Neighbors Van Update

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omg omg omg it's sunday it's been a week already man time has flown yesterday was the first day of spring first day of spring here i am layered up feels like winter it's a bit chilly a bit chilly jeremy's been warming up his vocals for you guys for the past 15 minutes we usually like to start our lives out with a song go ahead jeremy [Music] i am leaving county thanks service chihuahua oh wait let me use the glove that you sent this pump if you love the larry's turtles top i love larry's turtles the turtles that robbie and us at get swamp rescued robbie z dog and what the hell if you love hilarious turtles turtles [Music] is [Music] [Music] if [Music] why isn't that a t-shirt [Laughter] [Music] [Music] if you want to be the new owner of a white minivan time i won't [Music] [Music] we'll announce it [Music] what the hell's thai [Music] [Music] is thanks darlene [Music] majority of the folks are saying they do not i repeat they do not want the creepy white van oh man they could give out all kinds of this gator this gator even says hails no no to the white man happy sunday fun day everyone hopefully i didn't miss any super chats and for those of you a lot of you question well why are people sending money what are super chats super chats are small donations to the channel so that we can continue making awesome content for you and for continuing to restorage the love and if you're not familiar with our restoration love movement and here i thought they were for singing lessons restoration the love is something that we love to do it's when we restored the love right pretty much that's what it amounts to we buy storage units forward the movement and we are able to do even a lot of that this week which we're going to talk more about and um we just had a crazy crazy crazy week every every week ever since we moved down to florida has been a crazy one hails of a week so probably i think what we should do tonight number one we need to remind everybody youtube is doing a sweep of the platform that's normal to do that a couple times even time a few times a year and what they'll do is they will remove spam accounts or accounts that look like spam accounts inactive accounts yep and uh so what that means for you guys is youtube's platform may unsubscribe you or turn off all of your notifications to what the hell's like we had a bunch of people even this week messaging said i haven't seen you in months i'm one of those people that stopped getting notifications see there you have it and she's part of the channel so that's how crazy it can be so what you always want to do is you want to go back in you want to you want to you can always turn your notifications off make sure you turn them back on hit the bell make sure it says all notifications if you ever have an issue and you're like well that's not fixing it unsubscribe re-subscribe hit the bell notifications you'll see the bell icon click on the bell icon and then click on the top bell which is for all alicia lopez sent five dollars says can i get a rapido rapido rapido going through a pusher with drones appreciated alicia i think i am too now you guys may be thinking why would i want to be subscribed doesn't it cost something how much does it cost george all it costs is a couple seconds of your time otherwise it's free it's free to subscribe my goodness i have to show this to everybody this is how close we are to 100 million views one hundred more million hundred million views that's us we are you 98 huge milestone alex appreciate the 4.99 we will we will probably it'll either be this week we average we're high in the algorithm right now but we'll we'll hit a low it'll it'll be the end of this upcoming week or it'll be mid next week we will probably hit 100 million not just millions just mind-blowing it is literally mind-blowing eagle deb sent five dollars says i love what the hails can't wait to hear the update love the restorage the love appreciate it deb why don't we do this why don't we get into the update on the minivan because there is some crazy stuff going on with that minivan that you guys have not seen on video okay and then we'll get into mail because we have a ton of mail we do have a ton appreciate the 499 peggy then we need to get into the update with everything else going on so we've got court with maryland and so there's more to update there and then we've got everything that we did to rescue all the animals this week with get swamped and so we've got to give a full update there as well that was such a fun day such a fun day and it wasn't even a sunday fun day no it wasn't edward thank you for the twenty dollars says restore the love brother keep it going god bless i'm always getting notifications from youtube and facebook that's awesome that's good he's awesome even better so i have my own personal youtube profile which is the infamous george and there's times where i won't get notifications from the main channel with the hills so anytime that happens i'll go back in i'll unsubscribe i'll resubscribe and make sure i hit the bell icon and then click on all georgiana sent five dollars says what the hell is wrong with women and girls if you love women and girls that's all he could think of that rhymed i'm i'm all for more rhymes appreciate it you can send as many as you'd like dolphin sent five dollars says love you guys keep up the great work appreciate it dolphin224 [Music] we've got a lot to talk about and the van the van situation thank you larry for the ten dollars so we can we can start with the van update then we can get in the mail then we'll get into the maryland court update and then we'll get into lots of updates this is the update with the turtles and get swamped that'll be fun tony sent five dollars says hello from southern california keep up the great animal work it's been a lot of fun every time we go uh meet up with robbie i get robbie and z dog get get swamped those are the days where it just doesn't even feel like work even though we are working but it doesn't feel like work and i absolutely because all you you just sit there and do this it feels and i talk to me and i told them i was like what do you think about it feels like starting a farm starting a farm and then we don't even have to buy storage units anymore we'll just vlog our farm life here each day for the five years here's my big mistake of the week i actually negotiated this at as part of spending 105 dollars with a vendor at the webster flea market so that i could take this back home to second sense rob and i didn't even i didn't remember to take it to him i feel so bad i was i wanted it you know why because it was with the other stuff in a bag because we didn't get to the chance to sort it yeah deborah sent five dollars says love the two of you can't get enough love all the animals appreciate it debra all right let's dig into the minivan saga all right and then we're going to dig into mail and then we're going to dig into the updates with court with maryland edward sent 20 bucks for the duckies oh thank you so much we appreciate it edward then we're gonna dig into the turtles and uh and then we're gonna dig into the turtles would get swamped and i think we're gonna dig into some nascar things out here so we got a lot going on all right you still keep hitting those uh super chats so thanks julie for the super stick the minivan all right so a lot of people have mentioned a lot of things in regards to the video typically what happens on any of our videos if you say something negative boom you're gone you're out and so we're not even gonna address the negative things except to the point that many people have said jeremy you have no right to move that that's not legal even if it's on your property now here's what i'm going to say to those people number one you won't be making any more comments number two there was a cop there that told us it was illegal now can we can we use our minds just a little bit here i know thinking's the hardest thing to do in the world but if it was illegal i wouldn't be sitting in front of you here right we had the law tell us okay what we could do so that being said for those of you greg for the aussie love who don't think as much because it's too hard uh everything we did is completely and totally legal it's on our property it's abandoned on our property everything is legal and we have we have the video as proof and the laws there with us as well we don't call them the wall the locals call them the law we call them but we're saying that the law the law all right so i appreciated amy mary and mick draper and no doubt the locals are watching right now as well because they like to creep who can blame them so uh here's what's going on with the minivan we we that was monday's video right all right so so we broke the minivan saga up into two days it was a saturday and it was a monday you got to see the second half on monday where the minivan actually gets hauled away and so uh that being said number one the community is watching and we have been reached out to by somebody in the know in the community appreciate it mark that's not uncharacteristic we constantly are getting communication from people in the community constantly and the easiest way for you all in the community to touch base with us is going to be what the hails at and this is where this message came from so we received a message we received lots of messages for example we received a message that my husband was the one that set the fire the original arson fire here in otter creek and so we we take all those messages in and then we filter them and we do certain things to filter them so particularly with that arson fire inaudible's craziest life uh one of the things i did i messaged the lady back and i said oh was your husband here in otter creek the date of this to the date of this and she said yes yes it was well i said those specific dates on purpose to lead her because it happened a month earlier than that and i messaged her back and i said your husband was nowhere near here this happened a month earlier don't ever message us again but this message that came appreciated i did the filter process and i always i always throw a filter process in there and she passed with flying colors so here's the deal okay we know kenny hauled the van onto the property and we also know now because uh levy county uh sheriff's department that number one the van is not stolen number two the van was not in kenny's name so the van was actually in the name and is still currently in the name of the person who had a pay stub thank you up on the dashboard so kenny hauled charles spells white minivan onto my property thank you edward jensen number one dumbest thing charles did was let kenny haul it but it gets crazier than that number two dumbest thing kenny did was put it on my property uh and as many people said boy this is going to get this is going to get physical real fast and i guarantee you if you will christine if he steps foot on the property it will get physical very very fast uh it's castle doctrine it's stand your ground state so thank you anita uh that being said we get this message from this local viewer who says i just want to let you know that's my ex-husband's minivan and and she she emphasized that he was you know what i'm just gonna read it i'm just gonna so i'm not gonna use her name but it's the ex-wife it is the ex-wife okay thank you service chihuahua shout out to her and her dog here's here's the message that we received and no name but i'm going to read you the exact message hello wanted to inform you that the van once belonged to my ex-husband he sold the van to hunter sullivan over a month ago i can tell you the van was used as a work van when my ex-husband owned it he did not live in it he did not do crack whatever's been put in the van since was in uh it was was put in since the the person he sold it to just for your information have a good weekend so that's the initial video that we got that her initial email yeah her ex now there's more communication in there but her ex-husband which would be charles spell sold the van to hunter sullivan so us being us we've done our own background work and we're going to share this with you tonight you're probably not going to see this in another video number one charles spell has two felonies okay spent how many years in jail according to the records that we saw 15. all right 15 years in jail two felonies now some of you guys figured this out as well that charles is actually his middle name and his first name is robert so some of you already did the dig up work and if you like robert de richard something like that i think it was robert wasn't it it's robert or it was richard it starts with an r too much has happened since then it's either robert or richard charles spell so if you continue your search and again all that we're sharing tonight is public record it is all completely and totally public record this isn't speculation this isn't slandering somebody this is public record also a sex offender okay so once once uh you you see all that information you go okay well this is the person that the van's name is in well he sells it to hunter sullivan so we do our work on hunter sullivan as well hunter sullivan and his girlfriend both meth heads living at kenny's house shawna we'll try and bring some out okay so here's here's the here's the here's the line of the ownership of the van so charles spell robert charles spell or richard charles spell whichever it is i forget when we were looking it all up and we had all the information but all of that information he sells it to hunter sullivan who is locally living at kenny's house okay sells it to hunter sullivan hunter sullivan never never transfers the van into his name there's no legal title to it whatsoever everything is still in charles name hunter sullivan is living at kenny's house why the hails does kenny take a van that hunter bought and then put it on my property hails it will ever know hails it forever thanks uncle bo but now hunter is out both the money he paid for the van and the van everything will go back on charles now and charles is going to have to pursue court proceedings with kenny because i have to go after charles so obviously i can go after kenny as well kenny will be a whole nother separate issue trespassing and then and then littering on my property so kenny's a whole nother issue that i'll be pursuing thank you michelle so i can't pursue the actual the actual toe of the van with kenny only the other criminal things that he'd done such as trespassing and littering and you could go it goes on and on and on uh and there are other things that are going to be added to that list as well then with charles it's van abandon and so charles will actually have to go after kenny as well so what kenny's actually done has sandwiched himself in the middle of two lawsuits if charles pursues it and hunter is in the middle of it all and will receive absolutely nothing he is out all the money he paid and he's out the vehicle he will never ever ever have that vehicle or any of the items inside of it because it is all in charles name it's a it's a hot mess it is beyond the hot mess okay just to clarify so you're all up to speed with what's going on kenny puts the vehicle on the property charles sells the vehicle will back up charles sells the vehicle to hunter who's living at kenny's hunter pays for the vehicle hunter has the vehicle kenny takes the vehicle places it on my property i yank it off on my property i have it towed boom there you go how does it get any odder i mean what are these morons thinking i just i mean honestly do they even think confusing even keeping up with the videos yeah yeah and i know we have our facebook watchers on here tonight as well and so facebook watchers you get to see old videos yeah throwbacks from up to two and a half years ago we've been on youtube for two and a half years although some ponies did you did get to see a current video a day later after we posted it on youtube this week but youtube gets all the newest stuff facebook you get the archive of the older stuff and facebook friends if you want to be yep on the on the up and up and the no no and everything that's happening you want to go to youtube you want to look up what the hells you want to subscribe hit the bell notification you do need a login you need to create a profile just like you would with facebook so i want to confirm with everybody number one anything you see us doing here in otter creek uh it's it's amazing how many people are our armchair quarterbacks with wall service you always said otter creek drama is better than a soap opera oh yeah hands down hands down so we don't do anything on youtube without consultation of a legal team we absolutely always have a legal team and so there's nothing that we're doing you even got to see one of the lawyers this week if well you actually you both did on youtube and facebook found 40 bucks on the ground today so you got to see a lawyer that is employed by what the hails and we have a full legal team before we do anything so for viewers watching and and then going oh well jeremy this is the law you can't do this you can do this we already know that beforehand we're not foolish we're not going to just put stuff out on youtube and go oh here let's incriminate ourselves so i want all of our and mostly the people who say those types of things they're not watching right now they just watch one video it goes viral it goes up and they're in their feed they click on it and they watch and then they're our armchair quarterback in regards to the law so we're not doing anything ever illegal and and i want to stress that because we have a legal team ensuring that beforehand so you can feel comfortable that we're doing exactly what we intend to do there is a design purpose behind it and that we are in the right with all that we do and we ensure that beforehand and with that being said you know what else it would be so right right now mail oh my goodness there's so much mail i was gonna guess barbecues um and gummy bears and ketchup barbecues would be good but it's mail time so there is a ton of mail now we are still we're going to get the mail we got a huge court update with maryland for all of the fans who have been following the maryland saga for over a year now this is your one this is a huge stack one stop location for all the updates because you'll probably never see all this stuff in a video like everything we just told you that's not going to be released in a video you just you got it here appreciate the five dollars judy dollars carlos is for robbie's animal good donation love what y'all do for the animals reptiles love you guys stay tuned we're gonna tell you where you guys can donate money to to robbie and z dog at get swamped all right that's coming after mail over the alligator fist my hand doesn't fit an alligator i need hulk that's for you i'm a big boy i smash you gator grab i smash all right first package oh there's from lynn willis all the way from florence from colorado colorado they got snow right now love you guys thank you for bringing such joy to everyone lynn willis thank you so much lynn this one it says for jeremy oh look at that sharon just sent 4.99 what the hell's telling thank you so much this one is awesome two dollars love you guys better than cable thank you so much adam i think adam actually sent us something look at these mini gators oh my goodness oh look at this this one says for looking did you show the turtles and the gators yeah i showed the turtles because i like turtles can you show this one for them while i continue reading i can try that one says for george okay is that a lemur keychain oh my goodness lemur keychain lin says the dowry a 15-foot gator in florida maybe you can catch it with robbie ten goats ten baby pigs and one camel one did she literally just send the dollar two camels in there okay lynn literally sent the dowry this is there's the gator this is now that gator was here in florida not too long ago less than 60. look at this she literally sent the dowry baba george it looks like you're off the hook now take some notes dad looks like baba george is off the hook that's awesome that's so creative thanks lynn she literally sent a dowry a dowry look at that oh my god that's pretty funny love it [Laughter] wow wow oh is this more diaries the next um box is from karen all the way from wisconsin thank you so much karen erin karen sent a remote oh really it's an emerson tv uh remote says george to add to your remote lot thanks karen i think karen sent us an email if this is the same karen karen did send this email she said the remote was coming boom look at that awesome thanks karen the post office actually got it to us they did yeah i was so worried because she sent it like general otter creek amy miller said send it to me i'll frame it the dowry uh next package is from lewis from glendale arizona thank you this is actually for you for me it's actually for you yeah for me it's from lewis designs oh man yeah for my gator scout vest look at that we got our first patch oh this came directly from lewis designs oh so it's from yeah it doesn't tell us who it's from no we've gotten actually we got a couple emails from people giving us a heads up they're coming directly from but i don't remember everyone that sent it because we got so many whoever sent that patch thank you so much that's awesome we've got to get the first patch on the gator scout vest yes and then get ready for so many more the next one is from jackie hodges all the way from airton alabama oh oh i bet you that one's for me look at this i just got a peek sealed in the cellophane it's the female version of ghostbusters look at that they've actually found one of those in a storage unit we watched it but not sealed oh look at that i love i love watching had to pick this up for you god bless george i'll send you something later thank you so much jackie thanks jackie that's cool i already started i started a ghostbusters shelf display shelf here in the little corner in his office george gave me for an office in his office yeah i have i have a corner that george is allowing me to have i am lucky to have the office that i have because i have two huge windows and one of them is facing the chicken tube uh just to be clear i have no windows he has no windows so he feels a little claustrophobic you know what i could do i could put a fake window up there for you you want a full window yeah you would never do that for me i would no i really would the next one is for you actually another one from um check that out that's from peach pie patches directly from peach pie patches look at it but i didn't see a name did i see a name of who ordered it okay go ahead and check that out whoever sent that one thank you so much gail i and stacy just sent five dollars paleo's low from kansas all the way in kansas if i'm reading this right the user's first name was gail it's from gail yeah very cool service chihuahua sent five april jeremy's going to get a surprise from patients nice all right the next is she planning something with patients the next package is directly from uh amazon i have a feeling i think it's definitely for you i haven't we're on a theme here this is yes check this wait this is from marlene steenbergen and i'm sorry if i put your name says enjoy your gift all our patches except for one i can't wait to see these on your jacket oh my gosh i love you guys look at this one i love it i love it z dog is going to have to get a vest with me z-dog is going gonna have to get a vest too he's just gonna have to he's he he's gonna say no but he's gonna have to get a vest we're gonna be gator scouts and robbie will be our troop leader the next envelope is directly from amazon as well mark kerr said ten dollars sorry i won't be here next week because of the auburn's observation of passover my birthday is march 29th wanda what's jeremy happy birthday this year should be a great year thanks so much happy early birthday mark you guys are a day apartment birthdays this is also for you another one yep this one the the note inside says enjoy your gift oh this is also from marlene nice this one's from marlene too mac said five dollars hello from washington thank you so much mike and five dollars from port charles charlotte florida from danny nice danny okay what's this one did you see the patch yes it's also from marlene i didn't see the patch where is it i got to see it oh i see it check that one out check that one out guys check that out yes check it out gator scouting is gonna become a thing it's a new trend gator scouting is gonna become the thing the very first troop is gonna be in bushnell at get swamped and we're gonna release the program from get swamped it's gonna be gator scouts all right the next one is uh from deborah brown directly from amazon says i saw this book and thought of you guys enjoy your gift thank you debra oh it says how to speak to chicken wire chicken do what they do and say what they say i kind of feel like i'm already a chicken whisperer no i know i definitely have she's a chicken my own language for the chicken and they all come running when when i do it and the pig even know that language as well they know that i'm coming with treats suzanne just sent two dollars thank you so much susan thank you so much deborah i love it uh at my leisure you have leisure i thought you said i'm a slave driver my loser this is when i have private me time and i'm pretending to be in the bathroom oh the hours that you spend on your phone in there yeah uh michelle crick just sent 699 any baby lemurs yet all right and is there adoption in the near future robbie is here in the chat he's the one to ask about the baby lemurs he'll know the last time we checked we were there one friday there was no baby lemurs as a friday uh the next package is all the way from australia from kelly robson and taylor holloway thank you so much kelly and taylor the love from your biggest aussie fans thanks again for all you do all the way from australia yeah so thank you both for the hours of entertainment you provide us and letting us come to come on your florida journey i can't thank you enough for introducing us to robbie and get swamped love the interactions between you guys we do have fun [Laughter] from patients and love embroidery in florida not patience in worcester here's a returning boomerang do you know how have you ever thrown a boomerang and have it come back to you ready i've never [Laughter] it works oh that's impressive check that out that is impressive we gotta go out we gotta go out that is awesome thank you so much terry and kelly we'll do taylor and kelly we'll do a we'll do a 15 second they're called youtube shorts where where i throw this and see if i can get it to come back to me it should be a good video we'll have to try that out tomorrow the next day if you guys watch our youtube shorts and your short shelf we also post them on our facebook page i don't know captain fumble nuts i don't know about that we'll find out we'll find out can i wear a helmet to protect my head and what for uh avery just said five dollars what's your address i want to send you a gift captain fumble nuts avery it's in the description of every video including this one it's what the hails po box 1006 worcester ohio four four six nine one and not right now you're going well you're not in worcester you're in florida yep it all gets here we have a ford order so everything comes here all right the next the next package is directly from amazon also from uh another amazon one yeah that one for marlene as well yes sir uh good thing is for maureen liz just said that her mom would sew on all the patches for us oh bev shout out to bev that one she gave us her unit yep and we've been using that stuff like crazy all right let's take a look oh my goodness they just keep getting better i'm gonna i have to take this one out because it's that one's nice and bright i love that this one's covered by the sticker so i want to take it out for you guys i'll just flip it i'll flip it in the package because i don't want to damage it before it gets ironed on this is so stinking cool robbie you better be calling me for these gators it's going to get warm here again soon look at this another gator for my gator scout vest check that out how cool how cool the next one is from lisa mcelroy didn't we meet lisa no no i'm thinking of another lisa um from arlington tennessee thank you lisa sent this to me history about elvis betty locked two dollars hi and then let's see who else sent and then she said she was interested in the in the blue stone ring i have not forgotten lisa i'll keep you posted chicago bear fans sent five dollars super sticker thank you lisa thank you chicago bears fan i think i saw dill hole just sent one as well dill hole sent 279 why'd i get timed out i didn't do anything wrong dill hole it's not the moderators on the channel it's not us it's youtube system we don't know why so youtube hasn't told us why it's doing it yet it's youtube system there's really nothing we can do about it okay so if anybody gets timed out and you go oh why why and don't send us nasty messages because if you send us nasty messages we just automatically block you because we don't like getting your nasty messages so it's youtube and it's a glitch that just started we're not sure why we haven't figured it out cheryl sent 4.99 hail's low everyone all right the next one is from adam from adam perticus all the way from las vegas viva las vegas this is actually for you vargas not vegas d vargas just sent twenty dollars love you guys love you two d thank you that's for me yeah it's actually labeled for me it's not for you but it says what the hell's i thought you oh nice check this out check this out we just got the missouri plates up yesterday and now we're going to have nevada plates now the missouri plates came from larry's no missouri plates came from another fan last week in the mail herbert just sent five dollars thank you so much herbert we are getting all the plates hung up and before you know it the whole wall will be filled with here's okay so here's another patch from lewis designs another patch can't remember who sent this because we got it we got another patch emails gator scouting baby gator scout oh my goodness look at this one this one's gonna go on when we get a baby gator check that out you know i i was just saying all your old izod shirts the patches from your izod's shirts and all you guys are saying doable all these guys are sending you guys are saying these these amazing the next package is also from peach pie patches from but from a different user cocky wants to know if we took the plates off the van there were no plates there were no places or we would have good idea good idea we would have thought of it check that one out there is a you guys are amazing with these gator patches is anybody keeping counter gator patches i lost count is this another gator pack so yeah this vest is this is going to be the coolest gator scouting vest ever here's this this one is directly from amazon but no note but again it's i know several people have messaged us giving us a heads up oh my goodness look at this one that one's cute look at this one that's gonna be for the teeny weeny baby gator check that out wow the big old eyes on that one that one's an egyptian gator those have george eyes that's an egyptian gator i'm out awesome uh you're right when i see a safe which we are on george doesn't know this show i haven't told her but i have found a storage unit with a safe online that nobody can see but i found it and i hope to win it tomorrow morning that nobody can see how did you see it then i have lasik oh it's the lasik do a little thrifting with this to get a vest for z dog from the crimson lizard yes yes yeah he's gotta have a matching denim vest we gotta find him a denim vest and and put it on z dog and start getting him patches for gator scouts and then we gotta get we gotta get a vest for robbie as our scout leader all right lisa matthews sent a two dollar super sticker thank you so much lisa i appreciate it get z and robbie in denim vest that that could be awesome now i'm not saying they'll do it but i'm definitely gonna push the idea would you wear a hat the same a hat that robbie wears the same hat that he would maybe i already have my gator scouting uniform what would you wear that matches robbie i'm not the gator scout leader you can't just you can't just wear a gator scout you have to grow you have to you have to be promoted the baton has to be passed for you to wear a hat of that stature okay i'm only i'm only trucker baseball cap hat i'm not there you don't even like wearing baseball you don't like wearing hats in general uh mick mad mike 427 said 499 thank you so much i appreciate it thank you so much and let's see we're going to have it ride the back of the gator hanging onto the gator yeah uh mick draper scent 4.99 what size i have the perfect matching one for you jeremy for z oh meg are you serious now mick got to witness the van or the vest when you first got it the very first year we were in florida and we found the best in affordability it was found that week when we met mick in person and mr draper he got to see it if i had to guess z is probably going to be comfortable in a medium probably an adult medium yeah you might guess yep dad may be in there and share but uh bridget r sent three dollar super sticker thank you so much bridget lisa lisa p sent a dollar thank you so much where's your fist bumps and terry holidays sent five dollars said farmer mark needs a vest i don't know that we will ever be able to get farmer mark yeah he would irrigate he would totally wear do you think he would wear a vest i don't think he would get anywhere it would totally match with his denim you think farmer mark would have jumped into the into the lake and swam across with me and robbie yeah with enough persuasion and and death roll arm twisting yes absolutely yes barry hutchinson just sent five dollars thank you so much barry we appreciate it all right now update on the get swampy he's got a long torso which he does so maybe ours z-dog is definitely he's definitely got a long torso he does mick just sent 299. it's on its way [Laughter] all right tweetypie77 sent five dollars and sent you an eyesight patch a couple weeks ago hope you get it soon appreciate it awesome so cool okay you guys are amazing update on on court okay so the very first thing we did this week is as was seen on youtube is we removed the van we gave you an update on the van already so the craziness of the saga of the van uh you getting super chats yep and then the second thing we did is we went back out to webster's flea market and we went to go get our education from deborah my books appreciated deborah says you and her son are the same age oh nice so who shaded that from the vendor who actually kicked me out we went back to get our actual education and what we ended up with appreciate the five dollars mark donovan [Music] we ended up with this super cool ghostbusters mug what's the date on it again 1984. oh i was columbia pictures 1984. i was two and um and it's got a little discoloration i haven't cleaned it or anything yet but this is going into the ghostbusters the ghostbusters the florida collection collection joe sent five dollars says i've been doing decent in toledo ohio era thrifting and lockers because of you appreciate it joe glad we can be an inspiration i don't think rosie i think he means because you're not in ohio anymore there's stuff to buy i think how often are we in the toledo area not very often not often enough even though we were in ohio this week but first we went to webster's we met auctioneer steve and and then that so that was fun to get to hang out with them and then what happened after that so rosie wants to know for gator scouts well you have levels to achieve like girl scouts daisies brownies juniors et cetera oh yeah yeah without a doubt without so what comes with those levels obviously a patch for everything you'll learn you'll learn those levels as we go through the process with our gator scout troop leader robbie so you'll learn all of those levels and you'll see what it takes right now right now i'm still a rookie rookie level z keeps saying whatever you say rookie whatever you say karen sent five dollars says your goodie box i'm having scent should arrive in the next few days oh no i shaded karen nice so i also silver wheel sent two dollars says farmer mark would jump in to save you he would have to his commission checks would be based on it if if i'm going to buy any more equipment so uh i went to i went back home to ohio this week which sounds weird to say back home to ohio because when i was flying back i kept saying i can't wait to get home to florida so having florida withdrawals the moment he stepped foot on the plane here here's the crazy thing a lot of you guys are thinking why the hails would you take the expense to go back to ohio or the time to go back to ohio and here's what i want to share with you the flight to ohio hundred dollars a little bit over a hundred dollars rosie said turtle scouts so so rosie and the time to drive to the airport and drive back home so you have to realize generally speaking we are going to drive anywhere from two and a half hours three hours even up to that to go to an auction here in florida yeah so it's about average time that's going to be average appreciate it so we will do that in a day go to the auction come back home we will spend roughly a hundred dollars in diesel driving pulling a pulling a trailer and then you add meals on top of that so if you if you frame it appreciate it oh well what they do every day they travel they could be on the road driving up to five to six hours a day and spend 100 150 dollars in diesel and meals on the road then you look at the flight to ohio it's cheaper so i actually spent less time and less money flying back to ohio to go see rob and then to go to court and then to fly back home here to florida than i would in a normal day so when you think of it in that way where everybody goes well how would you you know if you're moving to florida how would you go back to ohio you could do an ohio trip in a day it's it's a two-hour flight to ohio yeah you can absolutely plan it accordingly which we drive more than we were driving more than that today oh thank you diana we were on the road more than that today so so a flight to ohio to two hours trip is less than what we actually are driving on an average every single year in the state of florida and florida is huge so we got to go home got to hang out with rob got to see christian and patients got to take care of a few things i needed to take care of with some other businesses that i have going on as well and then i got to go to pre-trial with marilyn now here's what's going on with court with maryland okay all of you know already marilyn has number one marilyn is claiming she is no longer in a legal partnership with her partner brian that's right michael so that's her claim that she's making now it's going to be up to a judge to actually actually it's not even up to a judge it's up to the jury to determine whether that claim is false or correct as such she has filed a 25 000 lawsuit against me claiming that she has not received rent from me in two years and i've been there two and a half years well actually this april will be three years and so as such because she initiated the lawsuit i have filed countersuit of loss of income and damages from the day i filed counter suit she was already at 250 000 just lost income from locking me out of the building she's well over 1 million dollars liable right now if a jury finds her liable for a loss of income and damages based on what she's done so now you're going well what did she do number one she illegally and this is this is this is not up for interpretation from a jury she illegally did not pay the utility the water bill so whenever you have a tenant and she had multiple tenants she has to pay utilities that's the law and she illegally has not paid those utility bills number one was water we lost water first and then we lost actually then we lost access to the building she locked us out and that's illegal as well so this is an upper for interpretation with the jury for the trial it is illegal what she's done and then she did not pay the actual electric bill so we lost all utilities we lost our water we lost electric we lost access all illegal thank you thank you ronald so it was a pre-service chihuahua now if you go wait what's a pre-trial and why was jeremy there why was jeremy there in a hoodie and jeans well number one it was a day trip and i'm not gonna change my clothes for a date trip i am going and coming back same day uh it was less than 24 hours i was boom boom and so judge was even jud uh just casual if you look if you look the judge wasn't even in his full robes right and because a pre-trial is not a trial so i never anticipated even being allowed to go into the courtroom my lawyer got the judge to grant access for me to go in the courtroom for just a few minutes before the pre-trial started in a pre-trial the parties me marilyn brian are never going to be in the courtroom with the magistrate with the judge or the lawyers it is only for the magistrate the judge or the lawyers now if a settlement happened and everybody went well we don't want it to go to trial we don't want it to go to jury trial all right we got a settlement and there's going to be an agreement then the judge would call us all in and frankly none of it would matter what i was wearing in front of the judge that means nothing because a settlement was already agreed he says do you agree to the settlement yes do you not know whatever and if you already reached a settlement you're just going in there for a formal yes so it means nothing i was never even supposed to be in there and i knew that beforehand this isn't my first rodeo although a lot of our viewers seem to think it's the first rodeo like how dare you go to court looking like that i went to court casual because i don't have to be in anything i could have been wearing shorts in a in a tank top if i wanted to i was not going to be in the presence of the judge for anything formal it is a pre-trial all it is is the judges are working out scheduling and and witnesses and the whole deal and there's a hopes that there would be an actual uh some kind of deal to go hey let's not take this trial let's make a deal but there was no deal done that day whatsoever and uh and so there was also concern from our viewers hey you're not wearing your mask right and we keep getting this again and again and again i'm gonna address this once and then appreciate it kyle we love them too uh anybody who addresses a mask issue on our channel you're immediately muted we live in florida we're here on purpose because we don't want the issues we respect your view of how you want to wear your mask and if you're out in public and if you're in your home or if you're in your own vehicle and you want to wear your mask you have every right to do that we're not going to say anything and we request that you don't say anything on our channel about it either so we're here because we don't want to wear them that's our prerogative and we're here in florida on purpose because of that prerogative and so many others business decisions and so for people around the world to be leaving messages going oh you're wearing your mask wrong oh you're this oh you're so inconsiderate you're so rude we just go you're done and so please don't do that don't be foolish and do that we are grown-ups we know what we're doing we're making our own responsible decisions whether you agree with them as being responsible or not it doesn't do you any benefit or anybody else any other benefit for you to leave those comments whether i'm in a courtroom which i am in a specific area i am in a specific area designated for me and my lawyer me and my lawyer are both comfortable not wearing the mask the only reason why he pulled it up is because we were filming that is the only reason thank you nettie we'll continue to pray for you and i could have had it off the entire time where i was doing what i was doing i just would slip it down slip it up slip whatever and we'll do that often wherever where we're at so that being said uh and again we'll probably not address that again we were completely and totally safe dress wasn't an issue and the trial is coming up on may 10th and i think we've been very clear over the year the trial is may 10th charles may 10th it is not a judge trial it is a jury trial and that's going to be extremely interesting here's the thing because all of these things are public record like what we shared with you earlier about charles spell that's all public record we're not sharing with you anything that isn't public record because it's all public record i should be able to go in there and film the entire thing as a matter of fact i should be able to go in and live stream the entire thing so what my lawyer is currently working on he's actually working on getting a press pass for christian so christian would go in under a press pass and so that i can focus on the trial christians actually going to record the whole thing under a press pass which again all of it can be recorded because all of it is public record so the jury the maryland anything maryland says anything that comes up in record all of it it's public record so that's going to be extremely interesting and frankly probably extremely intense uh with christian going to be there under a press pass to actually either live stream or video everything and we're still we're still considering it we're talking we're talking uh christian and i and my lawyer talking what would be the best route for that uh or what would be the best route really for you guys because if we live stream an all-day jury trial you guys could poke in and out but you'd probably get bored to death it may be better for us to edit it down and go hey this is the best parts of the trial we're kind of toying around with it still my lawyer is completely and totally on board with it obviously you saw my lawyer in this week's video which was cool most likely most lawyers would never ever let you record them like that because they're always scared about liability they'd go no no no you can't you can't record me i don't want to be held liable for that my lawyer is like i represent a youtuber yeah let's go we're on youtube and so i know and so um and and that's a that's a that's a phenomenal thing i'm curious whether you guys would prefer it to be recorded as a pre-recorded video or if you would want the entire court case live streamed let us know let us know in the chat that'd be interesting to know what do you think would be better i feel like if you live streamed people will hop on throughout the lives not from the beginning and ask well what's going on what's going on and keep asking the same questions if it's pre-recorded they can go back and rewind it if they miss something they can go back and wind it i don't know it's up to you it would be interesting you know what else is interesting robbie at get swamped found a huge epic nascar haul this collection is so stinking amazing i mean he was showing it to us and he gave it to us to sell on his behalf so one of the cool things you got to see this week is we went out and we were with get swamped robbie called me he's like dude you have to come with me i was like i don't even know where we're going or what we're doing he's like just get over here here's the address and so i was like we love a good surprise you're like all right that's kind of like a treasure hunt figuring out what's going on and a scavenger hunt the whole deal and we we go this previous owner unfortunately passed away was hospitalized passed away loved loved his animals his animals were so well taken care of they were so big i mean it was like me chunky getting chunky and so there were 23 turtles appreciated re-homed and um and i didn't get bit robbie did robbie did and we also during the same day invented turtle skipping so you know that's that's a little piece of history right there that should probably be on the patch don't you think that should be on uh more turtles gator the gator scouting patch they're so gators on one side and turtles i just think there should be a turtle skipping patch there should be some kind of you received your turtle skipping patch by the by the troop master and uh we were we were fortunate for robbie to actually invite us out so we got to work with robbie z dog and another crew and we got to be a part of rehoming the 20s kyle amazing turtles i mean these were some really terrible they're an assortment of all kinds of turtles it was interesting i've never swamped ranch i've never seen a florida soft shell turtle ever them boys were chunky so that was interesting yeah they were large and chunky and in charge they were eating good they were definitely eating good better than me it's like they were going out for barbecues every night which which larry probably did take him out the barbecues he's like all right load it up boys come on let's go get barbecues who wants the gator nuggets and and then we also there were five chickens and we were fortunate enough to bring home three of them yes and we already have eggs so day one they were laying eggs and the the two the two chickens that that robbie and z kept which we don't know that they're keeping the names jeremy and george for their chickens but um you know we're nudging them that way they're already laying eggs as well for chickens to go through a transition like that they usually skip a day or two laying eggs but those chickens are so sweet so flexible so easy going they're not skittish at all larry had to had to hand feed them raise them they are so gentle and so sweet and so flexible they definitely they were hand raised and so that was a big big bonus but we we talked with robbie and z dog we were like hey let's auction this stuff off to help because you re-home so many animals and uh let's auction it off tonight and we'll see what we can do to actually help you you know in the process of rehoming those ones but then rehoming more there's a lot involved with keeping that sanctuary up with all the animals there is a ton involved so anything we could do to help and allow robbie and zeudog to continue to grow their sanctuary we're all about it vienna sent five dollars says did you see the commercial with jeremy george apparently we have doppler gangers out there really i don't remember doing a commercial for but apparently there's people out there that look like us kim sent five dollars says call them swamp scouts the swamp scouts appreciate it kim there you go that's a good idea that is good so we are gonna have an auction uh george has four lots of billiards nascar collection that'll be going to the get swamped ranch yep to help in all the animals now many of you have asked what can we do if if we're not interested in the actual nascar stuff nascar is not my thing i don't want to resell i just want to help i want to help robbie and zee at the get swamp ranch i want to help the animals what can i do what you can do is you can make a direct paypal donation to them and so robbie was probably gonna put his uh robbie's probably gonna put his paypal in the chat right now i know it's get swamped that's a good one carrie thank you pretty sure it's get swamped i don't want to say where it's at because i don't remember he just called me beth came up with a good idea she goes robbie needs an amazon wishlist to help with the animals so robbie's going to put his actual support i get someone all right junk journal crafts sent five dollars we appreciate we appreciate the the super chat so robbie's gonna put in his paypal now the reason why paypal is the best if you don't it kyle i got your super stickers thank you okay so paypal is that get swamped can you just do that without uh dot com you have to make sure you put the ad okay so put the ad in so paypal is at get swamped if you guys want to make a donation just to get swamped ranch it's at get swamped and always make sure you send that friends and family so that way paypal doesn't take any fees and then your your gift actually goes towards everything that is going on at the get swamped ranch yes so with that being said we'll remind you more of that as we get going why don't you get us started into the auction tonight all right get the transfers ready for the live auction if this is your first live auction we'll go over the terms with you guys um and then we'll also do a practice auction that way you guys know how the uh the live goes appreciate the super sticker kimberly she has to look for a cheat sheet now she's searching she's looking she's searching you would think she'd have this stuff memorized by now [Music] you moved it with the mail she put the mail on top of it and then moved all the mail and it's probably buried underneath the mail look at this lemur how cool is that robbie is gonna have baby lemurs any day now any day now any day now all right first things first make sure you guys are in live chat and not top chat in the actual live feed uh this is important that way everyone at home along with us sees the live chat as it occurs uh in real time thank you for the super sticker kimberly all of the lots that i show tonight there will be a 25.00 minimum bid and that includes free shipping if you live here in the us if you live outside of the us you're more than welcome to bid just keep in mind there will be additional shipping charges based on the weight and the dimensions and the location that you are in the world just know your uh country's custom laws and if there's any import fees tina marie rose just sent five dollars bam gina thank you so much hold a second pause okay somebody wants to know are girls allowed in the gator scouts club they said why are you not including george that's not gender equality uh is this something you want to do wrestle gators that you haven't told me about i would much rather be recording i don't want to wrangle gators that's why she's in a recording club our auction style is minute to win it so once jeremy says go he'll flash a one minute timer on the screen you guys have a minute to put all of your bids into the live chat once the timer stops our sold moderator who is flipping adventures will type in sold in the live chat whoever the highest bidder is right before she types and sold is the winner for that lot uh kristen emirate just sent five dollars love you guys please be careful always always always thank you flipping first safety first even though even though the f stands for fumble nuts he still believe is a firm believer of safety first and sarcasm becky just sent five dollars as well thank you so much becky whoever the highest bidder is of the lot we ask that you please send your information to us immediately at what the hills jeremy will remind you throughout the auction and then our awesome moderators with the blue wrenches will remind you as well on what to do what to send typically we want your youtube profile name your real name your billing address the lot that you want and your high bid amount and you just said five dollars this is still best live chat on youtube correct yeah you want to be in live chat and live chat just sent 25 super sticker ddk dkk i don't know what that is but it's a super cool if you are the runner up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder please email us your contact information again and again jeremy will remind you right throughout the auction along with our awesome moderators kyle just sent five dollars yes do that um i will send paypal invoices tomorrow morning that way you can pay using either a paypal balance credit card debit card um and i believe it links up to different cash apps colin sent five dollars says george just wants to film your suffering jeremy you have no idea how true that is you have no idea you have no idea all right silverworks george is a family i know for gator club i know i'm not the only one that gets pleasure out of your suffering jeremy oh jeremy yeah your keep in mind that everything is sold as is um there's no guarantees no returns we auction the items off to you as we find them elmo 20 thank you so much elmo mary deathly deal set 499 just want to see maryland um we will do a practice slot like i've mentioned um earlier and then don't forget you have a chance to win a free lot at the end of the auction based on a trivia question that jeremy will ask um from the least viewed video of the week rosie says no gator club for george you're in the lemur club oh i like that i'm the lemur whisperer mort is my favorite because he he reaches out and he says hello or like come here i have candy for you pretty one rick just sent 20 super sticker thanks so much rick well you know how to get george in a van just a reminder please do not bid if you have no intentions on paying i will ban you okay so you won't be able to participate if you don't pay or email me um after we ask you to email just a reminder for all of our facebook friends we can only see the bids on youtube now if you put numbers and bids in on facebook we unfortunately we can't follow the facebook feed and the youtube feed at the same time so we started this all on youtube that's why we use youtube as the main platform and so if you want a bid tonight what you can do is you can jump over to youtube search for what the hell subscribe hit the all bell notification jump on the live and then you'll be in the live chat you'll be able to put your bid amounts right in there see bridget even knows that mark really seems to love me eric just said five dollars says you guys are great and then just a reminder uh as best practice make sure you guys hang out with more we'll see you'll be begging me to take you you guys make sure you guys refresh in between every lot that i show you and then make sure you switch back to live chat because youtube will automatically default and switch it back to top chat which you want to meet you want to make sure you're in live chat and then also feel free to network with one another and we'll remind you throughout the the auction as well what's that more mort has your number what more more delete that number than madagascar delete that number more no you got yourself into this more i'm not i'm not coming to pick her up and bringing her back this is all you dude you and her have fun mort have fun told you he'd be begging him he's a little jelly little jelly more are you ready to put me in uh carol just said awesome to see christian patience again love you all thank you so much carol all right we're going to do the practice here they're crazy for riding their crotch rocket so second cents they had a good hour drive they were driving in the cold on the motorcycle i was like you guys are crazy all right we do uh niche ladies said jeremy need the full email to donate at get swamped so looks like looks like you're going to need the full email there robbie to put in there that's what i thought we would need have you ever done it with just an asterisk you have yeah uh now george is saying you can do it the asterisk um maybe try it again with the asterisk or somebody help the niche lady uh give some guidance i've never done it with the asterisk before we got to keep the auction going so if you guys can give some guidance in the chat how to do it with the asterisk that would be awesome uh nicole just said ask at get swamped is is not working asking for full email robbie just go ahead put your full email in there put the email that you used your full email that he used to set up the paypal account whatever you use to set up the paypal account put that full email in there for them all right we are gonna go ahead and we are we are gonna go ahead and get started while you guys figure out how to do that okay all right this is a practice run just a reminder this is a practice you're not actually bidding on this this is going in the ghostbusters collection here in florida and so this was an awesome gift that just came in the mail you got to start 25 again again this isn't real this is the practice run 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you can see we'll tell you everything we can about the item you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go come on turn on me baby all right here we go we're bidding on the ghostbusters bidding on the ghostbusters right here this lady just put in the information on the get swapped right there all right we got i see a thousand dollars on the ghostbusters i see 25 turtles 25 turtles somebody just offered their wife and their dog no no one egyptian is enough one egyptian is too much what did i tell you today you're like five guys one million two chickens a mort a hundred skipping turtles actually i'm digging the skipping turtles thing that's a fun activity we're gonna need our own turtle soon 20 more seconds to go 100 florida soft turtle shells rosie just said one million stay puft man i'm digging the state pub all right we got uh all kinds 1.3 billion 86 copperheads actually that would be cool too man there are so slime and all kinds of things all right we're waiting for we're waiting for flipping adventures to stay sold once the liquid adventure says sold then no more bids already sold there it is flipping adventure says sold i'm gonna take the stapa from rosie rosie you just fake won the actual dvd no doubt you're gonna win some other things here tonight as well now we've got um rita just sent five dollars any update on the house fire we don't have a full update on the house fire yet it's under investigation everything we know about the house fire we have told you in previous in previous uh live streams so no more information to give you right now remember we've got four lots four lots tonight that are for the get swamp team it's the nascar stuff so there are four lots we'll let you know as soon as we get to them we'll tell you again this is for get swamp this is for all the rehoming but until then we have these crazy crazy lighters well there's nascar but that's not from robbie's lot that's not funny that was from that's from the flea market so you have seen all of these lighters in flea markets potentially is this all flea market or is this storage unit majority of it is from the flea market vast majority is from the flea market that you saw us there are several zippo's in here that are from storage units like different some zippos she'll try and show you which one are the zippos i'm just gonna go ahead and give her full screen again just a reminder we've got we've got a lot going on tonight we've got four lots for get swamped if you don't want to bid on his nascar his huge nascar find you can always just send the donation as well to help with all the animals a great thing robbie's doing there helping all the animals re-homing so many does look like ronald mcdonald kenneth just said i'll give you a 10 billion million gator patches for riding on hawk just a reminder make sure you are current on the live stream and not lagging if you're lagging refresh so that you're not lagging hit live stream and that way that way you'll be right up to speed with where we're at right now i think this one's ronson this one's a ronson lighter this one's cool because it's it looks like a stack of quarters that's right up your alley it's really a lighter this reminds me of elvis stack of quarters no it reminded me of what doing laundry oh yeah you missed mail there's an entire package down there mail you missed oh yeah because it was down there you want to open it no no we'll save it for next week motor ride to live cycles to live cycles katie hopkins just sent 299 super sticker thank you so much katie big thumbs up to you as well yes swamp just said thank you everyone for all the donations again we are going to get four lots of nascar items that will be forget swamp tonight for helping with all the animals that robbie z dog in the family care for on a daily basis this is not one of them we will make sure we clarify when it's a get swamped lot s m s nc 20 sent five dollars i want the zippo lighters well you will have an opportunity to own them there's a there's quite a few in this lot this is all from the bulk lots of buying at webster flea market as you've seen us so i got my lesson on buying and reselling and we were able to now resell them directly to you now that i'm i'm officially i'm officially learned i've officially been taught and educated it i've been learned it good patti ann says i need your address your youtube still shows your ohio address patty our address is our ohio address so that is our address don't worry it will get to us in florida we don't have a physical address here in our property so it goes it goes to ohio and then christian and patients send everything down to us here in florida and then it all gets to us all right that's the entire law this is the entire line all right that's the entire lot of lighters she tried to emphasize to show you which ones were the zippos and i think there was a bronson as well all these lighters have not been tested we do not know if they all work and have you tested any of them you want to pick one up and just put it in the camera and see if it works all right she's going to pick one up now she's going to pick the oldest looking bronson one up this one is ronson that one is ronson not bronson all right she can't get it to work it's too old so that being said everything is as is no guarantees and no returns 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you're welcome to bid if you're outside the united states but you have absolutely need to know your custom laws and what i mean by that if your customs finds this whole box of lighters and says no way and confiscates it we're not liable for that you need to know that before you build it so this will go ground because of the butane and the lighters if there is butane in the lighters it'll all just go ground because we haven't checked if everything is lit with butane or not but you need to know all that beforehand david caldwell just said five dollars have a jab dope jab i have a dad joke for you what kind of drugs can you find in the ocean seaweed i have no idea in the ocean oh in the ocean the answer is seaweed butter now i got it all right just to reemphasize it was our first slot this is a real lot tonight live real bids only uh if you bid and you don't pay you do get blocked from the channel unfortunately as so many are bidding to resell and feed their families mary thank you for the 5.25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go lighter lot right now tree hugging hippie mom just at 31 40 this is for my father lee who passed away this week so sorry to hear that three hugging hippie mom thank you so much for your super chat all right we got we got somebody in that hundred dollars we got a hundred dollars we got a couple hundred dollars we gotta go under we got adam at a hundred we got we got 300 bids so far walter's not 100. every justice is not 120 500. right now hundred twenty five hundred twenty five ugly cameras 125 as well 125 is the high bid how big right now is 125 just came in at 102 so low too low christy 25 seconds left to go ever just came in again at 125 169 remember this is free shipping free shipping dan came in at 110. that 10 000 bid from daniel will not be accepted 130 to dan dayton right now 130 is high better ed just came in at 165. michelle jackson came in at 135 and came in over 160 565 bid with five and four and three and it's still either 165. 165 is logged in 165 is still the high vision here comes dale 160. downstairs at 160. here we go 165 right now walter just said he's out 165 and sold nice fast ed didn't make it with the snipe at 170. all right 165 is the high bid and word jensen edward jensen your high bidder you want to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount at 165 and tell us what the lot was it was the lighter lot you're gonna send it all right there what the hell's at now back up bitter and ed you want to go ahead and send that right now that would be great backup bidder was let's see it might have been another fast ed fast ed was in at 150. you see dale at 160 we're at dale dale you are back up bidder at 160. so dale here's what you want to do you want to send all that same information if any reason edward doesn't pay dale you'd be up at 160 send that information right there to what tales at and just say hey george i was the backup bidder you'll be all set ready to roll and ready to go all right we are in the auction first lot ready to roll look at all those lighters that was a good deal there's quite a few nipple lighters in there that's a really good deal 165 that's great you make that all back just on your zipper lighters that's really good all right next slide are okay george is bringing out the afghans she's got a bunch of afghans again this is not to get swamped a lot there are four nascar get swapped lots four nascar get swamp lots tonight that she has randomly mixed in and right now she's got the afghans you know what i'm just gonna give her full screen here we go so the first the first afghan you may have seen i can't remember if we showed this but this is from liam's unit the this afghan is probably twin size but this is really pretty i can't remember if she said her mom made this or if her grandma made it debbie says she bid 200 on the lighters debbie i'm going back up to look right now i very well could have missed it [Music] this one's more of like a lap size blanket debbie we appreciate your bid at 200 unfortunately i can't see it in the chat it it's he fell through uh deb you made a bid now i see it you made it after flipping adventure said sold so any bids after flipping adventure says sold does not count you have to put your bid in before make sure your time is out you have to be in live chat if you're in top chat you're going to see all kinds of crazy crazy um chats that aren't in real time so you have to be in live chat so you can see it in real time unfortunately your bid was late you got to get your bid in before the times run out and flipping adventure says sold and then if you guys want to network with each other if you saw a lighter that you want to get feel free to network this one's really pretty this one's so colorful rosie's already got her eye on these afghans i know it yeah rosie's eyeing these afghans right now this one's really really pretty i like this one but i think rosie also knows the value of handmade afghans yes and then this this is the last one really pretty colors [Music] pink blue and white it's kind of like baby colors you could be a boy or a girl wouldn't matter huh jeff says you could auction off george sure no problem tonight high's bitter winds that'll be the last item of the night and i think she's done with afghans here we go with the afghans all right just a reminder we have have you checked all of those for any holes or any loose threads or anything like that if she paused the answers no i didn't i didn't so the answer is no she did not inspect everything so remember you're getting everything as is we have not searched through everything or checked everything that's part of the fun of it for you so bid accordingly so everything is as is no guarantees no returns and 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states most important thing is you got a bid fast you got to be furious because you literally only have one minute to wait let's go here we go edward just sent 1999 infoset brother thank you so much we appreciate it appreciate it so much all right afghan lot is up and running we got tina murray rose at 40. we got k rest at 120 323's high bid right now i saw a hundred dollars let's go to another hundred dollars another hundred dollars mitchell ladies at 125. how big right now is 125. 125 on the afghan blankets right now 125 and marianne said george is priceless pay it marianne pay it and cincinnati girl scent uh 135 135's high bid right now brendan young is now 150. 150 is high bid david gower came in at 130 carroll came in at 140. 150 is high good 20 seconds to go on the high bid 20 seconds another 15 were still at brenda young at 150 150. lynette just came in at 150. k rest is not 151. 151 remember 25 free shipping free shipping 155 michelle is now at 155 155 is what i bid 155 is i've been tree hugging infant mama's not 175 175 300 hogging mama 175 hillary came in at 160 digitally given at 165 high minute still no rank rose is not 180. brady rosie's got one and he niche lady came in on 178 so so we got rosie got it rosie got at 180 niche lady came back at 181 but rosie got it that snipe wasn't in time tree hugging nippy mommy came back at 190 that snipe wasn't in time it's rosie at 180. geez you guys are gonna give me a heart attack who the hell's knows what you're gonna do with this nascar stuff i know you guys love this nascar stuff all right all right rosie you know what to do send all your info right there what the hell's at yahoo we need your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 180 i believe it was and the lot which was the afghan law afghan law all right next slot we're going to get the first lot of get swamped nascar here it comes get swamp nascar this bid this bid is for the get swamp nascar so this is all going to go help the get swamped ranch everything that robbie and z dude rehoming with all the homies my turtle homies my gator homies my crocodile homies it's the gator scouting this is gonna this we gotta come up with a gator scouting boat we have to all right first lap first lot get swamped ranch remember this will be nascar lot number one number one i'm giving her a full screen nascar lot number one a good rich scale car 118. [Music] so that's the first the first item in this lot and then the next one is also one 18 scale car this is junior and then you also get that was a cool car everybody had their eye on yeah you also get junior everybody had their eye on that who whoever previously owned this was definitely a collector door opens on both sides now as you can see there is some damage to the boxes again we try and share everything we can with you but um so there you are going to see some damage on some of the boxes and some of the stuff is completely and totally sealed and it looks great number eight oreo i love love love love oreo there is some damage the box on the side the scale is 164. and then with the oreo you also get the matching oreo car i think that's winner's circle on that one the dale jr and then you get another dale jr trailer 164. is this the dale jr lot it's an assortment because dale seniors in here too there's some damage to the box on the side and then on this side as well and then the last item to this lot is the hot cocoa mix and it's sealed that means the cocoa is still in there so this this yeah is still appears to be sealed brand new 2005 i wonder if that the hot cocoa should still be good yeah are you kidding hot cocoa is always good especially if it was in a storage unit for 20 years no doubt whatsoever okay so this is the nascar lot number one this bid will go to get swamp and then that will help that will help the sanctuary i'll hit the sanctuary with the animals so what georgia's gonna do she'll take she'll take your bid and then she'll ship it she'll she'll minus the shipping fees and then that will go just so you know exactly what's happening so your bid amount will go towards the lot she'll deduct the shipping fees whatever it costs to ship and then the remaining balance will all go towards the getting the rest of the proceeds will go towards everything else will go towards get swapped branch but part of your bid is going to pay for the shipping even though we tell you 25 free shipping you realize that bid pays for the shipping but that's what you're that's what your bid is going to go towards so that you have full disclosure on that okay all right nascar lot number one again uh 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you're welcome to bid if you're outside of the united states everything is as is no guarantees you're seeing it as we saw it this is the first time we actually really looked at it in detail robbie showed it to us we were in absolute all we're like let's auction this stuff off it'll be a ton of fun and you're looking at it just as we're looking at it bit accordingly most importantly you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only got one minute to win it let's go nascar lot number one this is the gift swamp nascar lot number one nascar lot number one don't wait tonight bear kitties already in that 110 112 is high bid right now we got christine's now at 125 120 we got 200 joey's in that 200 200 is high bid right now i saw 200 200 with high bed i see hundreds 130 hundreds everywhere 255. ah alistair dixie is that 255. 255 is a hybrid right now 255. 255. rosie was in at 175 255 as i did right now lauren came in at 250 25 i saw 255 255 is still the high bid i got to get this back in the screen with 20 seconds to go 255 is still a high bed i'm pretty sure 255. alistair is now at 500 alistair dixie is now at 500. alistair is in at 500 alistar's in at 500 rosie says i'm out on this one i'm out on this one alistair's in at 500. going going oh we got russell's in that 300. alistair's in at 500. and let's see what happens let's see what happens going once alistair confirmed your bid at 500 alistair confirm your bid going once going twice and so all right holy cow that was intense there that was a lot of hitting all right now let me go back good russell at 300. okay alistair dixie we got you at 500 alistar can you confirm your bid at 500. alistair dixie can you confirm your bid at 500. debbie was in at 300. debbie's lagging a little bit alistair at alistair's in at 500. debbie was in at 300. let me just check back a bit as well russell was in that 300 i think russell 500 225 looking at all these bids right here 225 i think russ i think russell was back up better at 300. uh did confirm okay out there you're all set to go so alistair if i'm saying it wrong i apologize here's what we need we need your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 500 and then say nascar lot number one guest swap nascar lot number one send that right over there to what the hails at russell your backup bidder at 300. so russell you can send all that information as well your backup bidder at 300 and if anything happens then what we can do is we'll give you uh we'll give you information we'll give you that information there now if you guys see anything tara just said twenty dollars thank you so much tara bam you see anything oh here's nascar lot number two you see anything in these lots you go man i would really like to have that but i couldn't get the whole lot feel free to network with one another we're completely okay if you're in there and you go hey man i really like that dale jr this would you be willing to sell it to me feel free remember this is pretty cool stuff though too this is stuff not only that you saw on what the hails channel but you also saw this on get swamp channel and uh i'm gonna give you full screen okay yep and then don't forget to make it even more all the proceeds for these these nascar lots will go for the animals it's all about the animals with these lots so here's a race clock this appears to be new still in there i took a little peak see nascar lot number two get swamp said alistair dixie you rock here's a nascar racing fans parking only all others will be towed that includes the hall that includes the hulk and the game toe the hulk uh storage legends wants to know if i buy more robbie will you sign my neck can storage legends of course that's something get your gator graph on his neck here's a nascar tin there's actually three tins in this lot you have this tin storage legend says chapel's gone this is nascar lot number two forget swamp nascar lot number two for get swamped and then here's the third tin nascar tin tins are very collectible i like selling tins yeah you do like selling timbers i do because they're it's easy to list and easy to package amy said hi jeremy and george hell's hello amy hello dill hole said get a gator tattoo here's a bud nascar beer stein this is the 2002 edition of dale earnhardt jr stein these appear to be brand new still in the box there is a little bit of aging to the box obviously because it's 2002 so you get a pair get not only one but you get two so matching steins there's a little bit of damage to the box right here so it's like a his and hers yeah you can get a his and hers oh jk said i should get a skipping turtle tattoo only jk i swear jk and debbie vaughn are taking this thing over when we're done here's a nascar coca-cola six-pack now i don't let me see if i can find a date but there's there's dale right there on the label this price isn't for drinking it's probably just for collectibility collectibility i wouldn't drink it you want that for collection yeah we would not recommend you drinking this if you do please record yourself and send us the link to the video but we would not recommend you drinking bridgette said we should name the ranch skipping turtles and ashley's pretty creative all right that's it for that lot okay nascar lot number two just remember if if george and i ever die or we just we quit youtube and facebook all together uh debbie vaughn and jk are in charge of what the hails is in the will they must carry the torch on gator scout vest and all jk and all all right so this is nascar lot number two forget swamp remember your bid is gonna benefit get swamped ranch taking care of all the animals rehoming feeding building cages the whole deal rosie just said five dollars you robbie z dog uh need the bff tattoos the bromance channel i don't have a tattoo i have i don't know if you guys remember this from from previous videos i actually have an upside down heart birth mark on my hip i always wanted to get initials tattooed into it thankfully i didn't earlier oh this is as seen on tv oh there you go but maybe someday maybe someday i'll get i'll get alligator in that uh around the clock every hour that's cool that's pretty cool all right so nascar lot number two again this is for guest swap ranch your bid is benefiting the gitzman brand number two there are four total lots tonight and everything is as is no guarantees and no returns 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states most importantly come on you know this already it's nascar you gotta bid fast you gotta bid furious you only got one minute to win it let's go nascar lot number two forget swamp here we go that one was for you chapo get swamp number two bear kitties down in ninety three dollars ninety three dollars is a high bid right now now joe ends in a hundred fifty hundred fifty dollar bid right now for the guest sponsor that's card number two hundred fifty is i bid 150 is live bid right now 150 right now my bid i see 175 randy nails now 175 175 was about 35 seconds left to go 175 five business degrees now 200 200 is high bid 200 is high bid right now 255 alistar disney's now 255 255 is high bid right now with about 25 seconds left to go 255 to all-star foul stars now 55. i see melissa's coming in 171 a little bit behind me i see frontier san diego deal at 175 is still 255 as i did 255 is a high bid right now 255 i've been for the against one nascar lot number two 255 karen came in at 160 i think she's lagging behind because i bid is now 255 it's just aj is not 225 but it's still 255. high bidder right now al star is at 255 with one second left to go now let's see who's going to snipe albert had just said five dollars look you guys are watching your updates please never stop thank you so much we appreciate it 255 is still a live bid high bid is 255 going monsters my soul 255 just got the second one nice nice nice all right we got we get look we got some snipes in there but they're lagging debbie and bear kitty i think are lagging it's a gray area too nice okay alistar here's what you're going to do same thing you did with the last lot you're going to send just your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 255 you're going to go hey that was nascar lot number two backup bidder um backup bidder is let's see who is backup bidder backup bidder was 255 was high bid there you see it 225 it's just aj was that 225 255. i think it was it's just aj pretty sure it's just aj it's just aj or aja all right it's just aj or it's just asha just asha your backup bidder at 2 25 you send all the same information you can send your youtube name real name shipping address your 225 bid and say hey that was nascar lot number two for the get swamp ranch did all of sarah get see some emails yet i will check did you send emails yet i will check all right next lot all right next one is nascar lot number three nascar lot number three here we go you get this national guard display case with the car dolly isn't that what those are called the car dolly yeah and the pickup truck and then you get this speller this one's radio shack has a radio shack label on the bottom eric armstrong yes if you live in gainesville you can drive to otter creek we can meet you at the post office you can pick up a lot if you if you uh you get a mini version of this speller it's a mama and baby and there's a hot wheel in this lot this actually is really cool because it color changes so it's like a a mood car kind of like jeremy's mood from hot to cold color change car hot wheel love it this one has a date of 2003 and this is this car guess what lot number three here's a napa indy 500 here's another color changing hot wheel oh it's the same one it's a duplicate one to play with one to keep in now the next ones are really cool because you get the car and then you get the hood with the sponsor on it which is which i think is really cool get lost in a reese's i wouldn't mind a few reese's right now oh have you guys tried the reese's with the pretzel bites the pretzel bits in it oh my god do not send reese's don't need them with the press oh the crunch uh don't need don't need them she doesn't need she doesn't need them either cat in the hat there it is cat in the hat uh tina says alistar's bidding with a different currency al stark go ahead and email us let us know what's going on and rick wants to know if you'll sell them the clock yo taco bell back up bidders back move look at that there's the kiss back up bidders make sure you message us as well on the nascar lots please dave matthews band hershey's kisses [Music] jk just said all right here we go reese's on slot again these all come with the car wolf wooly just said send them gummy bears wolf we do not need gummy bears just continue sending the patches gator patches are going to be great for catching games totally accepted all right that's the last uh car in the lot all right nascar lot number one two three nascar lot number three for the get swamped ranch 2004 date on this one some really cool cars in here the kiss one you've got the cat in the hat you got reese's you got dave matthews band these are the cool ones i have the hood as well so this is nascar lot number three for the get swan branch remember your bid is helping the git swamp ranch and most important for you to know 2004 is everything is as is no guarantees no returns you're getting it just as we got it just as robbie got it robbie got it gave it to us and boom here we go now you're getting to see it right here now you get the bid on it now to get to be able to own it incredible thing here so most importantly it's nascar it's race cars you got to be fast you got to be furious because 2005 you only have one minute to win it the race is on let's go nascar lot number three the race is on let's go here we go 2004 the race has begun fair kitty's in that 130. 130 is high bid right now friend uh we got 130 eric armstrong as well yeah i think it's still 130 it's not it go 200 ultra new treasures now 200. 200 is in that old new treasure old new treasures high bid right now 200 we got all kinds of bits coming everywhere eurodean came in at 145 it's just hijacking a 150. rosie is not 175. rosie is high better than 175. rosie's high better 170 575 is high bid right now melissa just came in at 205. 205 is high bid 205's high bid with about 15 seconds left to go 205 is still live bid and neil perry came in a 200 deal you got to beat 205 melissa lewis stop there at 200 205. 10 seconds to go nine eight seven 205 is still live bid with four three two four front tv standing here now new pairs have two ten neil perry's in there there's gonna be a sniper new treasure came in at 210 dance deal 210 210. now it's rosie at 250. rosie put the gallon down 250. rosie got it 250. rosie got it rosie got it rosie got it rosie this one nascar number three you got it nice these are some cool ones too yeah all right rosie you know what to do it's just aja just missed that snipe rosie you're gonna send us your youtube name real name shipping address you bit him out i think it was i got so excited i don't remember what it was whatever it was i think was 2 15. that's not right and you're gonna say nascar lot number three that is the get swamped nascar lot number three rosie backup bidder uh honestly i don't even know who backup bidder was wait wait wait i'm gonna screw something up no i think i think we're good yep i think we're good uh back up bitter there were so many bids 215. it looks like 215 i think back up bitter is 215 robert kirk rogers i think your backup bidder roger kirk rogers rosie always pays so it shouldn't be any issue whatsoever but robert if you want to send us a message anyway you feel free to do that i believe you were back up bitter it's hard to see through all the spit on this screen right now so i'm just covered with spit and trying to see it all from getting too excited yeah i think he was back up bitter awesome that's what i'm seeing too all right looks like we are almost the last car lot number four now this is your last chance to get a get swapped nascar lot nascar lot number four last chance to get a a nascar lot and i want to i want to share with you guys specifically a lot of people ask us a lot of times will you sell for me on cosignment we do not do that we do not have a consignment license we're doing this specifically for robbie the proceeds are going to the get swamp branch we're doing this once for robbie we know many people close to us and distance from us always ask will you sell will you sell the answer is always the same no we won't this is a one-time deal we're helping as we got the opportunity to help rehome all the turtles for larry and the chickens and so this is your last chance at a once in a lifetime get swamped with nascar a lot there's some really cool stuff in here there's a large t-shirt this is still sealed there is a little pokey hole right here in the corner but this is a large uh nascar t-shirt and then it's this is a three by five flag it looks like this would be one side and then this would be the other side grammy alice just sent 299 much love to get swamped from australia thank you so much and then if you guys remember watching uh robbie's video and he included these hats here's a dale hat still has the tag on it this appears to be brand new never worn napa this is really cool i like this one also we're still waiting for your email haven't seen it yet backup bidders make sure that you send an email as well with all that information on nascar lot number one and number two good wrench still has the tags on it doesn't appear to be ever worn [Music] another good wrench plus still has the tag on it also does not appear to have been worn this hat doesn't appear to have been worn i don't see a tag but it still has that cardboard piece that goes inside so here's a duplicate hat you get two of these with the same design and then this hat it's a porsche it's not nascar but it's still really cool just a reminder hey everybody go ahead and refresh and make sure you're up to speed on the live stream and not riding behind the cute little photo album or you could put like passes in here roselady83 says do all options start at 25. yes we start everything at 25. put your tickets in here free shipping no matter what the shipping cost and we'd like to put large large lots together for you guys this could be your autograph section so that's cool and then you get an alex bowman 88 decorative plate we got a fan from old town tony s just sent 20 from old town florida that's probably i want to say 30 minutes from us yeah thank you so much tony yes remember when we took the pontoon boat yeah we were that bridge yeah bridge was home here's another dale earnhardt uh decorative plate old town is where i met with the first contractor for the for the warehouse that we're gonna build here's a plate cover the first time jeremy got pulled over here in florida the cop was like i don't know how they do it in ohio but down here in florida it's illegal to have this place and i said okay yeah and i said to him i said i got a screwdriver in the back of the truck let me remove it can i get out and remove it now he says yeah i suppose you can here's a round decal so my joke with george as she's showing you this stuff my joke with george is every state i ever get pulled over that is in ohio and i've been in a lot of states it's always the same thing i don't know how you do things in ohio but around here and my response is gonna start being well i'll tell you how we do things in ohio we don't start with i don't know how you do things in your state but we just tell you you broke the law here's your ticket that's how we do things in ohio but at the end of it all he was actually nice and like jeremy off with a warning just gotta warn it would have been like over 250 right yeah it was gonna be it was gonna be a big ticket big ticket big big ticket a clock i have not tested this so there is a battery in the back so good night noella ray needs a new battery but a dale jr clock click clock click clock and then you get two antenna toppers these are the pieces that you pop on top of your antenna and it just hangs on so you get two of those one in the package one outside the package different designs this one is a helmet and then this one's just a ball and then you get a bass pro shop mug inside the mug are three lighters one two three tree lighters and then you also get napa racing number 55. i don't see any chips in this mug this looks uh pretty good the bass pro shop is uh martin number one rule number one rule number one i am number one rule number two that gator is number two number one i don't see any chips doesn't look like it's ever been used it still has a sticker on the bottom this still has a sticker on the bottom this one also still has a sticker on the bottom these all appear to be brand new never used never washed okay we got rosie's email on nascar lot number three we got robert kirk rogers on nascar number three backup bit as well we did receive a message from alistar and we have not received a message from any of the backup bidders i'm just gonna i'm gonna show you exactly what just happened you get matching mugs here's the message we just received and we get stuff like this all the time after an auction and we never know if it's somebody trolling or if this really happened so you can see what i said where the bid's real so here's what we're gonna do so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go ahead and i just saw it there all right here's what we're going to do we're going to go ahead because we didn't get messages from the backup bidders if uh moderators if you would just go ahead and take care of that issue i think rosie just got it thank you these are mini mugs can also be used as shot glasses these appear to be brand new still sealed in the bubble so what we're gonna do what we're gonna do is we're gonna re-auction off nascar lap number one and nascar lot number two because of what just happened because it was bogus bid and uh i rosie we've got you on nascar lot number three so and we haven't heard from the backup bidders on number one or number two so after this we're just gonna go right back to lot number one lot number two we'll let you see them again and we'll be real quick on them though because you guys already saw them and we'll hit the ground running okay so that's nascar lot number four right this one is number four all right nascar lot number four all set ready to go you're gonna bring up number one back and number two back we're gonna be quick remember this was number one all right nascar not lot number you know what's nascar of course we're gonna go fast and everything is as is no guarantees you know that no returns you're seeing it just how we got it how robbie got it some cool stuff some stuff looks brand new we can't guarantee it but some stuff looks brand new some stuff looks well loved and 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious you literally only have one minute to win it nascar lot number four nascar lot number four here we go nascar lot number four here we go start your engines baby all right we got anita out of 75 we got fred tv san diego 125 with 125 friends tv oh man there's old to new treasure 225 225 live is right now all the new treasures 225 i think randy 175 is he retro 120. 225 right now hold the new treasure holding the new treasury right now one minute to witness the storage legends it's the gray areas at 160. jesse says what's up jeremy we're having an auction this is nascar lot number four for get swamp ranch i think the ibid right now is 225. is it at 200. i swear she does that just so i'll sing her name she underpins what the current bit is just so i'll sing her name ah 225 is still live in 225 still behind it but she she would probably never admit it though all right and let's see what happens okay we got mitchell about mitchell valley 26 226 hybrid right now have been shot in the fans at 200 for 226 mitchell little valleys at 226 going once going twice sold a sold 226 nice all right okay mitchell lavallee 226 you are the high bidder mitchell valley here's what you're gonna do hold the new treasure you just missed this night uh you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your hotbed is 226 and you're gonna say nascar lot number four you're gonna send that right there to what the hell is that yahoo right now i should be pointing at something hopefully nice and good idea jk when you're running the when you're running the channel you sing it baby all right um so we are okay mitchell you are high better 226 go ahead and send that email right away please so we know that you are confirmed back up bitter sean and fam was at 200 was that 225 wasn't it i could score is 225 it is old the new treasure your backup bidder at 225 if you want to go ahead and send a message as well i know you were bidding on some of the other lots too so george is gonna bring up nascar lot number one you're gonna get a quick look at it again okay again we're sorry um we did not we got a bogus bid on that unfortunately we did finally get a message says your kid got the phone we hear this every single time the reality is just 99.9 of the time and we can't tell you whether it happened this this way or not they'll do it just so that they can hear their name they want to hear us say their name so i have no doubt it probably was not a kid um so when you do that you get banned from the channel so alistair is now fans so when when you do that you get banned from the channel and now we'll never ever have a comment show up on the channel again never ever be able to participate so in other words you're gonna put a timeout buddy permanent forever time out forever you are the only one that can see your comments nobody will ever be able to see your comments again including us so please i'll tell you guys during when i tell you the terms and conditions do not bid if you have no intentions of paying because i will ban you i will ban you this is a business ain't nobody got time for your fake bid and she's mean if you want me to keep it real ain't nobody got time for that mean for the past couple days don't don't set her off arabic women don't it's not a good idea you know i don't know why you're whispering i'm standing right here ain't nobody got time for your whisperings i tried telling you all help send help all right nascar lot number one is back up on the auction block we're just gonna go for it okay we're just gonna go ahead you guys saw it once already we're gonna go for it we did not get the backup email that we requested therefore we're just to set it right back up for auction nascar not lot number one as is no guarantees no return 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you got one minute to win it nascar lot number one let's go let's go real bids this time let's not have to ban anybody else tonight she's already in the mood don't get her even more mad all right nascar lot number one and we got anita nina's in 225 is high bid right now 225 and joanne campbell 225 is high here we got 20s we got one twenty six on it we got one more ones coming in we got 175 113 225 as i've been right now 30 seconds ago 225 is live in right now with 30 seconds to go john says you guys should have a tv show we do you're watching it right now all right and uh it's a great area is that 226. 226. hey don't get her mad they throw flip-flops they're called shoes all right and keith house now 230 230's i've been care baits giving it 235 235 235 as i did right now it was seven six five four 235 as i've been two one let's see what happens 235 right now nascar lot number one nascar lot number one 235 to garrett bates is going no keith i was out two more times just got the stipend at 240. keith you are the high bid or 240 nice job keith owls you're going to send us your real name your youtube name even if they're the same i'm sure they probably are you're your shipping address your high bid of 240 and tell us it's nascar lot number one send all that send the email right now if you would use right over there to what the hell is that 240 nice job nice bid and uh key had it at 240 backup bidder is karen bates your backup bidder at 235 if you want to send us the info as well right there that'd be awesome all right this is nascar lot number two alistair fake bid on two lots number one and number two so this is number two it's coming back george is gonna show it to you here briefly real quick because it's nascar we're just gonna do a little pit stop and then we're gonna get back out on the trap okay remember this is for the get swapped ranch your bid will go towards get swamped ranch the only thing that's gonna be deducted from that is georgia will deduct the shipping charges so everything else will go to get swamped that'll be transferred over to get swamp so they can take care of the animals that they re-home almost on a daily basis feeding and enclosures and you name it enrichment of the animals and their lives you name it and josh often said jeremy powerade versus gatorade neither this is actually this is basically crystal light to help destroy kidney stones citric acid my urologist said that citric acid would actually destroy kidney stones in my kidneys so that's what you always see me rosie says are there more lots after this yes there's a lot more rosie his and her steins a lot more i'll give her full screen one more time go fast this one had the uh dale earnhardt coca-cola in it as well here's three chins you guys saw this once already and then the nascar coca-cola for collecting this lady said i'm sure insurance ain't cheap having jeremy come on the property get swamped is it isn't that a truth all right okay all right this is re-auction of nascar lot number two everything is as is no guarantees and no returns as is no guarantees no returns and 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states additional shipping outside the united states a bit fast you got a bit furious because it's nascar baby this is for the get swamp ranch let's go you got one minute to win it one minute to win it here we go karen bates sent the email thank you so much karen we appreciate it nascar lot number two going up again eric armstrong's in that fifty dollars the pony man 44k is at 150 155 bid right now 150 johnny came in at 150 as well if you gotta be quoting me on 44k 150 150 is live in hybrid is 150 michelle jackson gaming 125 and fred tv san diego give it a 185 and randy nail 185 right now it's high random air with about 30 seconds left to go dave just came in at 200 getting fishes on 200 200 high bid michelle jackson's giving them 185 that's a great air 180 200 is a high bid right now 200 tina 200 is high bid right now 200 as i did with about 15 seconds left to go 15 yet left to go uh rosie we definitely have more lots we got a lot more lots no pun intended debbie passing down at 300. debbie just put the gauntlet down at 300 300 high bid johnny came in at 225 david back says 300 with three seconds two seconds one second we got david back together 300 300 right now 300 high bid david paxton is in at 300. debbie max is at 300 tina says my my keyboard hates me sold the debbie paxton at 300. nice job debbie all right debbie you are high better at 300 debbie sending some youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 300 and then say it's nascar lot number two send it all to what they hails that was awesome that was uh wait wait wait wait did i screw something up roper mike says 340 i've been 340 to rupper mike bid 3 for you let me see let me check let me check roper mike fit bid at what was the timer going he said he bit early all right as much as i hate to say this especially because it's forget swamped you did when was the timer going i don't think so oh roper mike the timer wasn't going and to be fair it's when the timer starts yeah one minute so it's when the timer starts and i hate to do it because it's money that would be going to the get swamped ranch i hate to do it but we got to do that for the fairness of all the other bidders so that timer that timer is when it starts and then right when flipping adventure says sold so i think you have you definitely have the bed was premature you definitely have the right the right thing to do in your heart we appreciate it uh but we want to keep it fair for all the bidders as well and and um so that means he did before it started you did before it started yeah unfortunately those bids don't count we apologize for that we apologize for that uh so it was it was debbie so debbie if you want to go ahead and send all that information back up bitter uh we'll let who was back up bitter i'm sure you guys will figure out who backup bidders debbie probably already emailed if you were back up better feel free feel free feel free to backup it okay he can email us too if you want to email us as the backup bidder you can feel free to email us as the backup bidder all right the next lot is assorted um disney vintage disney vintage comics this one has a 10 price on it so you know that's old 10 locomotive okay now just to clarify just to clarify the four get swamped lots those are all sold tonight those were the four nascar get swamp flops those have been sold this is normal what the hell's lots again because i i know i want to clarify that for you because i know a lot of you want to do a lot for the get swamp ranch and you may want to do more for the get swamp ranch than you want to do for the what the hell so the git swamp ranch those have been sold you always can make a donation robbie's been putting this paypal in there as well if you want to just do an outright donation always make sure you do that friends and family so paypal doesn't take a percentage we are back to the normal regular scheduled auction right now and i'm giving george full screen this has 12 cents on it so you know that's vintage there's no date on it and most of these are in a duster protective sleeve and i wasn't going to open it to look at the date but based on the price on this you know that it's old spooky ghosts this also has a 12 cents price tag on it casper back when comics were 15 cents most of these most of the one half of these look like they're in protector sleeves the other half are not bugs bunny 15 cents this one also has 15 cents in the upper right corner 20 cents 20 cents at the top corner we got we got emails from nascar lot number one thank you so much keith we appreciate it we dewey and louie karen we got you for nascar lot number one as well still waiting for lot number two got mitchell for last nascar lot number four yosemite sam he was one of my favorites to watch mickey mouse that's how my nephew would pronounce it mickey mouse porky pig super goof another porky pig we gotta name one of the piglets of porky pig which one do you want to name porky probably when uh beauty has her babies we could name one porky beauty's gonna have babies in a couple months here her and beast have been uh doing the horizontal polka i've been i've been singing barry white out there and sets the mood that's all i can say 70 acres in florida jeremy's singing barry white mickey mouse it sets the mood uncle scrooge now this one is probably this one probably has the the most damage to it but majority of the comics in the slot are in pretty good condition especially the ones that are in the duster protective sleeves yes swamp said thank you everyone all proceeds will be used for taking care of animals and expanding the animal sanctuary our pay pal is get swamped capital g and [Music] you guys you guys leave so many comments i lost it guess what capital g and emails ravi at thanks guys we really truly appreciate your bidding for getting swamped tonight on the nasdaq thanks for what you guys are doing and moderators thanks for your uh your your extra you guys always do a phenomenal job we have the best moderators out there there's no doubt about that thanks for your extra get at it and go and help and clarify especially especially when you got me trying to orchestrate all this behind the scenes it doesn't happen without you guys orchestrating everything that's going on in that chat being that second eyeball it's not humanly possible so appreciate you guys keeping us up to speed on all of that all right first comic lot vintage disney 25 starting bed free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns you gotta bid fast you have been furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go come on work with me foam here we go we got we got sports cars 1991 is in that 35 35 that's one week now 50 50 is high bid right now that's all 48 50 75. anita's in the 75 75 as i did right now 75 as i did right now with about 40 seconds to go it would help if you could actually see it and may not cover it with the light huh uh 80 aaron breeden is now on at 80 with the vintage disney comics 80s live in eighties live there's david fisher giving it easy as well ah aaron breed is still high better durham came in at 80. aaron breed is so high bidder michelle jackson said a hundred michelle jackson's in that hundred right now with 20 seconds to go 20 20 seconds ago with a hundred dollar bill with michelle jackson michelle is high bitter catherine came in at 81-11 sean given at 85. karen just came in at 125. 125 right now 125 right now brendan says hi robbie i guess swamp three two one terry's still high better kimberly just came in 130. right now giveaway 25 126 aaron's down at 136 136 high bid right now ronnie says hi 136. josh upton just got to sniping at 150. josh just got the sniping at 150. wow josh upton nice sniping cow all right joshua upton you know what to do you bought before you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 150 and your lot you're going to say it's the disney comics you're going to send that to what they will just a reminder for everybody bidding tonight just remember for everybody bidding tonight um what happens you send the email george will send you an invoice tomorrow you click on the pay you have a million different options to pay once you pay george packages it sends it out sends you a delivery confirmation uh tracking number as well and then you get to wait until you see it they want to know what the total is for robbie what's our total on the four lots give them to me i adam really quick the first one sold for i didn't even write them down when we put them back up all right she didn't even write them oh wendy gave us the total the total is one thousand sixteen dollars oh wait he's saying no it's 1036 dollars well at any rate we broke a thousand so we broke a thousand tonight for guys that's gonna be able to do so much broke a thousand dollars tonight so nascar you guys love nascar all right i'm going to give george full screen here all right so we definitely broke a thousand thanks so much guys the next slide are just assorted vintage and modern comic books adam says i missed the old days when there were less viewers and i could win more stuff this is a 15 center in a protective sleeve guest swamp says thank you everyone this is the archie series 15 center another archie series 15 cents service chihuahua bailey get swamp do a video with what the hail's having a gator say thank you in the video here's another beetle beetle bailey 20 center oh my goodness i remember heathcliff reading all of these in the comments section of sunday's page this one doesn't have a protector sleeve the flintstones call me mr flintstone i can make your options rob sleeves techno this is a techno comic with a protective sleeve another techno all kinds of cool comics yeah these are all assorted uh comics again vintage and modern these were uh flea market scores if you guys watched the video this week of when jeremy got schooled on how to sell this is from this week at webster flea market when i went back for my education on how to buy and resell so this was this was one of the things that we actually picked up we picked up these comics so i got an education and i got some comics not just an education but an edumacation so more like an edumacation i done got teached i've done guys did you learned it a lot last night said jeremy i ordered you a lockout kid lol uh one of the things the the vendor who who chased us out last two times ago when we were at webster's he did apologize and you don't see that on camera but he did apologize and he said i i didn't realize who you were and you never want to you never want an apology based on who you are you just want people to be that's customer service you just want people to treat everybody the same it should not be based on who you are or or oh guest swamp just said 425 came in on paypal wow that's amazing guys that's amazing you guys might have actually brought in over 1500 tonight forget swamp that's awesome he is so tickled he called us all giddy and excited he's like i can't wait i'm getting excited so excited all right all right guys i've never i've never heard of her boys his voice hit a pitch that i've never heard before i said i gotta go i gotta work i gotta go get ready i don't even have a song yet gots to go but yeah you have no idea how hard it is to write these songs we were excited for the auction minutes before the live stream we were excited to do this for him him and z dog all right that's it so that's that's number two this is vint assorted vintage and modern comic books all right sort of vintage modern comic books 25 starring bid free shipping here in the united states uh everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you're getting it how we found it we have not taken any of them out of the sleeve you're you literally are getting it as we got it and as we found it you gotta be fast you got a bit furious because you have one minute to win it let's go yeah my this is really having problems turning tonight it's all about the flick of the wrist i got no flick of the wrist all right we got 50 seconds left to go we got marcus in that twenty five dollars twenty to five dollars live it right now terry came in at 50. we got 75 the point of man 44k came in at 75.75 hot dollar on the eight gaming 75 as well now adam perkins is in that 80 80 is live good right now 80 is my bid right now 80 80's my bid adam perkins is high better right now at 80. with 30 seconds left to go aaron brady just came in at 82 82's live bid kimberly came in at 80. we got david fisher at 150. david fisher is now at 150 kimberly came in at 85. michelle came in at 85. let's play came in at 125. 150 gave these pictures right now 150. 29 44k came in at 81. 150 is high bid dave fisher is still high bidder 125 or excuse me 150. 150. george came in at 100 150 still behind in five seconds four three two one 150 is still the high bid going once 150 going twice 150 so flipping adventure said sold albert moore just missed this night albert moore just missed the snipe at 151 oh that has to hurt 150. you know what storage legends always says you bid long you did wrong albert so sorry okay 150. david fisher you are high bidder at 150 david you want to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 150 and you want to say the assorted comic block and then backup bidder is let's play i believe yep let's play let's play your backup bidder at 125. you can send all that same information you can send it right there what the hell's at so the vendor did apologize he said hey man i'm sorry it was hot that day he and he said i didn't realize who you were and i went listen it's no big deal we don't need friends property here in florida and they even mentioned they said we heard that you bought property in florida you live in florida and and they had no idea that we had a channel on youtube and and all that but other vendors came and told them and we told them the same thing we'd tell anybody hey it's no big deal you know what we don't we don't take that interaction and take it home with us and not lose sleep because of it we film it because it's good for filming uh that's what happened during our day so we show you what happened during our day but um i'm sure that was embarrassing for them as well and they did apologize and we did buy the ghostbusters cup which i was i was actually thrilled i was thrilled to buy that from them and i absolutely would go back they have a ton of cool retro 80s stuff they do and it's so hot 80s stuff is so hot right now i can have an entire auction of just 80 throwback stuff that'll bring back memories dogman dogma guy said i couldn't even bid got timed out for some reason again just a reminder to everybody we have no idea why youtube is glitching and timing people out youtube hasn't usually youtube youtube has a channel and lets us know creators lets all of us content creators know what's going on and they've yet to say anything about the timeout glitch so we have no clue why we don't know why we apologize but there's literally nothing we can do like somebody just sent us an email and said you just lost a subscriber after getting timed out that's not if that's the type of attitude that you have watching our channel we honestly don't want you because that's the wrong type of person that we're trying to attract we're trying to attract people that love laughing love having fun and they would understand oh jeremy and george have nothing to do with this this is this is part of youtube we don't own youtube we can't control youtube it's completely and totally out of our control uh we apologize but there's literally nothing that we can do if we had a solution we would already tell you what the solution is we have no idea what the solution is that youtube has not even addressed the problem yet i'm going to give the comics back over all right the next slide is a dc comic bot so all the comics in this lot are made by printed by dc so i seen us see a ton of superman most of these are in uh dust protector sleeves somebody said i missed billy's important super chat let me see here's a super girl uh rosie wants to know dates on the supermans they're all they're all sealed so they're all in protective sleeves so unfortunately it doesn't give dates on the front cover you'd have to open it up to see the dates and i'm not i did not open any of the sleeves here's one that doesn't have a sleeve billy x20 sent 499 says what's the total for robbie i would like to match it this one is 87. so billy we appreciate your matching that's a that's a big thing that happens in fundraising um and a lot of a lot of people will actually match the donation billy they raised i think the the last hole was a thousand thirty something in the auction and then over 400 in the paypal donations so the total would roughly be 19.74 basically if if you take those totals it's going to be 1500 it's gonna be fifteen hundred dollars so billy if you wanna send a paypal donation to match it you can send that right over to uh paypal make sure you send that friends and family friends and family and i think uh our our viewers and our fans always know that we're all about financial stewardship and we're also all about giving and that's giving is part of financial stewardship and you can give multiple ways it doesn't always have to be of your treasure it can be of your time it can be of your treasure it could be of your talent there's three ways that you really can always give but we appreciate those who are are giving towards that thank you so much this one looks like it's missing the front page but it's in a protector dust sleeve that was taped down and i didn't open it but you can tell it's missing the front page another superman this one does not have a sleeve 1996. billy x20 flipping adventures just put the link in there for you or the not maybe not the link you can't click on it but the information how to match tonight's total that'd be great thank you so much and julie wants to know does the flea market you go to have any of the original he-man skeletor figures we don't we'll have to go back and we'll have to go look again we definitely are going to go back it's an all-day affair almost it is you when you go it's an all day and you can't even see everything yeah there's not enough time because they they start breaking down at like noon they open at eight third literally they're from eight to noon that's it that's not even enough time to hit up every vendor so that's twice we've been there and we haven't had a chance to check out every vendor there's so many cool things to look at the flea market that i mean you could spend days and days and days and days and days and the only days that we've gone is on a monday and it's a sunday it's a sunday monday flea market daniel just said get swamped gator scouts get skipped turtles only get swamp gator scouts get this is that dano from the pawn shop no stan o'cooley oh okay so this is the dc comic lot all of these are dc comics most of them have protector the dust protector sleeves on it see a ton of superman this is a super live dc comic lot niche lady says get swamped would you consider a live cam in your lieber pen that would be cool that would be oh robbie you know what would be really cool if you live stream baby lemurs being born that would be cool here's flash if he can get a signal out by the way yeah that would be the issue getting signal out there and your your uh he does the asmr videos the gopro only lasts an hour the battery is only designed to last an hour all right dc comics love superman in here you guys know the dural 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns i know rosie was asking dates george mentioned we haven't even gotten into plastic we're not even gonna touch it some of them were about some that aren't she's going to look at them now usually the way that you date your comments you guys probably already know this is based on the price so you got 10 centers 12 centers 15 centers you can kind of get your error updating from there so with that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you literally only have pause breathe one minute to win it let's go here we go dc comic box dc comic block we are on our way superman for a super lot here all right we got adam perkins is at 120 rosie just said so flash please rosie wants to see flash again uh adam was in at 120 120 robert crouch came in at 100 120 was the high bid that i've seen so far 120 is high bid that i've seen so far 120 adam's stolen at 120. kimberly's 75 kimberly is that 75.85 still not beating 120 120. red tv san diego is still 101. 120 still happened michael smith is now 125. michael smith is in 105. laurie says you scared me sorry lori sorry lori migrates in out 125. adam is now at 135 with 15 seconds left to go adam perkins is in a 125 135 with 30 10 seconds left to go now 10 seconds left to go robert carl is now on 150 150 150 20 man 44 games and 125 running games at 136 robin kyle's at 150. 150. 150. and aaron's now 167. aka schumer's at 151. adam perkins at 151 167 right now it's aaron frieden henry breen 167. nice job 167 aaron breden aaron brady got it 167 nice job erin nice aaron you know exactly what to do oh albert moore is lagging albert moore is definitely lagging lori i think is lagging as well i think a lot of people are lagging make sure you refresh make sure you refresh aaron breeden you know what to do send your name your info your address your bid amount and your lot aaron you're all set you all know what to do i think dogma guy had another problem getting bitten you might have to log off and log back in dogma guy74 try this try logging out like completely and totally logging out not just off of what the hails log out of your youtube channel log out then log back in click on the live stream live chat see if that helps see if that's sometimes that fixes the trick that that kind of reboot can kind of do it sometimes all right we got this your last comic lot yes last comic block so the next slide is comics uh vintage and modern of marvel so these are all marvel comics rosie said the flash comic is hot right now and she said capital h-a-w-t two t's to uh h-a-w-t flash is hot hot uh albert more said that's what he's done twice so far and this says you can delete the app and then download it again so that's a good signal they're all they're all coming up with um they're all coming up with some solutions yeah if you guys can help out with any other troubleshooting solutions you've dealt with that would be helpful but chad says love you jeremy and george sending love right back to you chad we've had people say that they couldn't bid like on their laptop or on their tablet and they switched to desktop and it worked yeah so they'll be on their phone or tablet and they can't bid but if they go to the they go to their laptop or the desktop and then they're fine yeah it's weird okay doglandguy74 yup we see you youtube can be weird it's not perfect sir's chihuahua's chat is freezing dogma guy 74 we definitely can see your message albert moore says all good on my end i know how it works uh lisa said using a pc is faster so that could be the reason why yeah west coast avengers daredevil again these are all marvel jay put in jay put in a comment and then he retracted it jk what you doing retracting good messages x-men maybe there was a typo the western kid there's a 20 center i can hear the bamboo chimes right now one of the most relaxing sounds is a bamboo wind chime leanne gave us the bamboo wind chime and robbie gave us bamboo do you think maybe once the bamboo takes off we can make bamboo wind chimes for the ones that fall down yeah i'd like to i would love to make my own bamboo jk says my autocorrect thinks it's funnier than i am nice job autocorrect nice job there's blade for you flipping avengers says i have my laptop and phone so i get accurate bid results but her phone is actually faster than her laptop here's a marvel disney combo of the little mermaid so disney partnered up with marvel and did this issue that's wild avengers i thought that rosie just said west coast comics are looking good too we did not look any of these up so just keep that in mind we we are literally we purchase them and then we're we're we're handing them off to you guys so george just went okay well this is dc this is that's it it's just going all right guys here you go so if there is a 5 000 comic in there we would be the first to be thrilled for you and go man that's incredible and you also i think you guys also know we'd be the first to encourage you make a video and and we want to watch a video too all right uh this is the last comic lot here tonight not the last lot but the last comic blog and you guys already know 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you gotta be fast you gotta be furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go here we go here we go one of my favorite emails that i love to get from you guys are your success stories okay all right anita's inaudible i love that little mermaid one i don't know why everybody is in at 115 albert morrison 150 150 150 150 or more hoverboards live in right now 150 adam heard against gaming at 101 evermore salvador 150 150 is high bid right now 150 as i did right now 15 seconds left to go 150 is still alive in midnight riding a game in the 45 150s evermore's now at 100 wait wait albert moore just bit 155 but i think he's good against himself albert morris still albert moore put in a bit of 155 but he still had bitter of 150 so his 155 doesn't count unless somebody else bids against him air breeding just came in at 157. freedom is not a hybrid or 157 we're going once going do i solo there breeding got it air free and got it 157 albert moore missed the snipe again oh that's kind of hurt ah albert so sorry aaron you are high bidder you had a couple people missed this night brenda missed the snipe albert vintage treasure all right aaron breden you got it though you got it so aaron breeded you know exactly what to do you've bought many many many times aaron breden said all your info right there what the hell is that yahoo that's she won two lots two comic clubs right yeah wow aaron you're on it tonight for comments she's bought comics before yeah she has bought comics before we did have those major comic bots all right hats hats for days all right america so the first we have a couple hat lots tonight the first cat lot is fire and police these are all brand new these all appear to be brand new still with the tag on them you get a dozen of the fire design kitty mama wants to know our shoe size she's making socks for us i'm a 13 double wide kitty mama let's see if jeremy knows my shoe size i got big old feet you know what they say about guys with big feet big hands they need big socks and george six black george wears a size small sock what is small sock and then you get six navy blue fire or police george is a size six shoe no six and a half wrong wrong [Music] close enough seven and a half i said that just because she's in a bad mood so i could just get in more trouble he enjoys getting in trouble so six black myron said big feet big mouth yeah definitely big mouth six navy blue and then you get oh nancy just had a good idea turtle patches on the hat and gators on the vest that's actually oh i was thinking one side gator one side turtle no we're gonna need all sides for gators so you get a dozen of the fire design you get um six black and six navy blue these these are the trucker design the snapback trucker hats these all have the tags as well these are all brand new we always say no guarantees but we can guarantee these are brand new these have never been worn they have that new scent to them they're literally coming out of the plastic sleeve so you know how you have that new car scent these all have that new hat scent it's a thing so there's the six black fire and then here's the six navy blue someone at the market was telling us he sells these for 24.99 each or two for 40. all right how many hats total 24. 24 hats 24 hats you see the designs there 24 hats it's 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states all new with the tag this we are guaranteeing so you have a guarantee they are brand new but still no returns so they are brand new no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit serious you only have one minute to win it one minute to win it here we go wall brand new hats how many total 24 24 brand new hats a dozen of each design dozen of each design renee is in there 45 now nina's in at 48 48 is not big right now 48 48 48 initially he's in f50 50 is high bid right now we got 50s coming everywhere roxanne's in at 100. one owner's eye bid right now roxanne jackson's in that one hundred hundred as i bid right now hunters i bid right now for america and police and rescue forces hunters i've been adam's now in one fifteen hundred fifty is hybrid right now roxanne was in at 100 but now adam's on the 15 now initially he's in at 105. roxanne's still at 100 but you got a bit 115. adam is my bitter i adam is high bidder right now 150 micro smith came in 115 but adam was still live in roxanne just came back up 125 125 with 10 seconds to go roxanne jackson is in at 125 with 20 seconds to go wait i mean five seconds to go four three two rich came in at 116. roxanne is still high bidder this lady just came in at 130. 130 is high bid right now mitchell a gaming 130 130 that's what free shipping here in the united states scott came in at 125 135 roxanne just gave it to 135 135 and stole roxanne got it roxanne got it wow wow wow wow all right roxanne roxanne roxanne okay roxanne um let me get you back roxanne jackson you're a high better 135 racks height and we need your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 135 and you're going to say it's the fire police and fire apps so you're going to send that email right firefighter right there to what the hell is that backupbidder i believe was the niche ladies yeah niche lady your backup bidder at 130 if you want to send us a message as well boom right there what the hell is that all right oh my goodness she has more hats but this is a different design and we can guarantee these are all brand new all brand new all have the tags this design is florida you get multiple different assorted colors we do encourage if you guys want to buy hats from each other you guys feel free to connect with one another network in the chat these are all brand new navy blue they still even still have the cardboard uh lining inside this is a black florida hat somebody says scott was higher at 131. if i made a mistake scott says i got 131 let me see uh if i made him yep scott you are so scott your backup bidder at 131 niche lady you're back up to the backup bidder at 1 30. so scott go ahead and send a message as well if you would please [Music] and anybody who wants to buy a hat from the winners of the house i mean you guys feel free you guys can send your information we cannot guarantee that anybody's gonna sell a hat this could all be for their personal collection they might have bought for their personal collection but we're telling you we're completely okay if you want to put your information in the chat and if they if they're willing to work a deal with you then that's okay roxanne was at 135 right now they're saying roxanne was that 135 to screw that up too i have her oh yeah we got we got roxanna 135 high bidder was roxanne at 135 scott was back up at 131 niche ladies back up to the back up at 1 30. here's a light tan remember that from nacho libre my favorite color is light tan and then a lighter gray again these all have the tags on them they're all brand new they literally are just coming out as a plastic sleeve here's the backing it's got the velcro backing and then it's got the cardboard lining on the inside to get a dozen of the florida designs and then the next design jk says the mc needs a break i agree jk i'm ready to i'm ready to get you live streamed in you take over so this design is don't tread on me i've been seeing a lot of decals around florida of don't tread on me i was like this must be a florida thing and then there's a snake again these all have the tags here's the back and they all smell cool brand new brand new so you get six six of this design don't try it on me and then you also get six of the yellow okay so there's 24 hats florida design and the don't tread on me design all right all brand new 24 hats again again you do you get a guarantee with this because we purchased these brand new so we know they're brand new they literally just came out of the plastic sleeve all brand new they'll go back in the plastic i think that's probably how she'll ship them all have tags on them 24 brand new hats 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states you do have a guarantee that they are absolutely 100 brand new they've never been used never been on a head this is the first time they've even been out of plastic you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have you literally only have oh my goodness one minute to win it captain fumble nuts struck again captain fumble nuts struck again all right one minute to win it one minute to win it here we go and don't tread on me as for gunman's dude all right put him in 44k 75. 75 is i did right now fred tv san diego's not a hundred hundred is live it right now hunter is high bid right now jennifer wants to know do you need new hampshire plate dab to the wall absolutely anybody who wants to send license plates we will pay every state on the wall hundred dollars has been hybrid right now for tv san diego if you guys send license plates we'll hang them all up we would love to represent you at here at the ranch rich is now 101. one on one michael smith is now 115.15 as i did right now this is where the hat lock copy said 115 michael smith right now 115. high bid is 115. florida hat lot rich is now in that 116. lee just came out of nowhere at 160. 160 is high bid right now linton gianna is at 160. 165. going twice and sean just came in at 117 166 live bid just throw the phone and micro said i did i did it was an accident and sold all right lee tiger nia i know i said it wrong but uh lee you are high bidder at 160. so what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 160 and you're gonna tell us it's the florida don't tread on me hat lot right there backup bidder is i believe it's sean robbie's calling me right now he knows i'm on a live stream look at this he want he just wants to be on the live he knows that you're gonna answer and put him on speaker what you got going on man hey i'm just out feeling i just wanted to say thank you to all your subs dude those guys they are unbelievable you guys got an unbelievable family there and god bless everyone man they're pretty incredible aren't they yes i i will say that without a doubt my youtube thing kept freezing and everything and i finally just gave up i had to keep reviewing it i told you when we first met our youtube our youtube fans they are number one they're they're protective and number two they are family and i also told you if you're gonna film with us you're gonna be part of that family so there you go man they're incredible they are they're incredible are you guys still on yeah we're on right now you're talking to them all right now we have two more locks before love you guys god bless you all and thank you so much we'll send we'll send we'll we'll post videos of everything we're doing with the money and everything so you guys see all the loved ones what we're gonna do they'll love them yeah you know we're gonna jeremy the one thing i want to get done is we want to build the big goat pen and build a good barn in there for the goats yeah with the play with the playground and all yeah that'll be cool that'd be really cool a playground hey as long as i get to play with the goats in the playground you can go down the slide with the goats yes yes all right get back to work hey and remember get swamped good night everybody talk to you later i just hung up on him i got work to do i got work to do all right so all right uh more halves now this one is protected by the second amendment you get the bullet holes in the design and then on the side second amendment all have tags the back look like this hopefully i gave all the information that i need to give on that last lot so you guys know if you're high bidder or backup bidder send all your information what the hell's at and if you want to buy a hat from the buyer you guys feel free you can put your information in here so that was you get a dozen of of that design multiple colors assorted chris wiley's already saying hey whoever wins these half i gotta have one and melissa wants to know roxanne will you sell me a hat gotta know gotta know and this is danny says how many how many hats it's gonna be another 24 hats a dozen of each design 24 hats so you get the military design on this one and then you get the hunting like the camo you get two of those and then you get two navy blue may pellet something 499 said i love you both so much thank you so much may send the love right back to you three red and then three black all right another 24. yep all have the tags on them okay these are guaranteed as well so again lots of times we tell you no guarantee these are guaranteed these are brand new never been used never worn literally just came out of the plastic all have tags on them they are brand spanking new you get 24 brand new hats is this your last hat lot yeah this is the very last hat lock and then one more lot and then until the free watch and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states guaranteed these are brand new excuse me almost through it again and let's go come on bit faster here we go one minute to win it here we get guacamoles on go 24 24 hats better pictures than 40 dollars better pictures another 40 dollars lisa is that a hundred hundred five bid right now one more came to 900 nina's now 125. 125's high bid right now 125 we got hundreds everywhere hundreds everywhere fred tv san diego's 125 again albert moore's at 125. microsmith is not 130. michael smith is live better right now he is number one mama's on 150 150 is high bid right now uh lisa's last keys and uh 159 159 is high bid albert morgan 160. albert morrison now 160. upper awards are 160. uh needed gaming on 160. alvarez's eye better right now albert's not bitter right now second amendment half albert moore is at 175 tammy gaming at 165. albert's not 170. part hundred seventies i've been anina came in at 170. evermore's still high bidder with three seconds left to go i know i got the screen all over the place ian's number one level 175. 178 10 so the eight repeats now one there's a 180 180 they're saying jeremy you look tired i am and elder moore is at 180 better picks it is number one mom is number one mom got it at 180. he is number one mom you are a high bidder hi bitter ian's number one mom you know exactly what to do we need your real name your youtube name your shipping address your high bid of 180 and the second amendment house right there what tales we already know there's going to be a bunch of people in the chat that want to buy one from you so you guys if you want to buy one from her go ahead put it in the chat let us know we'll try and approve uh your email addresses as they come in if you guys tammy p says i bid 180 let me check tammy p tammy p your bid came after the sold in the live chat after the soldier uh let's see if anybody wants to make an offer feel free now again we can't oh you know what here you go ian's number one mom just said here's my email address so if you guys if you guys wanna buy one from her there's her email address right there that's a beautiful thing she might sell them all right here tonight already all right i'm giving george full screen all right last lap before the free lot now the next slide is from leon's lot and all of the flatware in here is sterling it's southern colonial you guys can see it and then plated it's a sterling so it's are you sure that's all sterling it all says sterling on the back handle did we check it yep i'm going to say you have to pull this lock why because it's a solid why would i pull it why not just auction it off i would say liam needs to have a back of solid sterling but i'm losing this argument so boom there you go george is on it all right she's showing you the law i think that's the smartest thing to do okay all right i won an argument for the first time in my life i won every day i won every day i can't believe it i won i won something dogma guys 74 just sent 10 i'll take i'll take it if the cane finally sold this time either way sending love thank you so much dog my guy uh did they people ever did win did they finally pay yes they did pay believe it or not [Music] although the original buyer backed out the backup pair it was the backup that actually it was the backup that actually ended up paying so the original buyer backed out so you want to know how off-the-cuff uh the options are and how we don't look at stuff i didn't even know she had a silence during sterling saturday all right so for the free lots tonight first one to answer the trivia question that jeremy will be answering that we'll be asking here's your options you get two cups from the super bowl arizona 2015 you get matching cups oh i'm not even in the frame oh i thought you're going to be in the frame over here all right now she's in the frame now i'm not i'm just going to give her full frame so you get his and her arizona thanks fast dad super bowl reflective cups so that's one option and then another option is the 2008 national champion florida gators you get his and her cups and then the third option is this really cool [Music] apron it's got two pockets it says we're really cooking and then you have the florida gators logo and then it comes with the and then i included this florida gators fan it does need batteries but the backing is missing so those are your options niche lady sent five dollars love you guys so much appreciate all you do to help everyone hug some turtles for me i love it all right i'm gonna take that out there all right we had some great videos this week just absolutely incredible videos uh it's been a busy week and those who go jeremy you look tired sundays are while she says they're fun days they're the days that i dread three hours on a live stream trying to carry a conversation is not an easy task to do so sunday nights i had coffee before we went live i don't i don't enjoy the three-hour live streams i would be very happy with one hour live streams again but that'll probably probably be a while before we get to there so we had awesome awesome videos this week we hauled off a hauled off a minivan we went to the flea market we went i got to go hang out with second cents see christian see patients uh i got to go to court and we got to actually help rehome turtles and all that and i don't even know what else there was another video this week the flea market i feel like i'm missing something in the list i'm missing something but there was a lot of cool stuff are you missing some of your marbles so there was a lot of cool stuff uh that happened but the video that got the least amount of views seems to be you guys probably already know uh seems to be he taught me a lesson back at the flea market so here's what i want to know um what was the lesson he taught me wait we didn't share those that's not yeah that can't be the question now mind you jeremy doesn't share the trivia question with me so i don't even have it yet i'm trying to talk and figure it out at the same time i've been busy working all day uh so i have the question right now here's what i want to know how much did i buy the comics for how much did i buy the actual comics for all right so we're at the flea market how did i how much did i buy the comics for how much did i buy the comics for all the comments how much did we get them for all the comics how much did we get them for put your answers and answers in the chat all the comments how much did i get them for roxanne says i got him for 150. timbuktu said you didn't get any comments could be a trick question terry said you got him for ten dollars granny said forty ten dollars would have been a steal andy said it was 112. how much did i buy all the comics for at the auction renee just sent five dollars thank you i enjoy your live streams and your auctions thank you so much we appreciate that how much did i pi buy them for okay there's a lot of different answers in there 30 160 40 130 125 20 20. 80 plus the crate 16. so the answer is george do you remember what is it are we including the crate or without the crate with the crate 80. so it is 80. cat cash was the first to say eight probably meant 80. but cat said eight not 80 not woo cat ooh cat oops so cat i think you met 80 but you didn't get it chad shoshman is the very first one that got it it is 80. aaron breden is the second one that got it at 80 dollars aaron lisa nagata is the third one to get it at eighty dollars how many winners did you have three so chad first dibs on what i showed chad schwassman aaron breden lisa nagata all send a message what the hell's at and say hey i'm a wiener i'm a wiener it's 12 11 a.m yeah we went a little over you're a slave driver a little uber let us know in the chat what time it is in your part of the world i love going back and reading the chat hope you guys if this was your first live hopefully you guys had fun hanging out with us and you'll come back and join us again every sunday at 9 00 pm eastern standard time we typically try and do an hour of just recap of the week and then we do the auction from 10 until about midnight jeremy usually likes to end the live with a lullaby to put you guys to sleep [Music] all you folks watching from across the pond you guys are crazy it's 4 am 4 am across the pond go to sleep twinkle twinkle drink a little [Music] i didn't know this but parts of florida is central [Music] crazy [Music] twinkle twinkle [Music] don't forget we release new videos every day at 5 30 p.m eastern standard time and then we go live every sunday [Music] tomorrow will be a fun video so make sure you watch that say night good night i want to say a special thank you to everyone that joined us tonight a special thank you to all of our moderators you guys are amazing and a special thank you to everyone that sent a super chat which is a donation to the channel appreciate it cancer for the three dollar super sticker we'll see you guys
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 126,921
Rating: 4.8669024 out of 5
Id: bjLdbEV2eAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 22sec (11602 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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