Fat Model Says Old, White, Men, Need to SHUT UP!

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you see the trip in my car look giddy [Music] hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer proud mother of a pug a patch theatre nerd gone a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that'll probably event at least one person and I feel just a tiny bit of inkling going on in this brain I'm going to offend a lot of people from a certain group because they're probably just going to see the thumbnail and title and then go on a Twitter tirade and roast meat and my boobs and my little piece of hair that won't get out of my face all because they don't watch the actual video so look out for that because I'm sure it's common but if you're into drama trash TV pugs cosplay anime and the occasional boobies with a lot of opinions you should hit that subscribe button because I post one to two days a week okay let's get down to business a few days ago a pro fat black model these are all of her words and yes she is a model I'm not lying so if any of those words trigger you in some way tell us in the comments section it's the place to do it unleash our Twitter powers on everyday damn fitness and swollen Ormus this is what I get for existing while fat and following my dreams like any other [ __ ] human lmao old white fin making entire videos on me and why my body shouldn't be celebrated [Music] well I'm black you call them old and I'm still in my 20s so I guess I'm young and I'm all woman so I can queuing if you want some diversity we can save that for the end of the video though so basically if you saw the titles and the thumbnails notice she was in it and took to Twitter to make sure everyone knew that a bunch of evil old bald men we're talking about her who is the public figure so that's what we are doing today reading the Twitter tirade and the comments because that's what we love to do on this channel and I will share my opinion sprinkle through the video while we read comments but I will keep the bulk of my opinion for the end so on that note let's get to reading comments would you believe me if I said I've never talked to any of these people before also bearded dude had to have been hurt by some fat woman in the past occasionally the fat acceptance crew finds some of my videos and they don't even bother washing and they just look at the title and then they're instantly in the comment section doing six super mad at me and it's always oh your boyfriend must have cheated on you with a fat woman that's why you're saying obesity is unhealthy back home is so odd because the guy that it never worked out with they usually replace me with a very thin girl I was actually the fat chick but thank you for kind of giving me a compliment and applying that I am the thin one I will take any compliment I can get not only am I constantly cited by people Consing on my health and how disgusting they believe I am or how much they assume I eat I've had an eating disorder on and off since I was 14 I think it's okay for people to have opinions but why entire videos talking about someone you don't know I rewatched the videos again and they really don't focus on her as a person they're focusing on the fact that Instagram is saying in 2020 they're having a different vision and they used her as an example of their new vision obesity body acceptance that acceptance is basically the point of the post if you remember my video about the Instagram influencer who talks about her as well and she had the same opinion that it's basically promoting obesity and that's what the two videos were talking about it wasn't attacking LaShonda as a person but she was used in the post so they used her as an example I watched both of these guys on YouTube I actually find them very motivational did I ask I literally just post outfits of the day applying to modeling agency then post music all day and yeah people are making a 10 hour video on me for existing and not being skin T okay one if that's all she posted about like her outfits and going and being a model and just music and everything I have absolutely nothing to say about that at all someone just can't attack me and a really really pretty woman and a really red and a really pretty red bikini and what do you think of this Michelle time-life looks like a woman just enjoying her day and showing off her really cute swimsuit I'm not too sure what you want me to look what you want me to say about this but from the other videos and topics that I covered about this specific model it doesn't look like that's all she does it looks like she pushes obesity and so to a lot of trainers probably to Alan's whole nervous and myself and to other people obesity is something that can kill you and we put it on the same level as being anorexic I personally don't think it's the healthiest thing to promote anorexia just like it's not the healthiest thing to promote obesity and from what I've seen from the people who talk about leshawna and a specific post that Instagram decided to post that's what they focus on not LaShonda as a person y'all want us to hide and hate ourselves and not follow our dreams and I'm gonna make sure that won't happen being this fat and ugly never sought skinny dudes from sitting sit on my face texts and DM so one of the comments make it seem like she's trying to prove that people think that she's attractive if there's someone out there who doesn't find me attractive it's not gonna make me more attractive to them when I tell them oh look at all these messages I get from weird men asking me to sit on their face and squish them just because there's other people that find me attractive doesn't mean that one person is going to all of a sudden be amazed by my looks no matter how many videos y'all make no matter how many viral tweets an IG post y'all make no matter how many times you try and exclude plus-size black girls we will always be here we will always create off space for people who look like us we aren't going anywhere period and I can hear it now B's woman probably getting very upset at me because I am a black woman and I'm supposed to be like yeah go other black woman and whatever you do do it do whatever you do is amazing everything you do because you're black is awesome and I'm not like that I'm not going to praise you just because you're black what if you're not the best person I'm probably not gonna like you if you're not a good person whether you're white or black or purple I hate how this fat acceptance group tries to sew together a fad and blackness and they do that just to make their numbers bigger just get other black women on this because the other black women hear the word black and they're like yeah I'm supposed to root for my fellow black woman but if my fellow black people are promoting something that's unhealthy here is my black card you can use this as a black card you can take it I've been taking all of the harassment telev comments troll sites posting all my business to mock me and getting turned into memes for years now all for being me and unpolished alternative cut unconventionally attractive fat girl who is bigger than a size 18 with a platform I've never seen anyone get more comments on and health concerns on their body and their existence all for being fat than Amin and smaller curved models won't stop supporting me and be angry at me for constantly talking about what I deal with has a bigger fat in the industry a bigger fat you guys haven't seen my past videos the people in the fat acceptance community have different levels of fatness there's small fats I remember Infini fat is like the biggest fat you will never have to endure this enjoy your perfect modeling career well actually being included and loved for being in quotes fats she's basically saying oh you guys are just saying that because you're not as fat as me you're not actually fast I am the fat one though that's what that's all about anyway let's see what her followers have to say abouts well enormous and Alan those screenshots look the way bad breath smells marketing harassment against you for daring to exist in public you don't deserve this imagine having hair that greasy and having something to say about someone else's body you mean how she did in her original post white old men seems a little hypocritical they appear to be aging like avocados and desperately need to find better ways to utilize their time this is evil you can completely tell that these people did not actually watch the video unless they did and they just think talking about health is completely evil then fair game you're completely allowed to have your opinion but I'm gonna take a guess and say that these people did not watch the videos this is so hurtful this is horrifying you they're so gross why do they make videos like this when they look like they literally just crawled out of hell I said we're supposed to listen to what they think about people's looks I don't think so mr. this is so terrible they need to have their pages taking down absolutely despicable you deserve everything good in life and I hope you're okay this hurts my heart to see that the world would never let plus-sized women live in peace and I'm honestly sad to know that I may be only seen as my physical appearance and not my personality or my talents you know what kind of plus-size women live in peace come here let me give you a little secret because my whole family is plus-size pretty much morbidly obese the ones that live in peace are not on the internet as public figure secret's out they don't deal with the Internet and they don't have to deal with internet bullies critiquing their body because they're not on the Internet they're not a public figure so they live in the real world you got reject Vin Diesel and a garden nomad good they can stay mad gym rats are the worst and should it be one of the first groups to be annihilated by aliens or whatever okay that's nice seeing a certain group should be murdered because of how they look and believe that's not Hitler like at all white me and I think they mean men with hot breath pretending they are a health doctor and [ __ ] when they ain't nobody but I feel like exercise freaks are ass fat people because they're jealous that somebody else can accept their body without doing Crossfit ten times a week first of all I don't do CrossFit but I know Alan does a new CrossFit and swole Norma's doesn't do CrossFit so look at you judgy judging everybody this man has a sick crush on you you know when boys were younger they would be mean to the girl they like I to you he has a fenced account and is following you well Alan is school enormous you've been called out guys if you have a crush on her just tell her be mean to her of you're attractive so just fess up tell the girl you want to take her on a date and dater both of you at the same time they wouldn't dare say all that to your face absolute cowards well in the video base of obesity is unhealthy and I am 100% sure both of them and I would say obesity is unhealthy to everybody's face I do it all the time it's my job so in the end after all of that she ended up deleting everything I'm not too sure if it's the fact that Alan subscribers came over and said hey did you actually even watch the video and they kind of debunked every single Twitter tirade post that she made or the fact that she just wanted to delete it I'm not too sure you tell me but it's deleted and that's that so what I kind of agree with her at is where she says I just like posting outfits of the day in music and her you know modeling career and people want to harass her and I completely agree like if some fat woman is just out here living her life posting pictures doing her thing what's wrong with that I would even agree to put obesity on the covers of magazines because let's be real obesity exists there here the only part that I don't agree with is they put certain models on the cover that push fat acceptance they push health at every size but then they say that anorexia is unhealthy if you're gonna push all that every side then make sure to actually be inclusive and start including anorexia but they don't so that's a huge flaw in their argument but all sorts of body types on the cover I think that's amazing I feel like that we go super skinny or super obese and it's never just in the middle I would prefer in the middle but to be all-inclusive which is all the rage now in 2020 you've got to include everybody if you're gonna be all-inclusive but anyway that's where I kind of agreed with her if someone is on the internet like I said before just doing their thing and just they want to show you know their outfits and they're a bigger woman or male we got to include them in that positive usually doesn't include fat straight men but if they want to just be online and this them being them showing what they do showing off their life I think that's great absolutely nothing to say about that the reason why from what I've seen Alan and Sol enormous pics LaShonda out is a pure fact for her comment saying that her body needs to be accepted where in fact we don't accept anorexia and it's not healthy to accept obesity because it's a death sentence and then of course the part that I completely disagree with and hurts her argument extremely is the fact that she points out old whites and men imagine if I made a video on a white guy or girl it doesn't matter it seems like 2020 being white is the worst thing that you can ever do ever but imagine if I made a video of someone of white and then they said your opinion doesn't matter you're black and almost thirty first of all World War three what happened and then after all of that then they would be cancelled even though they're already dead so I can't what does race age and gender have to do with anyone saying that obesity is unhealthy it might be old white men but that doesn't make them wrong and I see that she never even said that they were wrong about their original statement so you know if the only thing that you can say is well you're old then she lost the argument you added no substance to the conversation and you made yourself look like a huge hypocrite and that's my opinion on all of that since you guys asked so let's see if later I get Twitter high rated and she says well you're black and muscular and to that I would say okay cool probably like a month later cuz I honestly never go on Twitter but let's see what happens anyway thank you so much for watching remember you don't have to be a size 2 biceps are great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and if it's not healthy to you then I don't I don't know why that would be offensive it's healthy to other people just live your life and don't be healthy like that last it is like I just said just throw it into the trash over there over there okay I'll see you guys next [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 209,065
Rating: 4.9679012 out of 5
Keywords: la'shaunae steward, plus size, model, models, drama, every damn, every damn day fitness, alan roberts, health at every size, fat acceptance, fat acceptance cringe episode 1, twitter, responding to fat chicks, black women
Id: SCnx55BRLDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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