Is My Neighbor Racist (Story Time up date)

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welcome to my evil with my evil henchmen Yossi we are gonna do something evil today yes we are aren't we you see something so either so demonic so heart-stopping evil it's going to be are you all ready to hear how evil what's evil tasks me and my minion are going to do today we are going to go and stand there while my evil henchmen relieves herself on public property [Music] let's go do our bidding get over here [Music] hi everyone did you guys like that intro if you don't know what's going on that's because you didn't watch part one to this video so before you just dig deep into this video make sure to watch part one is my neighbor racist before but if you are like me hahaha then you'll watch this one first and then the first one second who are all just so easy so let's hop right into this update is my neighbor racist part 2 so if you follow me on Instagram you would know that I told you guys in my story that I would update you on the whole situation that happened with my crazy neighbor the neighbor that randomly started screaming at me when I was in the dog park at our apartment complex tipping me off for no reason asking me to prove that I live here screaming at me that I'm trespassing and then threatening to call the cops on me and now I know that she actually did call the cops on me all because I was just standing there having my dog go to the bathroom now a lot of you guys made up something that she was all that extremely hideous and I never said in the video really what she looks like - the picture that I drew of her but she was a relatively attractive woman probably around my age and her late twenties early thirties and the day that she verbally attacked me her face was beat like her makeup looks great she was wearing a cute outfit I thought was kind of like taken back like what's wrong because normally it's just like the overweight you know not the best-looking you know older people that are kind of irritated you know that come at people like that so I was like what is this chicks problem but nice makeup though that goes to show you that it's just not the old people that kind of mindset gets passed on from generation to generation must be real people it ain't never gonna go away there's always gonna be individuals like that okay cause we dig a little deeper in the story remember the question is is my neighbor recent if your opinion changed since the first video let me know in the comment section as you watch the video I feel like it might be a little long but a crown do you guys might go on video so cool we all went so the morning that I posted part one I go downstairs I go to our normal spot you know a little bit to the right of my apartment complex in the first three patch and this time instead of the woman that's around my age I see a woman that is older with her feet propped up you know on a little ledge on the patio i fin see her turn and look at me quickly and we make eye contact and then she opens the door that goes inside remember this this side I can see the side of her patio so there's that cylinder that I told you guys about and then there's the wall and then the door and she opens the door so that there's like some type of barrier between us or something but then get this I see the blinds to the door like open up a little bit like our hands go like this and I see a cell phone right there like all right now the grandma is videotaping me why are you guys building a case for police evidence of what's my dog going to the bathroom that was so dumb my dog only had to pee so then there for that long I was like whatever and I went you know right back upstairs then I end up going back near the end of the day because you know dogs do have to kind of go to the bathroom more than once a day and she just ate so after you know about 30 minutes after she eats I take her down so she can go poopy and was yes the poop I'm down there longer because she has to sniff every blade of grass every blade every one so now I go down there and everybody's on their little back porch so I'm talking about the son the daughter the original woman that I first saw her husband some other random guy and the grandma so six individuals so I'm like these are six people I wonder if one person is going to say anything or explain anything can anybody in this family slightly just communicate what the problem is spoiler alert they couldn't so I go down and I'm at the PAX that's still pretty far away from them and I can see that the wife is sitting down and it looks like she's going through convulsion she is like freaking out she stands up and does the same thing with her phone anyone think that if somebody was doing all of that you know in the middle of sight other people that they would kind of you know like have some type of reaction know all the family members were just seated straightforward like they would not turn to the side where I was they were just straightforward like this awkward right aliens so she's doing the video thing and I'm like ma'am what is your deal why do you keep videotaping me what am I doing wrong to you explain communicate and I see you her husband at least who I think is her husband take her and he's still facing forward like this and he does this to her and initiates her to like sit back down and she says the same thing over again like she just looks like this and she does the same deal like picks up his phone and like shoots it straight at me and he does the same thing like still straighting looking forward and he takes his hand and like sits her back down not even like recognizing my existence and I'm literally just standing there like holding my dog's leash like like am I really is that scary I mean sometimes I go downstairs without my wigs but you guys my natural hair I throw it up in a nice neat bun or it's in like two little pigtails there's nothing scary about pigtails sorry that she backs all right the next morning on Mother's Day so there's little puppy dogs back to the left of these people Department I have to walk past their apartment their patio where they fit out all day for some reason to get to the little doggie backs because I need to pick up my dog's poop because I know damn well if I don't pick up my dog's poop they are going to use that against me as well so I always make sure even before this I just always make sure to pick up my dog's poop because it's your dog pick up their poop it's your responsibility yes you people who don't pick up your dog's poop I'm looking at you pick it up so Mother's Day morning 7:00 a.m. I go downstairs I see her she's out on the patio patrolling the area for people who like to take their dog out you know keeping watch off the grass I guess I walk across to go get a doggie bag so I usually take tons of these little blue bags because I don't want to keep walking across their area every single day so that I'm not you know like giving her some kind of weird reaction to seeing me I am trying to keep the peace put in the effort you know so I just decided I was gonna stock up so that I can clean up the food and then they don't have to see me right in front of their area again but my dog loves to poop right on that green patch you know before she that lady started freaking out that's exactly where she would go and I try to like avoid it just so I'm not right in front of her but of course I walked by with little Yoshi and Yoshi she's like things like this is my spot let's just go in this this area so I kind of just let her and the lady stands up and starts videotaping me again so I say good morning she says nothing so I move my body so I can stare her square in the face without the phone like right in front of me so I can look at her in her eyes and we look at each other for a good you know one minute and 30 seconds not breaking eye contact and she's just looking at me so pissed off and I'm just like so I say are you done videotaping me every single day I come out here silence so then my mom calls me because I called her right before I went out there to tell her happy Mother's Day and she missed the call so you know she called me and I just happened to be outside so I pick up and I start talking to her and she asked you know what are you doing I say I'm just having Yoshi go to the bathroom right in front of the people who keep videotaping me every day for no reason and I'm saying this while I Sarah her in the face so then she breaks eye contact eye one and she opens you know the door that leads to inside and kinda does his hand motion and I see her husband Elise who I think as her husband comes out like initiating him to come out and he comes out and sits right by her still not making eye contact to me and sits there okay no eye contact because you know I'm not worthy so I'm still looking at her she's still looking at me I'm so on the phone and my mom says so they're still doing that crap like you can't do anything about it and I say oh no I'm doing something about it it will be taken care of legally legally Lee go Lee I said it like three times staring right in her eye and this is when it gets kind of even weirder on her part because she was standing up with her phone staring at not staring it well yeah staring at me but like with her phone's pointed at me and then she starts you know let me just let me just X it out really quick just like this and then I say you know the legally thing that she goes like this her face is like bright red through here and she's doing this wiping motion let's use like to wiping off tears I couldn't tell she was really crying because I was still like I wasn't like up in her face you know talking about her I was like all the way on the grass area but it looks like her face was kind of flushed you know like red and then she was wiping away tears mag mitt I don't know girlfriend I don't feel sorry for you tears don't work over here in my family we believe in consequences even if you start crying it doesn't work so you will see finally poops and we start making her away but I wanted to say like my final words to her and I was like listen still looking at her you know as she like she won't look at me anymore she's doing that little tear white thing and I say listen girl I'm here every day my dog needs to go to the bathroom every day I'm not too sure what kind of game you're playing and I don't know what kind of issue you have with me because you don't communicate with me because I deal with things like a grown-up and it's going to be a grown-up legal issue so have fun with your little childish game so then I report it to the front office and you know this was her last straw or something like that I don't know but it's supposed to be getting taken care of so fast forward to Saturday morning May 19th I need doggy bags again I feel like you guys are probably just like my don't just get like a ton like a bag full of doggy bags because I feel like if I do that then they're gonna be like see she's stealing she's stealing doggy bag so I tried to get like enough heard like to a day for the week so and that's my reasoning if you were wondering so May 19th I walk down a normal area the grass area near me you know more near my building we have two little grass areas one super close one like a little bit like halfway to their area and I'm on the second one and she like took one like disgusting look at me she takes the door similar to how her grandma was but like enraged and she pulls it open so that she can't see me so she doesn't have to lay her precious little eyes on me you know just protecting her eyes that's all and I'm like oh that sucks cuz girl I need bags and we all know that if I do not pick up my dogs puppies you guys are gonna try to use that against me as well so so I'm getting a my like weekend amount Baggs I need for the whole week pull in the bags out you know and then I see the husband ever-so-slightly have his phone pointed at me like this with this flash on like pointed straight at me why is your flashed on in the morning it's Arizona there's absolutely no clouds in the sky it's hot like you don't need a flap what are you doing bro he's obviously videotaping me and forgot that the flash is on from whenever he used his phone before when I was probably dark so I call the front desk and say hi remember those people that I keep telling you guys keep videotaping me for absolutely no reason they're videotaping me right now as I talk to you well leave a message on the phone so then I see him do this with this phone after I say if he's videotaping me right now he couldn't be any more smooth and they start looking like oh all confused like we're not videotaping me what is she talking about I only have my flash pointed straight at you and I'm like this so I'm still leaving a message and I say oh and now they're looking confused and he moves the phone because I said that he's videotaping me so if you could get back to me and insure me that you guys are following through with what we spoke about earlier you know in the week that would be great otherwise me and my lawyers are going to make sure to handle it legally call me back so then I've been down to pick up my little evil companion here for a little poop remember this part of the story of me bending down and picking up the can you guess what the crazy lady from the patio is gonna say about me picking up the poop go ahead guess in the comments section and stop stop the video take a guess well then I pick up a poop and I start walking off when I say have a nice day with a big bright beautiful smile so that was the last interaction to make this story just go a little faster yes the apartment complex is taken care of it legal stuff takes a long time that's what they said then and it does so I just kind of have to be patient if they're if they do not can't Caravan they're just kind of you know beating around the bush and like just trying to make things kind of settle down that I will be taking care of it myself are to talk to you know I trained a few lawyers a few police officers and they're pointing me in the right direction of what I need to do long story short if I go through the whole process she will end up getting a felony if she continues to videotape me so if she wants to get a felony all to videotape me taking out my dog to go take a poop well she has children and an apartment to pay for by all means videotape me I'm super petty I will go through it and I do not care but I have all the time in the world to make sure that I'm hindering her life in some type of way okay so let's wrap this up so the first time that you've reached out of me in part one the reason the reason is because she thought that I didn't live here and that I looked very suspicious looking around the place so the very first time she saw me I was actually with my boyfriend and we had the apartment like our name the you know is all set up - like we had a wait a few days to get the keys so we wanted to see you like what normal people do when you first get like a new apartment you want to see what it looks like so we wanted to go seats our front door and then we went downstairs into the back and the grass area was like oh my gosh look there's there's our freakin balcony we were crouching down looking all evil and like a little see where we're gonna break into you know in these apartments we were like pointing and like oh my God look doesn't you know like it was very apparent we were excited and happy that this is where we were going to be it's what I do remember her on her her and her husband on her front porch looking at us like they're our rectly pretty much at me directly at me not the husband keep that in mind the husband wasn't looking it was just her like full-on like next turn to the side like staring you know like staring at us and even my boyfriend noticed so we were just kind of like alright we've got some weird neighbors cuz we even smiled and nothing yes so in her mind us being like oh my God look this is our new apartment we're gonna be here ba ba ba ba she thought was very suspicious in her head because it just looked suspicious and she thought that the neighborhood was in danger and keep in mind that when she reported this that she said nothing about my boyfriend looking suspicious it was all about me looking suspicious you'll see get back up here we are making a video together so fast forward to that day that she was freaking out when I was in the grass area you know taking my dog for a walk she did end up calling the police she did and you know recording me too like I said in the first video reporting me to the office and you know she was like I've never seen her before blah blah blah blah blah and um they informed her that I live here that she is a resident in this area and she has a dog and she needs to go to the bathroom the dog means go to the bathroom I don't go to the bathroom outside I have a bathroom inside so then she tells them okay I'll leave her alone it's all good right so then tell me why like what four other times she's recording me whenever she's outside and I'm there and her family members the grandma the father and whoever else I don't know who else these are I keep seeing new people sprout out Bailey if her reasoning is that I look suspicious because I don't live here but then the front desk tells her that she does live here why are you still video taping me oh and so the other thing that was funny because you know she has to tell me you know her side of the story and and the front desk tells her my side of the story and apparently I'm the one that I'm the one that's cussing her out threatening her telling her I'm going to call the police which I did tell her I was gonna I'm gonna report you to the police but and if you have enough if you if you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about but I'm the one you know saying why dogs gonna take it back we're on funding your house we got cozily all up like on her balcony like something you know telling her off I read a lawyer's and you know the husband you know report report about me what is that I'm very aggressive tell me how tell me how she can come up at me like that cursing yelling videotaping me threatening me to call the police saying that I'm trespassing flipping me off having her grandmother for over the older woman at her place her husband video saving me all those things correct she gives you all these things and I bring up lawyers and how I deal with things legally and then I'm the aggressive one I'm just just tell me tell me how about one works okay I would love to hear that and if I'm so aggressive and you got videotaped me every single time every time I'm out there then where's your evidence why haven't the police vid knock at my door - should you told me that I'm harassing someone outside if I'm so aggressive and I'm up on your patio in your face exactly I had no idea saying I handle things legally very calmly with a smile was aggressive you'll see stop licking your vagina please we once again minyan stop I know that's what they want that's why they're videotaping me they want me to to react to them videotaping me in a very stereotypical way please you can't I'm enough okay go back I got it I don't know what show they watch on be et like one or what Atlanta housewives episode they decided so watch two minutes up but I don't act like that I know they want me to act like that so their story adds up I mean if they got a video of me like what the [ __ ] you forgive me super [ __ ] it would just make their story even more believable I always you know ask my friends when they think it's a race issue why are you acting the way that they want you to act no I'm gonna act like a very civilized sensible human being who speaks appropriately confidently well our ticket and annotated did that word and servo with a nice smile and handle things with my lawyers and I know that's what pissed her off about me not being that stereotypical black woman that she wanted and anticipated me on being because of their perception of what or how black people are supposed to act that's probably why she's so frustrated with me because I didn't play into her a little game honey I made the game I'm the worst person to deal with because I'm educated and petty all at the same time oh and about picking up the dog food remember I said remember that and make your your guest in the comment section XO apparently the way that I think of dog poop is I'm trying to seduce her husband I'm trying to make her husband stare at me and want me [Music] [Music] who the pics of dog to seductively who would get turned on by that wait stop there's a lot of weirdos out there that's why you're gonna try to like receive about me I could imagine what she reports to management she seductively bends down as she picks up her dog's poop longer green grasses 7 a.m. Gerald don't you yeah like I her pick up the dog poop so then I was like okay yes maybe it's a racial you know prejudice type thing but it could possibly be like a woman you know jealous type thing going on because there is no way that I am picking up poop seductively in front of her husband or in front of anyone for that matter quick back story when I was very very like super super super young like probably 18 or 19 when I started really going hard in the gym and I remember there is this just lady that hated me I've never really talked to her in the beginning like I didn't know her I've never said anything you know that could even be slightly taken the wrong way one when I did like communicate with her but she couldn't stand me and long story short it comes to find out that her husband had a thing some kind of weird fetish probably for her like specifically like black women he cheated on her with like a bunch of black women and so now she doesn't like black woman and I was a black woman in the gym and our she he ended up saying something about me probably something that was not something you say to your wife or maybe a lot like ticked her off you know like triggered her and um she could not stand me and I didn't want to say in part one that maybe her husband you know has a little bit of a wandering eye going on because I noticed that he tried his hardest like to not make eye contact remember when I will talk about them on the patio he was like stone cold not staring like everyone else was too but like he was making sure like not not gonna do it not turning this neck over here that so it might be a jealousy thing to what what do you guys think like I said maybe your husband has kind of like a little bit of a looking issue or a cheatin issue going on and I'm very insecure now you know I'm I'm not I'm not an ugly person so there's another you know relatively attractive person in the apartment complex now and God forbid I walk in front of their patio and I am obviously tempting her husband Tetris Tetris and not only walking past their patio getting food bags but god damn it I'm picking up poop right in front of their patio you were going what girl worried about you your husband that's your problem anyway I thought that was funny I wasn't expecting that comment but good to know I look hot picking up poop alright my name is michelle mcdaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you and if you are offended by this video today then you're probably that family that keeps videotaping me for absolutely no reason and in that case get help seriously get help and on that note me and my evil minion who causes a ruckus and is very suspicious and obviously very detrimental to the neighborhood putting it at risk you know having my dog pooping and picking it up so evil on that note we are out made let's go also if you would like more details and information and my review on this hair that I'm wearing today it's a ash blonde ombre or dark root I don't know the technical term sure someone will tell me but it's a wig that I made but you can make it too very easy the hair wasn't super expensive and that is all on my Beatty channel right now which I linked below
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 72,907
Rating: 4.9661336 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, racist nighbor, bbq becky, funny story time videos, stroy time
Id: uktOiPO4qZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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