My WHITE Boyfriend HATES My #Natural hair (#StoryTime )

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that were the longest hair that I have for this video just for you okay you guys miss para on the topic of just hair from my last story time I thought I would tell you about the time that some dude what did you nothing to do with me what he saw my natural hair or weaves wigs anything I really couldn't do anything right for this guy so sit back relax get your morning doughnut or I do have a lot of Fitness people getting your protein shake I don't know just enjoy the video so anyone who is an avid watcher of my channel knows that my thumbnails are our little moths they are straight up nice they're clickbait yes I'm so sorry I lied to you right there lovers watching I live my white boyfriend does not have an issue with my natural hair or my wigs or my weaves or my braids nothing remember where my natural hair my hair just like super big and kinky by the way that was my little token cosplay South Park fans unite but he's just very into it I'm just like don't get away from me it's not but a lot of people unusually just over the Internet are just people around that like to judge me for dating a white guy usually speculate that he hates my natural hair and that I hate my natural hair and the reason why I wear wigs is so I can fit in more with you know the white people and his white family so they just think that I wear wigs because I want to be more like them you know who does have quite a bit to say about my wigs weaves and natural hair are uh oh yes we are talking about that today and just a little disclaimer notice on every single black guy but just because the many people say that I am insecure about my natural hair because of white people we are just tying a story for those people that think that my boyfriend now actually helps me embrace my natural hair and just the black piece that I dealt with in the past not all not all [ __ ] dudes in America but the ones that I had the pleasure of being around made me very insecure about my girl hair so with that being said let's get all to this story time people organ once you click off this video because I'm not gonna bash a white person and me being black I guess I'm supposed to bash late people I already got your views so hot I gotcha thank you alright let's start so this is coming from a time where I was super and secure but for some reason I was never insecure about my hair I still don't understand that I love my natural hair plus I love my fake hair because I could have any style I wanted the possibilities were endless I was super upfront about my hair always I've never been that person to lie about my hair if someone compliments my hair I always say oh it's a wig it's a weed you can get it here here's the website girl except for when I started wearing wigs in high school because high school girls are mean and they would just check okay so I did lie there I said it was a week I mean I've had girls club on my hair just to let me know what what their hands would do that is just the lowest of the lift but after like I sold everything I was like girl it's a wig I don't know why people have to lie about it so there is this dude from one of my high schools that just everyone loves specially is the women he was athletic perfect structured face charming always knew the right things to say all the girls I mean all the girls loved him he was just amazing to everyone even the teachers were Tom de Bie his presence so on my high school there was 2.5 black people meet this guy some half black guy that seems to be just scared of black people cuz I would try to talk to him he would be like this so I just left him alone because he looked very uncomfortable to talk to me so this was like my third school I was new again again and it wasn't that bad at all I made friends pretty quickly people were very very like just happy to meet me and include me into their group so it was just a very nice feeling to be new and actually welcome for a change you hear that anyone who's in high school seeing you could just be nice because it really does suck so I get there it is lunchtime and these girls were very happy to have me at their lunch table and they're very nice we clicked pretty instantly um and we're just talking having a good time eating their delicious school lunches you and one girl turns to me and says oh my gosh you know what can we call the popular Tam cam new cam yet and she got way too close to me her chicken salad was still up in her mouth and I was like can you chew your food first but I was still new and didn't want electric people on how to eat like a civilized woman uh no oh my gosh you and cam would make the most perfect couple Sarah don't you think Michelle account would make the most perfect couple I'm guessing because I was black and cam was black we would have been the perfect couple to these girls it was very much the same situation as Carmen playing cupid me too token in the new black chick when I saw that episode of South Park as an adult was like that's freaking me I'm that new black chick and they think that I'm just supposed to be with any black dude at the school very exaggerated in the show but real life I am a walking testimony of that whenever I went to a school with mostly white people and there was like one or two black guys that was just deemed that black girl goes with black man the girls run away come back with cam the black guy and sit him down and we all just start talking and meet him did click like I come from a football family he had that football type personality I do sports you know I have that kind of personality and I clicked well with people who love and do sports but here's the issue I actually hate sports and I am a big unapologetic nerd all I lost his cartoons and I would much rather watch Naruto over the Super Bowl any day actually I would much rather watch any cartoon even even like the new ones that aren't that funny over the Super Bowl so our interests were just different he was the cool guy and even though I hung out with the popular crowd at this school I still had my friends that I feel like I connected to a little bit more which were the nerdy kids I mean I took to the theater class and I was in theater club and on the weekends I watched Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends I mean how much are we gonna vote if I'm talking about Pokemon and he's talking about the top football teams so the only thing that we really had in common was this but everyone kept just mashing us together it's boldness to be this cute power black couple and eventually we had a thing I don't know what that means but we had a thing so one day he's walking me to the spot where my mom picks me up and cam was kind of an undercover [ __ ] he would say little promise to get girls to do whatever he wanted them to do and he was good at him so he says why don't you ever wear your hair out of the braid what do you mean you don't like my hair cam no it's gorgeous but I think it would be even more gorgeous if you wore your natural hair I think it would be a step up from what you are now so cam didn't understand that my hair was long and thick I have kinky natural big-ass hair especially back then but it was a Friday and my braids needed to get redone anyways so I had all weekend for me and my mom to do my hair so we did the whole shebang let me just explain the process taking the braids out for hours oming out the naps 30 to 45 minutes times an hour depending on how to get your headed I was at the moment coconut oil treatment 30 minutes in you wash it was takes about tinnitus any have to be conditioned which takes about 30 to 45 minutes any house it need take a litigator which is another 30 to 45 minutes who are you getting tired yet because we're still not done then you have to blow-dry it takes about 45 minutes and then the final step is the screening process not like that's my iron no no no no we use the hot foam back any other little black girls have to get the hot poom done on their hair any non black girls use the hot come on their hair any men I'm very curious some of my white girlfriends that got that hot come down on their hair there was a long journey but it was ready for the next day so the next day I put on my favorite red shirt my baby fast means spruce up my natural hair and I walk into school with the utmost confidence and everyone was amazed I was the talk of the school that day because you know you have nothing else to really talk about middle school you're born it and anything new that happens is going to be the new exciting thing to talk about so I felt great people loved my natural hair I love my natural hair and I go into my little group people are going crazy over the whole not wearing braids thing but cam which still irritates me to this day because why the and who was I to do all this work for a guy that I wasn't even really interested in I likes the weird dude from theater class that played pokemon cards in the corner with his odd friend and I took the whole weekend to do all this work on my hair for this guy I don't even like and I don't even like doing my natural hair or straightening my natural hair and I'm doing it for this guy who is do we actually like the whole school blogs and there was the football star but I just looked him up just a little a story break and he was not even a good person he's still not a good person he got in trouble for beating one of the girls in school it's just upsetting I did so much work for a weirdo so anyway we are in the groove and camp says absolutely nothing about my hair even like that for him because he was the one to suggest it but I do think that part of it was because I was new and people always see my hair and braids and I'm sure they wanted to know what my natural hair looks like and I wanted to prove to people that I did have natural hair I feel like fake hair such a staple in the black community and this is obvious because of past historic issues with hair and everything so it's just a very huge topic in the black community it's very very important to us and I think a lot of black girls feel the need to prove that they have hair because the misconception is that we are just freakin bald-headed under here or that our hair is gross or that it's that we hate it or something like that and that's probably shoo back then but now it's very different a lot of people wear fake hair to protect their natural hair but does anyone else felt that way even if you're not locking you wear fake hair because it's very popular right now to wear wigs and leaves and whatnot you feel like you have to prove to everybody that you have real hair when it really doesn't matter so cam still is a anything the bell rings and that we start walking to our class and Ian can and it's just awkwardly silent for some reason eventually he said so it's not your actual real hair yeah it actually is it's a lot shorter than your fake hair you wear well no freaking cam let's get this straight let's just think about this for a second so that everybody knows if I'm gonna wear fake hair I'm going to be doing the most I want hair down to my black ass crack I love long I want to eat I want right Andre the possibilities are going to be endless I'm gonna catfish everyone why would I get take care of these same length as my natural hair if I'm paying for something different I'm paying to be extra so I'm gonna get extra hair I've always been like that and it's part of my ten commandments that aren't really real you buy fake hair you do the most so then this wonderful guy says it's not even really straight well you really did it you did it there that one that one got me for some reason and it made me very insecure about my natural hair at a ripe young age of like 13 at least when I was 13 I didn't maybe it was around but I didn't get Brazilian blowouts and get that like super silky straight like my hair is very kinky so when you sure you know still has like something to it like it's still pretty thick I need it like that it was not straight enough then he says I don't believe that's your real hair let me feel your scalp let me feel your scalp love me feel yours yeah and then I see these big-ass hands reaching toward my head and my very clean it took hours to do hair I don't know it's just my own personal pet peeve because I see all these like video memes of a guy like rubbing his girlfriend's hair and the caption says best feeling in the world and I just cringe because I don't like people whose hands near my face near my hair because people are just gross I think men scratch their penises and women probably help them scratch their penises oh yeah all jokes aside though working at the gym kinda confirms that people are just gross and I just don't want people's hands here working at a gym I've seen some things and I just prefer it to stay that way so I rock lead his arm and I'm like good whoa no touchy no touchy no touchy and he then gets offended he just literally snapped for some reason and was very upset I wouldn't let his grubby teenage hands run through my hair and touch my scalp and it could have been him getting upset kind of trickled down from earlier in the week he tried to put the moves on me like been dick kiss me and I was like man no no no thank you and maybe this was this way of trying to get close to me to try to again and I was just kind of like long and he was offended you know how teenage guys are at least the rude ones so he gets upset he says I thought you're [ __ ] here anyway walk your own damn self to class with your fake hair and that's exactly what I did I want myself to theater class and there was the odd dude at that play pokemon with this and he was just amazed that my hair was out of braids and he was under the impression of the braids were my natural hair and that that I had the ability he literally was like this you can pretty much be any character and like cartoons but Hugh Acheson and all the other hair and I said yes I could he was the one that motivated me to start cosplaying 15 years later anyway me and Cam's thing was then over no nothing happened with the Pokemon dude because I moved schools once again but yeah so this wasn't a video zing Weitzman good Brockman bad wise man of natural hair man eight natural hair dye thought what it's saying at all I've actually had many different like whites Asian Hawaiian guys be kinda like weirded out when I say oh I could just pull out my hair off or people just not liking my natural hair as much as my fake hair but it's just to show that people judge me and my boyfriend or just my boyfriend and say that he is the ruler of what goes on with my hair like he is the influence of why I hate my natural hair did it and no no Oh most definitely insecure and I'm sure other black girls will chime in because very normal for black girls especially I think to be very insecure about their hair because our hair are so unique and so different and you want it to be like everybody else that our hair is really not meant to be like that so why wouldn't we be insecure among another of a bunch of other things that women in general are just insecure about especially in middle school or high school so the start of me being insecure was usually from black people being very rude when it came to just my wigs my weave my natural hair I felt like I couldn't do anything right so now I just do things to please myself and I hope anyone else black white asian anyone who's watching whether whatever color you are if you do the same you live the same way and make yourself happy and nobody else I mean you want to make other we'll happy to but you want to make yourself happy don't change yourself to make everyone else happy that's what I'm trying to say don't twist my work and the second reason why I wanted to post this - because when I and other girls can chime in because I see it reading the comments section if I post my natural hair I'll always get that pumicing yeah right that's faker I'm wired let's see your scalp and I'm just like I think these people just want to believe that you hate yourself or you're hiding something or you just have sucky hair and you're balding and your hair is thick and gross and if that's what you really want to believe and it makes you feel better about yourself please believe that I believe it that makes you feel good believing that please do and then we all are just happy people right I'm sure that makes you very very happy on the inside and now I want you guys to vote about the next storytime should I tell you guys how it was like dating a fat guy or should I do a story time on what it's like dating a bodybuilder which one shall be next only you guys can tell choose and tell me in the comment section because they were both honestly pretty interesting stories don't forget to subscribe turn on post notifications follow me on Instagram because I post every single day on Instagram the link to the video review on this wig is in the description and I will see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 107,376
Rating: 4.8984656 out of 5
Keywords: my boyfriend hates natura hair, 4c hair texture, natural haiir stories, natural hair, stroy time, funny story times, nappy hair, embracing my hair, natural hair journey, kinky hair texture, i hate my natural hair, i only wear weigs, insecure about my hair, 4c natural hair styles, 4c hair growth, michelle mcdaniel, white guys, back guys, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: IJ6uyl9yqLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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