New and Essential MODS for Cities: Skylines

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everybody welcome back i'm yumble and today i'd like to discuss modding and city skylines i'd like to talk about some old favorites that everyone should have some newcomers that not everyone knows about maybe that i think everyone should have and i'd like to talk about them in an alternating fashion i'm going to go one to one here's a new mod here's a here's an old mod that hopefully you know about but if you didn't now is your chance to install it i'm yumble let's get into it so i figured we'd start this off with something absolutely wonderful absolutely amazing looking at this little scene here you'll notice that that some of the trees look a little a little different some of the trees are are very high detail this is by delmo from the workshop he's a wonderful asset creator and the houses are by king leno another amazing asset creator this is part of the university's asset pack but the trees that are built into the houses leave something to be desired when compared to these nice fresh-looking trees so what we can do is actually replace those and it's never been so easy to do it's it's never been so intuitive there have been mods that have done this in the past were claimed to do this and they work but it was tedious you had to find which tree you were replacing all this crazy stuff so this whole area could look much better very rapidly i've got bob open right now b you see bob on the mouse it's uh it's short for beautify our builds with bob active you can click on an asset i can literally see the two trees that are included and not just that all the trees highlighted in pink are this coarse and pine nonsense you know vanilla is fine vanilla's you know vanilla's vanilla but if i can take this chorus can pine and let's say let's say i type in common tree and then we replace it in all buildings so universally within within buildings this is going to replace that tree everywhere coruscant pine shows up we're going to replace it ready three two one boom they're still highlighted but that looks much better and then the trick is you go to the u the u is the next one with the v next to it that means vanilla you can see we haven't replaced these yet so let's do it i'm going to swap it with the same tree actually in all houses and that is amazing i've never seen something so intuitive there like i said there have been mods that do this in the past but you end up going through menus trying to figure out what what vanilla tree you have to replace this has never been more intuitive it's never been easier i'm a big user experience person so anytime a mod comes out that improves the user experience and streamlines the process without making it more technical i am completely on board so bob is a winner in my book also the same hotkey it's alt n to bring up bob but prior to that it'll bring up ron the network replacer this is a twofer bob and ron bob and ron don't forget those names ron is replace our networks and it works the same way but with with roads in your city i don't need to use it right now i'm not you know it's okay i have to go around and do the rest of the trees in the city actually now that i've got this but same concept i can select a road on the left and i can select a replacement network on the right bob and ron are newcomers to the modding scene but i'd like to draw your attention to one that is not a newcomer this is the the alternating format i was talking about this is the the first essential mod that i would that i would say everyone should have the first on this list at least find it we're on find it two at this point but find it is wonderful especially for someone who downloads a bunch of assets and can never find what they're looking for and you know what not this this menu lets you uh find whatever you need you know let's say i need i need my libraries boom we've got the libraries let's say i i want to search by keyword for fire stations you know there's there's um there's a bunch of different ways you can search in this this is the most basic like just a keyword search but it's essential for anyone who's downloading assets from the workshop because sometimes the menus will hide them in odd places or the asset creator will decide to put them several menus back within one of these buttons or not within one of these buttons at all sometimes the only way to find things is to search for them using find it you can go down to specific things you can search networks you can search trees you can do props of course unique buildings growables right ploppables versus growables it's it's great there's a separate mod that you actually need to place growables but find it is where it begins ricoh buildings is another one residential industrial commercial office buildings crucial decals growable slash rico if you want to search rico and growable at the same time you can do that but find it has been essential for years now since before i started playing skylines find it has been essential if you don't already have this get it now our next mod is a more recent entry but i would say it's it's just crucial and fundamental for obvious reasons i'm talking about fps booster this mod actually trims the fat on some processes that cities likes to run people have found modders have found that there's there's things going on in skylines that don't need to be going on and you've got a huge performance boost if you reduce or or uh turn off these things and that's what fps booster does for you automatically so i'm gonna go to my options menu hit the f button repeatedly another that's a that's a pro tip if you're looking for a certain mod in your mod settings especially if you haven't haven't organized them with the mod that does that press the button press the the first letter of the mod to find it quickly so fps booster we're here there there are some dependencies that come along with it overall i think it's a very light mod and it actually speeds up your game which is rare usually mods can slow down your game more more likely than speed it up so this one to the contrary it says hey not only am i going to speed up your game automatically using the fps booster feature we're going to give you some controls as well so you can limit your game if you find that the the frame rate is inconsistent or running amok you can turn it down if you need to it gives you settings down below here it actually gives you settings to change the frame rate when your game is in certain states so the main menu doesn't have to run at 30 it doesn't have to run at 60fps so maybe i'll let my main main menu run at 30. that's new i haven't i haven't checked that yet for some reason on the loading screen why would you want the frame rate high on the loading screen you can reduce it can i reduce it further yes please i'll reduce it to 10 perfect when the game is paused 15 frames is more than enough uh 15 frames per second in-game options 30 yeah why not in-game options 30. when saving the game 15. this is something i run into a lot actually i find that oftentimes if a crash is going to occur it happens while the game is saving so i do recommend pausing the game but this can act as kind of a kind of a cushion if you forget to pause your game before saving you can check this box and it'll automatically reduce the frame rate to 10 which probably makes it less likely that that the game will crash while saving right uh lower the frame rate when app loses focus if i click away i wanna i want the frame rate to stay the same so i keep that off content editors i always run at 30. so this gives you a bunch of controls but it also works in the background very much automatically if you don't want to come in and change any of these controls that's totally fine but go out and get fps booster right now it's one of the best recent additions to your to a skylines player's modding catalog the next mod on our journey through skylines mods is the loading screen mod this is a mainstay next to all the newcomers that i've talked about so far this is an absolute must-have immediately download it yesterday kind of mod it'll it'll save you so much ram it's actually amazing so loading screen mod i've got the options open here and this is the the tip of the iceberg what it actually does is when you load your game when the game is loading it gives you a detailed menu showing what assets are loading how many assets you have how much ram you're using potential page file size if cities is spilling over into your into your page file system if if you if you download a lot of assets like i do a lot of them can potentially share textures or share certain elements and loading screen mod automatically takes those textures and only loads them once [Music] i'm going to say that one more time in a different way if if a road and another road share a texture or share some sort of prop or or what have you the game by default would load those twice because it's not optimized to recognize that automatically loading screen mod just trims the fat completely and only loads those textures as as few times as it needs to and consolidates everything so you'll save a ton on ram if you're finding your game is running sluggish loading slowly if you want to know how much ram cities is using it'll tell you at the loading screen additionally the reason we're in this menu is so we can like take a look at this it'll save reports to a certain directory right automatically it'll go to the developers directory that's pretty awesome what this is actually doing if you go to this directory it'll show you a list of missing uh unloaded and duplicate assets and the list will actually link to workshop entries of the items that you're missing so let's say the loading screen mod when you're starting up a game um it'll show you assets that failed to load those failed assets all go into this html html file you open it in your browser and it's a series of links to the mods and assets that you're missing well the assets that you're missing specifically if you're missing a bush that belongs to a house you can find what bush that is if the new uh train track you downloaded doesn't have the right whatever doesn't have the right wires you can go see what see what you need traffic lights everything so this is absolutely essential it'll show you what you're missing allow you to download it conveniently and it'll also consolidate all of your textures automatically saving you a ton of time a time a ton of ram it's truly incredible get loading screen mod so this one's actually another mod that i think of as essential but i also think that not everyone is using it let me clue you into zoning toggle i believe it's called from if i'm not mistaken no zoning tool set let me get the name right and then we'll go from there zoning tool set is what it's called uh in the steam workshop but what it comes with is called toggle zoning update right so this is the button that i use primarily when i'm when i'm using this mod let's say you want to deactivate the zoning squares on a given road so an application for this might be if i wanted stores to only face like let's say i'm going to zone in some stores they're going to zone in wherever they want to if i if i click this they're going to show up all over i don't want to do any of that they're going to show up all over the place but mainly they're going to be facing the arterial potentially or they have a chance because these are sharing zoning squares the the buildings may face the arterial and that's going to slow down traffic and create something nasty i would want them to face this road exclusively in steps zoning toggle zoning update if you know what i'm saying within the zoning toolset mod you can deactivate the zoning squares i'll start here so you can see it watch these bye-bye so now as we turn these off it's great now these uh the the zoning squares that we see we can rest assured that they're facing towards this road because this road doesn't have any zoning squares so if you're experiencing kind of erratic zoning you're zoning and it's facing ways you don't want it to the squares aren't um lining up the way you want them to things like that i i strongly recommend getting uh getting zoning tool set it's going to help you a lot when you're when you're growing buildings and city skylines this next mod is an absolute no-brainer many of you already have this some of you may not i have an entire video explaining how to use it it's traffic manager so traffic manager is crucial for for doing everything that you would want to do to roads and networks and traffic and city skylines it gives you all the tools you need to create custom timed traffic lights to add turn lanes or customize the turn lanes you can do lane connectors to tell cars exactly where you want them to go don't do that too much but you can do it a little if you want to sometimes it's controversial um priority signs if you want to add yields or allow a road to be priority or stop signs things like that junction restrictions crucial you can allow cars into intersections or enable u-turns or enable weaving things like that you can change the speed limits okay you want to change the speed limit traffic manager you can ban certain cars on certain roads traffic manager you can ban parking traffic manager you can clear your traffic entirely you can also toggle automatic vehicle despawning if you notice vehicles being deleted automatically in traffic you can turn that off i have a video that goes into it in depth that's the crash course i've been yumble let's do another one this entry is another great one this is uh this is a mod by klite called touch this now touch this unlocks roads that are attached to assets and what that means is let's say right now if i wanted to make this into a one-way road i wouldn't be able to right so this is built into the asset this is a cargo hub this is locked right now essentially until grab touch this click both of them now it's whatever you want now you can it's unlocked you can make it a one-way road you can change direction whatever you got to do to make the asset work you can now do it doesn't actually affect the asset itself it just affects the the road and it actually separates it from it entirely so i believe i can just take this and nope i was wrong if you delete the asset though haha i was right about that one i know some things so the road remains because we've unlocked it using touch this i'd strongly recommend it just for flexibility i bet you have a whole bunch of assets in your um in your library that could benefit from this because maybe there's a better road choice right do you always want a two-way road in front of your cargo station no sometimes it's good to have a one-way road so the vehicles queue up in an orderly fashion get touched this right now this next one is absolutely crucial in my opinion this is rico revisited right you can see it highlighted down there in the bottom left ricoh i mentioned it earlier residential industrial commercial offices it's the the growable system in city skylines or the demand system perhaps in city skylines might be more accurate if you use this mod it allows you to convert unique buildings into ricoh buildings so you can create a you can take a unique building that usually acts almost like a park and it converts it into a place where people can live or people can work or people can shop whatever you designate it as but it does way more than that i have a video that goes into depth if you look for my video called realism in skylines or something of that effect building realistic cities perhaps that will show you in depth how you can use ricoh but i just want to point out another side effect of having rico and a good one at that is that you can use finder excuse me find it we spoke about it earlier if you use find it to find a growable asset that you like and you try to plop that without rico it's not going to work without rico revisited it the building will disappear if it's a building that's only supposed to grow within a given zoning it'll actually disappear so make sure that you get rico revisited make sure that this is checked rico growable buildings right instantly plop rather there was another mod that used to handle this but now it's rolled into this one so this just means that you can you can put whatever growable building you want wherever you want you can also handle ploppable options complaint options if you're getting some silly complaints that you want to avoid and just ignore entirely you can turn off certain certain things additional options yeah rico revisited is amazing if you want to plop buildings that usually grow get rico revisited if you want to convert unique buildings into into buildings that people can live in work and shop in get rico revisited the next mod is one of my personal favorites it's intersection marking tool if you've been playing skylines for a little while or if you've played the vanilla version you know that the space where roads all connect so the node where the road connects it's usually a blank empty area it looks a lot like i'll go to my other interchange here this one is not marked so you can see that there's a bit of ambiguity when you're approaching the intersection there's nothing there these are are used i used another mod to stretch them out a bit we'll go over that later but these are unmarked and they look kind of kind of weird right so you can totally erase that ambiguity by marking up your intersection using intersection marking tool and you can get as complex as you want this is probably one of the most complex markings that i've done with intersection marking tool there's a bit of a learning curve it'll take a little a little messing around with it to get to get used to the flow i do have a video that details the the inner working or not the inner workings but the how to use the intersection marking tool to your advantage and you can do a lot of really really really cool stuff with it not only can you uh make markings in the road you can also designate a curb you know you can say that this is pavement so this is like a a little curb almost in the situation this one probably shouldn't be a curb but i like that this one is and i like that this one is and you can get as complicated as you want you can also do crosswalks with it as i said before i've got a video detailing how to use it please feel free to check out that video if you want to learn how to use intersection marking tool our next mod is one of the heaviest hitters in skyline's mod history of course i'm talking about move it move it is how you move it okay moving on no it's how you literally manipulate any object in the game so look at this i can i can click on the nodes of this by holding shift i can move it around you know where are we going to put it let's put it over here ready easy if you hold alt it snaps in position on the grid if it's next to a road it'll snap to the to the road grid if you wanted to say increase the slope you can click a node hold page up it increases the slope if you select a series of nodes and hit slope objects it actually does the math for you and does a nice even slope on that all kinds of great things can happen with move it all kinds of incredible things if you want to line up objects you can do that too let's see what the result of this is yup that was weird so anyway move it's really really good it gives you a lot of flexibility it allows you to move things around it allows you to snap objects you can use it on on everything in the game except for terrain i think as far as i know i i can't terrain and water are probably the only exceptions but any object in the game is your playground to mess with you can also use the the marquee tool here if you want it to only select uh nodes and avoid the trees you can do that if you want it to you know any combination of things here you can select it you can deselect it you can move it you can manipulate it it's it's one of the most powerful mods in the game uh a tutorial on it is outside of the scope of this but check out my my friend slay3k he actually made a tutorial video about how to use the current version of move it it's amazing another another great cities player another great video creator check out that vid for more information but make sure you get move it if you don't already have it easily one of the greatest mods to to bless the skylines community recently is node controller now node controller is is uh it can you can use it as deeply as you want to but for our purposes here i want to show you what it does essentially automatically you can hit make ends straight boom the node is controlled look at that you can increase the offset of all three of these and it makes the the exit smoother if we decided to use intersection marking tool this would be an amazing kind of smooth exit for vehicles to use i have an in-depth video on this that just came out a few weeks ago feel free to check out my tutorial on node controller but honestly it's it's just amazing it takes what what is completely unrealistic and kind of awkward i even did a pretty good job on this like this is a that's a pretty good connection all things considered but it leaves a lot to be desired and with node controller really quickly you can just you can absolutely make something crazy a lot of automatic adjustments feel free to check out that video if you want to see how to automatically adjust your your intersections to make them way more realistic node controller this next one is real easy to appreciate it's called precision engineering and what it actually does is gives you the angle and length of the network that you're building so you see that 90 degrees those 290 degrees there and that 14 unit that's all precision engineering if you hit shift it shows you the the other angle there and it'll show you distances from other nodes like it's showing the that yellow line in the top right is precision engineering you can also use it to snap to angles so you see how this is kind of sweeping through the array of angles and then snapping at the end if you hold ctrl you can actually do it if you want to get a 45 degree angle hold ctrl and it's easy to get a 45 whereas without holding control you're kind of freehanding it so precision engineering i'd say it's essential probably should have been included with the game but it's been added in the form of a mod it's a very old mod at this point get precision engineering now stop me if you heard this one your intersections are all marked your nodes are controlled you've automatically built a roundabout you automatically built a pedestrian overpass that's a lot of mods that's a lot of buttons where are you gonna put all those buttons now you can't put them in your pockets that doesn't make sense that's silly don't be stop being silly you can put them in unified ui it's a mod it's a great little button that nests all these other buttons within it i don't really use the the other mods i mentioned but certainly it works for intersection marking tool and node controller which i use together all the time i'll use them on the same node one right after the other so it's great they've developed a button that holds those there are other ui buttons out there for different purposes as you can see the the modded skylines buttons are out of control there's buttons down here there's buttons over there buttons in the corner there's buttons everywhere it rhymed but unified ui makes it so there's a few less buttons so get unified ui and any other ui mods that that might allow you to save a little visual headroom on your skyline's ui this next set of mods is a is a powerhouse it's actually kind of unbelievable let's say you want to build an elevated road but you don't want it to be elevated you just want it to be kind of in the air but grounded you can manipulate that really easily boom insteps fine road anarchy and fine road tools so this little box down here is actually fine road tools the one at the bottom is fine road anarchy and there's a third one that i strongly recommend it's called max segment length i forget the name of the mod i'll put you look in the description you'll see it linked it's by cuboid but it allows you to make evenly length segments of different lengths but anyways this is the this is the interface if you wanted to make a an elevated version we can upgrade the road to switch it back to elevated if you wanted to just do by default whatever it does that's that's fine you can do that anarchy is also important because anarchy allows you to build whatever you want without anarchy well okay i've turned collision off with without anarchy with collision it you cannot do these things it's not it's not possible um collision is a whole separate thing it's a little different from anarchy collision means that things won't get deleted when you build through them so i usually build with collision on because i like to control that type of stuff but all of these options can be controlled with fine road tools and fine road anarchy i would strongly recommend them they're going to make your builds much more powerful we have made it everyone we're at the final mod on the list and this is a bit of a doozy it's a bit of a big one more of a newcomer to the scene but cuboid knocked it out of the park once again i'm talking about picker picker is this eyedropper tool in the bottom right corner once you've selected it you can select anything and it will automatically bring up the menu for that item so let's say you're building something with a lot of different networks or buildings or trees or props or anything and you want to navigate to that thing quickly without having to go in and say oh let me find the let me find that tree that i was using real quick and you scroll through your million trees no don't do that just use picker and click on whatever you want and it'll bring it up automatically in the menu sometimes it'll open find it so it works great in conjunction with find it it also has a move it integration as well so these things all work together seamlessly i recommend all the mods i just mentioned but find it is gonna save you uh excuse me picker is gonna save you a ton of time in your more complex builds guys thank you so much for hanging out uh really cannot cannot thank you enough for for doing what you're doing and being here uh liking the videos subscribing to the channel uh commenting you know let me know if you have questions about about these mods or this is not a comprehensive list by any means i'm sure that i've missed most of the mods that exist and probably many of them are useful and things like that but um what is that tree doing there okay well i'll fix that later um but yeah i really really appreciate it appreciate you being here feel free to join the discord if you'd like if you have questions if you comments memes whatever you want and also feel free to to follow me over on twitch i stream two to three times a week come over there and have some laughs and hang out and we'll keep building this city everyone thank you so much i'll see you in the next stream for the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 39,281
Rating: 4.9865322 out of 5
Keywords: city skylines, mod, mods, steam workshop, cities skylines 2, yumbl, paradox, traffic manager, move it, detail
Id: zXiKzXuH9x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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