Is Tess Holliday a BAD Parent Because She's FAT?!?

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get out the way you freaking old hag god I swear she's got a cane and everything the privileged people have in this country can't they see I'm late dropping off my kid oh yeah you're here stupid kid you ruined my life having to drop you off at your deadbeat father's house on a Saturday I could be day drinking but instead I have you I used to be so cool that you came in with your small face and your small body and being all small not being able to do anything for yourself it's ridiculous hey I'm driving here I had the red light you should see me coming and stop I have a kid anyway I just wanted to be a mom so that I could post pictures to my Instagram I don't even a white kid your hands are always sticky what is this Tess holidays on the cover of the magazine that people can't be good parents shut up shut up you see I'm trying to get deep in my thoughts kids you see me gone anyway we're here get out go see your fat dad it's on there's some fat chick on the cover of parenting magazine he'll probably be interested in cut these fat Mama's gonna go see her new thin boy right now you see the trippy I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag [Music] hey you to the height am I gonna get D monetized for smoking a fake cigarette made out of toilet paper yeah I am okay good to know I wouldn't expect anything more from you oh oh oh Oh F me oh okay yep yep got it thanks hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer oh wow mother of a pug certified cartoon all of this and past the internet gone grownup cosplayer and today I'm cosplaying as a bad parent I'm not I'm not sure if the name you guys can name her but should we name her like Mindy should we name her Mindy let's do it unless you've got a better one that you can tell me in the comment section anyway since we are on the topic of bad parents you guys asked me my thoughts hence the name of the channel on Tess Holliday and if she's a bad parent because she's fat whoa and people are already getting that internet rage in the comment section and that's fine this is what this channel is all about so if you're in that comment section already raging over the title raging over the fact people are judging someone else's parenting skill pop off in that comment section but while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button so that you can virtually rage on a regular basis with me and my multiple personality shot so Tess holiday recently smacked herself another cover this time on the cover of parenting magazine and people have an opinion about it so I didn't read the full article I'm not a human parent I am a pug parent but from what I saw it's mostly talking about Tess holidays experience with postpartum depression which many of you moms can probably relate to of course it touched on her social media and doctor that she loves herself and her fat body because that is her brand but because of the cover she got a bunch of criticism about her parenting skills and whether she actually cares for her kids because she's obese and you guys have been asking me about her being on a cover of a magazine and kind of being like labeled as the perfect parent so before we get to my opinion which I usually put at the end of the videos of the people who usually don't Ross me and just want to look at my title so that people can think that I'm just a rating which is always a good time yes we like to just have a bomb time on channel let's read those comments that test holiday put on her profile of people judging her parenting skills because she's obese imagine just wanting to be able to share photos of my little one and instead being told I'm unfit to be his mom because of my size none of us are promised tomorrow regardless of our weight and I can guarantee that if I were to die tomorrow both my boys would know how loved they were and what a badass mom there was you're gonna die and not see him grow up into a man it's really sad she could wake up and actually take care of yourself so you can see your son grow up this is [ __ ] sad man your child should be more than enough reason to start talking care of yourself you won't be here long if you stay the way you are damn shame shake my head I don't know how people can support obesity these days facepalm all her self-love [ __ ] we all know wouldn't exist if she wasn't getting paid to lie to girls about being happy staying obese do you want to talk about this one real quick because I definitely agree it's very easy to lie to yourself about something when you're making money off of it so I agree with that comment I know you won't care about this but this is unhealthy test holiday I understand the concept of being beautiful at any size but it isn't healthy I am plus-size and looked up to women like you thinking it's okay to be this overweight but now I'm 29 with type-2 diabetes sleep apnea and high blood pressure because I believed it was okay the reality in just that small statement all my friends who eat crappy drink don't take care of their skin we're starting to see because we're in our late twenties the effects of what happens when you don't care for yourself and I really do think Tess Holliday is filling it but she can't say anything about it because of her brand something I've never had an issue with in my life something that caused me to have a miscarriage at sixteen weeks because I was made to believe that it's okay to be overweight and pregnant this isn't right being healthy is what should be promoted do you disinfect your roles from fungal growth no one realizes that this is really gross looking she is 300 pounds or more and calls herself healthy Tess holiday stop promoting obesity you're no better than someone who is anorexic and saying that they are happy so people should just accept them okay so honestly I agree with all of these I'm somebody that doesn't go to peoples page and say you're fat and unhealthy do you clean your rolls but I can understand why people are going to her page and saying these things because she does have that brand of saying health at every size a lot I wanted to point out though that the no one realizes that this is really gross looking a lot of people were probably like well that's rude but if you go on any like ultra-thin person you know we're gonna take the opposite of obesity and go to someone that is very unhealthily skinny and you go to their page and you will see mass amounts of people saying get help so to me it's the same it's just the fact that people are so used to seeing obesity it's very and normalized and someone who is forcibly starving themselves to death because they want a certain physique is looked at as gross because it's not normalized supported and praised are two different things and her child looked overweight so it's not good to praise her and allow her children to think being a weight overweight it's okay being overweight causes many health issues and we need to teach our children better healthy ways to eat and play I understand if it's a health issue and they've been working on it but just can't seem to keep the weight off it's another thing if you don't care please do not comment on my child's sides or anybody's for that matter you should be ashamed and personally if I was someone that had the status of chess Holliday ion like for me I know if I put anything out there anything I could put my toe on the internet someone's gonna have an issue on it someone's gonna make fun of it someone's going to say maybe my toes look like sausages people like to say anything and Tess Holliday knows this so if I was someone that had Tess holiday status and I knew this and it would irritate me I just would not put my kids on the Internet if it bothers her that much I wouldn't have put it on there because people are definitely going to speculate she is no different from any other celebrity if a celebrity has a kid and they put them you know in the public eye guess what people are going to talk about them some of us parents actually wanting to lose weight so we can interact with our children stop promoting death for your children to follow it's one thing to put your body through childbirth but to then have to suffer a heart attack at any given moment because your heart is pumping double-time then that's different because your kids could be left without a mother at any time I know people give you a hard time but I know personally from medical standpoint that obesity can lead to a quick heart attack I have lost family members so to me it's personal and if I can share with others to help save a life then why not say something that's very personal to me too because I remember getting the call about my grandfather who just had straight-up heart attack right there on the couch and my grandma was Charlie okay so there was a lot more comments that she posted but they all pretty much had the same premise the whole but wanted to talk about that one quote that she had underneath the picture of her and her boy we aren't promised tomorrow regardless of our weight and if I were to drop dead today both my boys would know how loved they were and what a badass their mom was I personally think that is a very manipulative thing to say and just a huge cop-out on test holidays part obesity is very unhealthy you can die earlier than you need to and yes anyone can drop dead today or tomorrow but why would you want to put yourself in a position to make those chances higher you're gonna walk across the busy freeway and there's a chance that you won't get plummeted by a Mack truck but the chances of that Mack truck running your over is extremely high imagine if anyone else said this quote drug addict and alcoholic someone who's anorexic we will take that one because it's the opposite of test Holliday and there is someone who is extremely thin you had the publicity and the magazine covers and the following that test Holliday had and someone said you know you have kids don't you want to be here longer to be able to take care of your kids and your kids want to see you you know as what as much as they can before you know you get older and you pass away maybe you should go get help and start taking care of yourself and they come back and say we aren't promised tomorrow regardless of our weights and if I were to drop dead today both my boys would know how loved they were and what a badass their mom was yay everybody would probably freak out and I can also guess they wouldn't get a magazine cover hey guys editing Michelle here while I was editing I found that Parents magazine actually covered a mom who suffered from anorexia July of last year but with the completely opposite tone and celebration that says holidays segment had thought I would mention that so it's test holiday at bat Mara because she's obese and I'm gonna answer that right now but first it worked from our sponsors aka me yes I sponsor my own videos nobody wants to sponsor this trainwreck who do you think I am Tess Holliday today my small business proto bakery is sponsoring this video as they passed chubby person gone personal trainer I'm still very addicted to sugar and I wanted to create something that I could enjoy without eating so much sugar there's two kinds of sweets that I love donuts and Kate and you guessed it cake donuts are my life but they go straight to my thighs like squirt would when he ate too many Krabby Patties so we came up with a low sugar protein donut with two kinds of sugar and 10 grams of protein and I base our first flavour birthday cake off those freaking little white and pink animal crackers I ate when I was a little mini Michelle oh the nostalgia yes we took that and put it into a donut form so if you're interested in purchasing a printer and supporting this channel I linked it below we do sell out usually in 15 to 30 minutes and if you would like a little update on how our little company is now growing stick around for the end of the video and I will update you all right back to the topic so is she a bad pair or an unfit parent what she used in that comment that she put because she's obese my flat answer is no there are plenty of other parents muscular thin average size who abuse their kids or probably don't want anything to do with them like the lovely example in the beginning of this video you probably take the cake for being a bad parent no at the same time I do think that people are very addicted to food very addicted to sugar I think binging is an eating disorder a lot of people play that off but I was a Binger still em it's still always with you I just have more control over it now and like I said I'm very addicted to sugar and there's a lot of times when I was going through that very hard time of trying to get clean that I felt like I needed it there would be nights I would just be twisting and turning in bed because I was thinking of that sugar it literally controlled me I couldn't sleep without it I would get angry I would get frustrated your girl would even cry I would just really want it Kate like the whole cake I could eat a whole cake and to be test holiday size is nowhere and and natural no a body has to be that size unless you have a very special condition which we talked about on this channel cuz Holliday has not voiced that she has had any of those conditions that we've talked about and she has openly said that she is completely healthy and has a clean bill of health so she has no other you know thing making her gain all that weight which means she is definitely over eating a lot so do I think that she's a bad parent or an unfit parent definitely not her kids go to Disneyland multiple times I'm jealous on a serious note no I don't think she's an unfit parent do I think she's a bad influence on her kids when it comes to eating healthy portioning out your food not overeating yes usually when a parent doesn't value health or nutrition the child won't either was someone who was never taught serving sighs when I learned what a serving size but I was like what what do you mean a serving size you mean not everyone just keeps eating until they pass out on the floor with chocolate all over their mouth there supposed to be a limits serving size that's a new one I had to learn what a serving size was when I was 17 18 I didn't eat vegetables religiously and so I turned about 20 21 okay like maybe 24 25 and it was really hard because I didn't get taught those things when I was a little young and whenever I work with obese parents they are over feeding their kids and that's pretty normal the parent overeats themselves what do you expect the parent they don't know so how are you going to teach a kid what you don't know oh no I don't think so the bad mom I think she's a bad influence when it comes to nutrition which a lot of parents are obese thin muscular I've seen a lot of parents of different shapes and sizes really not focus on their kids nutrition because their kids I think it's very important to set kids up with a good foundation when they're young so then they don't struggle like I did I do hate that people go to our page and are rude and I love that she calls them out because I am all for public humiliation but at the same time I get what the people are saying because she's trying to say like being over 300 pounds and 5 foot 2 is perfectly healthy and science is saying nah girl and the way that she walks is saying nah girl it ain't so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and remember you don't have to be a size too biceps are great to have to scare away all the boy but not needed to be healthy but health is important and I want all my followers all my subscribers to be as healthy as possible even the ones that hate me thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time have you guys congratulations you got to the end of the video you get 600 million thousand Michele bucks yo she collects them so take it up with her I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting my mini business even if you haven't bought anything you just gave me let you know your well wishes thank you so much I haven't seeing like the names and I see a lot of you guys like keep purchasing the donuts so that makes me feel great so because you guys have helped us sell out so quickly we sell out within 30 minutes sometimes 15 minutes our investors are now wanting to take the steps to find a co-packer which means someone else would be making the donuts and a big ol warehouse which also means that I wouldn't have to make donuts and there would be no donut limit which would be absolutely great because once again making them is not fun our schedules are packed you guys have also been asking are we ever going to release any of our other flavors no we're never gonna release them ever course do I have my favorite flavors as well and I really want them to but for right now with the way that we have to make them it takes so much time it takes a lot of time to create the donut and since we have a limit to how many donuts we can make adding another flavor we wouldn't increase our profit at all just the time that we would make them because making a whole nother donut what the whole different flavor will add hours of work and like I said it wouldn't increase the profit at all so we would be doing the exact opposite of working smarter not harder so we might just like cancel the birthday cake flavor and bring in one of the chocolate favors so that my chocolate people out there can get their chocolate fixed so we will see what we do with all the fabulous know that I am very thankful and grateful for all of you and I just wanted to update you on what exactly is going on right now and if you've got so even this point in the video there's a hundred you know what I'm feeling so generous today here's 200 more Michelle books go boss the Wallis spend on something nice and Michelle world once again take it up hey he's trying to get away from you guys so you guys can't get your prizes but yo she here she collects the money pick it up with her for everything you guys we love ya [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 177,601
Rating: 4.9574156 out of 5
Keywords: Tess holliday, tess holliday, tess holliday runway, tess holliday workout, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will, my thoughts will probably offend you, responding to fat chicks, parenting magazine, parenting, obese, overweight, health at every size, HAES, HEALTH, BAD MOM, is tess holliday bad parent becuase shes fat, tess holliday cringe, tess holliday interview, tess holliday walking
Id: viphmIEjFZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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