COPS CALLED On Neighbors AGAIN ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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[Music] when you think things can't get any more foolish here we go got another vehicle left on my property who do you think hauled it who do you think put it there i got a white minivan on my property ill legally let's go get it we're removing garbage time to go remove kenny's garbage [Music] lady yes uh i've got a uh unauthorized vehicle on my property that i would like to have the sheriff tow away please so they would want to they would want to come up the drive kenny glidewell actually came in uh dumped another vehicle on my property okay what is your name jeremy hales h-a-l-e-s it is it is a white uh town in country limited with no plates and if you need the bin it's locked i can't get it i don't need it okay yeah kenny glidwell lives in otter creek brought it in with a car dolly okay not too long ago okay um do you know why he dropped it off there he drops a lot of garbage off of my property and illegally your guess is as good as mine all right i will get somebody out there i don't know if they're going to actually be able to tow it um being that it's it's all private property that's going to be something you're going to have to do but i'll go ahead and have somebody come up there and check it out for you all right that sounds great i appreciate it bye all right local sheriff has been contacted they're going to send a representative out we're going to see what we can do to take care of this vehicle that was dumped here by kenny and one way or another whether it's with the hulk or whether with this tow truck it is moving it's not staying here on my [Music] property so this is my property line right here and one of the things one of the things the family is doing right now is they're cleaning up all the encroachment and all the dumping that's had on spent on my property kenny knows everything that's going on with me purchasing the property and all the cleanup of the property and then so your property's on this side yeah you're looking this is my property okay yep yep what i'll do is i'll run the vehicle make sure it's not stolen i mean i can't tow it off of private property but you're more than welcome to be able to have it so right now we're gonna scan see if it's stolen or not based on the bin i'm pretty sure it's all locked let's see what he's got over here locked blocked or i charge him for the toe and you can you can go after the civil and then i'll go after him i'll go after him and then i'll put a lien on his property yep that's exactly what i'll do i'll uh if i have to tow it then then then i'll sue put a lien on his property and things will get real interesting then you want me should we do something else to get in no there's a bug on him the antenna maybe maybe that's what they were using that you know what i bet you that's what they were doing they used the antenna bent the antenna to actually get into the vehicle did you get the hold in yeah the first one i'm pretty sure is going to be a u be interesting to see if this is actually stolen or not oh if it is i will be telling it then hey even better although although i gotta say i don't mind putting a chain on it and hauling it and dumping it in his front yard just when you think outer creek can't get any more otter and i don't mean ott i mean odd we've got new car sent um air freshener in there wait we actually look at this we've got a piece of we got a piece of mail in there that's an old check stub for employee charles spell or speli s-p-e-l-l no spell charles spell you know charles spell there's so there's an old pay stub in here charles fell let's look around over here obviously antenna is gone yankee candle [Music] look at this look at that there's an old tripod in there they might have been a youtuber as well you see on the seat there's an old tripod hard to see but that's an actual tripod for a phone and a bunch of garbage now there's suspicion that somebody was actually living in here and uh but as of right now we can't get in the vehicle find out if at a bare minimum find out if it was actually stolen so this vehicle showed up and then obviously this one over here as well but right now we're on the edge of the property line gonna be interesting i really want to hook a chain up to this thing and just drag it i mean what i gave him it's coming back that's not stolen or anything it looks like wait i mean that's that's tough there's a there's a dead wasp right on the bin the one thing i do see see this pay stub charles spell did it come back under charles spell well it whatever it's going back as it's coming back probably not out of florida which we can only actually see information on the vehicle if it's either a stolen which if it's stolen it'll come back out of any state but if it's uh registered out of a different state we won't actually get the vehicle's information so you got nothing right now so this could be an out-of-state vehicle i'm going to try is it a j um just to be covering my bases okay um you try again and if that doesn't if that doesn't work i'm breaking that window we're gonna get the actual bin and we're gonna find out the actual bin and then we're gonna get this thing out of they here were using the hanger as a slim jim i didn't bring any tools with me look at that caught on so i have no tools i'm just making use of the garbage here i know it's hard to see but that loop there they would get it around that part of the door see if i can wedge this anymore all right so it didn't come back stolen or anything on that one either um like i said i mean you're more than welcome to have a toad off your property now okay you want to run it one more time once i get the bug off you got the bug off no but i'm going too all yours it's actually two two c not a v it's 2c let's uh a peek what's going on in here welding there's a boot champion all kinds of crap huh calling a towing company we're gonna try and get this out of here hi joe my name is jeremy hales i'm in uh otter creek i've got a vehicle illegally on my property parked illegally on my property brought in here by kenny i'm just gonna take it straight out with the tractor let's see how this goes if you want to go after him for any charge yep i'll go after towing fees or anything like that then you can do so [Music] [Music] i know what you're all thinking right now most of you probably even paused and left a comment jeremy that's a forward-wheel drive you are hauling and towing that thing all wrong you're gonna cause damage oops i knew what i was doing ain't charging you for that free customization just wanted to make sure both sides match [Music] look at this got myself a new car can't say i'm gonna take it anywhere fancy but i can't wait to show george and then the towing company is coming towing company will take it away i'll pay the towing company then i will sue the owner of the vehicle if the owner of the vehicle doesn't pay then i file lien on their property and then i go after anybody and everybody else who puts garbage on my land you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 653,829
Rating: 4.8246975 out of 5
Id: uihXZM3Wz3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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