um so the easiest thing is to just bring  the bishop so the king cannot get out   that's the easiest thing to do and now we can go here or here bishop e1 is a  pretty move the bishop is the imposter it cannot   get taken because of check it prevents the king  from running away the king's only two moves are h1   and h2 and we have queen g to mate mate nice now this game so first of all let me just  explain this how do you see this far   ahead all forcing moves basically in  this position the way i can predict   all of this happening is that everything else for  white is not good so i know that knight takes e4   stops guarding this so i know that de4 is going  to be played i know that that is the first step   to opening up the d file then i go here they take  and i take now i anticipate that they're going to   take if they don't take they have no other move  there because queen d5 is a check but i just slide   my king over so that's what i'm looking at when  i'm visualizing i'm looking at queen d5 check and   that's it if rook takes immediately i see this but  i don't want to do that i see that the rook is no   longer protecting the queen i know that the bishop  can give a check once i've moved my knight and   this check without the queen guarded right hits  the queen how do we do that years of experience   that's what we do we clear all this out and at  the end of the day we're gonna have two queens   that stare at each other so e4 take forcing  move at the end of the day all these moves   are forcing moves they create threats and  force the like i'm not in the middle of   this i'm not going like here rook  a7 with the deep idea of going every single move i'm playing is a forcing  aggressive move i'm looking at checks and captures   the whole time so it's very much like a puzzle and  it's a it's a tactical sequence a tactical pattern   uh and uh you know just because you watch a streamer  do it doesn't mean necessarily that uh it   will always come easy to all of us now i'm gonna  play the english i will end today's climb with c4 the english opening opponent  plays the dutch defense   cool 1990 dude cool 1990 dude indeed all  right making sure this is a real person for   some reason oh this person is at their highest  rapid rating ever that's kind of intimidating   for some reason at the end of all of my  videos i play people who are absurdly good   like i don't know if it's like a last viewer kind  of a thing but uh okay so d4 c4 and now they're   playing a dutch they look like they're going for  a leningrad but we don't know yet now remember   how b4 uh we played h4 h5 against the king's  indian you could play h4h5 against the dutch too oh wait why is this a 5 minute 5 second  game this is not a 10 minute game well   it's 5 second bonus which is still fine how did  that happen did i mess up my command oh oops   i accidentally made it a 5 minute 5  second game it's ok it'll still take long i don't like that move my opponent  said i was thinking that too hey   stop listening to the stream doofus  my doofus guy turn off your come on   this is a strange move um i think i can already  start just i mean this is just a little bit a little bit too much i mean w with the  dutch you have to be very careful whoa wait i don't understand why can't i just take   what what what there's also like [ __ ] what  just take what is happening in this game thank you johnsy oh johnsy just got up  to 100 gifted subs on the channel huge   what is going on in this game  very weird huh how did that happen no we got to take a look at this this is  an opening disaster from black and it just   shows you how powerful these early you know h4h5  things are especially in openings like the dutch   so i want to take butt that opens up  the rook but then i can go bishop d3   oh no this is this is so bad oh no i mean you  cannot go knight f6 knight h5 knight f6 i mean   opponent looks like he's trying to troll  me or something you know he's just moving   the knight back and forth no no we we need to  review this for black we need to review this   for black and and by the way this should  show you if you play aggressively against   dutch opening up the position sacrificing it's  very very scary stuff very scary i think i mean   knight h5 is already i think already basically  losing black has to be super careful but uh no i mean you cannot you  cannot waste time like this   do i play twitch subs every one of the people  that i play in these climbs these ladders that's   the twitch sub i'm i'm gonna try to do uh  one of these climbs where i never i don't   play with my ear ever it's gonna be tough very  bad habit terrible habit but it's a lot of fun terrible oh no bishop takes g6 my goodness i  mean where are the pawns all the pawns are gone uh not good not good not  good uh maybe even just push   no push there is maybe bishop g4 well bishop g4 is  happening no matter what so bishop g4 f3 bishop h5 the guy is drunk why did why does the opponent  have to be under the influence why can't we   move my queen out so that the  bishop cannot be hitting the queen recently reopened my username  because you've inspired me good that's what the videos are there for  that's what the youtube is there for   all that all that good stuff  twitch youtube yes knight c6 knight f3 developing i i attacking the knight here isn't  a great move because the knight just goes to   the middle let's just develop the b will be  reasonable bishop h7 that's a move that is a move thank you switchbred bishop to g4 i mean i want to move my knight  and like go hunt but let's just let's just be   principal let's finish developing in castle i  want to teach everybody a balance of both yeah   a balance of like opening punishment and at the  same time not getting too foamy at the mouth and thanks jake thanks jake the snake jack the snake why am i not playing rook b1  i don't oh you mean rook g1   okay so again uh well before this  wasn't a good move because knight   e5 but you cannot take your own pawn  at least in the current chess patch so that one switchbread gifted subs and then subbed  himself beautiful stuff knight b4 is good move   uh queenie two oh no just kidding  bishop and queen stop that please   explain the prawn structure here uh  first of all white is up two pawns uh second of all this pawn is just if it goes here   just traps the bishop i just  haven't had a chance to do it really but number two this break and number three my king  is not gonna castle this way my king is definitely   gonna go this way so the structure you have to  find where the brakes are if they make sense and   there's a break but my pawns are much scarier see  don't take this is a lot scarier for black bishop   g5 lets me push the pawn i don't need to play  bishop g5 to push the pun i can just push the pawn   queen to f5 queen of five wouldn't have been  bad there's a lot of good moves the thing is   my friends when when you're up so much  material there's a lot of good moves   if i don't play a move that you're thinking  of your move could be better than mine but   i'm just playing moves that i think are good if  you consistently continue to make good moves i'm   gonna take and i'm telling you why i'm taking now  because when i cancel my rook will be open right can i motivate you to watch me instead of the  boston new york match that's going to happen   wait what what's going on is boston playing  cool celtics knicks nick celtics ah well i mean   you should watch that you you should watch the  the basketball game if you're if you're a celtics   fan your knicks fan it's generally advisable  not to watch the knicks play basketball so thank you switchbread thank you to  everybody subbing prime otherwise   am i a knicks fan um sadly yes i mean i'm  a i'm a nets transplant pretty soon so um   but yeah i mean if you're a knicks fan why  even watch basketball like well like why   you know you want to watch scrubs  beaten up get beaten up watch one   of these climbs that was mean i apologize  um let's go you guys know i'm joking check i am excited very excited about ufc next week  very excited mcgregor poirier huge excitement   for that i think mcgregor wins it within  two rounds but uh check do another check   walk the king over and then if the king  goes here king walks directly into this like i said queen takes e5 um i guess we just what do we do we can it's  an interesting move uh i guess we'll trade i mean don't take the night  because it's defended that's why or you mean take this knight  oh it's defended by the bishop   so possible but now i'm trading  everybody because i'll throw an a3   attack the horse make it move i'm trading  everything because we're up three puns so no we trade off our attackers but this  is you know this is the part of the   of the night at the casino where you just uh  cash out check this is not a blunder of a horsey   and if the knight takes we go here you gotta  listen we gotta take our winnings and uh run away take our winnings and go take and we're good we're very happy very good ah stretch the jaw still a couple  of games going on in uh in tada   classical chess is such a  takes forever my goodness take take and if horsey take horsey no take protech he protect he attack but  most importantly he eats snack   h7 also was good yes h7 rook f5 h8 was also  good we have four extra pawns at this point uh   and uh look my friends the the truth is  if you cannot win with four extra pawns you know let's go here now bishop a lot of moves so we can chop  chop chop chop chop and win the game   oh we have something very cool here rook d5  king d5 bishop g6 hitting the rook and the king   rookie five we can play bishop f7 check if rook  takes we promote so king will move we will take   take and we still can't queen because  the root covers but bishop g8 shields it   oh my goodness that's so nice we have an idea here  to shield the rook from covering the promotion   square but we also don't have to do that we also  when the rook comes up can just make a queen   but chess is about being fancy and not playing  the best moves obviously um and uh and now we have   check which we don't have to play if they take  we make a queen or check and then make a queen   so now the king moves and then we would go here  and the rook still can't take because we'd make a   queen and then when the king takes we play bishop  g8 and this is instructive bishop and pawn they   can create this little shield for the uh for the  pawn to go it's very nice and if the rook was on   the other side this would just be jail this would  be the cage but oh that is so nice what a nice way   to end it bishop and h7 pawn shield the rook from  promoting uh from covering the promotion square oh   oof they can give a check we hide  the king and we win nice beautiful   beautiful i see nine year olds in the chat uh  asking for sub gifts that's pretty good all   right we make a bishop king cannot get closer of  course we make a queen in normal circumstances but   and we go and we go king goes  king goes go go go go go why bishop i don't know should i  show you all how to mate with uh like some sort of like v5 two bishops two bishops  is a lot easier to learn   all right that's what we'll  do we'll do two bishops two bishops i almost promoted to uh   to uh two light-squared bishops  which would have just been a draw you you guys want bishop at  night i'll do bishop at night okay fine my my only pro my only issue  with teaching bishop and nightmate is that   um it's uh it's very hard to actually learn and  master but we'll do it so first things first   you can only mate on the same color corner  as what your bishop is and what you do in the   early stages you just you hunt the king down you  for you try to force the king back any way that   you can you do that with you know your king  for example and you have to bring the knight   in some way now in this case we've already  accomplished it here here that's covered   uh yeah okay king f6 opponent just  went directly to the back rank   so we would go i mean we can just follow actually  bishop here and night and the king is stuck so we just stopped the king from escaping  oh okay you want to do it like this   got it so bishop d7 king g8 there's  a magic square for our horsey   is the way is the way i would describe this  so the magic square is the horse he goes here   and this is what happens when the king goes to  the wrong corner you have to put the knight on f7   and then king g8 and then you extract the  king don't go hear that stalemate you will   never mate the king on f8 okay ever  don't even try i'm thinking we go here   uh and then we can walk the king but for now let's  just play knight c6 let's bring the horsey back   it's very complicated and also teaching it on  the fly with two minutes uh very dangerous for   a streamer because it can be very embarrassing  if i actually fail to do it i'm under a lot of   pressure here would you take the draw don't  just take the draw what are you nuts now king   f8 bishop g6 okay this is easy now very easy  let me show you watch this watch this so bishop   g6 so the king is in a box now these are the only  squares the king can move on okay and what you do   is you've got to force the king to the corner  you gotta force the king to go this way uh and   extract it out of the corner in the right way so  for example knight to e5 king goes to the corner we give a check and if the king went to f8 we  would just have to repeat this process we give a   check you're not going to make the king it should  be yes everybody's like oh it's the wrong corner   now is the process for getting  the king out king cannot go back   we waste a move force the king to  come here now we take this away   now we take it away don't let the king  get out don't let the king get out okay   king goes this way king's trying to run so what  do we do there's the technique known as the w   technique because it's a w or a m  um if you want it an m knight e5   very good my resident backseater evon cell  95 who only watches my stream to backseat   me is saying i had a very fast way but this is  the most instructive way which is why i am the   content creator and you are my resident backseater  king to e6 so now we bring the king and the walk   continues the king is trying to get out so what  do we do king to d6 if check trying to escape   we have a check sorry if check trying to escape  if king moves trying to escape we give a check okay now king goes this way we can continue  our w technique here or we can play a move   that for example like bishop f7 where the king  will have to go even further to the corner so   for instance knight knight c5 and here it's not  like the easiest thing ever so i would say waste   the move force the king to go one score further  okay now knight c5 doesn't let the king get out all right now the same exact technique give  a check you see the diamond el diamante el diamante king c6 here here and that's it  ladies and gentlemen we have gotten the king   extracted from the wrong  corner to the right corner we give a check and now we need to set it  up this is the king's only legal move here   here check here the king runs so what do  we do we bring the knight back and we want   the exact same position we have now when the  king goes here so we want this to happen again so opponent only can go here waiting move no way you'll remember it i  know too much now we want it to be their   move so we can go check back to the corner and  mate so we waste the move we waste the move and uh that's it they go back to b8 check mate and that is how you checkmate  with king bishop at night   opponent had something ready to type to me they  said thanks for the opportunity they like copy   pasted it i usually play caro khan and slav in  black and they look the same uh so hopefully uh   you know well this person said they usually  play the slav defense but why didn't they   if they play slav defense just go c6 d5 karo khan  and slav is good but no but this person played the   dutch and this was just a little bit too no no no  no no no no no no no no no no h4 is a dangerous   line actually in many lines black has to go for  this complete insanity with the broken structure   uh e4 and then queen h5 so um no no the  thing is so my my opponent is saying   they didn't know that the slav defense can be  played against c4 i mean just think about it just think about it right like slav defense it's  it's it looks the same so technically c4 c6 can   turn into the karo khan and can turn into the slav  so c4 c6 is how you would try to play you know the   slav defense i hope this was helpful hope this  was helpful and that was a nice little end game
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 999,617
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 59sec (6839 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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