PART 2 BAD NEIGHBORS DID THIS TO ME ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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[Music] you put up a six-foot fence yesterday to block it what do you think man chop it off right here and raise it up that's what i was telling your dad let's actually raise it up yeah george can you believe it it's only taken what six months yeah about six months since we purchased this property in otter creek the fences the fences are finally going up on both ends of the property not only one neighbor north neighbor and the second neighborhood south neighbor north neighbor sold us the property south neighbor that was a mess let's take a look back at what we walked into when we got to otter creek this is not a public road this is private property get the truck off my property now i'm gonna back up i want the truck off my property all right don't come on my property again [Applause] i don't want you on my property and i don't want you blocking this public road either do you understand okay you want to tell me what you're doing on my property yeah don't ever park there again why are you parking there i i needed to get to the backyard for some tools whose yard is it you don't go through my property to get to susie's backyard all right i don't ever want to see you there again if i see you there again i'm going to tow your truck out all right that jog right there that's the angle so the pin the pin is what that's got to be a good six seven feet in from the fence huh that's a lot of fence and then this was done as well this is all on my property this is where's up here it's right up there so it goes from there to up here so all this from where that marker is we're hiring somebody to come in and turn it around and face it towards them so they get the same message what is your relationship to my neighbor actually my uh my daughter she's married to their son josh haley great guy great family um i'm just really surprised as to what's going on right now it's hard for one artist to follow another artist if all the materials aren't there so i got really good over here but the thumb unfortunately the thumb was just done all wrong came out what do you think right there please let me know can we have closure in person man-to-man george all our buddies from ohio are coming down to florida for the fence going in oh boy um is this the a.a boys uh these would be boys because when you get all four of us together there ain't a man in the crowd how do you feel about us not having any supervision boys will be boys and i'm not going to be there to supervise so who the hell's knows what's going to happen with all four of you kind of trouble could we get in guapo and rob [Applause] they were sleeping together last night and now it's time to find out who took the top bunk and who took the bottom bunk there's rob of second said oh there's the i bet i bet they were cuddling all night look at them they were they were in the cameras all night searching for bigfoot i thought they would be embraced i thought they would be embracing one another i thought they'd be cuddling all up it's not easy getting these guys up but they have to get up because four season fences here the fence is going in on the north property neighbor line and on the south property neighbor line we're going to be bouncing back and forth let's get to it here's the fence line and they are moving in a hurry look at this house is out of the way majority of the garbage is out of the way we're still going to bring the tractor over we're going to move some things but that fence line the post it's all in there once this was a full overtaken dump lots of things were happening here that should have never been happening now we got the fence going in we got to get over to the other side guys we gotta we got to take the tree out we got to take the rest of the fence out and you're never going to believe what my neighbors did over there woody wait keith what are you looking at man what are you looking at wait a moment your boy had your boise did they see what originally was done you like that dude i just tried to perfect it i just tried to perfect it a little bit i reversed it all right you like that huh man now what tree you want to cut down okay so they started putting their fence up right here so you can see that now i was just going to see do you think we should raise this up on a podium should we put that higher you don't think we should put that higher up how do you put that up yeah i know it's his original artwork did you get the salamander on there uh the little lizard yeah i don't think he got enough pole left to get it up here well i was gonna i was gonna see you know if you guys want to build a platform we'll just raise it up higher that's crazy no no no that's just that's just pulling the scab off so we're there hey i'm not the original artist i just tried to perfect it that's it i don't see what tree i'm going to show you cut it but you'll have to cut the whole root so do you want me to cut it out or don't well i'm in the tree itself no i wouldn't kill the tree for i kind of like to keep it if you can fence the wire's gonna go over and belly over it it's gonna look like crap and then it's gonna look like crap and then yeah and then the tree's gonna grow into it and that's gonna be bad too so really in all reality really i should cut it and then i have to take it at the base yeah you gotta take it at the base are you gonna be cutting that thing i advise you to get with it we're gonna be over here in about an hour hit that one yeah i got to get it this whole tree this whole tree is going to have to come down so that the fence can go straight through instead of around that chamber now now he wants me to chainsaw chain link too diamond saw just boom boom boom boom all right that'll work however you want to do it i'll get it down the way i got a saw whack that top just like that we're over here on brian and tina's side now after brian and tina guys you see here the sand bryant tina actually took all the plants out now our line was kind of balancing on those plants before look at this we have so much more fence and property here so the guys four season fence they're over there over on susie's property line guys we're over here i need one volunteer here's what i need you to do see that that post is on their side actually i i legally am trespassing right now look at that i'm actually trespassing by a millimeter maybe this line this line isn't a legal line it's just what we ran okay so i'm not actually trespassing but i think what the smartest thing to do is for one of you guys to um i think it's gonna have to be something stronger than me one of you guys who's gonna who's gonna cut this while we rip everything out i'll take care of it he's gonna start the cutting this is one of keith's boys putting the fence in these guys are so great four season fence all right my neighbor actually he says he made a cactus and it was pointed towards me and then i came in with a chainsaw lifted it up and then pointed it towards him look what he did he put up a six-foot fence yesterday to block it what do you think man chop it off right here and raise it up that's what i was telling your dad let's actually raise it up yeah so dad dad wasn't looking you know he was like kind of like nah you know i like the way you think yeah i'll give you a little extra cash you raised that thing up today okay let me get a six-plus six oh nice that's a good one i'm a professional man okay you get that snip and they they're literally right behind us lee with conkey's flipping adventures is back here on security right now yeah i'm packing heat because you can't see well there's it's packing a lot there i love the t-shirt jeez rob you don't mess around um okay i'm gonna get a job with these guys and some move down to florida so travis with what you're doing willis did a great job pulling this fence up for us but uh when the plants came up we got a whole lot more fence here so that's coming up so these guys can actually put the poles in let me see let me see what i can do for you there we go there we go all right all right rob punk are you ready we're gonna have to ready there we go here we go you can do it how many ohio boys does it take all right here we go and we're so close remember yeah [Applause] and it's out of there i'm falling behind rob i'm way ahead of you step over [Music] there's the original that's what you gave me you said mold it after that what are your thoughts i think you know what for what you had to work with i think you did a great job not bad not bad at all yeah you know i did it was wrong you put the thumb in i tried i tried but he cut too much off of there and i tried to get the actual thumb in there it was a little rough working with it but that's you're you're okay with that oh yeah it's a masterpiece it's beautiful oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys [Music] don't get too close it'll barber's tear it'll bam back back up [Music] [Applause] i thought you said all the boys do the work they do you get it started for him right oh wait he's handed off [Music] [Music] so you have those braces on this side and this is basically to help the fence from falling over gotcha okay so you're nailing it up and he's down there with like a come-along ratchet thing come along we're gonna go down all right oh wow okay so what is this here that you're twisting a wire brace a wire brace and you put in this post right here that's a brace we got the tractor over here we're gonna remove the bucket we're gonna put the bush rake on so we can pull those trees get them out of the way get that stump out talk to go ahead start it up pull it up all right wow there's a pin you're gonna take that cotter pin out all right down down down keep going okay back back you see he's released the actual mechanism now conkey now has to line up here and here for the brush break to pull those trees okay come towards us come towards us this is massive amount of metal and equipment lower down stop stop stop tilt down tilt tilt down you'll figure it out he doesn't know where tilt is he's gonna figure it out go down a little lower all right come forward forward forward now go up up up okay now he's got a line oh not quite lined up rob push towards me oh we got it okay rob cotter pin just like this now we got it lined up now all we have to do is hook up the hydraulic lines and we're gonna go pull ourselves some trees yeah we are ready to oh go [Applause] that is one big tree one big tractor look at that and everything before we cut this giant stump down we took the tree already look how straight that line is on the fence look at that look at that straight line but the other thing that happened is we can finally get into this old pig pen check this out this is an old pig pen and from what we're told lined with concrete down underneath as a matter of fact uh we've got so many animals here coming to otter creek this might be an actual good place for geez i don't know 15 foot gator maybe 15 foot croc or maybe that giant five foot three foot tall bore that keeps coming up to the house i'm gonna saddle that thing and i swear i'm gonna ride that thing so in this in this stage of putting the fence up he's got it hooked up down there [Music] so i believe the final count was 9 chainsaws 22 hands later and we got the green light the fence can go in my fence post right there will be six inches off of the actual property line and then you see this fence there as well and there was a family affair family function yesterday we saw we were out playing with gators and crocodiles and all that and um there's a fence over there now let's admit it this all should have happened beforehand all should have taken place beforehand if we get all the way down there we're eight feet in on the property now that's a huge huge liability let's say for example i mean let's just out of the blue let's say i have 515 foot alligators on the property you think fence is going to be important to my neighbors you better believe it fencing is going to be important not only to my neighbors not only going to be important to the state of florida it's going to be important to me it's all about protection and look at this this is like double wrapped protection right here we got one fence here another fence here who the heels knows how many more fences are going up we're over on the access road that goes to the cell tower now remember that access road is a leased access road it is not a public road it is a owned and installed road on my property for two people me and the cell tower so this is the actual gate post right there this bella everybody loves bella i wish bella was mine she's such a sweetie i think a hog got her right there she's such a sweetie so the fence will come up to the gate the gate will be here there will be two people who actually have uh have a key to the lock it'll be me and i've already met my cell phone um cell phone tower uh let's call him the we'll just call him the master of the cell phone tower he is the man he's in charge of it all so he and i will both have a key and we'll have this gated off let's take a look at the fence line here's just a glance of my property this road being oh jeez this road being leased by the south tower company you see the garbage just everywhere everywhere this is just absolutely insane this is beyond hoarding this is my property this is my property this is my property this is insane drastic drastic improvement this you can actually see grass ground that's amazing fence line goes straight on down and and i've got to give i've got to give a lot of respect to michael and to brian and the family and everybody that helped actually move everything over the house got moved over and everything and so the fence line is right there check this out right here they even they went above and beyond they made sure they they cut off the rafters that were hanging over the concrete we can actually even see there's the concrete saw where the house was over and so again my my respect to everybody that helped actually improve things and make things right and i appreciate that and i hope that we have great great relationships with our neighbors the reality is we don't want to be we don't want to be enemies with anybody that's not who we are that's not what we're about but we are all about respecting boundaries and respecting each other in the appropriate ways and what happened here was complete and total disrespect and now it's respectful and i appreciate that tremendously i say thank you i just remember being over on the property line and then you guys finding me how bad does it look man you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 269,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S1z42MtCMrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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