New Cargo Barges Solving Cargo Traffic Like a Pro in Cities Skylines!

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my trains are getting completely backed up look at this yeah and i don't know why um hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of thailand and yes we have some amazing stuff to do today we are going to be looking at a brand new mod called barges ah yes we'll put that up on the screen so you can see that and we are going to be using that to transport some more cargo around our city which is fantastic because as you can see the big portion of our map is water look at that water everywhere so this is going to be absolutely fantastic we're going to try that out and of course we've got some naming some expanding some building all sorts of things that we are going to do today in between episodes our ore area here is now up to level 2 so we've unlocked a whole load of other stuff which we might get a look at as well if we get time so first of all let's dive in and take a look at the barges mod so if you take a look at the mod on the steam workshop there are some items that you will get so i'm going to use the find it mod here to show you a couple of these here we go and yes so we're going to get these simple barge harbor and we also got the west haven lager hall i think that's how you pronounce that which is also a barge harbor and you need to read carefully the link for the workshop item because there's a couple of things you need to subscribe to as well as the barges mod but basically um you can put these barges down so let us start with these simple barge harbor we're going to pop that over here we're going to use anarchy to connect that up and there we go this is a bog standard very simple barge harbor just to show how it works and because i have the industry dlc and i have ticked the box in the options menu for this mod this also functions as a warehouse so you can put in here any of these items that you want i think it's also these are all upgrading they're like yeah we absolutely love the fact that you've got this so yeah so you can use this as storage as well as a warehouse and put some items in but apart from that it will function as uh in the same way as a cargo uh train terminal so of course you need to keep in mind the distance things are gonna travel if road is quicker it's gonna use road if train is quicker it's gonna use train and if these cargo harbors are quicker it will use the cargo harbor that is how the in-game ai works now how do you hook these up to your network well once you've placed down a simple barge harbor or you could put down the west haven lager hall there will be some other ones coming up soon i'm sure they then use the ferry pathways so if we go into our ship and our ferry pathway you can then literally just connect those up and that is now hooked up to my ferry network which as we know runs all the way around our city all over the place that's how it works and there's also some one-way ferry lanes that has been made available so you could perhaps get those as well but what i'm going to do is i'm going to put one over here somewhere probably not there we'll come back to that one i want to put one all the way over here on our other island where we've been building and we've got this little spot over here which i would like to try out so let's have a look i'm thinking of putting i mean that's a pretty big one i think is going to end up on a i'm going to put this one a nice small simple one let us delete this road here uh i feel like i want to put some key wall along here so let me grab some of that flood wall key wall this is the one there we go just like that and we can sit that on the top now you do have to use the anarchy mod just to get that working there we go that's fine and just for testing purposes we're just going to connect that one up to there so i'm gonna grab that road connect that up to there and that will do for now excellent so we've got the way for the goods to get over to this island i feel like i need to just move this over a tiny touch there we go uh where they're gonna come from we're going to set one up all the way back over here in our industry area so i'm just going to delete this one and we're going to put the larger one over here i want to just straighten up this key wall here so i'm going to use the anakin mod uh the movement mod i should say to straighten that up uh these guys are all going to go there we go and then we're going to grab this one here west haven lager hall um if i put that sort of towards the end i'm not going to just hook up these roads that will do for now okay excellent and what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to use the warehouse part of this at the moment i'm just going to leave that as it is and we're going to see what happens so oh let's also not forget to hook this one up and we've got the right ferry pathway let us just come out of there and i'm just going to sort of hook that let's just hook it straight into there excellent and that's all you need to do so hopefully if there's a call out for goods over here they are going to get let's start the game up would also help they are going to get a call out and this is possibly going to be the quickest and easiest way because over on this island over here we have as far as i can remember we've put no cargo train terminals or anything like that no we haven't so the quickest way other than taking the road all the way around is via these uh barges barges cargo ferries they're also called as well because they work sort of on the ferry thing so let's keep an eye open let's also hook up some water and stuff that'll probably make things work a bit better that's got water it's got power oh okay is this not connected to the whole ring it is electricity availability something's going on let me sort that out and of course mustn't forget to hook this bad boy up so we are just going to bring that i think into there yeah that'll do there we go so let's zoom out and keep an eye on this one over here and this one over here on the left and see whether we get any barges coming in between them actually just thinking about the route that we've got here because this connects up to this one which goes all the way up to the top and then all the way back round here that is quite a long way round so what i am going to do is i am going to connect up to here and i'm going to just bring this much much closer i wonder whether if i set like a separate one up like this whether it will use that let's hook it in there and then i'm going to hook it up to there whether we'll use that instead of going along this one over here there we go all right well let's keep an eye on this and see what happens oh there we go i've just spotted it it just appeared our very first barge let's give this one a follow and there we go it's called barge number two but it is the first one as far as i can see that looks great i like that i like that a lot look at the uh look at all the things that are on there that is absolutely fantastic i'm interested to see whether it's going to use our other routes or whether it's going to stick to the first one it's using this one okay i would imagine then somehow that is a little bit closer where is he going to hang on a sec let's check out where this guy's going so he's going oh he's going to cut through over there okay fair enough fair enough well let's give this guy a follow then and see where he ends up [Music] oh there we go that must be the other barge going the other way fantastic i tell you what when everything's not on fire i'm pretty loving the way that this city looks i think it just looks oh beautiful oh my goodness me someone didn't have their three weetabix this morning did they oh i never mind here we go it is arriving fantastic and i think as well with the one-way ferry pathways it will stop this guy doing a big uh switcheroo which we're going to see in the minute so it'd be nice if some people can make some more of these little harbors with the moving items and stuff like that but just to get uh this thing going is he going to switch around or is he going to oh land ahoy yeah he's made it that's fine that's okay and then i guess these guys here are dropping off staff ready to be shipped out and this guy here look so what has he picked up that he's taking out oh he's returning to the facility he's just dropped some stuff off but that is great that's good so now we can start using this waterway around here to start moving our goods around oh yeah these guys are all complaining about the tax the budget um let's just drop our tax down like that i need to get rid of some of these because they will move back in again when they're abandoned like this but people around don't like the fact that there's a load of abandoned houses bear with bear with [Music] i think it's also the facts as well i think that's pretty much it we've got a lot of this zoned as industry stuff but we've been building a lot of industry and if we have a look at our city just a quick aside here unemployment is only two percent so at the moment we've got more industry uh than we need so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna remove some of these spots over here just so we don't get too much in here again and then that should be good now something i have noticed that has happened a few times with this city uh in between last episode and this episode is my trains are getting completely backed up look at this yeah and i don't know why um as always we have a despawning turned off and if i put despawning on all of these trains will disappear and that's now causing traffic in other places too um which is very interesting so let's just see if we can look into this and see where it's going so these trains will go in this way on this side we're going to put the camber mod on so i can go outside the city limits that we've got so he's going this way they're all going up there and then they're getting blocked here so we've got these two lines coming into one but these two trains here they're deciding that they want to get far too close to each other where's he going they're all going this way okay and then these again see i mean this is all far enough apart but it's not to be a problem is it the outside of the city problem that we have from time to time with the node so ah so this guy's trying to get out yeah this guy is trying to get out this guy i get i guess is trying to come in yeah so they're all trying to go out on this one now let's follow this to the end let's follow this to the end and then when we get down here let's put that on that makes it harder to see they're all getting caught up here let's just oh i know this is really hard to let me just see if i can turn the fog off one sec okay the fog has gone i just used to hide it mod for that and yeah i think this is that little problem that we get it's a combination of if we use no despawning um which i tend to do with traffic manager to make things more difficult for myself and this being too close to the edge of the map over there and yeah this node needs sort of moving as you can see a full train can't fit in there um so what i'm gonna just do actually i can't build outside the lines can i so i'm not gonna delete it i'm just gonna have to just use this mod just to move some of these nodes down a bit let's move that up to there and that is that far away now hopefully we don't have to sort of get into using what we did on the five builders one city map well i built that ridiculously great big thing there we go so now this should be able to pull up where's he going yes he's trying to come in as well and this one so let's just delete a couple of trains here that are now blocking this all up and you can go as well there we go yeah they do this thing where they come in on both sides instead of that being out and that being in which is interesting because if we actually look at one of the problems when we had this train issue on the fight builders one city map was how many goods we were bringing in i mean we're bringing in a lot of mail which i don't think so this is cargo this is cargo that's cargo yeah so most of these are cargo yeah so these all coming in as you can see so it's the coming in that's the problem actually this one's on this side where's he going no he's trying to go out so yeah i'm just wondering whether we need to just go around all of the edges like this look at that that one is so close to the edge they don't fit in at all so i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to go around all the train uh edges of the map train connections and adjust all of those and we'll just see whether that makes a difference okay so i've fixed the trains where they come in here and here but of course that's it every single other side look is water as far as the eye can see so basically those two connections are doing the in and the out for all of our trains um interesting now something else i perhaps want to just take a look at here so that's going to a train station that's going to a train station cargo train terminal of course train station i'm just wondering whether we're getting tons of passengers coming in and that one that one that's interesting let's just follow this down here then so when we get to a nice big junction like this again nodes very far apart which is what you want to see so there's plenty of room uh the same on that one let's follow this one all the way in so that goes all the way back round that way again okay yeah they're starting to move look ever so slowly so this then curves around here and then we get into our city so i am wondering whether but we've got trains like this is that yeah they are my trains so i think these ones here like we've got this one so that one's going straight through the city uh straight through the map from one side to the other and they've got no other option than to come through our line that goes through the city so i'm just wondering whether i um i'm not going to fix this yet without sort of cheating and i don't want to cheat i don't want to suddenly unlock a load of other lines but basically that train's coming in on one line and for some reason going all the way up here to go all the way down there but i can't fix that yet i can't draw lines outside i'm just wondering what i could do to be honest i'm just wondering whether i need to turn off like intercity trains uh on all of my train stations apart from like one and pick one main one that is going to be used for that i think that might be a good start i'm going to turn off intercity trains on all of them and then we can decide which one to put it on for yeah not many choices we've got this one up here tranquility point we've got the one by el grey park uh that is a cargo one and we've got this one here and this one here so i am wondering whether one of these over here might be a good idea perhaps this one by the bus hub will put that one back on because they can get the buses they can get the ferries over to the main hub and get all over the place that might just help a little bit perhaps but i think just to get things moving i'm gonna do something i don't do when i normally fix people's cities i'm gonna do a quick toggle of despawning on and off to get rid of all the backlog of the trains and then we're gonna see whether they sort themselves out and whether it becomes a problem again or not so while we're waiting to see what happens with our trains and i am trying to sort of think is there a way we can use the barges to maybe sort of help with the distribution of goods but at the moment we'll leave it as it's going i was gonna see if i could just try and solve this problem here they're basically all saying they're abandoned because there's not enough workers um as always that doesn't necessarily mean there's not enough workers it could just be getting the workers over here we do have a bus stop uh a bus line that runs over here so it stops there we could just add another stop sort of over here somewhere that would be good just to sort of cover this area let's pop another one there that is right by the junction maybe not we'll have those three one two that is quite close isn't it let's move that one let's put it up there see how it goes and that one runs all the way through here it's stopped by green tea fields farm it stops down here by this ferry and on the way out it goes all the way up here via el grey park train station and all the way down here to our hub i think this is one we set up a long time ago and there's not many people using it but what i'm thinking would be good is instead of it going all the way back over this way is when it came through it came past all of these uh instead and stopped so it came in that way but out this way so now we can add a stop by our ferry there we can add this one if we grab that and drag that down here we can add a stop by our ferry here it then goes up through here i would say even add another stop up here somewhere there we go and there's lots of people living here as well and just see how that works it's a very very long bus but at the moment other than the ferries we've got not much connection between all of these let's just see what that one's doing that's the hub to the industry and yeah not so many people on that one how's our ferry line doing um so that is going to be which line along here so we've got this blue one yeah we don't have a ferry stop up here it finishes over here doesn't it so i'm just wondering now whether we could do with a ferry stop in here for passengers i forget you secret this is the ferry depot could we squeeze a little something something in here and really give them all access all over the place that he's only small that could go in there look let's just butt that up to there as much as we can yeah there we go let's connect this up we'll get this road here we'll connect that to there whoa whoa let's try that again let's turn on load snapping laps are there and then what i'm gonna do is just move actually that's lined up fine very tight bend but i think we'll just go with that i'm not going to connect it up there because it would go underneath there and then back over to mass transit back over to here oh yeah we've got to connect that up haven't we so let's just pause the game a second let's just delete that and then we'll get our fairy line so where does it end it goes down there all the way over to here the ferry does go in both directions so as it comes up here i'm gonna drag that one over to there and we've got a blue one as well haven't we i'm gonna drag that one over to here as well so it covers all of that and might just bring some more people from over this way as well to come and work over there so hopefully with those two fixes we might get more people and we'll see what happens with the train so i'm just gonna have a cup of tea i'm gonna let this run for 10 15 minutes and let's see what happens and while we've got things running let's name a couple of things some fantastic name ideas for our bus hub so this is going to be a bit of a stretch but it was the top voted one for the bus hub let me just do the caps log so harbiskus tea transfer hibiscus tea transfer there we go hub bus hub t you've got it all in there yeah you get how it works that was suggested by andre david thank you very much i do like that one and then for our or industry over here we've got the oriental ore area um somebody suggested the oriental or area well you know i was getting there getting there but the top one was because we've got uh teasely world uh over there he suggested orlando and i just thought that was fantastic so that was by the benjo 1975. i'm assuming it's 1975. it was all in roman numerals and that's about as good as my roman numerals get and this is going to be orlando heights i'll just call it that orlando heights there we go and that's orlando that is absolutely brilliant i like that and then we had a few comments about the buses not using the bus lanes which is what is sort of happening they will do depending on where they're going so this guy here has already decided he's going straight on so he's stayed in that one even though this bus lane can go straight on have i put some hawkey bulky stuff on here no that is weird let's just have a quick look at my lane so i know these ones aren't because they're wanting to go left so they're coming over here like this guy's going to use this middle lane and go left no he's not he's going straight on this one here there we go he's going to use this lane so i can understand them not using the bus lane there what we could do is we could make this one do that and i'm wondering whether they will then take the bus lane and go left but there is an option in traffic manager yeah see they're going to come down here now he's going right yeah okay that's not gonna make much of a difference there is an option in traffic manager which will stop cars and trucks using bus lanes but there isn't an option to force buses using bus lanes so because they're turning or going straight on and there's no bus lanes up i wonder if i just did this let me grab this road and just upgraded this one so there's bus lanes um and oh yeah that's grass in the middle there i gotta do that one there there we go and we lose our markings but hey ho they might actually then stay in the bus lane and i've also got the option that buses will ignore lane arrows so they can turn even if you do this sort of thing and let's just keep an eye on a sec for these buses coming down up there there we go ah i came out of the bus lane to turn so actually now i bet if i put this option on okay let's let's do it over here as well and go straight on and right so we're giving the bus lanes lots of options and let's see what happens this time for the buses that come down up here next [Music] here comes the green bars here comes the green bus coming down the outside is he going to stay in the bus lane and turn he is he's now staying in the bus lane let's just check with the next one that comes this guy turning right didn't look where's he going i know why because he's going right but this has got a light [Laughter] buses you're going to be the death of me he wasn't in the bus lane then got in the bus lane okay as i said you can't force them to use the bus lane which is slightly annoying i mean i suppose you could force them to use the bus lane like this couldn't you that one there that one there nope this one here that one there you could do that but then i don't want to do that i don't need to do that so yeah well we'll stick with what we got i think that'll be okay and these guys are still humming away which is fantastic and another fantastic suggestion by guitar nerd was put in a pedestrian path between no problem at all and season the world over here to help people get across they kind of come across a course with the train buses and that sort of thing but what if they just want to walk across um which i think is a very fair point so we've got this sort of section through the middle here where i think we should be able to squeeze in a path so let's see what we can do [Music] [Music] there we go and i think that's too steep coming up there we might be able to lower it down just a little bit and already people are using it that's fantastic maybe we could just move some of these trees out of the way over here give them a fighting chance of getting through without scraping their faces let's follow this guy in the black suits and see what he thinks of this amazing path now i could cheese this and stick on a park over this path and charge people to walk over it but you know what we're not gonna do it we all know we can do it i'm not gonna do it i think that'll be fine just to leave it like it is but i'm just enjoying this view this is a fantastic view of the city with the train on the right and the highway on the left and then coming over here let's just see how steep this is whether we need to reevaluate our thinking do you know what he's made it down without falling over that is good enough for me [Music] excellent [Music] oh so many people using this path as a cut through fantastic i just sloped it down a little bit just to make it a little bit easier and then what i'm going to do over here is i am just going to put a path uh straight through the middle here some buildings will have to regrow there we go excellent let's just line that up hey whoa oh oh oh let's do it by eye there we go just want that right up to the edge like so and then what i'm going to do in here is add some crossings uh node controller we're going to go there and there we're going to put lights on and lights on excellent yes i'm using node controller two at the moment um and yeah i think that there would work really well let me just move that back a touch there we go so they can get straight across over here into teas new world earnest tons of money that way and that's great and then if any offices and shops want to grow over here you can feel free to uh fill that in and enjoy yourself cool and just answering a comment that i saw so many times in the last episode was i put schools out in this area and then i play some schools oh biff is an idiot he doesn't yeah no that's not how it works i'm not going to make any comments too much about your comments but yes school's out as the wiki says the citizens will prove prefer working over education only a small portion of the eligible citizens will go to study in the university so you could still put a university here a small percentage will go to it but they still need to go to high school elementary school and whatnot so they can learn to read and write before they go to work they don't just get born and go straight to work so that is how that policy works okay time has been going past quit looking on the outside connections of our city here and yeah it's working as it should plenty of space to fit a full train in and for those that don't know this is what it looks like on the very edge of the map people standing around walking along the highway waiting to jump into their cars and get into the city under normal conditions you would never see this so that's why it was designed this way and i'm pretty sure the other one just up here there it is on this little island is also working the same yeah excellent all clear no problem at all and nothing is all backed up going into the city and our traffic is let's just come out of that one 84 which is fantastic so as these barges are working so well as well as bringing in some goods over here i'm just wondering whether we can help with the transfer of items from the glass manufacturing plant that we've got over to our factories all the way over here that are using glass so the lemonade factory this is just metals and steel but they're going to move those things as well which come from the same area so that could all come into this one here so if we just stick another one of those simple ones just on here i think we're probably going to see you know some some stuff going on let's just uh see if we can pop that there how does that look yeah we're gonna use the movement mod and we're just gonna shiftify that around a little bit i actually wanted it right here in that area and then we're going to do control h make it the same height as that there we go that fits in nicely then of course we've got to connect this up with our ferry pathway and we've got that problem again where we can't get round here because this is outside the map so what i'm going to do is um what's going to be the best thing to do if i use the move it mod and just move that over there like that and then just bring that all the way down so it goes around the outside of that area there i think that'll work just fine [Music] there we go we'll connect that up to there now could of course we could use separate ferry pathways for our ferries and for our cargo and i may end up doing that although when they cross over like this then there's nothing you can do they're always going to take the shortest route but i'm interested to see what goods now are going to be brought down to here from perhaps here that sees that as a shorter route maybe than getting on the car or the train and going all the way around let's see what happens do you know what it's never going to work in a million years because i can hear i can literally hear um your comments being tight saying biffa differ for biffa [Music] what is your problem so we're gonna have that go in there and come out there and that will work much better we'll do dedicated in there we'll do dedicated at there and we'll do i'll do give way here for now and we'll just see actually as they're gonna go both ways let's use a two-way i'll use the industrial road there we go excellent excellent excellent now this might actually start to do something hey already dropping things off nice to see and actually if i just pause it we can take a look at what these guys are dropping off so he's coming from the recycling center but exporting all products okay interesting let's see what else we get dropped off here here comes another one what's he dropping off delivering unique factory products to the warehouse yard so he is the owner of that one all the way over there and he's dropping them two all the way over there unique factory products okay oh that is set up for unique factory products oh really oh yeah because we've got our factory over here somewhere ah very good very good i'm not quite understanding what he's done has he driven from there all the way down to here now we'll go back over to there can you should just be selling those uh anyway we'll maybe ignore that and just oh there we go the first one is in let us follow this one then and hope that it can fit through effort that we've got set up around here particularly with our new pedestrian pathway yay no problem at all yeah i'm definitely gonna be using these more in the city i may sort of amend what we've done so far but it's working at the moment and i love how busy the waterway looks um so if you've got any ideas on how to set these up how to separate them how to have them not cross over and hit each other i don't think there's going to be a way around that which is just one of those things and but if any more warehouses barge hub things pop up on the workshop certainly drop me a link what will happen is your comment with the link will go into my uh section where it's got to check whether the comments are okay or not because i don't allow links but that's fine because i still see it and then i can allow it and i'll check out the things that you've linked me to did that make sense i'm sure it did but yeah i am loving these so here he is dropping some stuff off now i want to see where these people are going to go i think perhaps he was yeah he's dropped some stuff in here and now he's leaving these are the guys who want to check out so let's just wait until they sort of get down here and there's a few we can check there we go there's a lot coming out and he's off okay so we've got unique factory products for the warehouse yard exporting all products metals to warehouse warehouse three which is just exactly what we wanted uh old brick warehouse importing goods to the old quick warehouse where's that all right over here yep okay uh what have we got here that's warehouse three what we want metals to warehouse three perfect that is doing exactly what we wanted that's fantastic so that is seen from there to there as a quicker route than all the way around so that is going to take traffic off the road and less cargo trains as well oh love it okay so i have a question for you fine folk uh we need to seriously expand our city we have a huge need for residential a high demand and we have the option to unlock some squares so where shall we go um let's have a look shall we go option number one here which will give us access off the highway there access to the highway coming through here and we'll have the train line as well so that's option number one shall we go over here option number two or shall we go over here option number three let me know in the comments below and i'd be very interested to see what you suggest and then the highest voted comment with either option number one option two or option three will be the one that we do on a future episode and look at all these barges coming backwards and forwards moving all that cargo around our city i just love it so thank you very much for watching if you want to check out any of the mods we've spoken about today it'll be linked below don't forget to subscribe before you go so you don't miss out on more cool videos coming your way and if i'm correct there's something super special that you do not want to miss in my next video so make sure you're subscribed i've got notifications on have a great day i will see you all very soon take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 201,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines barges mod, cities skylines barge, cargo barges, cities skylines cargo barge, cities skylines fix cargo traffic
Id: Z130pq4V7dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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