THE CASINO MESSED UP Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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are you ready for a tower george i'm just ready for elvis he puts me in such a good mood okay first of all nothing puts you in a good mood always puts me in a good mood i'm always excited to see him let's do it the only thing you get excited enough of this let's call enough of this let's go see elvis you need it here's my lucky drawers she was patient she waited half the day she found what she was waiting for are you sure you're ready are you ready are we officially declaring that you are back on towers [Music] this seems like seems like an awful lot of work for some casino chips but i'm gonna go for it hopefully the payout is in the mystery bag because that mystery bag is looking really cool what there's a mystery bag back there yeah i didn't even see it it's hiding are you serious [Music] what do you think it's gonna take what's your strategy left right middle are you officially calling these powers are you going to be yeah i thought you would have been winning so hot that we were finally ready to bring powers back into your life i have been on a winning streak why oh did you see that move that could end here and now my winning streak how often do you have winning streaks end not very often i lose more than i win [Music] how many typical loose looses do you get before you get a win quite a bit really kind of embarrassed to share [Music] [Music] we only share the winning one that lady ain't too happy is she you know who she reminds me [Music] you without coffee remember that one time you didn't have coffee it just moved it budged i got it again remember that one time you didn't have coffee and i almost died and you had to give me cpr to bring me back to life no i don't remember that at all oh my goodness it just moved except you refused to give me cpr so so i'm still dead can you just let me focus can i just haunt you now just let me focus on my elvis let me focus on dropping my quarters what you need to focus on the left right or middle what are you focusing on i'm going down left i'm sliding down left to the left to the left of that that just moved a little bit again um i'm so focused on this mystery bag and dropping it to the left but if you moved it all the way to the right would you focus on dropping it to the left because it'll eventually fall eventually [Music] it's making its way i just saw quarters fall right there all right i'm down i was looking at everything else i'm down to two quarters only two left one two oh that one went all the way to the right ready to pull elvis is singing elvis is singing anything no nothing you're never gonna believe this is so crazy this many quarters did not drop the casino had to have made a mistake [Music] 76.50 i don't think they cleaned out because we didn't see anybody else playing this so we don't think anybody dropped quarters it had to be a mistake whoever was building the playing field it had to be a mistake that's the only thing that makes sense um makes sense that makes dollars how much did you pull it makes quarters how much did you pull 76 dollars i can't believe it it's my lucky drawers it is my lucky george you're so lucky [Music] no i gave you my lucky drawers to wear i'm looking out for you 76 what do you think actually dropped five dollars i don't know i was so focused i wasn't even paying attention [Music] wow all i gotta say is you probably should never take them lucky drawers off [Music] just throwing that out there george you wear them drawers you might get lucky a lot you might get lucky tonight knock that tower straight down i've been lucky without the drawers i haven't [Music] flying everywhere george is trying to be meticulous [Music] i'm in concentration mode oh my goodness it just moved the whole playing field just shifted forward you like [Music] it's that in the right direction come to mama don't you mean it's headed in the left direction drop in the hopper you think you can drop it straight down no like it's hot no that would be awesome that would be epically epic [Music] but [Music] do you think she notices when trick shots go wrong hey i don't know about you i'm thinking that trick shot went really really right just saying that would be awesome oh wow the vibration is causing that casino chip to ship too off to the off to the right on the ledge what kind of vibration is going on i don't know i just saw it shifting if that fell in that would help you do it get a push on one of these oh yeah for sure come on baby what if you went right and got that rumble good idea bad idea don't mess with my techniques i'm not messing with anything i'm just trying to win [Music] mystery bag just dropped for mystery bag definitely just dropped off the top shelf ship look at the oh look at the chips oh my goodness i don't know how she did it she just dropped the chip into the point of vibration elvis was singing elvis did it for you i swear elvis did it for you oh my gosh elvis started singing and he dropped that chip right in for him oh my gosh that was crazy i just had a really good push the mystery bag made everything move forward [Music] why i'm struggling with angina right now what's that women don't have it they wouldn't understand it's an angina is it like a man period no oh i saw that middle movement that casino chip is about to drop look at that bundle of joy creeping its way on up on the upper shelf everything just this is crazy the casino literally made a mistake george then gets a bundle george then gets an extra chip she knocks the mystery bag off the top and everything is moving forward in her direction has nothing to do with her luck it has everything to do with the tours i gave her in the beginning oh my goodness this was worth waiting a couple hours for wasn't it [Music] wow she had sworn off powers completely but her block here in 2021 has been new year new me there goes the bundle new year new strategy i don't care what i play as long as i get to see my boy elvis that's my attitude [Music] the boycott against towers was last year that was 20 20. boycott was 20 20. this is 2021. i've had elvis withdrawals missing him like crazy and so i don't care what it is as long as i can play him i'm game 2021 new year who it is [Music] now the buy-in on this one was much much higher than the others around so i'm assuming [Music] unless you play strategy and if there's one thing george has learned it's all about the flick of the rest she's learned to go left that's what she's learned other than that i have to coach her it's lucky drawers [Music] [Music] how are you feeling i'm getting low on quarters you're getting froggy no i think that's my heartburn all right down to two quarters what'd you say about your cardboard don't be doing no heartburn in my lucky drawers oh i got a little mini bush oh i just got another little mini push no fart burn in my drawers well this was a surprise 700 bundle of joy i love them bundles of joy along with 81 and quarters 81. we did pretty good uh 81 is better than pretty good 81 is pretty spectacular it's fantastic you're gonna have to give it yeah for sure you're gonna have to give him a big tip we always do that was awesome wow [Music] yeah i said it towers the days of george swearing off towers that was last year remember that george doesn't exist anymore oh my goodness that is george from the past [Music] the three towers [Music] do you have it in yours the one the one in the far left is leaning is leaning to the right quite a bit the one to the left is leaning to the right yeah what's your plan to take it down i think i'm gonna go center on this one so you think center will take it all down i think so [Music] you know what that may not be a bad idea because remember how many times you have problems with everything over to the right side after you take the left out yeah maybe if you hit center it'll just displace everything george george something's gonna happen something's gonna happen [Music] it's okay man oh my goodness i thought i had it rotated enough for it to fall it was leaning to the right i for sure thought it would fall in my playing field it was leaning to the right and totally collapsed left did you see that [Music] i kind of did i mean i didn't i for sure and then it collapsed to the left it definitely went all the way to the left oh that worked so she's gained the chip from the right you don't want to lose that big one that's for sure are you still hitting to the middle i'm going right center okay she's changing up a little bit i want to try and get i want to try and get the chip off [Music] she's going straight and then also rotate that center tower so that it falls straight back into my plane come on baby she is going straight on that middle tower [Music] this is intense oh man and that is why she originally swore off towers because she was losing she's literally losing prizes left and right this time it was left looks like that [ __ ] may come off the top here looks like that it just dropped it literally just dropped it might push your other tower all right i think i got it where i want it if i can get a good push forward to knock that right tower over you've literally got to wait there's no way or off towers if i can get that tower [Music] [Music] i don't know i don't know what your plan is oh it's just mine rock and roll baby the ones in the center just shifted [Music] wow can i borrow some of your heart men i didn't bring any with me because i just soiled my shorts and i ain't got my drawers on tmi jeremy tmi this is pretty intense elvis is singing elvis is singing rapid fire here we go rapid fire she's rapid firing behind [Music] we need everybody's help shake shake shake whatever you can do seriously it just rotated what rotated the tower in the center how did it rotate it shifted to the right it rotated clockwise [Music] i didn't see it [Music] i did not see it oh there it goes [Music] it looks like it's gonna fall she might save that chip yes it's gonna attempt it just oh my goodness oh my goodness everybody got home still up there oh my goodness maybe maybe i'm not sure i'm not sure but she saved the big one oh my goodness my heart my heart can't take much more my heart literally can't hear me what about my heart i am never drawers again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness oh my god all three towers oh my goodness maybe maybe i'm not sure i'm not sure but she saved the big one oh my goodness my heart my heart can't take much more my heart literally can't be here what about my heart [Music] oh my goodness my heart hurts [Music] look at these pushes look at these pushes whatever you do do not blink we thank you so much for shaking your smart tvs we understand we may owe you a new smart tv all right here we go here we go three quarters left i'm gonna drop it she's got three quarters left she's trying to drop another tower oh man everything moved everything moved counter counterclockwise what are you thinking let's wait a couple pushes and see a lot of times things still fall afterwards even though you're done things fall we better pull i crushed it this round i got two casino 500 chips in the mystery bag but the other tower crushed while she was counting and you gotta understand when we're counting show them how many quarters you got we're counting we are 308.75 308.75 cents in quarters that we're hand counting we have to turn the camera off i can't stand here with a hidden camera on my chest and drain the battery and so we lost it that would be an additional half hour of recording and we would never ever ever have enough battery life to record everything so but the good news the good news is the casino ship is still in my playing field it's good news is everything is still there the other good news our neighbors are the left got the casino chip thrilled happy and neighbor to the right she's gone kind of upset [Music] kept the main power in the actual playing field then a smaller tower while she was counting over 300 dropped the main chip is in the playing field up top the smaller tower chip is to the left she's got a thousand dollars on the line not to mention it looks like potentially a thousand dollars in corners as well this is so many quarters crazy crazy i tell you [Music] i just i mean all i am in all [Music] you know she'd been wanting to come back wanting to come back we've had too many things going on we come for fun that's all it is it's for fun you never ever ever ever spend money that you can't before to lose it's just for fun it is not a priority in our lives all other types of things were priorities we finally got here and she's been killing it literally slain i have been on a winning streak but you did lose i've lost quite a bit [Music] so you are finally admitting that lucky drawers are lucky well i'm not saying that we're not saying i get lucky with lucky losing streaks you're admitting that you heard before you threw your nasty draws in my face yes so you're admitting there is power in my lucky drawers [Music] do you feel do you feel the resonating power of the doors right now is it is it vibrating through you no you can't say that is it [Music] you have nerve damage you can't feel anything anymore yeah you can't smell anything can't feel anything that's what it is oh that was a good push because resonate with power [Music] and they thought baseball players were superstitious dropping quarters like it's hot that's how i like it [Music] i'm going center in hopes that i can move the chip on the pusher get it to rotate and fall on because it's being stubborn right now you know who it reminds me of [Music] the u [Music] i'm gonna name that chip 100 100 100 100 george because it's a 500 ship i got the chip and the plane filter rotate slightly you got enough ammo to do the damage no chips left behind no chips left behind this right wow so are you back on towers for good then it is a new year we'll see what happens do you all the fun do you like toddlers again how many how many [Music] prizes have we lost how many one how many prizes have we lost [Music] you just lost the 500 chip to the to the left prior to that in which year 2020 or 2021. you didn't play any towers let me take your losses and your wins babe they all blend in together i can't i don't remember [Music] you did lose okay you lost that bundle you did lose that bundle to the right i remember the bundle to the right [Music] and then the chip the chip so at least this is at a minimum this is your second time losing something but we're just talking 2021 yeah just 20 21. 20 21 how long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me this is crazy these chips are being uh beyond stubborn barely even moving that 500 up top on the on the upper shelf doesn't want to move at all it keeps going back and forth that's the one from the big tower [Music] that's the 500 500 from the big tower [Music] oh here we go what you think it's going to go now the trip in the playing field got it to move a little bit [Music] shipping playing field got his groove back here we go holy moon not bad not bad she's got i don't know 150 left to push she's got a lot she got a lot of change i don't think i don't think it's just like bad it sure did find the wrong way i don't think it's going to be an issue of not having enough money to push it i think it's going to be an issue of patience and persistence [Music] there that one forward [Music] there it goes [Music] this might require some point confusion you know what i'm thinking what are you thinking 500 ice cream after this it wants to fall i think it wants to fall it just doesn't remember how one big fall from the tower [Music] control but then i thought no you get mad when i don't let you do things for yourself because you want to be so independent [Music] ever since i was a wee little lad that's not what your mom said your mom said you were wearing dependents it depends that's what she says diapers [Music] you're like [Music] you don't need to know everything a little mystery relationship is healthy you know who told me that do you want to guess who told me that let no it was you that was you i didn't say a shred of mystery is very healthy that was a georgism when it comes to using the bathroom and being then why do you always follow me in i don't like the lost puppy negative look at that quarter just surfing on the tip she denies it but it's all true do you think that quarter is going surfing it's definitely surfing is it surfing in the usa [Music] how would elvis feel if he heard you say that right now [Music] oh so you love the beach boys before you met elvis yes i can see that all right let's hear it what's what's going to drop first the one to the left or the one to the right i think at the same time the exact same time george says it's going to be at the same time i'm going to go with the left because she always has problems with the right now because i said that she's probably going to focus on the right [Music] oh elvis is singing again oh wow oh the one on the right is going back you're going the wrong way buddy are you making that go backwards on purpose because i said the one on the left are you sure you're not using your trick shots [Music] how's the rapid fire [Music] for being rusty it's not too bad i mean you did knock down three towers i feel like i was quicker last year well you played a little more often last year you're older you got 20 20 weight you're older you you shrunk another inch that's just part of the game don't don't hate the player hate the game you know [Music] don't hate the quarter hate the rapido see it pushes drop it to the left and see what happens that's the one that's the one that's the one that i was thinking was going to fall first was the left don't color [Music] and the left you said same time here we go here she goes how did you take the one to the left closer and the one to the right further away literally right backwards [Music] i don't know how she did it she made that thing go backwards [Music] i think a lot of the quarters were just pushing it back aren't the quarters supposed to push forward it's tilted the playing field is tilted you say it's jilted it's on a tilt it's a little jilted tilted is it jilted because you're winning somebody built it jilted oh there it goes oh my gosh it just rotated wow so i was right the left one would fall first yeah you were right excuse me why did you just start on the right was just wait i'm in shock at all right now what did you just say you were right the one on the left dropped first whoa whoa what we all signed what did you say i was a witness you were waiting can you say it again because i don't know i don't even understand what i'm hearing right now what did you just say you heard me did you say i am white did you just talk about my caucasian background no i didn't did you say i'm white what did you say i'm not sure i heard you correctly you said you wanted to left the ball first yeah the left casino chip yes and it fell first and then and then you said i was white and then i said yes you were right it fell first you said yes you are white where did my ethnicity come in on this i didn't say anything you did wait i didn't say you did am i literally mishearing you right now [Music] you said excuse me one more time what'd you say you said you said what all right let's focus on the casino chip i can't get over what i just heard you said did you say i'm a shining light no jeremy i didn't say any of those things not even you know i didn't bring my heart meds with me but i did bring some q-tips and i offer you a few tips why would i clean a q-top q-tip i clean out my ears with straws so you can clean out your ears scare me properly i know that it's loud in here my grandpa used to clean his ears out with his car knees when you get old like me you start losing hair on the head and you get any hair in the ears you gotta clean it out with keys that's how all those cold guys do it we stick the car keys right in there try and turn that engine rabbit up well my grandpa used to shove it in and crank the engine like i don't think it's working grandpa you ain't running doesn't do it maybe he doesn't have as much ear hair two of my brothers are fathers and they don't do it maybe they do but they don't tell you i bet you a lot of people know a lot of people jam car keys under their ears and then they came out with all these cars with push starts how you gonna clean your ear with a push start you know with every push start there's a key in the bottom right what there's a key hidden in the cloud are you serious why am i just learning this right now there's a lot of things you don't know jeremy like what but there's a key and a bomb so grandpas can pull that out and scratch their ears yes if they really wanted to yeah that would be kind of awesome don't you [Music] think don't you just jam stuff in your ear when you use a q-tip don't you just jam it further in there like i'll save that snap for later i think using a key would be pushing it back in there i thought the key the teeth on the key uses as a scrape scrapes it that breaks it out like a like a rock ring you're at a higher chance of damaging your eardrums [Music] to the left to push to the right [Music] how does coin confusion feel [Music] we can try it popping that coin that's for sure [Music] i've only seen you clean your face with so close here we go weber that was a good one whatever you just did that was a good one [Music] is that what this is this is coin confusion [Music] so close oh dropping it to the center driving it to the left mixing it all around the right doesn't seem to be healthy oh my gosh look how close it is it's pretty close so close it's moving [Music] [Applause] there he is the 700 bundle of joy one two three casino chips only lost one that's not a bad day it's a ton of quarters here does that beat your record i don't even remember what your previous record was heavy life mystery bag it's a heavier light it's pretty light [Music] not bad another great play [Music] george [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 421,314
Rating: 4.895061 out of 5
Id: 6RqlA-0Y1C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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