NEIGHBORS WERE WARNED ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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there's another bone there's two bones here in this car what kind of vehicle is it it's a white minivan towing country i believe it's a white minivan town and country i believe okay and it's an abandoned vehicle on your property yes no place i mean yes okay you know the thing need to say is so yeah no problem i've got you on speaker on mobile too oh okay give me your um physical address where the people is damn my friend it's going to be a few minutes we are layered but that's not a priority call as you can imagine but we will i'm going to get a truck dispatch to it okay okay and i'm not the driver communicate with you all right can can you use uh my phone number not the number i called on but another number hang on a second it's just deleted your address what in the world hang on all right let me get in here to the phone number all right give me a call that number okay i got it all right i'll get somebody to get such to you all right appreciate it thanks for all your help i think the biggest thing most people want to know what do you store in an abandoned vehicle like this so we're going to go through it now we got to be careful to have gloves because anytime you're working with anything that has something to do with drugs and this area is loaded with meth you always got to be careful now it's going to be really interesting if we find anything oh there's you know what that's for right george we find these all the time that's for your crack that is for your crack cleaner so they took a spring they straightened it out and that's to actually clean uh their crack the pipes the pipes there's another thing there to clean the pipe um we got cigarette butts for sure now if we find any drugs or paraphernalia by all means we absolutely are going to call the police again and we'll let them take those things into your own hands their own hands we definitely have this is the pay stub that i saw before so we're gonna throw that aside we're gonna hold on to that um water anybody fresh bottle of water desantis that would be a hard night you know what you know what at least they drank good they drank good i don't you could take that either which way you want to take it but apparently they were drinking good we've got what do you think was that for blow or do you think that's just part of the garbage here probably garbage oh what look george george george they were so good they were cropping out m m's look at that oh it might be reese's pieces might have been crap and reese's pieces all right let's see if this seat even goes forward let's see is there anything on this work oh we did find some money there there's part of their debt paid there's one penny of their debt paid right there you know what let's take two pennies because those reese's pieces are looking pretty good let's take a peek back here okay there is a bunch of junk in here boy this is just like storage units isn't it george it's gross in here okay we've got um little boy pants or little girl pants we've got uh little boy stuff little girl stuff charlie and not sure what that's all about not sure what that's about either all right that's the knife sharpener we've got military jacket here oh got uh something special there something crusty something special nice and crusty that's the krusty special right there okay what else can you see in there george here i'm gonna see a bunch of see if we can find garbage and filth what do you see just a bunch of garbage and all right filth definitely filth there's laundry detergent were they living in here baby how could you say it's filthy when they had this makeshift meth broom look at that right there makeshift meth broom just i'm afraid to even breathe through my nose yeah that's pretty rough i'm holding my breath all right so bleach now that could have been oh is this what i think it is okay detergent so some people have said all right use bleach for making meth that bleach was probably from making meth i'm gonna say not because we have other detergent in here detergent detergent well wasn't that a thing to for kids to get high to the tide pods well yeah that was happening look at that remember when we found rosie's bush oh gross that could be somebody's uh something all right here is a minnow trap there's a little minnow trap there now i got to be really careful putting my hands down in here because who the hell's nose when there's gonna be a needle there's definitely how gross used q-tips and candy yeah that's pretty interesting there we got some more pennies [Applause] jars nickels pennies here's a bone i'm gonna have to lice all my is that a chicken bone no that's not just one chicken bone look at this there's another bone there's two bones here in this car gross see if we can move some of this garbage oh look at that george you love a good tomahawk chalk somebody was trying to be uh uh definitely use tomahawk chocolate whole uh but i don't think they were succeeding too well we got dazzle the dinosaur okay what do we got there what's that prescribed what prescribed fire oh yeah prescribed fire that's a pretty big thing down that's common down here yep okay let me see let's see is this there is storage down below is this just the the linen set i think that's the linen set right there tablecloths and oh the they were into the da vinci project look at that somebody was into the da vinci project okay mona lisa there and 21 reasons bad things happen to good people all right let me tell you reason number one you okay yeah you think this thing is haunted the mental trap came at me and startled me all right uh let me tell you reason one number one bad things happen because you're a bad person and you do dumb things that's why bad things happen don't try and fool yourself and say oh but i'm a good person uh let's see we've got now there's a lot of people who solve this they were like man that is really cool this is a champion spark plugs display case you see that there george is there anything inside there's a skull what kind of skull there's oh wait i think there's buffalo nickels in there oh no no no i couldn't see solar powered skull is that what i think it is what is that oh yeah yeah that's what i think it is and then a 14 on the other side 14.88 all right that was it for in there yep all right let's move on careful that might come at you too blame it all on his boots now you always want to check boots because people had money boots and they hide firearms and boots we find all kinds of stuff right now we're hoping not to find the drugs well actually we wouldn't mind if we did find the drugs in there too what is that plate for something uh where do you keep your charcoal george definitely not in the backseat of my van then again i don't have we gonna have we're gonna have a barbecue in the back of the van all right let's see get up on in here let's have our barbecue anything in there no anything in there parts of probably parts of this car anything in here fancy look at that look at that we found some slingshots some water balloon slingshots i mean not that's kind of random not big water balloons but random you know what if you like water balloons size i guess doesn't matter if you really like water balloons but um you know what chuck that up there what else do we have back oh my goodness look at all this george this is just crazy you know what i'm thinking what do you think lincoln um let's see if we can pop the back let's see if we can pop this back there's some staples for electric oh i see another i see another boot and there could be something big hidden in there pretty much get anything open with enough persuasion all right let's see what we got back here now that boot is right here you know what they're gonna do they're gonna try and blame it all on their boot except the other pair that is the no it's the other boot it's only one pair that i've seen so far are you getting spooked out yet uh-huh all right we got camp dry oil there okay that's mink oil all kinds of junk back here huh look at this it is very frightening you think this is what kenny means when he says he comes on my property to get onto susie's property to get tools oh interesting because he wasn't on susie's properties on my property and i think he might need some tools that actually work okay okay hard hat george okay look up front in the uh what would you call it the glove compartment and the side thing in the jiggy pretty sure that's the technical term side thing imaging that's what i say yeah there's a there's a side tool there wow somebody stripped the crap out of their wires oh another water george no thanks you sure i'll pass positive would you drink it um i didn't think so yeah okay okay let's see we've got this that's for winding hoes up which could be a normal thing in this area of florida you can wind hoses up all day in this area oh we now know their weakness the achilles heel and it's not a heel it's the elbow remember sweep the leg take the elbow out always always take the elbow out you got a whole bunch of [Music] more wire junk junk is what we have tons of junk in this trunk all right let's uh let's go check up front in the dash and then the arm console georgia found a dime and not the dime that i thought we would find in here an actual dime dime so that's a bonus right there there's a dime now we gotta look in here empty can you believe it it's actually empty i don't believe that but you do have water more water for you um we've got a nice little bottle there we got that's either urine or iced tea really green tea which do you think it is probably green tea i'm guessing urine let's see they're usually some febreze well yeah you got it that's probably a full bottle that was never used this is what they used to get in and out we think that uh it was probably stolen just not reported stolen yet so here's a oh i almost had it here's a can i get it so hard with gloves there boom there we go i think that's a chuck e cheese token shiny token that i think that was a chucky cheese token okay definitely smoker and does this open yeah it opens uh just uh stuff down there all right tow trucks here let's go let them in so levy county sheriff ran the bin it's not stolen it is in the name of this individual right here there was no plate no tag levy county ran it not stolen no place no tag no nothing you know what i'm thinking we should do a little something to help right much better did my part that was irritating how many calls like this do you guys usually get i got a feeling you're going to get a few more around here why you're more out here a bunch of meth heads they keep they keep throwing all their garbage and parking on my property but fence defensive gate is going up and it's going to be locked as well right so they act like they own the entire county they can throw anything anywhere they want and they're finding out that ain't the case they're finding out the hard way we got to get you a new screen on your phone man yeah believe it or not hey what i just had it fixed really and i dropped it on another guy's truck oh no yeah how much did it cost to fix it i'll tell you i'll tell you what you go get it fixed again send me the bill i'll pay for it for you helping me out today well it's far i just got to take the time to go up there it's under warranty oh you don't even need me to help all right that's no i just ain't taking the time warranty mine's 250 please warranty doesn't cover it get it fixed i'll take care of it just for you today i appreciate it [Music] [Music] this is gonna be awesome [Music] so hey you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 274,804
Rating: 4.8652916 out of 5
Id: 1bUuoSbQz5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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