Short, Thin, Damaged Hair to Thick, Curly, NAPPY and Healthy Hair (NO Wig)

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hey you guys so some of my subscribers like two of them have been begging me to do a video in my natural hair without my precious wigs and here we are there so I'm not only a hair channel I could post natural hair videos if I really wanted to but I figure there's so many natural hair videos out there mine is just gonna get lost out in the sea of natural hair videos so i i've never been interested in posting a video about my natural hair i guess it's just my own personal thing I don't find them entertaining so I just never wanted to put my own out there because I don't want to be boring ooh bra is showing so what gave me a little bit of a change of heart is whenever I post my natural hair on Instagram or in my stories a bus you little with a girls are not even dis only black girls but girls who have just a different texture hair a mark force text your hair thicker kind of hair not steam or silky and straight and up in my inbox thing oh my gosh you have the same kind of hairs me it really makes me like my natural hair and I thought it would be important to at least put mine on my YouTube tube so that maybe other people see the beauty in their natural hair and I can make other people like something that's natural about themselves and I am all for it so in this video I'm gonna pretty much tell you everything that I see in the comment section when you guys ask about my natural hair why do I wear wigs how I grew out my hair because you guys remember that freaking story that I told you guys when I got a relaxer and it all just kind of like broke that oh I didn't notice in that video a couple of chase we're calling me like a bald-headed [ __ ] and they were black girl and there's this weird thing in the black community that if a black girl decides to get a relaxer it's like a battle between girls who are natural and girls who want to get a relaxer to straighten out their curls and they were kind of under the impression that my hair still looks exactly like that like how I described in the video even though I said that the video was like years ago like years ago like I don't think they know that hair grows back so I hope they know that because I mean God forbid something happens to their hair and they'd become a bald-headed [ __ ] like I was and hopefully you know people are you know roots of them because they probably aren't gonna feel that great about losing their hair but I'm also gonna tell you why I stopped getting relaxers and I'm gonna sell you like the products that I use let's start so the question I get all the time when I show my natural hair or if I if I'm like in real life people always see me with wigs or like a really long braids or something so if I ever go out in my natural hair they're always like why do you wear wigs if you have hair one because I want to and I like the looks of wigs too I enjoy the out of catfishing everybody if you go to sleep and the most important reason why I wear wigs is because I enjoy changing up my look I get bored very quickly I want blonde hair I want red hair I want pink hair purple and blue hair I want different links I like kinky hair I want straight hair and wavy hair I want it all baby and I'm gonna get it all with wigs and if I did that with my natural hair I probably would really be a bald-headed [ __ ] and so I tend to mostly keep my hair braided up and a wig on top of my head and because I do that I don't touch my natural hair very often and so it stays pretty healthy the more I manipulate my hair not sure if it's for everybody but I know with me and the more I manipulate my hair and comb out my hair and just like touching my hair and get super rough with my hair the less healthy it looks so I like to just keep a wig all over this head relaxer so I remember one thing a relaxer one because my mom said that I would never get one like I wasn't allowed so naturally if a parent says you're not allowed to do this you're going to naturally want to do that so I always just kind of wondered what if my hair would look like being straight because I when I was younger I would always have braids or up in a better poufy suit more like the bazillion freakin foodie tell my mom would put in my hair with those freaking bold of death that would slap me in the face and then the second part is when I got older I no longer had my mom like taking care of my hair and I had no clue how to freakin take care of it and I just thought a relaxer would be a lot easier the problem with that is that I had no clue how to take care of my nostril hair I definitely had no clue how to take care of chemically relaxed hair and all my hair just broke the freak off I kept getting relaxers and my hair was growing but it was super super thin I do have a story time about when it all broke off links below and yes there are cartoons drawn by these hands so you should check it out after this one so I never thought that I would stop getting relaxers because I remember from a very young age and then when I decided to get the relaxer my mom was like now that you have to put that demon chemical onto your head you can never stump getting it you are forever locked into this contract with Satan so whenever I would get my relaxers it was just kind of part of my every three months routine it was never like oh god I have to get a relaxer was just like okay I need to get a relaxer because now that I did this to my hair it's part of my life so one day I was looking at all my wigs and I noticed most of my wigs have the same texture that comes out of my head I mean this one right here most of my wigs were looking like this I could easily grow this out of my head and I noticed I like completely the same like texture this is a lot looser curls mine are like way tighter and like kinkier but I mean if this go all the way down here I would be ecstatic so I just kind of realized I'm buying hair that I could completely just have on my own head and why do I need to do that so I was doing more research on my texture of hair and how to actually take care of it and I found a couple girls that wore wigs the majority of the time as a protective style that helps their natural hair grow and I was my I wear wigs anyway it'll be no different it'll take forever for my hair to go down to my ass but if I solve the relaxers now I'll be there before I know and dye my last I'm going to go natural and like really just be in love with my curls and stop getting the relaxer was I have a ton different wigs and I was getting brilliant like my full-on big afro wigs which is actually like like this is still not as curly as my hair can get if I get it wet and just let it all string Cup it's full-on like afro and you know those girls who say like oh yeah I have afro hair but they don't like no my hair is actually like it can [ __ ] just shrinks up and I just tend to not do that because it gets very kinky and tight and then when you come it out you get some hair breakage so right now as I get my hair longer I just try to not do that I knew the whole stretch method thing when I get my hair wet but anyway I have a plethora of different wigs and I have a couple afro wigs that I like to wear it just for fun I got dressed one day I wanted to wear an afro wig and I came out of the bathroom and my boyfriend was like and he was like that's such a nice when he was in love you guys and I was like you know that's how my natural hair is but I keep putting that stuff on it and he was like why would you do that and I was kind of like I don't know why am i doing this and I stopped that day and I never looked back and I still don't miss the relaxer it's so nice not having to go to the salon to get my relaxer just my own experience I feel like my hair unrelaxed hair is so much easier to take care of them I relaxed hair so for me it's kind of easy to be natural I just did a lot of wigs tons and tons of ways while my hair grew out and continues to grow because like I said my goal I went it down to my butt crack I want these girls call me a bald-headed bits and me be able to like get my hair at them through the screen so I know a lot of people like wonder like is it hard to get natural for me it wasn't because I did a lot of fake hair like I love when I go around family and they're like why are you wearing a wig and I'm like it's not a wig it's my hair and they're like so um yeah that's always fun but yeah I am like proud of myself but I also want to stress that I really did want to go natural nobody bullied me into going natural and I say bold because there are so many black people out there that will tell girls like me I had it done so many times that had a relaxer and they'll just be super rude and make you feel extremely bad for your own personal choice so anyone who doesn't want to go natural but are thinking about it because these natural chicks are like all up your butthole trying to get used to go natural don't do it because I think you'll probably have a really bad time and I know I used the word [ __ ] a lot in this video but those girls just like to be big old [ __ ] big old natural [ __ ] and don't let them bully you into doing something that you don't want to do so screw them and get your freakin relaxer and now let's talk about products so you guys I actually use the most cheapest products ever when I was trying to get my hair to grow once again it grew I just kept it braiding I just did not touch it but I got more money I started shifting between like my cheap products and my good-quality products so the cheap products were anything that I could find those she usually my condition I would literally go to Walmart and get any type of cheese conditioner that I would find because I would do a deep conditioner about three to four times a week usually on my heavy sweat days at the gym because I don't want all the sweat just like in my hair so now for my deep conditioners I use joique oh and I'll make sure to link it down below and I also occasionally use their the moisture balm it didn't work when I was in Arizona but now that I'm here and it works great for me and I only use a moisturizer not very often honestly if I feel like my hair feels great after my deep conditioner I don't feel like I need to do a moisturizer treatment the more expensive brands that I use are these it's like this personalized shampoo so on the website you just kind of input all the stuff that you ones like out of your hair and you put your type of texture and your type of curl and whatnot and it just they send it to you you know we also put in how much like of a six that you want like I said I want a very pungent scent and they gave it to me and I'm not complaining I just I smell it so once a week I use these ones because they that would be very expensive to like when I do condition my hair I like slather my hair in conditioner so three times we do use my cheaper conditioner to slather all up on my hair and with curly hair you have to kind of use like a lot of conditioner so that's why once a week I use affected the expensive conditioner so I'll make sure to link everything but if you guys are interested but like I said I use very cheap stuff in the beginning and then for like my daily moisturizer like after I deep condition my hair and whatnot I use this Shea Moisture curl and hibiscus milk oayk style milk I don't have the memorize I just try new products and I see how my hair feel and this one feels pretty good so I spray my hair with water put this in it and then I put oil in it and then I braids down my hair and I leave it like that and I swap away on my head and that's it so like I said I wash my hair only once a week leave conditioned on the days that I sweat super heavy and Slava wig on my head I used to do like protein treatments and all these other like treatments on my hair when it was relaxed and I personally still didn't see much of a difference when I did all of that I didn't like the way that my hair fell maybe it's just because I'm not used don't like even though I had a relaxer for quite some time I just didn't like the feel of my hair after the relaxer and after like the protein mints and whatnot but after I stopped getting the relaxer and all of like a lot of my natural hair girl I would still do the protein treatments and I personally just don't like the way my hair feel and I'm all about going off by what you feel and my hair just doesn't feel good after a protein treatment so I haven't done them at my hair is fine it's just the deep conditioning a shampoo and Munsell and then once again not manipulating my hair and living off the legs until my hair is down to my butt cheeks we leave it the Freak alone so there you have it you guys I finally posted this video for all two of you who wanted who wanted this I never really did progress pics of links because then I would just get very obsessed and you know it's very obsessive with the process kind of it's similar with my weight loss didn't tracked in progress Pig I just kind of certain things to my lifestyle and said you know let things just happen whatever happens kind of happens and here we are because I know I would get stressed the freaked out because we all know what happens when you obsess on a certain thing and then it's gonna take longer to get to the from point A to point B I wish I took more progress pictures I then we save a little bit but I wish I did because it's cool to look at but I know back then where my where I was mentally it just probably would have just drove me crazy doing it this way definitely did not feel like it took long at all it honestly felt like super effortless so once again I don't know how long it took me to do this I know everybody wants a specific number of like how long did that take one I don't know I literally said out of sight out of mind and kept a wig on my head for a long time so there you go that's my secret so I hope you guys enjoyed this little mini video about hair we will be back to our normal schedule programming next video that's a line nothing on this channel is normal so sorry but don't forget to subscribe thumbs up this video if you did enjoyed if you have any questions make sure to leave it in the comment section here or in the comment section on my Instagram and I will see you guys next time by the way you guys I do have a couple videos on my channel that I have my natural hair in but I just never specify it because I never felt like it was a big deal I like wigs I enjoy dressing up for you guys and it's just things that I like but whatever video day ends up on my hair day I'll make sure to wear my natural hair and I will specify it for you bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 25,800
Rating: 4.9677072 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, heat damage, curly hair routine, joico purple shampoo
Id: xtq12EhCJ80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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